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Characters and actors:

Torb: Surav Govender
Vixathon: Ayden van Zyl
Flint: William Wyngaard
Yujiro: Lebogang Mothwa
Jiren: Ukho Hashe
Dio: Iza Ndzunga
Long ago in the Pacific Ocean. There was a sword which held
the power of the universe. Any person who got hold of the
sword would have limitless power within in their grasp.
There were people in the world who wanted to wield the sword
for evil. Thus, the creation of the protector was formed. The
protector is a person who is tasked with the wellbeing of the
sword. The protector role has been the in Fukushima family for
generations. Now it is the duty of the newest generation of
Fukushima’s to protect the sword.
Act 1: Scene 1

(Scene jumps to Yujiro in the temple guarding the sword)
Hi, my name is Yujiro Fukushima. I am a 16th generation
Fukushima and 16th generation protector. The protector role has
been upheld by my family since the creation of the Leviathan.
The Leviathan is the most powerful sword in existence. I took
upon the duty after my father sadly lost his life protecting the
sword. The villain Vixathon took his life and I swear whenever I
see him again, I’ll kill him, but he vanished without a trail after
killing my father, he didn’t even take the sword. So now I
protect the sword from evil and rising dark.
You may wonder how I get food; well, the answer is simple. I
fish for my dinner, lunch and breakfast and I have a create my
own clean, fresh water with a spell my dad taught me. Life is not
so bad as the protector. Once a year I get to visit the village
where I get too try food other than fish. I also love playing with
the children who enjoy listening to my stories. Sometimes it
does get a little lonely, but I do my duty as the protector in
honor of my father and family’s name. You get used to life here,
but life does become a little more exciting once villains are
The only part I’m worried about is that I love to sleep and I’m
worried that while I’m asleep a villain will come and take the
sword without me knowing.
Act 2 Scene 1
(Scene jumps to Torb and Flint chasing Dio and Jiren. They are
all trying to get too the sword)
(Shouting) You will never get to the sword first! Me and Dio are
faster and smarter so just count yourself as dead meat.
(Panting) Yes that is true Jiren, but you forgot one flaw. They
are way fitter than us and can chase us around for hours on end.
As for me I may be fast but, I Can only run for about 45 minutes
before I collapse.
(Shouting) You may be faster and smarter, but we are stronger,
and I promise you I will pry that sword from your cold lifeless
(shouting)Me and my brother will flatten you both to a pancake!
(shouting)Hurry it up Torb you buffoon! They are going to get
too the sword before us.
(Panting) I’m sorry if my muscles are too heavy. Dad always
made me train harder than you, because he saw more potential in
Sure, dad made you train harder, but he saw equal amounts of
potential in both of us.
Your just upset that I’m dad’s favorite.
Dad never played the favorite card you know that. Now stop
talking too me and run faster would ya?
Wait what’s that sound?
I hear nothing! Must be another one of the voices in your head
making a noise. (Ground vibrates) Wait can you feel the ground
Yes, what’s the cause?
Torb and Flint:
(In unison realization) They got too the sword!
Act 2 Scene 2
(Dio and Jiren enter the temple room where Yujiro is taking a
(Sees Yujiro sleeping) This is the protector they assigned?
(laughing) What an idiot. They gave him the most important job
in existence and he fell asleep on duty.
(Walks up the stairs to a chest where the sword is being
contained) This is going to be like taking candy from a baby.
(Torb and Flint enter the room where they see Dio and Jiren
about to take the sword)
(Shouting) Don’t take another step!
I’d listen to him; you guys are awfully skinny compare too us
and we wouldn’t want anything bad to happen too you or the
(Jiren ignores Torb and flint and proceeds to take the sword)
What did you say about flattening us to a pancake?
Look man, you can just put the sword down and there will be no
trouble from me or my brother.
Now look who is the frightened ones.
I’d like too to be the only wielder of the sword so instead I think
I’ll just kill you.
Torb and Flint:
Fine! Have it your way.
(Jiren and Dio fight Flint and Torb. Jiren and Dio win the fight
and have claimed the sword as their own while Yujiro is still fast
Act 2 Scene 3
(Scene jumps to Dio and Jiren after defeating Torb and Flint
walking out the room)
Hey, Uh Jiren when you said you want to be the only wielder of
the sword didn’t you mean us?
(Jiren glancing at the sword)
Yeah, yeah whatever.
(Shouting) I don’t think you appreciate me enough, Jiren!
You always take the credit and treat me like dirt. You only use
me to get what you want.
Thats the point of a sidekick!
(Shouting) I never signed up too be your sidekick, you said we
were partners in crime where we each get equal share!
Did I? Mhhh must have mixed up my words.

