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Contents Introduction .......00 eer eafeeese ee srere tes iv | Big Book Builder Teacher's Notes}... +--+ 207 xi | | Scopeand Sequence ....- ++ 4-sereerrrstett xX nl | Introduction For the student. Studonte Book r WEEE 7) ilkistated vocabulary, grammar | reseniaionsondlessersio. | integieothe nglishlearning | experince wihinan | iniediscinryconies. New | longuage isprocticed and consoidoed trougharongeaf context including sores, songs -ond morualocivites he nol sactanathobockconsins Home ‘Study Welsheets, whichore poges wih exoccee practice thelonguogeleainedin clos. | ‘Acivty Resource Book The Acivily Resource Bock onions resources, achakes ond suggestions, os wallos ociviies ond exercises for eoch song, lasocontins templates forthemonuolocivites suggested inthe Word window section ofthe studens bok Provide vocabulory racice For the teacher Big Book Butider Thisenjoyable visual componentoless 18 Teacher's Eaton ‘The Teaches Edion shows he pages atthe Sudons Book ond provides cnows, clear ond ‘ccwraleroesfor eachlezzon, os wallasoddhicnol activites to vse wih he Big Book Bulderollowing teachers lo takshulladvonioge of cnalerils inthe Student's Book. abo ‘offers ocvitesto develop shls, 08, ‘wellos suggesions for ongoing ossessmeons. erdictonaries Teacher's Mult-ROM Using upedotetechoclogy ond coneasylomanage formal, the Teachers MultOMcaniginsa {lly projectnble version of both the Student's Book and the Big Book Builder. tls oilers inlegioled oucio and interactive took, wihel the ousiokacks required lor eoch level pluso ‘monthly progiam lo help teachers plon beielessons ‘colorposiersthotcon be used os illustrated books ‘Student's Mutti ROM Aversalle Sten’ MutiBOM that conbeused ona CD playerora compulerisevalabe for each evel contains spefing exercises andl the oudio racks used in dass, so studens.con review the lessons ond ‘perform fhelisining comprehension tosh, the Assosement Pook ‘his pack contoins information onal heassessmenis for ‘eochleveland unit itolso ‘conloinsassessmentclnas orecosdihe resus of he Fonguogecssassments, the sglobolassessmenisand he salfossessments Features and Skills Bounce Nowicons ae ‘A Word window ‘ppearsin tes ceoch unit provi ‘example tho ‘ond giving her page number int Thisiconoppecrs ‘Acti Resource Hook. \wheneve the Teachers os MukiROMcoricinsa 5 Ising comprehension id cou The Today's grommar Tedanotste © lessons new stclure and ‘Today's allesideossbouihowio grammar ‘organize information on ebood ofeprihelenguage red hough orl This icon oppecis when theactivity involves apoek reviewing lonquage fiom the previous ui )isiconeotuesin the Bounce crcund lessons, presented inlesson A B.oteoch uni, ha explorea range ns ee, lis, ntheselessons,sadensore sicon represen’ “ ¥ ‘given te ¢pponuniy proctice new lessons, ohelp student develop a Tonguage fom he unitond inigioiit reading sil trough owideronge ino her oreosof hectic Siow New vocobulys at presented wihin he conestofe poragioph. Students con reproduce the Word cordstor personal vse.ot focteview games. The deren colors opresentihe grant learned Redis sed ornours green loodjecivesondbie forveibs. Ths resource can be used when he eocher inks the dossreeds addtional ‘Skills developed with Bounce Now Acton: Helps sudentsdevelop on undestonding 2) thaw imgestan iis ohavecnoveral awareness cond especiforatherpeopke'sidens ond bl CColaborotion: Helps students wok inom 2 nd communicae ther deas ond experiences. Opn Hepssices dvlpleoning ) srategies ond cxgarize previously acquired bnowiedgecs well asthe new sklshey ore learning Development of sel'oworeness: Helps sudents recognize heir onm tases, feelings ard ideos cord octvely pricipat inthe learning /teaching process hough el ossessment ‘Thinking: Helps students develop extical BF tickingand reflection. Component Analysis Understanding the Student's B cecece The manual otitis inthe ~ The Today's grammer Word windowpronide boardisequickmehod aidenswih oncppaninty clreferingionewilems torexse he vocobuloryino ms, visual manner hese aclvies coe ~ condsobe wad decorate v ‘heclosstoom's walls ort0| take hometo show othe famniy The templotesiceach lessoninihe AciviyResource Book can be used by sacents tocolotinandeutout These templates con oo be usedo ‘mokeonilusttated diconory {Pictionary Stacentsdevelop isting sile~ through aronge oFoctvites wickalingthe dilewnoionu! sounds ond words, and listenina comprehension aciivilies; o students con olso develop goo.) speling tough paling, cctvites. v 7 J J J then reviewed inte Following 2 no angectderenicontents a Ineoch uni, velysongs = providecconiexttiwough which newlanguogeis 5 preseniedand practiced, ~ The Actvily Resource J Bookcontainse poge . with oddhionslociviies forthe songs ¥ 2 Students willearto customize ~ rewlonguage wihino v contalled ond infor 2 conien J Students constantly use previcusly learned language in he Bource bockerercises a we yA ft The Read oboutlessons provide additional read|gcompxehension ptoctce across orange ofreoding tes, They oqp oko be used as parce texisforihe Wile aboutexercses when}uden's wite cbou! ihe subject lo be presented inthe ne lesson Inadeiion the poral ous inthe Reodoboulessons, studenls con usethe guided {quesionsinthe Wala help Boxlohelpthem comple Students re able io ‘oxpiessthaiopinionon the texts, thereby poticpatinginon information before caving ou {ppodon|inoriion: ——> rere thewsling actly sbiaining process a = Bounce around lessons less00 R ofeach uni offers students he vocabulary hey hove leoined