Donaldo Martins Macucule

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Donaldo Martins Macucule

Research Project

Licenciatura do ensino de inglês (EaD)

Universidade pedagógica
Topic: problems faced by university students and proposal of solutions

1. introduction

university is a term of the highest and research institutions. university is a concept having
come down to us from ancient greece, serving humanity at universal scale as centers where
every kind of material and spiritual problems are investigated at the highest level and
obtained findings are transfered again through teaching and publication. some problems faced
by university students like not feeling confidence in highest education, due to such reasons
as a great majority of young people not being able to find what they expect at universities,
problems of habituation and orientation, unemployment and worries about future, problems
of quality education. these problems lead in frustration and students abandon studies. so the
chief aim of this research is to get solutions.

1.1 Backround
This project paper is about problems relected to university students.
reasons of research, to find out what is wrong in highest education, why students abandon
school and get solutions, that is the reason of researching this topic. School is very
important, school is the present, is the future.

1.2 Problem statement problems of orientation, high cost of living and unemployment,
make students facing so many difficulties and abandon their studies

1.3 Objectives
1.3.1. General objective
 This research had as purpose, to investigate the education at the university
1.3.2. Specific objectives
 Identify the problems faced by university students
 Get solutions and sort out the problem

1.4. Justification/ relevance of the project

According to "Doygun and Gulec, 2023" food and housing, orientation, unemployment,
future anxiety and worries about the quality of education are the typical personal problems
faced by students enrolled in higher education institutions, forcing them to give up their
studies. Reason why this research to find out the solutions and save education. This
investigation is important because the problems of education will help us to make changes
and improve some aspects of education, will be benefic for all students and teachers.
1.5 The structure of research project
This research project is arranged according to empirical and cientific studies, has got 10
chapters where is presented the definition, the importance of the research project the ojectives
of this research the problems the solutions.

2.Literature View
This project research, was possible with the help of "Ozlem Doygun and Selena Gulec
works" youtube videos and some references. was very important for me, i learnt so much and
got some experience.
Aytac, s.(1993). Sakatlarm Mesleki rehabilatitasyonu ve istihdami. Verimlilik dergiri.mpm
yaym orgam, ankara.

Tosum, c (2006).yabanci dille egitimi sorunu. journal of language and linguistics

studies vol.2, no.1 April 2006

Doygun and Gulec, 2012, March and o'mara, 2008; Ryan et al. 2021
Ozlem Doygun and Sellma Gulec / procedia- social and behavioral sciences 47 (2012)

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