I am sick and tired of always being in your shadow. Its time I do
something where I’m number 1.
(Dio attacks Jiren in an attempt to get the sword. They tussle it
out for 15 minutes. Jiren then kicks Dio to the side)
I thought you were happy to be my sidekick.
I used to be happy in the beginning when we both had equal
share, now you just get all the credit without mentioning me.
(Crying) Now just finish me off, kill me. I’ll be better off
(Jiren proceeds to kill Dio)
(Crying looking at his body fade away into ashes) I’m sorry old

(Jiren thinks too himself)

I can believe he betrayed me, but was it so wrong of him. He
was unhappy. If I treated him better we would both be alive.
It’s all my fault.

Act 3 Scene 1
(Jiren walks slowly towards the exit of the temple but the
ground starts too rumble. The rumbling wakes up the sleeping
Yujiro. Yujiro walks outside the room to find Jiren has taken the
(Questioning) Who are you and why did you awaken me from
my slumber? Is that Leviathan!
I am Jiren, I have taken Leviathan in order too bring peace
among my village which is at war.
That sword doesn’t belong to you. Return it this instance!
The sword does not belong to you either!
I never said it did. My life goal is just to protect the sword does
not own it or wield it.
(The ground began to rumble violently)
(shouting)What have you done!

(shouting) Nothing! I swear!
(A beam of light comes down from the sky and the rumbling
stops. Dust gets raised from the ground forming a cloud. A big
figure appears in the dust cloud and out walks Vixathon)
Good day gentlemen, I am Vixathon!
(Shocked)Vix…. Vixathon. It can’t be!
(Vixathon sees Jiren holding the sword)
Ah, there it is. Hand over that there sword and I won’t give you
any trouble.
(Shouting)Why have you returned? You already killed my father
you here too kill me?
I have no business with you. The only business I have is with
that sword.
That sword is my duty too protect. You want that sword you will
have to pry it from my cold dead hands.
You think you can stop me? I already killed your worthless
father, and I will kill you too.
You don’t speak of my father in such a way. He lost his life
protecting the sword and I will lose mine also protecting it.
(Vixathon points too Jiren) I will kill you then take the sword
from that small fish over there. Now we going to do this or not.
(Yujiro is too scared to throw a punch. Vixathon attacks Yujiro
violently. He seriously injures him. Jiren then steps in)
(Shouting) Leave him alone!
All I want is that sword, if you want him to live hand it over. I
just want to create my fantasy world where everyone lives
happily ever after.
Your fantasy world is ruled by the devil himself and people are
tortured by demons and ghosts and every horrible monster you
can think of.
How did you know? Why don’t you join me, and we can rule
this world together.
I’d rather die.
(Jiren then attacks Vixathon. Vixathon fights back)
Is that all you have? Why don’t you try using that sword there. It
will make the playing grounds fair.
(Jiren uses the sword too fight back, but Vixathon kicks him to
the side. Vixathon exposes his chest as he is about to flatten
Jiren with his fists. Jiren is fast and stabs Vixathon in the chest.
Vixathon falls back and starts to decay.)
How did you do that.
I may be small, but I’m fast and smart.
Vixathon you’ve bested me in this live, but there shall be other
just like me willing to kill for that sword.
There will be others, but the protector will be ready for when
they come.

(coughing) Will they really be prepared for the amount of chaos
about to ensued? I don’t think so.
(Vixathon fades away into ash)
Act 4 Scene 1
(Jiren goes to check on Yujiro)
Are you okay?
I’ll be fine, But I realized that I’m not fit for this duty as
So, then who is going to be protector?
You will….
I can’t no,
You are the most righteous person I have ever met, and you
actually know how to fight.
(Yujiro gives Jiren a ring)

This ring has been passed down form protector to protector for
16 generations. Keep it safe.
Thank you…
Do you Jiren, accept the duty of being the protector of the
pacific and protector of the Leviathan?
I do…
You are now the protector of the pacific and accept the
responsibility of protecting the world from any evil and rising
I promise to do the world some good…

The end

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