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dalam suplemen 2) kemudian kita kumpulkan dalam satu file, tugas kita sekarang adalah
menulis kutipan secara benar sesuai dengan temuan penelitian masing-masing peneliti.

Attari, M. I. J., & Javed, A. Y. (2013). Inflation, Economic Growth and Government
Expenditure of Pakistan: 1980-2010. Procedia Economics and Finance, 5, 58–67.
This study is going to explore the relationship among the rate of inflation, economic growth
and government expenditure in case of Pakistan. In this study, the government expenditure
has been disaggregated in to the government current expenditure and the government
development expenditure. This investigation is made by using the time series data during the
period 1980-2010. The econometrics tools like Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root
test, ARDL, Johansen cointegration and Granger-causality test are used to investigate such
relationship. The results derived by applying these econometrics tools show that there is
a long-term relationship between rate of inflation, economic growth and government
expenditure, it means the government expenditures yield positive externalities and
linkages. In the short run, the rate of inflation does not affect the economic growth but
government expenditures do so. The causality test results show that there is
unidirectional causality between rate of inflation and economic growth and; economic
growth and government expenditure.

Berdasarkan abstrak di atas kita dapat membuat narasi kutipan antara lain seperti di
bawah ini.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Attari & Javed (2013) dalam penelitian mereka di Pakistan menemukan bahwa terdapat
hubungan jangka panjang antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dalam
jangka pendek terdapat kausalitas satu arah (unidirectional causality) dari pertumbuhan
ekonomi ke belanja pemerintah.
Divino, J. A., Maciel, D. T. G. N., & Sosa, W. (2020). Government size, composition of
public spending and economic growth in Brazil. Economic Modelling.
The performance of the fiscal policy is largely affected by the relationship between
government size, composition of public spending and economic growth. We use a theoretical
framework to find optimal relations among these variables and confront them with a panel
data for the Brazilian states. Private capital and government spending are substitute inputs
in production as the Brazilian states require provision of public spending to fill gaps in
the underdeveloped private sector. Public investment and current government expenditures
are combined in fixed ratios in the overall government spending due to strong rigidity of the
public budget. The optimal share of public investment is considerably lower than current
expenditures, as occurs in developing countries characterized by low economic dynamism.
Finally, the average tax burden from the data is below the estimated optimal level, meaning
that there is space for increasing tax rate without harming economic growth for some
Brazilian states

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Divino et al (2020) untuk kasus Brazil menemukan bahwa belanja pemerintah merupakan
input pengganti dalam kegiatan produksi.

