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Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012

26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering

26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering
Systems (KES 2022)
Systems (KES 2022)
Learner comments-based Recommendation system
Learner comments-based Recommendation system
Manar Joundy Hazara,b * Mounir Zriguia Mohsen Maraouia
Manar Joundy Hazara,b * Mounir Zriguia Mohsen Maraouia
aUniversity of Monastir, Research Laboratory in Algebra, Numbers Theory and Intelligent
aUniversity of Monastir, Research Laboratory in Algebra, Numbers Theory and Intelligent

Systems RLANTIS, Monastir 5019, Tunisia

Systems RLANTIS, Monastir 5019, Tunisia
Computer Center, University of Al -Qadisiyah, Qadisiyah, Iraq.
bComputer Center, University of Al -Qadisiyah, Qadisiyah, Iraq.

Traditional techniques of recommender systems presented low accuracy performance because it suffer from sparsity problem
TraditionalIn this work we of
techniques build a recommender
recommender model
systems based on
presented lowfree-text
accuracyreviews written because
performance online by
it user.
frommodel builtproblem
sparsity on two
hence. Inrecommendation
this work we build and asentiment analysis.
recommender Ourbased
model recommendation model first
on free-text reviews predicts
written new
online by rating frommodel
user. The user reviews
built on then
methoduser requirements and
recommendation andinterest by differences
sentiment analysis
analysis. Our between a new
recommendation rating
model prediction
first predicts and
neworiginal rating.user
rating from Presented
account both explicit
requirements andoriginal
interestrating and implicit
by differences user sentiments,
analysis between a newhence that will
rating be roll key
prediction and to address
original data sparsity
rating. problem.
Presented model
in model
accountwe tryexplicit
both to extract feature
original and and
rating opinion by sentiment
implicit analysishence
user sentiments, of text
be roll keyand reviewsdata
to address to get more problem.
sparsity accurate
In thiscalculation
model we try fromto student
extract reviews and opinion
feature and comments by written
sentimentin English.
analysisThis model
of text usertested and trained
comments on online
and reviews learner
to get morecomments
ratingreviews on video
calculation fromlearning
student of three courses
reviews on coursera
and comments learning
written platform
in English. This to produce
model a video
tested learning
and trained recommendation
on online system
learner comments
and to validate
reviews on the accuracy
video learning andofefficiency of proposed
three courses model.
on coursera learning platform to produce a video learning recommendation system
.and to validate the accuracy and efficiency of proposed model.
©© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
. 2022 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is
This is an
an open
open access
access article
article under
under the
the CC
BY-NC-ND license
license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
© 2022 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and
This is an open under responsibility
access article underof the scientific
CC committee
license International
Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2022)
Keywords: Recommender system; User
under responsibility of review; Sentiment
the scientific analysis; of
committee Learning Video; E-learning
KES International
Keywords: Recommender system; User review; Sentiment analysis; Learning Video; E-learning

Recently, E-Learning resources has wildly delivered over the internet especially during covied-19 pandemic with
urgent need to E-Learning resources
access the learning has wildly
resources delivered
remotely. On over the internet
the other especially
hand, this gives theduring covied-19
educational pandemic
institutions with
a good
to trytoa access the learning
new learning resources
style and remotely.
discover On the other
its advantages hand,
[1]There this
was givesresearcher
many the educational institutions
especially in Middlea good
chance to try a new learning style and discover its advantages [1]There was many researcher especially in Middle East

Corresponding author.
*Email address: Manar.joundy@qu.edu.iq
Corresponding author.
Email address: Manar.joundy@qu.edu.iq
1877-0509 © 2022 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is an open
1877-0509 access
© 2022 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published by ELSEVIER license
Peer-review under
This is an open responsibility
access of the scientific
article under CC BY-NC-NDcommittee of KES
license International
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of KES International
1877-0509 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 26th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent
Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2022)
Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012 2001
2 Manar Joundy Hazar, Mounir Zrigui ,Mohsen Maraoui / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000

try to focus on native Arabic language in eLearning field. Actually Arabic text language suffer from lack of resources
in eLearning platforms in addition of bad indexing. Hence [2] made some effort to scope bad indexing problem to
make reused of Arabic learning resource easiest Arabic text searching would be accessible for learning.

