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Diagnostic Exam Part II.

Test B
1. A patented mean for erosion protection in the form of wire baskets or mattresses
selectively filled in situ with rock
1 point

a. revetment
b. abutment
c. geotextile
d. gabion
e. wattles

2. A hydrometer can be used to measure the _____________ of a liquid.

1 point

a. viscosity
b. specific gravity
c. surface tension
d. bk modulus of elasticity
e. none of the above

3. A conveyance channel used to carry water over a saddle or depression.

1 point

a. chute
b. flume
c. inlet
d. weir
e. spillway

4. A 4-ft. diameter circular channel has a flow depth of 3 feet. If the Manning’s
roughness coefficient of the channel is 0.015 and slope is 0.05o, what is the discharge
1 point

a. 26.3
b. 30.2
c. 33.6
d. 36.5
e. 42.1

5. If the most efficient of all trapezoidal cross section will be used, what would be
the bottom width if it is to carry 100 cumecs of 5 m/s?
1 point

a. 1 m
b. 2 m
c. 3 m
d. 4 m
e. 5 m

6. Irrigation pump is used to

1 point

a. Lift water from the well

b. Lift water from the river
c. lift or transfer water from one a well or river
d. all of the above

7. Operations research is concerned with optimal decision making in, and

modeling of __________ that originate from real life.
1 point

a. Break-even and contribution

b. Limited resources
c. contribution
d. mathematical expectation
e. deterministic & probabilistic

8. A non-artesian well is drilled in an aquifer with a fairly horizontal water table.

The well (φ = 25 cm) has a discharge of 167 m3/hr, creating a 250 m wide cone of
depression. If the height/depth of the water table is 60 m and the aquifer permeability
is 8 m/day, determine the drawdown.
1 point

a. 10 m
b. 25 m
c. 28 m
d. 50 m
e. 60 m

9. Water held in the soil between field capacity and permanent wilting point
1 point

a. Available water content

b. Soil water deficit
c. excess water
d. retained water

10. The government agency that issues ‘Water Rights’

1 point

a. Local government
b. DA
d. NIA

11. The sum of three positive numbers is 30. The first plus twice the second plus
thrice the third add up to 60. What are the numbers so that the product of all three is
as large as possible?
1 point

a. 10,10,10
b. 15, 10, 5
c. 12, 10, 8
d. 16, 8, 4
e. 13, 10, 7

12. What is the average land slope between Points 1 and 2 if they are 100 m apart
and each point is on different contour lines. The contour interval is 0.5 m. There are 3
other contour lines between Points 1 and 2.
1 point

a. 0.015
b. 0.02
c. 0.05
d. 0.002
e. 0.005

13. The following are devices to measure flow of water, except:

1 point

a. Flow meter
b. Current meter
c. hydrometer
d. both a and b
e. all of the choices

14. The most common scale of topographic maps available in the Philippines
1 point

a. 1:10,000
b. 1:1,000
c. 1:5,000
d. 1:50,000
e. 1:25,000

15. Type of surface drainage system consisting of narrow-width plow lands in which
dead furrows run parallel to the prevailing land slope
1 point

a. Bedding system
b. Random ditch system
c. Cross-slope ditch system
d. Parallel lateral ditch system

16. A 5-cm (φ) well is drilled in a vast unconfined aquifer. The aquifer as an
average groundwater recharge (due to precipitation) of 2.5 mm/day and a water table
height of 75 m. The radius of influence (of the cone of depression) resulting from the
constant discharge of 80 lps is 100 m. If the aquifer permeability is 4 m/day, what is
the resulting drawdown due to pumping and recharge at the same time.
1 point

a. 24.35 m
b. 32.5 m
c. 42.35 m
d. 50.25 m
e. 54.25

17. In Problem No. 16, if there is no recharge, what is the drawdown?

1 point

a. 25.2 m
b. 33.0 m
c. 42.4 m
d. 50.1 m
e. 54.3 m

18. Cylindrical channel drains artificially produced in the subsoil without digging a
trench from the surface
1 point

a. Tile drain
b. Mole drain
c. perforated drain
d. subsurface drains

1 point

a. 1
b. 2
c. 2.5
d. 2.75
e. 3.15
20. A trough is 10 m long and its ends are isosceles triangles with altitude 2 m and
base 2 m, their vertices being at the bottom. If the water is let into the trough at the
rate of 3 m3/min, how fast is the water level rising when the water is 1 m deep?
1 point

a. 0.3 m/min
b. 0.37 m/min
c. 0.54 m/min
d. 1.26 m/min

21. Herring bone-patterned drainage system is applicable in the following

conditions, except:
1 point

a. areas that have a concave surface

b. areas with narrow draw
c. areas that do not require complete drainage
d. land sloping to it from either direction
e. where the laterals are long and the waterway requires thorough drainage

