ECT 206 (Module 3)

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Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3, Module 3: Part 1 Programming with 8051: Simple programming examples in assembly language. Programming with 8051 1. Simple programming examples in assembly language. jon of 8-bit data Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to add two 8-bit data 30H and SOH and store the result in RG. Solution: MOV A, #30H ;A€30H ADD A, #50H jA€@A+50H ; Now after addition, A contains the result MOV R6, A RGA Note: Additional information WOD| MOV A, #3@H |* Opcode for “MOV A"is stored in 0000H Dinacolaessean |" (0000H = default starting address of ROM present in Program Counter(PC)) @@G4| MOV R6, A ‘© Innext location, data 30H is stored. ‘© Innext location (i.e, 02H), Opcode for “ADD A” is stored. _—_________|«._Innext location, data 50H is stored. Code Memory '* In next location (i.e, 0004H), Opcode for “MOV R6, A” T is stored. oji[2|3|4]% 00 74 30 24 50 Op 10 00 00 00 00,00. Data Memory Since default register bank is register bank 0. © 1 2 J 4 She a | R6ofregister bank 0's at location O6H inthe internal 7 RAM. G0 00 00 00/00 00/00 80 00 0) i ji i 416.00 00 00 60 00 00 00 0 | Resultstored in R6 means you can find the resultin location 06H in the internal RAM. 1.2 Addition of 16-bit data Write a program to add two 16-bit numbers. The numbers are 3CE7H and 3B8DH. Place the sum in R7 and R6; R6 should have the lower byte. Solutic CRC jmake CY=0 MOV A, #OE7H load the low byte now ADD A, #8DH jadd the low byte now Mov R6, A j save the low byte of the sum in RS MOV A, #3CH load the high byte ‘ADDC A, #3BH add with the carry => 3B + 3C +1 = 78 (in Hexadecimal) MOV R7, A save the high byte of the sum College of Engineering, Muttathara 100 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU 1.3 Subtraction of 8-bit data CLR C jmake CY=0 MOV A,#3FH ;load 3FH into A (A = 3FH) MOV R3,#23H ;load 23H into R3 (R3 = 23H) SUBB A,R3 ;subtract A - R3, place result in A Note: Ac oF 0011 1111 0011 1111 R3 = 23 0010 0011 + 1101 1101\(2's complement) 1c 1 0001 1100 0 CF=0 (step 3) ‘* The flags would be set as follows: CY = 0, AC = 0, and the programmer must look at the carry flag to determine if the result is positive or negative. ‘* Ifthe CY = Oafter the execution of SUBB, the result is positive; ‘+ IF CY = 1, the result is negative and the destination has the 2's complement of the result. Normally, the result is left in 2’s complement, but the CPL (complement) and INC instructions can be used to change it. The CPL instruction performs the 1's complement of the operand; ‘then the operand is incremented (INC) to get the 2’s complement. 1.4 Subtraction of 16-bit data CLR C pCY~= 0 MOV A, #62H jA_= 62H SUBB A,#96H 762H -96H = CCH with CY = 1 MOV R7,A ysave the result MOV A, #27H ;A=27H SUBB A, #12H ;27H°=\12H - 1 = 14H MOV R6,A 7Save the result Solution: After the SUBB, A = 62H - 96H = CCH and the carry flag is set high indicating there is a borrow. Since CY = 1, when SUBB is executed the second time A = 27H — 12H - 1 = 14H. Therefore, we have 2762H — 1296H = 14CCH. 1.5. Multiplication of 8-bit data MOV A, #25H ;load 25H to reg. A MOV B,#65H pload 65H in reg. B MUL AB ;25H * 65H = E99 where 7B = OEH and A = 99H 1.6 Division of 8-bit data MOV A, #95 jload 95 into A MOV B,#10 jload 10 into B DIV AB ;now A = 09 (quotient) and 7B = 05 (remainder) College of Engineering, Muttathara 101 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU 1.7 Find the 2’s complement of the given value ‘The 8051 does not have a special instruction to make the 2's complement of a number. To do that, we can use the CPL instruction and ADD, as shown next cPLA 3 1s complement (Invert) ADD A, #1 3 add 1 to make 2’s complement Find the 2’s complement of the value 85H. Solution: MOV A,#85H 85H = 1000 0101 cPL A 71's comp. 1’S = 0111 1010 ADD A,#1 72's comp. +1 0112 1011 = 7BH 1.8 Data transfer/exchange between specified memory locations '* Eg: Copy a block of 20 bytes of data available from address 60H to 73H to the location starting from 40H Data Memory Data Memory Data Memory Data Memory 4 — 4 2 cygtscamns 70] = 50] oF rietien ar | Temporary € Storage ‘ 6c] te j c oa Rag A 6A = 4 @ Pr 6 4 je, a7 86 % & Pi oa “a 6 a 8 Ro a | ‘er ‘Source Destination 47 ee! Pointer Pointer SOURCE pestinarion. |“ oe ce Schematics of given problem Schematics of solution technique Algorithm Step Initialize RO as source and destination pointers and load R7 by 20 (decimal) to serve as the counter. Step 2: Copy a byte from source to destination, storage). Update pointers after copying. Step 3: Decrement counter by one. Continue at Step 2 if the counter is not zero. Step 4: Terminate the process. jing RO and R1 through accumulator (as a temporary Q) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to copy 20 bytes starting from 60H to location 40H onwards ; First three instructions i e both source and desti ers and the counter. START: MOV RO, 60H jload starting source address MOV R1, #40H jload starting destination address MoV R7, #20 ; load counter to copy 20 bytes ; In third instruction the assembler takes it as a decimal number and converts it correctly ; Iterative procedure to copy data from source to destination starts from here. COPY: — MOVA, @RO j get 1 byte from source location MOV @R1, A store it in destination College of Engineering, Muttathara 102 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU INC RO jmext source address INC R1 jnext destination address DINZ R7, COPY keep copying till over ;R7 =0 indicates data copy over. Following instruction terminates the program. EXIT: = SIMP EXIT j terminate here ‘© Eg: Shift a block of 8 bytes of data, presently located from SOH to 57H, 1 byte up, so that the data is available from 51H to S8H. Temporary eee Data Memory Reg. A a Destination 55 }-+ 58 Start Pointer 57 Source oe Pointer a 2 54 Count = Count -1 53. 52 51 R7 50 Finish 4F Initialize RO as source and R1 as destination pointers for the highest addresses and load R7 by 08 to serve as the counter. Step 2: Copy a byte via accumulator from source to destination, using RO and R1, through accumulator. Decrement both pointers by one after copying. Step 3: Decrement counter by one. Continue at Step 2 if the counter is not zero. Step 4: Terminate the process. Q) Write an assembly language program for 8051 microcontroller to shift 8 bytes by 1 byte up. Following three instructions initialize both pointers and the counter START: — MOV RO, #57H ; point last location of source MOV Ri, #58H j point last location of destination MOV R7, #08 initialize counter for eight shift operations jn third instruction the assembler takes it as a decimal number and converts it correctly ize counter for eight shift operations. SHIFT: — MOVA, @RO get a byte from source MOV @R1, A jstore it in destination DEC RO ppoint to next source DECR1 ; point to next destination DINZ R?, SHIFT ; keep copying till over ; RT indicates that the operation is over. ; Next instruction is used to terminate the program EXIT: SJMP EXIT j terminate here Note: Please note that had it been a case of shifting down, pointers would have been loaded for the other end (50H and 4FH) and would have been incremented after every iteration. College of Engineering, Muttathara 103 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU 1.9. Sum of a series of 8 bit data. 1.9.1 Sum of Natural Numbers Q) Write a program to generate and store natural numbers starting from 1 to ‘N’ terms and also find the sum of these numbers. Assume that the value of ‘N’ is stored in location 30H. Store generated natural numbers from 40H. Leave the sum in the accumulator. Data Memory 45 44 “3 Psw[__00 43 42 41 a RO 40 -+—>-40 Storage Pointer 30) N Reg. A oT Sum 8 o7 N Ro[__o1 06[— 01 Natural Number Cogtiainer 05 orl R7 NF o7 Term Counter 00 40 Fig: Schematic for natural number generation Solution: We select bank #0 and use R6 for generating the natural numbers. Th ese generated numbers are stored at target locations from