Abu-Bader, S., & Abu-Qarn, A. S. (2003). Government expenditures, military spending and
economic growth: causality evidence from Egypt, Israel, and Syria. Journal of Policy
Modeling, 25(6-7), 567–583. doi:10.1016/s0161-8938(03)00057-7
This study uses multivariate cointegration and variance decomposition techniques to
investigate the causal relationship between government expenditures and economic growth
for Egypt, Israel, and Syria, for the past three decades. When testing for causality within a
bivariate system of total government spending and economic growth, we find bi-directional
causality from government spending to economic growth with a negative long-term
relationship between the two variables. However, when testing for causality within a
trivariate system—the share of government civilian expenditures in GDP, military burden,
and economic growth—we find that the military burden negatively affects economic growth
for all the countries, and that civilian government expenditures cause positive economic
growth in Israel and Egypt.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Abu-Bader & Abu-Qarn (2003) dalam penelitian mereka dengan mengangkat kasus Mesir,
Israel dan Siria menemukan bahwa terdapat kausalitas dua arah (bi-directional causality)
antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tetapi dalam jangka Panjang
hubungan antara kedua variabel adalah negatif. Untuk kasus Israil dan Mesir, belanja
pemerintah berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Wu, S.-Y., Tang, J.-H., & Lin, E. S. (2010). The impact of government expenditure on
economic growth: How sensitive to the level of development? Journal of Policy
Modeling, 32(6), 804–817. doi:10.1016/j.jpolmod.2010.05.011
Previous studies generally find mixed empirical evidence on the relationship between
government spending and economic growth. In this paper, we re-examine the causal
relationship between government expenditure and economic growth by conducting the panel
Granger causality test recently developed by Hurlin, 2004, Hurlin, 2005 and by utilizing a
richer panel data set which includes 182 countries that cover the period from 1950 to 2004.
Our empirical results strongly support both Wagner's law and the hypothesis that
government spending is helpful to economic growth regardless of how we measure the
government size and economic growth. When the countries are disaggregated by income
levels and the degree of corruption, our results also confirm the bi-directional causality
between government activities and economic growth for the different subsamples of
countries, with the exception of the low-income countries. It is suggested that the distinct
feature of the low-income countries is likely owing to their inefficient governments and
inferior institutions.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Wu et al. (2010) meneliti dampak belanja pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Menggunakan data panel 182 negara selama periode 1950-2004, penelitian mereka
mengungkapkan bahwa belanja pemerintah dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Dinh Thanh, S., Hart, N., & Canh, N. P. (2020). Public spending, public governance and
economic growth at the Vietnamese provincial level: A disaggregate analysis. Economic
Systems, 100780. doi:10.1016/j.ecosys.2020.100780
This study examines the role of economic governance in the relationship between public
spending, private investment, and economic growth in Vietnam at the provincial level.
The study data consist of sixty-two Vietnamese provinces for the period 2006–2015. Some
notable results are attained by applying a sequential (two-stage) estimation. First, the
marginal benefits to economic growth of increased Vietnamese provincial government
expenditures may be constrained because of the inefficiency of expenditures on education,
business services, and public administration. Second, public spending and private
investment are found to be substitutes at the provincial level. Third, based on the
Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) ranking, used as a proxy for provincial public
governance in Vietnam, the significance of public governance can be observed. The study
concludes that good governance, characterized by different attributes, such as lower informal
charges, greater transparency, and unbiased policy, plays a critical role in improving the
impact of government expenditure on economic growth in Vietnamese provinces, particularly
through its interactions with private sector investment.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Dinh Thanh et al. (2020) dalam penelitian mereka menggunakan data panel provinsi di
Vietnam menyimpulkan bahwa belanja pemerintah menjadi subsitusi investasi swasta.
Odhiambo, N. M. (2015). Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in South Africa:
an Empirical Investigation. Atlantic Economic Journal, 43(3), 393–406.
In this study, the dynamic causal relationship between government expenditure and economic
growth is examined using data from South Africa, the most advanced economy in Africa. The
study uses the recently developed auto-regressive distributed lag model (ARDL)-bounds
testing approach to examine this linkage. In order to address the omission of variable bias, the
study incorporates unemployment as an intermittent variable between economic growth and
government spending, thereby creating a simple multivariate model. The empirical findings
of this study show that, although both government expenditure and economic growth
Granger-cause each other in the short run, in the long run, it is economic growth that
Granger-causes government expenditure.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Penelitian Odhiambo (2015) dengan kasus Afrika selatan menyimpulkan bahwa dalam
jangka pendek terdapat kausalitas dua arah antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan
ekonomi, tetapi dalam jangka panjang kausalitas satu arah terjadi dari pertumbuhan
ekonomi ke belanja pemerintah.

Cooray, A. (2009). Government Expenditure, Governance and Economic Growth.