22. The following are benefits of drainage, except:

1 point

a. increase the area suitable for plant growth

b. reclaim saline and sodic soils
c. prevent salinity problems
d. increase cropping intensity
e. favors growth of bacteria

23.  The following are mechanical method of erosion control, except:

1 point

a. terracing
b. wattling
c. grassed waterways
d. farm diversification
e. geotextile

24. Sediment load consisting of suspended and saltation load

1 point

a. suspended load
b. intra-suspended load
c. inter-suspended load
d. wash load
e. bed load

25. Which is not a natural method of controlling soil erosion?

1 point

a. Relay cropping
b. Alley cropping
c. agroforestry
d. farm diversification
e. grassed waterways

26. A farmer pumped 3,000 gpm from a river into a 200-m farm ditch. Measurement
in the farm gave the following data: amount of water delivered to the farm = 1,500
gpm; surface run-off from the irrigated farm = 300 gpm; deep percolation = 100 gpm.
What is the water application efficiency?
1 point

a. 20%
b. 26.67%
c. 73.33%
d. 80%
e. 93.33%

27. What is the conveyance efficiency in No. 24

1 point

a. 40%
b. 46.67%
c. 50%
d. 63.33%
e. 75%

28. Soil conservation practice that dissipates impact of raindrops

1 point

a. Bench terrace
b. Contour plowing
c. Mulching
d. Grassed waterway
e. Alley cropping

29. One of the causes if soil acidity

1 point

a. Crop rotation
b. Leaching of bases
c. Leaching of acids
d. Irrigation
e. Liming

30. Farm manure with the highest fertilizer value

1 point
a. goat manure
b. chicken manure
c. carabao manure
d. cow manure
e. sheep manure

31. The physical state of the soil as relates to plant growth

1 point

a. Soil texture
b. Soil structure
c. Soil tilth
d. Soil consistency
e. Soil profile

32. The major agent of soil erosion in the Philippines

1 point

a. Water/rainfall
b. Wind
c. Animal traffic
d. Wind and water/rainfall
e. Human

33.  How many times will the discharge increase if the head is doubled?
1 point

a. 2.8
b. 4
c. 2.28
d. 2.5

34. When the depth of flow does not change with time in a given section of a canal,
the flow is:
1 point

a. Steady
b. Varied
c. Unsteady
d. None of the above

35. A hydrograph shows the relationship with time of

1 point

a. Flow velocity
b. Flow depth
c. flow discharge
d. flow stage
36. A hydraulic shocks which occurs when water flowing through a pipie undergoes
a sudden change in velocity is called:
1 point

a. cavitation
b. centrifugal force
c. hydraulic ram
d. water hammer

37. The process of determining the elevation of points at measured distances along
a selected line.
1 point

a. Topographic leveling
b. Profile leveling
c. differential leveling
d. contouring

38. The feature in a topographic map which shows the low area between two
adjacent hills is called:
1 point

a. A ridge
b. A river
c. A valley
d. A saddle

39. Statistical analysis, queuing theory, simulation, heuristic methods, network

analysis techniques are methodology of decisions for:
1 point

a. Partial information
b. complete certainty
c. probabilistic
d. extreme uncertainty

40. Game theory and flip coin are methodology of decisions for:
1 point

a. Partial information
b. complete certainty
c. probabilistic
d. extreme uncertainty

41. The time required for water to flow from the most remote point of the watershed
to the outlet is:
1 point
a. Time of concentration
b. Recurrence interval
c. rational method
d. runoff coefficient

42. The methods of supplying water in the basin are:

1 point

a. Direct supply and cascade supply

b. Flooding and pumping
c. Sprinkling and dripping
d. Wild flooding and pressurized supply

