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Quezon City Science High School

(Regional Science High School for NCR)


For Grade 11 1
S.Y. 2020-2021


Special Science Teacher I

Content/Language Editors:

MT-II, SHS Focal Person

Assistant Principal II for SHS

Principal III
Name of Learner: Charmaine T. Rosal
Grade Level/ 11
Section: Einstein
Date: Week 2 (October 12-16, 2020)

LESSON 3: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

Cells—the basic structural and functional units of every organism are always considered to be very
small. Smaller cells have a higher surface area to volume ratio and are better able to transport materials
through the cell membrane. On the contrary, as cells grow, the surface area to volume ratio for the cell
decreases. Think of the surface area as the cell membrane and the volume as the internal contents of the
cell. As the cell gets larger, it gets harder for cells to transport in and out the required materials. Some cells,
develop adaptation for increasing the surface area without increasing the volume. For example, example
the folds inside the mitochondria or the flat pan-cake like structures inside chloroplasts provide a greater
surface area on which specific reactions can occur. The folds in the lining of our stomachs or the tiny
cellular, finger-like projections that protrude from the wall of the small intestine (villi and microvilli) all
act to increase the surface area without increasing the overall size or volume of the organ.
Cells have two distinct types: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Organisms of the domains Bacteria and
Archaea consist of prokaryotic cells. Protists, fungi, animals, and plants all consist of eukaryotic cells
Prokaryotes are simple, small cells, whereas eukaryotic cells are complex, large structured and are
present in trillions which can be single celled or multicellular. Prokaryotic cells do not have a well-defined
nucleus but DNA molecule is located in the cell, termed as nucleoid, whereas eukaryotic cells have a well-
defined nucleus, where genetic material is stored.
Prokaryotic Cells are the most primitive kind of cells and lack few features as compared to the
eukaryotic cell. Eukaryotic cells have evolved from prokaryotic cells only but contain different types of
organelles like Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, Mitochondria etc., which are specific in their functions.
But features like growth, response, and most importantly giving birth to the young ones are the commonly
shared by all living organisms.


In this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
Distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells according to their distinguishing features STEM_BIO11/12-
a. Understand why cells are small
b. Common mistakes and misconceptions
c. Differentiate prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells according to their distinguishing features
d. Give some examples of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
e. How do prokaryotes and eukaryotes evolve
DIRECTION: Compute for the Surface area, volume, SA: Volume Ratio, and efficiency of the cell.
Note: Efficiency means how good the cell is at absorbing nutrients and eliminating wastes through its cell
ACTIVITY 1: Surface area to Volume Ratio (10)
Surface Area (SA) of a cube = 6 x side length x side length
Volume = side length x side length x side length
(5 points)

Cube Side length Surface Area Volume (cm3) SA: Volume Efficiency of
(cm) (cm2) Ratio the Cell
1 1 6x1x1=6 1x1x1=1 6:1 6/1= 6
2 2 6 x 2 x 2 = 24 2x2x2=8 8:3 24/8 = 3
3 3 6 x 3 x 3 = 54 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 27:2 54/27 = 2
4 4 6 x 4 x 4 = 96 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 96:64 96/64 = 1.5

1. What type of cell would have a higher surface area to volume ratio and therefore has better
efficiency? (1)
Prokaryotic cells are the type of cell that will have a higher surface area to volume ratio and
therefore have better efficiency because eukaryotic cells have a lower surface area to volume ratio
than prokaryotes, and thus have lower metabolism rates and longer generation times.

2. Nine small cells have the same volume (take up the same amount of space) as a certain large cell.
Which has more cell membrane for nutrients and wastes to pass: the one large cell or the nine
smaller cells? Why? (2)
I assume that the nine smaller cells have more nutrient and waste cell membrane to pass through
since the one big cell has only one space to occupy and nine smaller cells as wide as the mass of
one big cell occupies more space, so it takes more time to pass through the cell membrane for
nutrients and waste to travel freely as well.

