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1 Paraíba Improving Water Resources Management and Services Provision (P165683) Summary - Dam

Safety Assessment Report Revised Version – October 2018 OBJECTIVE  This summary aims to present
the main findings of the Dam Safety Assessment Report (revised version issued in August 2018),
prepared for the IPF - “Paraiba Improving Water Resources Management and Services Provision Project
(Paraiba Water Security)”. It includes complementary information, looking to elucidate a series of issues
raised by the World Bank Dam Safety Experts during a meeting1 , held May 16, to evaluate the safety
status of the dams related to the Paraíba Project. BACKGROUND  The Project aims to strengthen water
resources management in the State of Paraiba, increase water supply in the semiarid region and
improve quality and operational efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in João Pessoa
Metropolitan Region.  The Safety of Dams Policy was triggered because there are two water supply
systems withdrawing from two reservoirs: Curimataú water supply system from Boqueirão dam and
Cariri water supply system from Poções dam. The policy involves the four dams in cascade upstream:
Boqueirão, Camalaú, Poções and San José Dams.  The Borrower engaged an independent dam expert
to: (a) inspect and evaluate the safety status of the existing dams, their appurtenances and performance
history; (b) review and evaluate the owners’ operation and maintenance procedures; and (c) provide
written reports of findings and recommendations for any remedial work or safety-related measures
necessary to upgrade the existing dams to an acceptable standard of safety.  An English draft report
was presented by the client in May 2018 for revision. The draft report was found of good quality, but it
was asked to further elaborate on the hydrological analysis, return periods assumed for the design of
the spillway enlargement and rehabilitation works done recently by the Federal Government (DNOCS) -
see attached minutes of that meeting. 1 Minutes of the referred meeting is presented in annex. Public
Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure
Authorized 2  This document comprises a summary in English of the final report (in annex, in
Portuguese), prepared by the independent dam expert.  Report Information: o Contractor:
Government of Paraíba; o Dam expert: Eng. Pedro Antonio Molinas2 - Acquatool Consultoria; o Report
Content: (i) scope of work; (ii) dam safety assessment methodology; (iii) general characterization and
technical datasheets of the dams (based on a desktop review and field inspections); (iv) photographic
documentation; (v) preliminary safety assessment; (vi) conclusions and recommendations. Figure 1 -
Location Map - Existing Dams.  Poções, São Jose II and Epitácio Pessoa/Boqueirão dams were built by
the Federal Government (DNOCS3 ). 2 Resume is presented in annex. 3 Federal Agency (Departamento
Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas - National Department of Works to Mitigate Drought Impacts). 3 
Camalaú Dam was built by the Paraiba State Government.  Poções, Camalaú e Epitácio Pessoa are
being rehabilitated by the Federal Government (DNOCS), as part of the São Francisco Water Transfer
Project (SFWTP).  The following table presents the basic information on the dams related to the
Project: Table 1 - Existing Dams Related to the Paraiba Project. San José II Poções Camalaú Boqueirão
(Epitácio Pessoa) Owner/ Operator DNOCS (*) DNOCS Paraíba Government DNOCS Dam height (m) 9 19
28 42 Reservoir Capacity (million m3) 1.3 30 46 535 Relation to the Project Upstream of Poções Intake –
Cariri Water Subsystem Upstream of Boqueirão Intake – Curimataú Water Subsystem Year of
Construction 50s 1982 1986 1956 Type Reinforced concrete Earth Homogenous Rockfill Earth
Homogeneous 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Clarifications required in the meeting held May 16, 2018. 
Scope of the Recent Rehabilitation Works: o Contracted by the Federal Government (DNOCS) to assess
the dam safety status of 21 dams located in the rivers that may receive the discharge from the San
Francisco Water Transfer Project (SFWTP). o Included three dams in the Paraíba River Basin: Poções,
Camalaú and Boqueirão (related to this project). o Objective: Improve the dam’s safety condition to
match the requirements of the National Dam Safety Policy (Federal Law No 12.334 of 2010; and
Guidelines issued by the National Water Agency (ANA) No 132/2016 and 236/2017). o Scope of the
Technical Studies – Reports:  Same procedure for all dams, addressing:  R1 - Basic Studies4 (Dam
safety assessment, including: updated hydrological studies, topographic surveys; geological-geotechnical
assessment; underwater inspections; spillways’ capacity assessment);  R2 - Rehabilitation Works
Preliminary Engineering Design;  R3 - Rehabilitation works Detailed Engineering Design;  R4 - Dam
Safety, Operation and Maintenance Reports. o Poções Dam Rehabilitation5 :  Enlargement of the
existing spillway (From 100m to 180 m);  Geotechnical Instrumentation revamp;  Cleaning of the
crest and slopes (upstream and downstream);  Crest track restoration;  Storm water drainage system
restoration;  Existing Outlet recovery;  Construction of a supplemental water outlet;  Rehabilitation
of the hydro-mechanic equipment (valves);  Installation of an automated hydro meteorological
monitoring system;  Total Rehabilitation Cost: R$ 20,7 million (approximately US$5.5 million). 4 The
rehabilitation works did not include the preparation of “updated as built”, and some dams lack proper
design documentation. 5 It was in progress during the last field visit: July 2018. 5 o Camalaú Dam
Rehabilitation6 :  Enlargement of the existing spillway (From 100m to 140 m), including the
construction of two training;  Construction of a new low-level outlet, including approach and return
channels - two galleries of 2x2m - hydromechanical control equipment;  Recovery – existing water
intake;  Installation of an automated hydro meteorological monitoring system;  Cleaning and rip-rap
revamp - primary and secondary embankments;  Total Rehabilitation Cost: R$ 10,7 million
(approximately US$2.9 million). o Boqueirão/Epitácio Pessoa Dam Rehabilitation: Done.  Enlargement
of the main spillway, from 200 to 260 meters, including the construction of training walls;  Restoration
of the water outlet system;  Total rehabilitation cost: R$ 10,5 million (approximately US$2.8 million). 