inolher contests suchos mathematics, science, social sciences, grogeophy, etc help them Understand realtyina procical ond enierioining wey, These lessonsinclude o % range clacivitesto devoop sil | | on 8 oko provides ‘oddifonal information on the | ‘vec cf hecuricolen Task program in Bounce Now 11 Home Study Worksheets Thewotksheelsincdea —] space where leachersor slodenls con write down ony instuctions (given inthe Teacher's Edition). This wil ‘alow poxerstosuppastihatr chikien athome and keep record ofthe work cored out hod of assessment encourages porenlso become inti chien’ lorning ond check he ost they Sudents.con prcticethe ——} ‘vocabelary hey have learned Inclassbydoing he exercises. “B listening task ‘MuhiROMisening | tosks allow sudents roreview fe song: ‘or sis they hove teamed The worksheets inclide a reference tothe Sudents Book o low stodens to review he vocabulary learned in ths. ate ‘MulROM: Simeoch unt aller 2 fx o sens con prcice the the fom of itive gomes wt ‘Component Analysis Understanding the Teacher's Instuctionforhe wirlow manuel activi, ition Seggesionslor ceriercining wormupsto stort the iesson ‘Teachers ore also g'ven inaructonsenhow ond swten tous the Big Book Bwider dying css. The icons mean ieacherscon easly see the type ol osksrequited lo each lesson, caswellasthenoies students hove io write ints Home Study Worksheoss, vii = tions about how to Teacher's Mui to ploninleroctve pond differen classes for Budents, wih rferenceto therthe Students Book or Quickielerence othe moteriols needed forthe /Aneasyand procied way olessexing heattodes ondvolvesofaudenisin order producethe thevghtprovli tenes egos foron lleraundeduccton Each lesson cone wo. ‘additional aciviliesio review ha language Iaened Scggestonsonhow use the orning sks ond solegies ‘Answers ore given on tha SudenisBook pages What is a Bounce Now Big Book Builder? The Bounce Now Big ilysraied dictionary for inthe illsttated dictionary are extremely uselul for daily use. Each Big Book Builder contains 18 thematic posters linked the subjects explored in Bounce Now. The Big B ind show in class, and 1m activities such os: 00k Builder conloins posters and an of he series’ subjects. The words easy lo.caryarot wide range of class + Presenting ond reviewing vocabulary in he correct context feveloping a wider vocabulary an entertaining lesson ing workin poirs Spelling ociivties Exploting he lationship! subjects ofthe study program + Performing language and memory games # Exploring values = Working interactively using the Teacher's MuliROM. comoling ween the contents and the othet The Bounce Now Big Book Builder can be used at vorious time} during the uilio present, prociice ond review language. Each Big Book Builder contains: heodings toh | categorization ‘# tlystoions in alphabetic order to help children isolate each clement and identify tin «.given | context, | eTwoadditional activities forexira language practice. Three types of assessment it Assessing sludents iso chollanging issue. regard them as complete human beings, a need to acquire through the educational px. gre all involved in learning, Bounce Now important fo understand tha itis easier fo.assess students if you focuson the skills, olitudes, aptitudes and knowledge they 2255; his means, lherefore, tho! skills, opttudes ond siraleaies In response o these educational cequiremetts, Bounce Now suggests nee types of assessment: ww Global Assessment Teachers can ossess performance, skills onqihe abilities studenis are developing ccross he units and guide them presented ot the beginning of each Lesson II the record sheet and observe students to en: uni, the students performance can be ossesied. Iris important io deal wiih studenis hot need help ond inform their about how they can help ther children at 8 Language Assessm Teochers can checkhow much their student these shor exercises thal inlegrae all he ele ihe uni. lis importantthat this ossessmentis the same conditions: on the some day, cl the place, to ensure the ess uly liable 2 Self Assessment 9 Students can paicipate inthe learning /teod assessing their own performance throughou students can assess their sengths and wea improve throughout he course, lis impoxtany topetform this exercise as honestly as possi specific objectives lo work on during the nex monitor that the objectives are actually mel to the student, sing the criterio Teachers must complete re that, atiheend of he ens, necessary, e. ave leamed using renls acquired during ways performed under Jome lime, at he some ing process by self 12 Unit. ln this way, sses iohelp them encourage students , ond jointly set out nit. itis important io jee an improvement in Big Book Builder Teacher's Notes gr cone hundied dollars {a} fity dolls n) twenty daar (a) tendollarsio} five dallas (n) cone dala: {o} quoter dollar bilo) cent coin(n} dimen} dollar rickel penny (a) Activate prior knowLedge on the sibject: ‘Ask students they know what sort of m-fjay isused in the United States and ask them tonome different ypes of billsand coins Explorethe subject: Show the Big Book Builder poster ond og studenls questions boul what they see: \Who!de you notice about the size / por othe bils?