The most modern scenario for the recommendations system is to determine user interaction on Internet platforms.
Usually, RSs offering a relevant items list to a user, that made him\her able to select which item appropriate to interact
with [3]. Content-based recommendation systems technique analyze item descriptions to identify items that are of
particular interest to the user. The items could be represented in different way and that influenced on the details of
recommendation systems which would differ based on the representation of items. Video is the highest rich
representation among the other format [4]. Video RSs became an urgent due to the users lost high timing costs to
watching videos. Netflix informed that 75% of the movies that user watch follows a recommendation. Therefore video
recommendation systems represented the bridge between user and video[5]. Video RSs play a very significant role in
delivering video to people on the variant internet platforms. Actually, as end users, we believe that the YouTube
platform presented the most well-known video recommendation system, since YouTube personalized lists of videos
are suggested to users based on their interactions on the platforms, in addition, YouTube is the second largest source
of videos on the Internet after Google [6]. RSs consider as one of the most essential techniques that assisted to find
videos on the internet.

The massive spread of learning platforms for sharing learning resources and reviews is one of the most motivating
trends today. Hence e-learning platform could be benefit from such a better picture of what user think and what they
like or dislike. Recently, Recommender Systems (RSs) have huge importance in academia, commercial activities, and
industry. In education field recommendation systems have a lots of attention, because it’s important and ability to deal
with information overload problem by suggestion personalized learning resources such as learning videos, books,
articles, text and audio to learner based on their requirement and preferences. Essentially, students prefers to search
for learning videos rather than any other learning resource to clarify concepts, see examples, find additional
information on the subject they are learning or are interested in [7].

Since 2020 year (during covid-19 pandemic), the number of users of some well-known online E-learning platforms
such as Coursera1, Khan Academy2, and lecture video channels on YouTube3, in addition some Universities platforms
such as Stanford and MIT, has been exceeded [8]. Each of those academic platforms contains a massive number of
online learner reviews. These reviews reflects sentiments of students on the learning resources. Text reviews generated
by users on learning resources could be worthy for recommendation systems enhancement by efficiently resources
and user representation. There are a lot of studies and research show that the use of user reviews can be enhanced the
performance of rating prediction by reducing sparsity issues since text reviews more clearly express about user
interests and resource information [9].

As previously mentioned, learner have been reflecting their opinions about learning resources on the E-learning
platforms by free-text reviews. These student’s reviews are valuable source of information to build an efficiency
learning recommender system because it presented more comprehensive, reliable and nuanced of student preferences.
. Most of the recommendation systems methodologies based on a single-criterion rating (overall rating) as a primary
source for the recommendation process [10]. In this paper we employed the information conveyed by users’ comments
and reviews to tackle one of the issues (RSs) typically suffer from. Definitely, RSs model users’ opinions about a
certain item through a single discrete scale. Since this discrete scale doesn’t completely express about exactly what
user prefers.

1. State of the art

2002 Manar Joundy
Author nameHazar et al. /Computer
/ Procedia Procedia Science
Computer00 Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012
(2019) 000–000 3

1.2 Related work

A smart learning recommendation-based technique is proposed by [11] that approach aims to recommend
suitable Arabic document in smart campus. The model is introduced as a decision support tool for mobile learning in
order to: provide personalized items to the user who changed over time, take into account his contextual information
and his level of satisfaction, and enhance the quality of learning and the idea of collaboration in a smart learning

An intelligent RS was improve in research [12]. The authors used split and conquer clustering method to
automatically meet user level and preferences. The approach they developed can analyze and automatically extract
user features. Based on split and conquer clustering strategy it can deal with the changed learning method. Linear
pattern algorithm was used to extract the functional patterns of the learners. The recommendation process was by
evaluating the ratings of frequent sequences.

Ramadhan et al. [13] built a content-based video recommendation system, which recommends related videos
from YouTube based on the reviews of the students of the course and the syllabus. They used in this system curriculum
data in the form of student reviews for courses and syllabus that are the curriculum 2016 of Computer Science Bachelor
Degree Study Program UGM. They have shown that using this system can achieve the following results: the average
performance percentage is 81.13% in achieving the recommendation system goals of relevance, novelty, serendipity,
and increasing recommendation diversity.

