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Department of Technology Communication

College of Information Technology and Computing
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Investigating the Effectiveness of Live Selling of “DCOOTD” as a

Strategy on facebook

Undergrad Thesis
Submitted for partial fulfillment for the Bachelor of Science in Technology Communication
Management to the Department of Technology Communication Management, University of
Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Cagayan de Oro City


Jharamina Mary S. Nob

Novy Andrea T. Dahan
Shela Mae R. Daigon
Marlouie M. Dalaguan
Jay Ann O. Japitan
Ferry Mie P. Pasiol
Jemina Mae M. Torillo

Maria Doreen Cuevas-Rañada


March 2023

Online shopping is frequently regarded as one of the most efficient ways to purchase
goods and services. Life is challenging, particularly right now during the pandemic due to
COVID-19; as a result, people are starting to build their own online businesses, such as live
selling. A new type of online shopping called live streaming is growing in popularity. Live
streaming has recently gained popularity as a direct selling channel, providing small,
independent sellers. The majority of research focuses on analyzing the efficacy of online
advertising and marketing through live streaming on social media platforms. Although
everyone can potentially benefit from live-streaming commerce, different sellers have
varying degrees of success using it. This study analyzes Facebook data of live streaming
sellers using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach to evaluate the effectiveness and
strategy used by the live streaming sellers during the interactive live streaming sales
process. The results found that the seller used the attention-getting, interest-creating, desire-
stimulating, action-inducing, and satisfaction (AIDAS) model to practice the strategy for
increasing sales. The seller discovered that using the AIDAS strategy when selling live on
Facebook was very successful, obtaining repeat buyers and meeting clients’ satisfaction with
the items. Sales approaches and strategies adopted in acquiring and retaining customers.
Live selling doesn't require a sizable financial outlay. All that is needed is dependable
internet access for the seller, viewers, and customers. Sellers and buyers can easily
communicate and quickly reach an agreement on Facebook Live. Facebook can be used to
generate leads and increased sales of products and services.

Keywords: Facebook Live Selling, online promotions, DCOOTD


The following individuals deserve our sincere gratitude for their vital contributions to the
success of our study.

We sincerely appreciate DCOOTD GAIL, the study's live seller, for her hospitality, the
information she provided, and her kind and generous contribution to our study, to her family
and to the staff as well.

The researchers are grateful to DR. KENNET CUARTEROS, a data analyst, for validating
our thesis instrumentation, providing insightful advice, aiding in our evaluation, and providing
excellent data interpretation.

To research marketer - MR. RENIER BAJALA for giving us valuable insights needed in the

We owed MS. ANGELI P. MONSANTO, our grammarian, gratitude for the piece of advice
and for lending a helping hand in providing direction and improving our study.

We sincerely appreciate the guidance of DR. RHYNDL N. LUCZON, MS. JUNALENE

ANGELI P. MONSANTO have provided us with in order to advance our research.

Additionally, it is a privilege to collaborate with MS. MARIA DOREEN CUEVAS-RAÑADA,

thesis adviser and chairman of the Department of Technology and Communication
Management at the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, because
of the insightful information she shared and the way in which she collaborated with us.

FRIENDS who have consistently supported us financially, emotionally, and encouraged us to
pursue our dreams.

To everyone who has been our inspiration and source of strength, the researchers are
sincerely grateful.

Finally, the researchers want to thank the ALMIGHTY FATHER because of his provision and
guidance in our team, which provided us with sufficient wisdom, patience, and motivation,
this would not have been possible without him..

Dalaygon ang Dios!


Diagram of the study 5
Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents according to age 11
Table 1.1 Distribution of the Respondents according to gender 12
Table 2. Live Selling on Facebook using AIDAS Strategy 12-13
Table 3. Facebook as the preferred social media for live selling 14-15
Table 4. Effectivity of Live Selling on Facebook using AIDAS Strategy 15-
Appendix A: Thesis Profile 21
Appendix B: Thesis Lead Profile 22
Appendix C: Thesis Member 1 Profile 23
Appendix D: Thesis Member 2 Profile 24
Appendix E: Thesis Member 3 Profile 25
Appendix F: Thesis Member 4 Profile 26
Appendix G: Thesis Member 5 Profile 27
Appendix H: Thesis Member 6 Profile 28

Live streaming allows customers to see the seller's face and expressions, and the
background (e.g., clothes, furniture), and offers products that have not been pre-recorded or
edited before being presented in the online store. Because of the spontaneous, interactive
nature of live streaming, viewers ask questions and receive answers from the page in almost
real-time (Wang et al.2000), and the seller can use the feedback to better respond to the
needs of customers (authenticity, responsiveness). Viewing the seller showing, wearing, or
putting different clothes on a mannequin can be as fine as watching a fashion show. Live
streaming is expected to improve a customer's perceived hedonic value (enjoyment).

