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First of all, Thank you for your warm welcoming.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to for providing

this opportunity to interact with university students. Revered Maharaj Swami Bhaveshananda, dear
professors and my dear friends,

Good Afternoon.

We have heard a lot of positive news last week on dealing with the pandemic outbreak. Could anyone of
you tell me what news I am talking about? ……………….

Collect responses from the audience and sumerize response on the spot

UK, GERmany, India…….vaccine development

The UK government allowed the use of vaccination for the common public. I expect next year soon when
the winter will get over, we all have access to vaccnation! It’s indeed a piece of great news for all of us
amid unprecentendted time

Before moving forward to the session, I again want to acknowledge this platform provided to me the
secretary MJ. I am hoping to have an extensive dialogue with you all. It’s a great honour for me.

I graduated from this university in the year 2014. And truly nostalgic for me to be part of the same
fraternity again. It doesn’t if it’s a virtual. This university has played very crucial roles in transforming my
academic and professional life. I am and will always be indebted to this university and most importantly
my professors who not only provided me academic guidance as a part of university lectures. But have
also motived me to take up challenges and excel further in my academic and profession. That’s why I
am still in touch with my professors and my colleagues.

I would like to take moment to quote Swami Vivekananda here as he says “The spiritual impact that has
come to Belur [Math] will last fifteen hundred years, and it will be a great University. Do not think I
imagine it; I see it.”

But there are questions come in my mind how will this happen? We are all seeds of this university and
can play a significant role by accomplishing the goal of Swami Ji.

Moving into this special lecture, I have prepared a few slides. However, I would like to make this lecture
interactive as much as possible.

Why not, starting the year 2021 with new idea and plan…..

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