Spillway Dimensioning Criteria/Standards: “Best practices and standards in Brazil” o There are no
mandatory technical standards (or regulations) for the design of spillways in Brazil. o Up to the 90’s, a
return period (T=100) was considered best practice in designing spillways for the dams located in the NE
region (mainly multi use dams for water supply and irrigation). o The current practice is dimensioning
the spillway based on the Q (T=1.000 years) and verifying its performance for a Q (T=10.000 years). o
According to 2016 National Water Agency (ANA) Manual for Dam Safety Assessment 7 (“Diretrizes para
a Elaboração de Projeto de Barragens Manual do Empreendedor sobre Segurança de Barragens -
Volume V” ANA 2016), the following criteria for dimensioning spillways was recommended: Table 2 –
Spillway Dimensioning Criteria (ANA 2016). 6 Was in progress during the last field visit: July 2018. 7 This
Manual, together with several other guidelines, is a result of a RAS between ANA and the World Bank. 6
Height of the dam (m) Volume of reservoir (million m3) Return period for design of spillways H >= 30 V
>= 50 If the Probable Maximum Precipitation cannot be estimated, the manual recommends using
T=10.000 years 15 < H < 30 3 < V < 50 1.000 years H < 15 V < 3 500 years o Note: River flow data in the
NE Region is limited. DNOCS and other agencies use rainfall-runoff simulation models to determine the
river flows, using different software (e.g. HEC HMS). “T” is associated to the rainfall event.  Capacity of
the Spillways: “Return periods”  The criteria used by DNOCS to design the enlargement of the existing
spillways was not formally disclosed in the reports. However, there are indications that the spillways
were modified to match Q (T=1.000 years), with a complementary analysis to assess the spillways
performance for Q (T= 10.000 years). Personal communication from engineers that participated in the
rehabilitation works ratified this interpretation.  The findings on the spillway capacity of the dams
related to the project are summarized in the following table. Table 3 - Spillway Capacity Assessment. San
José II Poções Camalaú Boqueirão (Epitácio Pessoa) Original Spillway Capacity (Max. discharge) 685 m3/s
815,65 m³/s 2.170 m³/s - (1.870,00 m³/s + 300 m³/s) Spillway Enlargement - Rehabilitation Works None
Original width: 100 m Final width: 180 m Original width: 100m Final width: 140 m Original width: 200 m
Final width: 260 m Spillway Capacity – After Enlargement 685 m3/s 1.597 m3/s 1.482,30 m³/s 3.000
m3/s Peak Flow estimates : T = 100 T (100) = 1060 m3/s T (1.000) = 1497,3 m3/s T (100) = 2500 m3/s T
(1.000) = 2680 m3/s 7 T = 1.000 T = 10.000 T (1.000) = 1684 m3/s T (10.000) = 2373 m3/s T (10.000) =
1493,3 m3/s T (10.000) = 3330 m3/s Return period (T) of the existing spillway (After PISF rehabilitation
works) The spillway capacity is compatible to a peak flow associated to a rain event, return period of
1.000 years. The spillway capacity is compatible to a peak flow associated to a rain event, return period
of 1.000 years.  Instrumentation: “Confirm that the contract with Fed. Government addressed -
properly - the instrumentation of the dams.” o The rehabilitation works encompassed the revision of the
instrumentation related to hydrometeorological and structural factors. o The rehabilitation reports
referred to the recent installation of hydrometeorological monitoring equipment in the three dams. o
The Poções Report mentions the existence of piezometers in the embankment, which have not been
used in the last years. o No piezometers were found in the Camalaú and Boqueirão embankments. o It
was not possible to find references of instrumentation for seismic activity monitoring. o The Dam Safety
Assessment Report concluded that, currently, no proper set of monitoring instruments are available in
the three dams. o The rehabilitation works specified the installation of piezometers and deformation
surveillance. o The project would support the installation of proper instrumentation equipment and
implementation of instrumentation plans (to be included in PAD).  Current O&M Procedures o
Currently, no proper O&M plans are under implementation in the three dams. o The implementation of
the National Dam Safety Policy is incipient in the four dams. 8 o The owners have not implemented yet
regular dam safety inspection procedures, with appropriate frequency. Table 4 – Summary – Current
O&M Procedures. O & M Procedures Dam São José II Poções and Boqueirão Camalaú Management
Structure / Staff Skills None DNOCS represented that it has a technical team dedicated to O&M and
safety supervision of the referred dams. The consultant could not confirm that these teams are
operational. AESA does not have a team dedicated to the O&M, and safety supervision of the Camalaú
dam. Safety Inspection Procedures No specific procedures. AESA does the hydro meteorological
monitoring DNOCS has safety inspection procedures, (mainly visual inspection). Inspection frequency
has not been determined. AESA does not have standard inspection procedures. It does, only, the hydro
meteorological monitoring. Dam Safety Reporting None The consultant received copy of the last
inspection (October 2017), which refers to an April 2016 inspection. None  O&M Plans: o Currently, no
