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King Lear
• Full Title: The Tragedy of King Lear
Shakespeare's father was a glove-maker, and Shakespeare • Where Written: England
received no more than a grammar school education. He
• When Published: 1608; 1623
married Anne Hathaway in 1582, but left his family behind
around 1590 and moved to London, where he became an actor • Literary Period: The Renaissance
and playwright. He was an immediate success: Shakespeare • Genre: Tragedy
soon became the most popular playwright of the day as well as • Setting: England, in pre-Christian times
a part-owner of the Globe Theater. His theater troupe was • Climax: Lear raging in the thunderstorm
adopted by King James as the King's Men in 1603. Shakespeare
• Antagonist: Regan, Goneril, Edmund
retired as a rich and prominent man to Stratford-upon-Avon in
1613, and died three years later.
HISTORICAL CONTEXT Poor Tom. The character of Poor Tom or the Bedlam Beggar, as
which Edgar disguises himself, is based on vagabonds or
In the period in which King Lear was written—from 1604 to madmen considered dangerous in England at the time.
1607—King James VI, King of Scotland and England, was trying "Bedlam" was a slang word for "Bethlehem," which was the
to persuade English Parliament to approve the union of the two name of a mental institution in London.
countries into one nation. (It was James who first used the term
"Great Britain" to describe the unity of the Celtic and Saxon
Two Versions. There are actually two different versions of King
lands: England, Scotland, and Wales.) Such a combination of
Lear—The History of King Lear published in quarto form in 1608
nations is called "accession." In his speeches to Parliament, he
and The Tragedy of King Lear, which was published in the First
regularly referred to the misfortunes that had been brought
Folio (1623) and is very substantially revised from the play
about by the disunion of England under King Leir, the historical
published in 1608. Before the 1990s, editors usually "blended"
source of Shakespeare's play. The historical context of
the two texts, taking what they believed were the best versions
Shakespeare's King Lear is thus twofold. Reading it you should
of each scene. In recent times, some editors have started
keep in mind both the history of King Leir and the discussions
focusing on the "original" 1608 edition.
on union/disunion of Great Britain in Shakespeare's own time.

Poor Fool. In Shakespeare's day, the roles of Cordelia and the

Fool were often "doubled"—played by the same actor—since
Shakespeare drew the main plot of King Lear—that is, the story the two characters are never on stage at the same time.
of a ruler who divides his kingdom among his children and is Shakespeare alludes to this fact at several points in the play.
consequently ruined—from several sources describing the The first time that Lear summons the Fool, in 1.4, both he and
legendary British king of that name. Scholars believe that the his Knight observe that the Fool has been melancholy ever
most important source was the second edition of Raphael since Cordelia was sent to France. More famously, in 5.3, upon
Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland learning of Cordelia's death, Lear remarks "And my poor fool is
(1587); Holinshed himself had taken the story of Lear from the hanged" (5.3.369). Sometimes directors staging the play invent
History of the British Kingdom by Geoffrey of Monmouth, a scene in which the Fool himself is hanged, to explain this line,
written in the twelfth century. (Critics have also pointed out but the tradition of doubling the characters is the better
that Lear's rejection of Cordelia resembles numerous classical explanation.
British fairy tales, where a father rejects a daughter on the
grounds that he does not believe she loves him enough.)
Shakespeare drew further subplots from Edmund Spenser's PL
The Faerie Queen (1590), which also features a character
named Cordelia, who dies by hanging; and from Sir Philip King Lear intends to divide his kingdom among his three
Sidney's Arcadia (1580-90), which contains an outline of the daughters, so that he can enjoy old age without the burdens of
Gloucester subplot. power. He has planned a ceremony in which each daughter will
state how much she loves him, before an audience of nobles

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including Lear's long-trusted advisor, Kent, the Earl of asks the Gentleman to tell her about the injustice that Lear has
Gloucester, and two suitors for his youngest daughter's hand, suffered. Meanwhile, Lear has gone mad and is raging against
Burgundy and France. During the ceremony, his elder the storm, while the Fool begs him to seek shelter. When Kent
daughters, Goneril and Regan each profess to love Lear more finds them, he leads them toward a hovel. Back inside the
than anything in the world. However, his youngest daughter, castle, Gloucester confides in Edmund that he has decided to
Cordelia, refuses to play along; when her turn comes, she says try to help Lear; he also reports that he has received a letter
that she loves Lear "no more, no less" than she should as a about the French invasion. After Gloucester leaves to find Lear,
daughter. Enraged, Lear strips her of her dowry, and banishes Edmund tells the audience that he will betray his father to
Kent when the latter attempts to intercede on Cordelia's Cornwall.
behalf. France says he will marry Cordelia even without a Out on the heath, having reached the hovel, Lear, Kent, and the
dowry. Lear then tells the gathered nobles that he will keep one Fool find Edgar, disguised as Poor Tom, inside. Gloucester finds
hundred knights and alternate months living with Goneril and them soon after, and leads them to the shelter of a house.
her husband, Albany, and Regan and her husband, Cornwall. Inside Gloucester's castle, Edmund tells Cornwall about
Back at Gloucester's palace, Edmund, Gloucester's illegitimate Gloucester's decision to help Lear and hands over the
son, plans to displace his legitimate brother, Edgar, as incriminating letter from France. In return, Cornwall makes
Gloucester's heir by turning Gloucester against Edgar. Edmund Edmund Earl of Gloucester. Back in the house, hiding from the
tricks Gloucester into thinking that Edgar is conspiring to kill storm, Lear hallucinates that Goneril and Regan are on trial
him. Meanwhile, Goneril, with whom Lear has gone to live first, before himself, Edgar, and the Fool. Gloucester returns, tells
becomes angry with her father and his knights for causing Kent that Goneril, Regan, and their husbands are plotting
chaos in her household. She orders her steward Oswald to Lear's death, and asks Kent to rush Lear to Cordelia, who has
treat Lear coldly. Meanwhile, the banished Kent returns to Lear landed with France at Dover. Back inside the palace, Cornwall
in disguise, offers his services, and is accepted as part of Lear's sends men to capture Gloucester and sends Edmund and
company. Goneril criticizes Lear for his knights' rowdiness and Goneril to tell Albany that the French have landed. When
demands that he dismiss half of them. Deeply insulted and Cornwall's forces bring in the captured Gloucester, Cornwall
angered, Lear curses Goneril and prepares to leave to go and and Regan pull out Gloucester's eyes as punishment for his
stay with Regan along with his Fool and his other followers. treachery. However, Cornwall's Servant attempts to stop him;
Back at Gloucester's castle, Edmund's conspiracy moves along. they end up dueling. Although Regan stabs the servant in the
After Edmund tricks Edgar into fleeing, Gloucester, convinced back, Cornwall receives a wound that will eventually kill him.
of Edgar's evil intentions, condemns him to death, declaring Regan throws the now blinded Gloucester out of his own
Edmund his legitimate heir. Cornwall and Regan arrive at castle. Two servants take pity on Gloucester, and decide to try
Gloucester's castle and welcome Edmund into their service. to help him find Poor Tom, who they know is Edgar in disguise.
Outside, Kent and Oswald arrive with letters for Regan from Outside Gloucester's palace, Edgar, still disguised as Poor Tom,
Lear and Goneril. Kent insults Oswald and challenges him to meets his blinded father. Deeply moved, he agrees to show him
fight. Roused by the disturbance, Cornwall puts Kent into the the way to Dover. Meanwhile, Goneril and Edmund have
stocks—even though such an action is disrespectful to Lear. traveled back to her palace to fetch Albany. However, Oswald
Elsewhere in the countryside, Edgar disguises himself as a mad meets them and reports that Albany has changed. Goneril
beggar "Poor Tom" in order to escape the death sentence quickly sends Edmund away. When Albany emerges, he berates
declared by his father. Lear himself arrives at Gloucester's her for her brutality to her father. In response, she criticizes
castle. Upset to find his man Kent (still in disguise) in the stocks, him for becoming cowardly. A messenger arrives, interrupting
he grows increasingly angry when Cornwall and Regan refuse their argument with news of both the death of Cornwall from
to see him. Shortly after Regan finally comes out, Goneril the wound his servant gave him as well as the blinding of
arrives. Lear quarrels bitterly with both, as Regan joins Goneril Gloucester.
in claiming that Lear does not need to maintain any attendants In the French camp, Kent and a Gentleman discuss Cordelia's
of his own. When each says that he may stay with them only if love of Lear, which has brought her back to Britain at the head
he dismisses all of his knights, Lear rushes, mad with rage, into a of an invading French army. Kent reports that Lear himself is in
brewing storm. Cornwall, Regan, and Goneril lock up Dover and, although he has spells of sanity, he is too ashamed
Gloucester's castle to keep Lear out. to see Cordelia. In the camp, Cordelia herself sends a search
Searching for Lear, Kent, who has been released from the party after her father. Back at Gloucester's palace, Regan
stocks, meets a Gentleman who tells him that Lear and the Fool questions Oswald about Goneril and Edmund. She states her
are alone in the storm. Kent tells the Gentleman that French feeling that, now that she is a widow, she should marry Edmund
forces are on their way to England. He gives the Gentleman his and asks Oswald to convince Goneril of the logic of this. As
purse along with an identifying ring to bring to Cordelia, and Oswald hurries off with a letter for Edmund from Goneril,

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Regan adds that she will show favor to anyone who kills the loyalty of certain subjects, particularly Kent and Gloucester.
blinded Gloucester. Meanwhile, hoping to cure Gloucester of However, these will not be enough to save him from madness
his despair, Edgar pretends to lead him to the cliffs of Dover and death.
(they are actually on flat ground). When Gloucester jumps, to Cordelia – Lear's youngest daughter, whom he disowns when
commit suicide (in fact just fainting and falling), Edgar then she refuses to flatter him, as her sisters do, during the
hurries over to him while pretending to be someone who saw ceremony in which he hands over power. Cordelia remains loyal
Gloucester jump, and telling Gloucester that the fact that he to Lear despite his unjust harshness to her at the beginning of
survived is a miracle. Lear shows up, raving mad; he jabbers at the play and even seems prepared to forgive her treacherous
Gloucester about lechery, the abuse of power, and other human sisters at the end. Other characters who do not betray
faults. When some of Cordelia's search party turn up, Lear runs Lear—particularly Kent—admire Cordelia for her virtue and
off. Just the, Oswald happens upon Edgar and Gloucester. He mildness.
attempts to kill Gloucester but Edgar kills him. In Oswald's
purse, Edgar finds letters from Goneril to Edmund plotting Goneril – Lear's vicious older daughter, who is the first to
Albany's death so that they can marry. In the French camp, Lear flatter him in the power-transfer ceremony and the first to
is awakened by the doctor treating him and is reunited with insult him afterwards, throwing him and his knights out of her
Cordelia. house. Goneril's ruthless temperament contrasts with that of
her husband, the Duke of Albany. In the end, she plots against
At her camp, at the start of the battle, Goneril argues with Albany, and even against her former ally, her sister Regan, out
Albany; she tells herself that she would rather lose the war of lust for Edmund.
against the French than let Regan marry Edmund. Edgar, still
disguised as a peasant, brings Goneril's letter to Edmund, Regan – Lear's middle daughter, who shares the vicious traits
describing her plot against Albany, to Albany then quickly of Goneril, also flattering him in the power-transfer scene and
leaves, with instructions that Albany must summon him with abusing him thereafter. Regan shows her particularly brutal
three blows of a trumpet after the battle with the French, if the nature when she aids her husband, the Duke of Cornwall, in
British have won. While Edgar places Gloucester beneath a blinding Gloucester.
tree to rest, the battle takes place off stage. In the battle, Gloucester – An earl, or nobleman, who is loyal to Lear and
Britain defeats France and Lear and Cordelia are captured by similar to him in many ways. Like Lear, Gloucester misjudges his
Edmund. Edmund sends them to jail, then sends a Captain after children, trusting his scheming illegitimate son, Edmund, over
them with secret instructions to kill them both. Summoned by his honest and good child from his legal marriage, Edgar.
Albany's Herald, Edgar arrives in disguise and fights and Edmund – Gloucester's younger, illegitimate son. Edmund
wounds Edmund, who, dying, admits to all his treacheries. resents the fact that the accident of his birth has deprived him
Edgar identifies himself and explains that, right before coming, of legal status (and, therefore, an inheritance). He schemes to
he revealed himself to Gloucester; Gloucester died in that turn Gloucester against his legitimate son, Edgar, and
moment of a mix of grief and joy. Goneril has poisoned Regan eventually usurp his title. Eloquent and seductively wicked,
beforehand, in the hopes of securing Edmund for herself; Edmund almost succeeds in carrying out his malign plots to
however, when he dies, she also stabs herself. Before he dies, fruition.
Edmund admits that he sent his Captain to hang Cordelia and
Edgar – Gloucester's elder, legitimate son. Although at first
kill Lear. Albany sends soldiers running off to try to save them.
Edgar comes across as a bit naïve, easily duped by Edmund, he
However, it is too late: Lear emerges from the prison with
later disguises himself successfully as a madman beggar and
Cordelia's body in his arms, mad with grief. He explains that he
manages not only to save himself from the death sentence his
killed the Captain who hung her but was too late to save her
misled father has pronounced on him, but also to help
life. Lear dies of his sorrow on the spot. Only Albany and Edgar
Gloucester and Lear and to avenge the wrongs committed by
remain to pick up the pieces, as Kent concludes that he soon
his traitorous half-brother.
must follow his master (i.e., kill himself, too).
Kent – A nobleman of the same rank as Gloucester, banished by
Lear in the first scene when he attempts to intercede with the
CTERS king on Cordelia's behalf. Kent spends most of the play
disguised as Caius, a disguise he takes on so that he can
King LLear
ear – The aging king of Britain and tragic hero of the play. continue to serve Lear even after being thrown out of his
Lear, who is used to complete obedience from everyone around kingdom.
him, makes two related major errors: giving up of political
Fool – Lear's jester, who accompanies him through much of the
responsibility by transferring power to his daughters; and
play. Although his statements come out as riddles, the Fool
trusting the flattering Goneril and Regan over the plainspoken,
offers insight into Lear's mistakes and their consequences.
but true, Cordelia. Despite his flaws he is able to maintain the
Insofar as he stays with Lear, despite all his mockery and

