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Reflexive Essay

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Professor’s Name


Reflexive Essay

As a level 7 learner undertaking the Global Business in Context, I am pleased to have

gone through this module through my academic journey. As part and parcel of this module, I

have worked hard to develop my knowledge and understanding of the worldwide commerce

environment, both academically and practically. This module has enabled me to develop much

appreciation towards international business. I have learned a lot throughout the module. I have

studied various components that create a business and its success in the marketplace. I have

further been able to identify and evaluate international commerce chances and challenges and

how to develop measures to steer the whole worldwide commerce environment effectively. In

this module, I was also introduced to the purpose of technology in the marketplace and its

necessity in creating and upholding competitive benefits in business. I have also gained more

experience in the formulation of products and in developing policies and ways that enhance the

interests of commerce in the whole global business.

In this module, I further attended additional classes in the Library and the CELT. The

Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Works, with its strong team of instructors

and staff, has supported my engagement and inclusivity in the innovative study environment that

has allowed me to succeed. The CELT group works with individuals, groups, administrative

offices and departments with wide initiatives to build and enhance collective wisdom. It is an

excellent place to be, enabling me to develop new possibilities and opportunities in my academic

journey. The library has equipped me to access the necessary learning materials that have further

promoted my critical thinking and encouraged more content creation. To develop my research, I

have critically analysed and assessed all the allegations of international commerce strategies. The

analysis has enabled me to present my research in manageable ways suitable for all individuals.

In terms of time management, I have been able to handle more work than I expected before

starting the module. Through this module, I have well upgraded my ability to manage various

tasks at a particular time. This has highly helped in terms of time management.

Additionally, my capability to read and appraise information from different sources has

further developed meaningfully through the module. I have had the opportunity to evaluate huge

amounts of data from various sources for a better overview and decision-making. I have taken

different approaches when handling assessment tasks, such as paying more attention to specialist

and academic sources to enhance my understanding of the relevant international business

theories and wide-ranging perceptions. Throughout the module, I have also identified some areas

where I would do differently to improve my skills and performance. First, I would be more

structured in learning to create additional time management ways to ensure my tasks are

completed within the allocated time and enhance further betterment of my research. Second, I

would increase my access to different sources of information to improve my understanding as I

undertake more research topics.

Generally, my understanding and experience of the Global Business Context have wholly

equipped me with priceless knowledge and skills and has well helped to understand the global

business environment in a better way. Throughout the module, I have had the opportunity to

develop my research and academic skills, which will help me as I undertake more commerce-

associated activities. In the future, I intend to use the same skill and knowledge acquired

throughout the module to handle the upcoming tasks in the global business system.

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