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rh,As€ement6 made d 191-114a. zoz: s.t"""..

l Star Troope. Technolosies Pvt. Ltd. (the parent companv), whlch markets and
operates an nkoducton ptatfom on {'Marquee
Equty ), wihitsoffcesat216 MunGhPtaza.Ansa Road, 20 Oaryasanr, NEw DELH
Delhi nda - 110002,and
2. t!4!4qLL-E:1t.]Jb.
.€sl!B'5-!)nr44! -Aa!4r-r,? t!5aa"ts

The Ctenta'ms ta secure lundinq fof its busness ref€nedtoas theOpportunity. To a.h eve
ihis goat. the Clent has chosen to€ wtth Marquee order to preparethe nvestor
data rodm and qain d rect accessto lnsttutbnal and anqet investofs wortdw de

Th's Agrcement establ,sh€s the terms olengaqement beiween Marquee Equltv and the Cl'€nt


l Marqu€€ Equ'ty ult take the opportunity to
networkofAngets, s ngte Famitv

and Mutt-Famity Offces VC and PE iims relevant'nv€stm€ntnms as identned bv

Marquee Equitys matchm.k nq alsorlhm
2 shoutd ihe client provide an exctuson tistof nvesto6 notto be contaded. su.hnms
and ind v duals shaL( bee'ctlded from i4arquee Equtys oukeach
3. Marquee Equty shatt work on the.ontent fof outfeach, whrch wtt be shafed with the
Ctent fof app.ovat f requifed
4 Any .onmuncauon made by Maqlee Equity on behatf ol the Clent shatt be
p.e approved bythe Ctienl p or to ns out to potentiat investo.s
s. A ded cated campaLsn manager w tt b€ asslsned by Marquee Eqlitv to the Ctient This
campa qn manaqe. wtt.ot(aboraie ctosety w th the Ctents investor onboard ns team
to suarantee smooth comnunication. €fiective foltow_ups incfeased su.cessfut
transadions. and a seamtess onboardns proc€ss for potennat nvesrore joninq the
Att investoG shatt receive communicauon resard'ns the Oppoflunltv from trrE
ded cated €mail address and the r responses shalt come to tlrE ema taddrcss
7. The Ctent sha( give th€ir Manuee Equ'ty campaign manaqer access to thE dedicated
€mait account for the manaqement of ouveach
e In tha event that tlre Ctent nestects to pursu€ posluve, nlerested or hiqhtv.etevant
leads despte reminders from the campaiqn manase4 Marquee Equ ty has th€
authorlty to tehpo.afty susp€nd the 6mpa sn. Thk suspens on wltl occur lth€rc are
no actvt es or responses fiom the Ctentwrlhm 5 wor[ing days lottowinq the rem nder'
9. The outreach wi( include ire use of the Lnkedn ptatform for ld€ntiting and
commun.atins with potenllat investoE. For lhe puFose ofthis ouveach the ctentw tt
provide Marquee Equtv wth ts own Llnkedln a.counts lof such outea.h when tlre
C(cnt as.ees to provide Mafquee Equity the use of h thcf Linkedln account ror thc
pu|pose olthe outr€ach,the ct'ent underetands the rsks and rcqlirements asso.'ated

10.The us€ of Lnkedln requnes co op€ration and partic pation from The cl'ent ror the
purpose of initiat setup. L'nkedln requnes an oTP (one ime password access codel
when t deteG a togin l6m new seosraphy,lh s needs to be done on a realtime basis
as the vatidityof th s.ode s fo. only-4 m'nutes.

thk pro@ss in twd ways:

The Ctie.t can choose to fa.ititate
. The Ct'ents campaiqn manager at Maquee EqutV coutd hold ths
.ommuncation wtrr the Ctie ov€r phone/emaivsMs whlchever meihod the
clent deems to be comlodab(e with and prompttv hotd the eichanse n a
secure and safe out€ ofcommun cation
. Another way to facititate Losns s by use orthe clients provided at'as emat
addGss. Ths aUas emal address .an be used as a se.ondarv emait on the
a..ount. lf the Ctient wlshes to 9o forward with ths opton the Ctient s in
p.nclple asreeinq to bea.the asso.iated sk.'

'Due b quade.ty chanses n Lnked n pot.'es

address has been used can be ftagqed, resir dlns th€ use of the ac.ount fof 4 6
days. In the cas€ of such an eveni you witl have tolurnish identincanon proof
and answer some secur ty questons fof Linkedln Since Linkedln is athnd pan}
prodld we use, Marquee Equity has no way ofd€tect'.s when th€se chanses
w be made by Linkedn on the backend. and
preventive measures for the Cli€nt. MaEuee Equlty is in no way rcsponsibt€ for

ln order to mantan the se.urltyofyour L'nkedln a.count Marquee Equity witt

onty authonze one-person login, yoo.account manasers

1r The ctient shattshare its ex sung markehns.otlateratbeingsenttolnvestors to enabte

lhe Marque€ Equlty team to optimize its ouv€ach€s for a hqher probabtty of

12.The client shatt ass'sn a fetalionship manaser at thetr end io hetp with queies
poientiat investo6 m sht hav€ aboulthe opport!nity
13.Both Maquee Equily and the Client commit to not taklns more than 12 hours to
respond to each otheas recuests ror nfomationEssktance wlth r

a Aoth, Marquee €xecutives andthe.tient afe fequested to bea

dirfercncesandatiqnwo ftowandconve6atonsontheseqrounds
b. Marquee Equ'ty! officiat working hou.s are 2,30PM IST to 12:00 AM lST,