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criticisms (and at his peril, during the violent storm in Act 3), Edmund's conspiracy to mislead Gloucester into disinheriting
the Fool, like Kent, Gloucester, and Cordelia, proves himself his legitimate son Edgar provides a foil to the Lear family
loyal. situation throughout the play. Edmund—who is Gloucester's
Albanyy – The husband of Lear's older daughter, Goneril, and a illegitimate or "natural" son from an affair outside marriage,
Duke. Albany is kind and generous, in contrast to his malicious rather than a legitimate or "legal" one—further highlights the
wife, and criticizes her for her treacherous behavior toward her question of where parent-child loyalty stems from: biology or
father. However, he realizes the viciousness of the other socially acknowledged status. And, indeed, the private or
characters he is aligned with (namely, Edmund and Regan) too familial sphere is inseparable from the public and political realm
late in the play to prevent the evil that they cause. in King Lear. Fatherhood, in the play, serves as a model and
metaphor for kingly leadership, while the narrative regarding
wall – Cornwall is the husband of Lear's middle daughter,
the disintegration of families parallels the disintegration of the
Regan, and just as vicious as she is. He disrespects Lear by
British state.
putting his man Kent in the stocks and, later, violently blinds
Oswald – Goneril's steward, or chief servant. Oswald's blind
obedience to the evil Goneril earns him contempt from the At the beginning of the play, Lear is an authority figure,
"good" characters Kent and Edgar, and eventually costs him his embodying order in his own person and commanding it from his
life. family and followers. (This is how he is able to compel his elder
two daughters to participate in the dramatic ceremony dividing
France – The husband of Cordelia. France is a benevolent the kingdom by professing their absolute love on cue, precisely
character, who takes Cordelia as his wife without a dowry, when he demands it; this is why Gloucester, Kent, and others
when she has been rejected by her father, and even sends her respectfully watch the ceremony unfold, despite thinking that
back to England with the French army to rectify the wrongs Lear's plan to give up power is a bad idea.) Just as the father-
carried out by Goneril and Regan against Lear. However, child bonds discussed above encompass both a private and a
France only appears in the first scene. public dimension, authority and order in this play exist at both
an – Gloucester's servant. the level of the family and the level of the nation.
Throughout the tragedy, Lear and other characters also
repeatedly invoke the ideas of natural and divine order. Lear
THEMES appeals to the idea of divine justice when his children treat him
In LitCharts each theme gets its own color and number. Our unjustly (e.g. after his final quarrel with Goneril and Regan: "O
color-coded theme boxes make it easy to track where the heavens,/ If you do love old men […] Send down and take my
themes occur throughout the work. If you don't have a color part" [2.4.218-221]). Gloucester similarly calls out to the gods
printer, use the numbers instead. after he has been betrayed and blinded in 3.7. Meanwhile,
nature in the play seems to mirror the political chaos of the
play, particularly in the form of the brutal storm that rages even
as Lear himself, the former embodiment of order in the
The personal drama of King Lear revolves around the kingdom, rages in his own madness.
destruction of family relationships. Tragedy emerges from
bonds broken between parents and children—and, at a
secondary level, from the loss of ties among siblings. Lear,
misreading Cordelia's understated, but true, devotion to him Although Lear begins as a figure of authority and order, when
renounces his "parental care" (1.1.127) of her. This rejection is he gives up his power and Goneril and Regan turn against him,
twofold. Lear withdraws his "father's heart" (1.1.142); he also he falls apart, going mad. Moreover, his personal decline
strips Cordelia of the financial and political support that parallels a farther-reaching dissolution of order and justice in
formerly made her attractive to her suitors. Driven by greed the British state. Lear's error, based on blindness and
and ambition, Goneril and Regan fail to show any solidarity with misjudgment, doesn't just ruin him personally. It leads to a
their sister in 1.1. And later, despite their strong professions of political situation in which there is no order to guarantee
love for Lear, they both betray him in order to consolidate their justice, despite his (and Gloucester's) repeated appeals to the
political authority. In addition, although the two "tigers, not gods.
daughters" (4.2.49) initially ally with each other, their lustful Cordelia's first answer to Lear's command that she pronounce
desire for Edmund ultimately drive Goneril to murder Regan, her love for him, the answer that first enrages him against her,
before committing suicide when Edmund himself is killed, thus is (in 1.1) is "nothing." After that first appearance, the word
ensuring the complete annihilation of the Lear line. "nothing" recurs constantly throughout the play in the mouths

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of multiple characters. The repetition of this word highlights in the storm or on Dover Beach—often resembles the riddling,
the theme of nothingness, and of the complete lack of meaning but incisive, barbs of the Fool. It is possible to argue that in a
that results from nothingness – after all, when everything is world that itself does not seem to make sense—a world of
destroyed, it is not possible to compare anything to anything death, of raging storms, of children who turn against their
else, and in such a void, without any ability to compare, nothing parents—it makes sense that madness might be the most sane
can have any meaning. And, ultimately, it is hard to argue that reaction.
the ending of the play offers any justice at all: while the "bad Deliberately adopting the mad manner of a bedlam beggar,
guys" of Edmund, Goneril, Regan, and Cornwall are all killed, so Edgar provides a counterpoint to Lear's uncontrollable
are the heroes of Lear, Gloucester, and Cordelia. Nearly the madness, particularly in the storm scene (3.2).
entire social order, good and bad, is annihilated and turned to
nothing. As Lear himself cries out in the moments before he
dies, while holding the dead Cordelia in his arms, with his
kingdom destroyed: "Never, never, never, never, never" The tragic errors that King Lear and Gloucester make in
(5.3.372). misjudging their children constitute a form of figurative
blindness—a lack of insight into the true characters of those
around them. Reminding the audience of this fact, the language
of the play resounds with references to eyes and seeing from
Originally, Lear wishes to free himself of the burdens of ruling the very beginning. Cornwall and Regan make these images and
his kingdom because he is aware of his old age and wishes to metaphors of (failed) vision brutally literal when they blind
"crawl unburdened toward death" (1.1.42). As his choice of the Gloucester in 3.7. For the remainder of the play, Gloucester
verb "crawl" suggests, Lear has a sense that old age forces the serves as a kind of walking reminder of the tragic errors of
individual to remember his or her animal aspect—that is, the blindness that he and Lear have committed. Yet, Gloucester's
fact that human beings, like animals, are subjected to the forces greater insight into the character of his two sons after he is
of physical nature and have physical needs. blinded reflects an irony: literal blindness ironically produces
Age as Goneril and Regan unkindly observe at various points, insight. Only when Gloucester is blind can he see things for
brings a kind of weakness with it. Regan mocks Lear: "O, sir, you what they are.
are old […] You should be ruled and led/ By some discretion that Throughout the play, characters allude to, and call upon, the
discerns your state/ Better than you yourself" [2.4.165-9]. Yet, gods and the heavens watching over them. As noted above, the
together with the father-child bond, the play also suggests at gods and heavens suggest order and eventual justice. However,
various points that age should command respect. The fact that as watchers of the action of the play, the gods also become a
Lear's daughters abuse him for being old makes their cruelty kind of audience, and like the audience they both see the story
seem all the worse and also indicates that all they care about is of what is happening more completely than the individual
power, without any thought for wisdom. Cornwall and Regan's characters on stage and can't seem to do anything to stop it.
brutality to Gloucester is similarly heightened by our
awareness of his age—for instance, when Regan plucks
Gloucester's white beard in 3.7. SYMBOLS
5 FOOLING AND MADNESS Symbols appear in red text throughout the Summary and
Analysis sections of this LitChart.
From early on in the play, the Fool is probably the character
with the greatest insight into what the consequences of Lear's
misjudgments of his daughers will be. (The Fool's only THE STARS, HEAVENS, AND THE GODS
competition in this respect comes from Kent in 1.1; in 1.2 In Shakespeare's time there was a particularly strong belief that
Gloucester seems only to have a vague intuition that Lear's order on earth depended on order in the heavens—or, as Kent
decision was a mistake.) Calling Lear himself a Fool and puts it, that "the stars above us govern our conditions" (4.3.39).
admonishing him that he has reduced himself to "nothing" by Celestial bodies are thus both a metaphor of order and a
dividing and handing off his kingdom, the Fool recognizes that potential source of disorder, when they go awry. Multiple
by giving up his authority Lear is essentially ensuring his own characters in King Lear make references to eclipses that have
destruction and the destruction of his kingdom. taken place; in Act 1 Scene 2 in particular, Gloucester attributes
Just as the Fool's apparently nonsensical comments contain the chaos in Lear's court—the banishment of Kent and abrupt
some of the most sensible advice that Lear receives on his departure of Cordelia and France—to "these late eclipses of the
behavior, Lear himself gains increasing insight into his situation sun and moon" (1.2.109). Edmund then mockingly takes up the
as he moves from sanity to madness. His raving—for instance, theme of "what should follow these eclipses" (1.2.148). Later in
the play, Lear and Gloucester both appeal to the stars and gods

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together as benevolent spectators of their sad plights, and as "Mend your speech a little,
forces for justice. (E.g., Lear cries out in 2.4: "You heavens, give Lest it may mar your fortunes." (103-104)
me that patience […] You see me here, you gods, a poor old
er: King Lear
man" (313-4).
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cordelia
ANIMALS •Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Authority
and Order, Blindness and Insight
From start to finish, King Lear is full of references to animals,
usually incorporated into insults and curses or used to describe •Theme T
er code
states of maximum human degradation. (The Fool also
1 2 6
frequently tells jokes or sings songs involving non-human
creatures.) Lear himself observes, in his rage at Goneril and
Regan: "Allow not nature more than nature needs,/ Man's life is "Although the last, not least." (92)
cheap as beast's" (2.4.307-8). Throughout the play, animals
present a vision of brutal nature to which men can descend, and •Speak
er: King Lear
yet the animals are also held up as less corrupt than men. After •Mentioned or related char
acters: Cordelia
all the beasts are just beasts, and are naturally brutal, while the
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings
finely dressed Goneril and Regan, along with the other disloyal
members of Lear's court, can spout beautiful language about •Theme T
er code
love and honor, and then stab their father in the back.