43. Popularly known as CPU or the brain of the computer system, it is a specific
chip in the motherboard that control the entire computer system.
1 point

a. Monitor
b. System unit
c. motherboard
d. microprocessor
e. hard disk drives

44. Modern embankments generally employs zoned construction, that is, built in
three sections. Which description does not appropriate describe a dam section under
this method:
1 point

a. upstream with relatively impermeable section

b. central core with hearting of highly impermeable material
c. downstream section of poorer, coarser material
d. downstream section with impermeable material to prevent seepage

45. IR 64 is a rice variety under _____________

1 point

a. Japocanica
b. Indica
c. Japonica
d. Javanica

46. In a certain rainfall event, Barangays A, B, C, D and E recorded an average

rainfall intensity of 10, 15, 12, 20, and 16 mm/hr, respectively. If the equivalent rainfall
duration are 40, 30, 20, 18 and 20 min, respectively, which barangay is the wettest?
1 point

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

47. The area of a square garden is (12x^2-8x-15)m^2. What is the length of its
1 point

a. 5
b. 1.5
c. 1
d. cannot be determined

48. One bag of flour weighs the same as 3 bags of salts or 2 bags of sugar. How
many bags of flour are needed to balance 12 bags of salt and 8 bags of sugar?
1 point

a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
e. 12

49. Suppose that in the Part II Post-test with 100 pts, you obtain a raw score of 60.
Which if the following is correct?
1 point

a. Your score in the 60th percentile

b. Your score is in the 6th decile
c. You belong to the top 40 among the examinees.
d. Conclusion cannot be made

50. According to a lung doctor, 70% of his patients are chain smokers. In a
particular day, 10 patients went to the hospital, find the probability that less than half
of the patients are chain smokers. What probability distribution should be used in
1 point

a. Normal
b. Binomial
c. Hypergeometric
d. Poisson
e. Gaussian

51. The following are requisites of cloud formation, except

1 point

a. Water vapor
b. Condensation nuclei
c. cooling process
d. low atmospheric pressure

52. Winds that blows from the horse latitudes to the doldrums and is the most
constant among the planetary pressure belts.
1 point

a. Trade winds
b. Tropical easterlies
c. monsoon
d. a and b
e. b and c

53. A Rain Gage was inoperable during the month of March 2014. The rainfall total
for the three surrounding station X, Y and Z during the same month are 5.50, 6.25 and
5.85, respectively. The normal annual precipitation amounts of the station and of X, Y
and Z are 80, 73, 79 and 86 in, respectively. Estimate the amount of rainfall for the
Rain Gage on March 2014.
1 point

a. 4.70 in
b. 5.53 in
c. 5.87 in
d. 5.98 in
e. 6.13 in

54. Lithologic properties such as aquifer thickness, depth and particle size
distribution is important in
1 point

a. Well design
b. Pump choice
c. suitability of water
d. estimating safe yield
e. all of the choices

55. The form of precipitation characterized as drops of 0.5 to 6.0 mm in diameter.

1 point

a. drizzle
b. rain
c. dew
d. fog
e. mist

56. The method of determining average areal precipitation which accounts for the
effects of topography and unequal gage density
1 point

a. Arithmetic average
b. Thiessen method
c. Isohyetal method
d. both a and b
e. both b and c

57. What is the rainfall kinetic energy if the rainfall intensity is 10 mm/hr?
1 point

a. 0.21
b. 0.13
c. 1.52
d. 1.03
e. 0.94

58. If the annual depth of soil loss in a microcatchment is 15 mm/year and the soil
bulk density is 2.5 g/cc, what is the soil erosion rate in MT/ha-year?
1 point

a. 375
b. 573
c. 753
d. 533
e. 355

59. For Lewis-Kostiakov equation, if the cumulative infiltration is given as  , what is

the instantaneous infiltration at t = 50 min?
1 point

a. 0.27 mm/hr
b. 2.9 mm/hr
c. 3.9 mm/hr
d. 10.2 mm/hr
e. 12.4 mm/hr

60. Among the equations representing infiltration rate, it has the strongest
theoretical background and is found to be very accurate especially for large values of
1 point

a. Lewis-Kostiakov equation
b. Horton’s equation
c. Philip’s equation
d. Hargreavesequation
e. Penman equation
61. A smooth metal flume (n = 0.012) of semi-circular section has a diameter of 1.8
m and a slope angle of 0.29o. What diameter of corrugated metal flume (n= 0.025) will
be required for the same capacity?
1 point

