Cooperation and Ambedkarism

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Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism​!

A Better Way to meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age

Collectivized Method in Cultivation

Yours attention is invited to the concept of ​Co-operation ​and it's status in the last
Century during the period of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar who has drawn the attention of the
whole Constitutional Parliament in 1947 to which he submitted ​“Memorandum on the
safeguard for the Scheduled Castes submitted to the Constituent Assembly on behalf
of the All India Scheduled Castes Federation” ​on 15-03-1947 in the form of a booklet :
“STATE AND MINORITIES: What are Their Rights and How to Secure Them in the
Constitution of Free India” as below:---
Clause-4 (3):​“ ​That agriculture shall be State Industr​y.” ​ (Pg 396, Volume-1)
“(​9)​ Agriculture Industry shall be organized on the following basis:
(i) The State shall divide the land acquired into farms of standard size and let out the
farms for cultivation to residents of village as tenants (made up of group of families) to
cultivate on the following conditions:
a) The farm shall be cultivated a​ ​collective farm;
b) The shall be cultivated in accordance with rules and directions issued by
c) The tenants shall share among themselves in the manner prescribed the
produce of the farm left after the payment of charges properly leviable on the
(ii) The land shall be let out to the villagers without distinction of caste or creed and in
such manner that there will be no landlord, no tenant and no landless labourer;
(iii) It shall be the obligation of the State to finance ​the cultivation of ​collective farms
by the supply of water, draft animals, implements,manure, seeds,etc.;
(iv) The State be entitled to--
(a) to levy the the following charges on the produce of farm:
(i ) a portion for land revenue;
(ii) a portion to pay the debenture-holders; and
(iii) a portion to pay for the use of capital goods supplied; and
(b) to prescribe penalties against tenants who break the conditions of tenancy or
wilfully neglect to make the best use of the means of cultivation offered by the State
or otherwise act prejudicially to the ​scheme​ ​of Collective farmings;
(10) The Scheme shall be brought into operation as early as possible but in no case
shall the period extend beyond the ​tenth year from the date of the Constitution
coming into operation. (​Pg -397 Volume-1​)

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

Explanatory Noted on Clsuse-4,Section-Ii of Arlicle-Ii of ‘State nd


​Clause-4​: “​The main purpose behind the Clause is to put an obligation on the
State to plan the economic life of the people on lines which would lead to highest
point of ​productivity ​without closing avenue to private enterprise, and also provide
for the ​equitable distribution of wealth. The plan set out in the clause proposes
State ownership in agriculture with a Collectivized Method in Cultivation ​and a
modified form of ​State Socialism ​in the field of Industry. It places squarely on the
shoulders of the ​State ​the obligation to supply capital necessary for ​Agriculture
as well as for ​Industry.”
( Pg- 408, Vol-1)

“​State Socialism is ​essential for rapid industrialization of ​India​. Private

enterprise cannot do it and if it did it would produce those inequalities of wealth
which ​Private Capitalism ​has produced in Europe and which should be ​a warning
to ​Indians. ​Consolidation of Holding and Tenancy Legislation are worse than
useless. They cannot bring about prosperity in Agriculture. Neither consolidation
nor Tenancy Legislation can be of any help to ​the 60 millions of Untouchables who
are just landless labourers. Neither ​Consolidation ​nor ​Tenancy Legislation can
solve their Problem. ​Only collective farms on the lines set out in the proposal
can help them. ​There is no ​expropriation of interests concerned. ​Consequently
there ought to be no objection to the proposal on that account.”.
(Pg-408, Vol-1)

​Further advancing the vision of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar as explained in the

same document, “In other words, old time ​Constitutional Lawysrs believed that
the scope and function of Constitutional Law was to prescribe the shape and form of
political structure of ​Society. ​They never realized that it was squally essential ​to
prescribe the shape and form of the Economic Structure of Society, ​if
democracy is to live to ​its principle of one man, one value​. Time has come to take
a bold step and define both the Economic Structure as well as Political Structure of
Society ​by the Law of the ​Constitution. All countries like India which are
late-comers in the field of Constitution-making should not copy the faults of other
countries. They should profit by the ​Experience ​of their predecessors.​”.

