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Sardinia is a country of many religions, languages and ethnicities.

It Sardinia is generally termed by most

Scholars as a perfect example of unity in diversity. The Constitution of Sardina provides fundamental
rights to its citizens as well as to persons residing in its territory.

It comprises 39 States and 10 Union Governed territories and prescribes the Mechanism for changing
any Union Governed Territory into a proper State.

Umsa Pradesh is one such Territory where it’s status has been transformed from the Union Governed
Territory of South

West Frontier Region (SWFR) to Umsa Pradesh in 1970. The South-West region of Sardinia is the most
diverse region

Having the most beautiful terrain and it consisting of scenic Mountains, rivers, springs and lush green
forest cover.

This region is inhabited by many tribes. These tribes follow Different cultures and use different

This region of Sardinia also shares its boundary with neighbouring countries like

Jiribati , Rotoria , Kudah

In the year of 1964, this region witnessed a significant influx of refugees from Jiribati.

Where refugees did not share any common cultural or linguistic traits with the already Existing tribal
populations in the region.

The Union Government of Sardinia has provided temporary shelter camps for these

Refugees (generally called Panjama refugees) in the South West Frontier Region And settled in the
locality Silu, on the Outskirts of district Sulam.

Silu was an unused vacant land that was not safe for human habitation and was surrounded by Deep
forests and a dense habitation of local tribal people of Tila
However, these Panjama refugees, when brought to this challenging terrain made it habitable and
started living peacefully and started cultivation. They also started to work as labourers In many
construction sites in Sulam and other adjoining districts of the SWFR. The Local administration has also
provided a temporary hospital and a primary and a Secondary school in Tila.

With the passage of time, these refugees have also settled in other parts of the

Umsa Pradesh but Silu remained their basic central point of congregation for their

Religious and cultural activities. After three decades of transformation of SWFR into

Umsa Pradesh, the problems related to these Panjamas started to appear where A local

Political outfit of Umsa pradesh named All Umsa Pradesh Students League (ASPSL)

Started condemning Panjama refugees for most of the social and economic issues of

Sulam and Umsa Pradesh.

They started condemning Panjamas for the rise in criminal incidents and drugAddiction in Umsa Pradesh.
The panjama have also been prosecuted on the

Charges of theft, extortion and murder in the past three years. Panjama refugees were caught by local
Police for transporting and selling heroin and opium to local youths.

On 2nd February 2020, ASPSL launched a

“Save Umsa” campaign which aimed at creating awareness about the problems of Umsa Pradesh.

Almost 20000 supporters of ASPSL. The local police had to use force to prevent this

March from entering Silu. This resulted in the death of 5 supporters of ASPSL and 25

Cases of severe injuries

On the upcoming day, large-scale violence erupted in almost all parts of the Umsa Pradesh Against
government properties and Panjamas. In a week, 500 Panjamas were Killed in various parts of Umsa
Pradesh. The State Government has announced an

Ex gratia amount of Rs. 5 lakhs for each life lost. And the Panjamas residing in many parts of Umsa
Pradesh rushed towards Silu to safety and The education of the children of these Panjamas was curtailed
due to the violence.

After coming to Silu, they found that there is no proper facility for the education

Of the children. The only nearby school in became inaccessible for Panjamas Due to hostilities between
them and local tribal peoples. Even after repeated

Assurances from the Government of Umsa Pradesh, Panjamas were not ready to

Send their children to the nearby school in Tila. They informally demanded that a

Proper school should be constructed in Silu itself to cater for the educational needs

Of their children. However, the State Government denied this demand on the

Grounds of security and further ghettoisation.

Almost after 8 months of this continuing situation, some members of Panjama

Community made a petition to the Umsa Pradesh Government asking for following


(1) The State Government of Umsa Pradesh must compensate the affected families

For its failure to stop the violence that has resulted into the curtailment of education of

Their children.

(2) There must be immediate construction of a primary and a secondary school in


(3) The State Government must take all necessary steps to trace all the lost

Educational data of the children of Panjama refugees and should take the earnest

Opportunity to handover it over to the respective families so that they can claim their

Completed educational status and also take admission in upper standards whenever

The opportunity comes.

The State Government denied all these demands on the grounds like, of

Uncontrolled violence and building a school in Silu

Would further attract issues of security and would enhance further Ghettoisation and its inability to
trace the documents. The State Government has

After this, the members of Panjama refugees filed a similar petition before the

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of Sardinia. The NHRC, Sardinia has

Sent a team of experts to study and report the status of the right to the education of

The children of the Panjama refugees. The committee submitted its report with the

Finding that supported the petition of the members of the Panjama refugees. The

NHRC, Sardinia has filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Sardinia to give

Directions to the State Government of Umsa Pradesh to fulfil the demands

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