VanEssen2018-Scaling of Human Brain Size

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NEUROSCIENCE the three cohorts in terms of which regions

are expanded in larger brains (positive scal-

Scaling of human brain size ing) and which are less expanded in larger
brains (negative scaling). However, there are
many differences across the three cohorts,
Higher cognitive regions are preferentially expanded in and regions that pass statistical significance
for only one or two cohorts might not reflect
individuals with larger brains genuine neuroanatomical effects. Given con-
cerns about reproducibility (6), it is notable
By David C. Van Essen cohorts: the Philadelphia Neurodevelop- that Reardon et al. carried out what is effec-
mental Cohort (PNC) and National Institutes tively a multicohort reproducibility analysis.

hat makes humans unique as a of Health (NIH) cohort (each comprising The authors compared areal scaling maps
species and as individuals? Our children and young adults), as well as the to independent measures related to corti-
uniqueness stems from language, Human Connectome Project (HCP) cohort cal evolution, development, function, and
tool use, reasoning, and other (comprising young adults only). By using in gene expression. They found modest cor-
cognitive abilities that are largely vivo structural magnetic resonance imag- relations with maps of evolutionary expan-
mediated by specialized regions of ing (MRI) scans of individual brains, surface sion (compared to nonhuman primates)
the cerebral cortex. These regions of higher models of the cerebral cortex were generated and postnatal developmental expansion
cognitive function have expanded dispro- and aligned to a surface-based cortical at- (1). Comparisons with neuronal networks
portionately during human evolution (com- las. Local cortical surface area was then ex- when at rest, mapped using functional MRI
pared with nonhuman primates) and during pressed in relation to individual differences (7), reveal that the “default-mode” network

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postnatal maturation, when cortical surface in total cortical surface area (see the figure). (which is more active at rest) tends to show
area expands threefold between infancy and Notably, both age and sex were ruled out as positive areal scaling, whereas the limbic
adulthood (1). Our uniqueness as individuals confounding factors, even though average network tends to show negative areal scal-
reflects countless differences in brain struc- brain size differs by age and sex (2). Areal ing. Comparisons with gene expression
ture, function, and connectivity. One basic scaling maps show broad similarities across maps from postmortem human brains (8)
anatomical difference between reveal that areal scaling is more
similarly aged individuals is a positive in regions enriched in
more than 1.5-fold variation in Brain size variation mitochondria-related genes and
total brain size (and total corti- Maps of areal scaling relative to total brain size for the PNC, NIH, and HCP show high energy consump-
cal volume) (2). On page 1222 cohorts. The supramarginal gyrus is positively scaled and the temporal tion at rest. These regions have
of this issue, Reardon et al. (3) pole is negatively scaled in all three cohorts, but differences in scaling between lower myelin content within
bring this aspect of individual the cohorts also exist. IQ correlates with overall cortical surface area. gray matter and greater synaptic
variability under the umbrella plasticity (9) and have neurons
of “differential scaling” by show- Areal scaling Categorical scaling with larger dendritic arbors and
ing that human brains of differ- Frontal Parietal more dendritic spines (10).
lobe lobe
ent sizes do not scale uniformly PNC Reardon et al. also examined
across all regions. Rather, larger other brain structures using a
brains show greater expansion subcortical surface-based ap-
in regions associated with higher proach. They found positive-
cognition and less expansion in and negative-scaling regions
regions associated with sensory, within each structure, indicat-
motor, and limbic (emotion- and Supra-
ing that size-related differences
affect-related) functions. marginal are not restricted to the neocor-
A simple a priori hypothesis gyrus tex. For technical reasons, they
is that brains of different size NIH excluded the cerebellum from
might be linearly scaled versions their analysis, but this would
of one another. However, there be interesting to examine in
is already evidence against this the future, as the cerebellum is
hypothesis, insofar as the cere- involved in cognition as well as
bral cortex is a mosaic of many Temporal coordination of movement (11).
cortical parcels (areas) that each pole One important issue is
show more than twofold indi- whether some of the underly-

vidual variability in size (4, 5). HCP ing neuroanatomical scaling

But are individual differences in patterns are sharper than the
the size of various parcels corre- relatively smooth gradations
lated systematically, for example, shown in their maps. Func-
according to function? Reardon tionally corresponding regions
et al. analyzed data from more were not consistently aligned
than 3000 healthy individuals, between individuals because
drawn from three independent alignment was driven by cor-
Scaling coefcient Scaling category tical-folding patterns, which
– +
Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA. are variable and imperfectly
Email: 0.5 1.0 1.5 Negative Linear Positive correlated with cortical areal

1184 15 JUNE 2018 • VOL 360 ISSUE 6394 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
boundaries (4, 5, 12); in addition, the au- ECOLOGY
thors extensively smoothed the data for
methodological reasons. The HCP dataset
is well suited for further exploration be-
cause it was aligned using areal features
Animals feel safer from
rather than only cortical folding (5, 13) and
it also includes a 180-area-per-hemisphere humans in the dark
multimodal cortical parcellation that has
been accurately delineated in individuals Mammals shift their activities to twilight and night
and as a group average (5). This should hours in response to human disturbance
enable analysis of scaling relationships
determined for each cortical parcel, which
would circumvent the confounds of imper- By Ana Benítez-López has been difficult to assess, particularly in
fect intersubject registration. secretive wildlife.