a. 2.4 m
b. 2.9 m
c. 3.5 m
d. 4.4 m
e. 5.2 m

62. Given a discharge of 20 m3/s on a slope of 0.0344o and n = 0.013, find the
depth of the most efficient triangular channel.
1 point

a. 1.26 m
b. 1.85 m
c. 2.54 m
d. 3.14 m
e. 4.50

63. The critical depth of a trapezoidal concrete flume (n = 0.015) is 0.5 m. If the
bottom width is 1 m and the side slope is 5:4, determine the critical slope.
1 point

a. 0.52
b. 0.052
c. 0.0052
d. 0.00052
e. 0.25

64. In open channel hydraulics, the most efficient triangular cross-section is

1 point

a. half of a square
b. half of a rectangle
c. half of a rhombus
d. half of a parallelogram

65. Water flows uniformly with a depth of 1.5 ft in a concrete-lined and trowel-
finished canal (n = 0.013) with a bottom width of 5 ft, side slope of 3:2, and channel
slope of 0.043o. Find the discharge in m3/s.
1 point

a. 0.50
b. 0.74
c. 0.91
d. 1.00
e. 2.00

66. At what depth will water flow in a 3-m wide rectangular channel if n = 0.017 if
the discharge is 4 m3/s and channel slope is 0.085%.
1 point

a. 0.88 m
b. 1.06 m
c. 2.32 m
d. 2.75 m
e. 3.02 m

67. The hydraulic radius of the most efficient rectangular channel

1 point

a. 2y
b. 4y
c. y/2
d. y/4
e. πy

68. The recommended side slope for channels built on loose sand earth material
1 point

a. 1/2: 1
b. 1:1
c. 1.5:1
d. 2:1
e. 3:1

69. Determine the irrigation water requirement for a 5-ha rice paddy in an 8-hour
irrigation period if the crop water requirement is 6.5 mm, seepage and percolation 1.25
mm and irrigation efficiency of 60%.
1 point

a. 118
b. 96
c. 355
d. 264
e. 285

70. What is the pump brake horsepower if the total dynamic head is 35 m and
discharge is 22.5 lps?
1 point

a. 8.24
b. 7.72
c. 6.37
d. 6.15
e. 4.75

71. What is the Rainfall Erosivity Index if the total rainfall kinetic energy is 3500 ft-
ton/acre and the highest 30-min rainfall is 0.75 in.
1 point

a. 0.001 ton/hr
b. 0.01 ton/hr
c. 0.15 ton/hr
d. 0.24 ton/hr
e. 0.0025 ton/hr

72. Nine bus stops are equally spaced among a bus route. The distance from the
first to the third stop is 600 m. How far is the distance from the first stop to the last
1 point

a. 2,100 m
b. 2,400 m
c. 900 m
d. 2700 m
e. 1800 m

73. Madel spent one-sixth of her money in one store. In the next store, she spent
three times as much as she spent in the first store, and had Php80.00. How much
money did she have at the start?
1 point

a. Php240.00
b. Php360.00
c. Php252.00
d. Php380.00
e. Php430.00

74. Soil application of fertilizer after plant emergence

1 point

a. Basal
b. Topdressing
c. foliar
d. deep placement
e. mulching

75. Problem soil usually found in low-lying waterlogged areas characterized by the
accumulation of organic matter
1 point

a. Acidic
b. Saline
c. alkaline
d. peat
e. humus

76. A line has an equation of y = 4x – 5. Which of the following points lie on the
1 point

a. (-5,7)
b. (3,7)
c. (5, 25)
d. (6, 9)
e. (7,3)

77. If a^3 is odd, which of the statements is/are true?                                                

1 point

a. I only
b. I and II
c. II only
d. II and III
e. III only

78. If a card is drawn from an ordinary deck of cards, find the probability that is
either a spade or a number card
1 point

a. 83%
b. 75%
c. 64%
d. 62%
e. 60%

79. Among the 20 new computers ordered by a school, 3 are defective. If 5 of these
computers are randomly selected for inspection, what is the probability that one
defective is included
1 point

a. 35%
b. 40%
c. 46%
d. 62%
e. 77%

80. Which is not a characteristics of a Normal Curve

1 point

a. The mean. Median and mode are equal

b. The curve is asymptotic to the horizontal axis
c. The total area under the curve is equal to 100%
d. The total area under the curve is equal to 1
e. None of the above