Complementing the many references to animals throughout "Yet he hath ever but slenderly known himself."
the play are mentions of clothing and instances of disguise. •Speak
er: Regan
Kent, banished by Lear, disguises himself as the commoner
•Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear
Caius. Edgar, fleeing Gloucester's mistaken wrath, transforms
himself the mad beggar, Poor Tom. As the honorable characters •Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Old Age,
of the play must take off their fine clothes and put on disguises Blindness and Insight
to remain loyal, and Lear associates Goneril and Regan's fine •Theme T
er code
clothing with their duplicity, clothing becomes a symbol of the
desire for power and status that corrupts characters like 1 4 6
Goneril, Regan, Edmund, and Cornwall. On Dover beach Lear
remarks to Gloucester: "Through tattered clothes small vices
"Nothing will come of nothing."
do appear./ Robes and furred gowns hide all" [4.6.181-2].
er: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness
•Theme T
er code
The color-coded and numbered boxes under each quote below
make it easy to track the themes related to each quote. Each 3
color and number corresponds to one of the themes explained
in the Themes section of this LitChart.
"I want that glib and oily art
To speak and purpose not."
er: Cordelia
"Time shall unfold what plighted cunning hides."
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Authority
er: Cordelia and Order, Blindness and Insight
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Authority •Theme T
er code
and Order, Blindness and Insight
•Theme T
er code
code: 1 2 6

1 2 6

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"Now, gods, stand up for bastards!" (21) "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child." (302-303)
er: Edmund
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Authority •Speak
er: King Lear
and Order, Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness •Mentioned or related char
acters: Goneril
•Theme T
er code
code: •Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Old Age
•Theme T
er code
1 2 3
1 4
"These late eclipses in the sun and moon portend no good to
us." "Thou hast pared thy wit o' both sides and left nothing in the
er: Gloucester middle."
•Related themes
themes: Authority and Order, Disintegration, Chaos, •Speak
er: Fool
Nothingness •Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear
•Theme T
er code
code: •Related themes
themes: Old Age, Fooling and Madness
2 3 •Theme T
er code

4 5
"Thou, Nature, art my goddess."
er: Edmund ACT 2, SCENE 1 QUOTES
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, "My old heart is cracked; it's cracked."
Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness •Speak
er: Gloucester
•Theme T
er code
code: •Mentioned or related char
acters: Edgar
1 3 •Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Old Age
•Theme T
er code

"As if we were villains on necessity; fools by heavenly 1 4

er: Edmund ACT 2, SCENE 2 QUOTES
•Related themes
themes: Authority and Order, Disintegration, Chaos, "Nothing almost sees miracles
Nothingness, Fooling and Madness But misery." (180-181)
•Theme T
er code
code: •Speak
er: Kent
2 3 5 •Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness,
Blindness and Insight
•Theme T
er code
"Old fools are babes again." 3 6
er: Goneril
•Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Old Age, Fooling and Madness " 'Edgar' I nothing am." (21)

•Theme T
er code
code: •Speak
er: Edgar
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness
4 5

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•Theme T
er code
3 "I am a man
More sinned against than sinning." (62-63)
er: King Lear
"I will preserve myself, and am bethought
To take the basest and most poorest shape •Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Authority
That ever penury in contempt of man and Order
Brought near to beast." •Theme T
er code
er: Edgar 1 2
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness
•Theme T
er code
"My wits begin to turn." (73)
3 •Speak
er: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Fooling and Madness
•Theme T
er code
"O heavens
If you do love old men, if your sweet sway 5
Allow obedience, if you yourselves are old,
Make it your cause. Send down and take my part." (218-221)
"Blow winds, and crack your cheeks! Rage, blow!" (1)
er: King Lear
er: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Authority
and Order, Old Age •Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Fooling
and Madness
•Theme T
er code
•Theme T
er code
1 2 4
3 5

"O sir, you are old.

Nature I you stands on the very verge "Here's a night pities neither wise men nor fools."
Of his confine." •Speak
er: Fool
er: Regan •Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Fooling
•Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear and Madness
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, •Theme T
er code
Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Old Age
3 5
•Theme T
er code

1 3 4 "The art of our necessities is strange

And can make vile things precious."
"O, reason not the need! Our basest beggars •Speak
er: King Lear
Are in the poorest thing superfluous. •Related themes
themes: Authority and Order, Disintegration, Chaos,
Allow not nature more than nature needs, Nothingness
Man's life is cheap as beast's."
•Theme T
er code
er: King Lear
2 3
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness
•Theme T
er code
3 "The younger rises when the old doth fall." (25)

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er: Edmund •Theme T
er code
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Authority
and Order, Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Old Age
•Theme T
er code
"Thou shalt find a dearer father in my love." (25-26)
1 2 3 4
er: Cornwall
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Edmund
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings
"Is man no more than this? […] Thou art the thing itself;
•Theme T
er code
unaccommodated man is no more but such a poor, bare, forked
animal as thou art." 1
er: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness ACT 3, SCENE 6 QUOTES
•Theme T
er code
code: "All the power of his wits have given way to his impatience."

3 •Speak
er: Kent
•Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Old Age, Fooling and Madness
"I am almost mad myself
[…] •Theme T
er code
The grief hath crazed my wits." (177-180)
4 5
er: Gloucester
•Related themes
themes: Fooling and Madness ACT 3, SCENE 7 QUOTES
•Theme T
er code
code: "Pluck out his eyes." (6)
5 •Speak
er: Goneril
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
"Poor naked wretches, wheresoe'er you are, •Related themes
themes: Blindness and Insight
That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm, •Theme T
er code
How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides,
Your looped and windowed raggedness defend you 6
From seasons such as these? O I have taken
Too little care of this."
"Upon these eyes of thine I'll set my foot." (81)
er: King Lear
er: Cornwall
•Related themes
themes: Authority and Order, Disintegration, Chaos,
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
Nothingness, Fooling and Madness
•Related themes
themes: Blindness and Insight
•Theme T
er code
•Theme T
er code
2 3 5

"Child Rowland to the dark tower came

His word was still 'Fie, foh, and fum, "Out, vile jelly!"
I smell the blood of a British man."
er: Cornwall
er: Edgar •Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
•Related themes
themes: Fooling and Madness •Related themes
themes: Blindness and Insight

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•Theme T
er code
code: •Speak
er: Edgar
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings,
Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Fooling and Madness
•Theme T
er code
"The worst is not
So long as we can say 'This is the worst.'" 1 3 5
er: Edgar
•Related themes
themes: Authority and Order, Disintegration, Chaos, "A man may see how this world goes with no eyes." (165-166)
er: King Lear
•Theme T
er code
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
2 3 •Related themes
themes: Blindness and Insight
•Theme T
er code
"The nature which contemns its origin
Cannot be bordered certain in itself."
er: Albany "O ruined piece of nature! This great world
Shall so wear out to naught." (149-150)
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Goneril
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, •Speak
er: Gloucester
Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness •Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear
•Theme T
er code
code: •Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness
•Theme T
er code
1 3
"It is the stars. "O, thou side-piercing sight!" (104)
The stars above us govern our conditions." (38–39)
er: Edgar
er: Kent
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
•Related themes
themes: Authority and Order
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Fooling and
•Theme T
er code
code: Madness, Blindness and Insight
2 •Theme T
er code

1 5 6
"Alack, I have no eyes." (74)
"How fearful
er: Gloucester And dizzy tis to cast one's eyes so low!
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Blindness […]
and Insight I'll look no more
Lest my brain turn and the deficient sight
•Theme T
er code
Topple down headlong."
1 6 •Speak
er: Edgar
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Gloucester
"Why I do trifle thus with his despair •Related themes
themes: Fooling and Madness, Blindness and Insight
Is done to cure it." (342-343)

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•Theme T
er code
code: •Theme T
er code

5 6 2 3

"Gloucester: Oh let me kiss that hand! "Howl, howl, howl! O, you are men of stones!
Lear: Let me wipe it first; it smells of mortality." Had I your tongues and eyes, I'd use them so
That heaven's vault should crack. She's gone forever."
er: King Lear, Gloucester
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Old Age •Speak
er: King Lear
•Theme T
er code
code: •Mentioned or related char
acters: Cordelia
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings,
3 4 Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Blindness and Insight
•Theme T
er code
1 3 6
"I am a very foolish, fond old man." (69)
er: King Lear
"Vex not his ghost. O, let him pass! He hates him
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cordelia
That would upon the rack of this tough world
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Old Age Stretch him out longer." (380-382)
•Theme T
er code
er: Kent
1 4 •Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Old Age
"You must bear with me. •Theme T
er code
Pray you now, forget and forgive." (97-98)
3 4
er: King Lear
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Old Age
"The oldest hath borne most; we that are young
•Theme T
er code
code: Shall never see so much nor live so long." (394-395)
1 4 •Speak
er: Albany
•Mentioned or related char
acters: King Lear
ACT 5, SCENE 3 QUOTES •Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Old Age
"Know my name is lost, •Theme T
er code
By treason's tooth bare-gnawn and canker-bit." (145-146)
1 4
er: Edgar
•Related themes
themes: Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness, Fooling
and Madness "No, no, no, no. Come, let's away to prison.
We two alone will sing like birds in the cage."
•Theme T
er code
er: King Lear
3 5
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cordelia
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, Old Age,
"Is this the promised end?" (316) Fooling and Madness
er: Kent •Theme T
er code
•Related themes
themes: Authority and Order, Disintegration, Chaos, 1 4 5

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"No, no, no life? Next, Lear calls upon each of The ceremony Lear has devised
Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life, his daughters to state how to make himself feel good also
And thou no breath at all? Thou'lt come no more, much she loves him. First, reinforces the plays theme of the
Never, never, never, never, never." Goneril insists that she loves connections between the
her father "dearer than "public" authority of Lear as a
er: King Lear
eyesight, space, and liberty" king and his "private" authority
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cordelia (1.1.61); Lear awards her one over his daughters as a father.
•Related themes
themes: Fathers, Children, and Siblings, third of his kingdom,
Disintegration, Chaos, Nothingness accordingly. Then, Regan 1 2 3 4
claims that she loves her father
•Theme T
er code
even more than Goneril does;
1 3 she is an "enemy to all other
joys" but his "dear Highness'
love" (1.1.80-4). Lear grants
YSIS her a third, in turn.
While her sisters speak, Refusing to go along with Lear's
The color-coded and numbered boxes under each row of
Cordelia grows nervous, political theater, Cordelia
Summary and Analysis below make it easy to track the themes
knowing that she would prefer stresses the importance of her
throughout the work. Each color and number corresponds to
to "love, and be silent" (1.1.68) inward bond. Her answer,
one of the themes explained in the Themes section of this
than to make such a public "nothing," will echo throughout
declaration of her love for her the play. Here it anticipates the
father. And, indeed, when her way in which the dismembering
ACT 1, SCENE 1 turn comes to speak, Cordelia of the kingdom will lead to ruin,
Kent and Gloucester are in Gloucester's words to Kent show can answer only "Nothing, my chaos, and annihilation.
King Lear's court, discussing that he values his bond with his lord" (1.1.96). Lear presses her
Lear's plan to give up his illegitimate son, despite the fact to give another answer, but 1 2 3
power and divide it among his that a "natural" (i.e. biological) she insists that she loves him
daughters. Gloucester rather than a social or legal order "according to [her] bond, no
introduces Kent to his connects them. This more, no less" (1.1.102).
illegitimate son, Edmund, who conversation looks ahead to the
is standing nearby. Gloucester dismembering of the British
says that, although Edmund is kingdom by Lear.
a "knave" (1.1.21) born out of
wedlock, Gloucester loves him 1 2 3 4
no less than the other "son" he
has "by order of law" (1.1.19)
(i.e., Edgar).
Lear enters with Albany, Ironically, Lear's authority as
Cornwall, Goneril, Regan, king, as the head of a political
Cordelia, and their attendants. order, enables him to make the
Having sent Gloucester to decision that will produce grave
fetch Cordelia's suitors, the disorder. By using the word
lords of France and Burgundy, "crawl" to describe his progress
Lear announces that he has toward death, Lear describes the
divided his kingdom into three aging human without his former
parts. He intends to "shake all authority as an animal.
cares and business from his
age,/ Conferring them on 1 2 3 4
younger strengths" so that he
can "unburdened crawl toward
death" (1.1.41-2).