R6 using RO as the pointer. Bank #0 is selected through PSW as direct addressing for source to be used for saving the generated number through indirect addressing. R7 counts down from N, which was loaded from location 30H. It is assumed that N is not zero. Th e accumulator is used to calculate the sum after each cycle of iteration. Above Fig. explains the scheme of register allotment. Following are the adopted algorithm and the program listing. Algorithm: Step 1: Select bank #0. initialize RO as destination pointer for storage of generated natural numbers and load R7 from 30H by N to serve as the counter. Also, clear R6 and the accumulator to generate the numbers and calculate the sum. Step 2: Increment R6 by one to generate the next natural number. Save it through RO and add it with accumulator, Then increment RO to point the next storage location. Decrement counter R7 by one. Continue at Step 2 if the counter isnot zero. Terminate the process. Program to generate and add N natural numbers. Value of N ; Assume @ byte location 30H contain OSH ; Following five instructions complete the initialization procedure. START: MOVPSW, #00H _; select bank #0 MOV A, #00H initialize the sum to zero MOV R6, #00H j to start generation of natural numbers MOV RO, #40H s point to start of storage location MOV R7, 30H ; counter for N terms of the series College of Engineering, Muttathara 104 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU ; Main loop for natural number generation, storing and addition starts from here. MAIN: — INCR6 j generate next natural number MOV @RO,06H —_; save generated number in R6 to its space ADD A, R6 j find the sum and store it in register A INC RO j point to next storage location DJNZ R7, MAIN ; continue up to N terms ; R7 indicates that the process is over. Following instruction terminates the program. EXIT: SIMP EXIT j terminate here 1.9.2 Sum of given series Q) Write a program to find the sum of the series 1- 2+3~4+... up to N terms. Assume the non-zero value of N is available in location 30H. Store the sum in the accumulator. Program: ; Program to calculate the sum of the given series up to N terms. Nis in location 30H. Following four instructions complete the initialization procedure. START: MOV PSW, HOOH —_; select bank #0 MOV A, #00H initialize the sum to zero MOV R6, #OOH ; to generate terms of the series MOV R7, 30H j number of terms in R7 as counter SETB OOH Bit address OOH act a flag ; to check whether the number is odd or even 5 If this bit is set, number is odd => ADD must occur. ; Else, number'is even => SUBB must occur Start generating numbers and keep on adding terms. MAIN: — INCR6 j generate next number JNB OOH, EVEN If the flag bit is not set, jump to label “EVEN”. ODD: —ADDA, R ; odd numbers to be added CLR OOH ; Clear the bit to make sure SUBB operation occurs next. SIMP CHECK EVE! CLR sto clear carry flag $0 as clear borrow flag before SUBB SUBB A, RE ; even numbers to be subtracted SETB OOH Set the bit to make sure ADD operation occurs next. CHECK: —DJNZ R7, MAIN continue up to N terms ; R7 indicates that the process is over. Following instruction terminates the program. EXIT; SMP EXIT j terminate here 1.10 Largest/smallest from an array (unsigned integer). 1.10.1 Largest from an array Program to calculate the Largest of the given array of N terms; Let N = 9 & location of first element of array ; Following three instructions complete the initialization procedure. START: MOV R7, #09 ; R7 is used to store number of elements present in the array MOV RO, #12H j point to location of first element of array MOV A, @RO j assuming first element is largest no. and saving it in ‘A’ register SIMP CHECK start finding largest number in the array MAIN: — INCRO j point to next storage location MOV B, @RO ave the element of array at location pointed by RO in ‘B’ register CINE A, B, NEQ ; compare A with B; if they are not equal, jump to label “NEQ” College of Engineering, Muttathara 105 NEQ: CHECK: EXIT: 1.10.2 Smallest from an array Computer Are! SIMP CHECK JNC CHECK = Mova,B DJNZ R7, MAIN © } R7 indicates that the process is aver. Follo SIMP EXIT cture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Also, if B is greater, CY = 1. Else CY=0 ; this instruction will work only if A and B are equal. ; checking whether CY is not set. If it was A All ports are output ports 1. Interfacing with 8051 using Assembly language programming 1,1 Interfacing with LED College of Engineering, Muttathara at Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU In method 1, the LED will glow only if the PIN value of the 8051 microcontroller is HIGH as current flows towards the ground. In method 2, the LED will glow only if the PIN value of the 8051 microcontroller is LOW as current flows towards PIN from the +5V supply due to its lower potential. Commonly, used LEDs will have voltage drop of 1.7V and current of 10mA to glow at full intensity. This is applied through the output pin of the micro controller. The LED is connected to any other port of 8051 through a current limiting resistor, R. (so as to prevent voltage drop across LED crossing 1.7V). Win-1.7)_G-17), 33 Re ao A = Fp kd = 0.33K0 = 3300 Configuring the port pins as output, the state of the port pins can be controlled and set to either igh or low. When the port is configured as input, reading the pins will read the voltage state of the pins. We need to configure the port pins as output for the LED blinking process. 1.1.1 Interfacing with single LED to turn it ON and OFF repeatedly with certain delay (i.e, LED blinks continuously) ORG 0000H START: SETB P1.3 | Note 1: using one DINZ ' ACALL DELAY | instruction, you can | CLR P1.3 | create maximum loop | ACALL DELAY _ | or iteration of 256 by | SUMP. START ‘ | setting count initial | DELAY: “MOV RO, #00H * ene en - | value as OOH | LOOPT?, “MOV RU, #00H «~~ LOOP2: NOP + END College of Engineering, Muttathara Note 2: Writing any | assembly code inside | any loop can create | more delay. \ DINZ R1, LOOP2 DINZ RO, LOOP1 ae RET Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_84 EC KTU Q) A switch is connected to pin P2.0 and an LED to pin P1.3. Write an 8051-assembly code program to get the status of the switch and send it to the LED ORG 0000H SETB P2.0 ;make P2.0 an input AGAIN: MOV C,P2.0 j;read SW status into CF MOV P1.3,C ;send SW status to LED SUMP AGAIN ;keep repeating END Not Just for understanding purpose “sv 1.1.2 Interfacing with 8 LEDs to make a display pattern Assume our Aim: To display a rotational transition from one LED to another with certain delay ORG 0000H MOV P2;"#0FFH .4 make Port 2 as an output MOV A, 40FEH set LSB as 0 and other bits as 1 AGAIN: MOV_P2, A send content of A to LEDs in port 2 ACALL DELAY RSA SJMP AGAIN ikeep repeating DELAY? MOV RO, #00H LOOP1?~MOV‘R1, #00H LOOP2:) NOP DJNZ R1, LOOP2 DJNZ RO, LOOPL RET END College of Engineering, Muttathara 113 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Note: Just for understandir se Let the Circuit diagram remains the same. Assume our Aim: To display an oscillating transition from one LED to another with certain delay ORG 0000H MOV P2, #0FFH ; makePort 2 as an output MOV A, #0FEH Set“LSB as Ovand other bits as 1 LEFT: MOV P2, A #3end contentsof A to LEDs in port 2 ACALL DELAY RL A CONE A, #7FH, LEFT “pkeepeleft until only MSB is 0 RIGHT: MOV P2, A send content of A to LEDs in port 2 ACALL DELAY RRA CINE A, #0FEH,\RIGHT SUMP LEFT ep right until only LSB is 0 DELAY: MOV RO, #00H LOOP1: MOV R1y=#00H LOOP2: NOP NOP NOP, DJNZ R1, LOOP2 DINZ RO, LOOPL RET END ‘Anode — Cathode Anode! Reathodo SIDE Anode Cathode view R| a Cathode svwpol—\s symBoly LED = Anode College of Engineering, Muttathara 14 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Note: (just for understanding) © Acommon mistake of students is to interface a LED between Vcc and port pin, without any current limiting resistor is series. * Another common mistake is to use a port pin to directly source the necessary current for a LED. 1.2 Interfacing with 8051 Seven segment LED display ‘Seven segment displays are available in two types 1) Common anode 2) Common cathode SCHEMATIC COMMON ANODE a a by oN c sy c sy dy dy e N “en is tN an PK ps os K x (b) ©) COMMON CATHODE Fig: Types of seven-segment displays: (a) schematic, (b) common anode and (c) common cathode ‘© Asonly seven of its segments are used to display any numeric value, hence the name seven segment. ‘© Assinking larger current is easier than sourcing it, therefore, common cathode type display devices are adopted in a greater number of designs, than common anode type devices. 