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• Full Title: Fences
The fourth of six children, Wilson was raised in a poor • Where Written: United States
neighborhood of Pittsburgh predominately populated by black
• When Published: June 1986
Americans, as well as Italian and Jewish immigrants. Upon the
divorce of his mother and father in the 1950s, Wilson and his • Literary Period: Black Urban Realism
family would move to Hazelwood—a mainly white, working- • Genre: Tragic Comedy, Drama
class section of Pittsburgh where their appearance, as a black • Setting: Pittsburgh’s Hill District in the 1950s
family, wasn’t met with open arms. Facing racist rage—their • Climax: The climax of Fences occurs when Cory tries to fight
Hazelwood home had bricks thrown through its Troy with a baseball bat, enraged at the way his father has
windows—they soon moved to a new home. Dropping out of always treated him and at his betrayal of his mother, Rose.
high school in the tenth grade after being falsely accused of • Antagonist: While none of the characters in-themselves
plagiarizing a twenty-page paper on Napoleon I, Wilson worked embody an antagonist, Troy’s fictional, personified figure of
odd jobs and made great use of Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Library. “Mr. Death” is something of a personal enemy to him, making
The gifted Wilson had learned to read at age four, and the abstract, impersonal force of death into something more
ultimately received an honorary high school diploma from the intimately meaningful.
library for the precocious extent to which he educated himself • Point of View: Theater
with its books. Best known for his plays Fences, The Piano Lesson
(both of which won the Pulitzer Prize), Joe Turner’s Come and
Gone, and Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Wilson once said that his Autobiography. August Wilson wrote a one-man play called
work was most influenced by “four B’s”—blues music, the How I Learned What I Learned, which follows his own life as a
writers Jorge Luis Borges and Amiri Baraka, and Romare young writer, exploring his struggles and the influences he
Bearden, a painter. Wilson ultimately wrote sixteen plays, ten drew from the Hill District of Pittsburgh.
of which comprised what’s called his Pittsburgh Cycle (or
Century Cycle), as nine of them take place in the city’s Hill Big Screen, Big Stars. Fences was made into an award-winning
District, an African-American neighborhood. Wilson died at the 2016 film starring Denzel Washington and Viola Davis. Wilson
age of 60 in Seattle, from liver cancer, leaving a legacy behind died in 2005, but finished a draft of the screenplay before his
him as one of the twenty century’s most prominent death.

Fences takes place in the era of segregation in the United Divided into two acts, Fences begins on a Friday night—payday
States, when many public spaces were only open to whites and for Bono and Troy—when the two friends engage in a weekly
closed-off to blacks. It also occurs at a time of a burgeoning ritual of drink and conversation. As they talk, we learn that Troy
black rights movement of the late 1950s and early 1960s. has confronted their boss, Mr. Rand, about the fact that only
when such leaders as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks would whites are assigned to drive the trucks at their garbage
come to the fore and alter history with their courage, collection company, while black employees are hired exclusively
conviction, and leadership. to carry the garbage. Bono then suggests that he’s suspicious of
Troy’s relationship with another woman (Alberta) besides his
RELATED LITERARY WORKS wife. Further, Cory, Troy’s son, has the opportunity to play
college football, but Troy is wary about his son playing sports
Wilson’s wrote (out of his sixteen plays in total) nine other plays
because of his own past with racial discrimination in major
which, grouped with Fences, constitute what’s called his
league baseball. Troy also succumbs to his tendency to spin tall
Pittsburgh or Century Cycle—all of which deal with themes of
tales about his life, and starts talking about his encounter with
duty, honor, betrayal, and love with an aim at raising
“Mr. Death”—when he wrestled with the Grim Reaper. Rose,
consciousness about and empathy towards black experience in
Troy’s wife, enters and reveals that he’s really talking about his
the United States.
battle with pneumonia.

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Later, Troy and Cory work on constructing a fence which Rose
has asked them to build, and the two clash over Cory’s desire to CHARA
play football. Troy thinks that, as a young black man, Cory has
royy Maxson – The husband of Rose, and father to Cory and
no future in football, but says he will allow Cory to pursue
Lyons, Troy is the central character of Fences. Shaped by the
football on one condition: he must work his job at the A&P
effects racism has had on his life—by the struggles it created in
store and juggle football practice at the same time. Even though
his youth and the career ambitions that it thwarted, including
Cory is scheduled to meet with a recruiter, who would present
his desire to be a baseball player—Troy lives in the shadow of
Troy papers which, if he’d sign, would secure his son a position
what could, and what should, have been. The play can largely be
at a college, Troy is difficult, and says he won’t sign anything
described as charting how Troy’s actions, as they’re informed
unless Cory works.
by his past, affect those around him: how his own shattered
Eventually, we learn that Cory never gets his job at the A&P sense of hope ripples into and distorts the aspirations and
back, and Troy—having found this out too—tells his coach to dreams of those around him—how the racism of his world
take him off the team. This enrages Cory, as the future he’d growing-up continues to express itself through Troy’s actions,
envisioned for himself has crumbled before his eyes. Troy tells indirectly shaping those of a new generation. As a result of
him that his disobedience—in not getting his job back at the Troy’s experiences, he has become a man who at once espouses
A&P—counts as a strike against him, like a strike in baseball. and insists on rigid practicality in order to protect himself and
When working on building Rose’s fence, Bono tells Troy that he his family from the world, even as he indulges (or can’t stop
thinks he should realize just how good and loving of a woman himself from indulging) in a kind of wild impracticality of his
Rose is to him. Irritated by the fact that Bono feels the need to own as a way to escape or redress the unfairness he perceives
tell him this, Troy asks why Bono feels motivated to say such a as having thwarted his own life. This inner contrast – which to
thing. Troy eventually admits to having an affair with Alberta, those around him can feel like hypocrisy – is evident in a variety
and Bono tells him that he needs to find a way to make things of ways. For instance, Troy can’t see anything practical, or
right. He also says that he’s always looked up to Troy, precisely therefore worthwhile, in the professions (music and baseball,
because of his wise decision to choose Rose over all the other respectively) to which his sons Lyons and Cory each aspire. But
women who were interested in him. at the same time, Troy’s affair with Alberta suggests that he’s
Soon after, Troy confesses to Rose that he’s had the affair with perfectly willing to engage in something not grounded in
Alberta and that he’s going to be a father to her baby. Shocked, practicality, but rather in pure pleasure divorced from the
Rose can’t believe Troy would do such a thing at his age, and needs of his family. Similarly, Troy’s willingness to protest the
stands up for herself, blaming Troy for not sacrificing himself unfair treatment of blacks in his workplace (they’re only hired
enough for the preservation of the relationship. Walking in on to carry garbage, while whites are exclusively hired to drive the
Troy and Rose fighting, Cory is angered at the sight of Troy trucks), embodies a progressive view on the possibilities of race
roughly holding Rose by the arm, and fights his dad, earning yet which mirrors the possibilities that his sons see for the future
another supposed “strike.” of race relations. But, in Cory’s particular case, he sees such
possibilities as unrealistic (i.e., his belief that Cory will never
Later, we learn that Alberta died when she gave birth to Troy’s succeed in professional football because black players aren’t
baby, Raynell. Rose agrees to raise Raynell. Then, on another given a chance). Troy’s inner conflict seems also to play out in
one of Troy’s Fridays, Troy and Cory end their relationship, in the way he puts a fantastical spin on the reality of his past, such
an argument over Troy’s infidelity to Rose. as telling fanciful tales about encounters he’s had with a
The play then drops off for eight years—the last act begins at personified form (the grim reaper or the devil) of death. These
the advent of Troy’s death. The family—Cory, Lyons (Troy’s son fantasies of Troy’s suggest that his past failures and suffering
from a wife before Rose), Rose, Raynell, and Gabriel (Troy’s have pushed his mind, perhaps as a kind of involuntary self-
brother, who suffers from a brain injury and thinks he’s an defense, to favor imagination and fictional constructions over
angel)—are gathered at the Maxson household, with Bono, any consistent, constant consideration of his real past. Yet,
preparing to attend Troy’s funeral. Cory, however, says that he while August Wilson seems concerned with highlighting this
does not want to attend—and Rose reprimands him, saying that conflict and hypocrisy at the core of Troy’s character, he’s
Cory is obligated to go because Troy was his father, and that perhaps not condemning Troy personally. Rather, Wilson shows
refraining from mourning his dad doesn’t make him into a man. how Troy is the product of historical, racist forces beyond his
Gabriel enters the scene and tries to play the music of spiritual control; he shows how Troy is a vehicle for these forces, for
exaltation with his “trumpet of judgment,” but no sound comes their reproduction and reinforcement on a new generation.
out. In response, Gabriel dances hysterically, and August Cory Maxson – The son of Troy and Rose, Cory embodies a
Wilson writes, in a note in the script, that the gates to Heaven hope for the future unmet by the pessimism of his father. When
are opened. Cory seeks love and compassion in his relationship with Troy,

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it’s met with a hardened toughness, as his father believes that obsessed with the idea of being a musician than with the actual
his relationship with his son is born out of sheer duty—not love. art and practice of music itself. Like his brother Cory, therefore,
Raised in an era where the racism Troy experienced in his youth Lyons’s dreams challenge Troy’s rigid sense of what constitutes
has, to a rather small yet significant extent, faded—and where a proper profession. However, while Cory ultimately succeeds
opportunities for black lives have begun to open—Cory has an in paving a way for himself—even if it’s through the military, and
optimism about his future. Troy, however, views Cory’s career not through playing football, as he first intended—Lyons
aspirations as idealistic and detached from the realities of a ultimately fails. Too narrowly focused on becoming a musician,
racist society where, for instance, he believes the white- Lyons has to resort to crime (cashing other peoples’ checks) in
dominated sports world will not support his son’s ambition to order to make ends meet. Following in his father’s footsteps,
become a football player. August Wilson therefore casts Cory Lyons ends up in jail.
as an opposing force to Troy’s views and the values for which Gabriel Maxson – Troy’s brother, Gabriel is the victim of a
Troy stands, and this clash drives the story at the core of Fences. brain-injury he received at war. As a result of the injury, Gabe’s
Corey also undergoes his own development over the course of gone insane and lives trapped in the psychotic belief that he is
the play, coming of age when he finally stands up to his father St. Gabriel. He therefore sings songs warning about judgment
and leaves home to join the Marines, but maturing even further day, and frequently mentions that he’s working to chase
when at the end of the play he rethinks his plan to refuse to go hellhounds (sinning demons) away; he even tells Troy that he’s
to his father’s funeral. In other words, Cory must learn to stand personally seen his name in St. Peter’s book of judgment. While
up to his father, but also to respect the struggle his father faced Gabe insists that he’s in regular association with renowned
that made him who he was. religious figures, he also considers himself to no longer be
Rose Maxson – Wife to Troy and mother of Cory, Rose human, and to have died and been spiritually reborn into his
represents the maternal gentleness of the Maxson household. sainthood. In this chronic preoccupation with his own
In opposition to Troy’s toughness and disrespect for Cory’s immortality and spiritual destiny, Gabe is yet another avenue
feelings and opinions, Rose is a source of love and through which the play’s portrayal of mortality finds a voice.
understanding. While Troy discourages Cory’s dream of playing Gabe’s obsession with the final day of judgment resonates with
football, Rose supports her son’s ambitions, and tries to the eventual death of Troy, whom Gabe subtly foreshadows
convince her husband that times have changed since he played through his preoccupation with the end of the world.
sports—that Cory’s skin color will not bar him from a future in Jim Bono – Troy’s best friend, Bono is the follower in their
sports, like it might have in the past. Rose largely serves as the relationship, evidenced by his admission to Troy when
voice of reason for her husband. While Troy is prone to telling confronting him about his affair with Alberta. Ever since Bono
tall tales about his life, Rose always corrects him and translates observed Troy’s decision to take Rose’s hand in marriage, Bono
his fictions into the actual acts they represent. When Troy tries admired his sensibility and wisdom. Troy, though attractive to
to say that he met the Grim Reaper and wrestled with him, many women, chose to commit himself to Rose, and this
Rose decodes his fantasy, and reveals that he’s talking about signaled to Bono that he was a man worth following: that Troy
when he contracted pneumonia. Rose is also characterized by would lead Bono somewhere prosperous in life. Unlike Rose,
her devotion to her family, and her willingness to sacrifice her Bono gives-in to Troy’s fantasies—to his fictional tales about
desires to be the best wife and mother she possibly can, and meeting with Mr. Death, probably as a result of Bono’s own,
provide the most love she can muster. In contrast, Troy gives somewhat blind devotion to what he views as Troy’s strength
into his desires even when they take him beyond his and work ethic. Further, whereas Troy ultimately embodies
commitment to the family, as we see in his affair with Alberta. betrayal and the hurt caused by adultery, Bono constantly
Rose, however, believes in preserving the bonds which hold her demonstrates a devotion to his wife, Lucille. Whenever Bono
family together, as embodied in her wish for a fence to border leaves the Maxson household, he says he must get home to
her home. Wanting to keep her family close to her, and the Lucille—even on Friday nights, when he and Troy engage in
integrity of its bonds intact, Rose is crushed when she learns their ritual of drink and conversation, Bono leaves a little early
that Troy has betrayed her and the private, enclosed space of in order to get home to his wife.
protection she envisions as the relationship they vowed to
sustain and protect. Ra
ynell – The child of Troy and Alberta, Raynell is ultimately
raised by Rose after both Troy and Alberta die. In this way,
Lyons Maxson – The son to Troy and his former, unnamed wife Raynell challenges the “fences” that Rose envisions as
(prior to Rose), Lyons strives, against the wishes of his father, to surrounding, protecting, and holding together her real family.
be a professional musician. While Lyons claims to be At one point in the play, Rose tells Troy, upon learning of
fundamentally dedicated to music—while he claims that music Raynell’s impending birth, that she’s never wanted anything
is the only reason he gets out of bed every morning—August “half” to enter her family. Raynell’s appearance in the world
Wilson writes, in a note in the script, that Lyons is more therefore stretches Rose’s ideal sense of a family unified by

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parental, biological blood, and Rose’s decision to raise him characters’ psychology, a dynamic between the inner world of a
marks a broadening of her conception of what a family can be black community and the expanse of white power around it.
and how far her love can stretch. The fence which Troy gradually builds in front of his house
Alberta – Alberta is the woman with whom Troy has an affair. serves as a symbol of segregation, as well as the general
At the beginning of the play, Troy and Bono talk crudely about psychological need to build a fortress where a black ‘inside’ or
her attractive physique, and Bono questions Troy about his interior can set itself off from the white-dominated world
involvement with her throughout the book. Eventually, Bono around it. From one angle, the fence represents the
realizes that Troy is having an affair with Alberta, and tells Troy geographical effects of segregation in general: the fencing-off
that he must make everything right. Ultimately, Troy fails at of blacks, the creation of ethnic insularity in certain
this: he impregnates Alberta (with Raynell), and as a result his neighborhoods, and it is a monument to this basic social
eighteen-year-relationship with Rose disintegrates. division effected by white economic and political power. Yet
Mr.. Rand – Mr. Rand is Troy and Bono’s manager/overseer at Troy also builds the fence himself; it’s largely his own creation,
the garbage collection company. Troy confronts Mr. Rand about though Rose initially tasks him with building it. Rose wants the
the racism he perceives in the workplace: that exclusively fence in order to set her and her family off from the outside
whites are hired to drive the garbage trucks, while blacks are world, to protect a private interior of their experience—lived,
only hired to collect and carry the garbage. Ultimately, Troy’s black experience—from an outside world threatening to invade
complaint gets noticed by the garbage company, since the it, and from the divisive effects which white power inflicts upon
union to which he and Bono belong pressure it into giving him a society. While the latter divides with the aim of controlling and
position as a driver. Troy says that Mr. Rand had a difficult time limiting black prosperity and influence, the division effected by
getting out the words when delivering him the news of his Troy’s fence is one of protection and an affirmation of the world
promotion. within it.

