Napddr Ddac Info en

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No.t2l28l202l-DP-ll (Part-I) (EO 47855)

Government ol India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Department of Social Justice & Empowerment
*t r.{()t(+r(

Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-ll000l


Subiect: - Inviting Expression of I nleresl-cu m-proposal from thc eligihle

organizations for setting up of District Dc-Addiction Centres under the
schcmc of National Action Plan for l)rug Dcmand Redrrction (NAPDDR)-
E-rtensiotr of lost date of s ubntission-rcg.

Department of Social Justice and Empowerment invites Expression of

Interest-cunt-proposa I fi'orr the cligible organizations lor setting up of District
De-Addiction Centrcs undcr the schcmc of Nalional Action Plan lor Drug
Demand Reduction (NAPDDR) tbr the lollowing :

461 GAP Districts o1-thc country (as pcr list attachcd at Anncxure - l),

ii. l4 Districts with rent free accommodation (as per list attached at Annexure -

2. Eligible NGO may also apply lor DDAC provided that they have rent free
accommodation for setting up ol DDAC as per the standards of guideline of the
scheme except lor lollowing l4 Districts:

l. Wokha, Nagaland 2. Changlang and Lohil , Arunachal Pradesh 3.

Jamnagar, Gujarat 4. Chalra and Gumla Jharkhand 5. Mallapuram, Kerala
6. Poonch, Kathua and Shopian disn'icts o1' Jammu & Kashmir 7. Ratlam,
Madhya Pradesh 8. Sorrth 'fripura and Scpahijala districts of Tripura 9.
Almora District ol' Ljttarakhand. In thcse l3 districts, rent lree accommodation
will be providcd by conccrned District Administration, the space details of these
districts are attachcd at Anncxure -II.
3. Setting up and running of District l)e-Addiction Centre (DDAC) will be
done as per the following guidelincs-

There will be a [)istricl De-Addiction Ccntre (I)DAC) pret-erably in each

district hcadquarter or suitably accessible place where renl fiee
accommodation is provided by the district administration. l'hese DDACs
would provide comprehcnsive facilities hithemo being provided by IRCA,
ODIC & CPI-I together. lf the district administlation ol identified district is
not able to provide suitable renl lree accommodation, then the application
will be called fronr the eligible VOs/ NGOs, who will provide rent free
accommodalion lor setting up of DDAC in that district.
The districts, which havc all thc thrce existing lacilities i.e. IRCA, CPLI,
ODIC and being linancially supporred by the Ministry" will be brought
under one roof.'l'he existing IRCA, CPLI or ODIC in the same district will
be shifted to DDAC building to be provided by the District Authority.
ilt 'l-he functioning of DDAC will be monitored by the Committee headed by
the District Magistrate, which has been fbrmed under Nasha Mukt Bharat
Abhiyaan (NMBA). Additionally, retired emincnt personalities of the
Districts, activists, Vice-Chancellor/ Ilead ol Department (HoD)/ Principal,
researcher, scholars and so on may be co-opted by Chairrnan as the members
of the Comrnittee. 'fhis committee would only monitor policy related issues.
Day to day and other activities rclaling to implemcntation would be the
responsibility ol the concerned organization,4',lGO approved for setting up of
the DDAC.
IV The Meeting ol'DDAC is to be held at least once in 6 months, where it will
approve the expenditure incurrcd by DDAC on various activities permissible
under NAPDDI{. l'he Conrmittee will also review the functioning and assess
the perfbrmance of the DDAC in tcrms ol the effectiveness ol deliverables
and make further suggestions to the managentent of DDAC.
A separate (dcdicated) account will be opened lbr keeping funds of DDAC
in the name of NGO/Organization. The account will be registered on PFMS
and implemented through EA l' Module.
VI For setting up of DDACls, prelerence would be given to those Districts,
which do not have any lacility of IRCA, CPLI, or ODIC. For this, the
organization /start-up willing to work in the field o1'drugs will be eligible lor
applying fbr DDAC. 'l'he priority lor selection of DDAC would be:
a. 'l'he DDAC proposed to be run by the District administration itselL
b. Rent free accommodation in the district headquarter provided by the
concerned DC/DM & further willingness from interested NGO is
c. Where no proposal lbr rent-fiec acconrmodation is received from
concerned DC/DM, interestcd NCO rnay directly apply for DDAC
provided thcy do not scek any rcnt fbr sarne and only building
will bc givcn.
vil The details of Minimum standards like physical space and necessary
amenities to bc provided by District administration or NGOs are as
u nde r:

(i)'l'he centre should be easily accessible and connected through public transport.
(ii) The total built-in area of the DDAC should be at least 3000 sq.ft. in case of
metros and 4000 sq.ft. in case of small towns and villages to house l5 patients and
4000 sq.flt. in case of metros and 5000 sq.ft. in case ol small towns and villages to
house 30 patients. This includes an area ol about 2000 sq. ft. lor Treatment cum
Rehabilitation centre, an area of about 700 sq. ft. tbr Drop-ln Centre facilities and
an area of about 300 sq. ft. for CPl.l Centre lacilities.
'I.he centre should be properly ventilated, well-lit and maintained in a clcan
manner. Water to be made available.

(iv) Basic safety of the patients to be ensured.

(v) Facilities at the centre -
. Waiting space with seating arrangements for a minimum 5 persons
. Cubicles / rooms for consultation for physical examination
. Facilities to store drugs, linen, and records of patients

Facilities with privacy lor providing individual counselling, group therapy,

re-educative sessions, lamily classes. They should be airy with comfortable
seating with floor mats / chairs. Blackboard, chalk and other material to be

Availability of recreational facilities.

Separate Drop In Facility centre with recreation room, counselling room and
medical room.

Project room for CPLI activities including consultation room lor


Vlll. Standards set in the above para of the guidelines may change from time to
time as and when necessary with the approval of competent authority and the
stakeholders / NGOs/ VOs would bc intimated of sarne and as when such changes
3. l-he intercsted NCOs/Surrups/organizations can apply through e- Anudaan
( in/ngo-login ) poftal ol the Ministry. ]'he Project Selection
Committee in the Minislry will select the eligible NCO(s)/start ups for establishing
and running of the DDAC and recommend thc releasc of lunds in two installlrents.
lJowever, the Org. shall be eligible for receiving GIA under the schcme from the
date of approval of the competent authority.

4. This advertisement is subject to the approval of the Cabinet of the revised

sclrcrnc ol- NAl'}l)Dl{.

5. Eligible Organization: Organizations which are already running MoSJE

supported IRCA or State Government suppofted Dc-addiction Centre/Covemment
ltospital or any private run Dc-Addiction ccntre arc eligible for applying for
DDAC. Organisation can apply only for that State/U'I'in which they arc already
running IRCA/De-addiction Centre from thc tast 2 years ol'llore fronr the date
of call lor the proposal. Condition may be rclaxed for any Governntent run
Hospitals, which are non profitable in nature.

6. Start-up consists ofyoung persons/ professionals, who have graduated lrom

top social institutes ol lndia or abroad are also eligible to apply. l{owever they
must have experience of 2 years in the field of Drug De-addiction.

7. Role and Responsibility of DDACs :

The main focus of the DDAC is early prevention, education, demand reduction,
identification, trcatment and rehabilitation services of vulnerable individuals or
individuals affected by substance use disorders.

