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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

Evaluate Intrinsic Value of Stock Using

Decision Tree Algorithm
K. Anusha1 and A. Murugan2
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Applications,
J H A Agarsen College, Madhavaram,
(Affiliated to University of Madras),
Chennai, 600 066, India.
Associate Professor
PG & Research Department of Computer Science,
Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College (Autonomous),
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600039 , India.

Abstract - In the equity market, the process of stock selection for the investment decision is a humongous task as large
number of stocks are available in the market. The two toolsdeployed widely for this process are fundamental analysis and
technical analysis. This paperdiscusses the origin of fundamental analysis and also its components. Fundamental analysis
comprises of economy analysis, industry analysis and companyanalysis of the stock intended for purchase. Then the
intrinsic / real value of a stock is calculated by using financial and economic analysis, which can be compared to the
current stock prices and determined if the stock is over-valued or under-valued. Decision tree, a data mining algorithm
has been used for this purpose.

Keywords – Data Mining, Decision Tree, Fundamental Analysis, Intrinsic Value

measuringthe intrinsic value of a stock.
Under fundamental analysis, analysts study
INTRODUCTION everything from the overall economy and
industry conditions to the financial condition
With disposable incomes arising and people and management of companies. Earnings,
looking beyond conventional small saving expenses, assets, and liabilities are all
schemes and bank deposits to invest their important characteristics to fundamental
money, so many people, even with little analysts.
knowledge, are investing in equity stocks.
However, the budding stock market investor The objective of this analysis is to establish
doesn't have to just cope with the erratic nature a value for the stock that would factor in all
of the market; stock selection process in the of these underlying factors. As the approach
equity market is a tedious taskbecause of the doesn't look at short term pricing and trading
wide variety of stocks available for purchase swings this is considered a long term
andthe numerous external factors influencing the investment approach, as it may take time for
decision makingprocess. Fundamental analysis the intrinsic value to be realized. As this
and technical analysis are thetwo major tools factors in forward looking expectations, this
used to make stock marketdecisions. methodology is considered to build a
valuation based on backward and forward
A. FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS looking information.
Fundamental analysis is a method of B. TECHNICAL ANALYSIS
evaluating securities by

Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:2014

Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

Technical analysis differs from fundamental trends technical analysis is short-term

analysis in that it uses only a particular focused.
stock's past prices and volumesfor
determining the future price of the stock. Second, you need to consider what your
The underlying notion of technical analysis investment approach is. Are you an investor
is that the collective actions – buying and or a trader? Fundamental analysis is
selling – of all the participants in the market investing in companies and relying on their
accurately reflect all relevant information underlying value to drive your returns.
pertaining to a security, and therefore, Technical analysis is really a trading
continually assign a fair market value to strategy where you are aiming to drive
the security.Technical analysts assume that returns out of identified trends and
all known fundamentals are factored into opportunities.
price and hence don’t attempt to measure a
security's intrinsic value; instead, they use Trading can take far more active time and
stock charts to identify patterns and trends management on the part of the investor,
that suggest how a stock will perform in the though major funds invest millions in
future. sophisticated technical analysis trading
software. The average individual will likely
The goal of this analysis is to capitalize on be far better served focusing on a
pricing opportunities and trends that can be fundamental analysis investment strategy.
identified in the market activity around each
share. As the technical analysis is purely This paper has discussed about the main
based on historical market activity, this is components involved in fundamental analysis
considered to be a backward looking and also about using data mining tools for
methodology. carrying out fundamental analysis.


The external factors influencing the stock
Both fundamental analysis and technical selectionhave been studied by various
analysis are used for researching and researchers and some literature ismentioned
forecasting future trends in stock prices; but, below.
fundamental analysis is considered to be the
opposite of technical analysis. While In 1934, Graham and Dodd published the book
fundamental analysis is based on Security Analysis at the Columbia University.
unstructured data like news, articles, etc., This book emphasized that by acomplete
technical analysis makes use of structured analysis of the company, good returns could
data like past stock movements. beearned and the worth of the stock could be
When it comes to comparing and choosing a
methodology between the two there are two Authors of [1], [2] and [3]showed that the in
key considerations to factor in. India, macroeconomic variables and thestock
market index were co-integrated and they had a
First, the time horizon of your approach is long equilibrium relationship.
important to consider. Fundamental analysis
is a long term investment strategy whereas Author of [4] also showed a causalrelation
technical analysis is considered far more of between the macroeconomic variables and the
a short term methodology. By pricing on Indianstock market index. Hence the economy
intrinsic values fundamental analysis is analysis did play animportant role in
working towards the long-term value of a determining the share price.
company, whereas by trading on market

Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:2015

Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

Author of [5] studied the factors influencing the The next focus of analysis was the industry
stock selectiondecision of small investors of analysis as even if the economy prospered
Assam and found that the mostinfluential certain industries alone would get extra benefits
decision variables were financial statements of owing to government policies. Hence it becomes
companies, referral, public information and important to analyze the industry as well before
profitabilityvariables. The least influencing stock investing. Industry analysis would analyze
decision variables includedgovernment policies, factors like competition level, foreign entrants,
calculation of risk, economic variablesand government attitude, threat of potential entrants,
discounted cash flow tools. cost structure, etc.