Lucille – Wife to Bono, Lucille barely appears in the play. Bono Throughout the play, we also see how its characters are forced
always cites her as the reason why he must go home—why he to define their world in terms of how it’s limited by a racist
must depart from the Maxson household when he visits. In this system of white social and economic power. We see that Troy’s
way, Lucille reveals Bono’s marital devotion, in direct contrast workplace, for instance, is organized according to a racial
to Troy’s adultery. hierarchy privileging whites, since exclusively white men are
hired to drive the company’s garbage trucks, while black men
Mr.. Sta
wicki – Mr. Stawicki is Cory’s boss at the A&P store. are only hired as garbage collectors. Further, much of the
Coach ZZellman
ellman – Coach Zellman is Cory’s football coach in characters’ speech relies on pointing out their status as people
high school—it’s due to Zellman that Cory catches the eye of a of color in order to describe their position in relation to white
college recruiter, but Troy ultimately tells Zellman to ban Cory power.
from the team. Wilson’s play therefore, in part, concerns itself with depicting
Bonnie – Bonnie is Lyons’s girlfriend early-on in the play; we how racism governs and structures the everyday lives of its
learn in the end, however, that he’s left her and found another characters, in order to expose—through the concrete
partner. experiences of one family—racism’s many effects on the black
Ms. P
earl – Ms. Pearl owns the apartment Gabe moves into American community of the 1950s at large. The meaning
after he decides to leave the Maxson household in order to, as behind and need for the fence, and the play’s exposure of a
he says, get out of Troy’s hair. black world in many ways defined by its oppression, are a
scathing condemnation of the division and pain inflicted by
white power. Fences gives a palpable reality to the abstract
THEMES mechanisms of racism and white power—it reveals the pain of,
as well as the aspirations and opportunities withheld from, its
In LitCharts each theme gets its own color and number. Our black characters. Through framing pain as being at the heart of
color-coded theme boxes make it easy to track where the almost all its characters’ lives, Wilson reveals the psychological
themes occur throughout the work. If you don't have a color complexity and intensely tiresome and tasking nature of
printer, use the numbers instead. navigating a racist world divided principally between white and
black. At the same time, he reveals how that division divides
1 BLACKNESS AND RACE RELATIONS blacks themselves through the pain it inflicts upon them (such
Set in Pittsburgh in the 1950s, Fences explores the experience as Troy’s conflict with Cory over his desire to play football,
of one black family living in the era of segregation and a since Troy’s parenting is informed by his past experience of
burgeoning black rights movement, exposing, at the heart of its discrimination in the world of sports).

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2 PRACTICALITY, IDEALISM, AND RACE on such people gets recycled into the generation they raise.
Wilson doesn’t seem to want to delegitimize Troy as a human
Fences explores the different views some of its characters have
being by implying that his practicality is something which he
about what’s feasible, achievable, and practical or life-
personally invented—rather, he wants to educate a white
sustaining with regard to career ambitions and future goals.
audience, and give a voice to a black audience, about the
Troy disapproves of the livelihoods to which his sons aspire,
suffering which exists in people like Troy, why it exists, and how
considering them to be idealistic dreams compared to what he
it is passed on.
views as more practical trades. Troy’s disapproval, especially in
Cory’s case, is largely informed by his own experience growing Similarly, Cory and Lyons are not treated by Wilson as a choice
up black. Cory’s youth—his experience growing up in a different in an ethical decision between idealism versus practicality, but
period of history—however, affords him a broader view of what rather as two views of a racially divided world informed by a
the future might hold in store for him, of the careers open to different, more progressive but still grossly regressive social
him as a young black male. Consequently, he has a different atmosphere—as the two have different personal pasts than
understanding of what qualify as practical, viable ambitions. Troy. By pitting Troy against Cory and Lyons, Wilson again
shows us how white power not only separates itself from
Troy doesn’t think Cory should pursue a future in football, since
blackness, but also separates and divides blacks themselves.
he believes that black people are prohibited from success in the
While not picking a side, Wilson positions the play from the
white-dominated world of sports. Troy’s past in the
standpoint of a more historical perspective about how these
sharecropping South, and his experience as a talented baseball
sides are formed, and how they shape future generations, at
player whose career could never take flight because of
the same time that he grounds that higher perspective in a
discrimination, have all informed his sense of black life and
family’s everyday lived experience.
opportunity in the world around him. It’s this background
which makes Troy perceive Cory’s ambition as idealistic, and
not grounded in reality or practical. Further, while Lyons says 3 MANHOOD AND FATHERS
music is something essential to life, Troy sees Lyons’ lifestyle as The play largely revolves around the turbulent relationship
shirking the responsibility and hard work Troy associates with a between Troy and his children—particularly his relationship
man’s ‘proper’ profession. Though Lyons says he values being a with Cory. Cory’s desire to assert his own manhood and
musician for a value intrinsic to it, Troy thinks only about determine his own future clashes with the authority Troy feels
money, finding Lyons’s ambitions to be impractical. Lyons as a father. Further, Cory’s ambitions go against everything
lifestyle fails to adequately provide for him, but he nonetheless Troy thinks will be good and healthy for his son’s prosperity.
continues to pursue music over a more stable trade. Cory evolves in the play from cowering in fear of his father to
Does Fences suggest that the idealism of Cory or Lyons is a ultimately severing his ties with him in a gesture of ‘masculine’
better choice than Troy’s practicality? While Wilson ultimately hubris. While Cory grew up being incredibly passive and
writes Troy’s existence off at the end of the play with an aura of submissive to his father out of fear, he gradually starts acting
failure, dissatisfaction, anger, and betrayal, it might be too out of his own self-interest (such as his pursuit of football) in his
simplistic to say that this is a gesture of critique—that Wilson later teens. Troy actively denounces Cory’s attempts to define
condemns Troy’s practicality altogether. Further, the fact that and pursue his own goals, and believes that Cory is obligated to
his sons appear to be more compassionate, level-headed, and absolutely bend to his way insofar as Cory lives under his roof.
hopeful as human beings are not sufficient grounds to say that But this eventually pushes Cory to leave home and curse his
Wilson favors their idealism over Troy’s practicality. Rather father’s treatment of him and his mother. Earlier in the play,
than taking a stance on either, Wilson seems more concerned Troy describes a similar situation with his own father growing
with showing us how the social world of white power and up. Troy’s father, while a tough man to live with, looked after his
racism, and how it changes and evolves through time, forms its children, according to his account. But Troy, getting into a
characters’ perceptions of idealism and practicality—how, to a severe conflict with his father one day, left his father—like his
great extent, especially as disenfranchised black men, Troy and own son—to go out on his own.
his sons’ perceptions of idealism and practicality are molded by Perhaps as a symptom of his own struggles with leading a
the white power outside and around them. stable life as an independent man, Troy, in trying to protect
Troy’s practicality, informed by his sense of failure at the hands Cory from similar struggles, seems to ultimately think that
of racial discrimination, ultimately leads him to become an Cory’s desire to make his own decisions fundamentally
embittered man who withholds affection from those around contradicts their father-son relationship. It’s as if, in order for
him, and who cannot see past his own horizon when it comes to Cory to become a man—which would inevitably involve
thinking about his sons’ futures. But Wilson perhaps wants to assuming independence from his father’s command—he must
show us that people like Troy exist because an unjust world has necessarily be at odds with his father.
hurt and formed them, and that the pain which racism inflicts

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Further, Wilson seems to be exposing us to one kind of factor that distinguishes family from profession—if family is just
‘masculinity,’ one way it is constructed and defined—and how a contractual obligation—then Troy must not find much of
that construction is based in the social world around it as well anything about family life particularly rewarding or unique.
as in the characters’ personal history. In this case, the Troy’s affair with Alberta doesn’t conflict with his
masculinity is that of Troy, and can be interpreted as something understanding of family as founded on duty. Troy largely view
of an archetype of a certain kind of working black father in the his obligation and connection to his family as fiscal, and nothing
50s. more. Further, Troy’s betrayal of Rose ultimately reveals how
This masculinity is defined by having defied one’s father in the the ties of families like his are fundamentally based upon the
past, endured poverty propped-up by a racist society, and failed relationship between the two spouses who create it—in this
to follow one’s dreams—but having nonetheless survived, case, a black man and woman raising a family in relative
stayed alive, and kept going, despite all the odds. In the eyes of poverty—and upon whose union, which isn’t guaranteed, the
their father, then, Cory and Lyons live comparatively privileged survival of those ties depend. Troy’s betrayal therefore reveals
lives having been entirely provided for until they were grown. a crack at the heart of family life: the fact that the idea of a
But, in the eyes of Troy’s sons—especially Cory—this isn’t family as a stably defined, pre-existing structure of human
enough. Cory doesn’t feel loved by his father, and can’t see how experience and development is quite complicated. Dishonoring
his father’s harshness is in anyway symptomatic of something his bond with Rose, Troy’s family starts to fall apart.
larger than him and beyond his control. The play perhaps Further, the idea of what the Maxson family really ‘is’ gets
shouldn’t be read as siding with Troy’s treatment of his children complicated by the addition of Troy’s baby with Alberta,
and his decisions in raising them—rather, it tries to show, once Raynell, whom Rose lets into the family after Alberta’s death,
again, how two worldviews clash in the father-son relation. becoming her adoptive mother. The family, therefore, is
Wilson doesn’t seem to offer a clean-cut solution to escaping revealed to be a system of pledges and vows which, as such, can
the cycle of misunderstanding, anger, and stuck-in-the-past- morph and evolve over time. This sense of pledging is
ness characteristic of men like Troy and their fathers. He does emphasized by Rose’s reply to Troy when he admits to his
show, however, how they can have such incredible power in affair—Rose emphasizes the intense sacrifices she’s made for
shaping the future of their children—e.g., Cory doesn’t get to go her relationship with Troy, saying that there were definitely
to college—and therefore the future generation. Additionally, times she wanted to pursue more fun and satisfaction by being
Wilson shows how difficult it is to free oneself from such a with other men, but that she refused because of her vows.
father without totally severing the relationship. Rose also defends her view of family as essential and
Ultimately, Wilson’s decision to make the conflict between unbreakable by insisting that Cory attend his father’s funeral,
father and son the central pivot of the play underscores his despite his wish to skip it. While Cory considers himself
desire to show how abstract forces of history—particularly separated from his father, Rose invokes family as something
white social and economic power—manifest themselves, which should surpass personal differences. Yet, at the same
through their racist exertion on peoples’ lives, in real, concrete, time, this is not an invocation of Troy’s kind of duty. For Rose,
everyday lived black experience. The microscopic, family is more than a fiscal contract. She tells Troy she felt a
psychological relationship between a father and his son is one devotion to him based on a moral sacrifice of her own, personal
of the most intimate venues for those more macroscopic longings—a sacrifice which adultery undoes and betrays. Unlike
forces, and as such, is very powerful to witness—it’s a venue Troy’s sense of obligation, adultery conflicts with Rose’s sense
with an educational power for white audiences. of moral duty.
Whereas Troy thinks that his adultery is something permissible,
4 FAMILY, DUTY, AND BETRAYAL and which Rose should be able to accept and wrap her head
Fences is a portrayal of family life—of how its characters view around because of all the sacrifices he’s made to support the
their roles as individual family members, and how they each family, Rose rejects this. She affirms that she’s made sacrifices
define their commitment or duty to the family; it also explores too, but they transcend sacrifices motivated merely by making
how betrayal can break the familial bond. money and doing one’s job as a provider in getting food on the
table and maintaining the house. Rather, Rose’s ‘duty’ is one of
Troy refuses to tell Cory he loves him; rather, Troy tells Cory he
staying together and protecting the bonds of the family—bonds
only acts out of duty towards him as a son, and that there’s no
which she, again, sees as something never to be broken.
reason that love necessarily must be involved. Duty, for Troy, is
the foundation of family—but it’s almost indistinguishable from
how Troy views professional duty (as an act one is obligated to 5 MORTALITY
perform regardless of one’s personal feelings towards one’s The topic of death appears throughout the play in various
employer—e.g., he speaks of Mr. Rand in this way). If love isn’t a forms, both in the physical death of two characters (Troy and

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Alberta), as well as in the stories told by Troy and through his something which ultimately fails, and which hurts everyone
brother Gabriel’s obsession with the Christian afterlife. who’s affected by that failure.
Troy mentions the grim reaper (“Mr. Death”) several times
throughout the play, telling a story about how they once
wrestled. Troy seems to believe that, while death is an
unavoidable fate, one should try to go out with a fight. Troy says Symbols appear in red text throughout the Summary and
that he knew Death had the upper hand in their battle, but that Analysis sections of this LitChart.
he nonetheless wanted to make his death as difficult as possible
to achieve. Further, the fence can be read as a barrier to the
inevitable onslaught of death. Troy mentions that the fence he THE FENCE
builds is a way of keeping Death out of his life. The fence that Rose asks Troy to build, and envisions as
Gabriel, always thinking about judgment day, has perhaps just wrapping protectively around her family, can be read in a
as strong an obsession with death as his brother. Gabriel’s several ways. On one level, the division effected by the fence
obsession, however, is more loud and noticeable because it’s seems to echo the separation of people and social spaces
expressed in his manic, psychotic ideas about his supposed central to the workings of segregation—an unjust practice
spiritual powers. Troy’s obsession with death is perhaps just as pervading the time in which the play takes place. Yet, while Troy
strong, however, for in a way it sustains him: Troy’s pride in and Cory’s construction of a border around their home may
having survived against all the odds—his father, intense resonate with the racial divide plaguing the society it pictures,
poverty, personal failure—relies on death to fuel itself. it’s also an emblem of black courage and strength, and of the
integrity of black lives and history. Rose yearns to fence-off and
On the day of Troy’s funeral, Gabriel declares that Troy has
fence-in her family’s lives and the bond connecting them from a
successfully entered the gates of heaven. While this declaration
racist world of white dominance—from a society bent on
may not indicate the opinions of other characters, it
delegitimizing black life and casting it as second-class. The
nonetheless ends the play, and is the final word on Troy’s death.
fence therefore also speaks to the psychological need Rose and
Gabriel’s proclamation therefore has both a punctuality and an
many like her felt, and still feel, to preserve an inner, private life
ambivalence; the play ends with the gates of heaven opening
against the brunt of an outside world where that life is rejected
onto and usurping Troy’s fenced-off existence. Death ends the
and made to conform to the mechanisms of white power.
play by annihilating the in/out distinction effected by a fence,
and Troy dies in an unfavorable status because of his adultery. The fence also seems to serve as a figure for Troy’s career,
resembling the perimeter of a baseball stadium: the fence he
Wilson therefore seems to speak against Troy’s view of death,
strived, with his bat, to hit beyond. Despite Troy’s talent, his
and how this view informs his approach to life and the lives
skin color barred him from any chance of a steady career in the
around him. If we take Troy to view death as a force that should
white-dominated world of professional baseball. The fence of
be fought against at all costs, to the extent that one should give
Troy’s career, therefore, was at once a marker of his skill
up on taking any risks (such as Cory’s football ambitions, in his whenever he hit a home run, as well as a border enclosing a
mind) and even sacrifice one’s ability to give love and world and a future he could never fully enter. Therefore, when
compassion to one’s family members as a result of that fight, Troy builds the fence for Rose, he’s building his own limit, his
then Wilson seems to speak against this. own arena—a limit not imposed upon him by forces of
By having Troy die unsatisfied and in low moral standing, discrimination out of his control.
Wilson suggests a couple of things. First, with regard to Troy’s While it’s critical to read the fence as a symbol of race division
adultery, he did take a risk—but one for himself, and which and how it affects the Maxson family, the motivation to build it
endangered his family, rather than a risk at least attempting to can also be read as stemming from Rose’s sheer, maternal
invest in his family (like letting Cory try out football and attend desire to protect and fortify her family. Additionally, Troy’s
college, despite his uncertainty about its promise). Troy lets the efforts to wall-off his home resonate with his ongoing conflict
pressure of death eat at him to such an extent that he seeks to with “Mr. Death.” By fortifying the perimeter of his home, Troy
find satisfaction in life (to defy and thwart that pressure) in an gestures towards his desire to dam-up any lethal forces
extreme form, somewhere outside the space he’s cultivated assailing him from the outside world.
and fenced off for his family. Secondly, Troy is ultimately
unhappy because of this decision to find satisfaction beyond his
fence—he ruins his relationship with Rose, and Alberta dies “MR. DEATH”
because of the baby with which he impregnated her. This Death appears as a personified figure in Troy’s fanciful tales
suggests that Troy’s constant struggle to defy death and win about wrestling with death and buying furniture from the devil.
out against it—or at least his specific methods of doing so—is Troy’s typically stubborn sense of manhood and strength