Xu et al. [14] proposed recommendation system based on deep learning algorithm make proper
recommendation in online learning platforms based on video course information after extracted: course title, and
course audio and course comments. They collected the dataset from biggest online learning platforms in China and
the size of the dataset is 853 learners, 5479 courses, 21619 play records and 24258 view records. They gathered each
learner's fundamental data (such as age and gender), play record, and view record. They gathered the video and audio
streams, titles, and numerical information (such as time, play volume, and comment volume) for each course video to
use as input multimodal materials for our recommendation algorithm. With an AUC value of 79.03 percent, they have
demonstrated how effectively the suggested framework performs in course recommendation. This framework can
offer technological assistance for recommending course videos, assisting online learning platforms in managing
course resources and enhancing user learning.

My colleagues in article [15] presented A neural collaborative embedding- and filtering-based for Arabic
textual documents recommendation. Their approach was build using deep features leaning and interaction modelling-
based encoders. The approach was joint of these pair types of recurrent neural networks to get user preferences and
features of document. Deep user-item interactions were fixed by stacking multiple layers.

2. Proposed Approach
2.1 Methodology

In this part we will describe our proposed recommender system to meet students’ needs of learning video in
E-learning platform. Our approach is a combination of content based recommendation system CB and convolutional
neural network CNN figures 1which run in three level as follow:
Level 1: It described input of CNN as a language model of existing learning video resources and the output is the
latent factor model (LFM) of students’ historical data, this data normalized by L1-norm. We use students’ comments
and review on learning videos as a training data of LFM. This kind of information could be explicit in form of free
writing text by learners or implicit by acquisition from learners’ behaviors. We exploited machine learning (ML) tools
to convert source learning video to text without any information losing to use acquisition text as an input data for the
language model. This level is considering as preprocessing to preparing input/output data to training CNN model.
Where its input will be language model of learning video after preprocessing (see figure 1).
4 Manar Joundy Hazar, Mounir Zrigui ,Mohsen Maraoui / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000
Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012 2003

Figure 1: pre-processing of input to CNN

LFM will be CNN output to supervised training process and the data of LFM is the normalized matrix
factorization of original user ratings matrix and a new rating prediction matrix from user text reviews as shown in
figure 2.

Figure 2: pre-processing of CNN model output

Level 2: in this level, we will train all CNN parameters by its input and output.
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 5
2004 Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012

Figure 3: model training level

Level 3: it is handling a new learning video resource recommendation process

Figure 4: level 3 (recommendation level).

This framework consist of three processes: preprocessing in level 1 (figures 1and 2),training process which represented
level 2 (figure 3) and recommendation process represented in level 3 (figures 4) which include input source learning
video after converting operation to get textual information which is brief text represent content of input learning video.
That text information is input to CNN to extract features of source input learning video figure 1, then we will combined
these features with student’s preference to analyzing process of learning resources review to make right prediction as
in figure2 . This recommendation framework able to predict if students would like to watch the desire learning video
or not. For new learning video, this is work very well as shown in figure 4.
2.2 Proposed approach

2.2.1 Video learning preprocessing

TThis section clarify how we build our proposed approach. We use CNN model to predict latent factor of
learning resources, as mention previously we convert source learning to text, which will be an input to train CNN
model. In converting operation, firstly we extract audio from learning video then, we used an API from google to get
brief text without dropping down in content and at the same time we need to do this in automated way to perform
speech-to-text transformation. One of the challenge we faced is google API limitations on audio sequence so we deal
with this problem in programmatic way in our source code keeping the accuracy and content stable.

2.2.2 Model building

The input of CNN model will be the language model of the text information regarding to the source learning video
Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012 2005
6 Manar Joundy Hazar, Mounir Zrigui ,Mohsen Maraoui / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000

(output of the previous stage in figure 1). Concerning the features of students’ preference and learning videos we
train LFM to extract this information. As we focus on students’ historical data especially on their review and
comments on learning videos because free writing text by the user more expression about his/her interests than the
numerical data such is a rating or scoring. For example you may give particular learning video a high rating but you
natural have some negative issue about the teacher learning style. That rating number never give you the area to give
your opinion. Hence we convert all historical review using VADER which is a Natural language processing (NLP)
tools [16] to rating. In recommendation system rating matrix R is a sparse matrix because not all users rate or review
all items. So logically we will done our computation in nonempty cells in ratting matrix R. so we normalized
original user rating matrix a new rating matrix that predicted from users text-reviews. After normalization process
we get flirted matrix factorization that will be used to identify user-item interaction. The CNN model built as show
in figure 5.