proper O&M plans are under implementation in the three dams. o The preparation of O&M Plans was
included in the Rehabilitation Works funded by the Federal Government (DNOCS), Report 4 (Relatórios
dos Manuais de Segurança, Operação e Manutenção). o The O&M Plans, contained in the rehabilitation
works, have a broad scope, covering key features such as management structure, operating procedures,
maintenance program, and inspection procedures. However, the existing O&M plans can be further
detailed. 9 o The project may finance the improvement of the existing O&M Plans, in a content
consistent with World Bank requirements and based on a draft TOR made available to the State
(included in the PAD).  Emergency Preparedness Plans: o Currently no EPPs are available. o The
Rehabilitation Works - Report 4 mentioned above - address emergency aspects (emergency situations
and emergency procedures), however, they do not cover the scope of an EPP, as defined in the National
Dam Safety Policy and GIIP. o The preparation of comprehensive EPPs (covering dam break inundation
maps and tables, roles and responsibilities of key relevant entities, EPP response process, emergency
identification, evaluation, and classification procedures, emergency response matrix, EPP maintenance
and training) will be supported by the Project, with scope consistent with World Bank requirements and
based on a draft TOR made available to the State (included in the PAD).  Additional Investigation and
detailed risk assessment: o The Dam Safety Assessment Report recommended additional investigation,
notably in the Boqueirão Dam8 , including the preparation of an “as built”, geotechnical investigation
and a comprehensive risk assessment. o This activity can be financed under the Project (included in the
PAD).  Sao José II Stilling Basin: o The dam safety assessment addressed the São José II stilling basin
condition, concluding that there is no indication of erosion in the site. The Report (Section 3.1) points
that the “The stilling basin is formed by fresh rock outcrops - red granites” (as illustrated in the report,
figure 5.1.12). 8 There are indications that the Boqueirão Dam original engineering designs are missing.
The Rehabilitation Works did not encompass the preparation of “as built”. 10 DAM EXPERT -
CONCLUSIONS & RECOMENDATIONS  São José Ii Dam o Conclusions - Safety Status:  Risk of abrupt
rupture (overflow): practically null;  Risk of rupture (piping and erosive breaches): very low (small
percolation);  Risk of failure in associated structures: very high (low level outlet valve – water intake);
 Risk of water contamination: high (Monteiro Municipality sewage disposal);  Emergency action plan:
none;  Former inspection reports and/or safety assessments: not identified;  Operation and
maintenance records: not identified;  Rehabilitation works due to the PISF: not contemplated;  Land
use downstream: very limited occupation. o Recommendations:  Concrete restoration;  Replacement
of the low-level outlet control valve;  Removal of the training walls and construction of a walkway over
the dam.  Poções Dam o Conclusions - Safety Status:  Risk of abrupt rupture (overflow): very low
(spillway obstruction);  Risk of rupture (piping and erosive breaches): very low (no seepage detected,
but there may be nest of ants in the embankment);  Risk of failure in associated structures: moderate
(low level outlets – pipes – are deteriorated – new outlets are being built);  Risk of water
contamination: high (Monteiro municipality sewage disposal);  Emergency action plan: none; 
Former inspection reports and/or safety assessments: not identified;  Operation and maintenance
records: not identified.  Rehabilitation works due to the PISF: ongoing (enlargement of the outlet and
spillway);  Land use downstream: few unauthorized occupants. o Recommendations:  Restoration of
both faces: upstream and downstream (vegetation cleaning, control of termites);  Resettlement of
unauthorized occupants;  Preparation: dam break analysis and the required dam safety instruments
(including operation and maintenance plans, emergency action plan).  Camalaú Dam o Conclusions -
Safety Status:  Risk of abrupt rupture (overflow): very low (spillway obstruction);  Risk of rupture
(piping and erosive breaches): very low (no seepage detected, but the faces are irregular and poorly
maintained – risk of nest of ants in the embankment);  Risk of failure in associated structures (outlets):
moderate. Old equipment was renovated;  Risk of water contamination: moderate; 11  Emergency
action plan: none;  Former inspection reports and/or safety assessments: not identified;  Operation
and maintenance records: not identified;  Rehabilitation works due to the PISF: ongoing;  Land use
downstream: recreational area. o Recommendations:  Restoration of both faces: upstream and
downstream;  Prepare a dam break analysis and the required dam safety instruments (including
operation and maintenance plans, emergency action plan – bidding process under way. TOR will be
adjusted to be consistent with Bank requirements based on sample TOR made available to the State); 
Recreational area adjustments to the applicable safety regulations and national dam safety legislation. 