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largely derives from his relationship with death. Having beaten criticizing you and how you live. I just come by to ask you for
all the obstacles thrown at him in his early years and survived, ten dollars. I don’t wanna hear all that about how I live.
Troy props up his sense of self-worth and accomplishment
er: Lyons Maxson
through personifying death into a tangible form he’s
proactively and successfully fended off. Further, by rendering •Mentioned or related char
acters: Troy Maxson
death or the forces of destruction into a person (the grim •Related themes
themes: Practicality, Idealism, and Race, Manhood
reaper and the devil), Troy gives the unpredictability and and Fathers, Family, Duty, and Betrayal
mystery of death a concrete form, and thereby attributes a kind
•Theme T
er code
of reason and discernible motive to the process of death.
Death, for Troy, is therefore a force that personally tries to 2 3 4
antagonize and destroy him. This personification provides a
reason for the suffering of Troy’s past beyond its basis in
racism, and the severe poverty into which it landed him; it gives You ain’t seen no devil. I done told you that man ain’t had
a higher purpose to what, in reality, boils down to a corrupt nothing to do with the devil. Anything you can’t understand,
society and a childhood made difficult by abusive and unloving you want to call it the devil.
parents. “Mr. Death,” therefore, resembles the fence, since its
er: Rose Maxson
invention helps Troy fence-off the harsher reality that’s largely
cheated him in life. •Mentioned or related char
acters: Troy Maxson, Lyons
Maxson, Jim Bono
•Related themes
themes: Practicality, Idealism, and Race, Mortality
TES •Theme T
er code
The color-coded and numbered boxes under each quote below
2 5
make it easy to track the themes related to each quote. Each
color and number corresponds to one of the themes explained
in the Themes section of this LitChart. I wrestled with Death for three days and three nights and I’m
standing here to tell you about it. . . . At the end of the third
ACT 1: SCENE 1 QUOTES night we done weakened each other to where we can’t hardly
I told that boy about that football stuff. The white man ain’t move. Death stood up, throwed on his robe . . . had him a white
gonna let him get nowhere with that football. I told him when robe with a hood on it. He throwed on that robe and went off to
he first come to me with it. Now you come telling me he done look for his sickle. Say, “I’ll be back.” Just like that. . . . I told him,
went and got more tied up in it. He ought to go and get say, “yeah, but . . . you gonna have to find me!” I wasn’t no fool. I
recruited in how to fix cars or something where he can make a wasn’t going looking for him. Death aint nothing to play with.
living. And I know he’s gonna get me. . . . But . . . as long as I keep up my
vigilance . . . he’s gonna have to fight to get me. I ain’t going easy.
er: Troy Maxson
er: Troy Maxson
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cory Maxson, Rose Maxson
, Jim Bono •Mentioned or related char
acters: Rose Maxson , Jim Bono

•Related themes
themes: Blackness and Race Relations, Practicality, •Related themes
themes: Mortality
Idealism, and Race, Manhood and Fathers •Theme T
er code
•Theme T
er code
code: 5
1 2 3
I ain’t worried about them firing me. They gonna fire me cause I
You and me is two different people, Pop. . . . I know I got to eat. asked a question? That’s all I did. I went to Mr. Rand and asked
But I got to live too. I need something that gonna help me to get him, “Why?” Why you got the white mens driving and the
out of the bed in the morning. Make me feel like I belong in the colored lifting? Told him, “what’s the matter, don’t I count? You
world. I don’t bother nobody. I just stay with my music cause think only white fellows got sense enough to drive a truck. That
that’s the only way I can find to live in the world. Otherwise ain’t no paper job! Hell, anybody can drive a truck. How come
there ain’t no telling what I might do. Now I don’t come you got all whites driving and the colored lifting?” He told me
“take it to the union.” Well, hell, that’s what I done! Now they
wanna come up with this pack of lies.

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er: Troy Maxson •Theme T
er code
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Jim Bono
1 2 3 4
•Related themes
themes: Blackness and Race Relations
•Theme T
er code
If they got a white fellow sitting on the bench . . . you can bet
1 your last dollar he can’t play. The colored guy got to be twice as
good before he get on the team. That’s why I don’t want you to
get all tied up in them sports. Man on the team and what it get
him? They got colored on the team and don’t use them. Same as
Jesus, be a fence all around me every day / Jesus, I want you to not having them. All them teams the same.
protect me as I travel on my way. / Jesus, be a fence all around
me every day. •Speak
er: Troy Maxson
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cory Maxson
er: Rose Maxson
•Related themes
themes: Blackness and Race Relations, Practicality,
•Related themes
themes: Family, Duty, and Betrayal
Idealism, and Race, Manhood and Fathers
•Theme T
er code
•Theme T
er code
1 2 3


Like you? Who the hell say I got to like you? What law is there
I don’t care where he coming from. The white man ain’t gonna
say I got to like you? Wanna stand up in my face and ask a damn
let you get nowhere with that football noway. You go on and get
fool-ass question like that. Talking about liking somebody. . . . I
your book-learning so you can work yourself up in that A&P or
go out of here every morning . . . bust my butt . . . putting up with
learn how to fix cars or build houses or something, get you a
them crackers every day . . . cause I like you? You about the
trade. That way you have something can’t nobody take away
biggest fool I ever saw. . . . It’s my job. It’s my responsibility! . . . A
from you. You go on and learn how to put your hands to some
man got to take care of his family. You live in my house . . . sleep
good use. Besides hauling people’s garbage.
you in my bedclothes . . . fill you belly up with my food . . . cause
er: Troy Maxson you my son. . . . Not ‘cause I like you! Cause it’s my duty to take
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cory Maxson care of you! I owe a responsibility to you! . . . I ain’t got to like
you. Mr. Rand don’t give me my money come payday cause he
•Related themes
themes: Blackness and Race Relations, Practicality, likes me. He gives me cause he owes me.
Idealism, and Race, Manhood and Fathers, Family, Duty, and
Betrayal •Speak
er: Troy Maxson
•Theme T
er code
code: •Mentioned or related char
acters: Cory Maxson
•Related themes
themes: Blackness and Race Relations, Practicality,
1 2 3 4
Idealism, and Race, Manhood and Fathers, Family, Duty, and
I don’t want him to be like me! I want him to move as far away •Theme T
er code
from my life as he can get. You the only decent thing that ever
happened to me. I wish him that. But I don’t wish him a thing 1 2 3 4
else from my life. I decided seventeen years ago that boy wasn’t
getting involved in no sports. Not after what they did to me in ACT 1: SCENE 4 QUOTES
the sports.
How he gonna leave with eleven kids? And where he gonna go?
er: Troy Maxson He ain’t knew how to do nothing but farm. No, he was trapped
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Rose Maxson and I think he knew it. But I’ll say this for him . . . he felt a
responsibility toward us. Maybe he ain’t treated us the way I
•Related themes
themes: Blackness and Race Relations, Practicality, felt he should have . . . but without that responsibility he could
Idealism, and Race, Manhood and Fathers, Family, Duty, and have walked off and left us . . . made his own way.
er: Troy Maxson
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Lyons Maxson

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•Related themes
themes: Manhood and Fathers, Family, Duty, and I’m gonna tell you what your mistake was. See . . . you swung at
Betrayal the ball and didn’t hit it. That’s strike one. See, you in the
•Theme T
er code
code: batter’s box now. You swung and you missed. That’s strike one.
Don’t you strike out.
3 4
er: Troy Maxson
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Cory Maxson
•Related themes
themes: Manhood and Fathers, Family, Duty, and
We’re not talking about baseball! We’re talking about you going Betrayal
off to lay in bed with another woman . . . and then bring it home
to me. That’s what we’re talking about. We ain’t talking about •Theme T
er code
no baseball. 3 4
er: Rose Maxson
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Troy Maxson, Alberta I been standing with you! I been right here with you, Troy. I got
•Related themes
themes: Practicality, Idealism, and Race, Family, Duty, a life too. I gave eighteen years of my life to stand in the same
and Betrayal spot with you. Don’t you think I ever wanted other things?
•Theme T
er code
code: Don’t you think I had dreams and hopes? What about my life?
What about me? Don’t you think it ever crossed my mind to
2 4 want to know other men? That I wanted to lay up somewhere
and forget about my responsibilities? That I wanted someone
to make me laugh so I could feel good? . . . I gave everything I
Some people build fences to keep people out . . . and other had to try and erase the doubt that you wasn’t the finest man in
people build fences to keep people in. Rose wants to hold on to the world. . . . You always talking about what you give . . . and
you all. She loves you. what you don’t have to give. But you take too. You take . . . and
er: Jim Bono don’t even know nobody’s giving!

•Mentioned or related char

acters: Troy Maxson, Cory Maxson •Speak
er: Rose Maxson
•Related themes
themes: Family, Duty, and Betrayal •Mentioned or related char
acters: Troy Maxson
•Theme T
er code
code: •Related themes
themes: Family, Duty, and Betrayal
•Theme T
er code
Rose, I done tried all my life to live decent . . . to live a clean . . .
hard . . . useful life. I tried to be a good husband to you. In every ACT 2: SCENE 4 QUOTES
way I knew how. Maybe I come into the world backwards, I I’m coming in and everybody’s going out…
don’t know. But . . . you born with two strikes on you before you
come to the plate. You got to guard it closely . . . always looking •Speak
er: Troy Maxson
for the curve-ball on the inside corner. You can’t afford to let •Mentioned or related char
acters: Cory Maxson, Rose Maxson
none get past you. You can’t afford a call strike. , Lyons Maxson, Raynell
er: Troy Maxson •Related themes
themes: Family, Duty, and Betrayal
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Rose Maxson •Theme T
er code
•Related themes
themes: Practicality, Idealism, and Race, Family, Duty, 4
and Betrayal
•Theme T
er code
2 4 The whole time I was growing up . . . living in his house . . . Papa
was like a shadow that followed you everywhere. It weighed on
you and sunk into your flesh. It would wrap around you and lay
there until you couldn’t tell which one was you anymore. That
shadow digging in your flesh. Trying to crawl in. Trying to live

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through you. Everywhere I looked, Troy Maxson was staring The play begins by Bono Here, we see how hate speech
back at me . . . I’m just saying I’ve got to find a way to get rid of accusing Troy of lying. Troy is used against black people is used
the shadow, Mama. telling a story about a black by people like Troy—a black
man—Troy actually refers to man—to describe other people of
er: Cory Maxson
him as a “nigger”—who, when color. This shows how racism
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Troy Maxson, Rose Maxson he was carrying a watermelon influences Troy’s very language,
•Related themes
themes: Manhood and Fathers, Family, Duty, and beneath his shirt, was despite him also being oppressed
Betrayal questioned about the by it. Further, Troy’s story about
watermelon by a white man, the man carrying the
•Theme T
er code
Mr. Rand. But the man watermelon exposes an instance,
3 4 carrying the watermelon even if it’s not fully explained, of
denied having a watermelon a black man’s fear and
on him, and, in response, Troy nervousness before the
YSIS says that Mr. Rand said authoritative gaze of a white
nothing, figuring “if the nigger man.
The color-coded and numbered boxes under each row of too dumb to know he carrying
Summary and Analysis below make it easy to track the themes a watermelon, he wasn’t gonna 1
throughout the work. Each color and number corresponds to get much sense out of him.”
one of the themes explained in the Themes section of this Troy claims that the man
LitChart. carrying the watermelon was
“afraid to let the white man see
ACT 1: SCENE 1 him carry it home.”
August Wilson’s written Already, Wilson gives us a feel for Troy and Bono’s conversation The man who was carrying the
introduction to the first scene the often excessively large nature continues, and Bono says that watermelon is afraid that Troy’s
informs us that the play takes of Troy’s presence. As in most of the same man who was complaint with the
place in 1957, and that Troy is his relationships, Troy takes up carrying the watermelon had commissioner’s office at his
fifty-three years old. Having a most of the space of his come up to him and said that workplace is going to get all of
conversation, he and Bono friendship with Bono—and Bono Troy was going to “get us fired.” the black workers “fixed,” or
enter the yard outside Troy’s willingly accepts this, viewing Bono told him to go away, and fired—this shows how not every
house. Wilson writes that, of Troy as worthy of his devotion. the man called Troy a person of color working there
the two friends, Bono is the Yet, ironically, Wilson tells us that “troublemaker.” Troy implies shares Troy’s sense of confidence
“follower,” and that his Bono values Troy for his honesty, that the man was mad because and purposefulness in protesting
dedication to their over thirty- when this is precisely the quality he saw a union representative racial injustice. Further, the fact
year friendship is based on his he seems to fundamentally lack, (likely for the black garbage that Troy is willing to do such a
respect for Troy’s honesty, as we see later in the play, when collectors) talking to Mr. Rand thing—possibly putting his job on
work ethic, and strength—all it’s revealed that Troy has an (Troy and his fellow collectors’ the line—shows how seemingly
things Bono wants to embody affair with Alberta. Bono perhaps boss). As Troy and Bono talk, devoted he is to asserting himself
himself. Further, we learn that sees in Troy something that he’s we learn that Troy filed a and struggling for racial equality
it’s Friday night—payday—the really not—but rather the ideal complaint with Mr. Rand and equal opportunity in the
one night when, weekly, the personality which Bono wished through the union about the workplace.
two friends get together to he himself had. fact that all the garbage-truck-
drink and converse. Wilson driving positions are filled by 1 2 3
writes that Troy typically talks 1 2 4 white men, while black men
the most and, though he can be are only assigned to carry
quite vulgar, he sometimes garbage. Troy says he wants
becomes highly profound. the owners of the business to
Wilson also reveals that the give everyone the chance to be
two work as garbage a truck driver.
collectors. Wilson explicitly
describes Troy as being a black
man, and we get the sense that
Bono is as well.