Figure 5: Building convolutional neural network to feature extraction

2.2.3 CNN output (Latent factor model)

Latent Latent factor model LFM is used to predict features of learning videos and student learning interest which
represented as a matrices U and V respectively. LFM is just a model that tried to predict the scoring between the user
and item based on set number of indirect factors. And it have the ability of determine the students’ preferences or
learning requirements as shown in figure 6. In basic LFM usually L2-norm regularization is used to reduce solution
space. But this method maybe lead to another problem which is an over-smoothing problem. In our presented
framework LFM result characterizes the features regarding to the learning videos and users preferences. Hence, we
should regularized the results. So, we will use L1-norm regularization after modify matrix factorization as represented
in equation1 below.
𝑗𝑗(𝑈𝑈, 𝑉𝑉) = ∑𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 (𝑈𝑈𝑖𝑖∗. − 𝑉𝑉∗𝑗𝑗 − 𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 )2 + 𝜆𝜆1 ‖𝑈𝑈‖1 + 𝜆𝜆2 ‖𝑉𝑉‖12 (1)
The right part denotes fidelity part, and all the left parts indicate the regularization parts. Where U is matrix refers to
the relation connection of the user and LFMs, V is a matrix represents the relation connection of learning videos and
LFMs, rij is a symbol refers to rating which is made by user has index i on the learning video of index j and as we
mentioned previously we applied these computations on nonempty cells in the matrix.
Regularization parameters are represented by λ1 and λ2 and their benefit just to balance fidelity part and regularization
parts. The L1-norm based model in Eq. (1) is a non-convex function. To minimize it, Grid-search and cross-validation
are used in parameter optimization part. The proposed recommendation system runs a cross-validation procedure for
a given algorithm. Then, a topic model captures this intuition in a mathematical framework.
2006 Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 7

Figure 6: Process of the Latent factor model (LFM)

2. 2.4 CNN input (Language model)

To adjust CNN input a topic model was used, documents are defined as random mixtures over latent topics. Each
topic is described by a probabilistic distribution over words. Topic model allow us to discover the document topics
since it examining each document and find all statics of its words then represent word as probability of particular
topics [17]. For topic model training we use a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).

3. Experimental and Results

3.3 Simulation Environment

We build our model using Python 3.8.8 on Anaconda environment and spider on personal computer with the
following description (HP Elite x2 1012 G1, Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) m7-6Y75 CPU @ 1.20GHz 1.51 GHz,
Installed RAM: 8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable), System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor), for farther
video processing and saving we need to rent a server (GPU DEDICATED SERVER) From interserver.net 4
company with the following description in figure 6 below:

Figure 7: GPU sever configuration

8 Manar Joundy Hazar, Mounir Zrigui ,Mohsen Maraoui / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000
Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012 2007

3.2 Dataset description

Coursera is the largest massive open online course (MOOC) provider in the world and hosts many courses from top
universities in different subjects. The data collected 1.45 million course reviews posted by students and participants 5.
There are two datasets provide:
1. Coursera courses: which contains a list of 622 courses on Coursera

Table 1: dataset course disruption

variable class description

name character Course name
institution character The name of reviewer who wrote the review
course_url character course URL
course_id character course ID

2. Coursera reviews: a list of 1.45 million reviews along with ratings

Table 2: dataset students review description

variable class description

reviews character Course review

reviewers character The name of reviewer who wrote the review
date_reviews date date when the review was posted
rating integer the rating score given by the reviewer to the course
course_id character course ID

We minimized the big data set to the aim of testing the effectiveness of cognitive computing techniques, the
demonstrative prototype that we are going to describe was exploiting videos from just three courses:
1- machine-learning presented from Stanford University by the URL
2- python-data presented from University of Michigan by the URL
3- eLearning presented from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by the URL
All these are freely available on the website of coursera for on line learning environment. We have chosen these
courses for the authority of the provider and the quality of the spoken English. The data sets used in the proposed
system are mainly collected in two data files in CSV format. One describes the review data of the users and learning
video which contains 198865 text review and the same number of rating (from 1 to 5) on 178 video of three mentioned
courses, and the other file describes the detailed information about the three learning courses.