Live selling is also used by small firms, particularly those selling fashion items, to
acquire market share. According to Facebook, live selling is when a business owner uses an
"auction-style" strategy, showing customers the available things in real time. Although
Facebook live streaming is still in its infancy, it is a valuable tool for connecting people and
engaging in social commerce to improve the shopping experience, and will soon be. As a
result of TV's use of live streaming, more sellers and customers have adopted programs.
Given that Facebook Live broadcasts live video and allows the page owner to edit it. The
goal of this study is to look into consumers' value perceptions of joining the live stream for
apparel sales and the impact of Facebook Live on consumers' interaction with the brand

According to Cabahug (2021), live selling has its origins in home TV shopping, where
products were sold to audiences via professionally produced live or pre-taped shows. The
difference is that there are no studio setups, large cameras, and lights, or well-dressed and
styled professional hosts. It's all done at home with just a phone camera and, for some, a
ring light, with almost no extra equipment. Most importantly, it is engaging. While the session
is running, viewers can directly message the seller via the comments section, and the seller
can respond instantly.

A "mine" comment can elicit an immediate "sayo na" (It's yours) reaction, with the
seller reading out the buyer's name, the sale is completed immediately, and everyone moves
on to the next item. This is why, especially under lockdown, live selling is emerging as the
king of e-commerce, allowing shoppers to view products up close in 3D and converse with
sellers as if they were in a physical store, making it the most convenient and safe.

Mastilak (2020), an Ukay-Ukay is a Philippine business that offers second-hand

products, bags, shoes, and other accessories at rock-bottom prices. Items sold at the Ukay-
Ukay are frequently shipped from countries all over the world. The term ukay-ukay is derived
from the Filipino word bhukay or halukay, which means "to dig" or "to sift through." SM is
synonymous with the verb wag wag, which refers to the process of dusting off a piece of
clothing by grasping one end and snapping it in the air; and SM, which appears to mean
Segunda mano (second-hand), and is also them word’s biggest Philippine retailer SM.

Hong Kong has the most well-known ukay-ukay stock suppliers. Filipino ukay-ukay
businesses would obtain their supplies from warehouses, ship them to the Philippines in
balikbayan boxes, and sell them to customers or other retailers. These boxes usually end up
in Baguio, where the country's second-hand retail trade thrives. These boxes are sometimes
classified as Class A, B, or C by Hong Kong suppliers based on their contents. "All quality
and brand-name goods are classified as Class A." Class B boxes may include a mix of high-

quality and low-quality items. Class C boxes contain the 'not-so-good' items... Brand name
items are referred to as ‘signature’ or 'branded' in ukay-ukay parlance" (Locsin, 2007).
According to Fenol (2021), as new trends emerge due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
Filipinos prefer convenience, live selling, and mobile payments when shopping online.
Among the Filipino respondents, 93 percent said they highly consider convenience alongside
price when deciding what to purchase online, according to the Emerging Trends Research
commissioned by Facebook.

According to Seb (2020), as people around the world stay at home to flatten the
pandemic's infection curve, live-streaming is more popular than ever. While the lockdown
has killed in-person events, it has given new life to virtual ones through services like
Facebook Live.

Since the pandemic began, many Cagayan de Oro City business owners, particularly
in Barangay Carmen, have chosen to conduct live selling on Facebook as an alternative
method of promoting and selling their products.

According to a pre-survey conducted by the researchers, Daylen Chloe Outfit of The

Day, also known as DCOOTD (Facebook account name), is from Cagayan de Oro City, and
was chosen as a well-known live seller as a result of the pre-survey. On September 23,
2022, a pre-survey was conducted. There were 429 responses. As a result, 227 people
voted for Gail, 93 for Samantha, 61 for No, and 48 for another live seller in CDO.

DCOOTD received the highest number of results as a live seller in Cagayan de Oro
City based on the pre-survey. It has been established that the DCOOTD GAIL was more
well-known than any other live seller. On Facebook, Daylen Conta has 10,158 followers and
counting. She does live to sell three or more times per day and has an average of 5000
viewers per day.

DCOOTD sells Ukay-Ukay clothing for all genders and ages, as well as assorted
items, bags, boots for kids, and blankets online. She also sells bales of Ukay-Ukay clothing
by the kilos for 6,000–12,000 pesos. Aside from being the main live seller, she hires three
female live sellers with a daily salary of 800 pesos and staff like ironing the clothes with a
daily salary of 500 pesos; Invoicer, Repacker, Saleslady/man, Warehouseman, all-around
Assistant, Cook, and Rider with a daily salary of 300-500 pesos with free accommodation

Customers can also go to her place to buy items on the spot. She has a shop in
Divisoria and a recently opened warehouse in St. Ignatius Ext. Kauswagan CDO, which is in
front of STI College and International School. On a single day of Facebook live selling on
September 6, 2022, she received 9.4K comments, 11, 023 views, and 506 shares. It is
becoming increasingly rare to have these social media interactions these days especially if
they were only local live sellers in the City; what are her secrets and strategy for being an
effective live seller? Due to the pandemic, she began investing in this live-selling business
because it is popular with everyone.


This study is to look into the effectiveness of online promotions and marketing via live
selling on social media platforms. Specifically:
1. How effective is live selling on Facebook? In terms of the following in hooking the
1.1. attention-getting
1.2. interest-creating
1.3. desire-stimulating
1.4. action-inducing
1.5. satisfaction

2. To what extent is Facebook a preferred social media platform for live selling? In terms
of the ease of access to real-live streaming and recorded live streaming.

