13 Lighting

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REFERENCE 21-023/MSG-367 - Page 62


Item Summary Title LRU PN Vendor Aircraft ATA From

70 Blinking Side Wall TYPE A 9650-35-0005 B/E AEROSPACE B737NG 33 THY

TYPE B 9701-14-0000 Boeing
TYPE C 9651-35-0002
TYPE D 9651-35-0003
TYPE E 9651-35-0004
TYPE F 9650-35-0005

Window Lights are causing passenger complains and trouble for the maintenance technicians. Boeing has
recommendations, but these lights are found to be very hot after operation for a long period of time. We suspect
the heat caused during power on period cause the soldering to be defective and then cause the blinking.

How can be sure that the window light should not blink after a time, moreover what does B/E Aerospace offer to
detect the failure in Shop and to solve after then?

Other operators, Boeing comments please!

REFERENCE 21-023/MSG-367 - Page 63


Item Summary Title LRU PN Vendor Aircra ATA From If MRO, the
ft Associate

71 Repairability/Repair Attendant Collins B787 33 LHT JAL, ACA

Services Switch Panel Aerospace

LHT has observed multiple instances of “non-repairable” Attendant Switch Panels after failure of internal
components. Collins claims that, while the CMM offers repair instructions, it is not possible to access the
component without permanent damage after removing sealants/epoxy. While it is still unclear whether a repair
without permanent damage is actually possible the issue raises concerns either way.

We believe components should be designed in a way that repairs of expectable failures are possible. As failure of
internal electronics are expectable for panels, we expect that the LRU’s design does not unnecessarily hinder
such repairs.

As the CMM has a repair section which claims that disassembly is possible we expect OEM’s to offer repair
services to the full extent of the CMM.

Boeing, Collins, other operators, please comment.

REFERENCE 21-023/MSG-367 - Page 64

Item Summary Title LRU PN Vendor Aircraft ATA From If MRO, the

72 Quotation for Attendant 3D8000- Collins B787 33 AFR-KLM AFR

Switch Panel Spare 1/Attendant
Parts Switch Panel

AFR requested a quote for different spare parts from Attendant Switch Panel P/N 3D8000-1 fitted on B787 fleet.
The initial request has been made in December 2019. Despite several emails and inquiries on the Collins CSP
Portal, Collins has not provided a proposal. They advised us to buy the entire equipment.

All the parts below are mentioned in the Illustrated Part List, found in CMM 33-10-02 from Collins. They are all
declared as procurable.

 Legends P/N 620-961215-001 (code cage:90073)

 Gasket P/N 728-960109-000 (code cage:90073)
 Cover Molded P/N 806-960018-000 (code cage:90073)
 Housing Molded P/N 806-960017-001 (code cage:90073)
 Resistor P/N WSC1-1000-1R86 (code cage:91637)
 Screw P/N ASMEB18-6-42516 (code cage:05047)

All the suppliers contacted mentioned that these parts are under the Collins properties.

AFR would like to repair this equipment as they bought the test bench in 2017.

Collins, please provide a quote for these spare parts.

Collins, Boeing comments please.

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