Epitácio Pessoa (Boqueirão) Dam o General Aspects and Safety Status:  Main water source for Campina
Grande (400.000 inhabitants) and a large region involving numerous municipalities, plus the 20
municipalities to by supplied by the Curimataú main;  There are records of exceptionally large
discharges: 2008 spillway water level: 4.40m (oral communication);  Precarious instrumentation: no
piezometers and seepage flow meters (expected to be installed during the rehabilitation);  Long term
hydro meteorological monitoring (automated water level and rain fall monitoring: less than 2 years); 
Conclusions - Safety Status:  Risk of abrupt rupture (overflow): very low (spillway obstruction);  Risk of
rupture (piping and erosive breaches): very Low (no seepage detected, but the embankment has no
instrumentation and no information on the saturation profile);  Risk of failure in associated structures
(outlets): low. Outlets recovered recently;  Risk of water contamination: high (upstream sewage
disposal);  Emergency action plan: none;  Former inspection reports and/or safety assessments:
Oct.2017 and Apr.2016;  Operation and maintenance records: not identified;  Rehabilitation works
due to the PISF: properly concluded;  Land use: o Downstream: Boqueirão City Urban area and roads
connecting the city to surrounding neighborhoods. A significant part of the urban area is below the
elevation of the spillways. Flooding events and a dam break pose a high risk to the population occupying
the downstream area; o Abutments are occupied by few restaurants/leisure buildings. 
Recommendations:  Restoration of the downstream face drainage system;  Construction of a canal,
walkways and bridge, downstream of the low-level outlet, (discharge can reach 18 m3/sec), as well as
the definition of safety zones on both sides of the canal draining the low-level outlet; 12  Conclude the
fences around the security areas;  Relocate the irregular occupations on the abutments;  Prepare a
dam break analysis and the applicable dam safety instruments (including operation and maintenance
plans, emergency action plan);  Implement traffic control and emergency signing on a road
downstream from the spillways (Bank team observations). ACTIVITIES TO BE FUNDED BY THE PROJECT
The recommendations on the four dams above in the final report are consistent with what was agreed
in the Meeting of May 16, 2018 (summary table as Annex 2). Therefore, the Task Team proposes to
continue as agreed. The PAD will include in Component 1.2 the following priority activities, with an
allocated amount of US$2 million from the Loan Agreement: o Dam safety panel; o Technical
Investigations in the Epitácio Pessoa (Boqueirão) Dam; o Improvements of existing O&M plans and
development of EPP and associated studies; o Installation of Monitoring Instruments; o Review the
hydrological studies of the entire basin, upstream of Boqueirão, following best practices for the NE
Region; o Capacity building/strengthening of Paraiba Water Agency (AESA) for regulation dam safety in
the State. 13 ANNEXES Annex 1 Risk Classification According to the National Dam Safety Policy
(Resolution CNRH – 143/2012): Dam San José II Poções Camalaú Boqueirão (Epitácio Pessoa) Risk
Category High Low Medium High Potential Damage Medium High High High Risk/Damage Classification B
A A A ANA’S Planning and Management Ranking Tool: Potential Risk Potential Damage High Medium
Low High A B C Medium A C D Low A C E Note: Higher class, on the scale of risk category and associated
potential damage, should draw up a comprehensive plan and perform periodic review of dam safety
with greater frequency. 14 Annex 2 Summary table of agreed actions in the May 7, 2018 meeting to
include in the PAD during project implementation. 3 large dams with Federal Government funding (US$
15 million) for improvement dam safety 1 small dam (San Jose) without having received funding from
Federal Government Works to enlarge spillway and bottomoutlets Included in present contract with
Fed. Government. The ongoing independent dam safety assessment by the client will provide a
summary of his review result regarding the DNOCS rehabilitation works design including spillway
enhancement and others. To be described in the PAD. Not needed - Dam type - uncontrolled spillway.
The ongoing independent dam safety assessment by the client will provide a summary of his review
result regarding possible erosion of stilling basin and rock foundation. (We heard from Augusto that this
is not the case but would like the independent expert to confirm it). To be described in the PAD.
Instrumentation Included in present contract with Fed. Government. Just ensure it is up-tostandard.
