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Weir is designed to be stable for control of Over Turning, Sliding and Bearing Capacity against
Design Loads. Design Flood with return period of 100 years is considered to be retained by this
weir. Model and dimension of the weir and its hydraulic design data also the other data related to
the stability analysis are shown as below.

2.4.1 Section Properties of Weir and its Surrounding Area

Average unit weight of weir = 2.300 t/m3

Unit weight of water = 1.000 t/m3
Unit weight of saturated backfill ɣsat = 1.800 t/m3
Unit weight of submerged backfill ɣsub = 1.100 t/m3
Surcharge earth pressure in normal condition q = 1.000 t/m2
Surcharge earth pressure in seismic condition q' = 0.500 t/m2
Active earth pressure coefficient in normal condition ka = 0.297
Active earth pressure coefficient in seismic condition kae = 0.447
Passive earth pressure coefficient in normal condition kp = 10.095
Passive earth pressure coefficient in seismic condition kpe = 2.692
Horizontal earthquake coefficient kh = 0.150
Vertical earthquake coefficient kv = 0.075

Section area and center of gravity of Weir's Components are determined by using CAD's
Program Facilities with the works sequence as below.

1 → Make shape of object with " Poly line " facility

2 → Type " Region ", and then push Enter
3 → Klik object ( boundary of weir component in poly line ) , and then push Enter
4 → Type " massprop ", and then push Enter
After execution of the above item 4, the CAD's Program will show the following display.

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 1

Area : 52,7942
It means section area of Weir is Ac1 = 52.7942 m2

Centroid: X: 5.0759
Y: 2.9325
It means Coordinate of weir center of gravity is X = 5.0759 m
Y = 2.9325 m

To indicate position of the weir center of gravity (centroid ) can be done by making a
ciyrcle with the center point as the coordinate of the centroid with the following steps

5 → Type " cyrcle ", and then push Enter

6 → Type coordinate of the center point " 5.0759; 2.9325 ", and then push Enter

After execution of the above item 6, the CAD's Program will show position of the weir
center of gravity as below.
Horizontal distance from the weir cg to point AG will be 6.211 m
Vertical distance from the weir cg to the line AF-AG will be 5.540 m

Example of determination of the section area and weir center of gravity in CAD
Format is also presented in this calculation as a arefence to make evaluation for
the readers.

Cross Section of Weir Body

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 2

2.4.2 Calculation of Structural Safety Factor and Foundation Bearing

1) At the Just After Completion

The considered condition in this case is the critical situation that is possible to occur from
starting construction until completion of the weir before impounding / water filling of the
reservoir. Model of loading system to the weir is shown as below.

Loading Diagram

Center of gravities and section areas of the weir and apron slab ( Ac1) are directly
determined by using CAD's program facilities with the results as shown in the following.

h1 = Height of soil layer = 1 m

Ac1 = Cross section area of weir = 52.7942 m2
ɣwc = Average unit weight of weir = 2.300 t/m3
Wc1 = Weight of weir per meter = 121.43 t
L1 = Length of arm = 6.21 m

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 3

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm Active
Force X Moment Force Y Moment
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m) ( t-m )

Wc1 Weir weight 121.43 6.21 754.18 -

Pq Surcharge earth pressure 0.297 0.500 0.149

Ps Active earth pressure 3.042 0.333 1.014

121.43 754.18 3.34 1.16

Amount of vertical force ∑V = 121.43 t

Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = 754.18 t-m

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 3.34 t

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 1.16 t-m

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

b = width of foundation base = 1.00 m

h = length of foundation base = 11.29 m
A = bxh = 11.29 m2

d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = 6.20 m

e = h/2 - d = 0.56 m
= 0.56 < h/6 = 1.88 m
Me = ∑V x e = 67.75 t-m

W = b x h2 / 6 = 21.23 m3
q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
= 10.76 + 19.14 = 29.90 t /m2
< 40 t /m2
q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = 10.76 -- 19.14 = (8.39) t /m2

2) At the Just After Completion in Seismic Condition

The considered condition in this case is the critical situation that is possible to occur from
starting construction until completion of the weir before impounding / water filling of the
reservoir. Model of loading system to the weir is shown as below.