3. How effective is live selling on Facebook? In terms of the following with the overall
experience of the viewers and clients:

3.1 attention
3.2 interest
3.3 desire
3.4 action
3.5. satisfaction


AIDAS Model. AIDAS is a variant of the original AIDA model, which is one of the
effects hierarchy models. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, and Satisfaction (AIDAS) are the
five stages that a prospect goes through when purchasing a product. Marketers and sellers
can use AIDAS to effectively guide a customer through the stages, maximizing the overall
goal of their marketing or advertising campaign.

In 1898, E. established the AIDAS model. St. Elmo Lewis made attempts to explain
the process of personal selling. In one of his advertisements, Lewis suggested three
principles to which a billboard should adhere for it to be considered a successful
advertisement: Attract attention, Maintain interest, Create desire. Later, he added a
replacement phase called get action. The AIDAS model is one among the class models (also

known as hierarchical models or hierarchy of effects models) that consist of a number of
processes or stages that customers go through when making purchasing decisions.

The model was developed to explain how commercials and marketing

communications appeal to prospects and how customers distinguish between brands before
making a final purchase decision. Here’s how each stage of the AIDAS model works:
Attention – Attract the consumer’s attention to your product or service. Increase the interest
of consumers in your product or service. Make the buyer want your product or service by
creating a desire. Take action to encourage customers to get your goods or services.

The Selling Theory of AIDAS. This theory, also known as the AIDAS theory
(attention, interest, desire, action, and satisfaction), is founded on empirical evidence. This is
a widely held belief.

According to the AIDAS theory, a prospect goes through five stages before
responding satisfactorily to any product. As a result, he or she should be led comfortably
through all five stages.

1. Attention Getting: It is the most important step in the AIDAS process. The goal is to get
the prospect in the right frame of mind to continue the sales conversation. The salesperson
must persuade the prospect to attend the face-to-face interview. A good start to a
conversation can pave the way for a full sales presentation. To draw the prospect's attention
to his sales presentation, the salesperson must use his social and psychological skills.

2. Interest Creating: The second step is to focus the prospect's attention and pique his or her
interest. To do so, the salesperson must be enthusiastic about the product. Another
approach is to hand the product over to the prospect and let him handle it. Brochures and
other visual aids accomplish the same thing. The goal during the interest phase is to find the
selling appeal that is most likely to be effective.

3. Desire Stimulating: After attracting attention and generating interest, the prospect's desire
for the product must be piqued. This is a ready-to-purchase point. At this point, any
objections from the prospect must be handled carefully. When objections are anticipated and
addressed before the prospect raises them, time is saved and the likelihood of a sale

4. Action Inducing: - If the presentation was flawless, the prospect is ready to act, i.e., to buy.
At this stage, it is common for the prospect to be hesitant. The salesperson should handle
this stage with caution and try to close the deal as effectively as possible. Once the buyer
has requested that the seller pack the product, it is the seller's responsibility to reassure the
customer that the decision was correct.

5. Satisfaction: – The customer should have the impression that the salesperson merely
assisted them in making a decision. Following the sale, the salesperson should ensure that
the customer is pleased with the product. The salesperson should read the prospect's mind
and keep his conversations brief.

“Right set of circumstances" Selling Theory: The "situation-response" theory is another

name for it. Its psychological origins can be traced back to animal experiments.

The theory's main point is that a specific circumstance present in a given selling
situation will cause the prospect to respond in a predictable manner.

The prospect's set of circumstances can be both internal and external. This is
essentially a seller-oriented theory, emphasizing the importance of the salesman in
controlling the situation in order to ultimately produce a sale.

As a result, the AIDAS model relates to the study by assisting the live audience in
determining how they are going to purchase the product and what their criteria are, just as it
does in selecting a live seller. It also aids the strategies of live sellers in how they sell their
products, particularly "Ukay-Ukay Clothing," which is in high demand during the pandemic.




1. - Attention getting 1. A - Attention
1.1– Interest creating 1.1 I - Interest
1.2 – Desire stimulating 1.2 D - Desire
1.3 – Action inducing 1.3 A - Action
1.4 – Satisfaction 1.4 S - Satisfaction

This diagram would act as a guide for the researchers to link all procedures in order
to accomplish the aims and objectives of the study.
This paper highlights the independent factors that are included in the study's central
theme, "Live Selling of DCOOTD as a Strategy on Facebook," as well as the possible
influence of those independent variables on the buying behavior between these two
variables and their relationship to one another is represented in this diagram. Effectiveness,
which connects these two factors, the dependent variable which is the viewers and clients
will on depend their purchase based on the live selling presentation of the seller and the
showcase items, is an engaging way to attract viewer’s attention in order to sell well as to
attract their Interest creating and desire stimulating to connect directly with viewers and
potential consumers. Also, action inducing for viewers to buy the items, and lastly, the
satisfaction level of viewers and customers with the sold items and their experiences.

Figure 1

Diagram of the Study


Insights into the Process of Live Selling and Its Appeal as a Marketing Strategy.

