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Effects of computer addiction on the academic

Performance of Grade 11 TVL learners

In Rosario Integrated School

S.Y 2018-2019

Norebelle O. Naabus

Jonjon L. Fabros

Renelyn F. De Vera

Joyce Ann S. Carbon

Rosario Integrated School

Senior High School

Rosario, La Union


October 2018
Chapter 1


Situational analysis

Technology has developed so much that it is almost crucial to have electronic device

particularly the personal computers at home, school; internet café etc. teenagers have gotten so

used to have technology around them. However, while having these computers that make life

easier comfortable and handy most of the times. It could also have negative effects on their

lives particularly in their studies when used too much. When these computers are used to much

by these teenagers, they will develop a kind of addiction which is now commonly called

computer addiction. Computer addiction is defined as such strong involved with a machine or

what can be displayed on it that the usual criteria for impairment through addiction are met

(lowison,2005). This is the most common addiction being observed by the researchers to the

teenagers who are in their first year college at Mapua Institute of Technology. Computer games,

cyber sex, cyber relationship, internet gambling and information overload are the causes why

students are being addicted to computer. These are the most common things that they do when

they are in front of a computer (Derevensky and Gupta 2004). These cause can affects the

academic performance of the students. There are high rate of failure and dropout rate of

students. The nearby computer shops trigger the students to be easily hooked in computer use,

that’s why the researchers believe that computer addiction is the primary cause why the most of

the Grade 11 learners in Rosario Integrated School are poor in their academic performance.

It is very evident that people specially students now a days are now attached to

computer the addictive computer programs and not with books in making reports and academic

works. There are lots of students that develop bad habits in their computer used that cause do
many problems in their study. They spend large amount of time in front of the computer doing

unnecessary things, like; visiting porn sites, watching pornography, video/images involving in a

cyber relationship, involving in information overload, addiction to computer games and doing

net, compulsion, instead of studying (lowinson,2004).

 Students nowadays were getting involved with internet pornography. According to the

survey conducted by the researchers at Mapua Institute of Technology, two out of 16 first year

student admitted that one of the most common things they did was viewing a sexually explicit

site. This result shows that they tend to be involved in internet pornography rather than doing

their school works and studying their lessons. “Being involved in internet pornography is in point

also a behavioral-oriented addiction, which those who get hooked, are addicted to what they do

and the feelings they experience when they are doing it” (Young, 1998, p. 17). Male students

usually seek for power and influence. On the other hand, female students look to the internet as

a source of friendship and romance. They also think that by being a prostitute, it would

help them financially because their partner would sustain their needs also their wants

(Lowinson, 2004).

They may think that through this communication channel, they could find someone and

begin a relationship. Students hope that they can find perfect someone just like in the movies. It

is because some people feel uncomfortable with public relationship and they can also neglect

other people or responsibilities in order to be online whereas from this stuff they find no

commitment even without knowing the character of people they talk to (Lowinson,

2004). Students used to be addict in chatting and involving themselves in cyber relationship. It is

because they think that they could be together as possible. In the end, they tend to hurt

themselves and do not concentrate in their studies anymore knowing that the person they are to

be in a relationship with, were just a fraud. People could change personality’s even identities
using the cyber world. Students still involve there selves with the cyber relationship, for the

reason that, they don’t usually get the feeling of a person whose love career is engaged in a

cyber relational (Lowinson,2004).

Students nowadays do have a known disorder, which is the IAD (Internet Addiction

Disorder). They may not be able to know that they have this disorder until they realized that

playing or using computer is more prioritized than doing school works. Students get so

obsessed with online gaming like Defense of the Ancient, Left for Dead ,Cabal, etc. that they

tend to sacrifice their academic sides just to go to computer shops and play, not noticing the

time while using the computer (Sharples, 2009;Self-Help: Computer Addiction,2008). According

to the survey conducted by the researchers at Mapua Institute of Technology, 9 out of 16

students are at risk of being hooked with the computer games and have academic failure for the

first quarter of school year 2009-2010. They make conscious efforts just to be with their

computers and continue failing. Also for the fact that they miss events or opportunities with

family and friends also with non-computer related tasks because of the time spent on the

Computer Addiction 5computer. Relationships with friends and family members begin to wither

as they stop attending social gatherings (Self-Help: Computer Addiction, 2008).  