Author of [6] studied the factors influencing the The last step was the company analysis wherein
investment decisions of investors in theNigerian factors like company financials, future prospects
capital market. The most influencing factors of the company, the quality of top management,
werefound to be past performance of the competitive advantage, labor relations, market
company’s stock, expectedstock split, dividend share, etc. The financials of the company were
policy, expected corporate earnings andget-rich- generally available in the balance sheets and
quick. income statements. Also several financial ratios
of the company should be looked at to estimate
Authors of [7]identified the factors the net worth of the company investing in. Some
whichaffected the purchase decision of of the important ratios calculated during
individual investors of equityshares in Mumbai. company analysis have been explained below:
Out of the 36 variables surveyed it wasfound  EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS):This is calculated
that market capitalization of the company as, (Net Income - Dividends on preferred
followed bypast performance of the company stock) / Number of outstanding shares. This
were the most influencing.And the least ratio shows how much of a company’s profit
influencing variable was found to befluctuations is assigned to each share.
in the indices of major markets.
III.PROPOSED WORK dividends paid out to the stockholders to the
company's total net income. It accounts for
Fundamental analysis of stocks requires retained earnings, income that is not paid
analyzing different financial, micro-economic out, but rather retained for potential growth.
and macro-economic factors to determine the
intrinsic value of a stock. Thus, the fundamental  PRICE / EARNINGS RATIO (P/E): This was given
analysis comprised of the economy analysis, by the formula, (Market price per share) /
industry analysis and company analysis. By EPS. This ratio showed how closely the
evaluating the overall economy conditions, the price of the stock followed the earnings per
industry scenario and the fundamentals of the share. If the P/E ratio was high it implied
company based on the information which was that the market participants were expecting
publicly available and accessible, the stock price the stock price to continue to increase. When
was determined. the P/E ratio began to decline it implied that
the stock prices would soon fall.
For economy analysis, the economic indicators
employed include inflation, interest rates,  RETURN ON ASSETS (ROA): This was given by
purchasing power, growth rate, GDP, etc. The the formula, (Net income + Interest expense)
main assumption behind studying the economy / Total assets. This ratio showed how well
before purchasing a company’s stock was that if the company was using its tangible assets.
the economy was growing and robust then the Higher ROA showed that the assets were
company would also do well and eventually the efficiently used and the company was
share prices would increase. robust. A declining ROA showed that the
company was not earning to its capacity and

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Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

that the stock prices would eventually


 RETURN ON EQUITY (ROE):This was given by Intrinsic value of a stock, often called as the
the formula, (Post-tax earnings) / true worth of a stock is the total amount that
Shareholder equity. This ratio showed how you might earn from it in the future.This is
well the shareholders’ money was utilized calculated on the basis of the monetary
and how profitably that money was invested. benefit you expect to receive from it in the
A low ROE indicated that the shareholders’ future. Let us put it this way – it is the
money was not properly utilized. maximum value at which you can buy the
stock, without making a loss in the future
 DEBT/EQUITY RATIO: This was given by the when you sell it.
formula, (Total liabilities) / Shareholders’
equity. This was a leverage measure in terms The Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis is
of the available capital versus the capital a commonly used valuation method to
employed. A low level of this ratio indicated determine a company's intrinsic value. The
that the credit available was not fully DCF model forecasts the future cash flow of
utilized. a stock and discount it to the present value
by using the firm’s weighted average cost of
 MARKET CAPITALIZATION:This was given by the capital (WACC). WACC is the expected
formula, (Number of shares) x (Price per rate of return that investors want to earn
share). This was a measure of the amount of that's above the company's cost of capital.
shares traded in the market. Based on the
market capitalization, stocks were classified To use the intrinsic value for our buying
into small-cap, medium-cap and large-cap. decision we have to compare it to the stock’s
price. When the intrinsic value is above the
 PRICE/SALES RATIO: This was given by the stock price that means the stock is
formula, (Share price) / (Revenue over a 12 undervalued by the market and has upside
month time frame). This measure showed if potential. Hence, the investor will look at it
the share price of the stock represented the as an opportunity and buy the stock at its
value of the stock. current market value in expectation of gain.
If the intrinsic value of a stock is less than
 PRICE/BOOK RATIO: This was given by the market value, the stock is considered
formula, (Stock price) / (Total assets – overpriced and the investors relying on
Intangible assets and liabilities). This fundamental analysis will exit from it. When
measure compared the share price with the the intrinsic value is near or equal to the
stock’s intrinsic value. This measure price that means that the stock is valued fair
indicated the overvaluation or by the stock market.
undervaluation of the stock.
Fundamental analysis assumed that the current
share price and the future share price depended A decision tree is a decision support tool that
on the intrinsic value of the share and the uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions
expected return. As and when new information and their possible consequences, including
about the company was released, the analysis chance event outcomes, resource costs, and
got updated as the expected return changed. utility. It is efficient for processing large
Hence the changes in the share prices were amount of data, so is often used in data
predicted even before the change actually mining application.
happened. The economy and industry analysis in
the background also helped to forecast the A decision tree is a structure that includes a
growth opportunities for the shares. root node, branches, and leaf nodes. Each

Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:2017

Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

internal node denotes a test on an attribute, decision trees, for predicting a class label for
each branch denotes the outcome of a test, a record we start from the root of the tree.
and each leaf node holds a class label. The We
topmost node in the tree is the root node.In
compare the values of the root attribute with
record’s attribute. On the basis of Orange is a platform built for data mining
comparison, we follow the branch and analysis on a GUI based workflow. This
corresponding to that value and jump to the signifies that users do not have to know how
next node. We continue comparing our to code to be able to work using Orange.
record’s attribute values with other internal Users can perform tasks ranging from basic
nodes of the tree until we reach a leaf visuals to data manipulations,
node with predicted class value. transformations, and data mining. It
consolidates all the functions of the entire
Once a decision tree is built it can be applied process into a single workflow.
to new data to classify it. The general
motive of using Decision Tree is to create a In Orange, data mining is done via visual
training model which can be used to predict programming or even python scripting. The
class or value of target variables by learning tool has components for machine learning,
decision rules inferred from prior data add-ons for bio-informatics and text mining
(training data). and is packed with features for data
Tree based learning algorithms are
considered to be one of the best and mostly IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
used supervised learning methods. Tree
based methods empower predictive models Financial data of 8 automobile companies were
with high accuracy, stability and ease of collected from their websites, relevant data were
interpretation. Unlike linear models, they collated and intrinsic values calculated.Gap
map non-linear relationships quite well. between intrinsic values & market prices
They are adaptable at solving any kind of calculated and depending on the gap value, risk
problem at hand (classification or profile assigned as low or high for each
regression). company



Company Profit Net Profit Dividend Return on Market Intrinsic Intrinsic Risk
Capital Price Value Value Vs
1 10% 9% 87 39% 2,555 2,467 -3% Low
2 4% 3% 4 22% 474 429 -9% High
3 15% 13% 60 29% 2,925 2,723 -7% High
4 21% 18% 125 44% 20,538 18,516 -10% High
5 9% 9% 9 18% 672 615 -8% High
6 7% 2% 3 30% 91 88 -3% Low
7 9% 7% 80 23% 6,672 6,105 -8% High
8 3% -13% 0 11% 174 154 -11% High

Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:2018

Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

A new file is opened in orange tool and the above data table is given as input.

Fig. 1 Feeding Input Data in Orange Tool

The data table is fed into the tree viewer and the risk is classified based on the gap.

Fig. 2Training the Data for Classifying the Risk

A new file is opened and a new data table is loaded without classification of high risk and low risk. The
name field is left empty. The already predicted and trained tree viewer is connected to the below
mentioned data table.

Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:2019

Alochana Chakra Journal ISSN NO:2231-3990

Fig. 3Risk Prediction

Therefore, the predictions are made for the name field based on the previously trained gap value of the
data table.

Fig. 4Results of Prediction

Going forward, data sets of any number of Evidence from Indian data.Eurasian Journal of
Business and Economics, 5(10), 25-44.
companies can be fed into this model and their 3. Naik, P. K. (2013). Does stock market respond to
risk profile can be predicted. economic fundamentals? Time-series analysis from
Indian data. Journal of Applied Economics and
Business Research, 3(1), 34-50.
V.CONCLUSION 4. Bhattacharya, B, Mukherjee, J. (2002). “The Nature of
The Casual Relationship between Stock Market and
This study has discussed about the fundamental Macroeconomic Aggregates in India: An Empirical
Analysis”, Paper presented in the 4 th Annual
analysis approach for valuing the stock prices Conference on Money and Finance, Mumbai, India.
and arriving at the investment decision. Decision 5. Das, S. K. (2012). Small investor’s behavior on stock
selection decision: A case of Guwahati stock
tree, a data mining technique has been used for exchange.International Journal of Advanced Research
this purpose. This will be helpful for the in Management and Social Sciences, 1(2), 59-78.
investors to choose the stock for investments in 6. Obamuyi, T. M. (2013). Factors influencing investment
decisions in capital market: A study of individual
order to earn better returns. investors in Nigeria.Organizations and Markets in
Emerging Economies, 4(1), 141-161.
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Volume IX, Issue VI, June/2020 Page No:2020

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