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The conversation then shifts to Here, we get the sense for the As the two men continue to Rose’s entrance into the scene
discussing a woman named first time that Bono is suspicious crudely discuss Alberta’s body, represents the influx of a totally
Alberta. Bono asks Troy how of Troy’s fidelity to Rose. While Rose enters from inside the different energy than that
he thinks one of their fellow Bono is usually passive in house, walking onto the porch displayed by Troy and Bono.
co-workers is “making out” conversation with Troy, here he where Troy and Bono are Rose embodies a maternal
with Alberta, meaning if he’s takes charge, and fully persists in seated. August Wilson writes a gentleness and compassion, a
succeeded in having sex with pursuing his point, despite Troy’s note in the script describing strong character and sense of
her. Troy says their coworker is attempt to deflect it. Bono Rose as ten years younger fortitude, and a solid relationship
just as (un)successful as Bono doesn’t let up, and says he’s seen than Troy, and having a with truth and reality—which
and him—that he’s not had sex with his own eyes Troy’s devotion for Troy based on often clashes with Troy’s
with her at all. Bono accuses misdeeds—that he’s seen Troy on how she thinks her life would storytelling. The fact that Wilson
Troy of eyeing Alberta more Alberta’s property. Even though it be without him: fraught with describes Rose’s devotion to Troy
than other women, and of seems like Bono has caught Troy abusive men and their babies, as being based on what her life
buying her a couple of drinks. red-handed, Troy still thinks he partying and being on the would be like without him
Troy says he was just being can argue his way out. This is a streets, the Church, or being suggests that , in marrying him,
polite. Troy gets Bono to admit testament to Troy’s distorted alone and frustrated. Wilson she’s largely “settled,”
that, ever since Troy married sense of reality: he thinks he can writes that Rose admires compromising on her own
his wife Rose, he’s never cover up what’s blatantly true Troy’s spirit while either dreams in order to have the
chased after women. Still, with the lies he weaves in his ignoring or forgiving his flaws, safety of a stable marriage.
Bono says that he’s seen Troy head. adding that she only
walking around Alberta’s recognizes some of them. 4
house more than once. Troy 1 2 4 Further, he writes that, while
says that, just because he’s Rose doesn’t drink alcohol, she
been around there, it doesn’t plays an important role in
mean anything. Bono asks these Friday night “rituals”
where Alberta’s from, and Troy between Troy and Bono.
says Tallahasee. They both
comment on how attractive
they find her physique.

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Rose asks the two men what Troy’s treatment of Rose, Rose says that Cory has been Here, Troy’s outdated
they’re talking about, and Troy implying that she has no place in recruited by a college football perspective on race relations
responds by saying that Rose his and Bono’s “men talk” and team, but Troy says that he makes its first appearance;
shouldn’t concern herself, making lewd sexual innuendos, doesn’t want his son getting though it’s outdated, his view on
since it’s “men talk.” After suggests that there’s a strict involved in football, since “the race certainly isn’t based on
embarrassing Rose by male-female divide in the power white man ain’t gonna let him invalid premises, since he grew
implying, in front of Bono, that dynamics between the two (and get nowhere with” it. He then up in a different time with
he’s going to have sex with her in Troy’s worldview in general). says that Cory should go get different circumstances, and
later in the evening, Troy talks Troy feels he has the right to tell recruited in a trade where he experienced discrimination in the
about when he first met Rose. his wife to butt out of can make a proper living, like sports world himself. Still, Troy is
He says that he told Rose he conversation where a woman being an auto-mechanic. Bono unwilling to adapt his views and
didn’t want to marry her, but has no place, and to discuss says that, if Cory is anything heed Rose’s suggestion that,
just to be her “man,” and that having sex with her in front of like his dad, Troy, then he’s indeed, times have changed and
Rose responded by saying that, other people, without her going to be good at sports. He that opportunities for black
if Troy wasn’t the marrying permission. Further, Troy’s claims that the only two men players in the world of
type, he should get out of her mentioning of the rooster alarm who have played baseball as professional sports have opened
way so the marrying type system suggests his sense of well as Troy are Babe Ruth and up; instead of opening up his
could find her. Troy says that, possessiveness over Rose; this Josh Gibson—that they’re the mind, Troy remains stubbornly
when he returned to talk with shows his hypocrisy, as he only two men who have hit fixed on the idea that Cory
Rose, he agreed to marry, but ultimately decides to sleep with more home runs than Troy. should enter a “proper” trade like
told her he was going to put a another woman. Rose adds that “times have auto-mechanics.
rooster in the backyard to act changed” since Troy played
as an alarm system for 3 4 baseball—“that was before the 1 2 3 4
strangers (other men) coming war,” she says, and times have
into their house. Troy says changed since then. Troy asks
that, while he could watch the how they’ve changed, and
front door on his own, he was Rose answers that “they got
worried about the back door. lots of colored boys playing
However, when they first got ball now.”
married, he says, they didn’t
Troy then explains that, when Troy’s wariness about Cory trying
even have a yard.
he played baseball, his batting to play football professionally is
Bono chimes in and says that Bono’s comment about not average was significantly grounded in his own experience
he and his wife Lucille’s first knowing he was capable of higher than Seikirk, a player for of racial discrimination in the
house also wasn’t in the best acquiring better living conditions the Yankees, and he implies world of professional
condition, saying that their for himself and his wife—that that Seikirk enjoyed baseball—where, at the time, skin
outhouse let off a foul stench only white folks could afford to commercial success as a color counted more than actual
during the winter months have indoor plumbing and other professional player only talent.
whenever there was a breeze. such amenities—underscores the because he was white, while
Bono says that he wonders economic limitations felt by and Troy, a better player, wasn’t 1 2
why he and Lucille remained in imposed upon black people, and hired to play because he was
that house for “six long years,” the way those limitations inform black.
but adds that he didn’t know how people like Bono view their
he could do any better, and own potential for upward
thought that “only white folks mobility.
had inside toilets and things.”
Rose replies by saying that a 1 2
lot of people don’t know that
they could be doing better
than their current living

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Rose tells Troy that he’s going Troy’s tall tale about Mr. Death is Lyons enters the scene, and We get the sense, just from
to drink himself to death, and the first glimpse we get at his Wilson writes a note in the Wilson’s description, that Lyons
Troy responds by saying “death tendency to fantasize and stretch script describing him as thirty- view the world from a very
ain’t nothing,” comparing it to a the truth—and how this four years old, a son by Troy’s different perspective than Troy,
fastball (a kind of pitch in contrasts with Rose’s insistence previous marriage, and and that Troy likely has great
baseball) that’s easy to knock that he tell what really wearing trendy clothing. disdain for Lyons’ choice of
out of the park. Rose then says happened, i.e., that he had simply Wilson adds that, though profession, since playing music is
that she doesn’t understand contracted pneumonia. This Lyons thinks of himself as a unlikely to rank among Troy’s list
why Troy wants to talk about tendency to spin elaborate, musician, he’s more caught up of ‘proper’ trades. Further, Lyons’
death. Troy then tells Rose fantastical stories shows another in the idea of being a musician infatuation with the image of
that she’s the one who brought element of Troy’s hypocrisy: than in “the actual practice of being a musician suggests that
death up in the conversation, while he’s unwilling to let his son the music.” Lyons, he writes, maybe there is something
and says that he’s not worried Cory pursue his dreams of has come to borrow money superfluous about his
about death: “I done seen him,” football, deeming them as from Troy, and he is unsure professional ambitions.
he says, “I done wrestled with unrealistic, he’s perfectly willing how much his exotic lifestyle
him.” Troy says that he asked to dream up lies and unrealities will be criticized and ridiculed, 2 3 4
“Mr. Death” what he wanted, in his own mind. Further, Troy’s even though he’s certain that
and looked him “dead in the comment about standing up to he’ll be successful.
eye,” without any fear. Rose Death—insisting that he’ll make
Lyons rejects Rose’s invitation Lyons’ lack of financial stability
then gives Troy’s story a it as difficult as possible for
that he stay for dinner, saying at the age of thirty-four
context in real life by Death to take him—reveals the
that he found himself in the highlights both the difficulty of
mentioning that he had toughened and hardened way he
neighborhood and thought his profession and also perhaps
pneumonia. Troy continues, approaches living in general.
he’d stop by for a moment. his unwillingness to pursue other
saying that, right before he
3 5 Troy, however, says that Lyons options of making money in
fought Death, he grabbed
just came by because he knew order to support himself as a
Death’s sickle and threw it as
it was his father’s payday. musician—fixated on music, he
far as he could, and then they
“Since you mentioned it,” Lyons refuses to be more practical
wrestled for three days and
then says to Troy, “let me have about his finances.
three nights. Troy concludes
ten dollars,” promising to pay
that Death had grown tired 2
Troy back. But Troy says he’d
and given up, vowing to return
rather die playing blackjack
someday for him. Troy says
with the devil than give Lyons
that, as long as he can keep up
ten dollars.
his strength, he’ll try to make it
as difficult as possible for
Death to take him.

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Troy then claims to have seen More of Troy’s fanciful The first scene ends with Troy Troy’s comment about having
the devil, saying that the devil storytelling emerges here, and we telling Bono that he loves Rose run out of ways of loving Rose
sold him furniture when he can see that his obsession with a “so much it hurts,” and that he seems to foreshadow the news
couldn’t get enough credit. The figure of death—in the form of “done run out of ways of loving we’ll later discover: that he’s been
devil, appearing at his the grim reaper or the devil—is her,” so he has to rely on the having an affair.
doorstep in the form of a white reoccurring. Once again, Troy’s “basics.” He tells Bono not to
man, promised to give Troy all recourse to spinning tall tales as come by his house Monday 4
the credit he wanted if he’d pay a way of explaining his past gets morning because he’s “still
interest on it. Troy says that he reprimanded by Rose, who insists gonna be stroking”—having sex
asked for three rooms worth that Troy’s diversions from the with Rose.
of furniture and that he told truth always be corrected—she
the devil to charge whatever grounds his story in reality by ACT 1: SCENE 2
he wanted. He concludes that explaining the real facts.
he’s sent the devil 10 dollars The second scene begins the Troy’s condemnation of Rose’s
every month for fifteen years; 2 5 next morning; Rose is hanging decision to play the lottery is
even though Troy’s probably clothes, and singing a song another instance of
paid off the interest by now, he about Jesus protecting her: hypocrisy—whereas Troy thinks
says he’s afraid to stop paying. “Jesus, be a fence all around it’s perfectly fine that he dream
Rose says Troy’s lying, and that me every day.” Troy enters the about his life and tell tall tales,
he got the furniture from a scene, and Rose tells him how behaving in a completely
local vendor. Ms. Pearl won a dollar on the irrational manner, he scolds Rose
local lottery the other day. for engaging in behavior that,
Lyons asks Troy again for ten Here, Troy isn’t being exactly out Troy says that the lottery is a though perhaps financially risky,
dollars, and Troy hassles him, of line when he criticizes Lyons’ waste of money, saying that isn’t nearly as divorced from
asking him why he isn’t lifestyle—Lyons is thirty-four, he’d be rich if he “had all the reality, and actually bears some
working. Lyons tells Troy that after all, and still relies on Troy money niggers . . . throw away small chance of success. Further,
he can’t find a decent job as a financially, and further, he could on numbers for one week.” his criticism of Pope further
musician, and Troy says that he very well get himself out of his Rose replies by saying that emphasizes Troy’s commitment
could get his son a job as a problems if he’d find at least a sometimes good things result to racial justice—by picking out
garbage collector, but Lyons part-time job and earn a from playing the lottery, and Pope as an example of a black
says that that isn’t the job for supplemental income to support mentions a man named Pope person catering to white power,
him. Troy then claims that the his music. Lyons’ claim that he who was able to buy himself a Troy demonstrates his
reason he has money and and Troy are two vastly different restaurant with his winnings. unwillingness to let everyday acts
Lyons doesn’t is because he people is poignant: it emphasizes Troy tells Rose that Pope, a of inequality pass him by.
isn’t living “the fast life” trying the fact that, not only do the two black man, didn’t want any
to play music. Lyons replies have different views on what people of color to enter his 1 2 4
that he stays with music matters most in life, but that restaurant. He says he saw a
because it gets him out of bed they differ in some very white man order a bowl of
in the morning—it’s his fundamental way, down to their stew there, claiming that Pope
passion—and that he and Troy very natures—we can partly read “picked all the meat out the pot
are two very different people. this difference as the distinct for him.” He calls Pope a fool.
Finally, Rose convinces Troy to time periods in which they grew
give Lyons the money, and up.
Lyons leaves shortly after. Troy
says to Rose and Bono that he 1 2 3 4
doesn’t understand why his
son doesn’t go out and get a
decent job and take care of
“that woman he got”—Bonnie,
Lyons’s girlfriend.

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Troy then asks where Cory is, Troy’s anger over Cory’s desire to Gabriel enters the scene Gabriel’s propensity for spinning
and Rose says he’s at football play football continues to fester, singing a song about plums he fantasies offers a match for
practice. This upsets Troy, and he unreasonably accuses his has for sale. Not seeing any Troy’s tendency to tell tall
since Cory hadn’t finished his son of never working—of never plums in Gabriel’s basket, Rose tales—while Gabriel speaks
chores before going to having put any exerted effort into asks him where they are, and about St. Peter, Troy speaks
practice, but Rose says that anything—in his life, all because Gabriel says that he will have about the grim reaper or the
Cory had to leave early, since Cory is pursuing a cause with some tomorrow, since he put devil. Further, while Gabriel has a
his coach wanted to get in which Troy disagrees. This speaks in a big order to have enough neurological defect that explains
some extra practice. Troy to the sensitivity of Troy’s temper. for “St. Peter and everybody.” his delusions, Troy doesn’t—this
accuses Cory of never working Gabriel’s entrance into the play Gabriel says that Troy is mad at least makes us consider that
a “lick of work” in his life. As will add a bit of whimsy (albeit at him, thinking that his recent Troy’s fantasizing isn’t really all
Troy and Rose bicker, Troy’s tragic in its source) to counter decision to move out and get that different from Gabriel’s, and
brother, Gabriel, comes by. the seriousness and drama of his own place has upset his that Gabriel isn’t really as
Wilson writes a note in the Troy’s world. brother. Troy says he’s not mad deluded as he might seem.
script describing Gabriel: he’s at all, and Gabriel explains that Gabriel’s fixation on the day of
seven years younger than Troy, 3 the only reason he moved was judgment will grow to have
and has a metal plate in his to get out of Troy’s hair. When profound significance in the play,
head—he was injured in WWII. Rose asks Gabriel if he wants as it becomes intimately
As a result, Gabriel is any breakfast, he asks for connected with Troy’s eventual
delusional, and believes biscuits, recounting how he death.
himself to be the Archangel and St. Peter used to eat
Gabriel. He carries a basket of biscuits every morning before 4 5
fruit and vegetables which he the gates of judgment were
tries to sell. opened. Further, Gabriel says
that St. Peter has Troy and
Rose’s names in “the book.” He
clarifies that, because he died
and went to heaven, his own
name isn’t in the book. Gabriel
then leaves, singing a song
about how people “better get
ready for the judgment.”