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 4

Loading Diagram

Wc1' = Inertia force of Wc1 due to earthquake

= Wc1 x kh = 18.21 t
Pq' = Surcharge earth pressure in seismic condition
= kae x q' x h1 = 0.22 t
Pse = Soil pressure in seismic condition
= 0.5 x kae x ɣsat x h12 = 0.40 t

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm Active

Force X Moment Force Y Moment
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m) ( t-m )

Wc1 Weir weight 121.43 6.21 754.18

Wc1' Inertia force 18.21 5.54 100.91

Pq' Surcharge pressure 0.45 0.50 0.23

Pse Soil pressure 0.55 0.33 0.18

121.43 754.18 19.21 101.31

Amount of vertical force ∑V = 121.43 t

Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = 754.18 t-m

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 19.21 t

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 101.31 t-m

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 5

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity
σ = allowable bearing stress of foundation base = 40.00 t/m2
b = width of foundation base = 1.00 m
h = length of foundation base = 11.29 m
A = bxh = 11.29 m2
d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = 5.38 m

e = h/2 - d = 0.27 m
0.27 < h/6 = 1.88 m
Me = ∑V x e = 32.40 t-m

W = b x h2 / 6 = 21.23 m3

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
10.76 + 9.16 = 19.91 t /m2
q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = 10.76 -- 9.16 = 1.60 t /m2

3) At Normal Operation Condition

The significant item to be considered in this case is water pressure from upstream and
downstream of weir and uplift at the bottom of the weir. Model of loading system to the
weir is shown as below.

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 6


Values of water pressure and pressure plane are taken from ground pressure analysis as
described at Section 2.2 Creep Length and Ground Water Pressure . Furthermore, from
the above Loading Diagram, Working Loads to the Weir can be calculated as the following.

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm Active

Force X Moment Force Y Moment
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m) ( t-m )

Wc1 Weir weight 121.43 6.21 754.18 -

Pw1 Water pressure above apron 12.500 6.774 84.67

Ps1 Active earth pressure 0.408 3.440 1.40
QR1 Seepage water pressure 16.629 3.857 64.14
QR2 Seepage water pressure 6.625 3.440 22.79
AGAH1 Seepage water pressure (26.414) 1.629 (43.02)
AGAH2 Seepage water pressure (8.712) 1.086 (9.46)
RAG1 Uplift pressure (42.23) 5.64 (238.30)

79.20 515.88 1.04 120.53

Amount of vertical force ∑V = 79.20 t

Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = 515.88 t-m

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 1.04 t

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 120.53 t-m

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

b = width of foundation base = 1.00 m

h = length of foundation base = 11.29 m
A = bxh = 11.29 m2

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 7

d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = 4.99 m

e = h/2 - d = 0.65 m
= 0.65 < h/6 = 1.88 m
Me = ∑V x e = 51.62 t-m

W = b x h2 / 6 = 21.23 m3

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
= 7.02 + 14.59 = 21.60 t /m2
< 40 t /m2
q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = 7.02 -- 14.59 = (7.57) t /m2

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 8

4) At Normal Operation in Seismic Condition

In this case , Loading Diagram of water pressure and uplift pressure is the same with in the
case 3) at Normal Operation Condition. The differences are the earth pressure applies
coeffient of earth pressure in seismic kae also there is inertia force due to weight of the
weir. So that the calculation of weir stability becomes as follows

Pse = Submerged soil pressure under apron slab

= 0.5 * kae * ɣsub * 2.52 = 1.54 t
Pse2 = Passive earth pressure
= 0.5 * kpe * ɣsub * 2.52 = 9.25 t

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm Active

Force X Moment Force Y Moment
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m) ( t-m )

Wc1 Weir weight 121.43 6.21 754.18 -

Wc1' Inertia force 18.21 5.54 100.91
Pw1 Water pressure above apron 12.50 6.77 84.67
Pse Active earth pressure 1.54 3.44 5.29
QR1 Seepage water pressure 16.63 3.86 64.14
QR2 Seepage water pressure 6.63 3.44 22.79
AGAH1 Seepage water pressure (26.41) 1.63 (43.02)
AGAH2 Seepage water pressure (8.71) 1.09 (9.46)
RAG1 Uplift pressure (42.23) 5.64 (238.30)
Pse2 Passive earth pressure (9.25) 1.086 (10.05)