5 Lookup table for digits @ to 9 for common cathode Setting Lookup table at a ROM address order of segments ORG 1000H 0B OB OB OB 0B DB DB OB OB DB OR 3FH 18H 58H 4FH 66H ‘6DH 70H o7H 7FH FH pefe 0011 0001 e101 e100 e110 e110 e111 2000 e111 e110 deba 4111. 1000 1011 q441. e110 1101 1101 e111 1441. ai. 3 Lookup table for digits @ to 9 College of Engineering, Muttathara pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern for for for for for for for for for tor e warausune 11s Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU ORG 10@@H ; Setting Lookup table at a ROM address 5 pgfe deba = order of segments DB @8111111B, 9000011@B, 010116118, 010011118, 61100110B, 611011018, @1111101B, 9@090111B, 911111118, @1101111B8 OR 3 Lookup table for digits @ to 9 ORG 10@@H ; Setting Lookup table at a ROM address 5 pgfe deba = order of segments D8 3H, 18H, SBH, 4FH, 6H, 6DH, 7DH, 07H, 7FH, 6FH Code Memory ddx) 0x1000| 0x3F\value ol1/2/3]4[5]6|7|s koje ls Nolele 1000 3F 18 5B 4F 66 6D 7D 07 7F 6F 00 00.00/00 00 00 Note: Just for understanding purpose ‘ORG 0000H ; initial starting address MOV DPTR, #1000 MOV A, #3H MOVCA, @A+DPTR } Copy data from external location to accumulator, MOV P2, A ; Move the pattern of the digit into port P2 SETB P3.0 ; To activate 7 segment EXIT: SUMP EXIT j Lookup table for digits 0 to 9 ORG 0400H ; Setting Lookup table at a ROM address. Here, it is 400H : pgfe deba = order of segments DB 3FH,O6H, 5BH, 4FH, 66H, 6DH, 7DH, 07H, 7FH, 6FH END College of Engineering, Muttathara 116 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU eT set to the starting address of lookup table (in ROM). If you need to display number “3” in 7-segment display, code for 3 will be present at address (400 + 3). To achieve this, first, Ais set to 3. Using “MOVC A, @A+DPTR", Content at resultant address location (DPTR + A) is saved in A Now, A contains pattern of the required digit (’) Using “MOV P2, A”, Move the pattern of the digit present ‘ KSA KAK into port P2 ~ Note: You can give label to the starting address of lookup table. Assembler will replace the label with its uddress location in ROM wher it is present in uu instruction. ORG 0000H _; initial starting address MOV.DPTR,#LUT 4+=+~-~-~ 22+ -0o sere eavesneern vw MOV A, #3H MOVC A, @A+DPTR 3 Copy data from external location to accumulator SETB P3.0 3 To activate 7 segment EXIT: SUMP EXIT ; Lookup table for digits 0 to 9 ORG 0400H ; Setting Lookup table at a ROM address. Here, it is 400H ; pefe dcba = order of segments LUT: DB 3FH,OGH, SBH, 4FH, 65H, 6DH, 7DH, 07H, 7FH, 6FH END Q) Write an 8051 Assembly code program to display numbers from 0 to 9 repeatedly in a sequence on seven-segment modules. Provide the delay between two numbers. ‘ MOV P2, 4 ; Move the pattern of the digit into port P2 ‘ORG 0000H ; initial starting address START: MOV DPTR, #LUT. Mov R1, #10 5 R7 = number of digits REPEAT: CLRA MOVC A, @A+DPTR ; Copy data from external location to accurtulator LL Main SETB P3.0 To activate 7 segment Progra MOV P2, A Move the pattern of the digit into port P2 ACALL DELAY ; Call a delay to so that the transition is visiole ~ <-- INCDPTR ; Point to the next pattern ’ DJNZ Ri, REPEAT; Repeat tll all digits are used once i SJMP START ; Run this forever till externally stopped : J DELAY: MOV R7,#00H + : MOV R6, #00H MOV RS, #02H NOP DINZ RS, LOOPS i DINZ R6, LOOP2 ! DINZ R7, LOOP oS RET ; Lookup table for digits 0 to 9 ORG 0400H LUT: DB3FH, 6H, SBH, 4FH, 66H, 6DH, 7DH, 07H, 7FH, 6FH END College of Engineering, Muttathara 7 | ;Sub-routine or Sub-program for delay Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Note: In the above question, Main Program can be written as follows ‘ORG 0000H MOV DPTR, #LUT START: MOV R1, #00H REPEAT: — MOVA,R1 MOVC A, @A+DPTR SETB P3.0 Mov P2, A ACALL DELAY INC RL CINE R1, #10, REPEAT SJMP START ; Run this forever till externally stopped Q) Write an 8051 Assembly code program to display numbers from 00 to 99 repeatedly in a sequence on 2 seven-segment modules without multiplexing. Provide the delay between two numbers ‘ORG 0000H MOV DPTR, #LUT START: MOV R1, #00H update: MOV R2, #00H MOVA, R1 MOVC A, @A+DPTR SETBP1.0 Mov P2, A REPEAT: MOV A, R2 MOVC A, @A+DPTR SETBP1.1 Mov P3, A ACALL DELAY INC R2 CINE R2, #10, REPEAT INC R1 CINE R1, #10, update SJMP START ;Sub-routine or Sub-program for delay DELAY: MOVRS, HOOH LOOPI: MOV R6, #00H LOOP2: MOV R7, #02H Loops: NOP DINZ R7. LOOP3 DINZ R6, LOOP2 DINZ RS, LOOP1 RET College of Engineering, Muttathara sinitial starting address jInitial value of 1st number ial value of 2nd number \" gets pattern of the 1st digit present in LUT fo activate 1st 7 segment love the pattern of the digit into port P2 \" gets pattern of the 2nd digit present in LUT ; To activate 2nd 7 segment love the pattern of the it into port P3 ; Call a delay to so that the transition is visible ; Repeat till all digits are used once in 2nd digit place (LSB) ; Update 1st digit place (MSB) tll all digits are used once un this forever tll externally stopped 118 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU ; Lookup table for digits 0 to 9 ORG 400H LUT: DB 3FH, O6H, SBH, 4FH, 66H, 6DH, 7DH, 07H, 7FH, 6FH END Note: Just for understandin se a Q) Write an 8051 Assembly code program to display numbers from 00 to 99 repeatedly in a sequence on 2 seven-segment modules with multiplexing. Provide the delay between two numbers. ‘ORG 0000H jinitial starting address MOV DPTR, #LUT START: MOV R1, #00H jInitial value of Ist number update: MOV R2, #00H sInitial value of 2nd number refresh: MOV R3, #10H agai MOV A, R1 MOVC A, @A+DPTR \" gets pattern of the 1st digit present in LUT Mov P3, #018 ;To activate 1st 7 segment MOV P2, A love the pattern of the digit into port P2 ‘ACALL DELAY ; Call a delay to so that the transition is visible Mov A, R2 MOVC A, @A+DPTR i \" gets pattern of the 2nd digit present in LUT Mov P3, #108 ; To activate 2nd 7 segment MOV P2, A j Move the pattern of the digit into port P3 ACALL DELAY Call a delay to so that the transition is visible DINZ R3, again ; **display same numbers R3 times to create a illusion of not blinking College of Engineering, Muttathara 119 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU INC R2 CINE R2, #10, refresh ; Repeat till all digits are used once in 2nd digit place (LSB) INC RL CINE R1, #10, update ; Update 1st digit place (MSB) til all digits are used once SMP START tun this forever till externally stopped sSub-routine or Sub-program for delay ei MOV RS, #00H MOV R6, #20H NoP DINZ R6, LOOP2 DINZ RS, LOOP RET ; Lookup table for digits 0 to 9 ORG 400H LUT: DB 3FH, O6H, SBH, 4FH, 66H, 6DH, 7DH, 07H, 7FH, 6FH END Note: Just for understanding purpose **Note: + Incase of multiplexed 7 segment displays, by repeating the above cycle continuously, so fast that we beat “Persistence of Vision”. The human eye needs roughly 80-100 milliseconds to register an event. ‘Ife can loop back within that much time, the human eye will get the “illusion” that all 4 digits are on simultaneously though that’s not the real case. ‘* This is the same principle behind motion picture or movies. The [tC however is so fast that it can finish the loop in less than one millisecond. We therefore take the liberty of adding a small delay (5-10 milliseconds) as each digit is displayed, to allow the LEDs enough time to fire up. It still gives the UC enough time to finish the loop in the stipulated time window. College of Engineering, Muttathara 120 Computer Architecture & Mic ontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Module 3: Part 3 Programming 8051 in C- Declaring variables, Simple examples - delay generation, port programming, code conversion. Programming 8051 in C ‘© Compilers produce hex files that we download into the ROM of the microcontroller. ‘¢ The size of the hex file produced by the compiler is one of the main concerns of microcontroller programmers, for two reasons: 1) Microcontrollers have limited on-chip ROM. 2) The code space for the 8051 is limited to 64K bytes. ‘* Advantages for writing programs in C instead of Assembly: 1) It is easier and less time consuming to write in C than Assembly. 