3. 3 review sentiment analysis

Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis, is a sub-field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that tries to identify and
extract opinions within a given text. Main purpose use of is to gauge the attitude, sentiments, evaluations, attitudes

2008 Manar Joundy
Author nameHazar et al. /Computer
/ Procedia Procedia Science
Computer00 Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012
(2019) 000–000 9

and emotions of a speaker/writer based on the computational treatment of subjectivity in a text. Commonly basic
source of input recommendation data is numerical user rating but this type of data doesn’t reflect what user think and
miss all details. Hence, User comments and reviews analysis became a hot research target in recommendation field to
extract what user exactly need through given information in written text-review by the user. In this work we build our
learning RS model based on learner review for many reasons briefly in the flowing items [18]:
1- Sparsity data problem: text review provide useful information in case there is no rating which can use to
rating prediction.
2- Cold start problem: for new item/user review covered all information to fix this issue.
3- dense data: user text-review contain more detail which can be used to improve RS performance like insure
of rating quality for example in case the user rate an item in correctly such as he/she rate an item 5 star when
we found him in his review give a very negative opinion referring to the same item.
4- Information collection: review provide a valuable data about the RS domain like education, travel,
restaurants, etc. that can’t collect by scaling raring data.
5- Fin grained sentiment: which help to extract various features of one item, which give more ability flexibility
to build user/item model precisely.
Firstly, we classify learner review to positive, negative and natural review. For preprocessing classification we applied
VADER Sentiment Analyzer on coresera dataset. VADER is a rule-based sentiment analysis tool and a lexicon that
is used to express sentiments in texts on social media, also it can be used in other domain [16].
Polarity scores method was used to conclude the sentiment. VADER classify the reviews as positive, negative, neutral,
or compound. The compound value used to measure the sentiment in a given review. In the proposed method, the
threshold values used to categorize reviews as either positive, negative, or neutral. Here we use “(1)” as a threshold
of compound value as following:

- Positive sentiment: compound value > 0.001, assign score = 1

- Neutral sentiment: (compound value > -0.001) and (compound value < 0.001), assign score =0
- Negative sentiment: compound value < -0.001, assign score = -1
As a result we get csv file with all classified and new rating data as show in table 1

Table 3: heeder of csv of reviews sentiment analysis and rating

reviews reviewer date_reviews Orginal course_id Review New rating

rating type
free written text name of the date when Video score video title positive, New calculating
by learner person who review was given by negative rating by model
written the review written learner or
Actually VADER polarity between +4 (extremely positive) and -4 (extremely negative). Her in this paper we use -1
and 1 as polarity boundaries and then we formulate the fraction values to integer value from 1 to 5 (show figure 8)
that enable us later to normalize with original user rating.

if vader_compound_score >= -1 and vader_compound_score < -0.5:

return 1
elif vader_compound_score >= -0.5 and vader_compound_score < -0.05:
return 2
elif vader_compound_score >= -0.05 and vader_compound_score <= 0.05:
return 3
elif vader_compound_score > 0.05 and vader_compound_score < 0.5:
return 4
return 5

Figure 8: formulation of new rating

10 Manar Joundy Hazar, Mounir Zrigui ,Mohsen Maraoui / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000

Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012 2009

3.4. Results and Discussion

The prediction we will made is whether student would like the learning video or not by the brief review of the
learning video. There are 198865 reviews and ratings concerning 178 samples videos need to be predicted. Recently
we work on 178 learning videos belong to three online learning coerces from coursera platform as we described

3.4.1 Experiment
In table 2 below, we will list an examples of deferent samples of review on the three pre-mentioned courses in
dataset on courser. We select most degradation between two ratings to display the accuracy of new rating prediction
as show in table 2.