3. What conclusion can you make from this activity? (2)

What I can infer from this activity is that the ratio of surface area to volume is important for
learning and understanding how cells operate, communicate and what happens if they evolve. It is
imperative to know that the surface area to volume ratio decreases in size as cells expand. Smaller
cells have a higher volume to surface area ratio, which means they can transport nutrients across
the cell membrane better.
DIRECTION: For each of the organelles listed below; indicate whether it is surrounded by a single
membrane, a double membrane or no membrane; and state whether it is found in plant, animal or bacterial

ACTIVITY 2: Which is which? (30)

(24 points)

Organelle Type of membrane (single, Found in what type of cell

double, no membrane) (plant, animal, bacterial cell)



1. Are all eukaryotes large, multicellular organism? (1)
There may be single-celled eukaryotes, but most of them are large, multicellular organisms and
are more complicated than prokaryotes.

2. List four differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Which of these were the first
cells on earth? (4)
There are several distinctions between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, beginning with the fact
that all prokaryotes are unicellular and do not have any membrane-bound organelles, except for
eubacteria and archea, whereas eukaryotes are present in almost every living organism. They have
a nucleus that is membrane bound and organelles that are membrane bound. Prokaryotic cells are
therefore clearly smaller than eukaryotic cells, with a mere 0.2-2.0 in size, whereas 10-100 are
eukaryotic cells.
In prokaryotic cells, there is no carbohydrates and cytoskeleton or cytoplasmic streaming, though
both are visibly seen in eukaryotic cells. Meiosis and mitosis are both involve in eukaryotic cells,
while binary fission is used by prokaryotic cells and there is no meiosis, only DNA fragments are
transferred. As eukaryotic cells evolved, however, it is known that prokaryotes were the first cells
on Earth, coming into existence 3.5 billion years ago with the earliest prokaryotic cells found in
stromatolites on Shark Bay, Australia. Mitochondria and chloroplasts gradually also arose from
prokaryotic cells, according to Biology Libretexts, providing further evidence that prokaryotes
arrive first.
3. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about prokaryotes. (1)
a. They grow and reproduce.
b. Many are large, multicellular organisms
c. They are more complex than cells of eukaryotes
d. They have cell membranes and cytoplasm
DIRECTION: Read the question in the START space. Mark and follow the path of the correct answer to
the next question. Move from START to FINISH. You may not move through all the spaces.

ACTIVITY 3: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells MAZE (10)

ACTIVITY 4: A theory in the origin of cells (10)


1 single, circular
Multiple linear
main chromosome, Many copies of
chromosomes Many copies of small
DNA with many copies small circular
compartmentalized circular chromosomes
of smaller circular chromosomes
in a nucleus
plasmid DNA

Binary Fission
Binary Fission Binary Fission
Replication (1 cell splits into Mitosis
(1 cell splits into 2) (1 cell splits into 2)
Ribosomes * "70 S" "80 S" "70 S" "70 S"

Not found in the

plasma membrane
Electron Found in the Found in the plasma Found in the plasma
around cell (found
Transport plasma membrane membrane around membrane around
only in the cell's
Chain around cell mitochondrion chloroplast
mitochondria and

~1-10 microns ~50 - 500 microns ~1-10 microns ~1-10 microns
~3.8 Billion years
Appearance ~1.5 billion years ~1.5 billion years
bacteria: ~1.5 billion years ago
on Earth ago ago
~3.2 Billion years
Aerobic bacteria:
~2.5 Billion years
Single lipid bilayer Single lipid
Membrane plus other (wall, bilayer with Double lipid bilayer Double lipid bilayer
etc) embedded proteins
Genetic code Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Prokaryotic Prokaryotic
There are a great many differences between Eukaryotic cells and Prokaryotic cells in size, complexity,
internal compartments. However, there is a curious similarity between prokaryotic cells and some of the
organelles of eukaryotic cells.
*The “S” refers to a particular biochemical size/density designation. 70 S is “smaller” or less dense than
80 S.
Simply stated, the theory of endosymbiosis is the concept that mitochondria and chloroplasts are
the result of years of evolution initiated by the endocytosis of bacteria and blue-green algae which, instead
of becoming digested, became symbiotic or helpful to the host cell.

Chloroplasts probably evolved in a manner similar to that of mitochondria. However,

chloroplasts probably were ingested by only some eukaryotic cells, and were ingested after the first
mitochondrion. This is why almost all eukaryotes have mitochondria but only some have chloroplasts.
Certain eukaryotic cells ingested smaller prokaryotic autotrophic cells (cells that were able to convert the
energy of sunlight into a food source). These cells were able to produce organic food molecules for their
host cells by fixing carbon (into simple sugars), and the host cells gave these prokaryotes inorganic
compounds like CO2 and protection from the environment. Eventually, the mitochondria and chloroplasts
became so interdependent that they became organelles of the host cell.