79.20 515.88 11.12 215.27

Amount of vertical force ∑V = 79.20 t

Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = 515.88 t-m

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 11.12 t

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 9

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 215.27 t-m

Safety against Over Turning

SF = ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.2
SF = 515.88 / 215.27 = 2.40 ok

Safety against Sliding

SF = f x ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.2
f = Friction coefficient or adhesion between concrete and foundation layer
f = 0.45
SF = 35.64 / 11.12 = 3.20 ok

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

σ = allowable bearing stress of foundation base = 40.00 t/m2
b = width of foundation base = 1.00 m
h = length of foundation base = 11.29 m
A = bxh = 11.29 m2
d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = 3.80 m

e = h/2 - d = 1.85 m
1.85 < h/6 = 1.88 m
Me = ∑V x e = 146.36 t-m

W = b x h2 / 6 = 21.23 m3

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
7.02 + 41.36 = 48.38 t /m2

q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = 7.02 -- 41.36 = (34.34) t /m2

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 10

5) At Flooding Condition

A Design Flood of 100 years return period amounting 806,043 m3/s is considered to be
resisted by the Weir Structure. During the design flood is coming, seismic condition is not
consired to occur. So that the calculation of weir stability becomes as follows


Weight of water and water pressure acting to the weir body are calculated based on the
above Load Diagram. And results of the calculation are explained in the following sections

W1 = Weight of water
= 1,564*(4,7) = 7.35 t
W1a = Weight of water

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 11

= 0,5 *1,564*(5,0) = 3.91 t
W2 = Weight of water
= 2,162*(1,419+2,616+0,233) = 9.23 t
W2a = Weight of water
= 0,5*2,162*(0,665) = 0.72 t
W3 = Weight of water
= 1,789*(2,616+0,233) = 5.10 t
W3a = Weight of water
= 0,5*1,789*(1,419) = 1.27 t
W3b = Weight of water
= 0,5*1,789*(0,986) = 0.88 t
W4 = Weight of water
= 2,073*(1,219) = 2.53 t
W4a = Weight of water
= 0,5*2,073*(2,616) = 2.71 t
W4b = Weight of water
= 0,5*2,073*(1,932) = 2.00 t
W5 = Weight of water
= 3,699*(1,932+1,219) = 11.66 t
W5a = Weight of water
= 0,5*3,699*(3,699) = 6.84 t
Pw1 = Water pressure
= 5,0*(5,0) = 25.00 t
Pw2 = Water pressure
= 0,5*5,0*(5,0) = 12.50 t
AGAH1 = Water pressure
= 0,2*(0,2) = 0.04 t
AGAH2 = Water pressure
= 0,5*0,2*(0,2) = 0.02 t
AGAH'1 = Water pressure
= 0.5*(6,85*6,85) = 23.46 t

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 12


RAG1 = Uplift water pressure

= 42,2252 = 42.2252 t

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 13

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm Active
Force X Moment Force Y Moment
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m) ( t-m )

W1 Weight of water 7.35 10.505 77.22

W1a Weight of water 3.91 10.771 42.11
W2 Weight of water 9.23 8.642 79.74
W2a Weight of water 0.72 9.002 6.47
W3 Weight of water 5.10 6.667 33.98
W3a Weight of water 1.27 6.965 8.84
W3b Weight of water 0.88 6.369 5.62
W4 Weight of water 2.53 4.736 11.97
W4a Weight of water 2.71 5.081 13.78
W4b Weight of water 2.00 4.39 8.79
W5 Weight of water 11.66 1.85 21.56
W5a Weight of water 6.84 1.233 8.44
Wc1 Weir weight 121.43 6.21 754.18 -
Pw1 Water pressure above apron 25.000 7.607 190.18
Pw2 Water pressure above apron 12.500 6.598 82.48
AGAH1 Seepage water pressure (0.040) 1.629 (0.07)
AGAH2 Seepage water pressure (0.020) 1.086 (0.02)
AGAH'1 Seepage water pressure (23.461) 5.541 (130.00)
RAG1 Uplift pressure (42.23) 5.64 (238.30)

133.39 834.41 13.98 142.56

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 14

Amount of vertical force ∑V = 133.39 t
Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = 834.41 t-m

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 13.98 t

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 142.56 t-m

Safety against Over Turning

SF = ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
SF = 834 / 142.56 = 5.85 ok