8. DDAC would:

ll Conduct primary prevention activities through awareness programs among

the vulnerable and affected comrnunity
b E,ngage in risk mitigation ol substance use among childrerv adolescent/youth

Preventing substance use

De laying initiation ol substancc use
c. ldentify and train selccted peer cducators in thc comrnunity
d. Implement early prevention education through lile skill training led by
trained peer educators
e. Provide awareness about ref'erral and linkagc to counseling, treatment
and rehabilitation services lor substance dependent adolescents
identified in the community
fl Identifying adolescents and other individuals subjected to substance
use and facilitating their referral/ admission into Rehabilitation
Centers/ Drop In Centres.
g. Provide a whole rangc of services which includes treatment, after care
and rehabilitation including skill developrnent for Whole Person
Recovery (WPR) of dependents;
h. Undertake drug dcmand reduction eflorts to address all fbrms of illicit
use ofany substances and cnsure ovcrall well being of humankind;
i. Alleviate the consequences of substance
dependence amongst individuals, family and society at large

9. The last date of submission of proposal has been extended till 15.10.2022.
10. The budget dctails of DDAC is attached as Annexure - III.
E,ncls.: As abovc.

Under Secretary to Govt. of India
Telephone No :01 1-23385 l7l
Ernail: raj eev.swati@nic. in
Annexure - I

5. No Slate Disl rict

1 N icobar
2 Andarnan Nicobar(3) North Middle Andaman
3 South Andaman
4 Alluri Sitarama Ra.iu
5 Anakapalli
6 An anthapuramu
7 Annamaya
8 Chittoor
9 81,",
10 G untur
11 Kakinada
12 Konaseema
Andhra Pradesh( l8)
13 Krishr-ra
74 Ku rnoo I

15 Manyanr
16 Nandyal
l7 Palnadu
18 Prakasam
19 Sri Satya Sai
20 Srikakularr
21 YSR District , Kadapa
22 Anjaw
23 Central S iang
24 Dibang Valley
25 liast Kameng
26 Arunachal Pradesh(22) East Siang
27 Kamlc
28 Kra Daadi
29 Kurung Kumey
30 Lepa Rada
31 l.ongding
l-ower Dibang Valley
Lower Siang
34 Lower Subansiri
36 Pakke Kessang
37 Shi Yomi
39 'Iirap
40 Upper Siang
47 Upper Subansiri
42 Wcst Kameng
43 West Siang
44 Ba.iali
45 Ilaksa
46 Bongaigaon
47 Charaideo
48 Chirang
49 Darrang
50 Dhemaji
51 Dinra I lasao
Assam( I 6)
53 Karbi Anglong
54 Kokrajhar
55 Majuli
56 Nalhari
57 Sivasagar
59 Wcst Karbi Anglong
60 Araria
61 Arwal
62 B ihar(32 ) Aurangabad
63 Ban ka
64 Begusarai
65 Ilhagalpur
66 llho.ipur
67 Buxar
68 East Chanrparan
69 Gaya
70 Copalgan l

71, Jarnui
72 Jehanabad
73 Katihar
74 K haparia
75 Kishangani
76 [.akhisarai
77 Madhcpura
78 Madhubani
79 M unger
80 Muzat'f'arpur
81 Nalanda
Purn ia
84 Saharsa
86 Saran
87 Sheikhpura
88 Sheohar
S itamarh i