Due to the addiction felt by the students in computer, without their knowledge, they have

started to experience the bad effects of computer addiction. The effects were escapism to
reality, dishonesty, and financial problems. With these effects they have experienced, they have

been also affected academically by their poor performance at class. Escapism is defined as

something such as fantasy or entertainment that makes it possible to forget about the ordinary

or unpleasant realities of life for a while ( Encarta, 2009). Students were addicted to internet

surfing day and night, most of them applied what they have perceived or seen in the

computer to their studies. Based upon on the survey conducted by the researchers,15 out of 16

first year Mapuans agreed upon that they have been applied to their studies what they

perceived in computer. They tend to imitate wrong acts they have seen in the computer even if

they knew that it not all they have perceived in front of the monitor is good for them. Dishonesty

or lying is one of the results of computer addiction to the students (Self-Help: Computer

Addiction, 2008). Students tend to lie to their professors, parents, etc. so that they may be able

to continue their addiction to computer. In the survey administered by the researchers at Mapua

Institute of Technology to the first year student, five out of 16 students confessed

that they have lied to their professors, parents, etc. that they have skipped their classes just to

go to a nearby computer shop. They did alibis so that they will be able to cut

classes. They also lied about the amount of time spent on the computer and what they did

about it (Self-Help: Computer Addiction, 2008). Having an alibi is one of the actions that was

under the category of dishonesty, Computer Addiction 8students have an alibi always just to

play in the computer. Students did not care if they lie to their parent’s, professors, etc.
Significance of the study

The study must be conducted to find out the major effects of computer addiction

in the performance of Grade 11 TVL learners in Rosario Integrated School. The result of the

study will help make the students become aware of their involvement in computer, and become

develop their study habits and to concentrate more on their studies. This result is beneficial to

students, n the parents, the teachers to the community, school administrator’s research and

other interested individuals because this can give empirical data as bases for suggestions.

The study will also benefit to the students who are still at school because it will

give them information about the effects of computer addiction on their performance. This paper

will guide them to focus first their attention on their studies.

The study will also benefit the parents to enable them to realize their great role in

educating their teenagers. This study, too much will make the parents aware that (educating)

their children’s is not studying well because of computer addiction.

The study will also benefit the teachers on the steps to take for they could be

informed how important education to the development of children. This enables them to guide

and identify the effects of computer addiction in the students at Rosario Integrated School

This study will also benefit school admin administrators, it will provide them

information on the importance of knowing the major factors of computer addiction and possible

on education performance.
Name (optonal): Age:_____

Grade and sec:_________

Gender: _____Male ____Female

Pease rate yourself by using the code below. Put a check on the box of your choice.

5 = Always 4= Often 3= Sometimes 2= Seldom 1=Never

5 4 3 2 1

1.I get angry when someone or sometimes interrupts my


2.I eat while gaming or forget to eat while gaming.

3.I am the most in my friends gamer.

4.I ever had a crush on an online games character.

5.I fell fully engaged by the game, I fell a sense of flow.

6.I use online games to stay touch with distant friends.

7.I lose my hours of sleep on gaming.

8.I called in sick or skipped classes to game.

9.I prefer my game character identity on my own.

10.I gained weight since becoming a gamer.

11.I tried to curse while gaming.

12.I think my life might be much better without games.

13.I suffered any physical pains from intense gaming.

14.I’d stolen for gaming.

15.I find ways to game when away from home.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of the study is tom identify the effects of computer addiction on the

performance of Grade 11 TVL learners, respondents of the study are limited to 119 Grade 11

TVL learners enrolled in the first semester of School Year 2018-2019 of Rosario Integrated

School. Each of the respondents was given a questionnaire to answer. The students selected

came from four different sections.

Specifically it will seek answer of the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

A. Gender

B. Parents monthly income

2. What is the academic performance of the respondents?

3. What are the effects of computer addiction on the academic performance of the

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study aims to determine the effects of computer addiction to the performance of the

Grade 11 TVL learners in Rosario Integrated School.

Definition of terms:

Performance – The act of doing a job, or an activity.

Computer- An electronic machine that can store and work with large amount of information.

Addiction – A strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something.

Student – A person who attends in school.



Effects of computer addiction on the academic

Performance of Grade 11 TVL learners

In Rosario Integrated School

Profile of the respondents

One of the aims of this study is to determine the profile of the grade 11 TVL

learners. Table 1 below presents the profile of the respondents as to their sex and parents

monthly income.

