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1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

Analysis of Exploration Wells on Aquifer in Kaliwungu

Formation and Regional Planning Recommendations

Achmad Darul1,2 Rizki Kurniawan2 Dasapta Erwin Irawan1, Dimas Maulana


Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10
Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Program studi Teknik Geologi, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Jl. Terusan Ryacudu,
Lampung 35365


Abstract. Infrastructure development in the northern coast of Java continues to take place. The
study and support of subsurface geological data and the value of hydrogeological parameters is
one of the important parameters to support sustainable development. The existence of well
exploration reportedly can support researchers for model validation and calibration. We carried
out One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional geoelectrical acquisition along with drilling in the
Kaliwungu Formation which was lined with the Halang Formation. Ten points of one
dimensional geoelectrical and two lines of geoelectrical acquisition VES method (Vertical
Electrical Sounding), with a depth range of 100m Schlumberger and Wenner-Schlumberger
configurations for profiling have reflected the study area dominated by aquitard (silty clay) with
resistivity values < 20 ohm.m. The result of VES was then followed up by analysing the value
of the well logging resistivity which was compared with the lithology of the cutting results in the
108m deep drill hole. Value of hydrogeological properties was carried out by the pumping test,
were pumping test analysed using pumping cooper – Jacob single well software, and the result
of hydraulic conductivity value was 6 x 10-9m/s, and the transmittivity value was 5.6 x 10-7 m2/s.
Based on the Farvolden Method, the safe yield value was found to be comparable to the value
according to Johson which is 3-8%.

1. Introduction
Infrastructure development absolutely must begin with making careful planning, which is in accordance
with various technical criteria, because the infrastructure will be used for a long period. Studies are
needed to assess long-term risks such as the risk of land subsidence [1], and management of water
resources [2,3]. One of the parameters that must be reviewed is subsurface analysis, including geological
conditions and hydrogeological parameters [4]. This research includes one and two-dimensional
geoelectrical acquisitions followed by drilling to a depth of 100 meters, to determine subsurface
lithology and hydrogeological parameters, which is expected to support sustainable development
planning in Arjawinangun Regency-Cirebon and other areas on the northern coast of Java in the
Kaliwungu formation [5].

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

2. Regional Geology
The regional geology of the research area is compared with the Map of Regional Geology-Arjawinangun
sheet (Figure 1). Based on the map, this area is located in the Alluvial Deposit bounded by the Kaliwangu
Formation (Pk) and Undegradable Volcanic Products (Qyu). The three units are described as follows:
Qa (Alluvial Deposits) are young alluvial deposits consisting of river alluvial deposits, swamp
deposits, coastal alluvial deposits, their distribution is in the lowlands in Cirebon Regency and in river
valleys that flow in a relatively south-north direction [6]. Pk (Kaliwangu Formation), in this formation
many mollusc fossils were found. Stratigraphically in the study area, the Kaliwangu Formation was
deposited unconformity with the Upper Halang Formation and the Cinambo Formation. This formation
was deposited in a shallow marine environment (Litoral) with a thickness of approximately 600 meters
[7]. Qyu (Undecomposed Volcanic Products) It consists of breccia, lava, which is andesitic basalt,
tuffaceous sand, and lapilli. This unit was formed as a product of the eruption of Mount Ceremai [8]. It
is estimated that this unit has a thickness of about 100 meters. Based on the hydrogeological map of the
West Java regional sheet, the area survey is extensive, moderately productive aquifers. aquifers of
moderate transmissivity, water table or piezometric head of groundwater near or above land surface.
Well yields are generally less than 5 l/sec.

Figure 1. Map of Regional Geology-Arjawinangun sheet

3. Research Method
3.1 Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)
The geoelectric acquisition used the single-channel SAZ-3000 and multi-channel ARES tools (Figure
2). The method used is VES (Vertical Electrical Sounding) Schlumberger and Wenner-Schlumberger
configurations for profiling. Geoelectrical acquisition at the Arjawinangun-Cirebon area, carried out to
determine subsurface conditions. The approach is to measure the amount of rock type resistance below
the ground surface. Vertical electrical sounding aims to determine variations in the arrangement of rock

1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

layers below the ground vertically, by providing an electric current into the ground and the value of the
resistivity is measured. The value of the resistivity of rock that is measured directly in the field is the
value of apparent resistivity (apparent resistivity). Therefore, the value of resistivity in the field must be
calculated and analyzed to get the actual value of resistivity by matching the field curve with the standard
and auxiliary curves. The method used in geoelectrical measurement is using the Schlumberger (Figure
3), configuration using the following calculation formula:
𝑏2 𝑎 𝑉
𝜌𝑎 = ∏ ( − )( )
2 4 𝐼
Information :
ρa : Apparent resistivity value (ohm meter)
V : Potential Differences (mili Volt)
I : Current (miliAmper)
b : Half current electrode distance (meter)
a : Current electrode distance (meter)
Requirements : AB/2 > MN/2

Figure 2. Geoelectrical Equipment SAZ-3000 and ARES

Figure 3. Schematic of a geoelectric survey using the Schlumberger method

Furthermore, in processing and calculating field data to get the actual resistivity value along with the
depth, the matching curve method is used. For this survey, the maximum AB/2 length is 500 meters,
and the maximum MN/2 length is 25 meters. In field measurements, the reading of the instrument is
carried out 4 times (stack) and if necessary, it is carried out up to 16 stacks so that the most stable
measurement value is obtained. The distribution of VES and two-dimensional geoelectrical acquisitions
in the study area is shown in the following figure (see Figure 4).