Comparative Economic Studies, 51(3), 401–418. doi:10.1057/ces.2009.7
This study investigates the role of the government in economic growth by extending the
neoclassical production function to incorporate two dimensions of the government – the size
and the quality dimensions. The government size- and quality-augmented model, where size
is measured by government expenditure and quality by governance, is tested on a cross
section of 71 economies. Estimation is also carried out on the sample by income distribution.
The empirical results indicate that both the size and quality of the government are
important for economic growth. It is argued that investing in the capacity for enhanced
governance is a priority for the improved growth performance of the countries examined.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Penelitian Cooray (2009) menggunakan data panel 71 negara mengindikasikan bahwa
qualitas belanja pemerintah penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Martins, S., & Veiga, F. J. (2014). Government size, composition of public expenditure, and
economic development. International Tax and Public Finance, 21(4), 578–597.
This paper analyzes the effects of government size and of the composition of public
expenditure on economic development. Using the system-GMM estimator for linear dynamic
panel data models, on a sample covering up to 156 countries and 5-year periods from 1980 to
2010, we find that government size as a percentage of GDP has a quadratic (inverted U-
shaped) effect on the growth rate of the Human Development Index (HDI). This effect is
especially pronounced in developed and high-income countries. We also find that the
composition of public expenditure affects development, with the share of five
subcomponents exhibiting nonlinear relationships with HDI growth.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Martins & Veiga (2014) belanja pemerintah mempengaruhi pembangunan ekonomi.
Shafuda, C. P. P., & De, U. K. (2020). Government expenditure on human capital and growth
in Namibia: a time series analysis. Journal of Economic Structures, 9(1).
An attempt is made in this paper to examine the impacts of government spending on human
capital on human development indicators like healthcare outcomes, education achievements
and increase in national income in Namibia using time series data from 1980 to 2015. The
analysis reveals a significant long-run inverse relationship of government spending on
healthcare with fertility rate, infant mortality rate and under-5 mortality rate. However, no co-
integration is observed between government spending on healthcare and life-expectancy or
adult mortality rate. Also, the findings reveal a significant long-run positive relationship of
government spending on education with literacy rate, net primary and gross tertiary
enrolment rate. Whereas, no co-integration between government spending on education and
gross enrolment rate at primary and secondary level is observed. The vector auto-regression
analysis revealed significant impacts of expenditure on healthcare and education on the
GDP growth in the long run through improved human resources. The results are thus
in favour of continuation of expansionary government expenditure policy to achieve
faster economic growth in Namibia. However, drastic changes should be adopted to
improve basic education and primary healthcare in the country.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Shafuda & De (2020) belanja pemerintah untuk kesehatan dan pendidikan memiliki dampak
signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka panjang melalui peningkatan sumber
daya manusia. Dengan demikian, hasilnya mendukung kelanjutan kebijakan pengeluaran
pemerintah yang ekspansif untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih cepat di Namibia.

Laboure, M., & Taugourdeau, E. (2018). Does Government Expenditure Matter for
Economic Growth? Global Policy, 9(2), 203–215. doi:10.1111/1758-5899.12540
This paper aims to determine how the composition of public expenditure affects countries’
economic growth depending on their level of development. We show that there is a strong
association between a country's level of development and the amount of public spending.
Productive spending dominates in poorer countries while richer countries have a higher
proportion of unproductive spending. Furthermore, productive spending has a greater
effect on growth in poorer countries. We illustrate our findings using dynamic panel GMM
estimators with data from 147 countries (31 low, 69 medium and 47 high‐income countries)
covering the period 1970–2008. We also find that education expenditures are the more
productive public spending.
Contoh narasi kutipan:
Laboure & Taugourdeau (2018) mengadakan penelitian di 147 negara (31 negara
berpenghasilan rendah, 69 sedang dan 47 tinggi) dengan time series data selama periode
1970-2008. Penelitian mereka menemukan adanya hubungan yang kuat antara tingkat
pembangunan suatu negara dan jumlah pengeluaran publik. Belanja produktif mendominasi
di negara-negara miskin sedangkan negara kaya memiliki proporsi belanja tidak produktif
yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu, pengeluaran produktif memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar
terhadap pertumbuhan di negara-negara miskin.
Christie, T. (2012). The Effect of Government Spending on Economic Growth: Testing The
Non-Linear Hypothesis. Bulletin of Economic Research, 66(2), 183–204.

Theoretical models suggest a non‐linear relationship between government size and long‐run
economic growth. However, testing this hypothesis empirically in cross‐country studies is
complicated by the endogeneity of government spending and the accurate identification of
inflexion points. This paper examines the non‐linear hypothesis by incorporating threshold
analysis in a cross‐country growth regression. The methodology utilizes a sample‐splitting
framework and follows an objective strategy for identifying and testing changes in the slope.
The results provide evidence in support of the non‐linear hypothesis for a broad panel
of countries.
Contoh narasi kutipan:
Christie (2012) membahas hipotesis non-linier antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan
ekonomi. Dengan memasukkan analisis ambang batas dalam regresi pertumbuhan lintas
negara, hasil penelitiannya memberikan bukti yang mendukung hipotesis non-linear.