Live selling is derived from the practice of using video to increase sales, which
originated with TV Shopping channels, in which products were showcased in demonstrations
in front of live viewers at home, who were encouraged to place an order over the phone if
interested. With the rise of the internet, video reviews of products by influencers became a
factor in how brands were able to reach their target audiences.

Until recently, there had been little change in the use of video for marketing
purposes, until the COVID-19 pandemic forced people to stay indoors, allowing online
shopping to be preferred alongside live social video consumption. Grabyo (2020).

According to Wohn and Cai (2019). Live Streaming E-commerce is still in its infancy,
particularly in the majority of the world. This is defined as a subset of e-commerce that
incorporates real-time interaction between the consumer and seller, which is unique to the
live stream format. While live-streaming e-commerce has grown rapidly in recent years,
particularly in 2020, it remains the largest in China.

According to Forbes (2020), 430 million people, or roughly 30% of China's total
population, viewed live streams in 2019, and 37% of Chinese who made online purchases
did so via live streams. The demographic is primarily made up of Generation Z and
Millennials, but middle-aged and senior buyers have also been included.

According to Silverio (2011). The Economics of Ukay-Ukay. The clothing industry

ranks among the most significant industries in the world. It is always in high demand due to it
being one of humanity's basic needs. As a direct consequence, competition in the industry is
aggressive, from the brand name, quality, and cost to promotion. When it comes to product
innovation, competitors never end up leaving themselves behind. As a direct consequence,
their product would become even more appealing and saleable to purchasers.

Effective Facebook Marketing Strategies . According to Edmonson (2019),

Facebook is the most popular social media site in the world, with approximately 2,320 million
users. This social network has grown at an exponential rate since its inception in 2004. The
platform generates the majority of its revenue from paid advertisers, who can reach
prospects and customers in a highly targeted and engaging manner.

Facebook can be used to generate leads and increase sales of products and
services in almost any niche or industry. You have an audience regardless of your market or
niche because there are so many people on the site. Furthermore, if you're in business
today, particularly online, you can't avoid marketing on Facebook in some capacity. When
compared to other platforms, advertising on Facebook is relatively simple and can be highly
targeted. To maximize your return on investment (ROI) and connect with your specific
customer group, you will need a solid marketing strategy.

With a solid Facebook marketing strategy, you can reach your audience when they're
ready to buy, or at the very least raise awareness of your company, products, and services
so you're top of mind when they are. This straightforward marketing strategy will get you
started. Maintaining an Active Facebook Presence - Facebook is always evolving. It appears
that new content is available for consumption every hour.

To participate, you must commit to your Facebook marketing strategy by posting

new content to your company's Facebook page on a regular basis, such as photos and

videos with links back to your website. Post special offers and deals, write about product
launches, and do live streams on Facebook Live. The best part is that all of this work to
nurture, grow, and generate leads is completely free. However, make the most of this
opportunity by providing a wealth of useful information to attract and retain customers'

To help automate your Facebook posting activities, you might want to consider using
a social media scheduling tool.

If your Facebook presence grows to the point where you need to moderate and
respond to a large number of comments, you should consider hiring a social media
marketing assistant. Use Facebook Ads to Reach Your Most Valuable Customers - Many
businesses seek more "likes" and "followers," and while these metrics are important, they
should not be your primary goal.

Rather, concentrate on reaching your best customers, who are more likely to
purchase – and even repeat purchase – your products or services.

Furthermore, depending on the situation, Facebook can strengthen relationships with

customers and followers of various cultures (Minton et al., 2012). Even though there is an
overall significance the following statistics highlight that there are significant cultural
differences among Facebook users.

Final Thoughts on Facebook Marketing - Use a consistent Facebook marketing

strategy to grow your business and attract more customers. You may discover that
Facebook is the most valuable and profitable marketing channel for your company.

People in Russia, for example, used social media twice as much as people in the
United States (10 hours per month) in 2011. Because of smartphones and tablets, the
numbers are much higher today. Minton et al. (2012).The number of viewers about
Facebook and marketing has continued to rise in recent years. As a result, it is not surprising
that there are so many review articles.

Meiselwitz (2016), reports that Facebook is the most popular social media platform.
The following review focuses solely on Facebook and marketing. In this case, Facebook
represents social media. Because Facebook is such a large field, the literature review
cannot cover everything in depth.

The AIDAS. According to Barry and Harward (1990), a model for calculating the
effectiveness of advertising is presented. This model has four stages: Stage one: attracting
attention (and awareness). This means that before you can sell something, you must first
attract the attention of someone. There are numerous methods for attracting people's
attention. In terms of big titles, controversial or shocking content can be used to draw
attention to our promotional message.

The second step is to generate client interest, which is accomplished by

demonstrating product features and benefits. Customers' experiences and attitudes should
be compatible with music and promoted language. In addition to promoting the client's target
language, to speak, the customer's layout and content must be correct and acceptable.

The third step is to instill enthusiasm in the people Barry and Harward (1990).

That is extremely important. Customers must be targeted by the advertiser. Customers must
be persuaded by the advertising message that the intention is to introduce and supply
goods. Customer requirements will be met.

Step Four: The final step is to end the purchase or sale at this stage of the customer
you're interested in buying from and make the final decision to end the process. Barry and
Harward (1990).