1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

Region of interest
Resistivity acquisitions

Figure 4. One and two-dimensional geoelectric acquisition at the area of interest. Caption: CR
codes 1 to 10 for the one-dimensional geoelectrical acquisition symbol, line-1 and line-2 codes for
the two-dimensional geoelectrical acquisition symbol.

3.2 Exploration Drill Investigation

To get better and more accurate results, the subsurface analysis was followed up with an exploration
drilling, using a Jarco drilling machine 300 (Figure 5), with a hole diameter of 61 mm and a depth of
108 m. Cutting analysis of lithology (Figure 6) and results of the drilling cutting are arranged in the drill
log of the work, arranged according to the construction well. Water level meter is used to determine the
groundwater level and a submersible pump for hydrogeological property analysis [9]. The drilling
system used is rotary drilling and pull-down pressure accompanied by circulation of drilling mud (mud
flush) into the drill hole. Well logging analysis is carried out in the drill hole. Well logging is used to
determine the position layers of lithology in the borehole based on the value of the resistivity of each
layer of lithology in the in-situ drilled well. Well logging is also used as a comparison of measurements
using other methods, such as Gamma Ray. Basically, the well logging method is the same as the surface
resistivity investigation, the difference is the arrangement of current and potential electrodes, where in
the borehole cross-section, the electrode arrangement is in an open well (without casing). An important
stage before well logging is pilot hole activities to find out the lithology in detail. pilot holes are carried
out with a small drill bit, for example with a wing bit drill bit to a depth exceeding the planned
construction depth. The systematic stages of exploration well drilling include:
• Pilot hole
• Electrical Well Logging
• Cleaning and Reaming Hole
• Well Construction and, Screen
• Depositing Gravel Pads (Gravel Pack)
• Well Development
• Grouting
• Pumping Test
• Finishing

1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

Figure 5. Jacro drill machine 300 Figure 6. Cutting analysis

To determine the value of the hydrogeological property, a pumping test was carried out in the
borehole to obtain the flow rate value (the ability of the aquifer to fill exploration wells) using the
equation Q = A.v where A is the cross-sectional area of flow and v is its average velocity. Then the flow
rate value as input to the Cooper -Jacob single well pumping software to determine the hydrogeological
property, the in situ hydrogeological property value was also compared with secondary data referring to
Domenico and Schwatz [10] and the results of cutting analysis data (see table 1).

Table 1. Unconsolidated sedimentary materials

Material Hydraulic Conductivity (m/sec)

Gravel 3x10-4 to 3x10-2
Coarse sand 9x10-7 to 6x10-3
Medium sand 9x10-7 to 5x10-4
Fine Sand 2x10-7 to 2x10-4
Silt, loess 1x10-9 to 2x10-5
Till 1x10-12 to 2x10-6
Clay 1x10-11 to 4.7x10-9
Unweathered marine clay 8x10-13 to 2x10-9

Meanwhile, the safe yield value (groundwater debit that can be utilized) refers to the Farvolden
Method value [11], the formula to get the safe yield is as follows:

4𝜋𝑇(𝐻𝐴 /8)
𝑄20 = 𝑆𝑓 = 0.683𝑇𝐻𝐴 𝑆𝑓

1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

Information :
Q20 : 20-year safe pumping rate for the well (m3/s)
T : Transmissivity (m2/s)
Sf : Safety factor = 0.7 (no units)
HA : Available head (m)
Q : Pumping rate used during the pumping test (m3/s)

For comparison, the value of the in-situ lithology yield measurement, was also compared with that
according to Johnson 1967 [12], as listed in the following table, (see table 2).

Table 2. Specific-yield value

Geological Formation Specific Yield (%)

Clay 3.0
Sandy Clay/Silt 8.0
Very find sand 20.0
Fine sand 23.0
Fine medium sand 25.0
Medium sand 28.0
Medium coarse sand 27.5
Coarse sand 27.0
Gravel fine 25.0
Gravel medium 24.0
Gravel coarse 23.0