Currently no proper set of monitoring instruments are available. The project will finance the preparation
of instrumentation plans and the installation of required monitoring instruments. The plan should
include monitoring frequency, analytical and reporting procedure. To be included in PAD. Needed to
include in PAD. Elaboration of O&M manuals Included in present contract with Fed. Government. Just
ensure it is up-tostandard Currently, no proper O&M plans were found. The project will finance the
preparation/ upgrading of O&M Plans. To be included in PAD. Needed to include in PAD. Emergency
Preparedness Plans Needed to include in PAD. Currently no EPPs are available. The preparation based on
dam break analysis and downstream flooding simulation would be covered, with due consideration to
the downstream Needed to include in PAD. Check its necessity with the national regulation please. The
downstream hazard by breach of a small diversion structure may be limited. 15 social, economic and
environmental aspects. Additional Investigation and detailed risk assessment Additional geotechnical
investigation and detailed risk assessment, using Potential Failure Mode Analysis (PFMA), etc. would be
undertaken particularly for Boqueirão Dam. Needed to include in PAD. to be done if needed. Additional
rehabilitation and safety improvement works Based on additional investigation and assessment to be
financed by the project, required remedial measures would be provided as needed in particular for
Boqueirão Dam on a separate basis. Change the valve of low-level outlet and concrete repair in the
downstream concrete face, etc. Capacity building/ strengthening of Paraiba Water Agency (AESA) for
managing the dams Needed to include in PAD. The proper transition from DNOCS to AESA and their
coordination should be ensured. Needed to include in PAD. 16 Annex 3 Dam Expert CV Name: Pedro
Antônio Molinas Profession: Hydric Engineer - RNP 1411675657 Birth Date: 01/31/1960 Nationality:
Naturalized Brazillian Address: Rua Carolina Sucupira 1185 – Ap. 1501 – Fortaleza - Ceará - +55 85 999949603 / +55 85 32649700 KEY QUALIFICATIONS: Graduated as
Water Resources Engineer by the “Universidad del Litoral - Santa Fé - Argentina”, with homologated
degree in Brazil by the “Universidade Federal de Itajubá” as Hydric Engineer Master degree in Water
Resources and Sanitation by the Hydraulic Research Institute of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Sul (IPH - UFRGS). Has participated in several studies and projects in the fields of Water Resources,
Sanitation, Environment, mostly in the Northeast Region of Brazil. From his professional experience,
stands out the projects of hydraulic structures such as dams and water pipelines systems, and regional
studies focused in Water Resources. FORMATION: Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, focus in Water
Resources and Sanitation; Hydraulic Research Institute (IPH) of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Sul (UFGRS), 1991. Water Resources Engineer; Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Hídricas da Universidad
Nacional del Litoral, 1985. Homologated degree by Universidade Federal de Itajubá as Hydric Engineer.
WORK EXPERIENCE: - Partner - Director of Acquatool Consultoria (consultancy): 1997 to present. -
Consultant Pró-Àgua Semiárido – ANA – Nacional Water Agency: 2003. - Consultant Pró-Água Semiárido
– SEMARH – PB9 : 2000 – 2002. - Technical Advisor IICA – COGERH - SRH (Water Resources Secretariat) –
CE- : 1994 – 1997. 9 SEMARH-PB – Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources from the State of
Paraíba 17 - Independent Consultant of several companies (VBA – Consultores, Costa – Consultoria,
Engesoft, Concremat, TCBR): 1990 – 1997. - CNPq (national research council) Researcher – Category:
RHAE (Human resources in strategic areas), at FUNCEME (Ceará foundation of meteorology): 1991 –
1993. - Scientific Scholarship from CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel), at
Master’s degree of Hydraulic Research Institute – IPH – UFRGS - Brazil: 1987 – 1990. - Assistant
Professor in the subject of Hydrologic Systems Analysis at Faculty of Engineering and Water Sciences -
Universidad Nacional del Litoral: 1985 – 1990. The technical assets of the candidate covers seven
thematic areas: a. Identification, project and designing of Dams and additional studies; b. Regional
Hydrology Studies; c. Sanitary Studies, Water Supply, Wastewater, Stormwater and Civil Defense; d.
Environmental Licensing Studies, Mathematical Modelling of Water Quality, Management of
Conservation Units and Environmental and Archeological Monitoring e. Digital Cartography Studies; f.
Coast Studies; g. Management of Water Resources Studies. The following are the most relevant
technical assets related to Identification and designing of Dams and Regional Hydrology Studies; A.
elaboration of the inspection, diagnostic and recovery plan of the hydro-mechanical equipment from 12
dams: Poço da Cruz in Ibimirim; Saco I and Serrinha in Serra Talhada; Rosário in Iguaraci; Arrodeio in São
José do Belmonte; Abóboras in Parnamirim; Eng. Camacho (Tamboril) in Ouricuri; Vira Beiju in Petrolina;
Arcoverde (Riacho do Pau) in Pedra; Saco II in Santa Maria da Boa Vista and Cachoeira I, in Sertânia; All
of them in the state of Pernambuco - Brazil. DNOCS (National Department of Works Against Drought -
Ministry of Integration). Period: December/2016 until April/2017. Coordination of the Final Designs for
the construction of 210 (two hundred and ten) small dams (earthfill) in counties under jurisdiction of
CODEVASF (San Francisco Valley Development Company) – State of Sergipe - Brazil. Period
December/2014 to December/2015. Consulting for CERTOH – Sustainability Assessment Certificate of
Ingazeira Dam’s waterworks, in Ingazeira, State of Pernambuco. DNOCS (National Department of Works
Against Drought - Ministry of Integration). Period: September/2012 until December/2012. Consulting for
adequacy of the design of the public water reservoir at Ingazeira Dam (Roller-compacted concrete -
RCC), in Ingazeira, State of Pernambuco. DNOCS (National Department of Works Against Drought -
Ministry of Integration). Period: April/2012 until December/2012. Coordination of Hydrologic and
Topographic researches at the spillway of the public reservoir Eng. Francisco Saboya (Poço da Cruz -
rockfill dam), in Ibimirim, State of Pernambuco. DNOCS (National Department of Works Against Drought
- Ministry of Integration). Period: November/2011 until may/2012. 18 Consulting in the Studies for
protection and flood control at Piranhas-Açu River Basin, in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do
Norte. DNOCS (National Department of Works Against Drought - Ministry of Integration). In this work
was included the recognition of new dams used for flood control and water supply, as well the adequacy
of Oiticica Dam (Roller-compacted concrete – RCC), currently under construction. Period: January/2012
until August/2012. Consulting for Viability Studies and Basics Design of Alegria Dam (earthfill), in the City
of Cordeiros, State of Bahia. DNOCS (National Department of Works Against Drought - Ministry of
Integration). Period: November/2010 until March/2011. Consulting in the Engineering Design and
Planning for Recovering Jandaia Dam’s main body after over flow under construction, in the city of
Bananeiras – Paraíba - Brazil. SEMARH-PB. Period: March/2010 until/2010. Consulting in the Studies and
the Basics Projects of Furna Dam (earthfill), city of Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde, State of Pernambuco.
