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Grade Level VI Quarter Second Quarter

Semester First semester Region III

Learning Area Science Teaching Dates


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the Sun as the main source of the
heat and light on earth.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to practice precautionary measures in planning

C. Learning The effects of the Sun.

Objectives S4ES-IVj-11
Write the LC code for
each 1. Understand the negative effects of too much sunlight
D. Developmental Levels 2. .Practice safety precautions to avoid the negative effects of too much
exposure to sunlight.
3.Act-out those safety precautions on the effect of the sun.

II. CONTENT Topic: Practice Safety Precautions on the Effects of the sun
Science Process Skills: Observing, Describing, Listening
Science Concept/s: EARTH AND SPACE is a science that explores the
III. LEARNING interconnection between the land, ocean, atmosphere,and life of our planet.

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide

2. Learner’s Materials pages Science IV - pp.192-193

Science IV -pp. 195-197
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Pictures, Real objects, umbrella, Lotion, cap, Sun glasses, activity cards, video clips.

B. Other Learning Values integration: Caring for our eyes and skin

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Prayer Ray Mia can you lead the prayer Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love
commits me here,
ever this day be at my
to light and guard, to
rule and guide.

Good morning, class Good morning, Ma’am


Management and Order Before you take your seats, make sure that your seats are Pupils do as told
well arranged and there are no pieces of garbage on the

You may now take your seats.

Checking of Attendance Who are absent from the class

Non Ma’am
Very Good. Give five claps to everybody for being

A. Reviewing previous What did we study yesterday? Teacher we have

lesson or presenting the learned harmful effects
new lesson of the sun on living
( Elicit)

Can you give me some of the harmful effects of the sun

on the living thing?
Teacher, animals like
carabaos when exposed
to too much heat will
get sick too like humans.

B. Establishing a purpose I will present pictures of the people using

for the lesson ( Engage) umbrellas, caps, sun glasses.

Teacher, the
people in the
picture carry
along with them
an umbrella.

Teacher, they
made a sand
castle under the
sun .
Teacher, They
wore caps.

Teacher, they
wear sunglasses.

Kindly describe the picture.

C. Presenting
Let’s watch a short video clip entitled “Sun Safe,
examples/instances of
the new lesson( Engage)
Play Every day”.

What did you observe on the video clip you’ve

Teacher, the kid on the
video clip enjoys playing
under the sun.

D. Discussing new
The sun gives off heat and light. Too much exposure to
concepts and
practicing new
the sun's heat and light can be harmful. It can cause
skills sunburn. The ultraviolet rays can damage skin cells too.
#1 ( Explore) Very bright light can also harm your eyes .
Act-out the following safety precautions on the effects of
the sun.
Teacher Activity
1. Wear a cap on a wide brimmed hat during sunny
days. “Pupil will act-out the
safety precaution
number 1.”
2. Carry along an umbrella to protect your skin from
the intense heat of the sun. “Pupil will act-out the
safety precaution
number 2 .”
3. Wear sunglasses when playing on beaches while “Pupil will act-out the
the sun is too hot. safety precaution
number 3.”
4. Apply sunscreen or lotion which protects your
skin from sunburn when you go swimming. “Pupil will act-out the
safety precaution
number 4.”

5. Wear clothes which protect the skin of your “Pupil will act-out the
safety precaution
hands and feet while working under the heat of number 5.”
the sun(like gardening, plowing, planting,
harvesting etc.

6. Seek out the shade and avoid exposure during

hours of peak sunlight. “Pupil will act-out the
safety precaution
number 6.”

E. Discussing new What are the negative effects of too much sunlight?
concepts and Teacher, too much
practicing new exposure to heat and
light can be harmful
#2 (Explore)
because it can cause

Teacher, very bright

light can also harm your

What are the safety precautions that we need to practice

to protect ourselves from the sun’s heat and light?
Teacher, wear a wide
brimmed hat or cap
during sunny and carry
along an umbrella.

Why do we need to protect and take care of our skin and

eyes to sunlight?
Teacher, because our
eyes are very important
for us to see the beauty
of the world.

F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Read the situation written on the activity card and act
Assessment 3) (Explain) out or simulate the safety precautions on the effects of
the sun. You can also perform the activity in a creative

What are the standard in doing group activity?

1. Follow the given directions.
2. Work cooperatively.
3. Work quietly.
4. Work fast.
5. Work neatly

Activity card #1- Group 1

You have a family trip or outing to the beach , how
can you protect your eyes from the glares of the
Activity card #2 - Group 2
You will help your father in harvesting corn.What
should you wear to protect you from intense

Activity card #3 - Group 3

You will go swimming with your friends this
weekend. What should you do to avoid sunburn?

Activity card #4 - Group 4

You walk from school on sunny day, what should you
bring to protect you from the sun’s heat and light.

Grade Level VI Quarter 1st Quarter

Semester First semester Region III

Learning Area Science Teaching Dates

G. Finding practical In your paper answer this 4 pics 1 word

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
( Elaborate)
H. Making generalizations Direction: Identify the correct response in the
and abstractions about situations.
the lesson( Elaborate)

1. One Saturday, you went swimming with

your friends in the nearby river. You noticed
that your skin was reddish. What was the
harmful effect of the sun’s heat to your
A. Boil
B. Cancer C. Sunburn
C. Sunburn
2. What would be the probable effect if your
eyes were exposed to the glares of the sun?
A. Eyes would become cross-eyed. C. Eyes would be
B. Eyes would bulge impaired
C. Eyes would be impaired

3. When the intense heat is received on the

earth’s surface and there is no rain at all.
What would be its effect on the
A. Soil would harden, crack and plant C. Both A and B
would wither
B. There would be enough supply of
C. Both A and B

4. Norma placed her anthurium plant outside

her house before she left for Manila for two
weeks. When she arrived she noticed that
her plant had withered and yet the soil was
wet? D. Both A and C
A. Animals stepped on it
B. Too much heat from the sun
C. A stray animal uprooted it
D. Both A and C
I. Evaluating learning Evaluation
(Evaluate) Put a smiley face :) opposite to the statement if it is a
GOOD practice and sad face:( if it is NOT GOOD
1. Playing under the sun at noon time.

2. Wearing a wide brimmed hat on sunny days

3. Looking at the sun directly

4. Using an umbrella on sunny days.

5. Lying on beaches all day.

6. Wear sunglasses on beaches while playing under the


7. Applying sun block lotion all over the skin. 8. Staying

under the sun the whole day.

9. Wearing long sleeves or trousers when working in

the farm.

10. Exposing eyes to bright or glaring light

J. Additional activities for Write a jingle on the safety measures in
application or protecting yourself from the sun’s heat and light
remediation ( Extend)



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for


C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have

caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these


F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover

which I wish to share with other teachers?

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