81. A continuous probability distribution regarded as the most significantly

probability distribution in the entire theory of statistics, particularly in the field of
statistical inference.
1 point

a. Normal probability distribution

b. Binomial probability distribution
c. Hypergeometric probability distribution
d. Poisson probability distribution

82. Find the indefinite integral of  

1 point


83. Steps in hypothesis testing

1 point
a. I, II, III, IV, V, VI
b. I, III, II, V, IV, VI
c. I, II, III, V, IV, VI
e. I, III, V, II, IV, VI
d. I, III, II, IV, V, VI

84. A man has a stone wall alongside a field. He has 1200 m of fencing material
and he wishes to make a rectangular pen, using the wall as one side. What should be
the dimensions of the pen be in order to enclose the largest possible area?
1 point

a. W=300 m; L=600 m
b. W=200 m; L=800 m
c. W=250 m; L=700 m
d. W=150 m; L=900 m

85. Evaluate the given integral:

1 point

a. π/4
b. 2π/3
c. 3π/4
d. π/2

86. For sufficiently large samples from a large population with known mean and
variance, the distribution of the sample mean is approximately normal on account of
the ____________
1 point

a. Normality of the population

b. Definition of the standard normal distribution
c. Transformation of normal random variable to a standard normal
d. Central Limit Theorem

87. Which is not a file type of computer virus

1 point

a. .EXE
b. .VBS
c. PIF
d. .BMP
e. .COM

88. Which of the following is (are) TRUE?

1 point

a. I only
b. II only
c. both I and II
d. neither I nor II

89. Liming material to alleviate soil acidity, to be more effective, should be

applied/done at
1 point

a. Plowing
b. Planting
c. 3-4 weeks before planting
d. harvesting
e. fruiting

90. To conserve the nitrogen it contains, animal manure should be stored in

1 point

a. Loose moist condition

b. Loose, dry condition
c. compact, moist condition
d. compact, dry condition

91. It is the important piece of hardware in the computer system that houses the
disk drives and many other component
1 point

a. Monitor
b. System unit
c. motherboard
d. microprocessor
e. hard disk drives

92. ‘Modem’ enables computer to connect to telephone lines and transmit data to
and from the Internet and commercial line services. Modem stands for
1 point

a. Mode-emulation
b. Modulate-demodulate
c. Modern-emphasis
d. Modulation & decomposition machine

93. Based upon the very fundamental model of economic theory which states that
profits arise from the excess of total revenues (TR) over total costs (TC).
1 point

a. Contribution
b. Break even analysis
c. Cost/Benefit analysis
d. Fishbone diagram

94. In Linear Programming, Linear means all mathematical functions in the model
are required to be linear functions and Programming refers to ________________ of
1 point

a. Limited resources
b. planning
c. decisions
d. feasible result
e. optimal result

95. It is the shortest possible time to complete the job.

1 point

a. Optimistic time
b. pessimistic time
c. most likely time
d. time estimate
e. lead time

96. The difference between the population value and the sample estimate is called
1 point

a. Sample size
b. sampling error
c. significance level
d. estimate error

97. The test used when an investigator predicts a difference but not the direction of
the difference between treatment Group A and treatment Group B.
1 point

a. One-tailed test
b. Two-tailed test
d. T-test
e. Z-test

98. Emergency aeration is required if,

1 point

a. DO > 1-2mg/L
b. DO < 2-3mg/L
c. feeding rate > 50kg/ha/day
d. a and c
e. b and c

99. In a simple gravity weir-type aerator, DO of water entering above the aerator is
measured as 5mg/L. After it pass through the aerator, the DO is increased to
5.58mg/L. If the DO at saturation at the given temperature of 100C is 11.288 mg/L,
calculate the effectiveness of the aerator.
1 point

a. 7.22%
b. 8.22%
c. 9.22%
d. 10.22%
e. 11.22%

100. It is the vertical distance from the pump impeller to the surface of the liquid
1 point

a. Static suction lift

b. static discharge head
c. total static head
d. dynamic head
e. total head

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