{They are al he some size ‘end color} How mony dollars are there noone hitched dollar bil? ‘How many cenls are there in o dollar How much isa quarter /dlme /nick [/ penny in cents? Real-life task: Problem solving © ‘Ask children to create bills and coins will cards. Divide the class into four groups and ‘ask them to combine their “money.” Say pifferent prices ond make students form the ‘omounts using o range of bills ond coins} For example: Fify-seven collars and lity cents ($5750) Give groups enough time lo colculate hf total amount. Aflerword, move from group to group osking them about the bills and|boins they are using. Each group should try to calculate the fotalin different ways: * One fly dolir bil, one ve dolar «Two nventy dollar bills, one fen doll and five dimes | + Eleven five dollar bls, wroone dol bill, two quarters « Five en dollar bils, ne fve dolar il one dollar bill ond six quorters Teams will be aworded one point for edith correc! amount and another point for on criginal combination. Give other examples as pracice for suden's, i), wo one dollar bills and hwo quarriers ‘ill one five dollor bill, wo one dollar bills igi ving Win Uy Wt n wal Responsible Camping boil) cook) dongerous adi dongerously lod) ignore (o inesponsible adj} neat al) noisy ad) play) pokea field quiet od) responsible ad take core of untidy (od) Activate priotiknowLedge on the subject: Askstudenisifi enjoyed he eg ‘woud like to go populorocivity Show the Big Whatco you What do you How many ext ore they? How many ext What ore thy Whotdo you Soetaoyep Focus on vol Moke a list off Divide the boore} Using the Big ty have ever been camping, and sk them where hey went ond ifthey rience. Would you tke io gocamping inthe future? Askthem why they Jamping or why they woulda, Ask hem ifthey thick camping iso I Builder poster ond osk suden's questions about wha! hey con see: Jofice about he fistcampsite? lojice about he second campsite? ples of imesponsible comping can you sce in he is! scene? What mples of responsible camping con you seein the second scene? nk obout the nwo families? List of Rules for Responsibls Compers () for Responsible Compers nto hwo sections; inthe upper secion of thelefshond column, place a i Builder poster, ask scents o brainstorm ideas obou! the actions of cross (x) and eh upper secion ofthe righthond column, place a check mark) responsible cor do in the columat the cross. Divide he clossj Remind them tor Keep the come Don'tstartdon Invite students ta H1s. On the boord, write down the ideas about things people should ih the check mark, and these hey should net do in the column with jo groups and ask hemn ic make cls f rules for responsible campers Je seniences suchos: ite clean and id, Jlerous fires. ‘oke large posters wih heir rules b display them throughout he ‘opariment bungalow [n} caste cottage fn} fie escape i) homeo house) houseboat fa) hutte) igloo (r} thatch tiles} ‘ut Qiewee Activate prior knowledge on the: television, in magazines or maybe the hot Explore the subject: Show the Big Book Builder poster and ask What kind ofa home is it? Who do you think lives inthis home? What you think you would find in hi Real-life task: Choosing the Right H Exploinio students tho! houses are design Tellthemitisnctimpoxiontto have a large ‘hing isto live ina house that soistes our Explain o students that they ore to think listof cifferenttypes of families and each the families, giving Ihe ceosons why the bi Invite stidents o talk abaut he kind of hougp they ive in, Brainstorm ideas about different ypes of houses. Ask them where ier hove seen these houses, forexample, on Which country do you think this hame sf? rome? ct: cf people hey know. ;denis questions abou! what hey con see differentiylo suit various lypes of people, expensive housebbut he only importont Iihistopicin groups. They willbe given pis lo choose 0 sltoble house forone of | ses suitable ond ako why the others ore not. Wie the different types of families othe boord ‘Agrandma ino wheelchair who hives th ‘Ayoung man and woman with hwo si ‘Anoldman ond his wife her daughter children ‘Ayoung man and hs wie who love naling ‘Awoman with three dogs and wo cats ‘Askeoch group to comet the fron of he lthe class, discuss whether o1 nol youog} 35 fo presentits conclusions. With the rest swith each suggestion. (Gp Drrcwcwrs beok in} carnivore Diplodoous jo} fin{n} ‘habitat {n}, herbivare {n} Ichthyosaurus (n Iguonodo lense pichistoric fod Pretodacy fn} Stegosaurustn) Tyronnasaurus Rex (n} wings (n} Activate pr knowledge onthe subject: Ask students whit heyknow abou dinosours, ond whether hey know the name ofany dlinosauts, ond fk them where they found such information, Ask hem dinosous sill exis nowadays|omeonimals such os crocodiles ore the direct descendanis of dinosaurs). Do; Explorethe sijbject: Show the Big) Whot dinasayf scan you recognize? Doallofthedh Doallotthed| Real-life tast Frploin inthe a 1080s live in the some habitat? 1oscurs eat he same lype of food? Academie Investigation Janishat hey ove going tore know whot happened o he dinosaurs? k Builder poster and ask students questions about what they can see: differant ypos of dinosaurs. ‘Organize studelfs nko six groups and give each group a dinosaur, ar allow them lo ‘choose a dinosd}. Moke sure thot all he dinosaurs onthe poster have been distibuted 1 the information on the poster and then waite0 paragraph on their ‘Askstudents to pporicular dinosijuro present tothe res ofthe loss. As foloweup activity, ond if students are intel information. stedin this subject, osk hem to research other dinosaurs and provide Town and Country building (n) busy lod dangerous fer rimal n) field} hedge (n} noisy (od pollution (a) quietlodi sce fod) street) trafic) traffic jaro} transportation fn) reo) village (o} Activate prior knowledge on the: ct pak students if hey hve in he countryside dri he ciy. Have you always ive there? Hove you