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Straight Lines

Mob-9798929024 Mathematics by D.K Singh

1) Let A (h.k), B (1,1) and C (2,1) be the vertices of a right angled triangle with AC as its
hypotenuse. If the area of the triangle is 1 square unit, then the set of values which K can
take is given by
a. {-1,3} b. {-3,-2} c.{1,3} d.{0,3}
2) A particle starts from origin and moves in following pattern. 1 unit right then 1 unit up,
1 1 1 1
unit left and unit down, unit right and unit up and so on. The length of each move
2 2 4 4
becomes half after two steps and movement continues indefinetely. The coordinate of the
point where it ultimately converges to is:
3) The vertices A and B of a square ABCD lies on positive side of x and y axis respectively.
If the vertex C is the point (12,17), then the coordinate of vertex B are
a. (14,16) b.(15,3) c.(17,5) d.(17,12)
4) AC and BD are chords(diameter) of a circle intersecting at origin. If coordinates of A is
 
(5, ) and  BOC = . Then find the coordinates of B,C and D in polar form:
3 2
5) If a point P( 3 ,1) is rotated by 45 about origin in anticlockwise direction and then
reflected about x-axis. Then the co-ordinates of the new points are:
 3 1  3 1  3 1  3 1
a.  , 
 b.  , 

 2 2   2 2 

  3 1  3 1
c.  , 
 d. none of these
 2 2 
6) A triangle with vertices A(4,0), B(-1,-1), C(3,5) is
a. Isoscles and right angled
b. Right angled but not Isosceles
c. Isosceles but not right angled
d. Neither right angled nor isosceles
7) The points equidistant from A(-1,4) and B(3,2) lying on Y-axis are
a.(0,1) b. (0,-1) c. (0,2) d.(0,3)
8) If ABC is an equilateral triangle with A(0,0) and B(3, 3 ), then find the co-ordinatesnof
point C
a. (0,1) b. (0,2 3 ) c. (3,- 3 ) d. ( 3 ,3)
9) If A(a,b), B(a+rcos  , b+rsin  ) and C(a+rcos  , b+rsin  ) are equilateral triangle.
   
a. |    | = b. |    |= c. |    |= d.|    |=
4 2 6 3
10) Find the coordinates of the point which divides A(-1,10) and B(4,-5) in the ratio 3:2
11) The vertices of triangle PQR are P(-3,1), Q(-2,3)and R(4,5). Find the length of median through
vertex P.
a. 10 b. 5 c. 15 d. 20
12) If the midpoints of the sides of a triangle are (2,1), (-1,-3), (4,5) then find the coordinates of the
vertices of the triangle.
13) If P(1, 2), Q(4, 6), R(5, 7) and S(a, b) are the vertices of a parallelogram.
a. a=2, b=4 b. a=3, b=4 c. a=2, b=3 d.a=3, b=5
14) If point P which divides A(6, 3) and B(-4, 5) externally in the ratio 3:2 and is also the midpoint of
BD. Then find the coordinate of point D.
a. (-44, 13) b. (-24, 9) c. (-20, 9) d. (20, 13)
15) The line joining the points P(2, -3) and Q(-5, 6) is divided by y=x in the ratio
a. 3:11 b. 5:3 c. 5:11 d. 6:11
16) Find the harmonic conjugate of (5,13) with respect to points (2,-5) and (3, 1):
17) The centriod of a triangle is (2,7) and two of its vertices are (4, 8) and (-2, 6) the third vertex is
a. (0, 0) b. (4, 7) c.(7, 4) d.(7,7)
 1   1   1 
18) The vertices of a triangle are  ab,  ,  bc,  and  ca,  where a, b, c are the roots of the
 ab   bc   ca 
equation x 3  3 x 2  6 x  1  0 . The coordinates of its centroid are
a. (1, 2) b. (2, -1) c. (1, -1) d. (2, 3)
3 
19) Let A(1, 0), B(6, 2), C  ,6  be the vertices of a triangle ABC. If P is a point inside the triangle
2 
ABC. Such that the triangles APC, APB and BPC have equal areas, then the length of the line seg-
  7 1
ment PQ, whereas Q is the point  ,  is
 6 3 
20) Find the coordinates of incentre of the triangle whose vertices are (0, 6), (8, 12) and (8, 0).
a. (5,2) b. (5, 6) c. (7, 4) d. (6, 7)
21) The x-coordinate of the incentre of the triangle that has the coordinates of mid points of its sides
as (0, 1), (1, 1) and (1, 0) is
a. 2+ 2 b. 2- 2 c. 1- 2 d. 1+ 2
22) The incentre of the triangle with vertices (1, 3 ), (0, 0) and (2, 0) is
 3 2 1  2 3  1 
 1,
a.  2   b.  ,  c.  3 , 2  d. 1, 
  3 3    3
23) Let the orthocentre and centroid of a triangle be A(-3, 5) and B(3, 3) respetively. If C is the
circumcentre of this triangle, then the radius of the circle having the line segment AC as diameter is
5 3 5
a. 2 10 b. 3 c. d. 10
2 2
24) O(0, 0) is one of the vertices of triangle whose circumcentre is S(3, 4) and centroid Q(6, 8). Then
the triangle
a. Is right triangle b.Must be equilateral c. Must be righ-angled isosceles d. Is isosceles
 1 2   11 4 
25) If in a triangle ABC, A(1, 10), circumcentre  ,  and orthocentre  ,  are given. Then,
 3 3  3 3
find the coordinate of midpoint of side opposite to A.
  11 
a. (1, 6) b. (1, 5) c.(1, -3) d. 1, 
 3 

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