Another issue is the possible relationship bout 75% of Earth’s land surface is In recent decades, the advent of tech-
between the size of different brain regions currently modified by human activi- nologies, such as satellite and global posi-
and behavior. Reardon et al. found that the ties (1). The expanding footprint of tioning system (GPS) telemetry or camera
intelligence quotient (IQ) significantly corre- human activities is not only causing traps, has made it possible to monitor wild-
lates with overall cortical surface area (higher the loss of habitat and biodiversity life activity more accurately. Gaynor et al.
IQ is observed in individuals with more cor- but also affecting the dynamics of have now collated data from 76 studies of
tex, after factoring out age and sex). Others wildlife populations. Researchers have long 62 mammal species from different locations

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have reported that variability in “functional examined human-induced spatial shifts across the world and have quantified the ef-
connectivity” in individuals at rest appears in the distribution of wildlife, but tempo- fects of several forms of human disturbance
to be greatest in regions of higher cognitive ral adjustments in animal activity have on wildlife. They conclude that nocturnality
function, including those associated with received less attention. On page 1232 of is a universal behavioral adaptation of wild-
personality, intelligence, visual perception, this issue, Gaynor et al. (2) present a com- life in response to humans.
and memory performance (14). Intersubject prehensive meta-analysis to quantify the In their analysis, the authors compared
variations in behavior and lifestyle that are increase in wildlife nocturnality due to hu- activity patterns of mammals in areas with
predictable from functional connectivity may man disturbance. high and low human disturbance. They re-
largely reflect individual differences in the About 50 years ago, Walther suggested port that mammals increased their noctur-
spatial arrangement of functional regions, that animals perceive human disturbance nality by a factor of 1.36 across continents,
perhaps including their size, particularly in similarly to predation risk (3). According to habitats, taxa, and human activities. This
regions of higher cognitive function (15). this risk-disturbance hypothesis, animal re- means an increase of ~20% in nocturnality
Questions of how areal scaling emerges sponses to predation risk and anthropogenic on average. Furthermore, out of 141 identi-
during brain development and maturation disturbance stimuli create similar trade-offs fied mammal responses to human distur-
are also intriguing to consider. Are areal- between avoiding perceived risk and pursu- bance, 83% corresponded to an increase
scaling differences driven by genetic factors ing other fitness-enhancing activities, in- in nocturnality; larger mammals exhibited
and/or influenced by environmental factors? cluding feeding, parental care, or mating a slightly stronger response than smaller
Do regions that are larger in some individu- displays (4). Although these responses allow mammals, either because they are more
als have a greater number of neurons and/or human-wildlife coexistence, they may have likely to be hunted (8) or as a result of an
a larger fraction of neuropil (dendritic, axo- important effects on animal fitness through increased chance of human encounter. Le-
nal, synaptic, and glial arborizations)? These indirect effects on survival and reproduction. thal (hunting) and nonlethal activities had
questions are amenable to analysis through Humans, as day-active (diurnal) apex “su- comparable effects on mammal activity,
large-scale human neuroimaging projects perpredators” (5), instill fear in other wild- supporting Walther’s seminal idea on the
combined with advances in postmortem and life like no other predatory species. Animals similarity in animal perception of predation
in vivo anatomical methods. j usually respond by reducing movement risk and human disturbance (3, 4).
rates (6) and spatially avoiding anthropo- The consequences of human-altered pat-
genic activities (7). However, as wilderness terns in the activity of wildlife are manifold
1. J. Hill et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 13135 (2010).
2. J. N. Giedd et al., Neuropsychopharmacology 40, 43 areas disappear, there is little opportunity and are not necessarily limited to the dis-
(2015). for animals to spatially avoid humans. In turbed species or population. The dimin-
3. P. K. Reardon et al., Science 360, 1222 (2018). highly disturbed areas, animals may sub- ished ability of apex predators to hunt at
4. K. Amunts et al., J. Comp. Neurol. 412, 319 (1999).
5. M. F. Glasser et al., Nature 536, 171 (2016). stitute spatial refuges by temporal refuges, night may impair their role as top-down
6. M. Baker, Nature 533, 452 (2016). with animals shifting daytime activities to regulators, and predator-prey interactions
7. B. T. T. Yeo et al., J. Neurophysiol. 106, 1125 (2011). the twilight or night hours (see the figure). may change drastically, whereas prey spe-
8. M. J. Hawrylycz et al., Nature 489, 391 (2012).
9. M. F. Glasser et al., Neuroimage 93, 165 (2014).
Such temporal partitioning is a common cies that become more nocturnal to avoid
10. G. N. Elston, I. Fujita, Front. Neuroanat. 8, 78 (2014). response in animal communities that al- humans may be more susceptible to preda-
11. R. L. Buckner, Neuron 80, 807 (2013). lows coexistence between competitive spe- tion by nocturnal predators. Further, hu-
12. D. C. Van Essen et al., Cereb. Cortex 22, 2241 (2012).
13. E. C. Robinson et al., Neuroimage 167, 453 (2017).
cies and shapes predator-prey dynamics. man impacts may constrain the temporal
14. S. Mueller et al., Neuron 77, 586 (2013). However, until recently, the effect of human partitioning of carnivores exploiting the
15. J. D. Bijsterbosch et al., eLife 7, e32992 (2018). disturbance on animal temporal activities same prey communities, thus altering com-
petitive dynamics among carnivores by in-
The author thanks C. Donahue for comments.
creasing temporal overlap while hunting.
Department of Environmental Science, Institute for Water and
Wetland Research, Radboud University, 6525 HP Nijmegen, Human-altered interspecific competition
10.1126/science.aat8948 Netherlands. Email: dynamics may in turn enable human-tol-

SCIENCE 15 JUNE 2018 • VOL 360 ISSUE 6394 1185

Published by AAAS
Scaling of human brain size
David C. Van Essen

Science 360 (6394), 1184-1185.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aat8948

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