COMPESA. Period: March/2007 until January/2008. Consulting for basics studies, viability and executive
project of Bujari Dam (earthfill), in Nova Cruz – RN. DNOCS (National Department of Works Against
Drought - Ministry of Integration). Period: April/2006 until December/2006. Consulting in the
preparation of Oiticica Dam’s EIA/RIMA (Environmental Impact Studies) and CERTOH (Sustainability
Assessment Certificate), in Jucurutu – RN. SERHID. Period: August/2005 until November/2005.
Consulting in the elaboration of the Safety and Alert Program of Artificial Variations of the Flows and
Levels at the Receptors Rivers of the São Francisco River’s Integration System within the Septentrional
Northeast’s Watersheds. Consortium LOGOS – CONCREMAT. Period: June/2005 until September/2005.
Consulting in the Review of the Executive Project of Drainage and Flood Control Works in the city of
Macaíba – RN. SERHID. Period: April/2004 until May/2004. (Review of Tabatinga Dam’s design for
building as mixed dam compressed RCC/ homogeneous earth). Consulting for the Cadastral Survey and
the Achievement of CERTOH (Sustainability Assessment Certificate) by Gasparino Dam (RCC), in Coronel
João Sá, State of Bahia. DNOCS (National Department of Works Against Drought - Ministry of
Integration). Period: February/2004 until May/2005. Consulting in development of the Executive Project
from drainage and flooding control works in the city of Macaíba – RN. SERHID. Period: April/2004 until
May/2004. (In this project 3 dams was planned to reduce flood peaks of Jundiaí River, being Tabatinga
Dam the only one built up to the present date). Consulting in the preparation of Capivara (earthfill) Dam
Executive Project in the city of Uiraúna – PB. SEMARHPB/Construction Company Queiroz Galvão S/A.
From August/2001 until March/2002. Consulting in the elaboration of Garra (earthfill) Dam Executive
Project in the city of Olho D’Água – PB. SEMARH-PB/ Santa Bárbara Engineering S/A. Period:
August/2001 until February/2002. Consulting in the elaboration of Jandaia (earthfill) Dam Executive
Project in the city of Bananeiras – PB. SEMARH-PB/ Constructions and Topography Company Basevi S/a.
Period: November/2001 until February/2002. Consulting in the development of viability studies and the
Executive Project of Salamargo and Muzumba (earthfill) Dams, in Pedra de Fogo, State of Paraíba.
Gramame Industrial Agricultural S.A. GIASA. Period: july/2001 until August/2001. Consulting in the
elaboration of the Technical and Economic Viability Studies and the Basic Project of Passagem das
Traíras (RCC) Dam and Itans (earthfill) Dam interconnections. SERHID. Period: June/2001 until July/2001.
19 Consulting for the Spillway Designing of the Camará Dam (RCC) and Condado (earthfill) Dam in the
State of Paraíba. SEMARH. Period: July/2000 until August/2000 B. REGIONAL HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES.
Consulting for the Project of Interventions for Flood control and Reduce Flow Peak at the Riacho das
Timbaúbas Basin, in the urban zone of Juazeiro do Norte. County of Juazeiro do Norte. Period June/2010
until December/2010 (it has been studied the execution of three reservoirs (earthfill) for flood control).
Coordination and execution of the studies for dredging and Regularization of Streambeds and Banks
from the Jucu, Formate and Marinho Rivers, in the Metropolitan Region of Vitória – ES. Institute Jones
dos Santos Neves – IJSN, bound to the Government of Espírito Santo. Period: September/2008 until
Semptember/2009. (Has been part of this study the Basic Project of Roda D’água Flood Control Dam, in
Cariacia and Viana cities). Coordination and preparation of the Action Plan turned to assist the
Government of Espírito Santo about the decision-making related to water stocking and regional
development. Agricultural Secretariat – SEAG – Government of Espírito Santo. Period: August/2008 until
September/2009. (This study has identified many alternatives for dams’ executions at the watersheds of
Itaúnas, São Mateus and Benevente Rivers and the tributaries of Doce River). Consulting in the Study for
Evaluate the Cost of bulk water availability in the reservoirs located in the Septentrional Northeast.
FUNCATE10. Period: February/2007 until may/2007. (This study has evaluated the regulated flows and
execution costs of more than 300 reservoirs located in the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba
e Pernambuco). Consulting in the preparation of the Planning of Maintenance and Operation of San
Francisco River’s Integration System within the watersheds of Septentrional Northeast (POM-SISF).