The advertiser must be able to reassure them that their decision was correct, and
people must be able to use words to provide advertising content when discussing the
product with others Bendixen, (1990).

According to the 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH) as of May 1,
2020, Cagayan de Oro City has a population of 728,402, which was made official by
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte via Proclamation No. 1179 dated July 6, 2021.

The city's population has grown by 52,452 since the last Census (2015), when it had
a population of 675,950. Meanwhile, with 77,756 residents, Barangay Carmen remains the
most populous barangay, followed by Balulang with 42,205. Kauswagan is third with 40,239
votes, followed by Lapasan with 39,234, Bulua with 35,397, and Camaman-an with 35,238.
Alternatively, Brgy. 39 has the fewest people, with only 17 people. Other low-population-
density barangays include Brgy. Brgy. 16 with 25 has 33, and Brgy. 5 with 34.

When the researchers observed DCootd Gail's live selling, they noticed that one of
her strategies for attracting customers is to post captions with appealing phrases like "all
things are 28 pesos" or "panghatag sale," where customers can immediately engage in that
live selling.

While she waited for the clients to join the live selling, she set up a game in which
people could share her life as often as they wanted in order for those from her. This allowed
many more people to see her live. Gail offers low-cost premium Ukay-Ukay clothing.

In her interview, she also stated that one of the reasons people admired her clothing
was because of her beauty as well as the beauty of her Ukay-Ukay clothing, which was
evident from the fact that everything she sold had been meticulously cleaned and ironed.
According to the researchers, her live selling was also well-organized and decorated in a
millennial style. If this had been the case, her Facebook live selling would not have been as
dull and boring through personal connections, and she makes an effort to engage her
audience during live selling in a friendly and warm manner.

Just by gazing directly into the camera rather than at her objects or other set
components, she can give her audience the impression that she is speaking to them
personally. Her live selling will be more involved and interesting to participate in if she tells
anecdotes about her items, strikes up small talk and acknowledges and answers questions
and remarks as they are made.

The researchers looked at half of DCootd's live videos from the start of her 12-
episode live series until now. On October 23, 2020, DCootd began her live selling with 47
reactions, 637 comments, 5 shares, and 788 views. On her following live, which took place
on November 5, 2020, there were 33 shares, 326 comments, and 23 reactions. There were
60 reactions, 324 comments, 49 shares, and 1.5K views on her Preview live on February 3,
2022, with the caption "Premium Dubai Box."Also on September 09, 2022, with the caption
“DCootd Warehouse Opening Tomorrow” there were 92 reactions, 52 comments, 41 shares,
and 2.4k views.

On September 12, 2020, she received 127 reactions, 3k comments, 76 shares, and
3.2k views. She has 193 reactions, 3.8k comments, 73 shares, and 7.2k views as of
September 28, 2020. This year's and months' most recent DCOOTD live, captioned with was
for the Engrande sale, it has 1k views, 333 comments, and 15 shares.


Research Design

A descriptive research design will be used to investigate the effectiveness of live

selling strategies on Facebook.

The study used a quantitative approach to interpret the data and a qualitative
research approach to gather information, in conducting a one-on-one interview with
DCOOTD Gail as the live seller in this study, which are popular qualitative methods for
gaining a thorough understanding of her background, and information in her live selling. It
will be used for group observation alongside the respondents in order to conduct a thorough

A pre-survey was conducted in order to respond to the research question of

investigating the effectiveness of live selling strategies on Facebook. The researchers
conducted a pre-survey last September 23, 2022, to assess if the chosen respondents are
involved in live selling whether they are clients or viewers only also able to know if the
identified live seller is popular.

Ordinal scale questions will be included in the surveys that the researchers conduct
using printed and Google Forms. An Ordinal scale is a scale for assessing ideas, attitudes,
or actions because they make operationalizing personality characteristics or impressions
simple, ordinal scales are used in survey research. With this research method, the
researchers will investigate the effectiveness of live selling strategies on Facebook.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers have gathered sixty respondents to answer the survey and one
respondent for the live seller. The respondents of the study will be clients and viewers in this
case to assess the effectiveness of live selling and the client’s satisfaction. The respondents
are clients/viewers of live selling as the sample respondents since they are part of Gen Z
and Millennials and need older adults.

Research Setting

The researchers chose Brgy. Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City, This study will be
conducted at Brgy. Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City. Since the total population of the area is

the heavily populated barangay in CDO. The respondents are the clients and viewers of
DCOOTD at Brgy. Carmen CDO.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will use two methods for gathering data: printed survey
questionnaires and Google forms. The tool includes a consent letter. Based on the theory,
the researchers also created their own guide/criteria to analyze an in-depth live seller.
The questionnaires are a well-organized set of questions that will be answered by the
clients/viewers of live selling in Brgy. Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City in order to gather the
data needed in this study.
Structured research questions such as the Ordinal Scale method will be used to
gather the information needed for this study.
There will be two (2) component questionnaires that the researchers will use. Part I
of the questionnaire will focus on the demographics of the respondents. This will be used to
gather the respondent’s personal information.
Part II of the questionnaire will include two sets of questions: one for the live seller
and one for the clients that will be asked of the respondents to determine the effectiveness
of live selling as a strategy on Facebook.
This will also assist researchers in determining whether clients are only viewing or
purchasing live-selling products. Furthermore, before the researcher begins collecting data,
the instrument being used will be validated by a validator.

