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Which of the following polarization will be influenced by

electrolytic agitation?
a) Activation polarization
b) Resistance polarization IQ test - W
c) Concentration polarization
d) Both Activation and Resistance polarization IQ?
Answer 20 questions
Answer: c
Clarification: Concentration polarization refers to the
electrochemical reaction that is controlled by the diffusion of
ions in an electrolyte. With an increase in the velocity or
agitation of the electrolyte the contact of ions with metal
interface increases.

3. What is meant by passivation?

a) Loss of reactivity
b) Increase in reactivity
c) Increase in corrosion rate
d) Deterioration of metal

Answer: a
Clarification: Passivation is the state of metal in which stable
films or barriers are formed. These stable films obstruct the
contact of corrosive medium to the metal surface. Most of the
engineering metals undergo passivation under different
atmospheric conditions.

4. Which of the following metal is depicted in the given graph?

a) Active metal
b) Passive metal
c) Active-Passive metal
d) Trans passive state of metal
Answer: a
Clarification: The corrosion rate of active metal increases with
an increase in the oxidizing potential of the environment. In
the case of passive metal, it remains almost constant at a lower
corrosion rate value. Whereas in the case of trans passive state
of metal the corrosion increases from a certain value due to the
damage of protective film.

5. Which of the following metal is depicted is in the given


a) Active metal
b) Passive metal
c) Active-Passive transition metal
d) Trans passive state of metal

Answer: c
Clarification: Active-Passive transition metal is a metal that
undergoes a transition from active to passive state after a
certain oxidation potential. The oxidation potential from which
the passivation starts is called critical oxidation potential.
Fortunately, most of the engineering metals are active-passive
metals that protect from corrosion.

6. What is the trans passive region?

a) Region after passive state
b) Formed by breakage of the protective film in the passive
c) Constant corrosion rate
d) Region formed after passive state by breakage of the passive
oxide layer

Answer: d
Clarification: Trans passive region is formed in an active-
passive transition metal after crossing the limiting oxidizing
potential after a passive region. This occurs due to the
breakage of the protective layer due to the unbearable
oxidizing potential of the corrosive medium.

7. Which of the following is denoted as // in an electrochemical

cell notation?
a) Anode
b) Cathode
c) Electrolyte
d) Salt bridge

Answer: d
Clarification: Salt bridge is a connection between two half cells
used to neutralize the ions with respective opposite charged
ions. Usually, strong electrolytes such as KCl along with agar-
agar gel are used.

8. Which of the following gives Standard cell potential of a cell

a) Eocathode-Eoanode
b) Eoanode-Eocathode
c) Eocathode*Eoanode
d) Eoanode/Eocathode

Answer: a
Clarification: A electrochemical cell consist of two electrodes
with a potential difference preferentially one acts as a cathode
and other as an anode. The standard state of each specific
electrode is constant and it measured against the hydrogen
electrode at 25°C and 1 atm pressure. And standard cell
potential is calculated as Eocathode-Eoanode.
9. Which of the following is a Nernst equation?
a) Ecell=Eocell–RT/nF ln(K)
b) Ecell=Eocell–nF/RT ln(K)
c) E0cell=Ecell–RT/nF ln(K)
d) E0cell=Ecell–nF/RT ln(K)

Answer: a
Clarification: Ecell=Eocell–RT/nF ln(K) is the Nernst equation.
Eocell is the potential of a cell in the standard state, R is
Universal gas constant, n is the valency of ion, T is absolute
temperature, F is Faraday’s constant and K is the reaction
quotient, Ecell is the cell potential.

+2 +1
10. Zn/Zn (0.1M)//Ag (1M)/Ag is the cell notation of zinc
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magazines, formed? (T=298K,
and relaxation F=96500,
audio, and R=8.314 J/Kg*K)
a) 1.57
b) 2.57
c) 1.25
d) 2.75

Answer: a
Clarification: Chemical reaction can be written as Zn +
Eocell=0.80-(-0.763) (since Eosilver=0.80V, Eozinc=-0.763V)
Ecell=Eocell–RT/nF ln(K)
Ecell=1.57583 V.

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