Mo, P. H. (2008). Government Expenditures and Economic Growth: The Supply and
Demand Sides. Fiscal Studies, 28(4), 497–522. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5890.2007.00065.x
This paper uses a new approach to estimate how government expenditures affect the growth
rate of real GDP. They affect the growth rate through three channels ‐ total factor
productivity, investment and aggregate demand. We find that apart from government
investment, all government expenditures have negative marginal effects on productivity
and GDP growth. In particular, a 1 percentage point increase in the share of
government consumption in GDP reduces the equilibrium GDP growth rate by 0.216
percentage points, while the same increase in government investment raises the growth
rate by 0.167 percentage points. This suggests that a reallocation of 1 percentage point
of government consumption to government investment can raise the growth rate by 0.38
percentage points.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Mo (2008) meneliti pengaruh belanja pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Belanja
pemerintah dikelompokkan dalam dua kelompok yakni dari sisi penawaran (belanja
investasi) dan dari sisi permintaan (belanja konsumsi). Penelitian tersebut menemukan
bahwa menemukan bahwa selain investasi pemerintah, semua pengeluaran pemerintah
memiliki efek marjinal negatif terhadap produktivitas dan pertumbuhan PDB. Secara khusus,
kenaikan 1 persen konsumsi pemerintah mengurangi tingkat pertumbuhan PDB sebesar
0,216 persentase, sementara peningkatan yang sama dalam investasi pemerintah
meningkatkan tingkat pertumbuhan sebesar 0,167 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
realokasi 1 persen konsumsi pemerintah ke investasi pemerintah dapat meningkatkan laju
pertumbuhan sebesar 0,38 persentase.
Alshammary, M. D., Khalid, N., Karim, Z. A., & Ahmad, R. (2020). Government
expenditures and economic growth in the MENA region: A dynamic heterogeneous
panel estimation. International Journal of Finance & Economics. doi:10.1002/ijfe.2321.
This study examines the dynamic heterogeneous effect of government expenditures on
economic growth in 20 Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries during the 1990–
2016 period. The results reveal that a dynamic adjustment in economic growth in the MENA
region occurred from the short to the long run. Arguably, government expenditures can
promote economic growth. In the long run, the coefficients of government expenditures are
positive and significant in oil and non‐oil countries; in the short run, the coefficient is
statistically significant in oil countries but not in non‐oil countries. The coefficients of
government expenditures markedly differ between the two groups. For the MENA
region, as a whole, government expenditures exhibit a crowding‐in effect instead of a
crowding‐out effect on growth. Importantly, to sustain economic growth, non‐oil countries
must embark fiscal reform measures promptly by optimizing government expenditures. Oil
countries should consider the implications of short‐ and medium‐term fiscal imbalances.

Contoh narasi kutipan:

Penelitian Alshammary et al. (2020) meneliti keterkaitan antara belanja pemerintah dan
pertumbuhan ekonomi menggunakan data panel 20 negara timur tengah dan afrika utara
selama periode tahun 1990-2016. Penelitian mereka menemukan bahwa koefisien
pengeluaran pemerintah sangat berbeda antara kedua kelompok. Untuk kawasan MENA,
secara keseluruhan, pengeluaran pemerintah menunjukkan efek crowding-in dan bukan efek
crowding-out pada pertumbuhan.

Kutipan yang telah kita buat di atas, kemudian kita urutkan dalam satu halaman seperti
contoh berikut.
Attari & Javed (2013) dalam penelitian mereka di Pakistan menemukan bahwa terdapat
hubungan jangka panjang antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dalam
jangka pendek terdapat kausalitas satu arah (unidirectional causality) dari pertumbuhan
ekonomi ke belanja pemerintah.

Divino et al (2020) untuk kasus Brazil menemukan bahwa belanja pemerintah merupakan
input pengganti dalam kegiatan produksi.

Abu-Bader & Abu-Qarn (2003) dalam penelitian mereka dengan mengangkat kasus Mesir,
Israel dan Siria menemukan bahwa terdapat kausalitas dua arah (bi-directional causality)
antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tetapi dalam jangka Panjang
hubungan antara kedua variabel adalah negatif. Untuk kasus Israil dan Mesir, belanja
pemerintah berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Wu et al. (2010) meneliti dampak belanja pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Menggunakan data panel 182 negara selama periode 1950-2004, penelitian mereka
mengungkapkan bahwa belanja pemerintah dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Dinh Thanh et al. (2020) dalam penelitian mereka menggunakan data panel provinsi di
Vietnam menyimpulkan bahwa belanja pemerintah menjadi subsitusi investasi swasta.