Safety against Sliding

SF = f x ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
f = Friction coefficient or adhesion between concrete and foundation layer
f = 0.45
60.03 / 13.98 = 4.29 ok

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

b = width of foundation base = 1.00 m

h = length of foundation base = 11.29 m
A = bxh = 11.29 m2

d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = 5.19 m

e = h/2 - d = 0.46 m
= 0.46 < h/6 = 1.88 m
Me = ∑V x e = 60.97 t-m

W = b x h2 / 6 = 21.23 m3

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
= 11.82 + 17.23 = 29.05 t /m2
< 40 t /m2
q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = 11.82 -- 17.23 = (5.41) t /m2

Weir - Stability 2.4 - 15


1) Beam of Flushing Gate at Weir Structure

This Piers is purposed to support the equipment operation for closing and
opening of the flushing gate at the weir structure. The Piers shall be capable of
bearing the weight of the gate including the related equipment either in normal
or in seismic conditions. The Piers consists of a reinforced concrete structure
that is fixed at its ends at a thick concrete wall. Model and dimension of the Piers
is shown as below.

→ Dimension and Position of Piers

Hoist Room Plan

Weir - Structure 2.5 - 16

→ Loading System and Structural Analysis

Loading system and results of structural analysis consisting of moment diagram, shear
force diagram and re-bars requirement diagram are presented in the following sections

Loading System

Live Load (kg,m) Quake Load (kg,m)

Weir - Structure 2.5 - 17

Moment Diagram

Unit (kg,m)

Weir - Structure 2.5 - 18

Shear Force Diagram

Unit (kg,m)

Weir - Structure 2.5 - 19

Flexure Reinforcement :
fy = 240 Mpa
f'c = 25 Mpa
β = 0.85
Use of rebar D = 13 mm
Ab = 132.79 mm2
b 1000.00 mm
Reinforcement Bars:
Aneeded (sap2000) = 1140 mm2
Sused = 116 mm
Slab at bottom
Aneeded (sap2000) = 450 mm2
Sused = 295 mm
Aneeded (sap2000) = 720 mm2
Sused = 184 mm

Re-bars Requirement

Weir - Structure 2.5 - 20

Unit (kg,cm)

Weir - Structure 2.5 - 21


Weir is designed to be stable for control of Over Turning, Sliding and Bearing Capacity against Design
Loads. Design Flood with return period of 25 years is considered to be retained by this weir. Model and
dimension of the weir and its hydraulic design data also the other data related to the stability analysis are
shown as below.

2.3.1 Section Properties of Weir and its Surrounding Area

Average unit weight of weir = 2.300

Unit weight of water = 1.000
Unit weight of saturated backfill ɣsat = 1.800
Unit weight of submerged backfill ɣsub = 1.100
Surcharge earth pressure in normal condition q = 1.000
Surcharge earth pressure in seismic condition q' = 0.500
Active earth pressure coefficient in normal condition ka = 0.297
Active earth pressure coefficient in seismic condition kae = 0.447
Passive earth pressure coefficient in normal condition kp = 10.095
Passive earth pressure coefficient in seismic condition kpe = 2.692
Horizontal earthquake coefficient kh = 0.150
Vertical earthquake coefficient kv = 0.075

Section area and center of gravity of Weir's Components are determined by using CAD's
Program Facilities with the works sequence as below.

1 → Make shape of object with " Poly line " facility

2 → Type " Region ", and then push Enter
3 → Klik object ( boundary of weir component in poly line ) , and then push Enter
4 → Type " massprop ", and then push Enter
After execution of the above item 4, the CAD's Program will show the following display.