2) Cis easier to modify and update. 3) You can use code available in function libraries. 4) C programs are portable to other microcontrollers with litte or no modification. \dvantages for writing programs in C instead of Assembly: 1) Assembly language programs have fixed size for the HEX files produced, whereas for the same ‘C’ programs, different ‘C’ compiler produces different HEX code sizes. 2) The 8051 general purpose registers, such 2s RO-R7, A &B are under the control of the ‘C’ compiler & are not accessed by ‘C’ statements. 3) Itis difficult to calculate exact delay for ‘C’ programs. 4) Microcontrollers have limited on-chip ROM & the code space (to store program codes) is also limited. Eg: A misuse of data types by the programmer in writing ‘C’ programs such as using ‘int’ (16-bit) data type instead of ‘unsigned char’ (8-bit) can lead to a large size HEX files. The same problem does not arise in assembly language programs. 1. Data types in C for the 8051. SI | Data Type Size in Bits Data Range 1. | unsigned char abit Oto 255 (00-FFH) ‘Since 8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller, the character data type is also 8-bit. * So, char data type is most widely used * Used for setting a counter value, to represent ASCII character etc Note: C compilers use the signed char as the default if we do not put the keyword unsigned in front of the char ‘SI | Data Type ‘Size in Bits Data Range 2. | char (signed) 8-bit, -128 to +127 ‘© MSB bit represent sign bit: ‘© Remaining 7-bits are used to represent the magnitude of the number. * This datatype is needed to represent a given quantity such as temperature, the use of the signed char data type is @ must. SI | Data Type Size in Bits Data Range 3. | unsigned int 16-bit (to 65535 (0000-FFFF H) ‘* Used to define 16-bit variables such as memory addresses. * Used to set counter values of more than 256. ‘* Since 8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller & the int data type takes two bytes of RAM. (So we must not use int data type unless we have to) The misuse of int variables will result in a larger HEX file College of Engineering, Muttathara 11 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Note: The C compiler uses signed int as a default if we do not use the keyword unsigned Sl | Data Type Size in Bits Data Range 4, | int (signed) 16-bit 32,768 to +32,767 © MSB bit represent sign bit. + _ Remaining 15-bits are used to represent the magnitude of the number. SI | Data Type Size in Bits Usage a 5. | sbit Lit SFR bit-addressable only + Used to access bit addressable SFR only Si | Data Type Size in Bits Usage 6. | bit Lit RAM bit-addressable only Used to access bit-addressable section of RAM space 20-2FH only Usage Sl | Data Type a RAM addresses 80-FFH only 7. | sfr ‘Used to access byte-addressable SFR registers 2. Simple examples Q) Write an 8051 C program to send values 00-FF to port P2 include void main(void) {unsigned char i; for (i=0 j i<=255 j i++) /finstead of 255, its Hexadecimal value OxFF can be given 4 P. // P2is the keyword for Port 2 which is declared in reg51.h file + Note: Run the above program on your simulator to see how P1 displays values 00-FFH in binary. Q) Write aC program to display number from 00 to FFh to port P2 only once using sfr data type. sfr P2 =OxA0; //?2 is declared using sfr keyword. void main(void) {unsigned char i; for (i=0; i<=255 ; i++) // instead of 255, its Hexadecimal value OxFF can be given {Op 2=is t Note: © The program doesn’t use the #include, but the port address PO is declared using sfr keyword. ‘© sfr P2 =0xA0; implies P2 is a variable of Byte size, which has a definite RAM address of AOH in the RAM area ‘© Ox indicates the data is in Hexadecimal. College of Engineering, Muttathara 122 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Q) Write an 8051 C program to send hex values for ASCII characters of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A,B, Gand D to port P1. // Program to displays given value only once #include void main(void) { unsigned char x{]="012345A8CD"; unsigned char i; fr(i=0 ; i<=10 ; ir) { Pl=xlil; } } Note: The ASCII characters can be concatenated to form a string & then we can access’all the characters serially one after the other using an array indexing. Eg: After defining as unsigned char x[ ]="012345ABCD' To access ‘3', we can use x[3], Similarly to access ‘A’, we can use x{6]. Run the above program on your simulator to see how Pi. displays values 30H, 31H, 32H, 33H, 34H, 35H, 41H, 42H, 43H, and 44H, the hex values for ASCII 0, 1, 2,and so on. // Program to display given value continuously #include void main(void) { unsigned char x{]= “012345ABCD"; unsigned char i while(1) //repeat forever Q) Write an 8051 C program to send values of -4 to +4 to port P1. [sign numbers #include void main(void) { char x{J (+1-1,42,-2,43,-3,44,-4); // use of Signed char unsigned char i; for (i: +) Pi=x{l); f College of Engineering, Muttathara 123 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE S4EC KTU Note: Run the above program on your simulator to see how P1 displays values of 1, FFH, 2, FEH, 3, FDH, and 4, FCH, the hex values for +1, -1, +2, ~2, and so on. Q) Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of P1 continuously. // Toggle P1 forever include void main(voi { whiile(1) Hrepeut forever { P1=0x55; _//Ox indicates the data is in Hexadecimal 7/0101 0101 P1=0xAA; — // 1010 1010 } + Note: Run the above program on your simulator to see how PI toggles continuously. Examine the asm code generated by the Ccompiler. Q) Write an 8051 C program to toggle bit DO delay) LSB) of the port P1 (P1.0) 50,000 times (without any include sbit MYBIT = P1*0; /notice that sbit is declared outside of main // Here P1.0 is defined as MYBIT. i.e, Single bit void main(void) { ed int 2; for (2=0 ; 2<=50000 ; z++) { MyBIT = 0; MyBiT = 1; } t Note: Run the above program on your simulator to see how P1.0 toggles continuously InC program, P1.0 bitis represented as P10 ‘Summary: Some Widely Used Data Types for 8051 C Data Type Size in Bits Data Range/Usage unsigned cha 8-bit 00 255 char (signed) 8-bit =128 to +127 0 to 65535 32,768 to +32,767 sl bit SER bit-addressable only bit bit RAM bit-addressable only str 8-bit RAM addresses 80-FFH only unsigned int int (signed) College of Engineering, Muttathara 124 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Note: There are two ways to create a time delay in 8051 C: 1) Software delay: Using a simple ‘for’ loop 2) Hardware delay: Using the 8051 timers 2.1. Time Delay generation using a simple ‘for’ loop In creating a time delay using a for loop, three factors that can affect the time delay size. 1) 8051 design: original 8051/52 design used 12 clock periods per machine cycle many of the newer generations of the 8051 use fewer clocks per machine cycle. For example, the DS5000 uses 4 clock periods per machine cycle, while the DS89C4x0 uses only 1 clock per machine cycle 2), Crystal frequency connected to the X1- X2 input pins: The duration of the clock period for the machine cycle is a function of this crystal frequency 3) Compiler used to compile the C program: if we compile a given 8051 C program with different compilers, each compiler produces different hex code. For the above reasons, when we write time delays for