Penelitian Odhiambo (2015) dengan kasus Afrika selatan menyimpulkan bahwa dalam
jangka pendek terdapat kausalitas dua arah antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan
ekonomi, tetapi dalam jangka panjang kausalitas satu arah terjadi dari pertumbuhan
ekonomi ke belanja pemerintah.

Penelitian Cooray (2009) menggunakan data panel 71 negara mengindikasikan bahwa

qualitas belanja pemerintah penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Martins & Veiga (2014) belanja pemerintah mempengaruhi pembangunan ekonomi.

Shafuda & De (2020) belanja pemerintah untuk kesehatan dan pendidikan memiliki
dampak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka panjang melalui
peningkatan sumber daya manusia. Dengan demikian, hasilnya mendukung kelanjutan
kebijakan pengeluaran pemerintah yang ekspansif untuk mencapai pertumbuhan
ekonomi yang lebih cepat di Namibia.

Laboure & Taugourdeau (2018) mengadakan penelitian di 147 negara (31 negara
berpenghasilan rendah, 69 sedang dan 47 tinggi) dengan time series data selama periode
1970-2008. Penelitian mereka menemukan adanya hubungan yang kuat antara tingkat
pembangunan suatu negara dan jumlah pengeluaran publik. Belanja produktif
mendominasi di negara-negara miskin sedangkan negara kaya memiliki proporsi belanja
tidak produktif yang lebih tinggi. Selain itu, pengeluaran produktif memiliki pengaruh
yang lebih besar terhadap pertumbuhan di negara-negara miskin.

Christie (2012) membahas hipotesis non-linier antara belanja pemerintah dan

pertumbuhan ekonomi. Dengan memasukkan analisis ambang batas dalam regresi
pertumbuhan lintas negara, hasil penelitiannya memberikan bukti yang mendukung
hipotesis non-linear.
Mo (2008) meneliti pengaruh belanja pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Belanja
pemerintah dikelompokkan dalam dua kelompok yakni dari sisi penawaran (belanja
investasi) dan dari sisi permintaan (belanja konsumsi). Penelitian tersebut menemukan
bahwa menemukan bahwa selain investasi pemerintah, semua pengeluaran pemerintah
memiliki efek marjinal negatif terhadap produktivitas dan pertumbuhan PDB. Secara
khusus, kenaikan 1 persen konsumsi pemerintah mengurangi tingkat pertumbuhan PDB
sebesar 0,216 persentase, sementara peningkatan yang sama dalam investasi pemerintah
meningkatkan tingkat pertumbuhan sebesar 0,167 persen. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
realokasi 1 persen konsumsi pemerintah ke investasi pemerintah dapat meningkatkan laju
pertumbuhan sebesar 0,38 persentase.

Penelitian Alshammary et al. (2020) meneliti keterkaitan antara belanja pemerintah dan
pertumbuhan ekonomi menggunakan data panel 20 negara timur tengah dan afrika utara
selama periode tahun 1990-2016. Penelitian mereka menemukan bahwa koefisien
pengeluaran pemerintah sangat berbeda antara kedua kelompok. Untuk kawasan MENA,
secara keseluruhan, pengeluaran pemerintah menunjukkan efek crowding-in dan bukan
efek crowding-out pada pertumbuhan.