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Rose re-enters the yard from Troy’s guilt over using Gabriel’s ACT 1: SCENE 3
the house, and implies to Troy money to pay for his house, and
Scene three occurs four hours Yet again, Troy has been angered
that Gabriel should go back to his empathy for Gabriel’s
later; Rose is taking down the by Cory for reasons pertaining to
the hospital. But Troy thinks it condition and right to live freely
clothes she was hanging up at his commitment to football;
would be cruel to lock Gabriel after his sacrifices in the war
the beginning of the second while Cory works hard at and
up after all Gabriel went display a hint of compassion
scene, and Cory enters the dedicates himself to the
through during the war. He which Troy’s actions later in the
yard with his football sport—which has a promising
also feels guilty for assuming play will arguably undermine.
equipment. Rose tells Cory future in store for him—all Troy
ownership of the three While Troy clearly rejects Rose’s
that his father was angry upon seems to care about is whether
thousand dollars with which proposal to institutionalize
finding out that he hadn’t or not Cory gets his small, menial
the army compensated Gabriel Gabriel now, and while he feels
finished his chores before chores done, football not being a
for his injury. Troy claims that guilt over taking his money
practice, and that he wouldn’t valid excuse. Further, when Troy
the only reason he has a house (now), he’ll later send Gabriel off
be around to help Troy with enters the yard and appears to
is because of Gabriel’s to the hospital and take even
building the fence. Rose then have not gone to listen to the
compensation. Rose, however, more of his money.
tells Cory to start on his game, we can infer that Bono’s
says that Gabriel was in no
4 chores, and he enters the suspicions about Troy’s fidelity
condition to manage his
house. Troy then enters the are justified: where, after all, did
money, and that Troy has taken
scene, and Rose asks him what Troy go? Alberta’s, likely.
great care of his brother—she
the score of the baseball game
therefore tells Troy that he 2 3 4
was, but Troy brushes the
shouldn’t feel guilty. Troy
question off, asking “What I
recognizes all of this, but says
care about the game?” He then
he’s just stating the facts: if
tries to kiss Rose, but she
Gabriel didn’t have a metal
resists him, irritated that Troy,
plate in his head, he wouldn’t
so it seems, didn’t go to listen
have a house. The scene ends
to the game at all, blowing off
after Troy tells Rose that he’s
building the fence for no good
heading to a bar to listen to the
reason. Troy then chases Rose
ball game, saying he’ll work on
around, trying to land a kiss on
the fence when he gets back.

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Angry that Cory wasn’t around Troy and Cory’s interactions are After Cory returns to cutting Here, the disconnect between
earlier to help him build the always awkward and heated; the boards, he mentions that Cory and Troy’s views of race
fence, Troy yells at him, they never seem to share a the Pirates won the baseball relations comes to the fore.
summoning him to the yard. moment of agreement or love game that day, making five While Troy bases his view of race
He reprimands Cory for not proper to a healthy father-son wins in a row. Troy, however, relations in the world of
finishing his chores before bond. Troy constantly scolds says that he’s not thinking professional sports on his own
heading to practice, and then Cory and has no real interest in about the Pirates, since they experiences in the past—an era
puts him to work cutting the daily events of Cory’s life or have an all-white team. He less progressive than the one in
boards for the fence. After a in the activities which inspire or claims that the Pirates only which Cory has grown up
long pause, Cory asks his fascinate him. Troy’s dialogue play a Puerto Rican boy on the (though Cory’s is far from
father why he doesn’t buy a with Cory principally consists in team half the time, but that he perfect), and in which Troy
television. Troy says he doesn’t disciplining him, which largely could really be something if himself was discriminated
see the point in owning one, amounts to cutting him down. they’d just give him the chance. against as a black baseball
but after Cory explains that a Still, Cory’s desire for his father Cory disagrees, saying that the player—Cory sees the world of
TV would allow them to watch to buy a T.V. does demonstrate a Puerto Rican player has plenty sports as much more inclusive.
the World Series, Troy asks fundamental disconnect of chances to play, but Troy Cory doesn’t view his future as
how much one costs. Cory between his and his father’s view means regular play at every restricted by racist white power
explains that a TV costs 200 of their family’s economic game. Cory counters his in the way that his father does.
dollars, saying that it isn’t situation, a disconnect which father, saying that the Pirates
much money. Troy thinks just Troy perhaps isn’t unjustified in have some white guys who 1 2 3
the opposite: he tells Cory that trying to get Cory to also don’t play every day, and
it’ll cost 246 dollars to re-tar acknowledge. Further, Troy’s Troy comments that, if a white
their roof before the winter. willingness to meet Cory halfway man is sitting on the bench,
Cory replies that he’d rather for the money shows that he’s you can be certain he’s not a
buy a TV, and fix the roof willing to reach out and good player, since black
himself whenever it started to compromise with his son at least players “have to be twice as
leak. Troy asks him where he on some level. good” to get on the team. He
intends to get the money, but says that this is the reason why
Cory suggests that his father 2 3 4 he doesn’t want Cory to get all
has plenty of money. Troy, entangled in the sports world.
however, claims to only have
72 dollars and 73 cents in his
bankbook. Finally, the two
make a deal, and Troy agrees
to pay 100 dollars towards the
TV if Cory can come up with
his own 100 dollars.

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Troy then says that Rose Troy and Cory’s different Alarmed by his father’s Once again, Troy’s harsh
informed him about Cory’s perspectives on race, as well as harshness, Cory asks Troy why coldness as a father surfaces,
recruitment. Cory explains what counts as a proper he never liked him as a son. and we see yet another awkward
that a recruiter will be coming profession, continue to collide. Troy demeans this question, and confrontational encounter
by to speak with Troy and have While Cory works hard at and saying that there’s no law between the two, devoid of any
him sign papers granting Cory displays a genuine dedication demanding that he love Cory. warmth or love that would
permission to play college towards football, this simply isn’t Troy asks Cory whether or not characterize a healthy father-son
football. Troy bickers with enough for Troy, who views his he’s provided food, clothes, bond. Troy utterly rejects love as
Cory, insisting that he keep son’s pursuits in football as and shelter, and after Cory something necessary to his
working at the A&P (a local frivolous, thinking that work at answers “yessir,” Troy says that relationship with his son, citing
grocery store), but Cory says the local grocery store is a more the reason he does all those responsibility—duty—as the sole
he got his boss, Mr. Stawicki, valuable use of his time, even things for Cory has nothing to link which relates him to his son:
to hold his job until the football though football could pave his do with liking him—rather, it’s a relationship born out of
season ends. Troy insists that son’s path towards a higher just his job, his responsibility. contractual obligation and
there’s no future for Cory, as a education. Troy doesn’t care Troy adds that “liking your necessity, and not out of any
black male, in professional about any of that, and is black ass wasn’t part of the higher moral, emotional, or
sports, and that he should concerned with Cory’s bargain.” Troy then compares psychological forces.
learn a trade like fixing cars or immediate ability to make a his relationship with his son to
building houses, so that he can steady income, and finds it his relationship to Mr. Rand, 1 2 3 4
have something no one can foolish that his son should give saying that Rand doesn’t pay
take away from him. When such a thing up for a future in Troy because he likes him, but
Troy demands that Cory keep sports. rather because he’s obligated
working during the season, to. After Troy tells him to get
Cory says that Stawicki has 1 2 3 4 out of his face, Cory leaves and
already filled his position. heads to the A&P.
Annoyed by this, Troy calls
Cory a fool, and orders him to
get his job back—if Cory isn’t
working, Troy says, then he
can’t play football.

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Rose enters the yard, having Here, we see that Troy perhaps ACT 1: SCENE 4
been listening to Troy and really does only mean to do his
The fourth scene takes place Cory displays a sense of drive
Cory’s conversation from son some good—that he has
two weeks after the third, on and autonomy that seems
behind the screen door on the Cory’s best interests in mind
another Friday, when Troy and distinctly confident and uniquely
porch. She asks Troy why he when he downplays football as a
Bono engage in their payday mature, even if it’s a bit
won’t let Cory play football, future that isn’t viable for a
ritual of drink and disrespectful of Rose’s kind
and Troy exclaims: “I don’t young black man. Yet, it still
conversation. It begins as Cory requests that he clean his room.
want him to be like me!” He seems like Troy is fundamentally
gets a call from a teammate, Still, Cory’s determination to get
tells Rose that she’s the only wrong in his stubbornness, and
who asks him if he can borrow to the football game on
decent thing that’s ever his refusal to give up his outdated
some cleats. From within the time—regardless if this means
happened to him, and that he perception of race relations in
house Rose calls for Cory, who postponing cleaning his
wishes Cory will someday find the world of professional sports.
is standing in the doorway on bedroom—demonstrates that he
a woman like her, but he It therefore seems that August
the porch, telling him not to is, on some fundamental level,
wishes nothing else from his Wilson is more interested in
leave. Cory hangs up and tells committed to his team and to
life upon his son, and that he portraying Troy’s views as
Rose he needs to go to his the sport: a commitment which
decided when Cory was born products of historically racist
team’s game, but Rose insists suggests a kind of maturity itself.
that he would not get involved forces—of racism that has
shaped his mind—than as that he clean his room first, so
in sports, after what happened 3 4
someone who, in-and-of-himself, Troy won’t see it when he gets
to Troy. With strong
is a force of anger wanting to home. With a certain
conviction, he’s assured that
hold his son back from a good confidence, Cory continues to
sports will only bring his son
future. leave, telling Rose he’ll clean
harm; when Rose tries to tell
his room when he gets back.
him that the world has
changed from Troy’s youth, 1 2 3 4 After Cory leaves, Rose goes Once again, Bono and Troy
Troy diverts from her back into the house, and Troy engage in their weekly ritual of
comment, and just says that and Bono enter the yard. Troy drink (total drunkenness, for
he’s done everything he could is carrying a bottle of alcohol, Troy) and conversation
for his family, and that he can’t and they’re talking about Mr. (dominated by Troy). The success
give anything else. He exits Rand. Bono says he couldn’t of Troy’s complaint about the
into the house. believe the look on Rand’s lack of black truck drivers shows
face, earlier that day, when he Troy’s bravery and dedication to
told Troy something (that he’d social justice, despite his other
been hired as a truck driver). flaws.

1 2

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Troy claims that Rand thought Troy’s comment about Lyons then reaches into his Troy’s distrust of Lyons
the office where he filed his Rand—that he thought Rand pocket, saying “Look here, continues, as he assumes that
complaint would simply fire anticipated firing Troy—speaks to Pop,” and Troy thinks he’s Lyons is going to ask for more
Troy, based on Rand’s the willingness of Troy to lay his going to ask to borrow more money—that he doesn’t intend to
expression as he delivered him livelihood on the line for the right money. But Lyons takes out ten keep his promise, which he made
the good news. Troy calls out cause, to risk his job for his dollars, intending to keep his in the first scene, to pay his
for Rose several times, and higher principles: principles promise from the first scene father back. Further, Troy’s
when she enters the scene she which he actually doesn’t see as and pay his father back. Troy refusal to accept Lyons’ payment
asks Troy what the result of his “higher,” but rather as integral to downplays Lyons’s sincerity, suggests that he wants to keep
complaint was. Troy dismisses his everyday experience. Further, telling him to just keep the his son in a kind of limbo, where
her question, telling her that Troy’s continued debasement of money for the next time he he can’t get the gratification of
she’s supposed to come to him Rose—this time treating her like a wants to borrow some. Rose keeping his promise—paying Troy
when he calls, but she firmly dog—shows just how deep and argues with Troy, telling him to back.
replies that she’s not a dog. constant is his refusal to take the money, and Lyons
Her remark reminds him of a acknowledge her as an equal eventually hands it to her. 2 3 4
dog he once had, named “Blue,” participant in their relationship.
Gabriel then comes by, singing Gabe’s delusional obsession with
and he starts singing a song
4 his usual song about preparing Judgment Day reemerges here,
about him which his father
for Judgment Day. He gives and Lyons actually seems to play
made up. Rose tells Troy that
Rose a flower—a rose—and into his uncle’s fantasies, perhaps
no one wants to hear that
says he’s been chasing out of sympathy for his
song, but he continues, and
hellhounds. Lyons commends condition, whereas Troy and
eventually announces the
him, saying that someone has Rose seem to always avoid
news about his new position,
to chase them, and Gabe acknowledging Gabe’s comments
which pleases Rose.
(Gabriel) says that, even about spirituality and the
Lyons enters the scene, and Troy’s fundamental distrust of though the devil is strong, he afterlife. This perhaps speaks to
Troy is surprised to see him, Lyons is revealed here even more has his trusty trumpet ready the larger imagination and
since he thought Lyons had than it was previously. Upon for the judgment time. When consequent empathy of Lyons.
been jailed after reading that hearing about the raiding of a Lyons asks him if he’s waiting
one of the clubs he frequents club Lyons plays at, Troy for the Battle of Armageddon, 5
was raided for gambling. Lyons automatically assumes that his Gabe replies that it’s not going
defends himself, saying that he son was somehow involved in the to be much of a battle when
doesn’t gamble, and that he crime. This speaks to Troy’s God starts using his
only attends that club to play association of Lyons’ lifestyle “Judgment sword.”
music with his band. Bono then with debauchery and illegality,
As Lyons goes to leave, Gabe Gabe seems fixated on this
lets Lyons know about his while Lyons only claims to be
says Troy is mad at him, and problem—of worrying that Troy is
father’s new job, adding that all trying to act on his passions—on
Lyons asks Troy why. Rose mad at him—since he keeps
Troy will have to do is sit and his love for music.
explains that, because Gabe repeating it. But Troy and Rose
read the newspaper. Lyons
1 2 3 4 moved out of Troy’s house to keep playing into it, explaining
says his father’s illiteracy will
have his own place (paying that Troy isn’t mad—perhaps in
get in the way of his job, if
rent to Miss Pearl), he thinks an attempt to assuage what they
that’s the case—but Bono says
Troy is angry. view as Gabe’s perpetual,
there’s a bigger problem: Troy
irreversible madness.
can’t drive, and doesn’t have a
license. 4

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After Troy and Rose bicker Troy’s continued refusal to Bono adds that a lot of fathers Bono’s comment about the
about why Gabe left to live on empathize with Cory’s passion back in his and Troy’s walking blues underscores the
his own, Rose tells Troy that for football—to see in his son a childhood used to just leave harsh realities felt by those brave
she wants him to sign Cory’s genuine aspiration for the sport, their families behind, and says black men who chose to emigrate
football papers when the an aspiration informed by a that they’d get the “walking North from the sharecropping
recruiter visits him next week. world of race relations which blues” from traveling on foot South (like Troy) seeking a better
Troy, however, says that he greatly differs from Troy’s so much from place to place. future.
found out that Cory hasn’t growing up—surfaces here yet
been working down at the again. Troy sees Cory’s 1
A&P, as they agreed—Cory’s dedication to football as a Troy then starts to talk about Troy’s tale about being
been lying. Lyons, trying to get fundamental act against his his past with a new level of abandoned is not merely another
Troy to empathize with Cory, authority as a father, and not as detail. He says that his father one of his tall tales; Troy, in a very
says that Cory’s only trying to a rightful expression of Cory’s never had the walking blues, rare circumstance, is telling what
fill out his dad’s shoes—but individuality—Troy thinks Cory’s since he stayed with his appears to be the whole truth of
Troy doesn’t care, and thinks assertion of his own desires family—but, he adds, his father his past, even though it’s a very
that, since Cory has reached fundamentally goes against the could be “evil,” and that was painful memory. (Perhaps Troy is
the point where he wants to father-son bond. why his mother left. One night, inspired by the alcohol he’s
start disobeying him, it’s time Troy’s mother sneaked out of drinking.)
for Cory to move on and 1 2 3 4
the house after his father had
become his own man. gone to sleep, and never came 3 4
Bono then talks about his own We get the sense that there’s back—even though she told
father, saying how he never been a cycle of bad fathers Troy she’d return to take him
knew him, since his dad was repeating generation after with her.
always moving around, generation, and we’re simply Troy then tells the story of the Troy’s spree of seeming truth-
“searching for the New Land,” witnessing the effects of this day he left home (at the age of telling continues, and this story
going from one woman to the cycle in the parenting style of fourteen). One day, when his about the mule and the little girl
next. Troy chimes in, and says someone like Troy. Though Troy’s father sent him out to plow the gives us a greater insight into the
sometimes he wishes he never father was difficult to deal with, fields of his farm, Troy, instead violent and base character of his
knew his father, since he didn’t Troy says he was nonetheless a of obeying his father, tied up father. The fact that Troy’s father
really care about his kids, only caring person who worked very their plowing mule (“Greyboy”) wasn’t mad at his son for shirking
wanting them to learn to walk hard to provide for all eleven of and went to see a local girl he his duty at the fields, but for
so that they could help work his children—and perhaps we can was attracted to. Troy and the taking an incredibly young,
on his farm. Lyons responds, say the same thing of Troy. girl ended up settling by a prospective suitor away from
saying that Troy’s father Though Troy is often cruel to nearby creek, and started him, speaks to his father’s
should have just left and Cory, he nonetheless works a having sex. Greyboy, however, intense aggression and lack of
moved on, but Troy says he very grueling job day-in and day- had gotten loose and any stable sense of conscience or
couldn’t because of his eleven out to provide for his son; wandered back home, and so moral judgment—we can
kids. With a bit of pride and a perhaps, then, caught up in the Troy’s dad went looking for his therefore empathize with the
change of mood, Troy adds cycle of toughened and harsh son. Finding Troy with the difficulty of Troy’s youth.
that his father felt a fatherhood, Troy is just following thirteen-year-old girl, Troy’s
responsibility for his children in his father’s footsteps. father started whipping him 3 4
even though he mistreated with straps off Greyboy’s
them, and, if he hadn’t felt that 1 3 4
harness. Troy then ran to get
responsibility, he could have away, only to see that his
just walked away. father wasn’t mad because he
hadn’t done any farm work, but
because he wanted the little
girl for himself.

