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1. What is the photoelectric effect?

Answer: The photoelectric effect is the phenomenon where electrons are emitted from a material
when it absorbs photons of sufficient energy.

2. What is the quantum theory of light?

Answer: The quantum theory of light, also known as wave-particle duality, states that light can
behave as both particles (photons) and waves.

3. What is the de Broglie wave equation?

Answer: The de Broglie wave equation describes the wave-like properties of particles, including
electrons, and relates the wavelength of a particle to its momentum.

4. What is a wave function in the context of quantum mechanics?

Answer: In quantum mechanics, a wave function describes the state of a particle or system and
contains information about its probability distribution.

5. Explain Bohr's atomic energy levels.

Answer: Bohr's atomic energy levels describe the discrete energy states in which electrons can exist
within an atom. These energy levels are quantized.

6. What are supramolecular interactions?

Answer: Supramolecular interactions refer to non-covalent interactions between molecules, such as

hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions, and van der Waals forces.

7. Discuss protein-protein interactions.

Answer: Protein-protein interactions involve the binding or association of two or more protein
molecules, which play crucial roles in various biological processes and signaling pathways.

8. Explain protein-nucleic acid interactions.

Answer: Protein-nucleic acid interactions involve the binding between proteins and nucleic acids
(DNA or RNA), which are essential for processes like gene expression, DNA replication, and RNA

9. How do lipid/membrane-protein interactions occur?

Answer: Lipid/membrane-protein interactions involve the association between proteins and the lipid
bilayer of cell membranes, playing important roles in cell signaling and membrane integrity.

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