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1. What is a cell ?
Ans. A cell is the structural and functional unit of life. It mainly consists of the living substance
protoplasm and various organelles to perform specific functions.

2. What are tissues ?

Ans . A group of cells which are similar in structure and perform a specific function form a tissue.
Example : Tissues in leaf, tissues in stem, etc

3. Name two kinds of plant tissues.

Ans. Meristematic tissues and permanent tissues are the two kinds of plant tissues.

4. What are meristematic tissues ?

Ans. Meristematic tissues are made up of dividing cells. Their main function is to produce more
cells. They are involved in the growth of the plant body.

5. Where are the meristematic tissues present in the plant body ?

Ans. They are found at all growing points in a plant. They are found at the tip of the roots ,
stems and branches. They bring about vertical growth due to apical meristem. Their horizontal
growth is due to lateral meristem . They branch out to produce new leaves and also result in
horizontal growth where the stems become wider. ( The girth of the stem increases.)
6. What are the characteristics of the meristematic tissue ?
Ans. Learn the five points given in the book in page 3.

7. Meristematic tissues do not have vacuoles. Give reason.

Ans. Meristematic tissues are young cells actively dividing and they do not participate in
preparation of food. Then neither produce large amount of waste . Hence they lack vacuoles.


1. What is cell differentiation ?

Ans. Differentiation is the process by which unspecialized cells becomes specialized to carry out
distinct functions.

2. What are the main characteristics of permanent tissues ?

Ans. ( a ) They do not divide.
( b ) They get specialized to do a particular function.
( c ) They remain the same throughout their life.
In short permanent tissues is a group of cells in which growth has either stopped
completely or for the time being.

3. How are permanent tissues classified ?

Ans. Permanent tissues are classified into two main types.SIMPLE ÀND ,COMPLEX

4. What are the two types of simple permanent tissue and state their function and where
they are found ?
Ans. Simple permanent tissues are of two types . Protective tissue and Supportive tissue.

Protective tissue - These are the cells which have thick walls to give protection two inner parts.
They are found on the surface of roots, stems and leaves. Sometimes they are also present on
the surface of leaves with wax coating which prevent water from resting on the leaf .

Supportive tissue - Supporting tissue are of three types PARENCHYMA, COLLENCHYMA


Parenchyma cells form simple permanent tissue. They are made up of thin walls. They are
spherical or oval ..They have prominent the cellular space . They are large vacuoles They are
non- vascular. They are made up of undifferentiated cells and are living cells. They are widely
distributed in roots stems and leaves. Their main function is to synthesize and store food.

Parenchyma cells are of two types. CHLORENCHYMA AND AERENCHYMA.

CHLORENCHYMA .They contain chloroplasts having chlorophyll .With the help of this it
synthesises food and also stores them .
ÀERENCHYMA CELLS have large air cavities filled with air.This gives buoyancy to the plant
and .

COLLENCHYMA. These cells are elongated or oval.They have very little intercellular
space.Walls are thick at the corners due to deposition of cellulose.They are found beneath the
epidermis of the stems of dicots ( Mango , Sunflower)
They give mechanical strength to the plant body.They give elasticity and flexibility to the leaves
and stems.

SCLERENCHYMA. These are thick walled due to the presence of Lignin .They are dead cells.
They have no intercellular space and are closely packed. These cells give mechanical strength
to the plant.

FIBRES .These are elongated ànd have pointed ends .They have pits on their walls . They are
found in the midrib of the leaves , pericycle of stems , xylem and phloem. examples : cotton
fibre , jute fibres , flax .

SCLEREIDS. They are oval and small .Walls are thick made of lignin . They have pits. They
provide tough texture and crunchiness. They are found in seed coats and pulp of the fruits .
Examples : Shells of coconut, walnuts , almonds , palm fruit.

Complex tissues are made up of two or more different kinds of cells but work together as a
single unit.
Two main complex tissues are XYLEM AND PHLOEM

XYLEM : XYLEM are water conducting tissues or vascular tissues . They run along the
entire length of root , stem and leaf.They are made up of dead cells. They have thick cell walls
made of lignin. As the cells are dead, they don't have protoplasm. They have large cavities to
hold water They are elongated and are arranged end to end. The partition between two cells
dissolve to form long channels.They form tube like structures .
XYLEM Consists of 1 Tracheids 2 Vessels. 3 Xylem parenchyma 4 Xylem fibres

FUNCTIONS : Transports water and mineral salts absorbed by the roots to other plant
parts.Conduction is only in one direction. ( Upward ) .Gives mechanical support.

PHLOEM. They have living tubular cells.They have thin walls made of cellulose .They contain
protoplasm as they are living cells.PHLOEM consists of 1 Sieve tubes with sieve pores.
2 Phloem parenchyma. 3 Companion cells. 4 Phloem fibres.
FUNCTIONS : Conducts food prepared by the leaves in both directions upward and downward
to different parts of the plant for metabolism as well as storage.

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