---------------- REGIONS ----------------

Area: 52.2271
Perimeter: 39.7484
Bounding box: X: -2.5350 -- 8.8380
Y: 790.8926 -- 801.0000
Centroid: X: 2.5792
Y: 796.4418
Moments of inertia: X: 33763224.96540
Y: 888.0857
Product of inertia: XY: 109154.6287
Radii of gyration: X: 796.4447
Y: 4.0847
Principal moments and X-Y directions about centroid:
I: 159.3338 along [0.8980 -0.4399]
J: 623.9236 along [0.4399 0.8980]

Stability 2.3 - 22
Area: 52.2271
It means section area of Weir is Ac1 = 52.2271

Centroid: X: 2.5792
Y: 796.442
It means Coordinate of weir center of gravity is X = 2.5792
Y = 796.4418

To indicate position of the weir center of gravity (centroid ) can be done by making a ciyrcle with
the center point as the coordinate of the centroid with the following steps

5 → Type " circle ", and then push Enter

6 → Type coordinate of the center point " 2.5792, 796.44 ", and then push Enter

After execution of the above item 6, the CAD's Program will show position of the weir center of
gravity as below.
Horizontal distance from the weir cg to point Q will be 6.26
Vertical distance from the weir cg to the line KQ will be 5.55

Example of determination of the section area and weir center of gravity in CAD Format
is also presented in this calculation as a arefence to make evaluation for the readers.

2.3.2 Calculation of Structural Safety Factor and Foundation Bearing

Stability 2.3 - 23
1) At the Just After Completion

The considered condition in this case is the critical situation that is possible to occur from
starting construction until completion of the weir before impounding / water filling of the
reservoir. Model of loading system to the weir is shown as below.

Center of gravities and section areas of the weir and apron slab ( Ac1 and Ac2 ) are directly
determined by using CAD's program facilities with the results as shown in the following.

h1 = Height of soil layer = 2.5

Ac1 = Cross section area of weir = 52.2271
ɣwc = Average unit weight of weir = 2.300
Wc1 = Weight of weir per meter = 120.12
L1 = Length of arm = 6.26

Pq = Surcharge earth pressure

= ka x q x h1 = 0.74
Ps = Soil pressure 0.5 x ka x ɣsat x h1 2
= 1.67

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm

Force X Moment Force Y

Stability 2.3 - 24
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m)

Wc1 Weir weight 120.12 6.26 751.85

Pq Surcharge earth pressure 0.743 1.250

Ps Active earth pressure 3.042 0.833

120.12 751.85 3.78

Amount of vertical force ∑V = 120.12

Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = 751.85

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 3.78

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 3.46

Safety against Over Turning

SF = ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
SF = 120 / 3.46 = 34.69

Safety against Sliding

SF = f x ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
f = Friction coefficient or adhesion between concrete and foundation layer
f = 0.45
54.06 / 3.78 = 14.28 ok

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

b = width of foundation base = 1.00

h = length of foundation base = 10.80
A = bxh = 10.80

d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = 6.23

e = h/2 - d = 0.83
= 0.83 < h/6 = 1.80
Me = ∑V x e = 99.72

W = b x h2 / 6 = 19.44
q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
= 11.12 + 30.78 = 41.90
< 40 t /m 2

q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = 11.12 -- 30.78 = (19.66)

2) At the Just After Completion in Seismic Condition

Stability 2.3 - 25
The considered condition in this case is the critical situation that is possible to occur from
starting construction until completion of the weir before impounding / water filling of the
reservoir. Model of loading system to the weir is shown as below.

Wc1' = Inertia force of Wc1 due to earthquake

= Wc1 x kh = 18.02
Wc2' = Inertia force of Wc2 due to earthquake
= Wc2 x kh = -
Pq' = Surcharge earth pressure in seismic condition
= kae x q' x h1 = 0.56
Pse = Soil pressure in seismic condition
= 0.5 x kae x ɣsat x h12 = 2.51

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm

Force X Moment Force Y
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m)

Wc1 Weir weight 120.12 6.10 732.75

Wc2 Apron slab weight - 10.46 -
Wc1' Inertia force 18.02 2.37
Wc2' Inertia force - 1.64

Pq' Surcharge pressure 3.04 1.25

Pse Soil pressure 1.43 0.83

- - -

Stability 2.3 - 26
Amount of vertical force ∑V = -
Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = -

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = -

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = -

Safety against Over Turning

SF = ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.2
SF = - / - = -

Safety against Sliding

SF = f x ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.2
f = Friction coefficient or adhesion between concrete and foundation layer
f = 0.45
SF = - / - = - ok

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

σ = allowable bearing stress of foundation base = 40.00
b = width of foundation base = 1.00
h = length of foundation base = 10.80
A = bxh = 10.80
d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = -

e = h/2 - d = -
- < h/6 = 1.80
Me = ∑V x e = -

W = b x h2 / 6 = 19.44

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
- + - = -
q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = - -- - = -

Stability 2.3 - 27
3) At Normal Operation Condition

The significant item to be considered in this case is water pressure from upstream and
downstream of weir and uplift at the bottom of the weir. Model of loading system to the weir is
shown as below.