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Seeing his father rape the girl, The extreme violence and sheer Troy says he started stealing The full extent of Troy’s tragic
Troy says that “right there is disregard for the health and food to survive, then money, past continues to be revealed,
where I become a man,” and he safety of his own son (not to and that, after one thing led to and here we can see how the
started whipping his father mention the girl) is shocking, and another, he met Lyons’ mom effects of racism at the economic
with the reins that were used shows the bitterly distorted and (different than Rose). When level propelled him to commit
on him. The girl ran off, and cold character of Troy’s father. Lyons was born, Troy had to crime just in order to survive—to
Troy says his father was so Yet it also might give us a bit of start stealing three times as feed himself and his family. We
angry that he looked like the sympathy for Troy—compared to much—he says that, when he can see how a structurally racist
devil. All Troy remembers after the ogre of his own dad, Troy tried to rob a man one day, the society propelled him into a
that is waking up lying by the seems like a model father; man shot him in the chest, but future of imprisonment.
creek, with his dog Blue licking thought trapped in a cycle of as he pulled the trigger, Troy
his face—Troy says his face was mediocre fatherhood, perhaps jumped at him with his knife, 1
so swollen that he thought he’d Troy believes himself to be doing killing him. Troy explains that
gone blind. The only thing he the best he can in steering Cory this got him fifteen years in
knew to do, he concludes, was down the right path to prison, where he met Bono
to leave his father’s house. adulthood. and learned how to play
3 4
After Troy’s story, Lyons asks Troy continues to be crude to
Gabriel re-enters the yard The tragedy of Troy’s decision to him to come see his Rose in front of Bono, and Troy’s
with a sandwich Rose made leave home comes full circle: it performance later that justification—that Bono is like a
him, and Troy says that he meant the desertion of nearly his evening, but Troy says he’s too member of the family—seems
doesn’t know what happened entire family, and a radical old to hang out in the clubs inadequate. Troy has consistently
to his father, just that he hopes independence divorced from the Lyons frequents. Lyons leaves refused to heed his wife’s wish
he’s dead and found some life he had grown to know. While soon after, and Troy asks Rose that he not debase her in front of
peace. He says he lost touch it meant leaving his abusive if supper is ready, implying—in their friends. Further, Troy’s
with every sibling of his except father, it also meant years of front of Bono—that she should disinterest in his son’s career as a
Gabriel. Lyons, hearing this loneliness and hardship. hurry, since they’re overdue to musician suggests that he’s
story for the first time, is have sex. Embarrassed, Rose unjustified in criticizing Lyons so
surprised by how young Troy 3 4
objects to Troy’s crudeness, harshly, when he seems to know
was when he left home. but Troy says he’s known “this nothing about what he actually
Troy then explains that he The fact that Lyons doesn’t nigger,” Bono, for a very long does and how well he does it.
walked two-hundred miles believe his father when he talks time, and tells Bono he loves
him. Bono reciprocates Troy’s 3 4
from his home to Mobile, but about his two-hundred mile trip
Lyons doesn’t believe he made on-foot to Mobile affection, and leaves to get
him—Bono chimes in, and adds immediately tells us that Troy home to his wife, Lucille.
that walking was the only way has never revealed this personal
to get around in those days, in history to his thirty-four-year-old ACT 2: SCENE 1
1918. Troy says that, once he son. It’s as if Troy has been
The second act begins the Cory’s swinging of his father’s bat
got to Mobile, he realized it holding all of this inside for his
following morning. Cory is in is a gesture which symbolizes his
was impossible to find a job whole life, allowing it to fester,
the yard swinging a baseball attempt to fill his father’s
and a place to live, and that and telling tell tales to ward off
bat, trying to imitate his shoes—though he struggles, and
blacks were forced to live the harsh reality of his actual
father’s swing, but, Wilson isn’t sure in his swing. Whereas
beneath bridges on riverbanks past.
writes—in a note in the Troy exudes almost obnoxious
in makeshift shacks of sticks confidence, Cory isn’t able to
2 script—that Cory’s swing is
and tarpaper. muster up such hubris, as
awkward and less sure than
Troy’s. Rose enters the yard evidenced by his awkward swing.
from the house and asks for
Cory’s help with a cupboard, 3
and Cory says that he refuses
to quit the football team,
despite what his father says.

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Rose replies that she’ll talk to Rose continues to be a staunch Bono then tells Troy he’s seen Here, Bono officially confronts
Troy when he returns, ally of Cory’s, remaining where he and Alberta “all done Troy with the reality of his affair
explaining that he had to go to committed to his future as a got tight.” Troy asks what Bono with Alberta, and (typical of
the police station to check on football player. The arrest of means, and Bono explains that Troy), despite facing the truth of
Gabe, who was arrested for Gabe raises our suspicions since, he’s seen how Troy laughs and his actions, Troy continues to
disturbing the peace. Troy though he’s a bit odd and aloof, jokes with Alberta all the time believe he can live a lie, and
returns, with Bono, and says Gabe is nevertheless peaceful (where they meet for their persuade Bono that he’s not
that he bailed Gabe out by and well-meaning. romantic encounters). But doing anything out of the
paying fifty dollars. Troy tells Troy insists that he laughs and ordinary with Alberta.
Rose to go inside the house 4 jokes with all the women in his
and get Cory, since he wants life—yet Bono says that he 2 4
his help building the fence. means a different kind of
laughing and joking.
Bono starts to help Troy with Here, we see the real reason
sawing wood for the fence, and behind Gabe’s arrest—a racist Cory then enters the yard This is a very rare moment in the
Troy says that all the police scapegoating of a mentally-ill from the house, and Troy tells play—a moment where Troy
wanted, in arresting Gabe, was black man as a dangerous threat him that Bono is complaining actually expresses pride in his
money—that they’ve arrested to the public in order to make a that the wood’s too hard to son, Cory, for doing something
him six or seven times now, profit. It seems that this happens cut. Wanting to show off properly. It seems that Troy is
and they “stick out their hands” frequently, and that Troy always Cory’s strength, Troy tells only ever proud of his sons when
whenever they see Troy pays the price. Cory to show Bono “how it’s they perform manual labor to his
coming. done” and cut some wood. liking.
1 Bono admires the sense of
ease with which Cory works 3 4
Bono agrees with Troy that all Troy’s questioning of
the police care about is money. Bono—about how he could with the hard wood.
Bono then criticizes Troy for possibly know how long he’s Frustrated with building the Knowing that Troy is having an
using hard wood to build the going to live, since he might just fence, Cory questions why affair with Alberta, Bono is trying
fence (probably because he live forever—is yet another Rose even wants it built in the to make comments that
finds it difficult to cut), saying instant of Troy’s fantasizing, and first place. Supporting Rose, subliminally convince Troy he’s
that all he needs is soft it’s clear that Troy is no longer in Bono replies that, while some making a mistake by betraying
pine—but Troy insists that he a place to speak the truth about people build fences to keep Rose. Troy, however, can tell that
knows what he’s doing, and the reality of his past. Further, people out, some build them to Bono is fishing for something,
that pine wood is used for Troy’s insistence on using hard keep people in, and that Rose and is probably irritated that he
inside purposes only. But Bono wood can be read as a symbol for just wants to hold on to her can no longer keep up his fantasy
counters that a fence built his unnecessarily tough and family because she loves them. and/or ruse of fidelity.
with pine wood would last the hardened nature, and But this irritates Troy, who
rest of Troy’s lifetime. Troy, mistreatment of Cory. says that he doesn’t need 2 4
however, asks how Bono anyone to tell him that his wife
knows how long he’s going to 2 5
loves him.
live, and adds that he may just
live forever.

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Wanting a private moment Here, we see the seeds of Bono’s Troy says that he appreciates Finally, the tension between Troy
with Bono, Troy tells Cory to desire to follow Troy—the seeds Bono’s sentiments, and claims and Bono is resolved, and Troy
go into the house to get a saw. of his role as a follower, as August that, while he didn’t go out fully acknowledges that he has
Troy asks Bono what he meant Wilson writes at the beginning of looking for anything, and gotten attached to Alberta—even
by his comment about Rose the play, in their relationship. thinks that no woman though he seems to be honest
wanting to hold on to her Troy’s decision to commit himself compares with Rose, Alberta when he says he never fully
family, and Bono, believing to Rose inspired Bono, who has nonetheless stuck onto intended to.
Troy to be cheating on Rose, deemed Troy’s commitment as him, and that he can’t shake
tries to appeal to Troy’s better an act of high sensibility and her off. 4
judgment and love for Rose. mature judgement. Still as
Bono replies that Troy is Troy’s faith that his heart will
Bono says he’s known her and equally committed to Troy as a
ultimately the one responsible never steer him wrong—that his
Troy for nearly his whole life. friend many years later, Bono
for his actions, but Troy visceral feelings about things are
He remembers when they met, now feels the need to intervene
explains that he’s not ducking the ultimate guides for his moral
and adds that a lot of women in Troy’s misdeeds and steer him
any responsibility, claiming judgement—testify to his
were interested in Troy at the towards the path that most
that, “as long as it sets right in narcissism, and the fact that he is
time, but Bono knew that, reflects the sensibility he
my heart,” then he’s okay, and ill-equipped to distinguish
when Troy picked Rose, he witnessed in Troy as a younger
further, his heart is all he ever between reason and emotion,
made the right decision—that man.
listens to. His heart, Troy says, morality and his own fantasies.
he was a man of sense. Bono,
3 4 will always tell him right from
inspired by Troy’s decision, 2 5
wrong, and that he won’t ever
decided to start following him,
mistreat Rose, adding that he
thinking that following Troy’s
loves and respects her for all
mindset might take him
she’s added to his life.
somewhere in life. Troy, Bono
says, taught him a lot—to “take While Bono doesn’t doubt Bono continues trying to
life as it comes along and keep Troy’s love and respect for pinpoint the irrationality to
putting one foot in front of the Rose, he says he worries about Troy’s thinking, insisting that
other.” Bono finishes by telling what will happen when Rose there’s no way he can keep up his
Troy that Rose is a good finds out, since sooner or later high-wire act of juggling both
woman. it’s going to happen if he relationships without Rose
doesn’t drop Alberta and finding out, and that he had
Seeming still agitated by Bono’s awkwardly obvious
continues juggling both better drop Alberta if he wants to
Bono’s comment, Troy sauntering around the elephant
relationships. Troy replies that keep up his relationship with his
wonders what motive Bono in the room—that Troy is sleeping
he’s been trying to figure out wife.
has in saying all of this about with Alberta—continues, as he
how to work it out, and Bono,
Rose, but Bono denies having refuses to cite Troy’s affair as the 2 3 4
while he doesn’t want to get
anything particular on his reason for his comments about
caught up in Troy and Rose’s
mind. Troy is still unsatisfied by Rose. Yet Troy finally names his
personal business, encourages
this, however, and pushes misdeed, confessing to having an
Troy to “work it so it come out
Bono for an explanation, but affair with Alberta, and tries to
Bono has nothing to add—he fault Bono for accusing Troy of
just insists that Rose loves being a lesser man for
Troy. Troy thinks Bono is trying committing adultery. But Bono
to say that Rose is too good for assuages Troy’s reactionary
him—that he doesn’t measure response, and says that all he
up because he’s seeing cares about is the health of Troy
Alberta. Bono responds by and Rose’s relationship.
saying he knows how
important Rose is to Troy, 4
explaining that he just doesn’t
want to see him mess their
relationship up.

