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1 Find the places on the map and number the words. university chemist's cirport fire station skyscrapers toxi police station sky traffic railway station stodium bicycles LJ motorway post office ‘ambulance museum hits fire engine factory Reading & speaking Read. Look at the map on page 12 and write yes or no. The chemist's is next to the bank. There are some skyscrapers next to the hospital. The motorway is behind the hotel. The hotel is between the swimming pool and the airport. There's a bus stop round the corer from the house. From the factory, go straight on, past the cinema and you get to the university. There's a car park in front of the police station. 8 The stadium is in front of the railway station. aurwne ~ Do the speaking activit From the restaurant go past the park and it’s on the left. no. Where could Holly buy these things? Look at the map on page 12 and make suggestions. Conversation 1 Listen and read. Then act. Daa ‘Mum: Harry, fetch my glasses, please. I need to look at my shopping list. Horry: Here they are, Mum. ‘Mum: — William, will you go to town. with Holly and Harry, please? Yeah! need you to do Lots of things! They're all here on the list. William: Oh Mum! ‘Mum: — And don't forget the money .. ‘and my shopping list! William: Oh, OK, Mum! ‘Mum: And will you change these shorts? I bought them for Harry but they're too small. Please don’t forget! ‘William: OK Mum! See you Later! 2 Match the words with the pictures. Who wants to goto town?’ Can you fetch Get off my glasses? @ the bus at the supermarket, é ‘— Gy Dame farget ‘y ® s Could you post the tiekeu! SL tetters, please? a¥Gtonthebusay © Dy Recnerber “(the bus stop round a teichangs ihe the comer ad 3 Askand answer these questions with a friend. How often /go/town? What / buy? How /travel / town? What / your mum and dad / buy? Do / ever / go / bus? What / your favourite place / town? &) ons EE «psc Listening & spachting 1 Listen and number the places the children need to go. Om 2. Draw a map from your house to your school. Tell your friend about your map. 3 Holly is talking to her mum. What did the children do? What didn’t they do? Listen and tick () or cross (x) the boxes. m2 (oa | ® S11, aE i i | William bought something Mum didn’t ask for. What was it? A 1 Look at this picture. Find things beginning with the letter ‘s’ and write a list. How many things did you find? How long did it take you to find them? 2. Write the words in the boxes and find the name of a shop. ® ‘ + © ree Flyers practics test [reocing writing Por) Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example, Example Taught cheap unhappy buy lovely travelled expensive bought sold Yesterday, Mum wanted a train ticket and some other things from town, so I said ‘No problem!’ and T went shopping with my sister and brother. We caught the bus into town and got off at the bus stop outside the supermarket. First we went. to the shopping centre and we changed my shorts there because they were too small for me. Next we walked through the market. We didn't (a) anything there though. After that we went to the post office. There we (2) some stamps and posted some letters. We couldn't find any white envelopes for Mum but we did get brush and comb from the chemist’s next to the bookshop. They were quite cheap. Mum wanted some lemon soap for Grandma but there wasn't any. Then we collected a cake for Grandma's birthday. It was pink and it looked really (3) ! after that, my brother got a computer game from a shop near the gym. It was very (4) so we couldn't buy the train ticket for Mum. She was very (5) about that! (6) Now choose the best name for the story. Tick one box. — Agreat bus trip Aday in town At the shopping centre SSSR San eae - Flyers practice test - Reading & Writing, Part 3 Flyars practices test Listen and colour and write. There is one example. 9

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