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Enraged by this refusal to play Lear invokes the heavens as a Cordelia then takes leave of Cruelly criticizing their father's
along, and vowing by "all the symbol of order and justice for Goneril and Regan, saying she senility, the sisters show their
operation of the orbs" the first of many times knows their faults, but hopes true colors for the first time,
(1.1.124), Lear renounces his throughout the play. Kent, that they will live up to the love foreshadowing all the abuses
"paternal care" of Cordelia meanwhile, shows a personal they have declared. Cordelia that they will soon wreak on him
forever (1.1.127). When Kent devotion to Lear that is so strong and France leave. Left alone, due to his age. Like Kent, they
attempts to intercede on that he is willing to step outside Goneril observes that Lear's also describe what Lear has done
Cordelia's behalf, Lear of the usual political order (i.e., old age is "full of changes" as an error. But they, unlike Kent,
reiterates: "here I give/ her the rules of the court) in order to (334) and that he showed plan to take advantage of it, and
father's heart from her" try to protext his king. More "poor judgment" (337) casting show more interest in power
(1.1.141-2). He states that he insightful than Lear, Kent knows off Cordelia. Regan agrees the than in the love they owe their
will from now on alternate that dividing the kingdom is a "infirmity of his age" (339) is to father simply because he is their
months living with his two bad idea; he also sees Goneril blame for his error. Goneril father.
other daughters, keeping only and Regan for the opportunists says that in these "infirm and
100 knights on reserve to be they are. choleric years" (345) they 1 2 4 6
his followers. When Kent cannot permit their father to
continues to counsel him 1 2 6 exercise any real authority.
against such a rash decision,
Lear banishes him on pain of ACT 1, SCENE 2
death: "out of my sight!"
(1.1.179). Having consoled Edmund stands alone on stage, Edmund, criticizing official legal
Cordelia, and exhorted Goneril criticizing the injustice of the order as unjust, decides to follow
and Regan to live up to their laws and customs that deprive a more brutal "win or lose"
declarations of love, Kent him of all legal rights just natural order instead. At this
departs. because he was born out of point, a modern reader might be
wedlock. Therefore, Edmund sympathetic to Edmund: it's not
Gloucester returns with Burgundy's reaction to Lear's says, rather than law he his fault he was born out of
France and Burgundy. Lear declaration reflects that worships "Nature" (1.2.1). wedlock. The Edmund/Edgar
addresses Burgundy first, authority and order, political and Then, holding up a letter he sibling rivalry for paternal favor
telling him that Cordelia has economic calculations, also has forged, Edmund explains mirrors that between Lear's
been disowned. Cordelia govern marriage.France, to the audience that he is daughters.
interrupts, begging her father however, like Cordelia herself, plotting to steal the land of his
to explain that she has not seems to have private, purer half-brother, "legitimate 1 2 3
done anything wrong: her only motivations. Edgar" (1.2.17), by winning all
sin is to lack a "still-soliciting his father, Gloucester's,
eye and such a tongue" 1 2
(1.1.266) as her sisters.
Burgundy asks, won't Lear give As Gloucester returns from The word, "nothing," repeated by
the dowry he proposed? Lear Lear's court, baffled by the Cordelia and Lear throughout
replies that he will give events there, Edmund 1.1, continues its echo here.
"nothing" (1.1.283). Then, conspicuously hides the letter Quickly falling for Edmund's
Burgundy apologizes, he in his pocket. When tricks to turn him against his
cannot marry Cordelia. France, Gloucester asks what it is, legitimate son, Gloucester
however, says that the neglect Edmund replies "no news […] displays a shortsightedness that
of the gods has only increased nothing" (1.2.31-3). matches Lear's own
his love: he pronounces Gloucester cheerfully misjudgment of his daughter's.
Cordelia his wife and queen. demands to see it: "the quality
of nothing hath not such need 1 3 6
Lear accepts and exits with his
attendants. to hide itself […] if it be
nothing, I shall not need
spectacles" (1.2.35-7).

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Feigning hesitation, Edmund In his forged letter, Edmund uses After Gloucester has exited, Edmund and Edgar both dismiss
hands over the letter, the kinds of criticisms of age that Edmund mocks his father's their father's faith in the heavens
explaining that Edgar sent it to Goneril and Regan cited at the belief in astrology: it is as being foolish and outdated
him. Gloucester reads it aloud. end of 1.1—and which, indeed, "excellent foppery," he says (obliquely reflecting their age
The letter argues against the motivated Lear to give up his that when people suffer ill difference with their father, once
"aged tyranny" (1.2.53) that own power—to play on fortune, usually because of again).
keeps sons enslaved to fathers Gloucester's own anxieties and their own dumb behavior, they
past their prime. It goes on to turn him against his other son. then blame "the sun, the moon, 1 2 4 6
hint that if Edmund will help and stars" (125-8). Seeing
Edgar dispose of Gloucester, 1 2 4 6 Edgar, who has just then
Edgar will grant the bastard wandered in, Edmund briefly
half of his legitimate wealth. takes up the subject with him.
Edmund adds that Edgar has Edgar is surprised at his
often said that, with "sons at brother's sudden interest in
perfect age and fathers astronomy.
declined" (76-7), sons should
Then Edmund cuts to the Edmund, however, does continue
take care of fathers as their
chase, asking Edgar if he to create just the kind of familial
knows how he has offended discord that Gloucester was
As Gloucester grows enraged, Like Lear, Gloucester sees the Gloucester, who, Edmund troubled to observe in Lear's
Edmund pretends that he heavens as both symbolizing and reports, is enraged at his court and which, Gloucester
would like to urge moderation: causing order or disorder in legitimate son. Edgar reacts predicted, were the result of the
he offers to approach Edgar human affairs. He is incredulous with disbelief: "some villain recent eclipses.
about the matter, while that Edgar could violate the hath done me wrong"
Gloucester, in hiding, can bonds of family. He thinks of (1.2.172). Replying that that's 1 2
watch. Gloucester agrees, these bonds not in Edmund's precisely what he fears,
saying that he would give up legal or economic terms of Edmund tells Edgar to go hide
everything he has to know inheritance (because such issues in Edmund's rooms, and
whether or not Edgar is don't affect him; he was a advises Edgar that if he leaves
actually so untrue to the legitimate son of his father). his hiding place to make sure
"father that so tenderly and Instead, he sees the bonds to carry a weapon to protect
entirely loves him" (101-2). He almost as a kind of rule of nature, himself. Edmund promises to
adds that he has recently embodying "tender" and bring Edgar more news soon.
observed disorder in the skies complete emotional love. Edgar rushes off.
that predicts all the chaos that
1 2 3 Once Edmund is left alone, he Edmund explains that he will
has happened with Lear,
observes to himself that his exploit the blind faith that a
Cordelia, Kent, and now him:
father is trusting and Edgar is parent has in his child and the
"these late eclipses in the sun
such a good person that he assumed trust between siblings
and moon portend no good to
would never suspect someone in order to outwit the typical
us […] we have seen the best of
else of being anything other legal order (whereby the
our time" (109-19).
than good. Dealing with such legitimate child inherits
"foolish honesty" (1.2.189), everything).
Edmund says, will make it easy
for him to take, through 1 2 6
cunning, the lands that he did
not inherit by birth.

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ACT 1, SCENE 3 Seeing Oswald, Lear attempts Lear's demand to have Oswald
to summon him, but Oswald acknowledge who he is—that is,
At Goneril's palace, where Goneril shows her lack of
ignores him. Irritated, Lear the king (or former king)—draws
Lear has been spending his personal regard for her father:
sends a Knight to call Oswald attention to the fact that sight
first month after giving up she will use her new political
back. The Knight returns with and recognition are part of
power, Goneril complains to power to flaunt the usual order
the message that Goneril is authority and order, insofar as
her steward, Oswald, about of authority in a parent-child
not well and that Oswald the leader and the subject must
how badly her father, his Fool, relationship. Strikingly, Lear has
refuses to obey Lear—the see and acknowledge each other
and his knights have been already become an agent of
Knight thinks that Lear has for what they are if the system is
behaving in her house. She disorder, rather than the careful,
been "wronged" (66). Lear to function. Lear's treatment in
instructs Oswald to tell Lear controlling stage-manager who
sends the Knight to fetch his Goneril's house violates both the
that she is sick and will not see planned the divestment
Fool. Both Knight and Lear private respect she as a child
him. She also instructs Oswald ceremony in 1.1.
observe that since Cordelia's owes her parent and the
and the servants to serve him traditional order of official
1 2 3 departure for France the Fool
only with "weary negligence" hospitality.
has been melancholy and sad.
(1.3.13), so that she has an
Oswald enters again. Lear
opportunity to broach the 1 2 3 6
summons him and demands to
subject with Lear.
know who he is. When Oswald
Goneril adds that if Lear does Goneril speaks about the old, replies, "my lady's father"
not like what she says, he can and how they should be (1.4.79), Lear grows enraged,
go to Regan. She knows that subservient to the young, in the calling him a "dog," "slave" and
she and her sister are of the same terms that Edmund cited in "cur" (81), and hitting him.
same mind on this subject and his forged letter. For the time Kent joins in tripping Oswald.
will not be overruled by an being, she show solidarity with
The Fool enters. He tells Lear Traditionally, the Fool had the
"idle old man" (1.3.17). "Old her sister.
to wear his (the Fool's) unique privilege of stepping
fools are babes again and must outside of, and even inverting, the
1 4 coxcomb (or fool's hat). He
be used/ With checks as order of the court by criticizing
continues to tease Lear, who
flatteries" (20-1), she the King. Speaking in mad,
finally asks whether the Fool is
concludes, resolving to write riddling language, the Fool makes
calling him a Fool. The Fool
to her sister. insightful comments about Lear's
replies that indeed he is: "all
thy other titles thou has given diminished condition. The Fool's
ACT 1, SCENE 4 away. That thou wast born use of the word "nothing,"
Kent returns in the disguise of As in 1.1, Kent demonstrates his with" (152-4). The Fool echoing Lear, Cordelia, and
Caius, a commoner, to offer his deep loyalty to Lear's authority, continues to mock Lear, saying Gloucester, stresses that Lear has
services to Lear. Lear accepts. which empowers him to go that Lear is worth even less destroyed himself in the process
He sends Kent to fetch his outside of the usual order of than he is: "I had rather be any of dividing his kingdom.
Fool. political business. Lear's failure kind of thing than a Fool. And
yet I would not be thee […] I am 1 2 3 5 6
to recognize Kent in his disguise
provides a dramatic metaphor a Fool. Thou art nothing"
for his failure to see his (189-99).
daughters' true colors.

2 5 6

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At this point, Goneril storms Lear seems to think that he was As Lear departs, Albany Although Albany is bound to
on stage, irritated. She blows king by virtue of being himself, enters, tentatively criticizing Goneril through the laws and
up at Lear, criticizing the Fool rather than by virtue of his the lack of hospitality that customs of marriage, and his
and all of Lear's knights for power, and that therefore he Goneril has shown to her political power depends on her,
disturbing the peace in her could give up power but still father. Goneril cuts him off. Albany's clear vision of her
house. Goneril scolds Lear, demand respect. Now he is She summons Oswald, double- cruelty to her father starts to
telling him he must return to discovering that in giving up checks that he has written a drive him away from her. Their
his usual self. Lear, incredulous, power he has given up his former letter to Regan, as she opposing viewpoints on the
jokingly demands whether identity. Lear curses Goneril instructed, and orders him to treatment of Lear, among other
anyone present recognizes using animal terms ("kite," bring it to Regan quickly. Then things, will break their marriage
him (i.e., as their former king). "serpent's tooth," "wolvish she turns back to her husband, by play's end.
"Who is it that can tell me who visage"). The implication in Lear's telling him that he is foolish to
I am" (1.4.236) But Goneril use of these insults is that be so gentle. Albany remains 1 2 3 6
cuts him off, demanding that Goneril is an animal because, like dubious: "How far your eyes
he reduce the number of an animal, she lacks the tender may pierce I cannot tell./
knights with him from 100 to familial bonds of love that make Striving to better, oft we mar
50. Lear flies into a rage humans unique. The fact that his what's well" (368-9)
cursing her as a detested kite" curse focuses specifically on the
(or bird of prey; 1.4.274) and idea that Goneril be without ACT 1, SCENE 5
pleading the gods either make children—or, like him, have only
her infertile or to send her a thankless children—stresses how Lear explains what happened Kent continues to show
"child of spleen" (296) so that hurt and angered he is by his with Goneril to Kent (who is exemplary loyalty to Lear
she herself can know "how daughters' ingratitude. still disguised as Cauis), and (though he has to maintain the
sharper than the serpent's then sends Kent to deliver a disguise of Caius in order to do
tooth it is/ to have a thankless 1 2 3 5 letter to Regan. Assuring Lear so).
child" (302-3). Lear and his that he will not sleep until he
has delivered the message, 2
knights exit, preparing to
depart for Regan's house. As Kent speeds off.
they go, Lear tries, in vain, to As he prepares to head for The Fool also continues with the
stop crying at the loss of his Regan's castle himself, Lear is kinds of animal metaphors that
daughter: "Old fond eyes,/ teased by his Fool, who Lear introduced in his curse of
Beweep this cause again, I'll predicts that Regan will be as Goneril. Lear, meanwhile, having
pluck you out" (317-8). Lear like Goneril as "a crab […] to a realizing that in giving up power
shouts that when Regan hears crab" (1.5.18). Meanwhile, Lear he has lost his identity as king,
of Goneril's unkindness she'll begins to rave, fearing that he calls out to the even higher
"flay" Goneril's "wolvish will go mad at the "monster power of heaven to help him, as
visage" (325). He rushes out. ingratitude" (1.5.39) that he fears that in losing his identity
Goneril has shown him. As the he may fall into the chaos of
Fool persists telling Lear "thou madness.
wouldst make a good Fool"
(1.5.38), Lear begs: "Sweet 1 2 3 5 6
heaven!/ Keep me in temper. I
would not be mad!" (1.5.46).