Ministry of Integration / Consortium LOGOS – CONREMAT. Period: September/2005. Consulting in the
review of the Viability Studies of the South Axis of the São Francisco River’s Water Transfer Project.
FUNCATE. Period: August/2004 until December/2004. (This study has begun the project called “Channel
of Sertão Baiano” wich includes the execution of new dams, and the adaption and operation of the
existent ones). Consulting for the Diagnosis of the Water Resources from GL-2 Watershed and the
Exploitation Plan of Water Resources from the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Zona da Mata and Agreste
of Pernambuco and integrated model for water resources management. SECTMA. Period:
December/2003 until March/2004. (This study has given rise to majority of dams built at this time in the
State of Pernambuco, especially Serro Azul Dam in Palmares). Consulting in the elaboration of the
Complementary Hydrological Studies of the Watersheds and the Tributaries of São Francisco River’s
Right Bank, between Sobradinho Dam and Paulo Afonso Dam; including Watersheds of Vaza Barris;
Itapicuru; Middle and low Paraguaçu; all in the States of Bahia and Sergipe. FUNCATE. Period: June/2003
until January/2004. Coordination and preparation of the Complementary Hydrological Studies from the
zones: Agreste, Zona da Mata and Metropolitan Region of Recife in the State of Pernambuco. FUNCATE.
Period: April/2001 until May/2002 (This study has been the basis for asses the needed flows of the East
line of PISF - São Francisco River’s Water Transfer Project). 10 FUNCATE – Foundation of Science,
Application and Spatial Technologies 20 Coordination and preparation of the Complementary Studies for
Identifying and Description of Projects connectable with the São Francisco River’s Water Transfer Project
to the Septentrional Northeast. FUNCATE. Period: February/2001 until May/2001 Elaboration of Water
Grant Request Report for the Project of São Francisco River’s Water Transfer to the Septentrional
Northeast, to FUNCATE. Period: June/2000 until August/200. Coordination and elaboration of the Study
of equalizing Reservoirs Integrated Operation from the receptors basins of São Francisco River’s Water
Transfer to the Septentrional Northeast project. FUNCATE. Period: August/1998 until February/1999.
(This study develops the modelling of reservoirs operation, with linear programming techniques and
hydrological simulation) Coordination and preparation of the Septentrional Northeast Hydrological
Study, part of the Studies of Regional Inserting of the São Francisco River’s Water Transfer Project.
FUNCATE. Period: June/1998 until September/1998. (This study has covered the watersheds of
Jaguaribe, Apodi, Piancó, Piranhas-Açu, Paraíba, Moxotó and Brígida Rivers, more than 100 fluviometric
stations and 88 large and medium sized reservoirs). Coordination and elaboration of the
Geomorphologic Study of the Transfer’s Receptors Rivers, Part of the Studies of Regional Inserting of the
São Francisco River’s Water Transfer Project at Septentrional Northeast. FUNCATE. Period:
December/1998 until July/1999. Participation in formulation of the State Plan of Water Resources of
Ceará. SRH/CE. Period: March/1990 until December/1991. Activities Developed: Hydrological
Identification and evaluation of many dams. Elaboration of Hydric Balance between Hydric Demands and
Availability for 70.000 km² of area and more than thirteen different watersheds. Studies for integrated
operation of reservoirs for expansion analysis of the hydric infrastructure at Metropolitan Watersheds
(water pipelines system of Fortaleza), Planning infrastructural measures in order to reduce the hydric
shortfall. PUBLICATIONS: “The asymmetry on assignment of the waters from São Francisco’s Watershed
and its distinctive impact on the water users”. I Simpósio da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio São Francisco.
June/2016. Juazeiro (BA) “Multiple using at São Francisco River’s Watershed Politics and Priorities”.
Oficinas Participativas sobre Usos Múltiplos das Águas do Rio São Francisco. June 2013. Comitê de Bacia
Hidrográfica do Rio São Francisco – CBHSF – Agência Peixe Vivo. “Bidimensional Modelling of the
Hydrodynamics and the water quality of Potengi River Estuary” – CE-QUALW2. Simpósio de Recursos
Hídricos do Nordeste. 16-19 November 2010. Fortaleza – CE. Felipe Fernandes Viana de Araújo; José
Alexandre Moreira Farias; Elano Lamartine Leão Joca; Pedro Antonio Molinas; Ernesto Molinas.