C, we must use the oscilloscope to measure the exact duration Q) Write an 8051 C program to toggle bits of P1 continuously forever with some delay. Solution: // Toggle P1 forever with some delay in between “on” and “off”. Hinclude void main(void) { unsigned int x; while(1) repeat forever { P1=0x55; for(x=0 ; x<40000 ; x++); «//delay size unknown P1=0xAA; for(x=0 j x<40000 j x+4+)5 t } Q) Write an 8051 C program to toggle bits of P1 ports continuously with a 250 ms delay. Solutior // This program is tested for the DS89C4x0 with XTAL = 11.0592 MHz. Hinclude void MSDelay(unsigned int); ‘// function declaration void main{void) { —— while(1) (repeat forever { --P1=0x55; MsDelay(250); P1=0xAA; MsDelay(250); I t void MSDelay(unsigned int itime) // function definition { ned int i, forli=0 ; i< itime ; i++) College of Engineering, Muttathara 125 Computer Architecture & Mierocontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU for(j=0 ; j < 1275 ; j++); Note: Run the above program on your Trainer and use the oscilloscope to measure the delay: “for(j=0 ; j < 1275 ; j++);” will generate 1 millisecond delay using DS89C4x0 with XTAL= 11.0592 MHz Q) Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of PO and P2 continuously with a 250 ms delay. Solutior this program is tested for the DS89CAx0 with XTAL = 11.0592 MHz include void MSDelay(unsigned int); void main{void) {— while(1) repeat forever { P2=0x55; MsDelay(250); PO=0xAA; P2=0xAA; MsDelay(250); t } void MSDelay(unsigned int itime) // function definition { —unsigne fori=0 ; i< itime ; i++) for(j=0 ; j < 1275; j+4); } 2.2 Port programming 2.2.1 Byte size I/O programmi Ports PO-P3 are byte-accessible, We use the PO-P3 labels as defined in the 8051/52 C header Q) LEDs are connected to bits P1 and P2. Write an 8051 C program that shows the count from 0 to FFH (0000 0000 to 1111 1111 in binary) on the LEDs. Solution: Hinclude ~//P2 & P1 are keywords for Port 2 & Port 1 which are declared in reg51.h file #define LED P2 Hnotice how we can define P2 void main(void) { P1=00; Helear P1 LED=0; Melear P2 for(;:) //repeat forever, equivalent to “while(1)” { Patt; /fincrement Pt LED++; /fincrement P2 } } College of Engineering, Muttathara 126 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Q) Write an 8051 C program to get a byte of data from P1, wait 1/2 second, and then send it to P2. Solution: #include void MSDelay(unsigned int); void main(void) { unsigned char mybyte; P1=OxFF; //make P1 an input port while(1) { mybyte=P1; Het a byte from P1 MsDelay(500); P2=mybyte; Hsend it to P2 } } void MSDelay(unsigned int itime) // function definition { ned inti, j for(j=0 ; j < 1275 ; j++); Q) Write an 8051 C program to get a byte of data from PO. Ifit is less than 100, send it to P1; otherwise, send it to P2. Solution: #include void main(v: { unsigned char mybyte; PO=OxFF; //To make PO an input port, initialize that port value to 1111 1111 while(1) { mybyte=P0; //get a byte from PO iffmybyte<100) P1=mybyte; send it to P1 if less than 109 else P2=mybyte; (//send it to P2 if more than 100 } } it-addressable 1/0 programming ‘* The |/O ports of PO-P3 are bit-addressable. * Wecan access a single bit without disturbing the rest of the port. * | Weuse the sbit data type to access a single bit of PO-P3. * One way to do that is to use the Px"y format where x is the port 0,1, 2, or 3, and that port. *. For example, P147 indicates P1.7. ‘¢ When using this method, you need to include the reg51.h file. he bit 0-7 of College of Engineering, Muttathara 127 Computer Architecture & Mierocontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Q) Write an 8051 C program to toggle only bit P2.4 continuously without disturbing the rest of the bits of P2. Solution: //toggling an individual bit Hinclude sbit mybit = P24; Hnotice the way single bit is declared void main(voi { while(1) { mybit Hturn on P2.4 mybit=0; /fturn off P2.4 } } Q) Write an 8051 C program to monitor the bit P2.4. if it is high, send 55H to P1; otherwise send AAH to Pl. Solution: include sbit mybit = P2*4; void main(void) { — mybit (770 make P2.4 an input while(1) repeat forever {if (mybi P1=0x55; _//0x indicates the data is in Hexadecimal else P1=0xAA; } Q)A door sensor is connected to the P1.1 pin, and a buzzer is connected te P1.7. Write an 8051 C program to monitor the door sensor, and when it opens, sound the buzzer. You can sound the buzzer by sending a square wave of a few hundred Hz. Solution: include void MSDelay( unsigned int); sbit Sensor = P141; //notice the way single bit is defined sbit Buzzer = P1*7; { — Sensor=1; //make P1.1 an input while(Sensor==1) {~~ buzzer=0; MsDelay(200); buzzer=1; MsDelay(200}; } College of Engineering, Muttathara 128 Computer Architecture & Mi -ontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU void MSDelay(unsigned int itime) / function definition {unsigned int i, j for(i=0 j i statement. This allows us to access any byte of the SFR RAM space 80-FFH. This is a method widely used forthe new generation of 8051 microcontrollers. Table 1:Single-Bit Addresses of Ports PO Address PI Address = P2 Address P3 Address Port’s Bit P0.0 80H P10 90H P2.0 _AOH BOH DO PO.1 81H Pll 91H PAA ALH BIH DI P0.2 82H P12 92H A2H B2H D2 P03 83H P13 93H A3H B3H D3 P04 84H P14 94H A4H. B4H D4 POS 85H PLS 95H ASH BSH DS P0.6 86H P16 96H A6H BoH D6 P07 87H P17 = =697H ATH B7H D7 Example 1: Write an 8051 C program to toggle all the bits of PO, P1, and P2 continuously with a 250 ms delay. Use the sfr keyword to declare the port addresses. Solution: // Accessing Ports as SFRs using the sfr data type sfr PO = 0x80; U/declaring PO using sfr data type sfr P1 = 0x90; sfr P2 = OxA0; void MSDelay( unsigned int); void main(void) { while(1) //do it forever { PO=0x55; P1=0x55; P2=0x55; MsDelay(250); (7/250 ms delay PO=0xAA; P1=0xAA; P2=0xAA; MsDelay(250); (1/250 ms delay College of Engineering, Muttathara 129 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU void MSDelay(unsigned int itime) 1 function definition {unsigned inti, j for(i=0 ; i< itime i++) for(j=0 ; |< 1275; j+4); } Example 2: Write an 8051 C program to turn bit P1.5 on and off 50,000 times. Solution: sbit MYBIT = 0x95; //another way to declare bit P1*5 void main(voi { unsigned int i; for (i= 0; 1 < 50000 ; i++) { yer MyBIT=0; } } Note: Using bit data type for bit-addressable RAM The sbit data type is used for bit-addressable SFR registers only. Sometimes we need to store some data in a bit-addressable section of the data RAM space 20-2FH. To do that, we use the bit data type, as shown in Example 3. Example 3: Write an 8051 C program to get the status of bit P1.0, save it, and send it to P2.7 continuously. Solution: #tinclude sbit inbit = P1°0; 247; Usbit is used to declare SFR bits /{notice we use bit to declare bit-addressable RAM void main(void) { inbit = 1; //make P1.0 an input while(1) get a bit from P1.0 Hand send it to P2.7 2.3 Code conversion ‘* "Many newer microcontrollers have a real-time clock (RTC) that keeps track of the even when the power is off. ‘* Very often the RTC provides the time and date in packed BCD. However, to display them they must be converted to ASCII. ‘* In this section, we show the application of logic and rotate instructions in the conversion of BCD and ASCII. College of Engineering, Muttathara 130 Computer Archite ¢ & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Note : ASCII numbers (for better understanding purpose only) ‘© OnASCII keyboards, when the key “0” is activated, “011 0000” (30H) is provided to the computer. Similarly, 31H (011 0001) is provided for the key “1,” and so on, as shown in Tables Key ASCII (hex) Binary BCD (unpacked) 0 0 011 0000 0000.0000. 1 31 011 0001 0000,0001 2 32 O11 0010 (0000 0010 3 33, O11 0011 00000011 4 34 O11 0100 (00000100 5 35 O11 0101 (0000 0101 6 36 O11 0110. 