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XYZ Foundation

Dulce M. Juarez

BASOL, South Texas College

ORGL-4351-KV3-Management Theory II-CBE

Eduardo Pastor

April 18, 2023


XYZ Foundation

The XYZ Foundation is a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing education and

healthcare services to underserved communities in developing countries. The organization's

mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable populations through sustainable programs that

promote access to education, healthcare, and economic empowerment. In order to effectively

manage and lead the XYZ Foundation, it is essential to apply management theories and

principles, including Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of Management, to ensure efficient and

effective operations, and achieve positive outcomes for the organization and its beneficiaries.

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure refers to how the XYZ Foundation is organized and how its

various departments, teams, and individuals are coordinated and aligned to achieve the

organization's goals. One relevant management theory that can be applied to the XYZ

Foundation is the concept of division of labor, which is one of Henri Fayol's 14 Principles of

Management. Division of labor involves assigning specific tasks and responsibilities to

individuals based on their skills, expertise, and specialization, which can result in increased

efficiency and productivity.

Positive Aspects: The division of labor can lead to increased efficiency within the XYZ

Foundation as individuals are assigned tasks that align with their skills and expertise. This can

result in improved performance and productivity, as employees can focus on their areas of

strength and perform their tasks with expertise.

Negative Aspects: One potential negative aspect of division of labor is the potential for

job monotony and reduced job satisfaction, as employees may feel limited by their assigned tasks

and may not have the opportunity to develop new skills or contribute to other areas of the

organization. Additionally, if the division of labor is not properly coordinated and managed, it

may lead to silos and lack of collaboration among different departments or teams within the


Leadership styles

Leadership style refers to the approach and behavior of leaders in guiding, motivating,

and influencing their employees. One relevant management theory that can be applied to the

XYZ Foundation is the situational leadership theory, which suggests that leaders should adapt

their leadership style based on the situation and the needs of their employees.

Positive Aspects: Situational leadership can be beneficial for the XYZ Foundation as it allows

leaders to be flexible and adapt their leadership style to different situations and employees. This

can result in improved employee morale, motivation, and job satisfaction, as employees feel

supported and empowered by their leaders. Additionally, situational leadership can lead to

effective decision-making, as leaders can assess the situation and use the appropriate leadership

style to address challenges or opportunities.

Negative Aspects: One potential negative aspect of situational leadership is the

complexity and challenges associated with assessing and adapting to different situations and

employees. It may require leaders to invest significant time and effort in understanding the needs

and preferences of each employee and adjusting their leadership style accordingly, which can be

time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Motivation. Motivation refers to the factors that drive and influence employees' behavior

and performance in the workplace. One relevant management theory that can be applied to the

XYZ Foundation is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which suggests that individuals have different

levels of needs that influence their motivation.

Positive Aspects: Applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can help the XYZ Foundation

understand and address the diverse needs of its employees, which can result in improved

employee motivation and performance. By providing opportunities for employees to fulfill their

basic needs such as job security, fair compensation, and a supportive work environment, the

XYZ Foundation can create a positive work culture that fosters employee engagement and


Negative Aspects: One potential negative aspect of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Plan for Implementing Organizational Management Structure and Design Changes at

XYZ Foundation. Establish Cross-Functional Teams: XYZ Foundation will form cross-

functional teams consisting of staff members from different departments, such as fundraising,

program management, and finance. These teams will be responsible for specific projects or

initiatives and will have the authority to make decisions related to their areas of expertise. This

will be achieved through training sessions on cross-functional collaboration, team-building

activities, and assigning team leaders who can facilitate effective teamwork.

Empowerment and Delegation: XYZ Foundation will implement a delegation process

that involves assigning appropriate authority and responsibility to staff members based on their

skills and capabilities. This will be achieved through a review of job roles and responsibilities,

clarifying decision-making authority, and providing training on delegation skills for managers

and team leaders.


Performance Management: XYZ Foundation will develop a performance management

system that aligns individual goals with the organization's mission and objectives. This will

involve setting clear performance expectations, providing regular feedback and recognition, and

offering development opportunities such as training and mentoring programs. The performance

management system will be supported by performance metrics and data analysis to measure

progress and identify areas for improvement.

Communication and Information Sharing: XYZ Foundation will establish a formal

communication and information sharing system that promotes transparency and open

communication among staff members. This will include regular team meetings, town halls, and

electronic communication tools such as intranet or collaboration platforms. The organization will

also conduct training sessions on effective communication and active listening to enhance

communication skills among staff members.

Training and Development: XYZ Foundation will invest in training and development

programs to enhance the skills and capabilities of its staff members. This will include leadership

development programs, workshops on management theories and principles, and specialized

training on relevant topics such as fundraising strategies, program management, and financial

management. These programs will be customized based on the needs and goals of individual

staff members.

Change Management: XYZ Foundation will implement change management strategies to

ensure smooth transition and acceptance of the proposed organizational management structure

and design changes. This will involve communicating the reasons for the changes, addressing

concerns and resistance, and involving staff members in the decision-making process. Change

champions will be identified and empowered to lead the change effort, and regular progress

updates will be provided to staff members to keep them informed and engaged.

Expected Results and Benefits. Enhanced Collaboration: The establishment of cross-

functional teams will promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation among staff

members. This will result in improved problem-solving capabilities, increased creativity, and

better decision-making, leading to more effective and efficient project management and

organizational performance.

Empowerment and Ownership: Empowering staff members and delegating authority will

result in increased ownership and accountability among staff members. This will lead to higher

levels of motivation, job satisfaction, and engagement, resulting in improved performance and


Adaptability: The contingency approach to management will enable XYZ Foundation to

adapt its management practices based on the unique needs and challenges it faces. This will

enhance the organization's ability to respond to changes in the external environment, make

informed decisions, and align its strategies with its mission and objectives.

Improved Communication: The formal communication and information sharing system

will promote transparency, open communication, and better coordination among staff members.

This will result in improved teamwork, reduced misunderstandings, and enhanced organizational

communication, leading to better performance and employee satisfaction.

Enhanced Skills and Capabilities: The investment in training and development programs

will result in improved skills and capabilities of staff members. This will enable them to perform

their roles more effectively, adapt to changes, and contribute to the organization's success.

3-year growth in Fundraiser



15% Year Fundraiser Revenue %

2023 10%
10% 2024 15%
2025 20%

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

3-year growth in program


Year Program Impact %

2023 5%
2024 10%
2025 15%

1 yr 2 yr 3 yr

Conclusion. By implementing the proposed organizational management structure and design

changes, XYZ Foundation will be able to enhance collaboration, empower staff members,

improve communication, and adapt to changes in the external environment



Ancient history: Management through the 1990s. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

Daft, R. L., & Lane, P. G. (2023). The leadership experience. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.

Fayol, H. (2013). General and industrial management. Martino Fine Books.

Robbins, S. P. (2016, January 7). Fundamentals of Management. Google Books. Retrieved April
19, 2023, from

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