Sampling Technique
The researchers will use the stratified random sampling technique to get the random
samples from the main population to allow the researchers to assess who will be the
participants in clients and viewers at Brgy. Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City and determine
how many respondents can participate during data gathering. Therefore, the researcher will
get the total population of respondents.

Statistical Treatment

The statistical procedures will be used to interpret the data gathered from the
respondents of the study by calculating the mean. The data was gathered from clients at
Brgy. Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City will be answered by the following formula:

Ordinal scale - will be used as a guide for interpreting the effectiveness of live selling as
strategies on Facebook, for the seller will be answered very much practice, sometimes
practiced, rarely practiced, and not practiced. For the clients, it will be answered by strongly
agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.

Slovin’s Formula – is used to calculate the sample size (n) given the population size (N)
and a margin of error €.
-It is computed as n = N / (1=Ne2).
n = no. of samples – 429 respondents
N = total population – 77,756 around the year 2020
e = error margin/margin of error -.1

Calculating the Mean
In general, the mean or average of a set of numbers is calculated by adding them all
up and dividing by the number of numbers. This can be expressed as follows: For a
collection of numbers, x1, x2, x3,..The mean or average is xj, which is the sum of all "x"
divided by "j."


Table 1. Demographic profile of the respondents

Distribution of the Respondents according to age

Age Frequency Percentage
16 – 22 31 52
23 – 29 19 32
30 – 36 5 8
37 – 43 2 3
44 – 50 4 5
Total 60 100

Legend: Verbal description

Age Age of respondents

Frequency numbers of respondents age
Percentage %

Table 1 shows the age distribution of the respondents. As shown, 52% of the
respondents were aged 16 to 22 years old. 32% aged 23 to 29 years old, 8% aged 30 to 36
years old, 3% aged 37 to 43 years old, and 5% aged 44 to 50 years old.

According to Forbes (2020), 430 million people, or roughly 30% of China's total
population, viewed live streams in 2019, and 37% of Chinese who made online purchases
did so via live streams. The demographic is primarily made up of Generation Z and
Millennials, but middle-aged and senior buyers have also been included.

Table 1.1 Distribution of the Respondents according to gender

Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 1 1.67
Female 59 98.33
Total 60 100

Legend: Verbal description

Gender Gen

der of respondents
Frequency numbers of respondents age
Percentage %

Table 1.1 presents the distribution of the respondents in terms of gender. As shown,
most of the respondents are female 98.33%, however, a male respondent is only 1.67%.
Since DCOOTD's apparel includes dresses, tops, cardigans, trousers, and many other
items, the majority of its Live Selling customers are women.

Table 2: Live Selling on Facebook using AIDAS Strategy

Strategy Mean Remarks
Attention-getting 1.00 Very much practiced
Interest creating 1.00 Very much practiced
Desire stimulating 1.00 Very much practiced
Action inducing 1.00 Very much practiced
Satisfaction 1.00 Very much practiced
Overall 1.00 Very much

Legend: Scale Range/Mean Verbal description Interpretation

1 Very much practiced Very High

2 Sometimes practiced High
3 Rarely practiced Low
4 Not practiced Very low

Table 2 shows the different strategies that sellers used in live selling via Facebook.
As shown, the seller practiced the AIDAS strategies to get the interest of buyers. The mean
of the live seller's strategies of attention-getting, interest-creating, desire-stimulating, action-
inducing, and satisfaction is 1.00, indicating very much practiced remarks.

According to our live seller's responses to our final survey, the seller explains that
explaining the study's features, keeping the audience's attention as evidenced by a
consistent number of audiences, trying to be humorous and making the selling interesting,
making the live selling alive and fun, and making herself very presentable and even
attractive through what she wears, falls under the category of attention-getting.

In terms of interest creating, DCOOTD offers very enticing teasers like blog posts
and recorded videos for pre-live sales. She also used a theme background to spark interest,
used props to make the sale more interesting, and cracked jokes to keep viewers interested.

In terms of desire stimulating, the live seller convinces customers to purchase her
goods by presenting them in an appealing manner, offering them at a discount to entice
them to buy, and describing them as durable and useful based on how they are presented.

DCOOTD encourages my customers to buy the products sold during live selling by
entertaining their comments and questions; she forces them to buy the products sold during
live selling by providing invoices and following up; and she encourages repeat purchases of
the products sold during live selling.

Seller makes sure that the customers are satisfied with the product they receive from
live selling, and she is pleased with the enjoyment my customers derive from the live seller.

Table 3: Facebook as the preferred social media for live selling
Mean Remarks
Seller Client Seller Client
1. I find it easy to access the live on
1.00 1.33 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Facebook in real-time.
2. I find it easier to access compared
to other platforms like TikTok and 1.00 1.53 Strongly Agree Agree
3. I find it easy to access the live on
1.00 1.48 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
Facebook recorded.

4. I find it easy to communicate with

1.00 1.38 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree
my customers through their comments.