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Troy replies that he gets The two friends ultimately leave Rose tells Gabe to go inside Beginning the most dramatic
involved in Bono and Lucille’s on a friendly note, as Bono turns and get a piece of watermelon, exchanges of the entire play, Rose
business all the time and, the gravity of their conversation and after he leaves, Rose confronts Troy’s confession face-
confirming this, he asks Bono into a not-so-serious betting begins questioning Troy. She to-face, and stands her own
when he’s going to buy Lucille game. The fact that Bono leaves wonders why, after all these ground to the man who
the refrigerator she’s been to get home to Lucille—whom he years, Troy’s just now bringing frequently talks down to and
wanting. Bono replies that usually leaves the Maxson this upon her—she could have debases her, and who has now
once Troy finishes building the household for—underscores his expected this ten or fifteen admitted to the greatest betrayal
fence for Rose, he’ll buy Lucille dedication to his wife (a years ago, she says, but not of her dedication. Rose is not
her refrigerator. Bono then dedication modeled, as we have now. Troy says that age has oblivious to such philandering
leaves to get back to Lucille, learned, after how he views nothing to do with it, and Rose tendencies in Troy, claiming that
saying that he wants to see Troy’s relation to Rose) in starts to stand up for herself. she would not have been
Troy put the fence up by opposition to Troy’s adultery. She says she’s tried to be the surprised to have heard such a
himself in order to save his best wife possible, and that confession earlier in their
money, since it will take Troy 3 4 she’s never wanted anything marriage, but she had faith that
another six months to finish it “half” (like Troy’s new baby) in Troy matured.
without him. her family, since her whole
family growing up was “half,” 2 4
Rose then enters the yard Rose continues to harp on Troy
and she finds it frustrating
from the house, and asks Troy about Gabe being
when she tries to talk with her
why the police arrested Gabe, institutionalized, but he refuses
brother and sisters about their
and what’s going to happen to to heed her arguments. He still
parents. Troy tells Rose to stop
him. Troy tells her he was seems to believe he has some
making a fuss, insisting that
arrested for disturbing the fundamental responsibility to
she ought to know what’s
peace, and that a judge set up a Gabe, at least at this point in the
going on, but she exclaims that
hearing for him in three weeks. play, both because of Gabe’s
she doesn’t want to know.
Rose adds that she thinks it activities in the war and for the
would be good for him to be money he (inadvertently) Troy adds that he can’t make Rose not only insists that Troy
put in the hospital, but Troy provided Troy. anything go away—that he’s can’t simply renounce his
says Gabe should be free—that already done the deed and he actions—that he can’t wish them
it wouldn’t be right for anyone 4 can’t wish it away—but Rose away--but also that he likely
to lock him up, since his life counters by saying that he doesn’t want them to go away.
was ruined by fighting a doesn’t want it to go away. This is powerful: Rose sees
pointless war. Maybe, she says, Troy wants to through Troy’s lies and rhetoric.
wish all their eighteen years She knows Troy probably doesn’t
Rose then tells Troy to come Leading up to perhaps the most
together and their boy, Cory, feel much remorse, and that he
inside for lunch, but he says he powerful moment of the entire
away—but he can’t do that, she has little regard for the life he’s
has something to tell her—he play, just as Troy informs Rose of
says, because her life is built with Rose.
confesses that he’s going to be his adultery, the gravity of his
invested in him. She adds that
a father. Shocked, Rose cannot declaration gets intersected by 2 4
he ought to have stayed in her
believe that Troy is telling her the ignorant whimsy of Gabe’s
bed, where he belonged.
this, and—suddenly—Gabe presence, who, unknowingly,
enters the scene, with a rose in offers Rose a timely dash of
his hand. He offers Rose the comfort with a rose. Troy and
flower, and she thanks him; he Rose’s heated moment is nerve-
then asks Troy if he’s mad at gratingly suspended by their
him since “them bad mens momentary dialogue with Gabe.
come and put [him] away.” Troy
denies being mad at Gabe, and 4
tries to continue his
conversation with Rose, but
she says there’s nothing he can
say to explain his actions.

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Troy insists that “we”—he and Here Troy’s narcissism explicitly After Rose proclaims that it After Rose firmly asserts that it
Rose—can get a handle on rears its head again, when he was her job, as his wife, to take was her duty to take care of Troy,
their dispute, but Rose asks speaks about how Alberta gives care of Troy—and that she’d and that she tried with all her
where this “we” that Troy is him a different sense of himself, a tried to all her life—Troy says energy to do so, Troy starts
bringing up was when he was freedom of expression which he that he always tried all his life spouting more of his
sleeping with Alberta. Troy feels is hindered by his family at to be decent, and that he tried euphemisms about “striking out,”
responds by saying that home. Instead of being bogged to be a good husband, the best which suggests a fundamental
Alberta gives him a different down with the everyday tasks of he could. But also, he adds, one divorce on his behalf from the
idea about who he his—that being a father and husband, with is born with “two strikes” gravity of Rose’s feelings.
Alberta lets him get away from Alberta, he can let loose and be before you arrive in the world, Content with explaining his
the pressures and problems he someone else. and one must guard this very actions in obscure metaphors
feels in his own home. With closely—for you cannot afford about the necessity of living life
Alberta, he says, he doesn’t 2 4 another strike. Troy adds that, to the fullest, Troy seems
have to worry about such with everything lined up detached from Rose’s real pain.
mundane things as paying against you, you must “go out
bills—he just gets to be “a part swinging.” He concludes that, 2 4
of myself that I ain’t never when he left the penitentiary,
been.” nothing could make him strike-
out anymore—that he was
Rose replies, wondering This narcissism which steers Troy
going to look after Rose and
whether Troy intends to keep away from his commitments to
the boy they had.
seeing her or not, and he says his family continues to show
that he can’t give up the itself, as Troy says he can’t Rose tells Troy he should have Troy’s insensitivity comes to a
laughter and joy which Alberta possibly give up his relationship stayed in her bed, and Troy pinnacle here, when he claims
helps him to feel. After Rose with Alberta. Troy, however, tries responds that, when he saw that Rose should understand
suggests that Troy leave her to cover up his selfishness by Alberta, “she firmed up my why he went for Alberta—but
for Alberta, since she’s insisting that he took so much backbone.” Arguing that, after Rose won’t budge, rejecting
apparently a better woman care of Rose that he stopped eighteen years, Rose should Troy’s excuses by powerfully
than her, Troy tries to defuse taking care of himself. understand that he’d want to affirming that his duty as a
her. He says that a man could “steal second”—to have sex husband was to hold onto her,
not ask for a better wife than 2 4 with Alberta—Rose shuts Troy and no other woman.
Rose, but that he locked down, exclaiming that he
himself into a pattern where, should have held onto her. 2 4
being so concerned with taking
care of her, he forgot to take
care of himself.

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Troy responds by saying that Troy keeps deploying his odd, ACT 2: SCENE 2
he’d stood on first base for emotionally detached baseball
The second scene occurs six Rose tries to reach out one last
eighteen years with Rose, and, metaphors, and finally Rose
months later; Troy enters the time to Troy, and see if he’ll re-
finally thought that, “well denounces them, saying that
yard from the house and, commit himself to her and their
goddamn it . . . go on for it!” But they have nothing to do with
before he can leave, Rose relationship with fidelity. We can
Rose counters, saying that Troy’s betrayal of their
appears from inside, and says assume that, for the past six
nothing they’re talking about relationship. She affirms her
she wants to talk. Troy asks her months, Troy has continued his
has to do with baseball. Troy commitment to Troy and hard
why, after months of not relationship with Alberta,
continues to argue with Rose, work and devotion as a wife once
communicating, she suddenly refusing to re-cultivate his
and insists that she’s not more—this is perhaps the most
wants to speak with him. Rose, monogamy with Rose. By asking
listening to him. But Rose powerful moment of the play.
wanting to reach out to her Troy to come straight home to
maintains that she’s been Finally, after all this time of Troy’s
husband, responds by saying her, Rose is simply asking for his
standing with Troy for excessively, undeservedly large
that she wants Troy to come devotion again, his sincere
eighteen years and, further, presence in all of his
home tomorrow, commitment to the cause of their
she has a life of her own. She relationships, Rose takes a stand
Friday—straight home, to her, relationship, but Troy, as usual,
tells Troy that she has eighteen against his daunting stature, and
and not anywhere or anybody disregards her concern.
years of her own life—of her affirms that she has her own
else. But Troy dismisses her
own dreams and hopes—and hopes and dreams, and her own 4
sincere plea, saying that he
suggests to Troy that, though needs to be fulfilled—but that she
always comes home after
she’s had her own fantasies did her duty as a wife by putting
work, and further: since Friday
with other men, she’s never her husband and family first.
is his payday, he’ll want to cash
played-into them, always
2 4 his check and hang out at the
putting her responsibilities to
local bar with his friends.
her family first. She concludes
that, ultimately, she planted Rose tells Troy that she can’t Rose is reaching her wit’s end in
herself inside of Troy to bloom, keep living like this—alone, being able to tolerate Troy’s
despite her most intimate distanced from her husband, continued relationship with
needs. She says that, though always wondering where he is Alberta, and Troy persists in his
she knew the soil of Troy’s (and imagining that he’s always utter disregard for Rose’s feelings,
world was rocky, she with Alberta). But he dashing over the nuance of what
nonetheless gave everything continues to reject her she’s saying by insisting that he
to his world in order to love concerns, and insists that he always comes home (eventually).
and support him. comes home every night, By asking the powerful question
missing Rose’s whole point about her own enjoyment, Rose
Troy responds by telling Rose Troy shows his brutality and
(that she wants him to continues to affirm herself in the
that she says he takes and abusive nature as
prioritize coming straight face of Troy’s disregard.
never gives—and he grabs her, he—threatened by Rose’s
home, to her and her alone).
painfully, by the arm. Rose tells assertion of her 3 4
She then asks him, powerfully,
Troy that he’s hurting her, but independence—tries to quell the
“What about me? When’s my
he doesn’t care—he only says fact that she has the upper hand
time to enjoy life?”
that she has falsely accused in their argument, though he
him of taking and not giving, postures his anger as being
concluding that he’s given her motivated by Rose’s inability to
everything he’s got. Before understand him. Cory boldly
they get into an even nastier asserts himself against Troy,
fight, Cory enters the scene showing his love for his mother
and wrestles with his father, at the same time.
ultimately gaining the upper
hand. In response, Troy tells 2 3 4
Cory that he’s “struck out” for
the second time—and that he
better not provoke him again.

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Troy, still resisting any genuine Troy’s hypocrisy emerges again Troy responds by saying that Troy’s tendency towards
communication with Rose, here: after all the time he spent he’s not pushing anyone away, fantasizing about death
says that he’s on his way to see defending Gabe against Rose’s and asks Rose to give him resurfaces here—unable to
Alberta at the hospital, since it opinion that it would be good for some room to breathe and accept that Alberta died due to
looks like she’s going to have him to be institutionalized, Troy process Alberta’s death. Rose chance circumstances pertaining
the baby early. Rose then tells has finally caved in on his leaves, and Troy addresses Mr. to childbirth (and also that, by
him that Gabe has been advocacy for Gabe’s Death. Speaking to his own impregnating her, Troy played
institutionalized—locked up in freedom—the motivation being personified phantom of death, some role in her death), Troy
a psychiatric ward—and that money. Troy, at this point, seems Troy challenges Mr. Death, projects a sinister, personified
she read in the newspaper that to have just about betrayed saying that he’s going to build a form onto a figure of death who
Troy arranged it all. But Troy everyone around him except fence around his yard to keep has personal motivations and
denies any involvement in Bono. Troy’s signing of Gabe’s him out, and that Death had consciously interferes in Troy’s
Gabe’s detainment, and says hospital papers is ironic, as it better bring his army and life to make it more difficult.
that the newspaper is lying. signs Gabe into a lack of wrestling clothes. Troy says
Rose accuses Troy of treating freedom, whereas not signing that their fight is between 2 3 4 5
Gabe just like he treated Cory’s recruitment papers had them, and nobody else, and
Cory—he betrayed them both. something of a similar effect: of that when Death is ready for
Whereas Troy wouldn’t sign limiting Cory’s future horizons. him, he should come and knock
Cory’s recruitment papers, he on Troy’s front door.
was willing to sign the papers 2 4
for Gabe’s hospitalization. ACT 2: SCENE 3
Rose adds that Troy will profit
from sending Gabe away, since The next scene occurs three It seems that Troy really will stop
he’ll get half of his brother’s days later, in the evening. Rose at no end, and will—despite
money. is inside the house, listening to having basically ignored Rose for
the ball game, awaiting Troy. the past six months in favor of
The telephone inside Troy and Troy’s accusation of Rose—that When Troy enters the yard, Alberta—nonetheless ask her to
Rose’s home rings, and Rose she’s petty—is ironically he’s carrying his newborn child mother his and Alberta’s
goes to answer it. She returns, hypocritical, and another (Raynell), and calls to Rose. daughter. It seems that Rose has
and we learn that it was the demonstration of his ability to She enters from the house, and reached her limit, that she’s given
hospital calling: Alberta died fundamentally sever himself stands on the porch. Egging up on Troy entirely, and her
during childbirth. The baby—a from the reality around him, and her on to help him raise his refusal to give in to Troy’s pleas
girl—is okay, and healthy. Rose proclaim himself to be the one in child, Troy tells Rose that his seems like a powerful desertion
says she wonders who will the right—the one who’s worked daughter is motherless and of him.
bury Alberta, and Troy accuses the hardest and been the most doesn’t know anything about
her of being petty, caring only virtuous. “grownups’ business,” meaning 3 4
about whether Alberta had his own affair with Alberta.
insurance. But Rose denies 2 4
But Rose rejects him, and asks,
meaning anything of the sort. “What you telling me for,
She then asserts herself, telling Troy?” She then re-enters the
Troy, “I am your wife. Don’t house.
push me away.”

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Troy then sits down on the Rose’s kindness and empathy Troy enters the yard, and he One of the most significant
porch with his infant daughter ultimately lead her to give in to and Cory eye one another; moments of the play, Troy’s
(Raynell), and says that he isn’t Troy’s plea—but she qualifies her Cory puts the bat down, and statement about everyone ‘going
sorry for anything he’s done, willingness to take care of exits the yard. As Troy goes to out’ speaks to the failure of the
since it felt right in his heart. Raynell as having nothing to do enter the house, Rose exits it fence he built to keep his family
He asks Raynell why she’s with her love for Troy. Rose feels with Raynell, carrying a cake. together.
smiling, saying that he’s scared bad for Raynell, who she knows is Troy says to her: “I’m coming in
since they don’t have a home at innocent, but she does not show and everybody’s going out.” 4
the moment. Rose then enters any sympathy for Troy.
Troy then reaches into his Here, we see that the tables have
from the house again, and Troy Ultimately, she does desert Troy.
pocket and grabs some money turned—whereas Troy used to
begs her to help him take care
3 4 to give Rose, and she tells him pursue his own life and disregard
of Raynell. Rose agrees to help,
to put it on the table. Troy then Rose’s, now it’s the other way
since Raynell is innocent, and
asks her when she’ll be coming around. By refusing to tell Troy
tells him “you can’t visit the
back home, but she disregards where she’s going, and telling him
sins of the father upon the
his concern, saying that he that his dinner is on the stove, it
child.” She then adds: “From
shouldn’t bother asking—it seems that Rose now only feels
right now . . . this child got a
doesn’t matter when she obligated to Troy in the way he
mother. But you a womanless
comes back. This angers Troy; used to with her: as strictly a
he tries to demand an answer, provider, and nothing more. Rose
but Rose just tells him that his continues to carry out what she
ACT 2: SCENE 4 dinner is on the stove, and all must think to be her minimal
The fourth scene occurs two Even about a year from the he needs to do is heat it up. duty as someone who lives with
months later. Lyons enters the beginning of the play, Lyons is Rose then exits the yard, and Troy—and later she will affirm to
yard from the street, and still borrowing money from Troy, Troy, sitting down on the steps, Cory that familial bonds
knocks on the door of the suggesting his continued failure takes a bottle of alcohol out shouldn’t be disregarded.
Maxson household, calling for to really launch his career as a from his pocket, and
commences drinking and 4
Rose. He asks her where Troy musician.
is—he wants to pay his father singing.
back twenty dollars. Rose says 3 4
As Troy sings the song about Even though Troy got hired as a
Troy will be back any minute, his old dog Blue, Bono enters truck driver, we can infer that
but Lyons replies that he has to the yard. Bono says he wanted he’s the only black worker at his
pick up his girlfriend, Bonnie, to visit with Troy, since he company to do so—further, he
so Rose tells him to put his barely sees him anymore, ever hasn’t used his confidence and
money on the table. since Troy got the promotion. rhetorical powers at work to help
As Lyons heads to leave, Cory Lyons’ failure to make his Bono says he’s going to retire Bono get hired as a driver. It’s as
enters the scene, and Lyons brother’s graduation seems like in two years, and Troy agrees if he’s only advocated for equality
apologizes for not making another example of his lack of that he’s considering it too. But at work in order to serve himself,
Cory’s graduation, explaining maturity and ability to Bono challenges Troy, saying not really in the service of justice
that he had a gig during it. successfully organize his life. that he could easily drive for at all.
Cory says he’s trying to find a Further, Lyons’ suggestion that another five years—Bono’s
stuck hauling heavy garbage. 1 2
job, and Lyons empathizes with Cory get a job through Troy is
him about how much of a ironic, since he’s consistently
struggle it is to find work. refused to do so himself.
Lyons tells Cory to talk to Troy,
saying that he’ll be able to get 2 3 4
Cory a job. Lyons leaves, and
Cory goes over to the tree in
the yard, and picks up his
father’s baseball bat.