4. Results and Discussion

The results of the observations found that the survey area was filled with alluvial deposits that covered
the fragmented claystone – siltstone units that were un-conformity, and no outcrops were found on the
surface. The dominant fragments found at the research site are lithic andesite, rounded, and gravel in
size. not only andesite fragments but also other types of fragments which is quartz and mollusc
(Turritella sp.). The thickness of the clay lithology at the study site, and based on its lithological
characteristics, indicates that the research location is the Kaliwungu Formation.
Measurement of the physical parameters of groundwater in several dug wells in the survey area, it
was found that the pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Electro Conductivity (EC) data had a range of
pH values of 7.1 – 7.8, TDS 170 – 600, and EC 340 – 1120 μS. Based on the pH data, the groundwater
in the study area is classified as neutral, while referring to the EC value and TDS value it classifies it as
freshwater (Tikhomirov, 2016. Freeze and Cherry, 1979).
In the geoelectric survey, there are 10 sounding points and 2 profiling lines that can represent the
situation and conditions at the location. From the sounding data obtained, it is then processed into an
earth model, each geoelectric measurement point is interpreted to determine the type and thickness of
the material based on resistivity values which are also based on the geological mapping. After that,
interpolation is carried out to form 3D cross-sections and volumes.
The lithology resistivity values in 10 one-dimensional geoelectrical acquisitions (see figure 7 and
figure 8), and 2 two-dimensional geoelectrical acquisitions (figure 9), only show two groups which are
top-soil, and then dominated by a low resistivity of less than 20 Ohm.m which reflects silty clay
lithology (green colour). The presence of silty clay is thought to be from shallow to 100 m. Silty clay is
aquitard, this indicates that the study area is the Kaliwungu formation and based on the results of well
logging the resistivity value is very low so that it confirms the lithology at the study site.

1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

Figure 7. Result of CR01, one dimensional Figure 8. Result of CR06, one dimensional
geoelectric acquisition at the area of interest geoelectric acquisition at the area of interest.

Figure 9. Results of line-1, two-dimensional geoelectrical acquisition.

Not only geoelectric acquisition accompanied by a study of geological conditions and physical
properties of groundwater, but also to support development planning recommendations followed up by
drilling of exploration wells. Based on the drilling procedure, the results of the drilling cuttings arranged
in the drill log are known that from the surface to a depth of 2.00 mm it is top-soil, brown, soft, cemented,
plastic, mafic material. at a depth of 3.00m - 09.00m is soil, there are fumic fragments and mafic material
< 1 mm. at a depth of 09.00-33.00m is clay and sandy fragments are found. while at a depth of 33.00m
- 103.00m it is claystone, siltstone, has sandy fragments, calcareous and tuffaceous materials, calcite
material > 1 mm, black glass material < 1mm.
Based on lithological data in boreholes, research on hydrogeological property values was followed
up with pumping-test on exploration wells, flow rate measurements obtained an average value of 0.003
lt/s, which is then used in the Pumping Cooper – Jacob single well software to determine the properties
hydrogeology, from these data it was found that the value of the hydraulic conductivity = 6 x 10-9 m/s,
and transmissivity value = 5.6 x 10-7 m2/s (Figure 10). Considering that the data taken is very minimal,
to confirm that the calculated data is relevant, secondary data which refers to the table of unconsolidated
sedimentary materials values is also taken and matched with cutting data, it is found that the lithology
is between silt – clay (1x10-11 m/s – 2 x 10-5 m2/s). While the results of the calculation to get the safe
yield value based on hydrogeological properties that have been measured in situ, it was found that the
value at the research location was very small/close to zero (~ 0) m3/s. The measurement results are

1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

comparable based on the table of specific yield values according to the lithology at the research site, that
the clay and silt values range from 3-8%.

Figure 10. Result of the pumping test, Pumping Cooper – Jacob single well.

Based on this research, the condition of the research area which is dominated by silty clay provides
information that the research area is dominated by aquitards, which is not a productive area of
groundwater and it is recommended that water resource management consider water filters, rain
harvesting. Recommendations for planning infrastructure development, subsurface lithology should be
considered based on this analysis.

5. Conclusion
The results of the study describe the condition of the subsurface rock layers vertically and the in situ
hydrogeological property measurements. The resulting conclusions are as follows:
• Geoelectrical acquisitions have been carried out at the research site as many as 10 VES
measurement points with Schlumberger configuration, and 2 profiling paths using the Wenner-
Schlumberger method.
• Based on the results of Geoelectrical acquisitions, the types of resistivity groups at the research
site are divided into 2: top-soil and silty clay (low, < 20 Ohm.m).
• Based on cutting analysis from drill data, the lithology of the location area is dominated by clay.
This indicates that the study area is the Kaliwungu formation.
• Measurement of hydrogeological property by pumping test found that the value of hydraulic
conductivity = 6 x 10-9 m/s, and the value of transmitivity = 5.6 x 10-7 m2/s. Based on references
from the literature, the hydraulic conductivity values range from 1x10-11 m/s – 2 x 10-5 m2/s.
Meanwhile, the safe yield of groundwater is close to zero m 3/s and based on references it is
around 3 – 8% or very small.

1st International Seminar on Earth Sciences and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1047 (2022) 012020 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1047/1/012020

• That the subsurface data is limited, while the infrastructure development continues to take place,
will potentially cause unprecedented problems, like land subsidence.
• The data currently available is not sufficient to set up a space utilization model, but subsurface
lithology should be considered based on this analysis for infrastructure development planning.
At the research location, groundwater resources are suggested as a complement after various
other efforts to fulfil water resources such as water filters, rain harvesting.

We wish to express our gratitude to Iqbal Fauzi Aditama cs., the team of geoscience exploration that
lends their hands and energy in the field survey.

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