5. I find it easy to post live on

1.00 -- Strongly Agree --
Facebook recorded.
Overall 1.00 1.43 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

Legend: Scale Rang/Mean Verbal description Interpretation

1 Strongly Agree Very High

2 Agree High
3 Disagree Low
4 Strongly Disagree Very low

Table 3 presents Facebook as the preferred social media for live selling. Based on
the indicators, both seller and clients strongly agreed that Facebook is a user-friendly social
media for live selling and buying. It's easy accessibility drives the seller and client’s

The mean for the seller is 1.00, while the mean for the clients is 1.33, and they both
strongly agree with the first statement that they find it easy to access the live on Facebook in
The mean for the seller is 1.00, and the remarks strongly agree, whereas the mean
for the clients is 1.53, and the remarks agree for the second statement that they find it easier
to access compared to other platforms like Tiktok and Instagram. The mean for the seller is
1.00, while the mean for the clients is 1.48 and they both strongly agree with the third
statement that they find it easy to access the live on Facebook recorded.

The mean for the seller is 1.00, while the mean for the clients is 1.38 and they both
strongly agree with the fourth statement that they find it easy to communicate with the
customers through their comments. The seller's mean is 1.00, indicating that she strongly
agrees with the last statement that they find it easy to post live on Facebook recorded. The
overall mean for the seller is 1.00, while the overall mean for the client is 1.43, indicating that
the overall remark for both the seller and the client strongly agree

Accessing the live feed on Facebook in real-time is simple for both sellers and
customers. When compared to other platforms like TikTok and Instagram, customers and
sellers both agree that it is simpler to access. They can easily access the recorded live
stream on Facebook. Through their comments, they discover that communicating with my
customers is easier.

The seller finds it simple to post a live or recorded video on Facebook. Real-time
communication with your customers is a key benefit of using Facebook live selling
something that conventional e-commerce is unable to do. Through your Facebook live sales,
you will be able to cultivate close bonds with customers and establish trust along with
creating your own brand.

Table 4: Effectivity of Live Selling on Facebook using AIDAS Strategy

Strategy Mean SD Remarks
Attention-getting 1.39 0.04 Very much effective
Interest creating 1.38 0.03 Very much effective
Desire stimulating 1.35 0.05 Very much effective
Action inducing 1.69 0.11 Sometimes effective
Satisfaction 1.43 0.07 Very much effective
Overall 1.45 0.06 Very much effective

Legend: Scale Rang/Mean Verbal description Interpretation

1 Very Much Effective Very High

2 Sometimes Effective High
3 Rarely Effective Low
4 Not Effective Very low

Table 4 shows the effectiveness of live selling via Facebook using the AIDAS
strategy. Based on the results, respondents believed that the AIDAS strategies used by the
seller are effective in getting the interest of the buyers which would lead to buying items via
live selling.

The standard deviation for attention-getting is 0.04, and the mean is 1.39, both of
which are very much effective remarks. The standard deviation for interest-creating is 0.03,
and the mean is 1.38, both of which are very much effective remarks.

The standard deviation for desire stimulating is 0.05, and the mean is 1.35, both of
which are very much effective remarks. The standard deviation for action-inducing is 0.11,
and the mean is 1.69, both of which are sometimes effective remarks. The standard
deviation for satisfaction is 0.07, and the mean is 1.43, both of which are very effective
remarks. The overall mean is 1.45, while the overall standard deviation is 0.06; therefore, the
overall remark for the effectivity of live selling on Facebook using AIDAS strategy is very
much effective.

The study found out that the seller practiced the strategy to get the interest of buyers,
and increase sales based on the AIDAS Model, and Facebook live selling using the AIDAS
strategy is very much effective by the seller. The seller used social and psychological skills
to attract and generate interest in the product, and the prospect's desire for the product has
been piqued.
The seller approached the stage with caution and attempted to close the deal as quickly as
possible and made certain that the customers were satisfied with the product.

The study reveals that Facebook is the most popular and preferred social media
platform for live selling, based on the seller's and the client's results. According to Edmonson
(2019), there are approximately 2,320 million users on Facebook. This social network has
grown at an exponential rate since its inception in 2004. The study found that it can be used
to generate leads and increase sales of products in almost any industry. When compared to
the other platforms, advertising on Facebook is relatively simple and can be highly targeted.

According to our final survey result; In terms of Attention, the salesperson is able to
explain the features of the products, the salesperson is able to sustain the attention of the
audience as seen in a maintained number of audiences, the salesperson is humorous and
makes the selling interesting, the In terms of generating interest, they find the teasers—
postings and recorded videos for pre-live selling—provided by the live seller to be very

They also think the live seller's use of background music and props adds to the intrigue
of her presentation, and they find her jokes and comments amusing, which keeps me
watching. They want to purchase their products because they are appealing, affordable, and
seem durable based on the way they are described. These factors all contribute to consumer

In terms of Satisfaction, they are satisfied with the product they get from the live selling,
they are satisfied by the enjoyment they get from the live selling.