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Troy says that driving the Troy and Bono’s interaction Cory then enters the yard, Troy seems like he’s itching to get
garbage truck isn’t the same as seems to reveal that a distance, and, once again, he and Troy into an argument with Cory, just
hauling garbage, since you has grown between the two. Yet eye each other. Cory tries to because. Troy gets incredibly
have no one to talk to, and despite Troy’s ultimate refusal to go into the house, but Troy is irritated over what probably
then he asks how Lucille, rectify things with Rose—which blocking the entrance; after counts as minor disrespect on
Bono’s wife, is doing. Bono was his advice—Bono still accusing Troy of blocking him, Cory’s part—though it’s unclear,
says Lucille is doing alright, remains committed to the Troy reprimands Cory. Troy from the text, who is in the right
despite her arthritis. Troy then friendship. Further, Bono seems says that the house is his, since (though Troy’s judgment is
offers Bono a drink of his gin, to be becoming more confident, he bought and paid for it—he impaired because of
but Bono resists, saying he just probably because of witnessing tells Cory that he ought to say alcohol)—and blows something
wanted to stop by and say his hero—Troy—devolve into a “excuse me.” But Cory persists trivial into a big fight. This speaks
hello—he has a dominoes game less than ideal person. Like Bono in trying to get past Troy, and to Cory’s evolved sense of
to make at a friend’s house. challenging Troy (in the previous Troy grabs his son’s leg, confidence and autonomy in the
But Troy argues with Bono, paragraph) by suggesting he shoving him back. Troy then face of his father, from whom he
saying that Bono can’t play work five more years, Bono accuses Cory of trying to walk used to shrink in fear—but now,
dominoes—that he always asserts himself here against over him, and Cory asserts however, he’s declaring that he
used to beat Bono at the game. Troy’s taunts that he can’t play that the house belongs to him has an equal right to live in the
Yet Bono says he learned from dominoes. Also of note is that as well, and that he’s not afraid house, and also, crucially, that
Troy, and is getting better. He Bono is just ‘stopping by,’ of Troy. The two get into a he’s not afraid of his father.
tells Troy to stop by his house now—he doesn’t hang around to heated argument. Cory resists
sometime, and Troy says that drink with Troy as he used to, and Troy’s accusation that he was 3 4
he learned from Rose that insists that he has to get to a walking over his father, and
Bono finally bought Lucille a meeting with other, perhaps new, declares that he was simply
refrigerator. Bono affirms this, friends. trying to walk past Troy as he
saying that—since Troy finally sang drunkenly to himself. This
built the fence—he figured he 3 4 infuriates Troy, who’s in
ought to keep up the deal the disbelief that Cory didn’t say
two made earlier, and buy his “excuse me.”
wife the fridge. Bono exits,
Troy then tells Cory that he’s Cory’s assertion of “that’s right,”
after Troy tells him to take care
out of line—that, because he’s and his comment that his father
and promises to “stop over”
grown up, he suddenly thinks is always talking about such
some time.
his father doesn’t count, and so “dumb stuff” as how and to what
Cory doesn’t have to say things extent his son does/does not
like “excuse me” anymore. Cory comport with his authority,
says “that’s right,” and criticizes suggest that he’s begun to see
Troy for “always talking this through Troy’s ways of
dumb stuff,” and asks Troy to manipulating him and making
get out of his way. When Troy him feel unequal and subservient
accuses Cory of being as a person. Further, Cory’s bold
ungrateful for all he gave to his claim that Troy never gave him
son, Cory argues back, saying anything shows that Cory has
that Troy never gave him psychologically evolved to realize
anything—that all Troy ever his own self-worth, and how his
did was try to make his son father failed to nourish it.
afraid of his authority. Cory
explains that, growing up, he 2 3 4
was terrified of his father, and
that Rose—though she tries to
stand up to Troy—is afraid too.

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Troy tells Cory to leave Rose Cory continues to talk back to ACT 2: SCENE 5
out of their argument, and Troy, which truly demonstrates
The last scene of the play August Wilson’s decision to not
advances towards his son in his lack of fear and the intensity
occurs in 1965, eight years make Troy’s death an actual,
rage. Cory exclaims: “What you of his anger. Cory’s assertion that
after its beginning. Troy has real-time moment of the play has
gonna do . . . give me a Troy doesn’t really own the yard
died, and it’s the morning of his the effect of making Troy’s death
whupping? You can’t whup me is the last straw for Troy,
funeral. Rose, Bono, and seem almost trivial or
no more. You’re too old,” and probably because it hits at the
Raynell (now seven years old) superfluous—like an after-effect
Troy shoves him. Troy yells at core of his hypocritical ways,
are gathered at the Maxson of something larger and more
Cory, telling him to get out of such that Troy has no defense
household. Raynell is in the important. Further, with the
his yard, but Cory corrects against it. All Troy can do is tell
yard, next to a garden which sudden, off-stage vanishing of
him, saying that it’s not really Cory to leave.
she’s planted; Rose calls her to Troy and the now on-stage
his father’s yard, since Troy
1 3 4 get dressed for the funeral, gathering of all his family, the
stole Gabe’s money to pay for
and Raynell wonders why her distance between Troy and his
it. Even more infuriated, Troy
garden hasn’t grown. Rose family/friends before his death is
advances on Cory, telling him
responds by saying that it isn’t amplified.
to get his “black ass” out of his
going to grow overnight.
yard. Cory picks up the 4 5
baseball bat.
Cory enters the yard, dressed The marks of his father’s anger
Cory says that he isn’t going Perhaps more significant than in a Marine corporal’s uniform, and stubbornness seem to be
anywhere, and swings the bat the action of Cory and Troy’s and August Wilson describes written across Cory’s evolved,
at Troy, who backs across the fight is Troy’s declaration that his posture as being distinctly matured self—he’s become the
yard. Cory misses, but then Cory’s possessions will be on the militant, adding that Cory disciplined and no-nonsense man
swings again—and Troy says other side of the fence when he speaks with a “clipped which his father never was.
that, if Cory wants to draw the returns for them. Once again, the sternness.” Cory says “hi” to
bat on him, that he’s only going fence has failed to hold the Raynell—Raynell doesn’t 3 4
to succeed in hitting his father Maxson family together—it’s remember him—and asks if her
if he swings with the intent of instead come to serve as a
mother is home. Rose comes
killing him. Troy then sticks his reference point for their division.
to the door to see Cory, and is
head out as a vulnerable, bare Troy invokes the fence in order to
shocked to see him—we get
target, but Cory can’t execute express that Cory has been
the sense that it’s been several
the would-be fatal swing, and expelled from the territory within
years since they were united.
Troy wrestles him for the bat. it, and that, from now on, his
Threatening to hit Cory with home is outside the fence. As Rose and Cory embrace, Cory’s new stature and military
the bat, Troy stops himself, and Bono and Lyons enter the garb must impress Bono and
orders Cory to leave his house. 3 4 yard—they’re both impressed Lyons, who knew the uncertain
Cory tells him to let Rose by Cory’s accomplishments in and unstable atmosphere of his
know that he’ll be back for his the military. Rose says she’s youth—despite all of that, Cory
things, and Troy responds that very glad that Cory made it to has made something of himself
all of Cory’s possessions will the funeral, and adds that (although not what he originally
“be on the other side of that Gabe is still in the hospital, and wanted to), whereas Lyons has
fence.” she’s not sure if he’s going to seemingly failed.
be allowed to attend Troy’s
Cory exits, and Troy assumes a Troy once again addresses his
funeral or not. 3 4
batting stance, and starts to invented figure of death
taunt Mr. Death. Troy shouts immediately following a personal
at Death, egging him on: tragedy—whereas last time it
“Come on! It’s between you was in response to the loss of
and me now! Come on! Alberta, now Troy is responding
Anytime you want . . . but I ain’t to the (less lethal) loss of his son.
gonna be easy.” The lights go
down, ending the scene. 3 4 5

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Bono leaves to go help at the The juxtaposition of Lyons’s Raynell re-enters the yard The fact that Troy died while
church where Troy’s funeral failure to make something of his from the house, and says “hi” swinging a baseball bat ironically
will be held, and Rose re- future and Cory’s success is to Cory, asking him if he used harks back to his “striking out”
introduces Raynell to Cory. further amplified, as we get new to sleep in her room. Cory says anecdote, his career as a baseball
Rose then tells Raynell to get information: Lyons no longer yes—it used to be his player which was cut short, and
ready for the funeral, and they struggles just to launch a failed room—and Rose comes to the the fact that he would swing his
both exit into the house. Lyons music career, but has followed in door, telling Raynell to put on bat at “Mr. Death” when
mentions that he’s heard Cory the footsteps of his father and her good shoes for the funeral. addressing “him.” Further, Cory’s
is thinking about getting turned to crime in order to make Raynell exits into the house, unwillingness to go to Troy’s
married, and Cory affirms this, ends meet, despite being in and Rose tells Cory that Troy funeral speaks to his desire to
saying he thinks he’s “found circumstances where other died swinging his baseball bat. wash himself of his father, of the
the right one.” Lyons adds that opportunities are available Then, with great stains Troy made on Cory’s
he and Bonnie have been split (unlike in his father’s time). Lyons hesitation—mirroring his life—and this suggests that Cory
up for four years, and that he has refused still, to this day, to father’s reluctance to tell Rose feels he hasn’t fully escaped the
always knew Cory was going get any job outside of music. that he’d had an affair with grips of his father. Rose’s
to make something of himself. Alberta—Cory tells Rose that insistence that Cory attend
Cory says he’s been with the 2 4 he’s not going to Troy’s funeral. speaks to her opinion that there’s
army for six years, and Lyons Rose, however, won’t accept something permanent about
says he was sentenced to this, and insists that Cory familial bonds.
three years in jail for cashing attend. Even if he and his
other people’s checks. father didn’t always see eye to 3 4 5
eye, she says, Cory needs to
Cory asks if Lyons is still Lyons’ continued commitment to
put it aside. Rose adds that
playing music, and Lyons says music raises the question if, over
disrespecting Troy won’t make
that he and some of his the years, he’s developed a more
Cory a man.
inmates have formed a band, authentic appreciation for it—or
and that they’re going to try whether he’s still caught up in the Cory responds by saying that, Rose’s comment that Cory is just
and stay together when they image of being a musician. growing up, Troy was a like Troy, and that he has Troy
get out—he says that music Further, it’s remarkable that the shadow that “weighed on you deeply embedded within his
still helps him to get out of bed two do not discuss their father’s and sunk into your flesh”—a personality, seems to suggest
in the morning. Lyons then death whatsoever—they grieve in shadow that tried to crawl into that she thinks Cory’s attempts
exits to eat the breakfast silence, and whether it’s Troy’s him and live through him. He to outrun the imprint Troy left on
which Rose has prepared, death which they grieve is says that, everywhere he his life is futile—that he should
asking, briefly, if Cory is doing debatable: they might just be looked, Troy was looking back accept Troy for who he was, and
alright—Cory nods, and grieving their own childhoods. at him, and that he just wants acknowledge his massive
August Wilson writes that they to find a way to get rid of his influence.
“share a moment of silent 2 3 4 5 father’s shadow. Rose replies:
grief.” “You just like him. You got him 3 4 5
in you good.”
Rose continues, saying that Rose pivots somewhat around
the shadow Cory mentioned her previous point, though,
was just Cory growing into clarifying that the reason Cory’s
himself—that it had nothing to attempts to outrun Troy are futile
do with Troy. She adds that is that what Cory imagines Troy
Troy wanted Cory to be to be is really Cory himself—not
everything he wasn’t, but, at actually Troy in reality. Her
the same time, Troy tried to advocacy for Troy—that Troy
make Cory into everything he truly wanted more good than
was. She says that she doesn’t harm—suggests that, with time
know whether Troy was right and age, she’s grown to have
or wrong, but that he at least empathy for Troy’s actions.
meant to do more good than
harm. 3 4 5

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Rose then goes into a long Rose’s beautiful and heartfelt Gabriel then enters the scene, Gabriel’s last, rather apathetic
description of her own description of why she married and Rose, Cory, and Lyons are expression is a testament to his
relationship with Troy. She Troy, and the problems which delighted to see him. Gabriel devotion to the order of God as
says that she married him in unfolded in their marriage, announces that “it’s time to tell being the prime executor of
order to fill the emptiness in demonstrate that she’s come to a St. Peter to open the gates.” He judgment—of whether Troy does
her life—she thought his decisive conclusion about why then asks Troy’s spirit if he’s or does not deserve to enter
energy would fill her to the she and Troy lost touch with each ready, and pulls out his trusty heaven. While Gabriel seems
point of bursting. However, other. Rose, in retrospect, regrets trumpet of judgment. Gabriel initially shocked at the moment
once they were married, she sacrificing herself so much for braces himself, ready to when, we can infer, he witnesses
didn’t make enough room for the marriage—for not voicing her produce a glorious sound with Troy’s sentencing to hell, he
herself—Troy, with his hefty own opinions, desires, and his instrument, but no sound ultimately shrugs it off in a
presence, took up all of her life values, and for constantly comes from it. August Wilson strange and gleeful but
and her home. All Rose did was catering to Troy’s demanding and describes “a weight of simultaneously serious sense of
sacrifice herself for Troy, “give overbearing nature. Never met impossible description” rapture—that’s just the way, he
up little pieces” of her life, and halfway by Troy, Rose eventually befalling Gabriel—“a trauma concludes, God and judgment
watch Troy grow from it. She became detached from her own that a sane and normal mind work. Though Gabriel appears as
adds that, by the time Raynell sense of self. would be unable to an insane man, this ability of his
was born, she and Troy had withstand”—a painful to think about judgment from an
lost touch with each other. The 4 5 realization of some kind, likely unbiased perspective suggests he
phone rings, and Rose that Troy failed to enter isn’t entirely without wisdom.
concludes that she took heaven. Gabriel then begins to
Raynell under her wing in an dance hysterically, and when 2 4 5
attempt to relive part of her Lyons attempts to embrace
life—to have one of the babies him, he pushes him away.
she always wanted but never Ending the play, upon finishing
had. his dance, Gabriel announces:
“That’s the way that go!”
Raynell enters the yard, and When Cory fills in the words
tells Rose that the reverend is which Raynell doesn’t remember,
it’s as if he’s playing the role of a
on the phone. Rose exits into
the house, and Raynell once guardian and teacher to Raynell
again says “hi” to Cory. She in a way that’s unique to himself, It's easy to cite LitCharts for use in academic papers and reports.
asks Cory if he knew untouched by Troy’s brooding
Blue—Troy’s dog—and they authority. Though they sing MLA CIT
both begin singing the song Troy’s favorite song, and though Iffland, William. "Fences." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 1 Feb 2017.
Troy’s father created about he lives on through their singing, Web. 1 Feb 2017.
him. Whenever Raynell can’t Cory takes the song over: by
remember the lyrics, Cory fills filling-in the words, he actively
them in for her. Rose then permits its oral history to last, CHICA
comes to the door, and while taking over his father’s Iffland, William. "Fences." LitCharts LLC, February 1, 2017.
announces that they’re going place. Retrieved February 1, 2017.
to be ready to leave for the
funeral soon. 3 4

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