90 S iwan
91 Sr-rpaul

92 []alod
93 Ila loda Ilazar
94 Balrampur
95 Chhattisgarh(28 ) Bastar
96 lle'rnetara
97 lijuplt
98 Dantewada
99 I)hamtari
100 Gariaband
101 Caure la Pendra Marwahi
L02 Janjgir Champa
103 Jashpur
104 Kabirdharn
105 Kankcr
106 Kondagaon
707 Korba
108 Koriya
109 Mahasarr u nd
110 Manendragarl-r
111 Mohla Manpur
712 M ungcli
113 Narayanpur
114 Raigarh
115 Sakti
116 Sarangarh Bilaigarh
777 Sukrrra
118 Suraj pur
119 Surgu.ia
Dadra and Nagar I'laveli
120 I)aman
and Daman and Diu ( I )
121 Delhi( I ) New Delhi
122 Nofth Goa
123 South (loa
124 Amreli
125 Arrand
1"26 A raval li
727 Bharuch
1,28 Bhavnagar
129 Botad
130 Chhota Udaipur
131 Dahod
1,32 Dang
133 I)evbhoomi l)warka
134 cqtllqq
135 Gir Somnath
136 Junagadh
131 Kutch
138 Mah isagar
139 Molbi
140 N armada
1,41, Navsari
142 Panchn-rahal
1,43 Patan
144 Porbandar
145 Sabalkantha
146 Surendranagar
147 Tapi
148 Vadodara
1,49 Valsad
150 Ambala
151 Bh iwani
1,52 Charkhi Dadri
153 Iratchabad
1,54 (iurugram
155 Jind
156 Kaithal
Llaryana( l4)
1,57 Karnal
158 Kurukshetra
159 Mcwat
160 Palwa I

161 Panchkula
162 Pan ipat
163 Yamunanagar
1,64 Chamba
I Iiurachal I)r'adcsh( 7)
165 Ililaspur
1bb Kan sra

167 Kinnaur
168 Lahaul Spiti
169 Sirmaur
1,70 So lar-r

1,77 Anantnaq
172 Ilaramulla
r73 Budgam
174 Doda
175 Gandcrbal
1,76 Jammu Kashmir( I l) K athua
1,77 Kishtwar
1,78 Ramban
L79 Reasi
180 Shopian
181 tJ dhampur
1,82 Bokaro
C hatra
184 Dhanbad
185 [)umka
186 East Singhbhum
187 Garhwa
188 Giridih
189 Godda
190 (l uur la
Jharkhand(23 )
191 Hazaribagh
192 Jamtara
193 Khunti
194 Kodcrnra
195 L.atehar
196 [.oha rd aga
797 Pakur
198 Palam u
199 Ranrgarh
200 Ilanchi
201 Sahebganj
202 Seraikela Kharsawan
203 Simdega
204 West Singhbhum
20s Bagalkot
206 Gulbarga
207 Raichu r
208 Ramanasara
209 Vijayanagarl
21,O Yadgir
21,1, Idukki
2L2 Kasarapod
Kerala( 5) Malappulartt
274 Palakkad
2L5 Wayanad
216 Kargil
218 l-akshadwcep (I) [,akshadweep
279 Agar Malwa
220 Alirajpur
221, Anuppu.l_
222 Ashoknagar
223 8".*"ri
224 Betu I

225 Burhanpur
226 Madhya Pradesh(35) Chachaura
[)a moh
229 Dewas
230 l)har
231, I)indori
232 Ilarda
233 I loshangabad ( Narmadapuuram)
234 Jhabua
235 Katnl
236 Khargone
237 Mandla
238 Mandsaur
239 M orena
240 Nagda
241 Niwari
242 Raisen
243 Rajgarh
244 Rallarn
245 Shahdol
246 Shajapur
247 Shcopur
248 Shivpuri
249 sidhi
250 Singrauli
257 Tikarrgarh
252 LJ.ij a in
253 U nraria
254 Aurangabad
255 Buldhana
256 Jalna
257 Mur.nbai Suburban
258 Nashik
Maharashtra ( l0)
259 Raigad
260 Ratnag iri
261 Sangli
262 SataIa
263 Sindhudurg
264 Senapati
265 Tamenglong
266 East Garo Hills
Meghalaya ( I l)
267 East Jaintia Ilills

269 North Garo FIills

Iti llhoi

271, South Garo Hills

272 South Wcst Caro Hills
273 Soulh We st Khasi I I ills

274 West (iaro I Iills ('l'ura)

275 West Jaintia llills (Dawki)
216 Wcst Khasi Ilills
277 I lnahth ial
278 Khawzawl
279 M izoranr( 5 ) l,awngtlai
280 Mamit
281, Saitual
282 Chumukedima
283 Kiphire
284 Mokokchung
N iuland
286 Noklak
Nagaland( l0)
287 Parer.r