Daylen Chloe Outfit of The Day, also known as DCOOTD (Facebook account name),
is from Cagayan de Oro City and was chosen as a well-known live seller as a result of the
pre-survey, according to the researchers. A pre-survey was held on September 23, 2022.
429 people responded. As a result, 227 people supported Gail, 93 supported Samantha, 61
opposed No, and 48 supported another live seller in CDO. According to the pre-survey,
DCOOTD received the most results as a live seller in Cagayan de Oro City. The DCOOTD
GAIL was found to be more well-known than any other live seller.

In conclusion, Facebook live selling is an effective online selling strategy. It does not
need a big amount of money to do live selling. It only needs strong internet access for the
seller as well as viewers and clients. Sellers and buyers on Facebook live can easily
communicate and agree on terms immediately. Likewise, viewers can access the recorded
live streaming anytime. Facebook live selling assisted them in building trust and credibility
with their audience. Also, it can drive sales and strengthen customer relationships.
Consumers can learn about the quality of the items by reading the seller's description.
Facebook live is dominant compared to other social media platforms. It is also user-friendly
for the ease of transactions and accessibility for both sellers and buyers. Facebook's
platform promotes a product to a wider scope of target audiences. It helps the seller quickly
generate sales since it has a lot of active users.

According to our final survey results, the salesperson is able to explain the features of
the products, is able to maintain the audience's attention as seen in a maintained number of
audiences, is funny and makes the selling interesting, makes live selling lively and fun, and
the live seller is attractive by the way she dresses up.
In terms of Interest, they find the teasers provided by the live seller very interesting, teasers
are postings and recorded videos for pre-live selling, they find that the background used by
the live seller arouses interest, and they find the props used by the live seller makes her
selling more interesting, and they find her jokes and comments funny making me stay to
continue watching.

When it comes to desire, people are more likely to purchase a product because they
find it appealing, affordable, or because it seems durable based on the way it is described.
They take action by watching the live sale until it is over, buying the goods they are selling,
and placing additional orders for the goods they are selling. In terms of satisfaction, they are
happy with the product they received from the live sale as well as the fun they had doing it.


The findings of this study have contributed to the definition of social media marketing,
which is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service.
Although the terms "e-marketing" and "digital marketing" continue to dominate in academia,
"social media marketing" is gaining popularity among practitioners and researchers.

The findings are consistent with previous research and have theoretical and practical
implications for marketers in the field of marketing in general and particularly live sellers.

The following are the recommendations:

Entrepreneurs - This study will serve as a guide if they want to start a business in order to
meet the demand of the target audiences; they will also be able to recognize and acquire a
sense of what the trend in everyone's tastes is. According to the live seller of this study, live
selling is highly recommended for business –a statement during her interview.

Social Media Marketers - The study's conclusions will serve as a road map for creating a
strong social media community and a social customer service strategy. They'll give you a
different approach for switching from search engines to social media, but more importantly,
they'll advise you to pick the insights that are most relevant to your brand.

Digital marketing - The research study presents a novel idea in this field that suggests that
using social media more frequently is a great way to attract more potential clients. It's a great
time to use inbound digital marketing techniques to connect with new audiences and re-
engage existing ones. You can start coming up with new content ideas to post and update
as often as possible.

Clothing Industry - Retailers will benefit greatly if they collaborate with their manufacturers to
create a positive brand image of doing social and environmental good. This would entail
bargaining over the number of hours workers work per day, working conditions, and so on.

Department of Technology Communication Management – The department will gain from

developing their students' communication skills, technological use of digital marketing and
social media platforms, and knowledge of the marketing and management fields.


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Appendix A.


Approved Thesis Title Investigating the Effectiveness of Live

Selling of “DCOOTD” as a Strategy on

Thesis Track Communication Management

Thesis Advisor Ms. Maria Doreen Cuevas-Rañada

Panel Member 1 Ms. Angelie P. Monsanto

Panel Member 2 Dr. Rhyndl N. Luczon

Panel Member 3 Mr. Wilbur Sumanpan

Panel Member 4 Ms. Ma. Junalene A. Quinlog

Date of Final Oral Defense February 3, 2023

Appendix B:

Thesis Lead Profile

First Name Jharamina Mary

Family Name Nob

Middle Name Sabellina

College College of Information Technology and


Department Technology Communication Management

Appendix C.

Thesis Member 1 Profile

First Name Novy Andrea

Family Name Dahan

Middle Name Tadeo

College College of Information Technology and


Department Technology Communication Management

Appendix D.

Thesis Member 2 Profile

First Name Shela Mae

Family Name Daigon

Middle Name Ragmac

College College of Information Technology and


Department Technology Communication Management

Appendix E.

Thesis Member 3 Profile

First Name Marlouie

Family Name Dalaguan

Middle Name Magasin

College College of Information Technology and


Department Technology Communication Management

Appendix F.

Thesis Member 4 Profile

First Name Jay Ann

Family Name Japitan

Middle Name Ohagan

College College of Information Technology and


Department Technology Communication Management

Appendix G.

Thesis Member 5 Profile

First Name Ferry Mie

Family Name Pasiol

Middle Name Paulo

College College of Information Technology and


Department Technology Communication Management

Appendix H.

Thesis Member 6 Profile

First Name Jemina Mae

Family Name Torillo

Middle Name Medio

College College of Information Technology and


Department Technology Communication Management


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