0000 110 7 37 OIL ONT 0000 O11 8 38 O11 1000 (0000 1000 9 39 O11 1001 0000-1001 Note : Packed BCD to ASCII conversion (for better understanding purpose only) The RTC provides the time of day (hour, minute, second) and the date (year, month, day) continuously, regardless of whether the power is on or off. ‘© However, this data is provided in packed BCD. ‘* To convert packed BCD to ASCII, it must first be converted to unpacked BCD. Then the unpacked BCD is tagged with 011 0000 (30H). The following demonstrates converting from packed BCD to ASCII Packed BCD Unpacked BCD. ASCII 0x29 0x02), 0x09 0x32, 0x39 00101001 00000010,00001001 00110010, 00111001 Note : ASCII to Packed BCD conversion (for better understanding purpose only) ‘© Toconvert ASCII to packed BCD, itis first converted to unpacked BCD (to get rid of the 3), and then combined to make packed BCD. ‘+ For example, 4 and.7 on the keyboard give 34H and 37H, respectively. The goal is to produce 47H or “0100 0111", which is packed BCD. Key ASCII Unpacked BCD Packed BCD 4 34 00000100 7 37 00000111 01000111 or 47H ‘* After this conversion, the packed BCD numbers are processed and the result will be in packed BCD format. Note: Bit-wise Logic Operations in 8051 C (for better understanding purpose only) AND (&), — OR(I), EX-OR (A), Inverter (~), Shift Right(>>), and Shift left (<<). ‘* These bit-wise operators are widely used in software engineering for embedded systems and control College of Engineering, Muttathara 131 Computer Architecture & Mierocontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU 0x35 & OxOF; //ANDing 0x04 | 0x68; //ORing 0x54 * 0x78; //XORing ~0x55; //inversing Ox9A >> 3; //shifting right 3 times 0x77 >> 4; //shifting right 4 times 0x6 << 4; //shifting left 4 times 0x35 & OxOF = 0x05 /* ANDing */ 0x04 | 0x68 = Ox6C /* ORing: */ 0x54 * 0x78 = 0x2C /* XORing */ ~0x55 = OxAA /* Inverting 5SH.*/ Ox9A >> 3= 0x13 /* shifting right.3 times */ 0x77 >> 4 = 0x07 /* shifting right 4 times */ 0x6 << 4 = 0x60 /* shifting left 4 times */ Q) Write an 8051 C program to convert packed BCD 0x29 to ASCII and display the bytes on P1 and P2. Solution: include void main(void) { unsigned char x, y, 2; unsigned char mybyte = 0x29; x= mybyte & OxOF; //mask lower 4 bits P1=x | 0x30; //make it ASCH y = mybyte & OxFO; //mask upper 4 bits y=y>>4; //shift it to lower 4 bits P2=y | 0x30; //make it ASCII t Q) Write an 8051 C program to convert ASCII digits of ‘4’ and ‘7’ to packed BCD and display them on P1. Solution: ude void main(void) { unsigned char bedbyte; unsigned char w ='4"; unsigned char w=w & OxOF; H/mask 3 <4; Ushife left to make upper BCD digit College of Engineering, Muttathara 132 we ers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU 2= 2 & OXF; Umask 3 bedbyte = w | z; //combine to make packed BCD P1=bedbyte; t Q) Write an 8051 C program to get the status of bit P1.0, save it, and send it to P2.7 after inverting it. Solution: (No! Hinclude xr Page 130 Exam, H/sbit is used to declare SFR bits bit membit; //notice we use bit to declare bit-addressable RAM void main(void) { — inbit =1; //make P1.0 an input while(1) { membit outbit //get a bit from P1.0 ‘membit; // invert it and send it to P2.7 } Q) Write an 8051 C program to convert 11111101 (FD hex) to decimal and display the digits on PO, P1, and P2. Solution: #include void main(void) { unsigned char x, binbyte, di, d2, d3; binbyte = OxFD; J/einary(hex) byte x= binbyte / 10; /divide by 10 d1 = binbyte % 10; //find remainder (LSD) d2.=x% 10; 3 =x/ 10; //most significant digit (MSD) P1=d2; Hint: Quotient Remainder FDA 19 3 (low digit) LSD 19/0A 2 5 (middle digit) 2 (high digit) (MSD) College of Engineering, Muttathara 133, Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3, Module 3: Part 4 Interfacing of - LCD display, Keyboard, Stepper Motor, DAC and ADC-- with 8051 and its programming. 1. Interfacing of 16x2 LCD display with 8051 and its programming. 8051 se P1040 Voc y. Pit}; 4107 RS RW E YS P2.0 P2.1 P22 1.1 Pin Description of the LCD unit Pin | Function Vss___| Ground Vcc__| +5V power supply rightness (Contrast) Adjust RS__| Register Select | 0: Command | ata R/W__| Read or Write Select | 0: Write | 1: Read E Latch Enable: Falling Edge Latches Command/ Data D0-D7 | 8-bit Command or Data Value 1.2 Typical LCD Command Codes Code _ | Function 38H __| Initialise 16 character, 2 rows 5x7 matrix display layout OFH _| Display ON, Cursor ON, Cursor Blinking 01H | Clear Display (Clears the On-Chip DRAM of the LCD Unit) 06H _| Cursor increment Mode (Moves Cursor from Left to Right) 80H | Force cursor to beginning of 1st line 1.3 Steps to send Command or Data to the LCD Unit ‘Steps for sending Command Steps for sending Data 1) Put out the command onthe port (P1) | 1) Put out the data on the port (P1) 2) Make Register Select = 0 (Command) 2) Make Register Select = 1 (Data) 3) Make R/W=0 (As we are writing) 3) Make R/W =0 (As we are writing) 4) Make Latch Enable = 1 4) Make Latch Enable = 1 5) Calladelay 5) Call adelay 6). Make Latch Enable = 0 (Falling Edge) 6) Make Latch Enable =0 (Falling Edge) 14 Steps to display a message on LCD using 8051 using assembly language. Step. Create Look up table of ASCII codes of a given string at sume tocation eg: 04004 Step 2: Make DPTR point to the table Step 3: Initialise LCD unit by sending command codes: 38H, OFH, 01H, O6H, 80H Step 4: Initialise R7 with no. of character present in the given string including space. Step 5: Initialise R6 = 0 College of Engineering, Muttathara 134 Step 6: Step 7: Step 8: Step 9: Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Using R6 as index, obtain ASCII code of every character from look up table into A Send this code as Data to the LCD unit Increment Index R6 Decrement Loop count R7 and Loop till all characters are displayed Q) Interface LCD to 8051 and write assembly language program to display message “Hello World!” on it, Solution: Table: Display: Here: SCommand: 8051 P1O DO | PLT D7 RSRW E Ys P2.0 P2.1 P22 ‘ORG 0400H DB 'Hello World!" ‘ORG 0000H MOV A, #38H ACALL SCommand all the “SCommand” function when A = 38H MOV A, HOFH ACALL SCommand ; Call the “SCommand” function when A = OFH MoV A, #01H ACALL SCommand Call the “SCommand” function when A = 01H MOV A, #O6H ACALL SCommand Call the “SCommand” function when A = 06H MOV A, #80H ACALL SCommand all the “SCommand” function when A= 80H MOV DPTR, #Table } Initialise DPTR as a pointer to starting of the look up table MOV R7, #12 ;R7 =no. of character present in the given string including space MoV 6, #0 e RE =0 MOVA, R6 MOVC.A, @A+DPTR ; ASCII code from Look Up Table ACALL SData ; Call the “SData” function when A contain ASCII value (data) INC R6 ; Increment the Index DINZR7, Display oop till all 12 characters are displayed SIMP Here ; ind the program ;Sub-routine or Sub-program for sending command MOV P1,A ; Put Command value in P1 from A Register CLR P2.0 ; Make Register Select = 0 for Command CLR P2.1 ; Make Read/Write Select = 0 for Write SETB P2.2 ; Make Latch Enable = 1 College of Engineering, Muttathara 135 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE CLR P2.2 ; Make Latch Enable = 0 (This produces a Falling Edge) ACALL Delay ; Calla delay RET ;Sub-routine or Sub-program for sending data SData: MOV P1, A Put Data value (ASCII Code) in P1 from A Register SETB P2.0 j Make Register Select = 1 for Data CLR P21 ; Make Read/Write Select = 0 for Write SETB P22 j Make Latch Enable = 1 CLR P2.2 ; Make Latch Enable = 0 (This produces a Falling Edge) ACALL Delay ; Calla delay RET ;Sub-routine or Sub-program for delay Delay: MOV RS, #00H Loop: NOP DINZR5, Loop RET END Q) Interface LCD to 8051 and write 8051 C language program to display tnessage “Hello World!” on it. Solutio include sfr datapin = 0x90; //P1=LCD data sbit rs = P2*0; sbit rw = P2%1; sbit en = P22; void ledemd(unsigned char ); void Ieddata(unsigned char ); void MSdelay(unsigned int }; (Fig. 1) void main(void) {unsigned char af] : ed char bl] = {0x38, OxOF, 0x01, 0x06, 0x80}; unsigned char |; for(i=0; iS ; i++) _// Initialise LCD unit by sending command codes: 38H, OFH, 01H, O6H, 80H {Icdemd(bfil); } forli=0 ; i< 12; i++) {Ieddata(ali]); } while(1); //to wait forever } void ledemd(unsigned char value) { datapin = value; // put the value on the pins // strobe the enable pin College of Engineering, Muttathara 136 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3, Msdelay(2); } void Ieddata(unsigned char value) { datapin = value; // put the value on the pins rs=1; // strobe the enable pin Msdelay(2); en=0; } void MSdelay(int ms) { unsigned int i,j js i< ms; i+) /1 Outer “for” loop for given milliseconds value ; js 1275; j++); // inter “for” loop for 1ms delay 2. Interfacing of Stepper Motor with 8051 and its programming. 