Table1. Profile of the respondents as to sex and parents monthly income.

Profile factor Frequency Percentage

A. Sex

Male 50 42%

Female 69 58%

Total 119 100%

1B. Parents monthly income

Below 10,000 85 71.42

10,000-13,000 16 13.44

14,000-16,000 7 5.88

17,000-20,000 4 3.36
21,000-24,000 2 1.68

Above 25,000 5 4.20

total 119 100

Table 1 shows that among the respondents, there are more female than male equivalently.

There are 69 and 50 male and female respectively.

As to parents monthly income arrange from highest to lowest frequency count are as

follows; below 10,000 (85), 10,000-13,000 (16), 14,000-16,000 (7), above 25,000 (5), 17,000-

20,000 (4) and 21,000-24,000 (2).

The findings as to monthly income of parents of the respondents reveal that 71.42%

have parents who hold a below 10,000 income and only 13.44% who hold a 10,000-13,000. The

remaining percentages are belonging to 14,000-16,000, 17,000-20,000, 21,000-24,000 and

above 25,000. This is equivalently to 100%. Majority of the parents of the respondents have

monthly income of Php.10,000 and below.

TABLE 2 Performance of the respondents in terms of general average in first

quarter of Grade 11 TVL learners

Grades Description F Percentage

90-100 Outstanding 4 3.36%

85-89 Very satisfactory 39 32.77%

80-84 satisfactory 45 37.81%

75-79 Fairly satisfactory 22 18.48%

74 below Did not meet expectation 9 7.56%

Total 119 100%

Table 2 presents the performance of Grade 11 TVL learners based on their

general average.

Out of 119 Grade 11 TVL learners, 45 or 37.81% had a “satisfactory” performance since

they had grades between 80-84. 39 or 32.77% had a “very satisfactory” performance with

grades between 85-89. The remaining percentages belong to below 74 or “did not meet

expectation” and four or 3.36% had an outstanding. This implies that the grade 11 TVL learners

perform in their entire subject just an average.

Table 3 effects of computer addiction on the Grade 11 TVL learners

Effects WM Description

1.I get angry when someone or sometimes interrupts my

game. 3.47 sometimes

2.I eat while gaming or forget to eat while gaming. 3.62 often

3.I am the most in my friends gamer. 3.68 Often

4.I ever had a crush on an online games character. 3.86 Often

5.I fell fully engaged by the game, I fell a sense of flow. 3.46 sometimes

6.I use online games to stay touch with distant friends. 3.67 Often

7.I lose my hours of sleep on gaming. 3.70 Often

8.I got sick or skipped classes to game. 3.78 Often

9.I prefer my game character identity on my own. 3.47 Sometimes

10.I gained weight since becoming a gamer. 3.80 Often

11.I tried to curse while gaming. 3.54 Sometimes

12.I think my life might be much better without games. 3.67 Often

13.I suffered any physical pains from intense gaming. 3.65 Often
14.I’d stolen money for gaming. 3.45 Sometimes

15.I find ways to play computer game when away from 3.61 Often


Average weighted mean 3.63 Often

Table 3 shows the effect of computer addiction on the academic performance of grade

11 TVL learners.

Learners rated “often” on the effects of computer addiction and on the other hand, learners

rated “sometimes” to the rest of the effects identified. These finding imply that the students are

‘’undecided” if the computer gaming can affect their academic performance. In general, learners

rated the effects as “often” and as an average weighted mean of 3.63%.



Research design

The descriptive method of research was used in this study with a checklist as the main

instrument to gather the needed data.

Sources data

This study involved 119 Grade 11 TVL learners who are officially enrolled at Rosario

Integrated School during the School Year 2018-2019.

Instrumentation and data collection

The researcher made use of the checklist n gathering the needed data for the study. The

questionnaires for the respondents were develop to their personal profile such as sex and

parents monthly income.

Analysis of data

To facilitate the processing of the data for common understanding on the variables

studied, the personal profile of the respondents were classified as;

Sex: Male


Frequency counts and percentage were used for the demographic profiling purpose. It

was computed using the formula P=F/N x 100 where P is the percentage, F is the frequency

and N is the total number of the respondents.

The response of the learners were tallied and tabulated. Frequency counts and weighted

mean were employed for the analysis and interpretation of data.