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ACT 2, SCENE 1 Gloucester enters. Seeing that Staging the entire encounter for
Edgar has "escaped," he sends the purpose of misleading
At Gloucester's court, Curran Paralleling the exchange between
servants after him, then Gloucester, Edmund has
mentions to Edmund that Gloucester and Kent at the
questions Edmund, who provided yet another instance of
there are rumors of imminent beginning of 1.1, Curan's rumors
confirms that Edgar attempted manipulating vision in order to
war between Cornwall and of war indicate the coming
to persuade him to murder produce blindness. Entirely
Albany. Curran also mentions dissolution of the kingdom and
their father and, then, when misreading his two sons,
that Cornwall and Regan will the breakdown of order. But for
Edmund opposed "his Gloucester falls for it and uses
be arriving to stay at Edmund, who was born outside
unnatural purpose" (2.1.59), his authority to reverse the usual
Gloucester's castle that very the law and now seeks to create
attacked Edmund. Enraged, legal order, preferring the
night. After Curan has exited, disorder everywhere, these
Gloucester declares that, by illegitimate to the legitimate.
Edmund reflects that this developments are good news.
the authority of Cornwall, who
development – both the 1 2 3 6
2 3 is supposed to arrive that
coming war and the arrival of
night, he will put a price on
Cornwall – will help him in his
Edgar's head. Gloucester
schemes if he acts boldly and is
further declares that Edgar is
just a bit lucky. He calls to
no longer his son ("I never got
Edgar to come out of his hiding him" [2.1.90]), and that he will
spot. make the "loyal and natural"
Edgar enters. Edmund Edmund dupes Edgar as easily as (2.1.98) Edmund heir to all his
pretends to be frightened for he has mislead Gloucester. property.
Edgar's safety. He tells Edgar Through his trickery he makes Yet, despite his definitive
Just after Gloucester makes
that Gloucester has Edgar look guilty and himself declaration, Gloucester, like Lear
this declaration, Cornwall and
discovered his hiding spot, and look like a hero, and turns on its in 1.1 and 1.4, is clearly deeply
Regan arrive. They have
that the Duke of Cornwall is head the usual emotional bond emotionally affected by losing his
already heard rumors of
also rushing to the castle out between father and son as well emotional bond to his legal
Edgar's attempted murder of
of anger with Edgar. He asks if as the usual legal bond between son—particularly given his old
his father. Gloucester confirms
Edgar has said anything father and legitimate son. age. Cornwall, meanwhile,
to them that his "old heart is
publicly against Cornwall? cracked" (1.2.106). Cornwall praises just the sort of parental
Edgar denies doing any such 1 6
praises Edmund for having respect that neither he nor Regan
thing, but just then they hear "shown [his] father/ a childlike are going to show to Lear.
Gloucester approaching. office" (122-3) and takes him
Edmund apologizes, but says into his service; Edmund 1 4 6
that to keep up good relations gratefully accepts.
with Gloucester he must
pretend to be fighting Edgar Regan then explains to Despite how badly shaken and
off. He tells Edgar to pretend Gloucester why she and heartbroken he is by the loss of
to fight him as well. While Cornwall have come. They Edgar, Gloucester smoothly
shouting as if he and Edgar are have been informed, via letters fulfills his duty, performing his
fighting, he whispers to edgar from both her father and role as host. Although Goneril
that he should flee. Edgar sister, of differences between and Regan have criticized Lear
does, and exits. Once Edgar is them. They hoped to seek for his senility (1.1), here Regan
gone, Edmund wounds himself Gloucester's counsel as their at least suggests that she
in the arm in order to make the "good old friend" [1.2.146] and respects Gloucester's potential
fight seem more real and thought, in any case, that it was wisdom.
himself seem more heroic. best to handle the matter
while not at home. Gloucester 2 4
welcomes them and says he
will be happy to advise.

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ACT 2, SCENE 2 Left alone on stage, Kent takes Cordelia's letter to Kent provides
out a letter, which, he explains the first sign that there are forces
Outside Gloucester's castle, Continuing to demonstrate his
to the audience, is from working to restore justice and
Kent and Oswald run into loyalty to Lear, insulting Oswald
Cordelia. "Nothing almost order in England—and
each other, waiting for as an animal, Kent further shows
sees miracles but misery" particularly that not all family-
responses to the letters that how the discord brewing at the
(180-1). The letter says that feeling between children and
they brought Regan (from Lear highest level of government
Cordelia has been informed of parents is lost.
and Goneril, respectively). carries down to the level of
the steps Kent has taken,
Kent picks a fight with Oswald, bickering servants. 1 2
disguising himself, and will in
calling him a "son and heir of a
2 3 time return to remedy the
mongrel bitch" (2.2.22) and
trouble in Lear's England.
reminding him who he is: two
days ago, Kent says, he tripped
Oswald at Goneril's castle. ACT 2, SCENE 3
Hearing the ruckus, Edmund, Echoing the abuse that Goneril In a soliloquy, Edgar explains Transforming his outward
Cornwall, Regan, Gloucester, and Regan used against Lear, and that he escaped the "hunt" appearance into that of a nearly
and his servants, enter, and which Edmund cited to upset (2.3.3) sent after him by hiding animal, naked madman, Edgar
demand to know what is going Gloucester, Oswald shows that in the hollow of a tree. Now seeks to escape the unjust (or
on. Oswald explains that Kent, old age can be a liability for that nowhere is safe for him he blind and misled) workings of the
an "ancient ruffian" (2.2.63), commoners or servants as well intends to disguise himself in law. Like Lear (whom the Fool
started the quarrel and that he as royals and aristocrats. Kent the "basest and most poorest calls "nothing" in 1.4), Edgar
has spared him only because of stresses that he is able to see shape/ that ever penury in annihilates his own identity.
"his gray beard" (64). through Cornwall and Regan to contempt of man/ brought However, Edgar does so
Continuing to abuse Oswald, the corruption in their hearts. near to beast" (7-9)—that is, as knowingly and purposefully, and
Kent further insults Regan, a "Bedlam beggar," or madman in doing so is able to pretend
Cornwall, and Gloucester by 4 6 escaped from an asylum—and madness without actually going
adding that he has "seen give up his own identity: mad, while Lear did so in error,
better faces in [his] time than "Edgar I nothing am" (21). and is therefore slipping into
[those] before [him] at this actual madness.
instant" (97-9). 2 3 5
Cornwall orders that Kent be As Gloucester knows, Cornwall
put in the stocks until noon, in and Regan are breaking the rules ACT 2, SCENE 4
order to learn some manners. of hospitality as well as the
Kent replies that he is "too old respect they should show to Lear Lear, his Fool, a Gentleman, Lear comes closer to the brink of
to learn" (2.2.138). Regan as a father and former kin by and his other followers arrive madness upon seeing his
lengthens his sentence from punishing his messenger in this at Gloucester's castle. messenger abused by his own
noon until the following way. Confused not to have found other daughter—particularly as,
morning. Kent is shocked: he Regan at home, and not to in the order of the court, such an
says, if he were Lear's dog, 2 3 4 have been informed of her act is a direct insult to Lear
Regan would be wrong to departure, Lear grows himself.
abuse him in this way. infuriated when he sees Kent
in the stocks, demanding to 1 2 3 5
However, Cornwall and Regan
are firm. Gloucester, too, is know who put him there. Kent
perturbed and seeks to explains that Regan and
console Kent; but both know Cornwall themselves are
that Cornwall will not reverse responsible. Lear storms off
his command. into the palace to find them.
While he is away, Kent asks
why Lear has so few
attendants with him. The Fool
mocks Kent for asking such a
stupid question.

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Lear returns with Gloucester, Regan's initial refusal to see Lear Oswald appears, announcing Lear's invoking of the heavens to
in disbelief, as Gloucester has parallels Goneril's coldness to Goneril's arrival. Continuing to preserve his sanity explicitly
explained to him that Cornwall him in 1.4. Lear is shocked that rave with displeasure at Kent's opposes the order of the stars
and Regan have been informed his child, bound to him not only having been put in the stocks, and the gods to the disorder
of Lear's arrival but decline to by her legal inheritance but in Lear asks the gods to take his taking place on earth. When Lear
see him. Lear exclaims: "My her (animal) body of "breath and side and to help preserve his further states that he would
breath and blood!" (116-7). As blood" would insult him in this sanity. When Goneril herself rather revert to the state of an
he attempts to calm himself, way. shows up, she defends her animal without shelter
Gloucester returns inside. behavior; Regan tells Lear to ("comrade with the wolf and
Finally, Gloucester persuades 1 2 3 accept Goneril's terms, owl") he suggests that perhaps
Cornwall and Regan to come dismissing half of his hundred nature has more intrinsic justice
out with him. men and return to Goneril. than family bonds of law or
Lear says that he would rather affection.
Having freed Kent from the When Regan reveals herself as
"abjure all roofs, and choose
stocks, Cornwall and Regan having just as little regard for 1 2 3 5
[…] to be a comrade with the
receive Lear. Lear explains his both her father's age and the
wolf and owl" (241-3). Goneril
grievances against Goneril. responsibilities following from
says coldly that the decision is
However, Regan takes her the "bond of childhood" as
up to him.
sister's side: "O sir, you are Goneril exhibited in 1.4, the
old." (165). Insisting that he extent of Lear's misjudgment Lear begs Goneril not to drive As they bring down the numbers
should be ruled by someone (and blindness) in 1.1 becomes him mad. She can wait; he will of knights that Lear is allowed to
who "discerns [his] state" (168) increasingly clear. be patient and stay with keep, without concern for their
better than he can, Regan Regan, with his hundred own ingratitude or injustice to
encourages Lear to return to 1 2 3 4 6 knights. Regan, however, their father, Regan and Goneril
Goneril's house and ask for her interjects that he should not systematically reduce him to
forgiveness. Lear is make this assumption. Indeed, "nothing" (as the Fool called him
incredulous: what should he she thinks it is unsafe for him in 1.4), stripping him of his
do, apologize for his age? As to keep as many as fifty remaining power and authority
Cornwall joins in reproaching followers in her household; with shocking speed.
Lear, Lear curses she will allow him twenty-five.
Goneril—insisting, however, Responding that "wicked 1 2 3
that he will never curse Regan creatures yet do look well-
in this manner because she favored/ when others are
knows better what the "offices more wicked" (294-5), Lear
of nature, bond of childhood" throws himself back on
(202) are. Goneril: now, however, she
says she does not understand
why he needs twenty-five, ten,
or five in a household where
she has so many servants that
she will tell to serve him. In
fact, Regan questions why he
even needs one.

