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(Class demo teaching on mathematics in k – 6)

Student’s Name: Jaima Rasad Ottom Date: June 9, 2023 Grade: 1st year Course(s): BEED

TMTM 307 Teaching Math in the Primary Grades

TMMI 308 Teaching Math in the Intermediate Grades

Subject: Elementary Mathematics

Duration: Minimum of 45 minutes, and up to 60 minutes.

Grade Level: Grade 2

Selected Topic (choose a topic(s) Telling and Writing Time by Hour and Minutes Using Analog Clock
appropriate to the grade level):
Topic’s Description (write a This topic is about Read time by hour and minute using analog and digital
short one paragraph description clock.
of the topic of choice):

Teaching Strategies (indicate the In this lesson, the teaching strategies will include Teaching by asking,
teaching strategies to be apply Problem solving, Game-based learning,
for the selected topic):

Learning Objectives (provide at At the end of the lesson Students will be able to:
least three objectives following
SMART): a. Read time by hour and minute using analog and digital clock;
b. Enumerate the importance of valuing time; and
c. Write time by hour and minute.

Prerequisite Skills/Concepts Counting from 1 to 12, recognizing the numerals 1 to 12, and understanding
(what the leaners of this course basic sequencing.
should already know, provide at
least three):
New Skills/Concepts (what are The ability to read from a clock the time of day or night in units of hours,
the new concepts the students minutes and seconds.
may learn from the selected
topic, provide at least three):
Assessment Strategies (please Formative assessment- Think-Pair-Share, Questioning during the lesson.
indicate all assessment strategies Summative assessment- A take home assignment
to be implemented before, Assessment- Put a puzzle together
during, and after the
Materials (list all appropriate Analog Clock, Tarpapel, Power Point Presentation
materials to be used during the
demonstration and all possible
materials that may be used if
implemented on formal class):
References (list all appropriate Mathematics 2 Book page 114-115
preferences – books, module,
YouTube links, etc., follow APA
(Please use third person)
Activity Duration Teacher’s role Students’ role
A. PREPARATORY 3 MINUTES Everybody Stand. Let us start our day with a Jessica: Let us bow our
ACTIVITIES prayer. Jessica kindly lead the prayer. head and let us pray.
Good morning class.
Good morning Ma’am,
Good morning
How are you this morning?
classmates. We are
That’s good to hear. I’m fine too. fine

Thank you, Ma’am,

Checking of 3 MINUTES Please raise your hand if you are here (Student will do as what
Attendance teacher say)
Wow I’m so happy that no one is absent today

1. Song/Energizer 2MINUTES Let us sing and dance our song “HELLO”

2. Drill 5 MINUTES Read the time on the analog clock.

3. Review 4. Before we go further let us do a recap of our

5 MINUTES Our topic yesterday
discussion yesterday. What was our topic was about December
yesterday? Calendar

How many Fridays are there? There are five Fridays

Will you repeat Cherry? There are five Fridays
What day on the calendar is December 1?
Rizal’s Day is on December 30. What day is it? It’s Friday ma’am
It’s Saturday ma’am
Class is there any question regarding our past None Ma’am
We will now proceed to our lesson for today.

5. Motivation 10 Class look at my right side. What have you A mailbox ma’am
Yes. We have a mailbox here. What do you think
inside the mailbox? A letter?
Before I open this letter, make a clock sound. Tick Tock! Tick Tock!
Hello Teacher Jaima, I have heard the
loud ticking sound made by your grade 2
class, I would like to invite you all to come
visit our village, Tick-tock Land. We have
been having a hard time understanding this
new clock that came to our town sent by a
fellow mayor. It has numbers in it and
hands. The only clock we know is that
which already as an hh:mm format. I know
your class would be perfect for the job. Do
come and see our place.

Mayor AC, Tick-tock Land

Mayor A.C. has sent us the letter. It seems they
need our help. Who would like to go and see
Tick-tock Land? All of us Ma’am.
It seems that Mayor A.C. has not only sent us a
letter. He also sent us this file.

It’s a clock specifically called an Analog Clock

but it seems to me that there are missing
numbers on it.

What is the greatest number you see on the The greatest number on
clock? the clock is 12.
That’s correct. What is the first missing number?
We have option here; we have 1 followed by 2
What number is next?
That’s right number 3. Number 3
Let’s try to put number 3 next to number 2.

Now, let us continue counting 1,2,3,4. Number 5

What’s next?
That’s right number 5. Let’s put number 5 next to
number 4.
Let’s continue counting 5,6 there’s another blank
What number should be placed in this part? Number 7
That’s right! Number 7. Let’s continue counting
7,8 what’s next? Number 9
You’re right number 9. Let’s continue counting.
9,10 What’s the next number? Number 11
Very good! Let’s put 11 next on this spot.
What’s the result? Its already completed
Very good! Let’s do the Bird Clap. ma’am

This time before we enter Tick-tock Land. I

want everybody to be ready. In order to do, let
us all stand for this quick warm up.
Telling Time
Ticky Ticky Tick-a-tock
Ticky Ticky Tick-a-tock
What time is it?
One o’clock
Two o’clock
Three o’clock
Tick Tock
Four o’clock
Five o’clock
Six o’clock
Tick Tock
Seven o’clock
Eight o’clock
Nine o’clock
Ten o’clock
Eleven o’clock
Twelve o’clock
Tick tock
Ticky Ticky Tick-a-tock
Ticky Ticky Tick-a-tock
(Repeat faster)
Good Job! Every one of you has participated
well. Okay. You may now take your seat.