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

(Pg-412, Vol-1)

Need of Common, Collective and Co-operative Activity

​For further advancing the continuity of the thought process for the acute need to adopt
the principles of ​Co-operation amongst of the Victims of the Brahminical Social
System, few quotations from “​Annihilation of Caste”​ ​are hereby quoted to draw your
attention further deeply:---
a) ​“..... ​that without ​Social Efficiency ​no permanent progress in the other fields of activity
was possible, that owing to mischief wrought by the evil customs, Hindu Society was not in
a ​state of efficiency ​and that ceaseless efforts ​must be made to ​eradicate these evils.”.
(Pg-38, Vol-1)
b) “The ​division of labour brought about by the caste-system is not a division based on
choice​. Individual sentiment, individual preference has no place in it. It is based on the
dogma of predestination. ​Consideration of Social Efficiency ​would compel us to
recognize that the greatest evil in the industrial system is not so much poverty and the
suffering that it involves as the fact that so many persons have callings which make no
appeal to those who are engaged in them. Such callings constantly provoke one to
aversion, ill-will and the desire to evade. There are many occupation in India which on
account of the fact that they are regarded as degraded by the Hindus provoke those who are
engaged in them to aversion. There is a constant desire to evade and escape from such
occupations which arises solely because of the blighting effect which produce upon those
who follow them owing to the slight and stigma cast upon them by the Hindu religion.​”.
(Pg- 48, vol-1, ​Annihilation of Caste)
{​Blight​ = 1. thing that spoils or damages something,
2. Spoil, harm, or destroy;
3. A plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as Mildews, rusts, and smuts}
(​Note: In present context, blight can be equated with​ ​VIRUS, or meme.)

Why does the Notion of Caste need to apply dynamite?

​“​The wall built around Caste is impregnable and the maternal, of which it is built,
contains none of the combustible stuff of reason and morality. Add to this fact that inside
this wall stands ​the army of Brahmins who form the Intellectual Class. Brahmins who
are the natural leaders of the Hindus, Brahmins who are there not as mere mercenary
soldiers but as ​an ​army fighting for its homeland ​and you get an idea ​why I ​(Dr B R
Ambedkar in 1936​) think ​that breaking-up of Caste amongst the Hindus is well-nigh
impossible. ​At any rate, it would take ages before a breach is made. But whether the
doing of other deed take time or whether it can be done quickly, you must not forget that if
you wish to bring about a breach in the (​inhuman social) system ​then you have to apply

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

the dynamite to……., which deny any part to reason, which deny any part to
morality. …..This is my considered view of the matter.” (Pg-74-75, Vol-1,
Annihilation of Caste)

Need of Learning and creating of Co-operation amongst Bahujan

​ “​Men constitute a society because they have things which they possess in ​common​. To
have ​similar thing is totally different from possessing things in ​common​. And the only
way by which men can come to possess things in ​common ​with one another is by being in
communication with one another. This is merely another way of saying that ​Society
continues to exist by communication indeed in communication. ​To make it concrete, it
is ​not enough if men act in a way which agrees with the acts of others. Parallel Activity,
even if similar, is ​not sufficient to bind men into a Society. This is proved by the fact that
festivals ​observed by the different castes amongst Hindus are the same. Yet these parallel
performance of ​similar ​festivals ​by the different castes have no bound then into one
integral whole. For that purpose what is necessary is for a men ​to share and ​participate in
a common activity so that the same emotion are aroused in him (her) that animate the
others. Making the individual ​a sharer or partner in the associated activity so that he
feels it's success as his (her) success, it's failure as his(her) failure is the real thing that
binds them and ​makes a Society of them. The Caste System ​prevents ​common activity
and by preventing ​common activity ​it has prevented the Hindus from becoming a
Society with a unified life and a consciousnesses of its own being.. ​(Pg-51, Vol-1,
Annihilation of Caste)