2.1 Introduction to Stepper Motor (just understanding only } © Stepper motors are used to translate electrical pulses into mechanical movements. ‘* The main advantage of using the stepper motor is the position control. * Due to their properties, stepper motors are used in many applications where a simple position control and the ability to hold position are needed, including: a * ‘© Components of a stepper motor College of Engineering, Muttathara 137 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE |_S4 EC KTU ¥ Stator: The stator is made up of four coils, that are energized by the pulses froma microcontroller or a stepper controller. ¥ Rotor: The number of steps of the rotor and its alignment with the stator determines the step angle and steps per revolution. ¥ Permanent magnets: The rotor is mounted on a permanent magnet that attracts or repels the stator coils and hence the propulsion occurs. ‘Stepper motors are broadly divided into two types 1) Unipolar stepper motor 2) Bipolar stepper motor © Unipolar stepper motor A ‘Common wire to suppply D ‘Stepper B Common wire eo to suppply Y The unipolar stepper motor has five or six wires out of which four wires are joined to one of the ends of each of the four stator coils. Y The connections at the center of the coils are joined together and are connected to the 12V supply. ¥ They are called unipolar steppers because power always comes in on this one pole. College of Engineering, Muttathara 138 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3 ‘* Bipolar stepper motor Stepper c Y The bipolar stepper motor usually has four wires coming out of it: Unlike unipolar steppers, bipolar steppers have no common center connection. Y They have two independent sets of coils instead. 2.2. Interfacing Unipolar stepper motor to 8051 Microcontroller. av Hv CURRENT DRIVER IC ‘com ae ac fh 2B 2c sa ac HEE 4B 40 & ecftt ed ULN2003A UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR ‘+ We are using Port 2 of 8051 microcontroller to generate high and low pulses and using a current amplifier IC i.e. ULN2003a to amplify the current to drive the stepper motor using the pulse of the microcontroller. ‘* On the basis of the way the coils are energized, a Unipolar Stepper motor can be classified into three categories: 1) Wave Drive Mode 2) Full Drive Mode 3) Half Drive Mode Wave drive mode Y Inthis mode, one coil is energized at a time. So all four Y This mode produces less torque than full step drive mode. aie energized one after another. Steps |A|B|C|D | HEX 1_| 1/0] 0/0 | oxos 2 [o|1[ 0] 0 | 0x04 3 [o/0|1/ 0 | oxoz 4 [o/o|o/ 14 | oxo1 College of Engineering, Muttathara 139 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU «Full Drive mode ¥ inthis mode, two coils are energized at the same time. v This mode produces more torque. Here the power consumption is also high Steps |A|/B/C|D/ HEX 1 [a/a[o|o | oxoc 2 |o/1| 1/0 | 0x06 3 [o/0|1/ 14 | 0x03 4 [1[o[o|1 | 0x09 * Half Drive Mode Y In this mode, one and two coils are energized alternately. Y Atfirst, one coil is energized then two coils are energized. Y This is basically a combination of wave and full drive mode. ¥ Itincreases the angular rotation of the motor Steps |A|B|C|D| HEX 1 1 | 0/0} 0 | 0x08 2 1|1/0| 0 | Ox0c 3 0 | 1) 0/| 0 | 0x04 4_[o[a[1] 0 ox06 5 o|o 0 | 0x02 6 ojo 1 | 0x03 7 O10 1 | 0x01 8 1 | 0/0} 1 | 0x09 © Why are we using ULN2003A driver? ¥ AStepper motor consumes a current of 0.1—1 A during step rotation with the load. ¥ An AT89c51 produces a maximum current of 0.045A through the ports. Y Therefore, the pulses sent from Port 2 are not sufficient to run a stepper motor. Y Hence, we cannot directly interface stepper motors with microcontrollers like AT89C51 microcontroller. ‘There are two solutions to this problem: 1) Touse a motor driver like L239D OR 2) To use a current amplification IC < ULN2003A Q) Interface Stepper Motor to 8051 and write 8051 C language program to operate it in full drive mode Solutio sia cURRENTORVER ef con 7 sh “Ee 1 fe Eee ce ee sje he & & 8051 are RDG UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR #includecreg51.h> void MSdelay(int ms) { unsigned int i j for(i =0; i< ms; i++) // Outer “for” loop for given milliseconds value forlj = 0; j< 1275; i+); // Inter “for” loop for ims delay College of Engineering, Muttathara 140 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE void main() { unsigned int rot_angle[] = {0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x09}; // Full drive Mode unsigned int i; while(1) // To repeat infinitely {for(i =0;i<4; i++) { P2=rot_anglelil; MSdelay(100); _//100 times 1 ms delay } Note: Change the value to get other modes Eg: unsigned int rot_angle[] = {0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01}; // Wave drive Mode Q) Assembly language program to interface stepper motor with 8051 + sv cunsenronwerie f i cone S =: Se P23 He 6 Ee ca 8051 a RDA UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR // Wave Drive Mode ORG OOH MAIN: MOV P2, #08H CALL DELAY MOV P2, #04H ACALL DELAY MOV P2, #02H ACALL DELAY Mov P2, #01H ACALL DELAY. ‘SUMP MAIN sSub-routine or Sub-program for delay DELAY: MOV R7, #00H LOOP1: MOV R6, #00H LOOP2: MOV RS, #08H LooP3: NOP DINZRS, LOOP DINZ R6, LOOP2 DJNZR7, LOOP1 RET College of Engineering, Muttathara 1m Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE QA switch is connected to pin P2.7. Write a C program to monitor the status of sw and perform the following: (a) If sw =0, the stepper motor moves clockwise. (b) If sw = 1, the stepper motor moves counter-clockwise. Soluti aoa wv sw CURRENT DRIVER IC f ‘Switch Pio omg S 7 Py 2 HS S para ps ono se] me 8051 1 UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR Hinclude sbit SW=P247; void MSdelay(int ms) { unsigned int i, j; for(i } I< ms; i+) // Outer “for” loop for given milliseconds value j< 1275; j++); // \nter “for” loop for Ims delay void main() { unsigned int rot_angle[] = (0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01}; // Wave drive Mode unsigned int i; while(1) /Jinfinite loop for rotation { SW=1;//to set PORT PIN asINPUT for(i =0; i<4; i++) { if(SW ==0) P1 = rot_anglelil; else P1 = rot_angle(3- Msdelay(100); } College of Engineering, Muttathara 142 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU 3. Interfacing of Keyboard with 8051 and its programming. 3.1 4x4 Matrix Keypad Module - 16 Keys ¥ The 4x4 matrix keypad is an input device, it usually used to provide input value in a project. ¥ thas 16 keys in total, which means it can provide 16 input values. The 4x4 matrix keyboard has a total of 8 pins. 4 of them are pins for rows and 4 for columns. Each button is essentially a push button that short-circuits both a row and a column when pushed. Ashort circuit is formed in the intersection of the row and the column to determine and distinguish which button was pressed. For example, if you give the first row (Ri) alow mark anda high value for all columns, for example, when you press 3, the high mark in column C3 changes to low. At the intersection of R1 and C3 is the 3-button button. In all cases like this, we can register which button was pressed. KA4A8 < 3.2. How a microcontroller can read these lines for a button-pressed state ‘©The microcontroller sets Yall the column line to 1 (8051 port pin as input) and Yall row lines to 0 (8051 port pin as output). ‘* After that, it checks the column lines one at a time. ‘+ Ifall column connection stays HIGH, the button on the row has not been pressed. ‘* IFit one column goes LOW, the button on that column has been pressed. ‘+. Immediately, it checks the row lines one at a time by setting ¥ all the column line to 0 (8051 port pin as output) and ¥ allow lines to 1 (8051 port pin as input). College of Engineering, Muttathara 143 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU ‘+ Now, the microcontroller knows which row was set to LOW, and which column was detected LOW when checked. ‘+ Finally, it knows which button was pressed that corresponds to the detected row & column. 