Evidence for the symbiotic theory comes from many sources. Both mitochondrial and chloroplast
DNA is circular, and many copies of the DNA are present in each organelle, like prokaryotic cells. Both
organelles have ribosomes and enzymes that are more similar to prokaryotes than eukaryotes. The fact that
each organelle has its own plasma membrane (like that found surrounding other independent cells) is also
evidence in support of the theory of endosymbiosis. Finally, both mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce
themselves independently of the cell in which they are found. In fact, many of the proteins that chloroplasts
need to function are actually located in genomic (nuclear) DNA. Some of these similarities were first noted
in the 1880s, but were largely ignored for almost a century!

1. What kind(s) of eukaryotic cells have mitochondria? (1)
In the cells of almost every eukaryotic organism, whether human, plant or animal, mitochondria
are present.

2. What kind(s) of eukaryotic cells have chloroplasts? (1)

Plant cells and algae that perform photosynthesis are the only eukaryotic cells with chloroplasts.

3. List 3 sources of evidence for the endosymbiont theory. (3)

There are many sources of evidence for the theory of endosymbiotics beginning with whether or
not mitochondria and chloroplast have their own DNA, since both structures are circular, and each
organelle contains many copies od DNA. The fact that each organelle has its own plasma membrane
is another proof of the endosymbiotic hypothesis and, eventually, all mitochondria and chloroplasts
replicate themselves independently.

4. Write a creative drawing describing the “thought” process of the first cells that describes how this
symbiosis occurred (of course, there was no real thought involved, but imagine that you are a cell
that encounters an interesting prokaryotic cell and tries to convince it to be ingested and help you
out in some way.) (5)

Once upon a time, a cell was there. In that rough universe, it was floating through the primordial
soup trying to make it. All of the sudden, he found a tiny prokaryotic cell. The cell felt a little
lonely, to be honest, and it was glad to come across someone to share the habitat with.
The two cell began spending a lot of time together, only coexisting quietly.

“Oh! How easy it would be if this

tiny cell were to live with me,”
Thought the eukaryotic. “I can
provide protection and shelter and by
Though, still hesitant
supplying me with energy I need for
the eukaryotic bravely
my everyday metabolic processes,
said to prokaryotic,
the small cell can pay me!”

“What do you think

about symbiotic?’

And the rest is history of

the Endosymbiotic,..

Write something interesting you learned today and relate it in your own life.
It is thought that life arose on Earth around four billion years ago. The endosymbiotic theory states that
some of the organelles in today’s eukaryotic cells were once prokaryotic microbes. Endosymbiosis is
important because it is a theory that explains the origin of chloroplast and mitochondria. It is also a theory
that explains how cells came to be. I can relate it in my own life as something that evolves. I like to think
that I’ll successful someday and when that day comes, people who just met me doesn’t know my
struggles and experiences in life but they’ll look at me as someone who flourish.

Alberts B et al. (2002) in “The Molecular biology of the cell”, 4th edition. Garland Science, New York.
Campbell, N., Cain, M., Minorsky, P., Reece, J., Urry, L. and Wasserman, S., 2013. Biology. 10th ed.
Henderson R. et al. 1990. Model for the structure of bacteriorhodopsin based on high-resolution electron
cryo-microscopy. J. Mol. Biol. 213:899.
Lynch M. Ph.D, &Wilkin D. Ph.D., (2015). Ck-12 Biology workbook. CK-12 Foundation,
Teaching Resource. (nd). Retrieved from
LESSON 4a: Plant Cell types

