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1. What is resource ?

2.How human beings create resources?

3. Classify resources .

4. What problems have occurred due to the indiscriminate use of resources?( 3 points)

5. Why is resource planning essential for sustainable existence?

6. Write a short note on the 1st International Earth Summit?

7. What is agenda 21 ? What is its aim and how it can be achieved?

8. Why is resource planning essential?

9. What are the processes involved in resource planning in India?

10 . What does history of colonisation reveals about resource development?

11. Why is resource conservation essential ?

12. What is Gandhiji’s idea about resource conservation?

13. What percentage of different landforms occupy India and what are their importance?

14. What are the different purposes for

which land resources are used?

15. What is included under wasteland?

16. What are the reasons for land degradation in different States of India?

17. What are the steps taken to solve the problem of land degradation?

18. What is the importance of soil as a resource?

19. What are the factors responsible for the formation of soil?

20. How is alluvial soil formed and where it is found?

21. What are the characteristics of alluvial soil?

22. What is black soil also known as?

23. Where is black soil found in India?

24. What are the characteristics of black soil?

25. Where is red and yellow soils found in India?

26. How is laterite soil formed?

27. Where is laterite soil found in India?

28. What are the features of arid soils?

29. What are the features of forest soils?

30. What is soil erosion?

31. What are the reasons for soil erosion in India?

32. Explain the different types of soil erosion.

33. What is sole conservation?

34. Explain the different types of soil conservation methods.

35. What is gross cropped area?

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