ever lived in onother place? Explorethe subject: Shaw the Big Book Bulder poser cnd asf suden's questions about whot hey con see Where sit? | Real-life task: Giving Reasons and Evaluating Other People’s Reasons @ Emplinto siden Rothey ore gcing fink about he odvartages ond diodvonioges fling in the countryside odin he cit Divde fe clssintosb groups ond ask nes ‘fihe groups to think about he odvanta jes of lvng in he countyside, ‘and the olher thvee Io considerthe advorkoges ol lvinpjin he ciy. Suggest hey use expressions suchas: The X is better because itis The Vis beter because isnot as Irwite wo graves that worked on feral tasks to shore their reasons ond then cssess theopinions of he cher group. Explcnfhe importonceoflstering respeculy othe Dpintons of oher people. ithe end of flask, oskiFonyonehas changesthel opin bout the advantages or disodvaniags wi Pet ‘Ownership bork (n) cage {n} clean fy, adi) feed iw food} friend foc fur{n) love i} play (v) shelter (n} tail (n) wolk() wash |v} whee! (n) Activate prior kr ige on the subject: ‘Ask sudenis hey Have pets or any other enima's. Ak hem fthey look ale ther pels ‘and what sot ofthis the cnimals need. Explore the eubjpct: ‘Show the 8'g Book ulder poster and ask students quesfions about what hey can see Whot pets it? What does itneed? What does tear Wht shouldn't you do with this cnimal? ‘ype of pool eats oid feed itonce a day, ploy with ond tak to your parrot very doy. Give ittoys, ParoistJot bored easily, as they ore very intelligent Ports can live for 75 ond green vegetables. uanas love sunlightso keep them near 2ge every doy. Be careful how you hold them; an iguana's tail con ‘hamster’ cage awoy fom sunlighl. Clean yourhomslerscage every doy, ondgivelf kesh water, fuitand vegetables. Give your hamster special fhomstertoys ike on Talkto students obo the imporlance of responsible pel ownership. Ask them whot would happen ifthe} foiled to understand ther pet's needs or looked aftr their pets in ‘on inoppropriate Explain lostidents Ht they are going to work n groups ond each group is responsible for researching ond freparing nformotion on one ofthe lypes of pels, They musi divide the information into pes cl pets, food, dink ond cther needs. When al he gioups have prepared and fyesenied the information, students must decide ifhey are ready Io ‘own a pet ond decid the best pet for them. Which isthe most popular pet? Which ore the best pets for fist Celebrations ceremony In} ‘costumes {n} Day of he Dead In) Diwoll {a} Drogon Festivelia} Halloween {a} Hindu (n, od} independence [a) Whats ihe puppose of he celebration?| rae Wha do people do to celebrate? Int Raye fo} ‘Mexico {n) Peru (a) procession fo} Songkron Fesival{n) | weolh and prosperity Paople igh conde Toiwan {a} disploys and exchange git Theiland fn} Holloween: Americon celebration, celeb USin) What is the celebration? What countrysitin? remember fiends and family members whi have died. People buld ols and decorate them wih sugar skull, yellow flowers and {he favorite foods and chinks ofthe people who hove died Dragon Festiva: Taiwanese celebyationinjune. The celebrotion mas the star of summer. People watch os beaut, colorfuldiagon boots race each othe tothe sound of beo| Inti Raymi Festival: Celebrated in Cuzco, Peru on june 24th. inli Roy is olso called the Festival of the Sun. Fora ‘whole week, people dence and listen 1 music concerls, and there fe ceremonial evens onlune 24th nckling 0 ‘recreation ofan Inco porade. ‘Songkran Festival: Celebrated in Thailand in April. lis the celebratign of Thailand's New Year People visit amples o proy and cleon images of Buddha. Then they go out o thd\sheels ond throw waleron each othr. Real-life task: Acadenic Investigation @ Explointo students that hey are going to research different ypes of eflebrotion. Organize the students into six Where can you sleep|in an African safari room? Moteriats: ig Book Builder 3 ourist attraction | °° 4-* Lesson5 Read about... a Canadian Lesson objectives: Read atextand learn vocabilary about touristattractions New vocabulary: fouristattraction, welcome, mall, alotof, rides, lake, stay, theme © Bounce into action! Review numbers wih he siden, Dvide the class into hwo lems, Each iff mus! got he bock of he room and fxm line c ‘Soyo numbe, or example, One hundied ond len. The Fst siden rom eiph oor ust un othe boord ond wie the c corresponding aumber 110} hen ren to his/her seat «+ Tho studen! wha hos waitlen down the corec! number ond retired to his team wath the most poins isthe winner. + cfs! will win one poiat for their eam. The © @pRead the information obout West Edmonton Qexercige 2 serene erie cients gree cess «+ Look othe pictures wihthe loss ond osk studeristo soy + Read fh fit quoston with hee one sudent - 1 Soto tel tema tc oa : + Reod he tes! with skudenls ond make comments = + Asksome of he sents fo reod the sentences to he whole { & clos. n ‘© Ask questions to check their comprehension. Ask, for ‘exompla, Is West Edmcnon Moll in Brazil? (No )ls West 6 Edmonton Maal in the United States?