288 l'sem invu


290 Wokha
297 Z unheboto

292 st!{qt
Odisha (2)
293 Malkangiri
294 Mahe
Puducherry (2)
295 Yanam
296 Arnritsar
297 Ilarnala
298 Ilathinda
['un jab( l7)
299 [raridkot
300 Fatchgarh Sahib
301 Fazilka

302 Firozpur
303 Iloshiarpur
304 Jalandhar
305 Kapurthala
306 Malerkotla
307 M ansa

308 M uktsar
309 Pathankot
310 Rupnagar
311 Shahecd tlhagat Singh Nagar
-farn -l'aran

313 Ajmer
374 Alwar
315 Banswara
316 Beawer(City in Aj rner)
117 Bhilwara
318 Chittorgarh
319 Churu
320 Dholpur
Rajasthan( l6)
32t Jhalawar
J hunjhunu
323 Nagaur
324 Pali
325 Pratapgarh
326 Rajsarnand
327 Sikar
328 Udaipur
329 Nonh Sikkirn
330 Pakyong
331 Soreng
332 West Sikkim
333 Chennai
334 'l'arnilNadLr (19) Co imbatorc
Dharmapuri I
336 Dindigul
337 Kallakr,rrichi
338 t<ql4P!ryt
339 Karur
340 Klishnagiri
341 May iladuthurai
342 Nilgiris
343 I']udukkottai
344 Ranipet
346 ll-rarrjavur
'l herri

'l irunc lvcli
349 f irupattur

3s1 'f iruvallur

3s2 l'iruvannarralai
353 Bhadradri Kothagudem
3s4 .lagtial
355 Jangaon
356 Jayashankar
357 Jogularnba
358 Karnareddy
3s9 Konraram Bheenr
360 Mahabubabad
361 'l'elangana(25 Mahbubnagar
362 Manchcrial
363 Mcdak
364 Medchal
365 M u lugu
366 Nagarkurnool
367 Narayanpet
368 Nirmal
369 N izanrabad
370 Pcddapalli
Rajanna Sircilla
372 Sangareddy
373 Siddipet
314 Suryapet
375 Wanaparlhy
376 Flanamkonda
377 Yadadri []huvanagiri
318 I)halai
379 (lomati
380 Khowai
Sepahij ala
382 South'l'ripura
383 [.]nakoti
384 Agra
385 Aligarh
386 Ambedkar Nagar
387 Anrcthi
388 A nrroha

389 Auraiva
390 Ayodhya
391 Azamgarh
392 Baghpal
393 LJttar Pradcsh(57) Bahraich
394 llallia
395 Ba lrampur
396 Banda
397 ll ast i

398 B ij nor
399 Rudaun
400 Deoria
401, Irtah
402 Faizabad
403 Farrukhabad
404 l'-atehpr.rr
Gautam Buddha Nagar
Greate Noida
41' .la laun
41,3 J au npur
41,4 Jhansi
Kanpur Dehat
Kausham bi
M aharaj ganj
M a inpuri
M irzapur
t.* Pratapgarh
t"" l{aebareli
I qzz Saharanpur
433 Sanrbhal
434 Sant Kabir Nagar
I ass Shahjahanpur

I a:o Shamli

I azt Shravasti

438 Siddharthnagar
439 Sullanpur
440 [Jnnao
441, Bageshwar
442 Chanrpawat
443 Pa uri
444 Uttarakhand (7) Rudraprayag

446 Llttarkashi
447 Srinagar
448 Alipurduar
449 Bankura
450 Ilirbhunr
451 Dakshin Dinajpur
452 Flooghly
453 Jharglam
454 Kalimpong
West Bengal( l4)
455 Malda
456 Murshidabad
457 Nadia
458 Paschim IJardharnan
459 Purba Bardharnan
460 Purulia
461 Uttar Dinajpur
Annexure - ll
Space Details of DDAC Districts :

Sl. No
Nanre of the Name ol the Pro.iect location provided by District
State/ UT District and area adrr inistration wilh area

Arunachal Bordumsa De-addiction Centre, Changland

I Changlang
Pradesh with 5000 sq. fi.