“Geographyc Information System as a tool for support the Water Resources management in the State of
Paraíba”. X Simpósio de Recursos Hídricos do Nordeste. 16-19 Novembro 2010. Fortaleza – Ce. Francisco
Alberto de Assis Teixeira; Paulo André Rocha dos Santos; José Alexandre Moreira Farias; Elano Lamartine
Leão Joca; Pedro Antonio Molinas. “Cost of Availability and Distribution of water by various sources in
Ceará”. Revista Econômica do Nordeste, Fortaleza, v. 36, nº.2, April-June 2005. José Carlos de Araújo,
Pedro Antônio Molinas, Elano Lamartine Leão Joca, Cláudio Pacheco Barbosa, Carlos Jaime de Souza
Bemfeito, Paulo Sergio do Carmo Belo. “Hydric synergy on the Integrated Systems of Reservoirs: Related
Case Studies of San Francisco River’s Transfer”. XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos - November
2005 / João Pessoa - PB. José 21 Alexandre Moreira Farias, Elano Lamartine Leão Joca, Felipe Fernandes
Viana de Araújo, Pedro Henrique Augusto Medeiros, Pedro Antônio Molinas. “Case study at urban area
of Macaíba-RN: Hidraulic unsteady flow simulation using HEC-RAS”. XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos
Hídricos - November 2005 / João Pessoa - PB. Pedro Henrique Augusto Medeiros, Elano Lamartine Leão
Joca, Felipe Fernandes Viana de Araújo, José Alexandre Moreira Farias, Pedro Antônio Molinas. “Camará
Dam – PB: Would Depleting avoid the catastrophe?” VII Simpósio de Recursos Hídricos do Nordeste -
November 2004 / São Luís. Francisco J. Sarmento; Pedro A. Molinas; “Analysis of water impoundment
potentials at the watersheds of Vaza Barris and Itapicuru Rivers in the States of Bahia and Sergipe”. VII
Simpósio de Recursos Hídricos do Nordeste - Novembro 2004 / São Luís. Elano Lamartine Leão Joca;
Pedro Antonio Molinas; José Alexandre Moreira Farias; Felipe Fernandes Viana de Araújo; Francisco
Almino Leite de Menezes Junior; “Analysis of Water Quality Impact at Gasparino Dam caused by the
construction of a controlling dam designed for deflecting small flows containing high salt levels” VII
Simpósio de Recursos Hídricos do Nordeste – November 2004 / São Luís. Felipe Fernandes Viana de
Araújo; Elano Lamartine Leão Joca; Pedro Antônio Molinas. “Costs Evaluation of the Water Availability at
Semi-arid Land Region” XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos - November de 2003 / Curitiba;
“Public and Private Spheres on Water Resources Management – Watersheds Committees: Social Pact.
Collegiate Instance or Legal Entity of Public Law?” Pedro A. Molinas, Alejandra Silvia Bentolila, 2000,
Policy and Institutions for Integrated Water Resources Management - Internacional Water Resources
Association, Salvador. “Operation of reservoirs being part of a water transposition – Case study of the
reservoirs from the receiving basins of São Francisco River’s Water Transfer” Pedro A. Molinas, Francisco
J. Sarmento, 1999, XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Belo Horizonte. “Agricultural dries study
at Northeast of Brazil” Pedro Antônio Molinas, Luciana C. Torres Melo Lima, 1999, XIII Simpósio
Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Belo Horizonte. “Water Management at Semi-Arid Lands and the water
transfer of São Francisco River to Septentrional Northeast” ", 1998, Pedro Molinas, 4 Simpósio de
Recursos Hídricos do Nordeste, Campina Grande. “Legal and Institutional boundary of underground
water in Brazil – Short Contribution to Improvement of Juridical-administrative System”. ". 1997, Pedro
A. Molinas, Vicente P. Vieira, XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Vitória - ES, 1997. “The Water
Resources Management in the context of privatization of Water-Based Services”, P. A. Molinas,
Workshop organizado pelo BID, a CEPAL e o CIDIAT em Mérida, Venezuela, July de 1995. “Aspects of the
reservoirs operation at receiving basins of the water transfer from São Francisco River”. 1995, Pedro A.
Molinas, Ednardo F. Cardoso, Francisco J. Sarmento, ,XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Recife,
PE. “The Water Resources Management at Semiarid lands at the northeast of brazil. The experience in
Ceara. 1995. Pedro A. Molinas. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia - Caderno de Recursos Hídricos
Decmber/1995. 22 “Paying Capability of the Company of Water Resources Management”, 1994, P. A.
Molinas em colaboração para o projeto "PROURB", Word Bank e Estado do Ceará. “Industrial
Development Planning of the Company of Water Resources Management” ", 1994, P. A. Molinas em
colaboração para o projeto "PROURB", Word Bank e Estado do Ceará “Statistical analysis of the behavior
of soil humidity time series in the State of Ceará”, 1993, P. A. Molinas e F. C. Andrade, X Simpósio
Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Gramado, RS. “Soil Humidity Model for Agricultural Uses (MUSAG)”,
1993, P. A. Molinas e F. C. Andrade, X Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Gramado, RS. “A model
of Soil Humidity for Agricultural Uses”, 1992, P. A. Molinas e F. C. Andrade, I Simpósio de Hidrologia do
Nordeste, Recife, Pernambuco. “State Plan for Water Resources of the State of Ceará” ", 1991, P. A.
Molinas et alii (em colaboração), 4 volumes, Secretaria de Recursos Hídricos do Estado do Ceará.
Fortaleza, Ceará. “Mathematical Modelling of thermal stratification”. Master’s Thesis. IPH - UFRGS,
1991, Prof. orientador: Carlos Eduardo Morelli Tucci. “Simulation of the Thermal Stratification of a large
sized Reservoir”, 1990, P. A. Molinas e C. E. M. Tucci, XIV Congresso Latino-americano de Hidráulica,
Montevideo, Uruguay. “Operation of a Water Supply System”, 1989, P. A. Molinas e C. E. M. Tucci, II
Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Lisboa, Portugal.

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