1 0 7 + inet EEE i t ox Ls fs oe ; Gite mee t oe =p dal ES 2 mare BEE e3. sssossen rs ase AF EP Re ov Rue, ® 7 ale SEE fe Banke ssa Bao oof no p20 ro include sfr Idata = 0x90; //P: sbit rs 20; sbit rw = P21; sbit en = P22; .CD data pins (Fig. 1) sbit R1 = P390; // Connecting 4x4 keypad to Port 3 sbit R2 = P31; sbit R3 = P342; sbit R4 = P343; sbit C1 = P3494; sit C2 = P345; sit C3 = P36; sbit C4 = P347; unsigned char a[4][4] ={ 2','3', Ah, 'S', '6', 'B'}, ‘c), ‘#, 'D'} k void ledemd(unsigned char ); void leddata(unsigned char ); College of Engineering, Muttathara 144 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU void MSdelay(unsigned int ); void row_finder(unsigned char); void main(void) { unsigned char b[] = {0x38, OxOF, 0x01, 0x06, 0x80); unsigned char i; forli=0;i<5;i++) { Iedcmad (bli); } while(1) { C1=C2=C3=C4=1; R1=R2=R3=R4=0; — //Make Columns as Input and Row as Output MSdelay(30); else if (C3: else if (C4==0) row_finder(3); } void row_finder(unsigned char c) //Function for finding the row for column 1 { //Make Columns as Output and Row as Input } void Iedemd(unsigned char value) { Idata = value; // put the value on the pins en=1; // strobe the enable pin MSdelay(2); en=0; i void leddata(unsigned char value) { Idata = value; ‘//put the value on the pins en=1; // strobe the enable pin Msdelay(2); en=0; } College of Engineering, Muttathara 14s Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3, void MSdelay(unsigned int ms) { unsigned inti, j; for(i i // Outer “for” loop for given milliseconds value for(j = 0; j< 1275; j+4); // inter “for” loop for 1ms delay 4. Interfacing of ADC with 8051 and its programming. INO —e{ GND Clock Vue ADCO808/0809 =| In? —} | Vee) £0C -——> a Vict OF ++ SC ALEC BA PFT Tes, ¢ ADC 0809 is an 8 channel, 8 bit ADC. It converts analog voltage input into an 8 bit digital data output. ‘* The channel voltage is internally sampled and held into a capacitor. Conversion takes place internally using “Successive Approximations Algorithm”. ‘© Reference voltage for conversion is provided using +Vser and —Vrer. '* The clock supply needed for conversion is given through CLK (typically ~ 1MH2). © There is no self-clocking and the clock must be provided from an external source to the CLK pin. ‘+ Although the speed of conversion depends on the frequency of the clock connected to the CLK ‘© pin, it cannot be faster than 100 microseconds. 4.1 Steps to program the ADC0808/0809 Step 1: To select one input out of 8 options, there are three select lines (C, B and A). Step 2: We puta voltage channel (analog signal) on selected input (0...7) Step 3: Latch it using ALE (address latch enable) pin. It needs an L-to-H pulse to latch in the address. Step 4: Activate SC (start conversion) by an L-to-H pulse to initiate conversion. Step 5: EOC (end of conversion) to see whether conversion is finished. H-to-L output indicates that the data is converted and is ready to be picked up. Step 6: Activate OE (output enable) to read data out of the ADC chi will bring digital data out of the chip. by Teh LIL LIL LL LL L$ wo) —p RL Fy A Se . An L-to-H pulse to the OE pin College of Engineering, Muttathara 146 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE asv = mak rs} —>[ noon v, bag pf wesc) veto} o 2s6v Tas tale De 10 108 won He Tam | fs ne | IS — — IS 4 i al v7 cLocey ‘External he INTR(EOC) I ial anc 6 [——"N ALE BIT P2.4 OF BIT P2.5 SC BIT P2.6 EOC BIT P2.7, ADDR_A BIT P2.0 ADDR_8 BIT P2.1 ADDR_C BIT P2.2 IMYDATA EQU P1 ‘ORG 0000H MOV RO, #20H ; RO = 20H (Pointer to Internal RAM location 20H) MOV MYDATA, #OFFH ;make P21 an input BACK: SETB EOC jmake EOC an input CLR ALE clear ALE CLR SC sclear WR CLR OE yelear RD, CLR ADDR_C sC=0 CLR ADDR_B ;B=0 SETB ADDR_A ‘1 (Select Channel 1) ACALL DELAY smake sure the addr is stable SETB ALE jlatch address ACALL DELAY sdelay for fast DS89C4x0 Chip SETB SC ;start conversion ACALL DELAY CLR ALE cur sc HERE: JB EOC, HERE jwait until done HERE1: JNB EOC, HERE ——_ wait until done SETB OE jenable RD ACALL DELAY wait MOVA,MYDATA read data MOV @RO, A Store converted data into Internal RAM location pointed by RO INC RO jIncrement location pointer DINZ R7, Back jRead converted data into A register Here: SIMP Here jEnd the program College of Engineering, Muttathara 147 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3, 5. Interfacing of DAC with 8051 and its programming. aa #5V ssi DACO808. RD Ve WR Veet) Pi0 |} > po Shri our [-—>| 2 [lps : > {ps veers wwe [+ ps ss Sloe vig] ——> 7 To scope VEE COMP_GND “nv 5.1 Program to Generate Staircase Waveform FFH 2 ot oar Start: MOV A, HOOH ; A = 00H Back: MOV P1, A; P1=A register ‘ACALL Delay ; Call a delay of 100 milliseconds INC A; Increment A JNZ Back ; Loop till A rolls back to OOH. SJMP Start ; End the program ;Sub-routine or Sub-program for delay DELAY: MOV R7, #OOH LOOP1: MOV R6, #00H LOOP2: MOV RS, #02H Loop3: NOP: DJNZ R5, LOOPS DINZR6, LOOP2 DINZ R7, LOOPL RET College of Engineering, Muttathara 148 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU 5.2 Program to Generate Sine Waveform Table 7. Angle versus Voltage Magnitude for Sine Wave Angle 0 Vout (Voltage Magnitude) Values Sent to DAC (Decimal) (degrees) Sin 5. V+ (5 V x sin 0) (Voltage Mag. x 25.6) 0 0 5 128 30 05 75 192 60 0.866 9.33 238 90 1.0 10 255 120 0.866 9.33 238 150 0.5 75 192 180 0 5 128 210 -0.5 2.5 64 240 0.866 0.669 17 270 =1.0 0 0 300 —0.866 0.669 17 330 =0.5 2.5 64 360 0 5 128 MOV DPTR,#TABLE MOV R2,#COUNT BACK: CLRA MOVC A, @A+DPTR MOV P1,A INC DPTR DINZ R2, BACK SJMP AGAIN ORG 300 TABLE: DB 128,192,238,255,238,192 see Table 7 DB 128,64,17,0,17,64,128 To get a better looking sine wave, regenerate for 2-degree angles vals eT re Sap at gL cL 4 at a iL Me 30605 120 150 180210 240 270 300 380 0 Angle versus Voltage Magnitude for Sine Wave College of Engineering, Muttathara 149 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU Programming DAC in C (to Generate Sine Waveform) include sfr DACDATA = P1; void main() { unsigned char WAVEVALUE[12] = {128,192,238,255,238,192,128,64,17,0,17,64}; unsigned char x; while(1) { for(x=O;x<12;x++) DACDATA = WAVEVALUE[x]; } } Q) Write an embedded C program for 8051 microcontroller to repeatedly display the sequence 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 using a 7 segment display with a delay of 1.5 seconds between each number. Solution: reer include sfr datapin = OxA0; ‘1/P2.=7 - segment display pins sbit en = P30; void MSDelay(unsigned int ); void main(void) { Hpattern for 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 unsigned char b[] = { 0x3F, 0x06, 0x5B, Ox4F, 0x66, Ox6D, 0x7D, 0x07, Ox7F, Ox6F }; unsigned char i; en=1; Ufo enable 7-segment display using transistor forli=0 ; i<10; i++) { datapin = bf}; MsDelay(1500); // delay of 1.5 seconds + College of Engineering, Muttathara 150 Computer Architecture & Microcontrollers_ MODULE 3_S4 EC KTU void MSDelay(unsigned int itime) // function to create n millisecond delay { Q) Write an embedded C program for 8051 microcontroller to repeatedly display the sequence 1,5,8,0,2,6,4,9,3,7 using a 7 segment display with a delay of 1.5 seconds between each number. Solution: #include sfr datapin = OxA0; 1/P2.=7 segment display pins sbit en = P30; void MSDelay(unsigned int ); void main(void) {unsigned char af] = {1,5,8,0,2,6,4,9,3,7}; unsigned char b[] = { Ox3F, 0x06, 0x5B, Ox4F, 0x66, Ox6D, Ox7D, 0x07, Ox7F, OX6F }; unsigned char i; en=1; for(i=0 j i

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