Building ol State Panchayati Raj

L)epanment, Wakro ([lAC HQ), approx. 65
2 I-ohit and 78 KMs on two different routes fiom
Pradesh 'l'ezu with sufficient space as per picture
provided o1 building

M.P. Shah Medical College, Jamnagar

3 Gujarat Jamnagar
3000 Sq. Feet

I Jammu &
Kathua Nagri, Kathua - 4000 Sq. Ft.

Double Storey Govt. Building (With plinth

Jammu &
5 Shopian area 600 Sq. l-ts) Near Army Goodwill
Kashm ir

Jammu &
6 Poonch Covernment Building (with image)
Kashm ir

4000 sq. ft and the ground floor consists of7

1 J harkhand (lhatra rooms. I hall and first
consists of 8 rooms and one hall

8 Jharkhand Cumla 4000 Sq. Ft , Old sadar Block office, Cumla

Premiscs ol Govemment Ayurvedha
Research Institute fbr Mental Illness,
9 Kcra la Mallapuranr Kottakkal, Mallapurant, which is l6 km
away fiorn Districl head quartcrs having a
building area of 50,000 sq. ft.

Civic Centre Plan No 71 , H Block, First
10. Rallam Floor. Four Flats.
Total Area - 3200 Sq. Ft.

TSUMANC 'A' Colony, Wokha Town, Pin
7971 I I
ll. Nagaland District )
Building Area -4270 Sq. F't.

12. Tripura South'['ripura Bclonia SI)H (Sub-Divisional I lospital)

Within the the vicinity ol 'lripura State
13. 'I'ripura Sepahijala Rifles Camp having 4 to 5 rooms with an
area of around I Acre.
t4 [Jttarakhand A lrrora Drug Prevention Centre, Hawalbag


Norms for Drugs De-Addiction Centre (DDAC)

A. NON-li.llCURRING EXPENDITLJRE*(Admissible during the setting-up

of the DDAC and also alter a period of five years subject to condition that they
have been receiving grants continuously)

(Amounl in Rupees)

I 5 beds, tables, 3 blankets, office flumiture, 3.25,000

sets of linen,
almirah, equipments, computers, refrigerator, installation of 7
CCTVs and linking it with website etc.

Adhaar based Biometric Attendance System 20.000

'l otal 3,45,000

* the non-recurring grants are admissible to the organization at the time of setup
and also alter a period of 5 years provided they are receiving grants continuously
and conditions of GFR provisions are lulfilled.

U. RLCURRIN(; liXPlrNI)l'l l.JRIj

S.No Name ol the Post No. Monthly Yearly Minirnunr

ol Expenditure Expenditure Qualilications
(in Rs.) (in Rs.)

a. Administrative:

I M anager-c um- I 40.000 4,80,000 Post Graduate with 2

Incharge of DDAC years of administrative
experience or
Craduate with 5 years
ol administrative
experience in
institutcs/organ izations
rel-erably in the field
I drugs. They should
ossess working
nowledge of

2 Project 2 25.000 x 2 6,00,000 Graduate with 3 years

coordinator(one for = 50.000 experience in
outdoor and other institutes/organizations
one for indoor working in the field of
activities) drugs and
possessing working
knowledge of

3 Trainer cum 2 15.000 x 2 3,60,000 l2th Pass with two

Supervisor of peers - 30,000 years experience in
and community institutes/
moblizers organizations working
in the field of drugs.

4 Outreach Worker ) 15,000 x2 3,60,000 Should be literate; Ex-

and follow-up - 30,000 drug user with l-2
supervisors + years of sobriety,

Willing to work
arnong vulnerable and
drug using population
and possessing good
comnrunication skills.