(No. fs West ° Edmonton Mall in Conodo? Yes.) 9 e Exercise 1 ‘Write what the numbers describe. ‘Askstudentso 120d he ext ogoin '© Asksome studenisto teed he numbers ond soy what he @ lex isobout i + Acker to wulehe words in their books, c Bounce on! 1 Wit thenew socabuoty onthe board. Pointiothe words 2 Divide class into srl groups. Ask hemio workin - ‘one by one ondosk sudents to repeot hem alliogeter teomfjond wre. a zeros inthe acteboeks with each of Pinto the words in ondom orderend os sudents to say the nd words. The sentences mustbe diferent fom hose ° theminviduoly. Askihemto wil the words in thei books inthe, Ack some sudenisiocometo the orto wate i fivetimes. (5~ 10 minutes} Wit the follwing avons onthe Boor or Jos sderc copy ain be space pondad Pack exons compl fn the Sen’ uaMo review he vocabulary “Rood ihe lex on Oceon Word help you chow o pclae othe porkond answer he vests.” Materials: aphoto eee ng. Say ten ordploy tack 08 © Saythe ines fhe song ond ask students to ep them ol together + loyzack 08 ogo ond sngthe song © Complete the activites inthe Activity Resourceffook, page 23. ©) Exercise2 Listen again. Circle the activities they aren't going to do. Complete the sentence. 4 Look atihe pictures wih siudents, plain thot fb ore _golngtolsion othe song again ond mustcrclffhe ‘ciivites he children cren'i going to do. Pay id kO9. + Asksudenisio write he oppropriae sentence. @ Bounce on! 1 Wiethesorgonacord ondeutupthe sontendfs. Mi lem yp end ploce them on he board. Divide i: class into {greups ond ask hem lo ute song inthe con ordes, (Ominses! {Wie the fllewng nsuctons on he boo a Josk sudan copy inthe space pronded “Read he wos in fhe box. Cicle he words ol hyn. Ten use athe werd to comet the song Lsten othe song a check you 115) {k Pas sds itn a home fo he song Vocations in (fen Pack 08, er hey brow tof by hen [going / aren going lo cook sausages. Ask sens to copy the senlences, ‘Stucents must listen carellly and cic the corect option. Covred the Qpevercises ‘Write the nomes of the people who saythese things. ‘Read ne sentences withthe Coss ‘© Askihem io wns he names othe chikren wha are gong todo each acy ‘Optional Activity: Big Book Builder 3 poges 6 and7, Responsible ‘Camping. When working with the Big Book Builder, complete the octvites suggested on [pages xitoxixof this Book. 2 Wiieoncards sleep, cook, sing, buy, bring. Onciher cords, dew, forexarmele,o floshigh,sousages, alent quits ond musica notes. Wileon wwocords are going io cd aren’. going fo. Place the cords in ree ples focedown on you desk, Get some sidenislocometothe fronttochoose 0 card hem each pleond hen ayo sence Freep Tiy er org cook soacgm mines) Tilly ond Thomas, Brenda a1 ‘Are going on vacation with tl Tily and Thomas are going tp cook. Tily's going to take her morrfs cookbook. Brendo and Brent are going|to buy Ten fat sausages for them taifry. yp Tilly and Thomas are going {p play. They're going to organize aqmes for the day. fi Brenda and Brent are going to bring Their guitars along so they gan sing Gp listen again. Circle the activities they aren't going to do. Complete the sentence. Gad BFE They aren't going to sleep in their beds. They aren't going to___ take their mobile phones 8 Write the names of the people why say these things. 1 We're going to cook lly and Thomas _ We're going to bring our guitars. Brenda and Brent, We're going to sleep in a tent {Tilly and Thom We're going to buy sausages. Brenda and Brent enda and Brent We're going to organize games. [Tilly and Thomes ____ aur wn We're going to sing. Brenda ond Brent Home Study page 82 @ Read the letter from Toucan Travel Adventure. No.1 Toucan Steet, Travel House, Vacation Island, 726 654 1.65.40974 9271.65 48974 7682 Dear Friends, Welcome to Toucan Travel Adfenture. Here's what you're going to do: Day': You're going to arrive at the odmpsite ot 12 o'clock. You ore going to choose your tent ‘ond then we're alt going to hay lunch, We're going to have o barbecue, You're going to meet everyone and make frtenfs. Doy2: After breakfast, you a'e going Jo choose your adventure for the doy. You can visit the Native American museum or aff white-water rafting Dey3: Shopping for everyone! We're Bt gone to visit the local graft fair In the afternoon, you an choose whot You wont to do. Some people are going 10 go fishing. Some people are going to go pony riding Day: In the morning. you cen go for ft walk in the forest or take pictures of the onimals ot the compsite. In the ofternoon, welle going to have @ goodbye party ‘And remember, the Toucan Trqvel Adventure starts on July 1 We're going to have a lot of fu ‘See you soon TTA Organizers ©) | pairs, choose the ocventures you are going to go on in exercise 1. Circle them jn the text. Write sentences about What you are going to do. 1 On day 2, we're going th students’ own answers: 2 In the afternoon on day)B, students’ own answers). —_ 3. In the morning on day 4) (students’ own answers) _ pork yp to Unit 2 Answer the questions. 1 Where are the CDs?) They're in the music store 2 Where are the pants? || They're in the clothes store 3 Where are the slippers?) They're inthe shoe store 4 Where are the bicycles? They're inthe toy store ve Lesson5 Read about ... an adventufe vacation Matoriats: rock08,photos fcommunitieshtve in tents, Bigok Bildr3 pages ond? Lesson objectives: Read atext Expand the vocabulary on vélcations Vocabularyreview: tent, vacation, sleeping bag, kampsite, flashlight, knife, plate, fork New vocabulary: arrive, barbecue, meet, whitt-water rafting, craftlair, fishing, pony riding, forest Q Bounce into action! ) * Check hot students have completed ond undersload the tsk in the Home Pidy section, page 82. Answers: p. 166) ‘Sing the song Vacations in lel, Kock 08. ‘+ Divde the closs ino hwo groups. Encourage sdents ofa about commun deson, gypsies, Alghons, ek, possible, use pholos showing hese dif * Ackihem io think about the ciflerences of ving in alent during @ vocation QpExercise1 Read the letter from Toucan Travel Adventure, books! = Wolk Jes in the world that