The next time you are outside, notice the amazing variation in the forms that plants take. Despite
the big differences between them, they all have evolved a basically common mechanism for development
and a similar internal body plan. The plant body of most vascular plants consists of an aboveground part,
the shoot system, which includes stems, leaves, buds, flowers, and fruits, and a belowground part, the root
system, composed of main roots and branches (Fig. 1). This plant body is constructed from millions of tiny
cells, each having a characteristic shape and function. This chapter we’ll examine several different cell
types, tissues (aggregates of cells), and their origins from unique parts of the plant body called meristems
Plants consist of many different types of cells that are organized into aggregates called tissues.
Tissues are derived from specialized groups of dividing cells called meristems. Meristems are the source
of cells and tissues and therefore they are not strictly speaking tissues themselves. The organs of the plant,
leaves, stems, roots, and flower parts are composed of tissues arranged in different patterns.
Tissues in the plant body are made up of both living and dead cells. The dead cells, often with thick,
strong cell walls, are retained as strengthening cells. Knock on your wood table right now, and you'll see
firsthand how strong and hard these dead cells are. The main tissues of plants may be grouped into three
systems (Fig 1). The ground tissue system is the most extensive, at least in leaves (mesophyll) and young
green stems (pith and cortex). The vascular tissue system contains two types of conducting tissues that
distribute water and solutes (xylem) and sugars (phloem) through the plant body. The dermal tissue system
(epidermis and periderm) covers and protects the plant surface.

Figure 1: The plant body, shown here as a tomato plant, consists of the shoot system (leaves, buds, stems,
flowers and fruits) and the root system (roots). Each organ is made up of cells organized into tissue systems:
dermal, vascular and ground.

In this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:

Classify different cell types (of plant/animal tissues) and specify the functions of each STEM_BIO11/12-
a. List the major plant tissues and describe the structural characteristics and function(s) of each.
b. Provide examples of where each tissue type is located within the plant body.

DIRECTION: Complete the information of different animal cell types needed on the table below. Note:
Please don’t forget to properly label your drawings on one side and include the magnification.
ACTIVITY 1: Plant Cell Types (21)


A. Parenchyma Location:
This is most commonly found in the medullar
rays, the pithand, and the cortex of the wood. It
is mostly found in the softer parts of the plant.

Unspecialised living cell which have thin cell
walls and are loosely packed so that the
intercellular spaces are found between cells of
this tissues

 Photosynthesis
 Cellular Respiration
Example: Food storage tissues of potatoes
 Storage foods
Magnification: 400x
 Protect the plants

B. Collenchyma Location:
It is found in the leaves and the stem of the
plant. It is distributed below the epidermis

Living tissues which also have thin-walled cells
but possess thickening of cellulose, water and
pectin substances at the corners of the cell.

 Provide mechanical support, elasticity
and tensile strength to the plants
 Wind Resistance
Example: Strings running through a stalk of
Magnification: 400x

C. Sclerenchyma Location:
It is found in the hard parts of the plants like the
hard shells of walnuts or the outer shell of

Tissues consists of thick-walled and dead cells.
The cells have hard and thick walls because of
lignin deposition.

 Support
 Mechanical stiffness
 Strength
Example: Tough fibers in jute (used to make
Magnification: 100x
The xylem typically lies closer to the interior of the stem. In the
stems of some Asterales dicots, there may be phloem located.

The xylem tissue is responsible for the conduction

of water and minerals from the roots to the leaves
and stem. The phloem helps in the translocation of
food that is prepared by photosynthesis in the
leaves to various parts of the plant

It provides support to the plants

Xylem: innermost part of a tree trunk; Phloem: tissue in plants that distributes sugar that
plants eat


Dermal tissues found covering the younger

primary parts of a plant.

It provides the outer covering of the plant

It protects the soft tissues of plants and

controls interactions with the plants’
Human epidermis

C. Ground Tissue It arises from the ground meristem. It fills in the
soft parts of the plants.

It manufactures nutrients by photosynthesis and
stores reserve nutrients

 Photosynthesis, food storage, healing and
tissue generation
 Support young stems, roots and petrioles
Fiber of grasses
Magnification: 100x

D. Meristematic tissue Location:

They are found in many location including near
the tips of roots and stems, in the buds and
nodes of stem, in the cambium between the
xylem and phloem, under the epidermis of trees
and shrubs.

It consist of actively dividing cells, and leads to
increase in length and thickness of the plant.
The primary growth of the plant occurs only in
certain regions, such as in the tips of stem or
roots. It is in these regions that meristematic
tissues are present.

