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Resolving the Ethical tension -

The Para Way: BG 2.39-53
Recap: Act with mind on the destination
● If in a game the player is asked not to bother about
results, the player may ponder as to why he should
play. ... one should not be the cause for a result, is
that one should not think that one was responsible
for the results.
● CONNECTION WITH Trai gunya vishaya veda:
Arjuna is entitled only to do his duty. He cannot
claim for result.
● karmanyeva adhikara,= adhikara indicates ● SATTVA re-emphasised: Just like water in
the thought ‘mine’ or ‘ I am doing’. resorvior is for multiple purposes, injunctions in
the Vedas are for all types of people with various
● Sri Krishna therefore does NOT say that degree of the triguna –satva,
cause and action are not related. rajo and tamo qualities. Vedas are also meant for
● When one is doing his duty he should have the people in various eras or yugas –kritha,
this thought that it is his duty and that he is thretha, dwapara and kali yugas. It is also meant for
doing his duty. So this right – adhikara- persons at various stages in life
● Sri Krishna says that He never said that we like bramhachari [bachelor], grahastha [familied
are not responsible for the results, but persons], vanaprastha [secluded life]
commands that we should not perform our and sanyasi[renounced]. It is meant for both males
duty with the thought that we are (alone) and females, young and old, learned and the
responsible for the results. There are such 5ignorant. So, everyone should accept what is



(To do the above 3
SEED) Gautama : Who or what is this?
Prime minister : This is an old man…
Gautama : But I have never seen a person like
this. Will this happen to us also?
Prime minister: Of course, we all will become
old and suffer.
Then they saw a diseased, another deformed and
dead man. They had a similar conversation each
The human form gives the opportunity to:
1) appreciate society, friendship and love. Humans
can appreciate music, art, poetry etc.
2) inquire further into and learn about the
universe around them.
3) discriminate between matter and spirit. This is Rational knowledge using which you reject
the ultimate benefit that we can achieve in the the multitudes and accept the unique.

human form of life.

Recap: B – BLISS
aamayam means illness
& anamayam means the place or
position without illness
Between the stimulus and response there is a space,
from where we can choose our response.
To the degree we blame or accuse people or situations
around us then we empower those things and become
powerless ourselves, to do anything about our
situations. It is like giving the remote control of our lives in
others people’s hands.

samatvam= Looking at victory and defeat alike like a JUDGE!

EXAMPLES: Attachment brings in anxiety. While detachment
ensured calm and quite approach.
D –DETERMINATION: (To do the above 3
activities).“In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment
and material opulence, and who are naturally bewildered by
such things, the resolute determination of service to the divine
does not take place.”

Between a chocolate and Rs. 500/-, ……

D –DETERMINATION: (To do the above 3
activities).“In the minds of those who are too attached to sense enjoyment
and material opulence, and who are naturally bewildered by
such things, the resolute determination of service to the divine
does not take place.”

Between a chocolate and Rs. 500/-, a small

child will choose the chocolate.[Story of
What we achieve by a serene mind. SEQUENCE SO FAR
a. · Basic knowledge about atman.
b. · Performing Karma yoga with detachment
c. · Elimination of papa/punya and acquisition of unconfused mind.
d. · Ripening of Gyana yoga will lead to Realization of connection with the
Supreme Bhagavan!
What we achieve by a serene mind. SEQUENCE SO FAR
a. · Basic knowledge about atman.
b. · Performing Karma yoga with detachment
c. · Elimination of papa/punya and acquisition of unconfused mind.
d. · Ripening of Gyana yoga will lead to Realization of connection with the
Supreme Bhagavan!
Four stages of अपर वैराग्य of ज्ञान योगी

a. Trying to control our sensual organs from objects.

(Yatamana samgya... यतमान संज्ञा)
Four stages of अपर वैराग्य of ज्ञान योगी
a. Trying to control our sensual organs from objects.
(Yatamana samgya... यतमान संज्ञा)

b. Removing the desire from the organs. (vyatireka samgya ....व्य तरे की
Four stages of अपर वैराग्य of ज्ञान योगी
a. Trying to control our sensual organs from objects.
(Yatamana samgya... यतमान संज्ञा)

b. Removing the desire from the organs. (vyatireka samgya ....व्य तरे की

c. Removing the small traces in the mind. (Yetendriya samgya... एकेि न्द्रिय
Four stages of अपर वैराग्य of ज्ञान योगी
a. Trying to control our sensual organs from objects.
(Yatamana samgya... यतमान संज्ञा)

b. Removing the desire from the organs. (vyatireka samgya ....व्य तरे की

c. Removing the small traces in the mind. (Yetendriya samgya... एकेि न्द्रिय

d. Total removal of such desires without any trace (Vaseekara samgya…

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