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A 02000MAT202052103

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Fourtlr Semester B.Tech Degree Examination June 2022 e0

Course Code: MAT202

Mix. Marks: 100 Duration:3 Hours
(Normal distribution table and t- distribution table are allowed)
(Answer oll questions; eoch question canies 3 morks) Marks

The probability distribution function of a random variable x is given below. (3)

X 0 2 a

f(x) 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2

Find E() where Y
- +X2 X.
2 8 coins are tossed 256 times. In how many tosses do you expect no heads? (3)
J Derive the mean and variance of exponential distribution. (3)
4 The joint probability density of a two-dimensional random variable is (3)
1^x < 4, 1<Y <5
f (x,y) ={#,'o
\ u,otherwise FindP(1 <x<2' 2<Y<3)'
The mean score of a random sample of 100 students who attended a certain Board (3)
examination is 75 with standard deviation 10. Constructag}%oconfidence interval
for the population mean.
23Yo of people used a particular brand of tea. After providing a special offer (3)
312 out of 1200 randomly selected people found to be consumers of the brand.
State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis to test whether the data provide
sufficient evidence to conclude that there is an increase in the proportion of people
using the brand after ploviding the offer.
7 solve x3 = 25 by Newton-Raphson method correct to 3 decimal places. (3)
8 use Lagrange's interpolation method to find the unique polynomial p(x) which (3)
agree with the data y(0) = L,y(I): 0 and
1r(3L: 10.
9 Write the normal equations for fitting the curve ! = a * bxz. (3)'
t0 9:
use Euler's method with h = o.Z,to find y(0.2) if y * e* cos x,y(0) = (3)
(Answer qnefult questionfrom each module, each question corries 14 morks)
Module -l
ll a) Find a, bif Y = aX * b hasmean 4andvariance 16, where X is arandom variable (7)
with mean 8 and variance 4.

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are defective. The bolts (7)

b) It is known that2%oof the bolts produced by a company
are supplied in boxes of 200 bblts. What is the probability that a randomly chosen
box contains not more than 5 defective bolts? In a consignment of 1000 such boxes
how many can be expected to have more than 5 defective bolts? (Use Poisson
12 a) A random variable X has the following probability distribution:
X -2 -l 0 2 J

fk\ 0.1 L5k2 0.2 2k 0.3 3k

1i; finO the value of k, (ii) the mean and variance ofX'
b) The joint pdf of X, Y is given by f (x,y) : k(x t 2y),x = 1,2,3;! = 1,2,3. Find (7)

(D k (ii) marginal pdf of X, r GiD P(X < 3,Y > 2)'

Module -2
Buses arrived at a specified stop at 15 minute intervals starting at 7 am' A
13 a)
passenger arrives at the stop at random time between 7 am and 7.30 am' Find the
probability that he waits (i) less than 5 minutes, (ii) at least l2 minutes.
b) For a normally distributed populati on, 3lYo of the items have their values less
than 45 and Byo are above 64. Find the mean and standard deviation of the
14 a)
-t--x <2.
Ifx isarandom variablewithPDF f (x)

TRACE KTU -{t'I O, elsewhere

Find (i) Mean of X (ii) Variance of X (iii) Cdf of X.
b) The lifetime of a certain type of machine follows an expon€ntial distribution
with (7)

mean 50 hours. Use Central Limit Theorem to find the probability that 100 of these
machines will provide a total life time of more than 6000 hours.
Module -3
15 a) A company manufacturing tyres claims that its deluxe tyre averages at least 50000
miles before it needs to be replaced. From the past studies ofthis tyre, the standard
deviation is knowh to be 8000. A survey of owners of the tyre design is conducted-
From the 38 tyres surveyed, the mean lifespan was 46500 miles' Using the level
of significance l%otest the claim of the company.
b) From the given data test at 5%o level of sigffircance whether there is any
significance difference between means of A and B.
Sample Sample size Mean SD
A 645 7.90 0.47
B 450 7.88 0.42

Thd manufacturer of a certain type of metal wire claims that the mean breaking
16 a)
strength of the wire is more than 575 kg. A sample of 6 metal tires give the mean
of 573 with a variance of 14. Test whether the manufacturer's claim can be
accepted at 5o/o level of significance.

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b) A shopkeeper claims that atmost 600/o of customers entering the shop leaves (7)
without making a purchase. Outof a random sample of 50 customers, 35 found to
left with out making a purchase. Does this data support the claim ofthe shopkeeper.
at5o/o level of significance?
Module -4
17 a) Using regula falsi method compute the real root of the equation e2' - x - 6 = (7)
0 correct to 4 decimal places.
b) Calculate y(0.015) using Newton's forward interpolation formula. (7)
x 0.0r 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.0s
v t.2 2.5 3.6 4.6 5.3
l8 a) Evaluate (7)
I:+ using Simpron',
rule. (Take h = 0.25)
b) The following table gives the values of cos 0 where d is in degrees. Using (7)
Newton's backward interpolation formula estimate the value of cos 5 30.
0 l0 20 30 40 50 60
cos 0 0.9848 0.9397 0.8660 0.7660 0.6428 0.s000

Module -5
19 a) Using Gauss-Seidal iteration method, find an approximate solution to the (7)
following system of equations correct to 4 decimal places.
8x - 3y. * 2z -- 20, 4x * |Ly - z = 33, 6x * 3y * LZz = 35
b) y(0.7) if I : y (7)

Use Runge-Kutta method of order 4 to find x2 given
y(0.5) --I.737. (Choose h:0.1)
20 a) Fit a second degree parabola of the form y = a * bx * cxz to the following (7)
x 0 I 2 3 4
v t.2 t.7 2.1 2.8 5.9

#= *'(t* y) for r -- L.4 using Adams-Moulton Method, given

b) Solve (7)

! (L) ='!, y (L.1) -* 1.233, y(1.2) = 1.548 andy(1.3) = L.979.


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