Table 4: Result of learner reviews sentiment analysis

reviews reviewer date_reviews Original course_id Review New rating

rating type
Very interesting... RAVURI D R 26-Apr-20 4 eLearning positive 4
The tasks sometimes were CHICAS S S M 10-Jul-20 4 eLearning negative 2
difficult to understand and
Great course ! It will By Andrea F H 1-Aug-18 5 eLearning positive 5
definitely change my way of
teaching for blended classes
or even for face-to-face
classes. Thanks a lot to Bill
and Maria and everyone of the
staff of this MOOC ! 😊😊
ok ok By Gvs G 29-Jun-20 1 python-data positive 5
good By GOURAV A 28-Jun-20 1 python-data positive 4
great By CHARCHIKA Oct 20, 2020 2 python-data positive 5
Nice By Rupak K p 10-Apr-20 1 python-data positive 4
Dr. Chuck is amazing. Im to By Puja G 1-May-20 2 python-data positive 5
dumb to code
course was really awesome By Shahistha k 26-Apr-20 4 python-data positive 5
Very poor Server capacity. By Manikanta N 29-Oct-18 5 python-data negative 1
Problematic to complete
sometimes spent too much By Polina S 12-Apr-19 4 python-data negative 1
time assignments due to
getting stuck and having no
idea what to do next. as a
result, a lot of time wasted
uselessly, that could be
bonous videos are not good By Kundrpu M 20-Dec-19 2 python-data negative 2
very good course curriculum By Pratik I b 21-Jun-20 5 machine- positive 5
and very good instructor learning
there is no note providedthe By Tran H K 10-Aug-20 1 machine- negative 1
programming questions and learning
instructions are so
ambiguousthis led to much
good By SRUTHI P N 4-Jun-20 1 machine- positive 4
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 11
2010 Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012

Next, in figures 8 and 9 we capture a real samples of learner reviews that we list it previously in table 2 (coloured
rows), for example reviews in row 1 (after header row) and row 3 about eLearning course as shown in figure 9.

Figure 9: real samples of learner reviews about eLearning course on coursera platform

Where reviews in rows 6, 8 and 12 are a real example of enrolled learner in python-data course on corsera site that
shown in figure 10 below.

Figure 10: real samples of learner reviews about Python course on coursera platform

3. 4.2 rating normalization

Rating normalization will be don on original rating matrix and new predicted rating matrix to get new matrix
factorization. Some users put a blank comment and other write au noun letters and sentiment analysis process will
predict nun or wrong new rating, in these forthcoming cases we will use original rating otherwise we already use
new rating
Manar Joundy Hazar et al. / Procedia Computer Science 207 (2022) 2000–2012 2011
12 Manar Joundy Hazar, Mounir Zrigui ,Mohsen Maraoui / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2022) 000–000

3.4.1 Discussion

From table 4 and figures 8 and 9 we clearly notice that new rating prediction gave good prediction in case:
Case 1: User judgement is positive but in some reasons he\she gave negative rating (row 6 original rating 2 and
new rating 5)
Case 2: User judgement is negative but in some reasons such as speed or wrong click, he\she gave positive
rating (row 10 original rating 5 and new rating 1)
Case 3: User judgement is positive or negative and he\she gave equivalent rating to his\her opinion (row 1
original rating 4 and new rating 4)
Case 4: User judgement is positive or negative and he\she gave mostly equivalent rating to his\her opinion but
new rating employ more details in review to predict more accurate rating (row 9 original rating 4 and new rating

That describe why using reviews sentiment analysis in recommendation systems make it more efficient as result prove
how it can be able to filter rating matrix factorization that help to enhance both learning resource features extraction
and leaner preferences in result recommender improvement.
Finally, we calculate similarity between two rating matrix (original rating and new predicted rating) as a procedure to
show the different that may accrue if we used rating numerical data and review data. For this purpose we apply cosine
similarity which is basic and effective similarity measures used in conjunction with the TF/IDF weighting scheme
[19]. We apply this measurement on all dataset (198865 reviews and ratings) so that review deferent in size, length
and type content (science, math …) from the three courses in our dataset as describe in table 3.

Cosine Similarity between Original Rating and new Rating (overall dataset) = 0.98

That prove there were more than 0.02 different between user rating and his/her opinion on the same learning resource.
Although it seem small value, but this value over all big dataset. In fact it will be much influenced of changing
recommendation system behaviour from recommend or not recommend single learning resource.

We need to improve the way that we deliver learning video resource in which that learner get learning video base
on his/her learning interest. Here the need of availability a good service of recommendation system to deal with big
amount of delivered resource and different learner requirement and that leads to get new generation of adaptive
eLearning platforms. User review data is a rich source data to build good recommender system since it exactly express
on his\her interests. In this work we present a content-based framework to learning video recommendation based on
convolutional neural network and using student review on learning video. We use online learner comment and reviews
on selective courses on coresera site and analysed these texts to build our model. VADER-based Sentiment Analysis
is used for it suitability to sentiment analysis of texts [20]. The proposed technique is tested on real world dataset and
shows good result spatially when user gave conflicting rating to his\ her opinion.

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