ive in ens (Bedouins inthe JF communities, smpeted wil living ino ent permanently : hte owtiteconpoig arent lifts. ieee; ||| © Tellstuderstholodventue vacations ove vacatone where youleamntolvein nate. * Reodihe est wihihe sudens. Usemime ond pictures to cepa he new vocabulary ond cleac up any sues Tytoovoidrandaing he words + Reod ne lexiagain. Ask eines to teod he sentences fr the wholeclss @pExercise2 Inpairs, choose the adventures you are going togoon in exercise 1. Circle them in the text. Write sentences about what you are going todo. © Divide the closs into pairs, Ask sludenis lo read the tex! again cond choose tho ot vies theylike he mos ond place checkmackon hem, + lhdivduly oska few sudents which ocios they ore going to. do on different days. © Reod ther: ) Bounce on! 1 Foch pi hom exercise 2 aus fxn. leon wih onoher poi conddseust whet heyore goingiods eoch doy They rast ‘eochenogreemento ensue hey ll dothe some hing (5 lOminves) 2 wher student word. f F 3 = questions wih sudents ond help hem answer hy 10 wile the answers in heir books. he classroom clearing upany isues ond heir sentences, complete the activites suggestedon {toxbcof this Book. new vocabulary on he board. Encourage jocopythem and wriea sentence wtheach JOinves Lesson6 Write about, adventure tour jaletter iv, choose, barbecue, meet, white-water rafting, craft fair, fishing, idling forest Lesson objectives: Vocabulary review: Bounce into action! Wie Adve ord fl them tho! during this ype of vacation they wil experience s wha! sor of odveniure hey would lke io. go on. Qexercise2 © Discus odventwe wocaions wih he siden ‘od lean how o lve in note, Encourage We hs saggesions onthe board QeExerciset Read the questions in the box. Write aletter about your adventure tour. Answer the questions. © Soy let's write aboutan odventure tour! Ask students Io Calle tert eter ett! We sugges! votious ocventre lous ond choose ope SS + Reodlone by one he answers in exercise ond encouoge students form sentences corresponding the adventure ‘hy hove chosen. Helpthem soy whol hey cre goingto doeach day ond wit the sentences. the board i ‘Ale they hove finished thei letessask some studenislo tod aloud seniences othe whole doss ‘© Divide he closs ino pots, Siudenis rust oke cond answer quesions cbou'ihe our they hove ++ Wolk round he class.oom checking he pos ‘working propeslyand helping sens ih EUs + Askthem to folow ha somemodel owe lt about the advonore ou thy iether + Walkcrounthe closioomt helpond encourage sidenis @ Bounce on! 41 Explain to siden hatyou vel lace the leer 2 Hove vrious sedentscometothe hon! ioreodthei ters iustwriten on thaclossicom's walls. Honda eit piclures. the clos 'stoo big, divide into dent and osk hemo copy their ‘ond ozk hemto taka lurnelo teoding heir 4y hondwating, Encourye them les end showing heir drowingstother vend he showing (S~ 10 minutes he acieshey hove chosenfo ih well th com wah he suds ers 10~ 1 Sminvee _ nT ° ee, adventure tour. e Read the questions in the box. Answer the questions. iting help; 1 What is the name of the advenjure tour? 2 Where are the people going to|stay? 3 What ore they going to have fat lunch? 4 What are the adventures for eqeh day? Choose from the following: visit a craft fa white-water raj swimming in the river go fora pony riding take pictures | Qe Write a letter about your adventure four. (students’ own answers) Deor Friends, Welcome to 219 0 019'9 DDO DS 090045 5190001000 Here's what Day}: You're going to Day 2: And remember, We're going to have a tot of fun! \ @ @ Listen and read. Saas cows. { oN RA? WM SN George and William are riding their bicycles though “Let's sleep under this tree,” says George. ‘Maple Forest, Suddenly ... Sssst! They con't fix}the “But look at the clouds, George. They're very black. Dione. sWe'e going to be here oll right.” sos George. We can't sleep here. I's golng to rain.” says Witla. Ao iil NU ae to) KR “Look, let's sleep there!” ! “There are a lot of cows in here,” says Wil Farmer Brown and his son Ben are going to feed the cows. They see George and William sleeping. "Dad," = soys Ben. “Look at this!” J *shhhh! Don't wake them up!” says George| “They're strange cows,” says Farmer Brown, They find o space on the floor and go to sled TOF T OF T OF 1% is Answer the questions fix, clouds, strange We're going!o.../Itt going to. © @pBounce into action! ° ‘Ask hem what they think he story is going tobe about * Discuss her suagestons and wre the on he board © Qexercises Qexercipe2 * Look athe pictues wih stidenis ond al hem they are going to listen 10.0 for. es Listen and read. Strange cows. Circle 7 (True) or F (False). ° '* Say Listenand play tack 10. Encourage students to point io © Ask ofp sludentio read the exercise’s insiruction to the G the sentences ofthe storys they hear them. wholdbioss. = ‘© Askthem what he tory is bout, Poin tothe ideas onthe © AckstfBonis io reod the sentences ond circle he corte 9° bbood ond discuss the similarities to the story they have just ‘option © heard, ‘+ Wolk round he clossroom helping students and checking ‘+ Tokkaboutthe adveniues of George and Williamand their fpr, discuss the evens ol he morning ° + Read ihe story ogain with he students. Ask some stcdenis io ° ‘0d he sentences the whole class. C Bounce on! 6 1 Hove some sideniscometothettontondoskibemtochoote 2 Ask sufenlsodaw who! hey hink hoppaned air a ‘sentence from Ihe stor. Encourage them foact outthe Formedpirowm and his son found he chikhen, Asko few sentence, The estolthe css musttylo guess ond soythe person lowhom he sentence