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The 10 faces of computer malware

The complexity of today's IT environment makes it easy for computer malware to exist,
even flourish. Being informed about what's out there is a good first step to avoid
By Michael Kassner | in 10 Things, July 17, 2009, 3:27 AM PST

The complexity of today's IT environment makes it easy for computer malware to
exist, even flourish. Being informed about what's out there is a good first step to
avoid problems.

With all the different terms, definitions, and terminology, trying to figure out what's Exomedicine arrives: How Sephora is
what when it comes to computer malware can be difficult. To start things off, let's How labs in space leveraging AR and AI
could pave the way to transform retail and
define some key terms we'll use throughout the article:
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Malware: Is malicious software that's specifically developed to infiltrate or cause Earth
damage to computer systems without the owners' knowledge or permission.

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