A. DEVELOPMENT 20 All of us ma’am


1. Presentation
Class, who wants to see Mayor A.C.?

So, Mayor A.C. are so excited to see us in his

Tick-tock Land. I hope you are excited too.
Mayor A.C. has included a map for us to use as
we go through Tick-tock Land. We will use this
map to know better the clock that Mayor has told
us about. We will be going through three stations.

 Our first station will be called Time Travel.

 The second station is the Right Time
 The Third Station will be called Eggsactly the
right time. We have three stations.
So how many stations do we have?
Now, Get ready for the adventure in Tick-tock Station 1. The time
Land. Check our map. Where are we going first? travels.
Yes, we are going to explore station number 1
which is the time travel. Now, get your Analog

The mechanics is simple in this station. All you

have to do is to rotate the hands of the clock to
match the given time. Get ready.
First stop we have 2:00.
Now this time let’s go to 8:00
How about 3:00
Let’s go to 7:00
And the last item is 10:00

Alright! Very good. You have successfully

completed the explore station 1. Let’s do the
Boom Boom Clap.

Now, where do we go next? Station 2. The Right

You’re right! All we have to do for this station is Time
to match the analog clock with its digital format.
Prepare yourself for the activity.
Okay, let’s try it.
We have a clock that short hand is pointing
towards 11 and its long hand is pointing towards
What is your answer, Mayrisa?
Do you agree, Marylle? it’s 11:30 ma’am
You’re right! It’s 11:30 Yes ma’am

We have here another analog clock.

The short hand is pointing to 9 and the long hand
is pointing to 6. What do you think is the digital
format of this clock?
Yes Hamida?
Do you agree, joshoa anne? My answer is 9:30
You’re right! The correct answer is 9:30. Yes ma’am

The short hand is pointing towards 4 while its

long hand is pointing towards 6. What do you
think is the time?
Yes Kadidja?
Cherry, will you repeat the The time is 10:30
correct answer? The time is 10:30
Very good! The correct answer is 10:30

Now for our last item. We have a next clock.

The short hand is pointing towards 4 and the
long hand is pointing toward 6.
What is your answer, Abdomaier?
My answer is 4:30
The correct answer is
Will you repeat, Jemima?
Correct! Let’s do the Amazing Clap. 4:30

Now we finished Station 1 and 2. Where do we

go next? Station number 3
Alright! We are going to explore station number

For this station the mechanics is simple.

I will be giving you an upper half of an egg and
all you have to do is to choose from 3 options
whether which time is match in analog clock
formant. Get ready.

Okay let’s go. First item we have an analog

clock here, short hand is pointing to 11 and the
long hand is pointing to 3.
What is your answer, Lilu? My anwer is 11:15
Will you repeat, Cherry? The answer is 11:15
You’re right the correct answer is 11:15.

We have here an analog clock that the short

hand is pointing 7 and the right hand is pointing
3. What will be the answer?
Yes Mayrisa?
It is true, Abdomier? The answer is 7:15
Very good! The answer is 7:15 Yes Ma’am

We have here an analog clock that the short

hand is pointing towards what number? Yes, number 9
how about the long hand? Pointing towards 9
Then what do you think will be the answer?
Yes, Marylle?
Is that correct, Hamida? The time is 9:45
Correct! The answer is 9:45 Yes ma’am
The short hand is pointing towards 4 and the long
hand is pointing towards 9. What do you think is
the answer?
Yes, Lilu? My answer is 4:45
Is that true, Kadidja? Yes ma’am
Correct! The answer is 4:45

We have here the short hand is pointing

towards 10 and the long hand is pointing what
number? number 9
How about the long hand? number 10
What is the answer? 9:45
Is that correct, Jemima? Yes Ma’am
Wow! We are now done with 3 stations.
Let’s do the Winner Clap.

What have you notice with the hands of the

clock? How many hands are there? It has 2 hands.
Very good. Do they have the same length?
Yes, they don’t. The other is short and the other No, they don’t
was long.
Now, what do you think is the purpose of the The purpose of short
short hand? What does it point to? hand is pointing the
Very good! How about the long hand? hour.

Very good! Always remember that the short The purpose of long
hand will serve to determine the hour and the hand is pointing the
long hand is to determine the minute. minute.

2. Generalization 5 MINUTES So, class if you really understand our topic, how It has 2 hands
many hands do we have in analog clock?
Very good! It has 2 hands the short and long
hand. What is the purpose of short hand? it determines the hour
Correct! How about the long hand, Yes Joshoa
anne? Very good! it determines the
3. Application 5 MINUTES Group Activity
1. Group the class into 3
2. Read the time on Digital Clock at the board.
3. Find the Analog Clock on the box to match the
Digital time.
Put the right time base on the digital clock.

Direction: Help Lino, The Caterpillar read all the analog clocks on his body and write it in a sheet of paper.

Write the correct time on the line provided.
1. It was time to eat breakfast. When Tiara looked at the clock, the long hand was on 12 and the short hand
was on 8. What time was it______________________
2. It was time to go to mall. When Sam looked at the clock, the longhand was on 12 and the short hand was on
2. What time was it____________________
Write the correct time.

3. ______________

4. ________________ 5. ________________

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