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Lear responds with outrage, While his speech descends into Seeing that the Gentleman is Kent is wise to the division and
saying that what he needs is self-interruption and incoherence on his side, Kent confides in disorder already mounting
not the point: "Allow not ("I will do such things") Lear him that there is division among the British. He hopes that
nature more than nature makes the strong point that a life between Albany and the invading French force can
needs,/ Man's life is cheap as defined only by needs is no more Cornwall, which is still a take advantage of this division in
beasts" (307-8). Begging for than animal life. Calling his secret. And he asks the order to restore a more legitimate
divine justice and for the gods daughters "unnatural hags" he Gentleman to go to Dover and authority in the British kingdom.
to bear witness to how he has finally sees them as neither report of the "unnatural and He also alludes to the superior
been wronged, he says he will human nor animal: they have bemadding sorrow" (3.1.42) to insight and recognition that
have revenge on these violated the laws of love, duty, which the King has been exists between Cordelia and
"unnatural hags" (320): "I will and of nature itself. subjected. Although he does himself with the ring in his purse.
do such things--/ What they not reveal his real identity, he
are yet I know not, but they 1 2 3 5 6 gives the Gentleman his purse, 2 3 6
shall be/ The terrors of the containing a ring, which he
earth!) (323-5). Once again, he should show Cordelia who will
insists that he will not weep, be at Dover. Kent says she will
and fears that he will go mad. recognize it.
He exits with Kent and his
Fool. Gloucester follows them. ACT 3, SCENE 2
A storm is beginning, Cornwall By effectively throwing Lear out Lear rages out in the storm, No longer appealing to the divine
encourages the group to come of the house into extreme, calling upon it to "crack or natural powers of the heavens
inside, but Regan points out dangerous natural conditions, nature's molds" and destroy to guarantee order, Lear calls
that there is no space for all of Goneril and Regan reduce him to everything "that makes upon the storm to produce
Lear's followers in the animal state that he ingrateful man" (3.1.10-11), maximum disorder, stripping the
Gloucester's house. Regan and describes above (i.e., the state of while the Fool urges him, in world of unjust human authority
Goneril agree that they will need). Doing this in Gloucester's vain, to find shelter. "Here I and pretenses and laying things
receive Lear himself, but not palace, they effectively use their stand your slave/ A poor, bare as they are. He reveals
one follower. Gloucester, authority to violate the usual infirm, weak, and despised old himself in something like the
returns, reporting that Lear is order of hospitality. In response, man" (21-2), Lear raves. When animal terms of "unburdened
in a high rage, raving around Lear begins to go fully mad. Kent arrives on the scene, crawl toward death" (1.1): "a
outdoors. Goneril says that directing Lear to a hovel that poor, infirm, weak, and despised
they will not beg him to stay, 1 2 3 5
he has found, Lear finally old man."
but Gloucester is worried relents, remarking that "the art
about the storm—there is no of our necessities is strange/ 2 3 4 5 6
shelter for miles. Pitiless, and can make vile things
Regan says that Lear has precious" (76-7). As they enter,
earned whatever suffering he the Fool predicts that they are
comes by and Cornwall urges at the beginning of an era in
Gloucestre to shut the doors which the "realm of Albion" (i.e.
of his castle. England) will "come to great
confusion" (98-9).
Kent, out looking for Lear, The Gentleman's language
runs into a Gentleman. The reminds us that the mad Lear's
Gentleman describes seeing daughters have driven him to the
Lear out in the storm, from animal state of being subject to
which even fierce animals ("the nature's forces.
cub drawn bear" [14] and
"belly-pinched wolf" [15]) are 1 2 3 5
hiding, with only the Fool to
keep him company.

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ACT 3, SCENE 3 The Fool darts back out, In Lear's eyes, Edgar, a madnman
reporting that someone is in wearing just the barest rags for
Back inside, Gloucester Blind to the potential risk (and
the hovel: a spirit named Poor clothes, offers a stark contrast to
confides in Edmund that he Edmund's machinations),
Tom. Edgar emerges raving as his unjust daughters, dressed in
does not like the "unnatural Gloucester trusts completely in
if possessed by the "fiend," or their furs and robes. This semi-
dealing" (3.3.2) that Goneril the wrong son, highlighting the
devil, in his Bedlam beggar animal, semi-human figure
and Regan have shown to their parallels between his and Lear's
disguise. Lear comments over emerges from the natural chaos
father. Edmund agrees. situations. Gloucester
and over that Edgar could only of the storm, and exists outside
Gloucester then tells Edmund anticipates that Cordelia and her
have been brought to this the usual social/legal order
that there is division between French army will destroy Goneril
lowly state by "unkind" or (remember, Edgar is fleeing
Albany and Cornwall and that and Regan and return justice and
"pelican daughters" (3.4.77; justice: the price his own father
he has received a letter with order.
81). Then he goes on to has put upon his head).
further information, too
1 2 3 6 observe that Edgar would be
dangerous to be spoken, which 1 2 3 5 6
better off dead than exposing
will eventually bring Lear
his "uncovered body" (109) to
revenge. Gloucester asks
the storm and that he has
Edmund to distract Cornwall
reduced himself to the state of
while he sneaks off to aid Lear.
an animal (as Edgar said was
Once Gloucester has exited, But Edmund reveals that his his plan in 2.3):
Edmund informs the audience father's trust in him is totally "unaccommodated man is no
that he will immediately report misguided, and in doing so more than such a poor, bare,
everything that his father has suggests that the justice and forked animal as thou art"
told him to Cornwall, in the order that Gloucester thinks (113-5).
hopes that he himself will gain Corelia is going to bring back
Gloucester approaches with a Gloucester's failure to recognize
what his father loses: "the may not really exist at all.
torch. Failing to recognize the his own child, echoing Lear's
younger rises when the old failure to recognize his long-
1 6 disguised and raving Edgar as
doth fall" (3.3.25). faithful servant Kent, provides a
his son, he leads Lear, Kent,
Edgar, and the Fool to a house. literal emphasis to Lear's
ACT 3, SCENE 4 metaphorical "blindness" to the
Lear, Kent and the Fool arrive As his daughters' violation of true qualities of his daughters.
at the hovel. Lear still insists their duties to him, and the
1 5 6
that the "tempest in his mind" physically punishing experience
has taken "all feeling" from his of natural chaos in the form of
senses beyond his anger and the storm, drive Lear to madness, ACT 3, SCENE 5
sadness at his daughter's his reduced (nearly animal) state Cornwall enters with Edmund, Edmund's handing over
ingratitude. As the Fool goes gives him a moment of insight carrying the letter reporting Gloucester as a traitor is an
inside the hovel, Lear pauses into the lives of those less news of the invasion from ultimate violation of the father-
to reflect that he has spent too privileged—which he implies he France (which Gloucester child bond.
little time thinking about his lacked when he was king. mentioned to Edmund in 3.3).
poor subjects who were Edmund waffles, feigning 1 2
regularly exposed to such 1 2 3 5 6
remorse at having betrayed his
hardships. If powerful people father.
spent more time thinking
about such matters, he
decides, they would be more
generous with what they have,
making the heavens more just.

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Granting Edmund the title of Cornwall suggests that just as he In the middle of the trial of Like Kent, Gloucester shows
Earl of Gloucester, Cornwall can take on the traditional legal Regan, Gloucester returns. himself willing to risk himself
then sends him to find his role of a father in granting a Told once again by Kent that personally out of loyalty to Lear
father and arrest him. Edmund political title that would usually Lear's "wits are gone" (92), and what he perceives as right
assents, although he continues come from inheritance, he can Gloucester tells Kent that he political order (Lear in power,
to lament a 'sore conflict' also replace a biological father of has overheard a plot against allowed to maintain control) and
(3.5.23) between his duty and flesh and blood. Incidentally, as Lear's life. Gloucester then familial order (Lear not subject to
his blood. Cornwall reassures he falls for Edmund's says he has arranged for Lear cruelty by his daughters).
Edmund that he, Cornwall, will performance of hesitation about to be secretly transported to Although his father continues to
be Edmund's "dearer father" turning in Gloucester, he Dover in a litter. He asks Kent misrecognize him, Edgar's
(26) from here on. misjudges Edmund just as to help him get Lear on the moment of pain explicitly draws
Gloucester and Edgar have litter. All exit except Edgar, out the similarities between the
before. who remains on stage. Briefly Lear/Cordelia and Gloucester/
stepping out of the character Edgar situations.
1 2 6 of Poor Tom, Edgar expresses
his deep pity for Lear, saying 1 2 6
ACT 3, SCENE 6 that he feels so badly for Lear
that he can hardly feel his own
Inside the house to which he Carrying out the imaginary
pain. Yet he also remarks on
has shown them, Kent thanks trial—which is almost like a mad
the similarity between the two
Gloucester, and then reports parody of the ceremonial love-
of them: "he childed as I
that Lear has gone entirely test Lear put his daughters to in
fathered" (120). Then he exits
mad. Gloucester exits as Lear, the first scene of the play—Lear
as well.
the Fool, and Edgar enter, shows how far he has descended
raving together. Lear has into madness. Ironically, in this
Edgar and the Fool sit down, hallucinated parallel trial he has ACT 3, SCENE 7
announcing that they are the better insight into the nature of Cornwall enters with Regan, Cornwall and Regan's decision to
jury for an imaginary trial of the "she-foxes" (and what he now Goneril, Edmund and turn on Gloucester, who is their
the "she-foxes" (24) Goneril knows as their animal servants. Handing Goneril the host, highlights the destruction
and Regan, which he persists heartlessness) than he did in 1.1. letter with news that the army of custom and order in Britain.
carrying out as Kent entreats of France has landed, and Cornwall's comment about how
him to rest and Edgar remarks 1 2 5 6 brutal his violence against
telling her to send it to her
that he is finding it difficult to husband Albany, he sends Gloucester is a further expression
restrain his tears. servants to find Gloucester. of lawlessness and chaos.
Then Cornwall tells Edmund to
leave, as the revenge he plans 1 2 3
to take on the traitorous
Gloucester is far too brutal for
a son to behold. Oswald
arrives to report that, thanks
to Gloucester, Lear has been
carried away to Dover.

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Just then, Gloucester enters. Once caught, and as helpless as a Wounded Cornwall and Regan Throwing Gloucester out of his
Immediately Cornwall and show animal, Gloucester leave Gloucester with the own house, Cornwall and Regan
Regan accuse him as a traitor. acknowledges that he has acted second and third servants, not only violate the laws of
Regan even plucks a hair from out of an inward sense of instructing them to throw him hospitality but continue the
his "white beard." Gloucester justice—of how both familial out of his house. The servants process of using their authority
reproaches them, saying that relations and political order discuss among themselves to disarrange the usual order of
they are breaking the laws of should work. He could not bear how horrible they find the kingdom. Yet the servants
hospitality by turning on their to watch what was taking place. Cornwall and Regan's actions. still understand what is right and
host. As they keep haranguing Plucking his white beard, Regan Resolving to find "the Bedlam" just, and help their former lord.
him, he gives up, noting that disrespects his age (whereas in (125), i.e. the disguised Edgar,
he, like a bear in a bear-baiting 2.1 she had asked him for wise to lead Gloucester to safety, 2 3
show, is "tied to th' stake" and counsel). they first fetch flax and egg
"must stand the course" (67). whites to help stop the
Gloucester tells Regan that he 1 2 3 4 6 bleeding from Gloucester's
helped Lear escape because he face.
could not bear to see how she
and Goneril treated him. ACT 4, SCENE 1
Cornwall interjects, saying Turning the language of vision Edgar, disguised as Poor Tom, Edgar's realization, upon seeing
that Gloucester never will see and blindness that has been stands in the wind, reflecting his blinded father, that it is
such a thing. Cornwall ties metaphorical up until this point that it is best to be lowly, impossible to know when you are
Gloucester down and pulls out brutally literal, Cornwall will because for the "lowest and at the worst, because things can
one of Gloucester's eyes. He is transform Gloucester, who failed most dejected thing of always get even worse, suggest
preparing to pull out the to see his son's true character, fortune" (4.1.3) things can only that there is no limit to the
second eye when one of his into a walking symbol of get better. Then, he sees an potential of unjust power to
servants interjects. The blindness. Cornwall's servant, Old Man leading the blinded produce destruction and
servant pleads that Cornwall however, still viscerally responds Gloucester, who keeps asking suffering. Gloucester, meanwhile,
to stop this course of action. to an inward sense of order and him to leave him to die: "I have in the face of his own errors and
Cornwall, angered that the balks at this injustice. no way and therefore want no the awful brutality of the world,
servant would dare to eyes./ I stumbled when I saw" has given up on living except for a
interrupt him, draws his sword. 2 3 6
(19-20). Gloucester laments desire to meet his true son once
The two fight. Cornwall is his misjudgment of Edgar and more.
seriously wounded. However, says how much he wants to
Regan takes a sword from a meet his son once more: 1 2 3 6
second servant and stabs the "Might I but live to see thee in
first in the back, killing him. my touch/ I'd say I had eyes
Cornwall forces out again" (24-5). As the Old Man
Gloucester's other eye, crying catches sight of Edgar, Edgar
"out, vile jelly!" (101). notes his foolishness for
Blinded, Gloucester calls out Ironically, only when he is literally thinking of himself as 'the
to Edmund for help: "enkindle blinded is Gloucester able to see lowest' before: "O gods, who
all sparks of nature/ to quit this the truth about his sons. His call is't who can say 'I am at the
horrid act" (105-6). Regan to the gods to let Edgar prosper worst'?/ I am worse than e'er I
informs Gloucester that reflects his residual belief that was" (27-8).
Edmund hates him, that it was the heavens are capable of
Edmund himself who betrayed guarding order and justice.
his father. Devastated,
Gloucester realizes that he 1 2 3 6
was misled regarding Edgar.
He calls upon the gods to
forgive him and to help Edgar