Agrees to refrain from

using, buying, or
sel I ing drugs; Ready to
work for tlr.
prevention of harrnlul
drug use and relapse

) Accountant (one ')

t2.000 2.88.000 uate in Commerce
Account cum C lcrical 24.000 with knorvledge of
Assistant and other accounts and working
oneto be Account knowledge ol computers.
cum documentation

6 Cook I r0.000 1,20,000

1 Chowkidar 2 2 x 9,000 : 2, r6,000


8 House keeping
2 x 9,000 : 2. r6,000
b Medical:

. ..MBBS
I (a) Doctot (l;ull I 60,000 7,20,000 wit
time) (Rural) registration
r-nedical council
6.60,000 rncdical commission'
along with "shoul
undergo trainin
rranged by th
MOSJE / NISD within
hree months ofjoinin
he DDAC."
2 Counsellor/ Social 2 2 x 17,500 : 4,20,000 Graduate in social
Workeri sciences preferably in
Psychologist Social Work/
Psychology with l-2
years' experience in the
field and should have
knowledge of
as well as one regional
language. Prelerence
shall be given to th
person holding
Certificate of l'rainin
Course in de-addiction
counselling from
recognized institution.

) Yoga I 5.000 60,000 Posscssing experience of

therapist/ at lcast three years in the
Dance disciptine
Teacher/ Art

(paft timc)

4 N urse ) 15,000 x 2 : 3,60,000 A qualified nurse wilh

GNM/B.Sc. nursing
(full time) 30.000
dcgree and shou ld be
willing to be trained by
thc agency, as decided by

5 Ward Boys ) 13.000 x 2 : 3,12,000 Class 8th pass with

experienceof working in
Hospitals/ I-lealth Care
Centres/ de-addiction

TOl'AL l9 3,76,000 (R) 45,12.000


3,71.000 (U)
C. Recurring Hxpenditure (Othel than Stal'f rernuneration)

S.No. Ilcnr Monthly nnual Expenditure

ISxpenditure (Rs.) I{s.)

I Maintenance of' building s,000 60.000

(building to be provided by
district admin istration )

'l Medic incs 19.000 2,28,000

J Contingencies including 20.000 2,40,000

office expcnses ( Stationery,
water, electricity, postage,
telephone, maintenance and
repairing of bed, linen,
Documentation & IEC
material, printing, etc. )

4 Transport/ Petrol and 15,000 1,80,000

Maintenance of Vehicles.

5 In house Kitchen expenditure 49.500 5,94,000

@ Rr. ll0 per day lor 3
meals per day to l5 inmates

'I'O'I'AI- 1,03,500 13,02,000

Rt:('tIRl{lN(i I:XPENt)l l LJltll

a. Adr-ninistrative:

Honorarium to Peer lrducators (PE)

I PE will take I session of 2 hours
(i) 20 150 240 7,20,000
duration @ Ifs. 150 pcr scssion
over 60 sessions /Quarter

Nutritional/ Refreshment 240

support @ Rs.l0 per day per child sessions
( ii) 200 l0 1 8 0 000
for 60 sessions/ quafter
Life skills educational kit printing 50
cost including flex material / games
(iii) Scts 1000 50,000
/ Scrolls
'I'otal 12,50,000

Grand 'I-otal 70,64,000( R)

70,04,000 (u)

*The total cost of manpower should be fixed accordingly as per the cost norms of
the scheme guidelines. 1'he flexibility of 20"/o re-appropriation of expenditure may
be allowed within overatl financial allocation of component relating to
remuneration/ honorarium.

Note: The training of the stalfs would be carried out by MoSJ&Ei NISD'

The non-recurring grants are admissible to thc organization at the time of setup
and also after a period of 5 years provided they are rcceiving grants continuously
and conditions oIGFR provisions are lulfilled

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