Primary meristematic tissue helps the plant
increase in length or vertical growth. The
secondary helps increase the lateral growth.
Apical meristem
Magnification: 40x
LESSON 4b: Animal Cell types

Animals are multicellular organisms which are composed of many cells. From cells (basic unit of
life) to form tissues (complex animals have four primary types), and tissues combine to form organs—like
the skin or kidney—that have specific, specialized functions within the body. Organs are organized into
organ systems to perform functions; examples include the circulatory system, which consists of the heart
and blood vessels, and the digestive system, consisting of several organs, including the stomach, intestines,
liver, and pancreas. Organ systems come together to create an entire organism. In most animals, different
organs form organ systems
In this lesson, we will focus on the tissue level of organization. Animals are composed of specific
tissues, which are groups of cells similar in structure that perform a common function. Groups of two or
more tissue types form organs, and two or more organs form organ systems
There are four types of tissues found in animals:
a. Epithelial: covers the outside of the body and lines the organs and cavities within the body
b. Connective: binds and supports other tissues (cartilage, tendons, ligaments, bone, blood,
c. Muscle: controls body movement (skeletal, smooth, cardiac)
d. Nervous: senses stimuli and transmits signals throughout the animal (neurons, glia)


In this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:

Classify different cell types (of plant/animal tissues) and specify the functions of each STEM_BIO11/12-
a. List the major animal tissues and describe the structural characteristics and function(s) of each.
b. Provide examples of where each tissue type is located within the animal body.
DIRECTION: Complete the information of different animal cell types needed on the table below. You
may use this as your reference. Note: Please don’t forget
to properly label your drawings on one side and include the magnification.

ACTIVITY 2: Animal Cell Types (48)


A. Simple squamous epithelium Location:

Blood, lymphatic vessels, air sacs of lungs,
lining of the heart

A single layer of flat cells in contact with the
basal lamina (one of the 2 layers of the basement
membrane) of epithelium.

 It is associated with filtration and diffusion.
 Secrets lubricating substance

Magnification: 400x

B. Simple cuboidal epithelium Location:

Found in kidney tubules, glandular ducts,
ovaries, and thyroid gland

Type of epithelium that consist of a single layer
of cuboidal (cube-like) cells. These cells have
large, spherical and central nuclei.

 They provide protection and may be active
(pumping material in and out of the lumen)
or passive, depending on the location and
cellular specialization.
 These cells offer some protection and
function in absorption and secretion
Example:  Allows secretion and absoption
Magnification: 400x
C. Simple columnar epithelium Location:
Bronchi, uterine tubes, uterus, digestive tract,

These type of epithelium is commonly adapted
for secretion, absorption, and protection. It plays
the role of clearing or moving substances or very
small foreign bodies

Allows absorption, secrets mucous and enzymes

Magnification: 400x

D. Stratified squamous epithelium Location:

Found in nearly every organ system- from skin
to the respiratory, digestive, excretory and
reproductive systems.

Formed from multiple layers of cells resting on a
basement membrane, with the superficial layers
consisting of squamous cells. Underlying cell
layers can be made of cuboidal or columnar cells
as well.

Upper surface of tongue, the hard plate of the Function:
mouth, the esophagus and anus  Protect underlying structure from harm.
Magnification: 100x  Protect the body from desiccation and water
E. Stratified cuboidal epithelium Location:
Found in glands which specialized in selective
absorption and secretion by the gland into blood
or lymph.

It allows gland and organs to create a separation
between the functioning cells of organ and gland
and the vessels that feed it.

 Secretion and protection.
 Creates multiple membrane junctions
between adjacent cells that makes an
Example: impermeable barrier between the two. The
Sweat glands, parotid glands, mammary glands barrier acts like a filter, forcing water and
Magnification: 100x nutrients to pass through the cells.

F. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar Location:

epithelium Mainly found in the larger respiratory airways of
the nasal cavity, trachea and bronchi.

Only a single layer of cells, has its cell nuclei
positioned in a manner suggestive of stratified

Example: Function:
Linings of trachea, prostate part of vas deferens, Secretion and absorption
internal part of the ear
Magnification: 100x

A. Skeletal muscle Location:

Skeletal muscle fibers occur in muscles which
are attached to the skeleton. They are striated in
appearance and are under voluntary control

Skeletal muscle is one of three major muscle
types. It is a form of striated muscle tissue which
is under the voluntary control of the somatic
nervous system. Most skeletal muscles are
attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers
known as tendons.

