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* Exam applicat ion form will be aut o filled as per exam not ificat ion dat es specified by respect

ive universit y

Bengaluru North University

 Reg No : U19FK21C0006

 Academic Year : 2022-23   Month of Exam : 3rd Sem UG 2022-23

  College Name : Smt . Danamma Channabasavaiah College of Art s, Commerce, Science &
  College Code : P19GFK0063
Management St udies, Bangarpet
  Student Name : BHAVANI B V  Father/Guardian Name : VENKATESHAPPA

  Program Level : UG   Program Name : Bachelor of Commerce

  Date of Birth : 2/5/2004

  Age : 19   Sex : Female
12:00:00 AM
  Category : Cat egory I I I (A)   Mobile No : 9535149511   Email : bvchait

  Address : BASAPURA   Pin Code : 0

Courses/Papers appearing

 Sl. No.  QP Code  Scheme  Term/Semester  Course Code  Course/Paper Title
1  AEEN303  Nat ional Educat ional Policy-2020  III  AEEN303  English
2  IIC0301  Nat ional Educat ional Policy-2020  III  IIC0301  India and Indian Const it ut ion
3  DCBC301  Nat ional Educat ional Policy-2020  III  DCBC301  Corporat e Account ing
4  DCBC302  Nat ional Educat ional Policy-2020  III  DCBC302  Business St at ist ics
5  DCBC303  Nat ional Educat ional Policy-2020  III  DCBC303  Cost Account ing
6  BCKN301  Nat ional Educat ional Policy-2020  III  BCKN301  Kannada
7  OESO301  Nat ional Educat ional Policy-2020  III  OESO301  Sociology of Yout h

 Fee Details :  Amount

 Current Term/Semester Exam Fee :   770.00

 Marks Card Fee :   150.00

 Backlog Fee :   0.00

 Exam Application Processing Fee :   75.00

 Exam Application Late Fine (1st Penalty) :  0

 Exam Application Late Fine (2nd Penalty) :  0

 Total Fee (Rs.) :   995.00

Exam Fee Payment Details :

Transaction/Order ID :  pay_ LaQTEudEBZbF83

Transaction Status :  Success

Transaction Date and Time :  4/6/2023 1:07:32 PM

Transaction Reference Number :  18665211

Transaction Amount :  995.00

Remarks :  UPI

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