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01. What is cytotoxic drug? Give example?

Cytotoxic Drug:

Drugs that kill cancer cell is called cytotoxic drug.

01. Imatinib Mesylate
02. Erlotinib
03. Methotrexate
04. Asantrozole
05. Latrozole
06. Capecitabine
07. Cis platin
08. Vincristin
09. Fluorouracil
10. Doxorubicin
11. Donorubicin
12. Gemcitabin

02. Write down the method of sterilization?

01. Physical method

Dry heat sterilizer

a) Batch Sterilization
b)Tunnel sterilization

Moist heat sterilization:

a) Steam sterilization
b) Supper heat sterilization
02. Chemical Method:
Gas sterilization
a) Ethylene oxide
b) Hydrogen per oxide
c) Formaldehyde

Radiation sterilization
a) Gama ray
b) UV ray
c) Electromagnetic ray

03. filtration sterilization

a) Membern filters.

03. What is lyphilization? Write down there Process?

It is drying process applicable for the manufacturing of certain pharmaceuticals and
biological product that are thermo liable.
Freezing ---------- Evacuation --------- Primary Drying -------------- Secondary drying

04. What is Eutectic Point?

When certain chemical compound are mixed together they tend liquefy at low
temperature then any composition and the point where they liquefy is called eutectic

05. What is collapse temperature?

The temperature bellow at low eutectic point where materials become collapse is
called collapse temperature.
06. What is Pyrogen? What is LAL test? (Limulas Ameobocytes Lysate)


Pyroge is the Bacterial Andotoxin.

LAL Test:
These test are involves test solution and LAL Reagent in the presence of
pyrogenic endotoxin Gram (+) & Gram (-) bacteria a firm gel is formed within 60C
temperature when the incubated temperature is 37C

07. What is Stocks solution?

It is known as drags force.
Fd = -6^MRvs

08. What is Normality & Morality?

Gram equivalent weight of solution per litter of solution.

Moles of solute per litter of solution.

09. What is T1/2?

Time require for a substance under going decay to decrease by 1/2

10. What is First order reaction?

The reaction that depends on the concentration only one reaction is called first
order reaction.

11. What is Osmotic pressure?

It is pressure which needed applied to a solution for prevent the inward flow of
water across the semi permeable membrane.

12. Define antioxidant? Give Example?

It is a molecule of inhabiting the oxidation of other molecules.

01. sodium meta bisulphate

02. BHA (Butylated Hydroxi Anesol)
03. BHT (Butylated Hydroxi toluene)
04. Tocoferol

13. What is fist Pass metabolism?

The phenomenon of drugs metabolism where by the concentration of drugs is
greatly reduce before it reaches systemic circulation.

14. What is sublimation?

Sublimation is the process in which solid are get converted to vapor without any
intermediate stage or liquid phase is called sublimation.

15. Define Clean room & there class?

Clean room may be define as an environment that is re

16. Basic Problem of Tablet & there Remedy?


Chipping: Divided into two same part or divided from the middle point of the tablets.
Lamination – Lamination is the separation of a tablet into two or more distinct layers.

These problems occur due to insufficient binder, improper granulation, layering of

granules. Pressure maladjustment, Entrapment of are into the whole of the tablet, war
punch, lack of enough fine powders.

Picking: Picking is a term used to describe the surface material from a tablet that is
sticking to and being removed form the tablets surface by a punch.

Picking happens when a punch tip has engraving or embossing. Also happened due to
insufficient lubricant, scratched upper punch & improper drying of granules.
Sticking: Sticking refers to tablet material adhering to the die wall. When Sticking occurs
additional force is required to overcome the friction between the tablets and die wall
during ejection.

Mottling: Mottling is an unequal distribution of color of a tablets.


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