Skeletal muscles enable humans to move and
perform daily activities. They play an essential
Example: role in respiratory mechanics and help in
Arms, legs, abdomen, back maintaining posture and balance. They also
Magnification: 400x protect the vital organs in the body.

B. Cardiac muscle Location:

Cardiac muscle cells are located in the walls of
the heart, appear striated, and are under
involuntary control. Smooth muscle fibers are
located in walls of hollow visceral organs,
except the heart, appear spindle-shaped, and are
also under involuntary control.

Cardiac muscle, also known as heart muscle, is
the layer of muscle tissue which lies between the
endocardium and epicardium. These inner and
outer layers of the heart, respectively, surround
the cardiac muscle tissue and separate it from
the blood and other organs. These cells, are
typically unicellular and connect to one another
Example: through special intercalated discs. These
Muscle in heart specialized cell junction and the arrangement of
Magnification: 400x muscle cells enables cardiac muscle to contract
quickly and repeatedly, forcing blood
throughout the body.

Cardiac muscle tissue works to keep your heart
pumping through involuntary movements. This
is one feature that differentiates it from skeletal
muscle tissue, which you can control. It does
this through specialized cells called pacemaker
cells. These control the contractions of your
C. Smooth muscle Location:
Smooth muscle fibers are located in walls of
hollow visceral organs, except the heart, appear
spindle-shaped, and are also under involuntary

Smooth muscle is a type of muscle tissue which
is used by various systems to apply pressure to
vessels and organs. Smooth muscle is composed
of sheets or strands of smooth muscle cells.
These cells have fibers of actin and myosin
which run through the cell and are supported by
a framework of other proteins

Stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, uterus, Smooth muscle is found in the walls of hollow
walls of passageways such as arteries and veinsorgans like your intestines and stomach. They
Magnification: 400x work automatically without you being aware of
them. Smooth muscles are involved in many
'housekeeping' functions of the body. The
muscular walls of your intestines contract to
push food through your body.

A. Loose connective tissue Location:

Loose connective tissue is found around every
blood vessel, helping to keep the vessel in place.
The tissue is also found around and between
most body organs.

Loose connective tissue is a category of
connective tissue which includes areolar tissue,
reticular tissue, and adipose tissue. Loose
connective tissue is the most common type of
connective tissue in vertebrates. It holds organs
in place and attaches epithelial tissue to other
underlying tissues.
Areolar tissue, reticular tissue, adipose tissue
Magnification: 400x

It acts both to absorb shock and bind tissues
together. It allows water, salts, and various
nutrients to diffuse through to adjacent or
imbedded cells and tissues. Adipose tissue
consists mostly of fat storage cells, with little
extracellular matrix
B. Dense connective tissue Location:
Dense regular connective tissue is mainly made
up of type I collagen fibers. It is found in areas
of the body where large amounts of tensile
strength are required, like in ligaments, tendons
and aponeurosis. The collagen fibers are densely
packed together and arranged in parallel to each

Dense connective tissue, also called dense
fibrous tissue, is a type of connective tissue with
fibers as its main matrix element. Dense
connective tissue forms strong, rope-like
structures such as tendons and ligaments.
Example: Tendons attach skeletal muscles to bones;
Tendons, ligaments ligaments connect bones to bones at joints.
Magnification: 1000x
Dense connective tissue is for strength. The
compact arrangement of collagen fibres serves
to resist stretch. Bands of such connective tissue
are used to join bones (capsules and ligaments of
joints) and as tendons to connect muscles to

C. Adipose tissue Location:

Adipose tissue is primarily located beneath the
skin, but is also found around internal organs. In
the integumentary system, which includes the
skin, it accumulates in the deepest level, the
subcutaneous layer, providing insulation from
heat and cold. Around organs, it provides
protective padding.