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The Old Man tells Gloucester Gloucester, when he first saw Albany enters and denounces As Lear was forced to come to
that they had found Poor Tom. Poor Tom, thought him to be as Goneril (and Regan) in terms with his daughters' cruelty,
Gloucester notes that the low as a worm. But now scathing terms for their now Albany fully recognizes that
previous night he saw such a Gloucester realizes that all men mistreatment of their father: of his wife. Like Lear (and Kent to
mad beggar who "made [him] are like worms in the eyes of the "Tigers, not daughters, what Oswald), he describes her and
think man a worm" (37). He gods – mere playthings, to be have you performed?" (49). Regan's misdeeds in animal
has learned, he says, about killed for fun. In the face of the Although Goneril tries to shut terms.
human lowliness: "As flies to terrible things he has done and him up by calling him a coward,
wanton boys are we to the seen, Gloucester despairs and he persists, calling her a devil, 1 2
gods;/ They kill us for their wants only to cease to exist. and says that if Goneril were
sport" (41-2). He still does not not a woman he would tear her
recognize that the "naked 1 2 3 to pieces.
fellow" (46) is his son. Sending
However, a servant interrupts Albany, like Lear, still obviously
the Old Man who was leading
them, bursting in with news of sets some stock in divine justice
him back to fetch some
Gloucester's blinding and that and natural order. Goneril,
clothing for "Poor Tom" (who is
Cornwall has died of the however, is absorbed only with
naked), Gloucester offers Poor
wound he received from his her own selfish and lustful
Tom all the money in his purse
servant. Albany, who had not concerns: her sexual desire for
to take him to the cliffs at
known of Gloucester's Edmund.
Dover (where he intends to
blinding, cries out that
commit suicide). 2 3 6
Cornwall's death is proof that
the gods exist: "this shows you
ACT 4, SCENE 2 are above,/ you justicers"
Having traveled from Goneril, who has spurned the ties (95-6). Goneril, however, is
Gloucester's—now of duty between parent and child worried that the widowed
Edmund's—castle, Goneril and (and, indeed, sibling and sibling, Regan will now seduce
Edmund arrive at Goneril's allowing Cordelia to be taken Edmund from her. She hurries
palace. Oswald emerges, away) now proceeds to off to answer the messenger's
reporting that Albany is disrespect and violate the bonds letter.
"changed" (2.1.4) and that of love and duty connecting Left alone with the Messenger, Like Kent and Gloucester before
everything that should upset husband and wife. Albany asks whether Edmund him, Albany is now willing to risk
him pleases him. Goneril, is with Gloucester. The himself, making his purpose
irritated, tells Edmund that he 1 2 3
Messenger explains that it was vengeance and the restoration of
should not meet Albany at this Edmund who informed against a just political authority and
time. She gives Edmund a sign him. Albany vows that he will order.
of her favor and kisses him. thank Gloucester for his love
Edmund exits, swearing that toward Lear and will revenge 2 3
he will remain faithful to her his lost eyes. He summons the
until death. After he has gone, Messenger to give him more
she laments that her "fool" (i.e. information.
her husband) "usurps [her]
body" (35).

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ACT 4, SCENE 3 A messenger enters with news As the British army approaches,
that the British are marching the face-off between the self-
In the French war camp, Kent Kent, like Albany in 4.2, still has
on the French camp. Cordelia interested children (Edmund,
asks a Gentleman about faith in the power of the heavens.
responds that she is aware, Goneril, and Regan) and the
Cordelia's reaction to the However, he uses it to explain the
explaining that the whole selfless Cordelia comes to a
letter that he sent in 3.1. The (otherwise inexplicable)
purpose of France's war on head.
Gentleman reports that she differences between Cordelia
England is to avenge her
was moved to deep pity for her and her siblings, not to guarantee 1 2
father: "No blown ambition
father and rage against her order.
doeth our arms incite,/ But
sisters. Kent states that "the
1 love, dear love, and our aged
stars above us govern our
father's right" (30-1).
conditions" (39), because
there could be no other
explanation for how siblings ACT 4, SCENE 5
could be so different from Back at Gloucester's former Presumably, Regan desires
each other. palace, widowed Regan Edmund both as a sex-object and
Kent then explains that Lear is Like Gloucester in 4.1, Lear has questions Oswald about as a protector of her political
in the camp and is occasionally been moved by the extremity of Goneril and Edmund. She power, now that she is a widow.
sane. However, he adds, Lear his situation to see his children pauses to explain that Edmund Her persistent selfishness, which
refuses to see Cordelia out of for what they are. For him, as for himself has gone to kill led her to abuse her father, will
shame at "his own unkindness" Gloucester, insight required a Gloucester—whose pitiful now erode her bond with her
(51) and at having given her kind of blindness—here the appearance, blinded and sister, with whom she has been
"dear rights to his dog-hearted metaphorical blindness of wandering, is turning the united up to this point.
daughters" (55). Kent asks the madness. people against the
British—and to also assess the 1 2 3
Gentleman to come with him
to see Lear, explaining that he 1 5 6 power of the French army.
must remain in the strange Then, she resumes pestering
disguise he has adopted for Oswald, asking him to open
some time yet. the letter that he is carrying
from Goneril to Edmund and
let her read it. Oswald refuses,
ACT 4, SCENE 4 but Regan insists that he take
Cordelia, attended by the Clearly concerned for her father, the following news to Goneril:
Gentleman from 4.3 and a and prepared to give up anything Cornwall is dead, Edmund and
Doctor sends out a search to restore him, Cordelia proves Regan have spoken and
party of one hundred soldiers that she places utmost concluded that it is more
for her father, who, she has importance on her duties as a convenient for him to marry
heard, is raving "mad as the child, setting them before wealth Regan than her sister.
vexed sea" (4.4.2). She then or political power.
Regan concludes by saying Regan's command to kill
promises the doctor that
1 2 that she will show favor to Gloucester reveals her real
whoever cures Lear can have
whoever kills "that blind brutality. Oswald shows the blind
everything she owns. The
traitor" (41), Gloucester.. willingness to obey in order to
doctor responds that, in order
Oswald responds that if he ingratiate himself with powerful
to be cured, the mad king
runs into him en route to people, exactly the trait for which
needs rest.
Goneril, he will kill Gloucester. Kent mocked him in 2.1.
Then Oswald rushes off.
2 3 6

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ACT 4, SCENE 6 Lear enters, raving and mad. Raving mad, Lear fulfills his own
Edgar cannot help but exclaim worries before the storm and the
Edgar, now dressed as a Showing exemplary dutifulness
in grief at his appearance: "O, prophecy of the Fool in 1.4 that
peasant, pretends to lead to his father, Edgar encourages
thou side-piercing sight!" he would become like a Fool
Gloucester up a steep cliff, him to believe one further
(104). Hearing Lear, playing word games. Edgar sees
while in fact they are going illusion, which, however, should
Gloucester recognizes his Lear's madness as a symbol of
over flat ground. At the cure him of his woes. On stage,
voice and calls out to him, the current dissolution of Britain.
"summit" Edgar gives a long Edgar's description of the huge
asking to kiss the king's hand. The imminent battle indicates
speech on "how fearful and hill where there is none sounds,
Lear, however, continues that that dissolution, in one form
dizzy it is to cast one's eyes" however, almost as deluded as
raving. Cordelia's gentleman or another, is about to come to a
(17) over the edge. Taking his Lear's mad ravings.
and a group of attendants head.
bait, Gloucester asks to be led
1 5 6 enter. Spotting Lear, they
to the cliff and, giving Edgar a 3 5 6
entreat him to come to
purse with a valuable jewel in
Cordelia, but he flees. As
it, asks him to go away. Edgar
Cordelia's men pursue Lear,
does so, and says to himself
Edgar asks one of the
that he is only playing with
Gentleman for an update. He
Gloucester's despair in this
reports that the battle
way only in order to cure it.
between the British forces of
Standing at the "edge" of the Even though he has suffered so Edmund, Goneril, and Regan
nonexistent cliff, Gloucester much, Gloucester still believes and the French force led by
address the "mighty gods": he that a divine order exists. Cordelia is imminent.
is renouncing the world "in Speaking of the world in the gods'
Gloucester begs the "ever- Right after Gloucester has
[their] sights" and that if he "sights," he further describes
gentle gods" (241) for evoked the gods as spectators
could bear their "great them as spectators who have the
forgiveness for his attempted and protectors, Edgar is brave
opposeless wills" any longer, ultimate insight into human
suicide. Edgar approaches him. enough to stand up and defend
he would live out his life affairs. When Edgar approaches
As he takes Gloucester's hand, his father, despite his father's
(44-8). However, since he him after the "fall," he, too,
however, Oswald appears. former misjudgment and
cannot, he asks them to bless describes the gods as looking out
Rejoicing to have spotted the mistreatment of him. In his
Edgar. Then he "leaps"—falling for humans.
"eyeless head" (254) of selflessness, Edgar's actions
to the ground in a faint. Edgar
2 5 6 Gloucester—who Regan bid parallel Cordelia's. The self-
now pretends to be a new
him to kill in 4.5—he draws his interested and ambitious
person who saw Gloucester
sword. Edgar intercedes, still Oswald, failing to recognize
leapfrom the "cliff," and
in the persona of a peasant. Edgar, is puzzled by his gesture of
approaches Gloucester.
Puzzled that a peasant would selfless devotion.
Although Gloucester asks to
risk himself for a traitor,
be left alone, Edgar refuses: he 1 2 6
Oswald orders Edgar to stand
keeps telling Gloucester that it
down. They fight; Edgar kills
is a miracle that he has
Oswald. As he dies, he asks
survived his fall and persuades
Edgar to take the money in his
Gloucester that the creature
purse and bury him, and take
that led him to the edge of the
the letters therein and deliver
cliff was in fact the devil. "The
them to Edmund, Earl of
clearest gods," Edgar tells his
father, "have preserved thee"

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Edgar opens Oswald's purse The coincidental confrontation At the doctor's urging and with Upon first waking up, unsure of
and reads the letter in with Oswald gives Edgar insight music, Lear wakes up, at first his state, Lear is reluctant to
it—which is from Goneril to into all the machinations taking unsure whether he is alive or trust the senses, which have so
Edmund, attempting to place between Lear's children, as dead. Cordelia asks him to look misled him—both when he
persuade him to murder their personal allegiances fall at her and give her his misjudged his children and in his
Albany and marry her. apart in the political chaos they benediction. He fears he is madness. The reunion between
Shocked, Edgar resolves to have created. But, meanwhile, "not in [his] perfect mind" (72) Lear and Cordelia joyfully
head off and find the Edgar has now revealed himself but believes that the woman in restores the family bond
"murderous lechers" (304) to his father, restoring that family front of him is Cordelia. She trampled on everywhere else in
Edmund and Goneril, and bond. assures him that she is and the play up to this point.
eventually to reveal all to that he is in his own kingdom.
Albany. He approaches 1 3 6 Cordelia asks him to take a 1 2 4 5 6
Gloucester, who has been walk with her. Begging her to
privately grieving to himself, "forget and forgive," because
and, calling him "father," takes he is "old and foolish" (99), he
his hand and leads him away. accepts. They exit.
Kent remains on stage with a The Gentleman's failure to
ACT 4, SCENE 7 Gentleman. They discuss the recognize Kent, however, reminds
Back in the French camp, Cordelia shows decency, and the state of the battle: Edmund is the audience that many of the
Cordelia thanks Kent for all faith in the gods, exhibited leading the British force. The misrecognitions and blindnesses
the service that he has shown primarily by older characters in Gentleman states that there is of the play have yet to be
her father and asks him to take the play, such as Lear and a rumor that Kent himself is resolved as the conflict comes to
off his peasant's clothing. Gloucester. Like Lear, too, she with Edgar in Germany. After a head
However, Kent insists, he must marvels at the unkindness of her he has departed, Kent remarks
that the outcome of his ruse, 6
remain in disguise for a short sisters using an animal
while longer. Cordelia then comparison (she would have disguising himself, will depend
asks the Doctor how her been kinder to her enemy's dog on how the day's battle is
father is doing. The Doctor than they were to their own fought.
replies that he is asleep. father). That she would be kind
Cordelia prays: "O, you kind to an enemy's dog reflects her
gods,/ Cure this great breach innate and a-political sense of
in his abused nature" (16-7). decency and justice.
The Doctor says that they will
wake him up. Two servants 1 2 6
enter, carrying Lear on a chair.
The Doctor cues for music to
be played. Cordelia kisses her
father while commenting on
her astonishment at her
sisters' cruelty in throwing
Lear out into the storm: "Mine
enemy's dog,/ Though he had
bit me, should have stood that
night/ Against my fire" (42-4).