Values of water pressure and pressure plane are taken from ground pressure analysis as
described at Section 2.2 Creep Length and Ground Water Pressure . Furthermore, from the
above Loading Diagram, Working Loads to the Weir can be calculated as the following.

Pw1 = Water pressure above apron slab

= 0.5*3.4*3.79 = 6.44
Ps = Submerged soil pressure under apron slab
= 0.5 * ka * ɣsub * 2.212 = 0.36
UJ1 = Seepage water pressure
= 1.97*2.21 = 4.35
UJ2 = Seepage water pressure
= 0.5*1.97*2.21 = 2.18
QQ'1 = Seepage water pressure
= 1.43*2.11 = 3.16
QQ'2 = Seepage water pressure
= 0.5*1.43*2.11 = 1.58
KO1 = Uplift water pressure
= 9.52*3.22 = 30.65
KO2 = Uplift water pressure
= 0.5*9.52*0.96 = 4.57
OP1 = Uplift water pressure

Stability 2.3 - 28
= 0.48*3.22 = 1.55
OP2 = Uplift water pressure
= 0.5*0.48*0.46 = 0.11

PQ1 = Uplift water pressure

= 0.8*3.64 = 2.91
PQ2 = Uplift water pressure
= 0.5*0.8*0.04 = 0.02

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm

Force X Moment Force Y
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m)

Wc1 Weir weight 120.12 6.10 732.75

Wc2 Apron slab weight - 10.46 -

Pw1 Water pressure above apron 6.443 3.700

Ps1 Active earth pressure 0.361 0.737
UJ1 Seepage water pressure 4.354 1.105
UJ2 Seepage water pressure 2.177 0.737
QQ'1 Seepage water pressure (3.160) 1.055
QQ'2 Seepage water pressure (1.580) 0.703
KO1 Uplift pressure (30.65) 6.04 (185.15)
KO2 Uplift pressure (4.57) 7.63 (34.87)
OP1 Uplift pressure (1.55) 1.04 (1.61)
OP2 Uplift pressure (0.11) 0.96 (0.11)
PQ1 Uplift pressure (2.91) 0.40 (1.16)
PQ2 Uplift pressure (0.02) 0.53 (0.01)

- - 8.59

Amount of vertical force ∑V = -

Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = -

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 8.59

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 26.07

Safety against Over Turning

SF = ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
SF = - / 26.07 = -

Safety against Sliding

SF = f x ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
f = Friction coefficient or adhesion between concrete and foundation layer
f = 0.45

Stability 2.3 - 29
- / 8.59 = - ok

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

b = width of foundation base = 1.00

h = length of foundation base = 10.80
A = bxh = 10.80

d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = -

e = h/2 - d = -
= - < h/6 = 1.80
Me = ∑V x e = -

W = b x h2 / 6 = 19.44

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
= - + - = -
< 40 t /m 2

q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = - -- - = -

Stability 2.3 - 30
4) At Normal Operation in Seismic Condition

In this case , Loading Diagram of water pressure and uplift pressure is the same with in the case
3) at Normal Operation Condition. The differences are the earth pressure applies coeffient of
earth pressure in seismic kae also there is inertia force due to weight of the weir. So that the
calculation of weir stability becomes as follows

Pse = Submerged soil pressure under apron slab

= 0.5 * kae * ɣsub * 2.212 = 1.20
Pse2 = Passive earth pressure
= 0.5 * kpe * ɣsub * 2.112 = 6.59

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm

Force X Moment Force Y
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m)

Wc1 Weir weight 120.12 6.10 732.75

Wc2 Apron slab weight - 10.46 -
Wc1' Inertia force 18.02 2.370
Wc2' Inertia force - 1.640
Pw1 Water pressure above apron 6.44 3.700
Pse Active earth pressure 1.20 0.737
UJ1 Seepage water pressure 4.35 1.105
UJ2 Seepage water pressure 2.18 0.737
QQ'1 Seepage water pressure (3.16) 1.055
QQ'2 Seepage water pressure (1.58) 0.703
KO1 Uplift pressure (30.65) 6.04 (185.15)
KO2 Uplift pressure (4.57) 7.63 (34.87)
OP1 Uplift pressure (1.55) 1.04 (1.61)
OP2 Uplift pressure (0.11) 0.96 (0.11)
PQ1 Uplift pressure (2.91) 0.40 (1.16)
PQ2 Uplift pressure (0.02) 0.53 (0.01)
Pse2 Passive earth pressure (6.59) 0.703

