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It is a chess tactic.
Restricting the movement of pieces is known as a Pin.
There are 2 types of Pin
1) Absolute Pin. 2) Relative Pin.

1) Absolute Pin :
An absolute pin is one where the piece shielded
by the pinned piece is the King.

Here Black Knight cannot move as Black King

will get a check from the White rook.
Knight is the pinned piece here.

2) Relative Pin :
A relative pin is one where the piece shielded
by the pinned piece is a piece other than the
king but typically is more valuable than the
pinned piece.

Here Bishop is not allowing the Black Knight to

move as Bishop will capture the Black Queen.
A knight is called a Pinned piece

Click here for Puzzles of Pin

(Puzzles solved in the class)
Click here for practice puzzles.

247 Embassy Park, Mumbai
+91 7039123065

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