The scale was used to estimate the performance of grade 11 TVL learners in a

five point scale where;

1= Outstanding

2= Very Satisfactory

3= Satisfactory

4= Fairly satisfactory

5= Did not meet expectation

Conceptual framework

Computer game addiction generally refers to an excessive, unhealthy amount

of playing computer games. Rather than engaging in the real world, an addicted userdevotes the

majority of his or her time to gaming (Conrad, 2011). The issue of game addiction is getting spread

widely and uncontrollable. Gaming addiction became a mysterious problem which is still difficult to

treated, more terrifying than alcohol or drugs addiction. Whereas, in fact, Dr Shumaila Yousafzai (2009)

from Cardiff Business School said popular online video games warned players not to overuse their

products. These warning messages also suggest that the online video game industry might know how

high the percentage of over-users is, how much time gamers spend playing and what specific features

make a particular game more engrossing and addictive than others (Yousafzai, 2009). In other hand,

Cyber psychologist Dr Zaheer Hussain, from the University of Derby, said warning messages were not

enough. As a first step online game developers and publishers need to look into the structural features

of the game design, for example the character development, rapid absorption rate, and multi-player

features which could make them addictive and or problematic for some gamers (Hussain, 2008).Parents

across the globe are increasingly concerned about their sons online gaming habits. They are sure that

there is a problem but counselors unfamiliar with online gaming addiction don’t understand how

seductive they can be (Young, 2009,

 p.4). Fraser (2012) mentions that kids are among the most vulnerable to video gameaddiction, experts

said, and may become violent when their "drug" is taken away. Video game and Internet addiction

usually point to other mental problems including anxiety, depression and trouble forming healthy

relationships. Kimberli Young (2009, p.12) says, not only are children, teenagers, and college students

effected by online gaming addiction, but a growing number of adults

are becoming hooked to online gaming. While such cases are rare, mental-health professionals say
the fantasy worlds offered by computer and video games can become the stuff of very real addictions

that destroy marriages and careers. People of all ages are quickly becoming immersed in this virtual

fantasy world whereby they can easily escape problems in their lives. As in any treatment program, the

primary step to take in the path, according to

Kimberly (2009, p.18), to recovery is to accept and not refute “denial,” a defense

Mechanism that addicts frequently employ and that effectively stops them from accepting treatment.

Once this obstacle is conquered, treatment can be performed more effectively than it would otherwise.

Tracy Miller (2013) add because computer game addiction is a new development in the world of mental

health, treatments are not as well established as those for depression, anxiety, anger, etc. Most

interventions take a cognitive-behavioral approach which involve changing how the addict thinks about

the addiction
Research paradigm
Chapter 2
Review Related Literature

Social networks gave a big help to everyone, especially among the students

businessman and other members of the society. Social networks has different features that may

enjoy by the people all around the world, what the problem is, people loses their self-control in

using them. Face book is the most popular social networking site today wherein people may

share and upload videos, pictures, messages and chat. Twitter is also famous to every people

now a day wherein people can share their feelings, thoughts and ideas. Through twitter, they

can easily be connected to their favorite celebrities and they can also be updated on what is

trending all around the world. Aside from these two, Tumbler, MySpace, and Bing also became

a raging craze to everyone. Social networking communities will definitely stay due to its millions

of users. In addition, students today stay on these accessibilities of information they may get in

social networks. Social network may help them in giving knowledge in thesis and journals but

still negative effects of this still overweighs especially about losing their self-control. Social

networks bring a big benefit about communication because through this we can easily

communicate our loved ones despite of the geographic distance. Social network may also help

celebrities to be more contact to their fans because through these sites they can easily post

what are the recent happenings about them. Through social networks we can be updated in

every happening not just in celebrities but also the recent updates to our country and also in the

whole world. Social networking sites can be a good way to make connections with people who

has similar interests and goals. Communication is one of the main things why social networking
had been viral. Social networking sites are the huge place to gather information on what is

trending nowadays. Trending topics regards celebrities, politics, sciences, technologies,

discoveries and amazing facts. Businessmen have noticed also the value of social networks in

our life that’s why they used it to promote their products. Social marketing was often used at the

present time due to people used social networks frequently. Social networks is not always good

for us because other people use it inappropriate way wherein some people are posting

pornographies sites and nude photos that frequently students may see. Many studies have

shown that the extensive used of social network can actually cause addiction to the users.

Students tend to focus on cyber games that block the focus on their studies. A person gets lazy

of works due to over usage of social networking sites and online games

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