Adipose tissue, or fat, is an anatomical term for
loose connective tissue composed of adipocytes.
Its main role is to store energy in the form of fat,
although it also cushions and insulates the body.
White adipose tissue, brown adipose tissue
Magnification: 40x Function:
The adipose tissue is a central metabolic organ
in the regulation of whole-body energy
homeostasis. The white adipose tissue functions
as a key energy reservoir for other organs,
whereas the brown adipose tissue accumulates
lipids for cold-induced adaptive thermogenesis.
D. Cartilage Location:
This cartilage type is found in the larynx, nose,
ribs, and trachea. A very thin layer of cartilage is
also present on bony surfaces, such as over
joints, to cushion them. This hyaline cartilage is
known as articular cartilage

Cartilage is a resilient and smooth elastic tissue,
a rubber-like padding that covers and protects
the ends of long bones at the joints and nerves,
and is a structural component of the rib cage, the
ear, the nose, the bronchial tubes, the
intervertebral discs, and many other body

Example: Function:
Cartilage of nose, trachea and larynx
Magnification: 100x Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that
keeps joint motion fluid by coating the surfaces
of the bones in our joints and by cushioning
bones against impact. It is not as rigid as bone,
but is stiffer and less flexible than muscle tissue.

E. Bone Location:
Bones contain bone marrow and periosteum.
Bone marrow is a soft connective tissue that is
found inside a cavity, called the marrow cavity.
There are two types of marrow in adults, yellow
bone marrow, which consists mostly of fat, and
red bone marrow

Bone tissue (osseous tissue) is a hard tissue, a
type of dense connective tissue. It has a
honeycomb-like matrix internally, which helps
to give the bone rigidity. Bone tissue is made up
of different types of bone cells.

Example: Function:
Bone marrow, endosteum, periosteum Bone is a connective tissue containing cells,
Magnification: 100x fibers and ground substance. There are many
functions in the body in which the bone
participates, such as storing minerals, providing
internal support, protecting vital organs,
enabling movement, and providing attachment
sites for muscles and tendons.
F. Vascular tissue/ Fluid connective tissue Location:
Vascular tissue is found in all of a plant's
vegetative organs - that is, the roots, stems, and
leaves. Xylem and phloem start out as a special
type of tissue called cambium

Vascular tissue is a complex conducting tissue,
formed of more than one cell type, found in
vascular plants. The primary components of
vascular tissue are the xylem and phloem. These
two tissues transport fluid and nutrients


Example: Xylem transports and stores water and water-

Xylem, phloem soluble nutrients in vascular plants. Phloem is
Magnification: 400x responsible for transporting sugars, proteins, and
other organic molecules in plants. Vascular
plants are able to grow higher than other plants
due to the rigidity of xylem cells, which support
the plant


A. Glial cells and Neurons Location:

Glia, also called glial cells or neuroglia, are non-
neuronal cells in the central nervous system
(brain and spinal cord)

Glial (Neuroglial) cells do not conduct nerve
impulses, but, instead, support, nourish, and
protect the neurons. Glial cells are far more
numerous than neurons and, unlike neurons, are
capable of mitosis.

In general, glial cells function to support,
protect, and nourish neurons. The main parts of
a neuron include the cell body, dendrites, and
Example: axon. The cell body contains the nucleus.
Oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, ependymal cells, Dendrites receive nerve impulses from other
Schwann cells, microgolia and satellite cells cells, and the axon transmits nerve impulses to
Magnification: 1000x other cells at axon terminals
Write something interesting you learned today and relate it in your own life.

Epithelial tissues are spread out all over our body. They cover all surfaces and also line body cavities and
hollow organs. In glands, these tissues are also the primary tissue. Including secretion, protection,
excretion, diffusion, absorption, filtration and sensory reception, epithelial tissues have many functions.
Epithelial tissues have one free surface which is not connected to other cells, since linings and surfaces
are created by the epithelial cells.
All living things consist of a cell, thus it is called the smallest unit of life. It is a living organism's most
basic building block.
We are made up of cells and each has a function of its own. Without the other, one does not function well.
Even if we're not aware of it, they still do their work. The saying that nobody loves you is not true. Your
body loves you.


Campbell, N., Cain, M., Minorsky, P., Reece, J., Urry, L. and Wasserman, S., 2013. Biology. 10th ed.
Mauseth, J. D. (2009). Botany: An introduction to plant biology. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett
Raven, P. H., Evert, R. F., & Eichhorn, S. E. (2005). Biology of plants. New York: W.H. Freeman and
Rost, T. L. (2006). Plant biology. Southbank, Vic., Australia: Thomson/Brooks/Cole
Figure references
Daniel K. Gladish, University of Miami, Ohio
Rost, T. L. (2006). Plant biology. Southbank, Vic., Australia: Thomson/Brooks/Cole.

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