elotes. (5~ YO minutes] 2p 2) ask students 0 sen 1 @ 10, os many mas os ding he rev dose. iocometothefonlio show thei drawings ond 00 lence about he evens shown init. (10 minutes] Lesson8 Bounce aro! d: Social Studies | 3500 Materials: colored pencils Big Book Builder 3poges 6 ond 7, Assessmen! Pack Lesson objectives: h social studies Talkabout diversiyin theirregion New vocabulary: ‘ocean, river, mountain, mall, town center, raf, hike, fish Grammar review: / You're / We're going to... They f You / We aren't going t.. @ Bounce into action! ‘© Dhide the doss ine groups four students ** Ade them fotolk abou their lava place in exercise Look at the pictures and check (/) the|places. you find in your region. Ask sudens to lbok hough fe window. ‘Allow studens to dscuss Gnd shore thi com ‘observations. # Aakstudenstolbok athe pictues + cokotthe pictures wih hem and el hemo: plocesfoundinthe area wherethey Ive ‘© Whenthoy havo finshod, osk some sudertso abouthe places hey hove checked © Exercise? Match the places to the activities you: + Reod ine inskucions in Engh and encourage sui cbouthe plocesconespondingle hace 1 communiy ond give thei reasons why hey lke. @ Exercises Tolk about other activities that people doin your region. ‘© Askstudens fofarm pairs and tolk aboutthe actives hey sand ‘con doin he egion where thoy ve ‘+ Wok oroundthe classroom checking hata he parse sing he longuoge opproprioiely Corecithew ihe pronunciotor koloud there. pedentsio les. © Bounce on! 1 vidoe dono rp, Set noch op shod plonsidifetentacivitestooxgonize clout ‘ofthe places manned in thislesson (5~ 10: Language Assessment Photocopy ihe longuoge| studento complete so they con check what thoy hf ©p set Assessment Phoiccop he sll oseent ‘low hemo complete itoa thx own Exp Global Assessment: Comnicisthe globolosses slottof he unt have been atoined by the students, dsome ules] hove slaced oe ineresing, Use Big Book Buitder3 poges 6 and 7 help hem rememberthe vocabulary or toteachit (5~ }Omnuies) ssessmentsheeton page 43 ofthe Assessmen’ Pack Hond cul copy foreach fe lecrmed deving he unt. 10n poge 3 ofthe Assessment Pock, Hand outa copy io each student ond Isnecessary fenton page Sie Assess Puck, Clnahwlnahethecsieris soled atthe 2epa record refer bocklo in coming unis 2. Hove he groups ke unsand come ee nto present ‘adiscussion on the tourand explin why the acivites hey ae Mall Mountains Forest River Shopping _Mall Camping Forest Fishing Hiking Mountains Working ©) Takk about other activities that people do in your region. © Match the places to the activities White wat Town center — Ocea" r rafting _River Ocean _ Town center _ In my region, people have picnics in the mountains. GP ison and point. Say Thave two | v +, —_— Pugs inmy | There's a | le sentences. [curtains i Thove blue curtains in myroom. roof, bird onthe —, roof. My fence is green. {gloss ye | stass L , LZ Please cut the grass. = ge. The glass in az the window is broken. @ Write the sentences in} exercise 1. 20 ome sud poge 63 {rugs t {furniture (rae b= We have old | furniture in our house. | Iput my car | in the garage.| > Materials: rack11,shoeboxes, Acvily Resource Book page 11, gue, colored ‘perils, card, cellophane pope, BigBook Builder 3 pages ond? inside and outside of the home s, rugs, furniture, garage Lesson objectives: Learn vocabulary relating to New vocabulary: curtains, fence, grass, roof, Global assessment indicators «3. Studen joins and works with 0 team 1b Student performs and delivers ios ¢ Student brings all materials to css d. Student is respectul ond collaborates wih friends goball Ind teachers Bounce into action! the connect word Q Exercises Qpexercige 2 Listen and point. Soy the sentences. ‘Write te sentences in exercise 1. © Look al he picivres with students Soy ifr! sentence cloud with he class. © Soy Listen and pointond play kock | 1 ‘© Write} out on the board and ask students tocopy itdown. | | + Adkstudens io poinitothe pictures mentioned onthetrack __& Ask spbniso wt the est che sanvoncos. Soy Soy the sentences Ploy tack 1 agoinand peessihe ® Walk use buton aie eoch senence io clow senso stadorfsto say the sentonces while they wie hem repoaithe sentence ol together, Word window (optional activity) + Toke ashoe boxond show studens how to make chovse, Cutout he windoond use cellophone poperomokethe windows. '® Ask students to go to poge || of the Activity Resource Book, and ask them fojolor in andeut out the objects, and place or sick theminsde he howe + Dividethe dos into smal googs. Tel sudensotoke ans esking hei hen quevions cbouthe chjedsintheirhouse, for example, What color are your curtains? / Whol colors your lence? @ Bounce on! 1 Drei cssino pois. Taking ums onesdenbasto soy 2 Did he costo volzons, ne kon shaddthinkaboxt the new vocabulary wards aad the other student is lo say the ‘aworglond soy il. The other leam should spell out the word. IF correspond ng sentence. Walk omong the pairs helping them they gf tight, hay win point. they gelit wrong, the post wil hei pronunciation, (5~ 10 mines) goes the fear hot soi the word. (5 10 minutes} Wiehe folowing nstucions ov he board ond fck ensio copy Fin the pace powder | Prion orp te wows Unto eee ‘between each word ond he cored pier. @ Bounce into action! Qe Exercise 1 ia Lesson objectives: Vocabulary review: New grammar: Grammar présentation Learn talk about future plans in third person curtaid, fence, roof, glass, rugs, furniture, garoge He's / he’s going to putglass in the windows. Builder 3pages ord Materials: draw ahowsethat contains thenewond