- - -

Stability 2.3 - 31
Amount of vertical force ∑V = -
Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = -

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = -

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = -

Safety against Over Turning

SF = ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.2
SF = - / - = -

Safety against Sliding

SF = f x ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.2
f = Friction coefficient or adhesion between concrete and foundation layer
f = 0.45
SF = - / - = - ok

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

σ = allowable bearing stress of foundation base = 40.00
b = width of foundation base = 1.00
h = length of foundation base = 10.80
A = bxh = 10.80
d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = -

e = h/2 - d = -
- < h/6 = 1.80
Me = ∑V x e = -

W = b x h2 / 6 = 19.44

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W
- + - = -

q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = - -- - = -

Stability 2.3 - 32
5) At Flooding Condition

A Design Flood of 100 years return period amounting 957 m3/s is considered to be resisted by
the Weir Structure. During the design flood is coming, seismic condition is not consired to occur.
So that the calculation of weir stability becomes as follows


Weight of water and water pressure acting to the weir body are calculated based on the above
Load Diagram. And results of the calculation are explained in the following sections

Stability 2.3 - 33
W1 = Weight of water
= 0.82*(3.4+3.5) = 5.66
W2 = Weight of water
= 0.68*(3.5) = 2.38
W2a = Weight of water
= 0.5*0.68*3.4 = 1.16
W3 = Weight of water
= 0.79*3.2 = 2.53
W3a = Weight of water
= 0.79*(3.5-3.2) = 0.24
W4 = Weight of water
= 1.5*2.49 = 3.74
W4a = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.5*(3.2-2.49) = 0.53

W4b = Weight of water

= 0.5*1.5*0.37 = 0.28
W5 = Weight of water
= 1.5*(0.98+0.37) = 2.03
W5a = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.5*(2.49-0.98) = 1.13
W5b = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.5*0.95 = 0.71
W6 = Weight of water
= 1.11*0.88 = 0.98
W6a = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.11*(0.98+0.37+0.95-0.88) = 0.79
W6b = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.11*1.04 = 0.58
W7 = Weight of water
= 1.0*0.64 = 0.64
W7a = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.0*1.28 = 0.64
W7b = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.0*0.71 = 0.36
W8 = Weight of water
= 1.0*(0.64+0.71) = 1.35
W8a = Weight of water
= 0.5*1.0*0.48 = 0.24
W9 = Weight of water
= 2.39*1.69 = 4.04
W9a = Weight of water
= 0.5*2.39*0.48 = 0.57
Pw1 = Water pressure
= 3.5*3.4 = 11.90
Pw2 = Water pressure
= 0.5*3.4*3.4 = 5.78
QQ'1 = Water pressure

Stability 2.3 - 34
= 2.17*2.11 = 4.58
QQ'2 = Water pressure
= 0.5*2.11*2.11 = 2.23
QQ''1 = Water pressure
= 0.5*2.17*2.17 = 2.23


KO1 = Uplift water pressure

= 9.52*5.63 = 53.5976
KO2 = Uplift water pressure

Stability 2.3 - 35
= 0.5*9.52*1.19 = 5.6644
OP1 = Uplift water pressure
= 0.48*5.63 = 2.7024
OP2 = Uplift water pressure
= 0.5*0.48*0.44 = 0.1056
PQ1 = Uplift water pressure
= 0.8*6.02 = 4.816
PQ2 = Uplift water pressure
= 0.5*0.8*0.05 = 0.02

CODE DESCRIPTION Vertical Arm Passive Hrizontl Arm

Force X Moment Force Y
(t) (m) ( t-m ) (t) (m)