Co-operation in 21​st ​Century

​From above, ​the “Social Efficiency”, “A collectivized method of
Cultivation”, “Cultivation of Collective Farm”, “To Prescribe the Shape and
Form of the Economic Structure of Society in the Constitution of India”, “The
Blighted Effect” (Virus/meme), “To possess Things in Common with one
another”, “To Share and Participate in a Common”, “Making the Individual A
Shared or Partner in the Associated Activity”, and “Becoming A Society With
A Unified Life and Consciousness of its Own Being”, ​tend to lead us to the
concept of ​“​Co-operation​”, or create ​an acute need to adopt, educate, and
implement ourselves the Concept of ​Co-operation among us. The idea of
Co-operation is ​completely absent in the notion of Caste. It is happened because
of the ​Manuvadi Policy ​of division or stratification, and degradedness for the
Victims of Culture of Castes on the one side, and the elevation and domination of
Manuvadi Elites / Forces -- the Beneficiaries of Manuvad, on the other side.
This is a occasion or an opportunity to introspect or re-introspect every aspect of

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

Ambedkarism as well as “​Brahminism-Capitalism-Feudalism-Global forces​”

within framework of the Constitution of India in 21​st ​Century.

Principles of Co-opertion​?
​ he principles of ​Co-operation is as old as human Society​, it forms the basis of
democratic and social life. ​Co-operation ​is ​more natural than ​Competition ​in life both
animals and human being. ​Co-operation ​is a more evolutionary force in the development
of human being. ​Co-operation ​is the universal instrument of creation. The civilisation
cannot flourish unless competition is supplemented by ​Co-operation. Cooperative
Spirit is innate and intrinsic in human being.

Co-operation ​means nothing less than economic system designed to supersede

Capitalism ​by mutual aid. The principles of ​Co-operation ​has been practised from time
immemorial. The spirit of village communities of India during ​Ashoka-The-Great
(​295BC-232BC) was entirely co-operative. Therefore, ​Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar quoted
in ​Annihilation of Caste, ​“There is only one period in Indian history which is a period of
freedom, greatness and glory. That is the period of the Maurya Empire. At all other
times the country suffered from defeat and darkness. But the Maurya period was a
period when Chaturvarnya was completely annihilated, when the Shudra, who
constituted the mass of the people, came into their own and become the rulers of the
country. The period of defeat and darkness is. the period when Chaturvarnya flourished
to the damnation of the greater part of the people of the country.”​ .
( Pg-63, vol-1)

In the modern sense, the Genesis of the ​co-operative movement and it's application in
economic field can be traced after Industrial Revolution which took place in England
during second half of the Eighteenth Century. Cooperation is understood today as an
economic system, was born as a peaceful reaction against Mercantile Economy and
Industrial Revolution. It was at one time recognized that the injustice of Capitalism was
developed as it's antidote and poor men saw in it a price of advantage.

​ o-operation ​means living, thinking and working to accomplish a common goal

through Co-operative Principles. Prof. Paul Lambert defined, ​“A ​ cooperative society is
an enterprise formed and directed by an association of users applying itself the rules
of democracy and directly intended to serve both it's own members and the
Community” T ​ he greatest merit of this definition is that for the first time it has been

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

made clear that a cooperative society is to serve not only the interests of its members but
must also serve the interests of the whole community.

