Chapter Ii

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This chapter contains literature and studies that are relevant to the research that we are conducting.
Also, these chapters enable us to give wider details and better comprehensions to the topic.

Foreign studies

Doctrill (2012), stated that students regularly spend time playing online games are
developing analytically and problem-solving skills that can also help them in their schoolwork. He also
said that when you play online games you’re solving puzzle to move to the next level and that involve
using some of the general knowledge and skills in math, reading. And science that you’ve been
thought during the day. They not only have become one of the most significant recreation for all
groups, but also they have they potentials to be used for educational purposes as a new. Therefore,
video games can no longer be seen as more entertainment tools. As a game have become a tool
communicate, teach, and influence attitudes and behavior, numerous studies have suggested that
they have positive effects on problem solving, achievement as well as creating interest and
commitment in learning.

Computer games have become one of the most important entertainment tools for children,
teenagers and even adults. All around the globe allowing access to the virtual world with unlimited
possibilities, computer games compulsively attract many people. In fact, they have become integral
part of human society. In other words,by providing virtual fun and entertaining environments
(Demirbileka & Lema Tamer, 2010), and having characteristics such as being interesting and exciting,
computer games stimulate motivation and create a sense of enjoyment of learning.

Kershner (2020), according to his research an individual can improve their eye and hand
coordination skill from online games, especially from Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA).
Through these games, can be won through strategic planning, selective attention, sensorimotor skills,
and teamwork place considerable demands on the brain. The study revealed that the players of these
games have faster information processing, allocate more cognitive power to individual visual stimuli,
and allocate limited cognitive resources between successive stimuli more effectively through time.

Scott (2020), he stated such as Mobile Legends: Bang Bang can also be played for stress relief.
Some students who play this game are just having fun. It also brought to students. The game like this
can be used as coping tool after exposure to stressful situations just like having a load of academic

According to Tumbokon (2020), academic achievement may be negatively related to the over-all
time spent playing video games. The study found out that student online game addicts argue a lot
with their teacher, fight a lot with their friends, and their grade is lower that the students who play
online game less often. Some students admitted that used to skip their homework just to play the

Impulsivity of MOBA Gamers

According to filip Nuyens from Belgium (2015), it states that according to their experiments, using
a large sample of adolescents identified heightened trait impulsivity to act a risk factor for developing
subsequent problematic patterns of video games use. Moreover, it states that some experimental by
impaired executive control, disadvantageous decision making and compromised delay discounting.
The Effect of MOBA games on Adolescents’Psychological Health

According to Anhwen He (2017), their hypothesis suggest that adolescents who mainly play
MOBA games and shows a certain degree of addiction to MOBA games are more likely to have
psychological problems than adolescents who mainly play other genres of video games with
approximately same level of addiction.

The Effects of Online Gaming Towards The Academic Performance of Senior High

According to Aaron John Comingco Robinson (2016), It says that despite the benefits oplaying
online games, it can also bring negative effects because if requires much of the player’s time that can
leads them on leaving school activities and home works unattended.

According to Cortes, Alcalde and Camacho, the results of their research shows that the
probability of a computer gamer to fail is 39%, given the students has more than four siblings, a
previous grade of at most 84, lesser teachers, lesser hours on studying, living near a computer shop,
and spend more hours playing mobile games, moreover, 60% of the students’ daily allowance is spent
on playing mobile games.

The Effects of Video Game Play on Academic Performance

According to Wright (2011), The result of her research shows that participants who indicated that
they did play video games had significantly low GPA’s than participants who indicated that they did
not play video games.

The Effect of Video games on Student Achievement

According to Craton (2011), some of the effects of video games are psychological effects and gender
identify. Where she states that psychological effects are a brief exposure to violent video games
increases aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviour. While in She said in the gendes identify that
the findings of her research indicates that many forms of mass media are contributing to the on-going
gender imbalances in our society.

Local Studies

According to Bautista (2019), Mobile Legends : Bang Bang can actually help the players to
improve different skills that can be used in real life situations. Stragetic thinking, critical thinking, and
multitasking skills are the best example of the skills that can be developed and murtured while playing
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Achieving the victory is the primary objective of this game. Preparing a
good plan design using the ideas in your head can really be a good to achieve it. Together with
teammates connected by a server, the game also promotes teamwork and social connectivity.

According to Jana (2020). Online games such as Mobile Legends:Bang Bang helps the students to
improve their problem-solving skills. It has a strategy that must be recognized by the player to win a
game. It enables their mind to be more active and it helps them to come up with decisions in tight
situations. In many cases there is a time pressure, which develops speed and decision making skill.
Studies have shown that playing online game such as Mobile: Bang Bang can also increase the student

In addiction (2020), found out that the students to who became addicted to Mobile Legends : Bang
Bang many end up having a poor academic performance. When students dedicate much time to play
this they tend to forget to do their activities. This will lead them to have a low grade and sometimes a
failing grade. Moreover, a student can tend to suffer from according to Dunrique & Castillo (2019)
students learning takes place unexpectedly. But the inappropriate usage of playing online games also
Leads to some problems such as being distracted in school. The studies revealed that the human brain
is easy to destrust. Therefore playing this game can bring a huge impact on the student academic

The studies concerning the effects of online game specifically Mobile Legend bang bang
To the academic performance of the students are contradictory because some of them suggest that
Online games may lead to negative effect while other said that it gives positive benefits
The relationship between the usage of online games and academic performance has no definative
Anwser to the question of whether online game disrups academics performance. The objective of this
study is to determine how mobile legend bang bang affect the student intellectual capacity in a
relation their academics performance.

Figure 1. Research Paradigm



Based on the Figure 1, the researchers will find out the factors that can affect the
academic performance in playing an online game (Mobile Legend: Bang Bang), by
gathering the
experiences of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. That said experiences will set as a
about the effects of playing Mobile Legend: Bang Bang on the academic performance
of the

Definition of the Terms

Academic Performance- is defined by student’s reporting of past semesters

CGPA/GPAand their expected GPA for the current Semester

Farming -The act of killing creeps or monster in Mobile Legends in which you can
gain golds and experience (XP).
Gamers -A person who plays a game, especially a role playing game or mobile
Lane-the three narrow or well-defined passages or course in Mobile Legends
MOBA-Multiplayer online battle arena - Gaming genre in which a player controls
single character in one of two teams.
Online game’s -Game that can be run from an internet browser and requires the
internet connection.
Turrets-the small tower at the top in mobile legends. The one you need to destroy
for your team to win the game.
Poor Grades - Is a sub standards performance in an activity usually academic in
which individuals is graded on.
Students achievements - ability is your academic achievement or ability while you
are at school.
HP(Hit Point) - The life the hero has in game.


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