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1 Name Of Promoter : Anand Kumar Gour

2 Location : Village Hathnapur, Tehsil Seonimalwa

District Narmadapuram 461223

3 Constitution : Proprietorship


Material & Working Capital 6,00,000.00

TOTAL 6,00,000.00

5 Means of Finance :

Proprietor contribution 1,10,000.00

Debt- Finance from Bank

Loan from Bank 4,90,000.00

TOTAL 6,00,000.00

6 Loan Repayment 7 Years

7 Financial Aspect

Debt Service Coverage Ratio 6.91

Project Report
Income Statement
HEAD AND SUB HEADS Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Gross Turnover 25,00,000.00 25,50,000.00 26,40,000.00 26,80,000.00 27,70,000.00 28,50,000.00 29,40,000.00

(A) 25,00,000.00 25,50,000.00 26,40,000.00 26,80,000.00 27,70,000.00 28,50,000.00 29,40,000.00


Opening Stock/Inventory - 1,10,000.00 2,10,000.00 2,60,000.00 3,10,000.00 3,20,000.00 3,30,000.00
Purchases 18,80,000.00 19,00,000.00 19,30,000.00 19,40,000.00 19,50,000.00 19,80,000.00 20,30,000.00
Other Direct Expenses 60,000.00 66,000.00 70,000.00 78,000.00 84,000.00 90,000.00 96,000.00

Less: Closing Stock/Inventory 1,10,000.00 2,10,000.00 2,60,000.00 3,10,000.00 3,20,000.00 3,30,000.00 3,50,000.00
(B) 18,30,000.00 18,66,000.00 19,50,000.00 19,68,000.00 20,24,000.00 20,60,000.00 21,06,000.00

Gross Profit 6,70,000.00 6,84,000.00 6,90,000.00 7,12,000.00 7,46,000.00 7,90,000.00 8,34,000.00

1 Bank Charges/ Processing Fees 9,800.00 600.00 660.00 726.00 799.00 879.00 967.00
2 Accounting Expenses 10,000.00 12,000.00 14,000.00 16,000.00 18,000.00 20,000.00 22,000.00
3 Maintenance 15,000.00 16,500.00 18,150.00 19,965.00 21,962.00 24,158.00 26,574.00
4 Telephone & Mobile Expenses 6,000.00 6,600.00 7,260.00 7,986.00 8,785.00 9,664.00 10,630.00
5 Business Promotion Expenses 20,000.00 22,000.00 24,200.00 26,620.00 29,282.00 32,210.00 35,431.00
6 Financial Charges (Interest) 43,148.63 38,109.79 32,584.58 26,526.06 19,882.74 12,600.79 4,615.96

1,03,948.63 95,809.79 96,854.58 97,823.06 98,710.74 99,511.79 1,00,217.96

Profit 5,66,051.37 5,88,190.21 5,93,145.42 6,14,176.94 6,47,289.26 6,90,488.21 7,33,782.04

Project Report
Ratio Ananlysis
HEAD AND SUB HEADS Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Project Evaluation Ratios
1 GP Ratio (In %) 26.80% 26.82% 26.14% 26.57% 26.93% 27.72% 28.37%
2 Profit to Turnover Ratio (In %) 22.64% 23.07% 22.47% 22.92% 23.37% 24.23% 24.96%
3 Current Ratio (In Times) 14.26 15.19 15.54 14.77 14.17 13.46 12.32
4 Debt Equity Ratio 1.94 0.95 0.59 0.36 0.21 0.09 0.00

Calculation of DSCR Ratio

1 Net Profit 5,66,051.37 5,88,190.21 5,93,145.42 6,14,176.94 6,47,289.26 6,90,488.21 7,33,782.04
2 Interest paid on Term Loan 43,148.63 38,109.79 32,584.58 26,526.06 19,882.74 12,600.79 4,615.96
Total of A 6,09,200.00 6,26,300.00 6,25,730.00 6,40,703.00 6,67,172.00 7,03,089.00 7,38,398.00