Co-operative Principles accepted and approved by the ​International Co-operative

Alliance (ICA) are guidelines by which cooperatives put their ​values into practice, are
given herewith in brief:---

Co-operative Principles:--
1. Voluntary and Open Membership,
2. Democratic Member Control,
3. Members Economic Social, and Cultural participation,
4. Autonomy And Independence,
5. Education, Training,and Information,
6. Cooperation among Co-operatives,
7. Concern for Community.
Co-operative Values:
​ o-operative are based on the values of Self-help, Self-Responsibilty,
Democracy, Equality, Equity, and Solidarity. Co-operative Members believe in
the Ethical Values of honesty, Openness, Social Responsibility, and Caring for

Social Force: Anti-Caste or De-Caste

​Co-operation ​is a social philosophy, the ultimate aim of which is the creation
of better society. It cannot afford to ignore the problems and needs of the ​Social
System in which it operates. Thus, the ​Co-operation is an instrument of potential
force to the Social Transformation Movement. Hence, the ​Co-operation is itself
a means as well as an end in itself. We can learn lot from ​the Governance of
Ashoka-The-Great in creation of ​Egalitarian ​Society desired in the Constitution of
India or Bharat. We can conclude that the ​Co-operation is a Social Force, which
can fulfill the present needs of the Social Transformation Movement, ​must be
recognized without hitch. The Co-operation in the context of educational, social
and cultural aspects of the Problem of Castes in India, can help and associate
us to De-Caste ourselves which can lead us to the desired goal of “​Annihilation
of Caste”​ and help us to create and establish a Social System envisaged in the
Constitution of India.

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

Therefore, let us learn and to be educated about the ​Co-operation Principles

and also the perspective ‘e​ ducation, training, and information’ which is the
fifth principle of Co-operation accepted by ​International Co-operation
Alliance​. And let us create and utilize this Social Force of Co-operation and
equipped ourselves with to face successfully the Challenges posed by Manuvadi
Forces -- the strongest forces against Justice, Equality, Liberty, Fraternity and
Humanism. Let us establish/create true Nationalism of Welfare State.

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

Cooperation: ​an another name of Ambedkarism!

A Better Way to meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age

​Cooperation​: Acting together, in a coordinated way at work, leisure, or in

social relationship, in pursuit of shared goals, the enjoyment of the joint activity, or
simply furthering the relationship. ​---Michael Argyle, 1991

“A Cooperative Society ​is an enterprise formed and directed by an association

of users, applying within itself the rules of democracy and directly intended to serve
both its own members and the community as a whole.”. ​---Prof. Paul

“A Cooperative ​is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to

meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a
joint-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.”
​--International Co-operative Alliance​ 1​ 995

The Following Points are hereby concluded for consideration:---

1. Cooperation is an another name of ​Ambedkarism, or Humanism​, which enlarge
our capacity to ​co-operate​, to ​engage in joint behaviour with other fellows of
society at large, and to ​payback​ to the Society to which we belong in Mission.

2. Practice and process of ​Social Co-operation can / will lead us to the process
of the de-caste notion under the ​genuine and capable leadership ​in a form of
“​Co-operative Intellectual Cla​ss​” to ​immunize​ ​the Bahujan Samaj​.

3. The ​Caste​, or The ​Notion of Caste, i​ s the ​dangerous Virus​! And the ​Thinking
Skill​ is a potential Anti-Virus.!!

4. On the basis of ​Co-operation ​Education and ​Thinking-Skill, we can ​design new

tools and techniques and also create new tools and techniques for the ​Social
Transformation Movement​ relevant and effective in 21st Century of ​Digital Age.

5. The ​lessons of the Governance of ​Ashoka-The-Great can help us, particularly his
education system which had met successfully the challenges of Varna-System as
well as Caste System as a whole to avoid Self-Oblivion, or Complacency to
establish/reconstruct a ​Welfare State​.

​--​Dheemant​ P R Ambedkar, MA(​in Dr Ambedkar Thought​)
M: ​09822406581 Email: ​

Co-operation is an another name for Ambedkarism!-

A Better Way to Meet the Challenge of Chamcha Age!±

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