W1 Weight of water 5.66 10.39 58.79

W2 Weight of water 2.38 9.64 22.94
W2a Weight of water 1.16 9.75 11.27
W3 Weight of water 2.53 8.91 22.52
W3a Weight of water 0.24 9.04 2.14
W4 Weight of water 3.74 7.76 28.98
W4a Weight of water 0.53 8.01 4.27
W4b Weight of water 0.28 7.51 2.08
W5 Weight of water 2.03 6.26 12.68
W5a Weight of water 1.13 6.51 7.37
W5b Weight of water 0.71 6.01 4.28
W6 Weight of water 0.98 4.95 4.84
W6a Weight of water 0.79 5.14 4.05
W6b Weight of water 0.58 4.77 2.75
W7 Weight of water 0.64 3.9 2.50
W7a Weight of water 0.64 4.06 2.60
W7b Weight of water 0.36 3.73 1.32
W8 Weight of water 1.35 2.89 3.90
W8a Weight of water 0.24 2.73 0.66
W9 Weight of water 4.04 1.2 4.85
W9a Weight of water 0.57 0.8 0.46
Wc1 Weir weight 120.12 6.10 732.75
Wc2 Apron slab weight - 10.46 -

Stability 2.3 - 36
Pw1 Water pressure above apron 11.900 3.700
Pw2 Water pressure above apron 5.780 0.737
QQ'1 Seepage water pressure (4.579) 1.055
QQ'2 Seepage water pressure (2.226) 0.703
Q'Q''1 Seepage water pressure (2.226) 2.830
KO1 Uplift pressure (53.60) 6.04 (323.73)
KO2 Uplift pressure (5.66) 7.63 (43.22)
OP1 Uplift pressure (2.70) 1.04 (2.81)
OP2 Uplift pressure (0.11) 0.96 (0.10)
PQ1 Uplift pressure (4.82) 0.40 (1.93)
PQ2 Uplift pressure (0.02) 0.53 (0.01)

- - 8.65

Amount of vertical force ∑V = -

Amount of passive moment due to vertical force ∑ MP = -

Amount of active horizontal force ∑H = 8.65

Amount of active moment due to vertical force ∑ MA = 35.59

Safety against Over Turning

SF = ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
SF = - / 35.59 = -

Safety against Sliding

SF = f x ∑ MP / ∑ MA > 1.5
f = Friction coefficient or adhesion between concrete and foundation layer
f = 0.45
- / 8.65 = - ok

Safety of Foundation Bearing Capacity

b = width of foundation base = 1.00

h = length of foundation base = 10.80
A = bxh = 10.80

d = ( ∑ MP - ∑ MA ) / ∑V = -

e = h/2 - d = -
= - < h/6 = 1.80
Me = ∑V x e = -

W = b x h2 / 6 = 19.44

q max = ∑ V / A + 6 Me / W

Stability 2.3 - 37
= - + - = -
< 40 t /m

q min = ∑ V / A -- 6 Me / W
q min = - -- - = -

Stability 2.3 - 38
Capacity against Design
ned by this weir. Model and
to the stability analysis are


mined by using CAD's

the following display.

Stability 2.3 - 39


done by making a ciyrcle with


position of the weir center of


er of gravity in CAD Format

valuation for the readers.

Stability 2.3 - 40
possible to occur from
g / water filling of the

Ac1 and Ac2 ) are directly

hown in the following.




Stability 2.3 - 41
( t-m )









t /m2

t /m2

Stability 2.3 - 42
possible to occur from
g / water filling of the

( t-m )



Stability 2.3 - 43






t /m2

t /m2

Stability 2.3 - 44
e from upstream and
oading system to the weir is

d pressure analysis as
e . Furthermore, from the
ated as the following.

Stability 2.3 - 45

( t-m )







Stability 2.3 - 46



t /m2

t /m2

Stability 2.3 - 47
e is the same with in the case
ressure applies coeffient of
ht of the weir. So that the

( t-m )



Stability 2.3 - 48






t /m2

t /m2

Stability 2.3 - 49
onsidered to be resisted by
dition is not consired to occur.

culated based on the above

ollowing sections

Stability 2.3 - 50

Stability 2.3 - 51

Stability 2.3 - 52

( t-m )


Stability 2.3 - 53








Stability 2.3 - 54
t /m2

t /m2

Stability 2.3 - 55
Diameter Pipa
A = 3.7994 m2
D = 2.2 m2 2.200039
Q = 18.71 m3/s
V = 4.9199

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