Berdasarkan kumpulan kutipan di atas, kita dapat membuat paragraf yang menarasikan
keterkaitan antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Keterkaitan antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi

Belanja pemerintah penting bagi pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi (Cooray,

2009; Martins & Veiga, 2014). Dampak belanja pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi
tidak hanya terjadi melalui penyediaan barang-barang publik guna meningkatkan kegiatan
ekonomi masyarakat, tetapi juga melalui perannya dalam mensubsitusi investasi swasta dan
input pengganti dalam kegiatan produksi (Divino et al., 2020; Dinh Thanh et al., 2020).
Bahkan belanja pemerintah dapat memberikan crowding in effects yang kemudian berdampak
baik bagi upaya peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi (Alshammary et al., 2020).
Hingga saat ini, kajian mengenai peran penting belanja pemerintah dalam mendukung
pertumbuhan ekonomi menjadi perhatian banyak peneliti ekonomi (Christie, 2012; Laboure
& Taugourdeau, 2018). Namun temuan yang mereka ungkapkan mengenai signifikansi dan
arah hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut masih menjadi pertanyaan terbuka dan belum
memberikan kesimpulan yang sama. Sebagian peneliti menemukan bahwa belanja
pemerintah secara positif dan signifikan meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Seperti halnya
Abu-Bader & Abu-Qarn (2003) dalam penelitian mereka dengan mengambil kasus Mesir,
Israel dan Siria menyimpulkan bahwa belanja pemerintah secara nyata berdampak terhadap
pertumbuhan ekonomi. Sejalan dengan temuan tersebut, hasil penelitian Wu et al. (2010)
menggunakan data panel 182 negara juga membuktikan bahwa belanja pemerintah mampu
mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian terbaru yang dilakukan oleh Shafuda & De
(2020) dengan kasus Namibia juga memberikan kesimpulan yang sama dimana belanja
pemerintah berdampak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Berbeda dengan sejumlah
peneliti di atas, sebelumnya, hasil penelitian Mo (2008) membuktikan bahwa tidak semua
belanja pemerintah dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Alokasi anggaran pemerintah
dalam bentuk belanja konsumsi justru memiliki efek marginal negatif terhadap produktivitas
dan pertumbuhan produk nasional, dan hanya pengeluaran dalam bentuk investasi seperti
pembangunan infrastruktur yang berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Temuan
empiris lainnya mengenai hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut diungkapkan dalam
penelitian Christie (2012) yang membuktikan bahwa hubungan antara belanja pemerintah dan
pertumbuhan ekonomi berbentuk non linier.
Berkaitan dengan arah kausalitas antara kedua variabel, penelitian empiris yang
dilakukan para peneliti juga belum memberikan kesimpulan yang sama. Attari & Javed
(2013) dalam penelitian mereka di Pakistan menemukan bahwa dalam jangka panjang
terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kedua variabel, dan dalam jangka pendek
kausalitas satu arah (unidirectional causality) terjadi dari pertumbuhan ekonomi ke belanja
pemerintah. Berbeda dengan Attari & Javed, hasil penelitian Abu-Bader & Abu-Qarn (2003)
menggunakan data panel tiga negara (Mesir, Israel dan Siria) menyimpulkan bahwa dalam
jangka panjang hubungan antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah
negatif, dan dalam jangka pendek, terdapat kausalitas dua arah (bidirectional causality)
antara kedua variabel tersebut. Penelitian Odhiambo (2015) dengan kasus Afrika selatan juga
menyajikan bukti yang sama, dimana dalam jangka pendek terdapat kausalitas dua arah
antara belanja pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Abu-Bader, S., & Abu-Qarn, A. S. (2003). Government expenditures, military spending and
economic growth: causality evidence from Egypt, Israel, and Syria. Journal of Policy
Modeling, 25(6-7), 567–583. doi:10.1016/s0161-8938(03)00057-7
Alshammary, M. D., Khalid, N., Karim, Z. A., & Ahmad, R. (2020). Government
expenditures and economic growth in the MENA region: A dynamic heterogeneous
panel estimation. International Journal of Finance & Economics.
Attari, M. I. J., & Javed, A. Y. (2013). Inflation, economic growth and government
expenditure of Pakistan: 1980-2010. Procedia Economics and Finance, 5, 58–67.
Christie, T. (2012). The effect of government spending on economic growth: Testing the non-
linear hypothesis. Bulletin of Economic Research, 66(2), 183–204. doi:10.1111/j.1467-
Cooray, A. (2009). Government expenditure, governance and economic growth. Comparative
Economic Studies, 51(3), 401–418. doi:10.1057/ces.2009.7
Dinh Thanh, S., Hart, N., & Canh, N. P. (2020). Public spending, public governance and
economic growth at the Vietnamese provincial level: A disaggregate analysis.
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