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2005-17 questions by Shahroze Ahmed, N-66, NMU
2018-22 questions by RABEET HABIB & SHAHAB ZAFAR from BATCH ’25, AIMC

Introduction and Osteology

1. Name the fontanelles of skull.
2. Give clinical significance of anterior fontanelle.
3. Mention the anatomy of pterion. What is its significance?

Scalp, Temple and Face

1. What is the dangerous triangle of face? What vein drains this area? Why is it
called the dangerous triangle of face?
2. Trace the secretomotor fibers for lacrimal gland.
3. With your knowledge of attachment of layers of scalp, explain the following
a) Gapping of scalp wound
b) Danger area of scalp
c) Black eye
4. Give anatomical justification of scalp wounds bleeding profusely.
5. Enlist arteries supplying scalp. In which layer of scalp do they run?
6. Draw and label cutaneous nerve supply of face and scalp.
7. Give the formation of facial vein and how it communicates with the cavernous
sinus. Give its clinical significance.

8. 1.Define surgery for a malignant parotid tumor in a 69years old woman the
temporal branch of facial nerve is lacerated
A) Name the muscles which will paralyzed

B) Give origin, insertion and action of orbicularis oculi muscle

9. Draw and label the cutaneous supply of the face

10. Following surgery for cancer of submandibular gland, a 50 years old female
presented with loss of general sensations in anterior part of the tongue. Name the
structure damaged during surgery in this case, Mentioning its relation to the
submandibular gland

11. Define danger area of face. Give its clinical significance

12. A) Justify the following statements with your anatomical knowledge

• Scalp wound bleed profusely

• laceration can be fatal

A) draw and label sensory supply of face

13. A) 58 years old woman comes to the hospital and complaints of progressive
loss of voice, loss of taste on the back part of her tongue and difficulty in shrugging
her shoulder. Her MRI scan reveals a dural meningioma that compresses the
nerves leaving the skull.

Name the nerves affected and foramen through which these nerves leave the skull

14. . Manzar fell from the university auditorium while fixing a painting on the wall.
He sustained multiple lacerations and was bleeding profusely from scalp. he was
shifted to the hospital to manage his scalp

A) Enlist layers of scalp and explain why do superficial wounds tend to bleed
B) Why are deep scalp wounds potentially dangerous.

Side of the Neck

1. How external jugular vein is formed?
2. What is the clinical significance of external jugular vein?
3. Name the facial layers of deep cervical fascia.
4. Enumerate contents of carotid sheath. Give its superior and inferior
communication with significance.

5. During thyroidectomy, superior thyroid artery is ligated close to the upper pole
of thyroid gland whereas the inferior thyroid artery is ligated away from the
inferior pole. Why

6. Describe carotid sheath.

7. What is carotid sheath How it is formed

Anterior Triangle of the Neck

1. Write the boundaries and contents of carotid triangle.
2. Enumerate the branches of external carotid artery.
3. Which of the branches of external carotid artery enter the pterygopalatine
fossa? Give its route of entry.
4. Name the boundaries and contents of the digastrics triangle.

Parotid Region
1. Give the reason for radiation of pain from jaw to ear and forehead of same side
in a patient with swelling of parotid gland.
2. Where does parotid duct open within the buccal cavity?
3. What are the relations of various surfaces of the parotid gland?
4. Name the structures lying within the parotid gland.
5. Give nerve supply of parotid gland

Temporal and Infratemporal Regions

1. Name the movements produced at temporomandibular joint and the muscles
responsible for producing these movements.
2. Name the ligaments of temporomandibular joint.
3. What is the nerve supply of temporomandibular joint?
4. Name the bones contributing in formation of temporomandibular joint.
5. In a tabulated manner, enumerate and give the actions of and nerve supply of
muscles of mastication.
6. Trace the parasympathetic root of the otic ganglion giving distribution of its
secretomotor fibers.
7. Name the cranial nerves related to otic ganglion functionally and
8. List the branches of first part of maxillary artery.
9. Describe the branch of maxillary artery that serves as main supply of dura

Submandibular Region
1. Mention the relation of lingual nerve to the submandibular gland.

Structures in the Neck

1. What are the relations of various surfaces of the lobes of thyroid gland?
2. What is the venous drainage and lymphatic drainage of the thyroid glands?
3. Name the arteries supplying the thyroid gland. From where these arteries arise

Prevertebral and Paravertebral Regions

1. Give the extent of trachea in adults. Mention its diameter.
2. Name structures needed to be taken care of while performing tracheostomy on
a child compared to an adult.
3. Write the formation and location of cervical plexus.
4. Name the cutaneous branches of cervical plexus.

Cranial Cavity
1. Name the branches of trigeminal nerve. Which of these branches contain
brachiomotor fibers?

Contents of the Orbit

1. Describe the origin, insertion, nerve supply and action of extraocular muscles
of orbit in a tabulated form.
2. In a tabulated form, write the attachments, innervations and actions of superior
oblique muscle of eyeball.
3. Name the branches of ophthalmic nerve and also give cutaneous nerves derived
from each of these branches.

Mouth and Pharynx

1. Enlist the structures passing in gap between superior and middle pharyngeal
constrictors to the internal aspects of the pharyngeal wall.
2. Give the formation of pharyngeal plexus. What component of the tongue is
supplied by this plexus?
3. Name the components of Waldeyer’s (tonisllar) ring.
4. Give location of palatine tonsil and enumerate the structures forming tonsillar
5. Name the arterial supply of tonsils. Name the vessel most commonly
responsible for postoperative bleeding after tonsillectomy.

6. Give the formation of pharyngeal plexus. Enlist the structures supplied by This?

7. Name muscles of soft palate with their action and nerve supply
Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
1. Give the arterial supply of medal and lateral walls of nasal cavity.
2. Enlist five different routs of spread of infection from nasal cavity.
3. Explain the location and roots of the largest parasympathetic (pterygopalatine)
4. What are the components of bony part of nasal septum?
5. Give the arterial supply of nasal septum.
6. What is little’s area and what is its clinical importance?
7. Discuss the anatomical basis of epistaxis with reference to arterial supply of
nasal septum.

8. A 7 years old boy come to ENT surgeon with history of bleeding nose off And on

• What is the common diagnosis.

• Name the arteries involved. From where these arteries originate

9. Enumerate sites of opening of paranasal sinuses in lateral wall of nasal cavity

1. Name the abductor and tensor of vocal cords. What is their nerve supply?
2. Describe the arterial supply of larynx.
3. Enlist the intrinsic muscles of larynx.
4. Give the attachments, actions and nerve supply of posterior cricoarytenoid.
5. What is the common site of lodging of fish bones? Write its relations. What
structures are liable to be damaged during removal of foreign body from this
6. Enumerate the cartilages, ligaments and membranes of larynx.

1. What is nerve supply of tongue?
2. Write the lymphatic drainage of tongue.
3. What is tongue tie?
4. Genioglossus is known as safety muscle of the tongue
5. Removal of foreign bodies lodged in piriformis fossa may lead to loss of
protective cough reflex
6. Describe the sensory motor and taste innervation of tongue
7. Draw and label a diagram showing sensory nerve supply of tongue
8. Briefly describe the lymphatic drainage of tongue

1. What are the boundaries of the lateral wall of tympanic cavity?
2. What is the nerve supply of tympanic cavity?
3. Give the anatomical reason of choosing the posteroinferior part of tympanic
membrane for making an incision to release pus in middle ear.
4. Give the nerve supply of tympanic membrane.
5. Enumerate the contents of middle ear cavity.

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