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Alice’s morning

I wake up at 6 o’clock every day. My sister, Pola, wakes up at 7 o’clock because she is
younger than me and doesn’t go to school. She stays at home with our mom. After I get up, I
get dressed and have breakfast. I usually have sandwiches for breakfast. My sister usually has
cereal for breakfast. She doesn’t like sandwiches. After breakfast I brush my teeth. I don’t like
it. Pola loves brushing her teeth because she has strawberry toothpaste. I have a mint
toothpaste and I don’t like it. After I brush my teeth my mom and Pola drive me to school.
Then they go home where Pola plays with her toys and mom cooks. This is how my morning
looks like!
Task 1: Answer the questions:
1. What does the author have for breakfast?
2. What does Pola like to do?
3. What does Pola like to have for breakfast?
4. What does the author do after brushing her teeth?
Task 2: Choose the correct form:
1. She …… at home with my mom.
a. stays
b. stay
2. I ……. up at 6 o’clock.
a. wakes
b. wake
3. I usually ………. sandwiches for breakfast.
a. have
b. has
4. My sister usually ………… cereal for breakfast.
a. have
b. has
5. She …….. like sandwiches.
a. don’t
b. doesn’t
c. do
d. does
Task 3: Write 5 – 7 sentences about your/your family member’s morning. Use the text (Task
1) as an example.

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