review vocabulary, BigBock he chawing of he house on the baad of *© Point ou the objects inside ond cusside the hou and say senten Complete the sentences about the Fix Family. Use the words betow. * Diewo man wih hommes next he house hale inthe oof Pinto the le and do acon rime; soy lok! He going fx the roo. Soy’ senlence again ond ok the shaders 0 repeat roger © Diowihepictresonddo anodtono presen! stckre wihollhe phrases: polgias inthe rmoke new cuisis, fxihe fence, buy new ngs, garage, pointe doo «© Wie fadoy’.grommaronthe boord ond askfens to copy tdown. gomeby soying Be ck thot suclenis hove completed and undedfood the losin he Hom: udy section, poge 83. Answers: p. 166}, row a picture o he house on the boord Stonthe he Bemahoconewhese, Hos go con cinco eo To birisucon shod epee wo ovousconancescndodd onohersentrce ortmn his wey onl someone ‘ound, (5~ 10 minwles} 12s 0 mistake ond el sex 2 Ploy Fed iting the rew words 2:5 and say The Ack alow students o read the phrosesin he box ord, encourage them fo look ihe pices relating othe Ask sudents to wre the sentences * Gocround the com helping and encouraging them while theyore wotking ‘Optional Activity: ‘Big Book Builder 3 pages 8.and9, Houses and ‘Homes. When working withthe Big Book Bullder, ‘complete the activities suggested on pages x\ oxi ofthis book. inexercse Vth Fred says bel students m ‘oppropniote action. you don't say Fr seman motionless, Soy, for exomple, Fredsoys, point doar, Sludents must pretend io pointe dear. Sy Fix fence, and thay shuld nal mave. Snedantsdoing the rreng action or moving when they shouldremain motonlesswillose,(5~ 1 minutes) is green, Sludens must say dothe thoy must the Use the words below. put.gloss-in-the windows fix the fence paint the door make new cifrtains fix the roof buy new rugs 1 _Dad is going to put glass in the windows 3 Mom _is going to make new curtains 5 Dad _is going to fix the roof ‘ 2 Davy is goingtofix Lesson3 Grammar presentation ‘not going todo in the future in third person inthe windows, ‘door. Lessonobjectives: —_Learntotalk about what you. Grammar review: He's / She's going fo putgl New grammar: He / She isn’t going topaint| @ Bounce into action! 5 ns te houghts about how hy could imsove ie soe of he tolin where hey spend mest of hel ine. © Instn xd encourage students io do the comesponding action. Say, for s, fix the bookshelf, ond the girls should froord hehe bockhel «Foire oie, soy Chichen, buy new ngs, nd he oss mst pend if buy 9s + Asko fow dudes io gue the inskuctios. Q exercise frmpanibedeat Put Amy ist’ going paint Listen and number. Gear Pe, ae ol gaa ooh + Drowamon niheboot. Wite Cuthogressond NO __Narotor ut he int going fix he ‘over the words. Wile Paint the doorand YES over ihe. Gran ‘Amy, make new curiains! Come on! words "Nano ur sho is going 0 make new eutoas + Point and soy the firs! phrose. Point and say the second ‘Harry, fx the table ond the sofa! They ore in phrase, Ask studenis to repeot them all ogethex if + Wie Todeysgammoronihe boordondosksudenslo ___Noroto: ules going to fxhe able and he sola ‘wie tdown. (Grondmajpor: Amy, buy new sleeping bogs. sete gan by re seeping bags Do Today's grammar He ‘sn'tgoing topointthe door. {sn'tgoing tofix the roof. ;nces about Harryand Amy. '+ Soy Lstenond ploy tock 12 or sudensolistthe + Lookofe pices whe closs. Taking urs, hve wo cea studenffcome tothe rontand wre a senvence onthe board Audhoscript © Sudenfphoveiocomplote the resto he exercise onthe ‘Grandmother: Horry, pul new glass inthe windows! "Norotor: But Harry isn't going o putnew gloss inthe windows. @ Bounce on! 4. Wiilethae seniences on he board wih he words scrombled up. tn pois, suder correct erder. (10 minvtes) ishovello pulthewordsin the cord fgfneoch pile ond write senlence. (10 rninutes) Wie he folowing inswctions onthe board ne sk scans 6 copy inthe space prow Lessonobjectives: Sing i New vocabulary: Grammar review: Materiats: racks Sond 14, Activity Resource Book poge 24, Big Book Buider pogesBand9 1esong Rich and poor lidate the structure We're going fo @ Bounce into action! ‘Check nthe Qperercise Sing the song; Rich and poor Listen to the first part of the song. 14, {Answers p. 166) Exercise 3 Listen and check. * Flay wack 14 ond check he sudenls work ** Explointo students hot hey ore going losing 0 ong, Bounce back. Write your plans for your vacation. celal ser wey trun ** Playtock 13 egoin and encouroge ster toum the sg shine + Bsplointosudersthol they are going o preter Ihey ore + Soyeoch ine ofthe song and oskthe stents ‘gong vacaion, Wile verbs on he bord tepeaithem alliogether. ‘© Hove some students come fo [he frontio share their plans + Playtack 13 again are sing he song otogel -withihe css * Dotheacivies inthe ActiyResousce Bock, pote 24 ‘¢ Acktedeniso wae ho sentances inthe: books QeExercise2 Putthe second verse in the correct o! © Ask some ol the students to read the senten: second vee che song ore wholeces. + Reod he nsrucons ond encourage dei thesentences. @ Bounce on! 1 Askstdenistoread he verses ofthe song Ramona ond Percivain hee homes, (10 minus) see pumbor ‘Wolk oround he classroom helping students ond checking thav sentences, F. Optional Activity: BigBook Builder3 poges 8and 9, Housesand Homes. When working with the Big Book Builder, ‘complete the activities suggested on pages xito xixofthisbook. nd drow Askthem fo wre o sentence below each picture. *o eonsigoretobaroba me Fisk aces o ies oie sng 2ch ond poor tod 13, athome tl hey hove leorned by bot

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