Mondayto Friday
c The ctent acknowtedses that the Mafquee t€am doe5 not work over tlre
weekend and hence any non u.sent communication witl onlv be addressed on
thefoLtowing Monday
d Th€ ctient shatt be pre not'hed oI Nationat hotidays ,n India by the account

1,1. Marquee Equ Vs role does not invotve actinq as an investmentadvlsor to netwofk or
inve{ors. Maquee Equlty prin3nty serues connecting GlevantpadeE
Any investment advce or r€commendations that need to be provlded are provlded to
the CLentby Marqu€e Equity.
15 The CLent shatt pDvide Marquee Equity wih a method to kackthe adivitvorinvestors
ntrcduced hy Mafquee Equty whethef byway ora rcat_time dashboa.d ora shar€d
excet sheet,.s deemed 6t ihe Ctient and subject to evotve/chans€ lrom time to time

but w th the objedive b€ ns b provide as rcat tim€ a statls update as possible


1. Desisn - uslng.(ent assets (f marketins coltatef al. other assets your
team mght hav€ cr€ated) and our exstns assets (maq€s them€s rofts
ava table with us whlch dontneed to be buitt by a deslsneron a sPeclalPed basis
The Marquee shatt condu.t n depth fesear'hlorthe Cti€nL
Do's not inctude ndustry
reports/subscripuons, any other reFods that m'sht need to be bouqnr
The doc(meni pro@ss s a coltaboratve two wav p'oe
mofe accurat€Lv
communlcate wlth you and unde6tand Your pLans and p€repective the
we r€ qo,ns to be abte to communicat€ that to inlestors and e!'uct
Marquee rhe
on.e the ctient prov des attthe deta ls and nfomation request€d bv the
Ctent should e&ect thefinal draftto be presented w]thln l-4 weeks
5 Upon rc.e vinq the draft, the Ctenishattprcvide feedback to the Marquee
Marqueeshatlprovdeunllmbd tera!onsttttheCtentapprcves
pfeparanon an4or
Thk engag€ment betw€en the Ctent and Ma4uee s vat'd lor the
updations wth unumted of the ctents documents lor 140 divs or lh€
'te6tons k eartief Podthe
nna[zaton of the documenG at the CLents satisfacton whichever
lao dry perod, the Cticnt wtt have to pav S75 ps hour Analvst fae for anvfurther
be nade to anvof then documents

The cuentshattpav Maquee Equitv for c serv'ces in th€ ro(owLns manneri

fee of INR 2 00,000 + GST whi.hlnctudesl

Creaton/Rennem€ntof Pitch Deck Financiat Mode( & Bus n'ss Ptan
Llntimlted ouveachcs to skatesic. rctevant nvestorc based on the deat
parameterc over e-ma'l & Linkedln
. pitch and
Creation of a one-paqe rntrodud'on emalt pitch a fotLow-up emait
Ln[edln oukeach messase
. Tech a.d communLcauon seiup {AP
. Foltow upswith nvestors
. Aded'cat€d camPalqn mana
r Daily reports on investof a.tivitv ('ndudinq the number'r
the deat and trom
number of rcsponses with a futt br€akdown of who v'ewed

totaL deat value sourced

2. Marquee Equity shatl receive a Ma*etng ree o11.5 % ofthe
via Marquee Equlty intodu.tions. Deatvatue' shal(mean cashinvestmentlorclients
Equrty sotd onty. Lnctude any other lorms of p.o.eeds
investment, of inlerests. The Ctient 5haLl pay Ma.quee Equ'tv within 15 catendardavs
ol rece pt ol funds ffom investors.

Th's contEd is subreciio the below terms:

1. the ctient fails to fottow-lp wth a posltive/interested/hightv ret€vant nvestor teads
after rem,nders ffom the campalgn manaqe( Marqu€e Equiq can pausethe caopasn
after 5 days ol nad'v'ty post the rem'nder
2. The newty cr€at€d ema't d dedicated ror the 'nlestor ouveach must bethe solemod€
of communi.auon to int,"rad and scheduL€ meetingtcatG wththe inlestof leads (even
those scheduted throuqh the Lnked n platform) senerated throush Marquee Equltv n
case the client falG to do so, even after emall warningsffom the campaiqn manase(
the campalgn w tt be paused untit furtherd6.ussion with the ctient
3 The outr€ach campaign conduded by l"larquee Equitv wtt not .o
ctent has made Tultpayment ol the sdup lee
4. Marquee Equity may chanse its out.€ach pradices fromtme t
devetoFmenis n itsiechnotosy and new nvestors being on boarded
5 The Ctent acknowtedges lhat no pad of Marquee Equ tvs s€rv'ce offerings rcqu G5 t
io be t'.ensed n any ru sdidon n ihe wo d Anv d spuies ar€ to be sovemed bv
arbitEtion'n sinsaPore
6. The Clientcan pause ofte.mlnate th s aofeement at anv tme bv q v ns 5 business davs
nouc€ to Maquee Equ ty Ljpon such pause or termlnaton
wttbe undetuk€n, and no new meetings wtl be organiz€d
7 The Ctient w shes to use lottowins modes of ouvea.h th€ seteded sroup of accredted

E emaL
3. No Poachinq Poti.y lhe Cti€nt aqrees that d! nq the Tem and ror a perod of 03
years fbm th€ €nd of the Term neither it nor ls affjUates wtt soLcitor re'rui ihe
seru.esof any Marquee Equ tv team memberc
9. No Refund Poticy MarqueeEquitvwttnotbeenttt€dtoprovidearelundtotheClient

On beharr ofMrrquee Equ ly

F8 Jmllrnnft@[4llmu|esN r

rci, sntm ilIltRl0cll

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