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ACT 5, SCENE 1 Alone on stage, Edmund Edmund's deceit of the two
explains that he has sworn his sisters reveals that they, too, are
Edmund, leading the British Goneril's obsessive jealousy of
love to both Goneril and Regan capable of misjudging. Edmund's
forces with Regan, sends a Edmund, and Regan's suspicion
and muses about which it malicious opportunism has an
messenger to Albany to of Goneril, show the accelerating
would be more convenient for almost unlimited depth, even
confirm that Albany will send decay of their relationship and
him to marry. Resolving to when compared to such
his forces to join theirs. Regan, alliance. Albany, meanwhile,
leave that problem for the time treacherous people as Goneril
meanwhile, pesters Edmund stresses that he is only
being, he further reveals that, and Regan.
about whether or not he has temporarily suspending his
if the British are victorious,
ever slept with Goneril. principles voiced in 4.2 for the 1 6
although Albany wishes to
Edmund tells Regan not to sake of maintaining the integrity
spare Lear and Cordelia, he
fear, just as Albany and Goneril of the British kingdoms. (He has
never will.
approach. Goneril remarks to not changed in his disapproval of
herself that she would rather the 'tiger daughters.')
lose the battle to the French ACT 5, SCENE 2
than have Regan come 1 2 3 Edgar leads Gloucester to the Edgar shows care and tenderness
between her and Edmand. shade of a tree, so that he can for his father to the last.
Although Albany stresses that rest there during the battle. Meanwhile, Shakespeare sets the
he is joining them against their Then Edgar leaves his father, main action of the battle
common enemy of the French, assuring that if he ever returns offstage—solving a dramatic
not because he approves of again, he will bring him problem (how to show a whole
their treatment of Lear and comfort. He exits. After the army on stage) but also
Gloucester, he and Goneril sound of an alarm signaling a maintaining focus on what is
join Edmund and Regan. retreat, Edgar appears onstage most important in the play—not
Edmund says he will join again. He reports that the war, but rather familial
Albany shortly at his tent. French forces have lost and relationships.
Regan forces Goneril to walk Lear and Cordelia have been
off with her. taken prisoner. Gloucester 1 6
As the others depart, Edgar, By delivering the letter to Albany, says that he would like to die
still in disguise as a beggar, Edgar will grant Albany full and rot on the spot, but Edgar
approaches Albany. Edgar insight into his wife's insists on leading him along.
gives Albany the letter from character—and how her
Goneril to Edmund that he treachery will violate their
intercepted from Oswald, and marriage as well as her familial
tells Albany to read it before bonds. Edgar, meanwhile, is
the battle. Then, Edgar says, if laying in place the plan to avenge
the British side wins, Albany himself on his brother.
must have a herald sound a
trumpet and Edgar will appear 1 2 3 6
again. Edgar exits. Just as
Albany is starting to read,
Edmund appears and hands
him a report describing the
strength of the French army.
Albany takes it and exits,

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ACT 5, SCENE 3 Albany cuts all off when he While Albany is setting the stage
announces that he is placing for Edgar's revenge on Edmund,
Edmund orders that the Reunited with Cordelia, Lear
Edmund, as well as Regan, he is also living up to his vow in
captured Lear and Cordelia be seems to see prison as offering
under arrest for capital 4.2 that he would avenge Lear's
taken away to prison. Cordelia, the same kind of opportunity
treason. Albany calls for his suffering and Gloucester's lost
speaking with Lear, wonders if that he thought he would get by
men to let the trumpet sound eyes. His gesture, undertaken out
they should ask to see Goneril giving up power: an escape from
and throws down his glove: if of a sense of desire to guarantee
and Regan. But Lear, delighted political responsibility that will
no one appears to fight with just order by his authority, takes
to be with Cordelia again, says let him stand outside the usual
Edmund, in order to avenge his place just as the subplot between
no. He says that they will enjoy rules of the court and be amused
treasons, Albany vows that he Goneril and Regan comes to a
prison, where they can laugh by it. Yet Lear's idea is based on
himself will do so. As this is head, breaking their sisterly bond
and sing and tell old stories an assumption that, as tradition
going on, off to one side, Regan forever.
and mock the courtiers and and custom dictates, Edmund
grows increasingly sick.
their petty political gossip. He will treat his prisoners well until 1 2 3
Goneril remarks to herself that
says that in prison they will live they can stand trial. But Edmund
Regan had better be
longer than "hordes" of rulers cares only about power, not
sick—Goneril herself has
who will come and go on the tradition, and he plays off the
poisoned her out of jealousy
whims of fortune. They exit. As greed and ambition of others,
over Edmund. Denying that he
they go, Edmund calls back a such as the Captain, to corrupt
is a traitor, Edmund accepts
Captain, one of the soldiers them too.
the challenge, throwing down
accompanying them and hands
2 3 his glove, as Regan is helped to
him a letter, instructing him
that if he kills Lear and
Cordelia he will gain "noble A herald reads a declaration Edgar initially obscures his
fortunes" (35). The Captain calling for any man who would identity because he feels le lost it,
says that he will do it. like to declare that Edmund is when he was disinherited by his
a traitor to come forth. He father and forced to take on the
Albany, Goneril, Regan and Albany attempts to stand up and
sounds the trumpet three vagrant character of Poor Tom.
other soldiers enter to the preserve the just order of law,
times. On the third sounding, With Edgar's rightful revenge on
sound of a flourish from a which Edmund has just violated
Edgar enters, armed (with his Edmund, the tides start to turn
trumpet. Albany asks to have in his instructions to the Captain
face covered). He refuses to from the lowpoint (where
Lear and Cordelia brought to to kill Cordelia and Lear illegally.
identify himself: he has lost his Cordelia and the French lost
him so that they can be Meanwhile, personal conflict
name, he says, because of their battle) back toward a
protected until they can be between Regan and Goneril
treason. Yet, he says, he is restoration of just order in
judged. Edmund explains that pushes all onstage further
noble and will fight to prove England. It is ironic that Edmund
he has already sent them off. toward disorder and destruction.
Edmund a traitor. Edmund is killed because he himself is
Albany reminds Edmund that Regan, boldly trying to seize
accepts. They fight. Edmund is deceived by a disguise, and does
he does not think of him as a Edmund from Goneril,
wounded. When Edmund falls, not recognize his brother Edgar
brother, yet, but merely as an completely abrogates their
Goneril becomes hysterical, as his challenger.
ally in the war. Regan interjects former sisterly bond.
cursing Edmund because he
that she will give him herself 1 2 3 6
1 2 3 was not obligated by the laws
and her property—all he
of war to accept a challenge
requires to become Albany's
from an unknown assailant.
brother. Goneril interjects that
Albany cuts her off,
Regan should not get ahead of
brandishing the letter that she
herself, and the two descend
wrote to Edmund, plotting
into squabbling, which Regan
against his life. Goneril shuts
cuts off only because she feels
him up, reminding him that
sick to her stomach. In brief,
political power is hers, not his.
she tells Edmund that he can
She exits. Noting that she
take her soldiers, prisoners,
seems hysterical, Albany sends
and inheritance; she here
a soldier after her.
makes him her "lord and
master" (92).

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Encouraging the fallen Edgar, after revealing himself and As Edgar is wrapping up his However, before order can be
Edmund to "exchange charity" ending the deception of his story, a Gentleman runs in, restored, the destruction and
(200) with him, Edgar then disguise, invokes the gods to crying for help, with a bloody annihilation that has been
identifies himself, concluding explain that all the suffering that knife. He exclaims that he has unfolding ever since Cordelia's
that "the gods are just, and of has happened is part of a just just taken it from the heart of first speaking "nothing" has more
our pleasant vices/ Make order that has now restored him Goneril—who, after confessing to wreck in its path. With
instruments to plague us" to his rightful place. Edgar's to having poisoned Regan, Edmund's confession that he
(204-5), observing that revelation of Kent's identity committed suicide. Edmund pledged himself to both Goneril
Gloucester was punished for furthers the process of unveilings confesses that he had pledged and Regan, the audience and the
his adultery with Edmund's that need to take place before all to wed both, and that now all other characters see what
mother by the loss of his eyes. characters gain insight into three will be united in death. poisoned their allegiance as
Edmund agrees: "the wheel is everything that the audience (or Albany orders the Gentleman sisters. Edmund also reveals the
come full circle" (209). Edgar the gods as divine spectators) to bring in the bodies. As he danger that Lear and Cordelia
then explains everything that have seen. speeds off to do so, Kent have been in, all while Albany
happened. He finishes by arrives asking to see Lear. and others believed them to be
describing how he revealed 1 2 5 6 Reminded, Albany asks under the protection of law,
himself to his father only right Edmund where Lear and awaiting judgment…
before leaving to fight Cordelia can be found.
Edmund. Gloucester, unable to Edmund, saying he would like 1 2 3 6
bear his mixture of joy and to do some good before he
grief, died on the spot. Edgar dies, orders them to send
adds that Kent came upon someone quickly to the king
them, as Gloucester was dying, and his daughter—for he has
and revealed himself as having written instructions for his
served Lear in disguise, all this Captain to kill them (earlier in
time. 5.3). Edmund gives the
messenger-soldier his sword,
as a sign of the authenticity of
the message. He explains that
he instructed his soldier to
hang her, and make it look like
suicide, as Albany orders that
he be carried off.

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At this moment, Lear enters Lear is so devastated to be Albany orders that the corpses Albany seeks to restore order to
with Cordelia's body in his confronted with the loss of his on stage be carried away, so the kingdom by having Kent and
arms, crying: "Howl, howl, howl one loyal child—a loss that that all can begin their general Edgar, the only two characters
[…] she's gone forever" ultimately resulted from his own mourning. He then tells Kent remaining to have acted nobly
(309-11). Although, he misjudging her at the beginning and Edgar that they will rule through the play, take leadership
explains, half-mad, he killed the of the play—that he can hardly over and rebuild Britain. Kent, of Britain. Kent's sense of duty
man who hanged her, he did so process the fact that his entire however, says that he, too, remains so strong, however, that
too late to save her. Then, family has now been annihilated. must soon commit suicide in he cannot live without Lear, his
seeing Kent, he asks, confused, His confusion upon seeing Kent order to rejoin his master. master. Yet that does leave
who he is, noting that his "eyes revealed, like his confusion upon Edgar announces that they all Edgar, who's inheritance was
are not o' th' best" (337). Kent waking up and being reunited must learn the lessons of these almost stolen from him by
identifies himself and explains with Cordelia in 4.7, reminds the sad times, "to speak what we Edmund, to now rule over
that he has been serving Lear, audience that he is half-mad. feel, not what we ought to say." Britain. And Edgar, in taking
in disguise as his servant He concludes: "The oldest power, pronounces an end to
Caius, all this time. Kent also 1 2 3 4 have borne most. We that are disguise or subterfuge in saying
reports to Lear that his two young shall never see so much that all should speak what they
other daughters have nor live so long" (393-4). feel and not what they think they
committed suicide, but Lear should say, while also restoring a
does not seem to understand. sense of order through his
Albany quiet Kent, pointing out reverence for the older
that it is no use to attempt to generation that was so abused
explain such things to Lear by the younger, and which has
now. now passed away.
A messenger enters, reporting Albany proves that he is truly just 2 3 4 6
that Edmund is dead. Albany and dutiful toward his father in
brushes off this "trifle" (359), law, insofar as he is willing to
then declares that, for the return power to him. However, HOW T
duration of Lear's life, they will the destruction has clearly gone
It's easy to cite LitCharts for use in academic papers and reports.
return absolute power to him too far for such a restoration of
and all will be rewarded or the order of pre-divided Britain.
revenged upon, according to Lear's irrational raving about MLA CIT
their behavior. Lear, however, animals suggests a crazed sense Weigel, Moira. "King Lear." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 22 Jul 2013.
descends into raving with grief of injustice; his full line of 'nevers' Web. 26 Oct 2016.
over Cordelia: "Why should a suggests that he cannot see
dog, a horse, a rat have life,/ meaning in anything anymore,
And thou no breath at all?" he and he seems to embrace death
asks. "Thou'lt come no more,/ as an escape. Weigel, Moira. "King Lear." LitCharts LLC, July 22, 2013. Retrieved
Never, never, never, never October 26, 2016.
never" (370-2). He faints with 1 2 3 5
grief; as he does, Kent prays
that Lear's heart break, finally
releasing him. Lear dies.

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