1 Principle Repayment of Term Loan 52,202.89 57,241.73 62,766.94 68,825.46 75,441.72 82,723.67 90,797.59
2 Interest paid on Term Loan 43,148.63 38,109.79 32,584.58 26,526.06 19,882.74 12,600.79 4,615.96
Total of B 95,351.52 95,351.52 95,351.52 95,351.52 95,324.46 95,324.46 95,413.55

DSCR Ratio (A/B) 6.39 6.57 6.56 6.72 7.00 7.38 7.74

Average DSCR Ratio 6.91

Project Report
Balance Sheet
HEAD AND SUB HEADS Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Capital Account 2,26,051.37 4,02,074.42 5,42,321.34 6,95,625.08 8,28,510.72 9,75,026.92 11,33,682.63
2 Secured Loans 4,37,797.11 3,80,555.38 3,17,788.45 2,48,962.98 1,73,521.26 90,797.59 0.00
3 Current Liabilities & Provisions 47,000.00 52,000.00 56,000.00 65,000.00 72,000.00 81,000.00 95,000.00

TOTAL 7,10,848.48 8,34,629.80 9,16,109.79 10,09,588.06 10,74,031.98 11,46,824.51 12,28,682.63

1 Current Assets -Other than Stock 5,60,000.00 5,80,000.00 6,10,000.00 6,50,000.00 7,00,000.00 7,60,000.00 8,20,000.00
2 Closing Stock 1,10,000.00 2,10,000.00 2,60,000.00 3,10,000.00 3,20,000.00 3,30,000.00 3,50,000.00
3 Other Assets 40,848.48 44,629.80 46,109.79 49,588.06 54,031.98 56,824.51 58,682.63

TOTAL 7,10,848.48 8,34,629.80 9,16,109.79 10,09,588.06 10,74,031.98 11,46,824.51 12,28,682.63

Project Report
Repayment Schedule
ROI:- 9.25%
Loan Amount - 4,90,000/-
Year -1 ₹ 7,532.44

Month Opening Loan Disb Interest Instllment Closing
1 - 4,90,000.00 3,777.08 7,945.96 4,168.88 4,85,831.12
2 4,85,831.12 3,744.95 7,945.96 4,201.01 4,81,630.11
3 4,81,630.11 - 3,712.57 7,945.96 4,233.39 4,77,396.72
4 4,77,396.72 - 3,679.93 7,945.96 4,266.03 4,73,130.69
5 4,73,130.69 - 3,647.05 7,945.96 4,298.91 4,68,831.78
6 4,68,831.78 - 3,613.91 7,945.96 4,332.05 4,64,499.73
7 4,64,499.73 3,580.52 7,945.96 4,365.44 4,60,134.29
8 4,60,134.29 - 3,546.87 7,945.96 4,399.09 4,55,735.20
9 4,55,735.20 - 3,512.96 7,945.96 4,433.00 4,51,302.20
10 4,51,302.20 - 3,478.79 7,945.96 4,467.17 4,46,835.02
11 4,46,835.02 - 3,444.35 7,945.96 4,501.61 4,42,333.42
12 4,42,333.42 - 3,409.65 7,945.96 4,536.31 4,37,797.11
Total 43,148.63 52,202.89

Year -2
Month Opening Loan Disb Interest Instllment Closing
1 4,37,797.11 - 3,374.69 7,945.96 4,571.27 4,33,225.84
2 4,33,225.84 - 3,339.45 7,945.96 4,606.51 4,28,619.33
3 4,28,619.33 - 3,303.94 7,945.96 4,642.02 4,23,977.31
4 4,23,977.31 - 3,268.16 7,945.96 4,677.80 4,19,299.51
5 4,19,299.51 - 3,232.10 7,945.96 4,713.86 4,14,585.65
6 4,14,585.65 - 3,195.76 7,945.96 4,750.20 4,09,835.45
7 4,09,835.45 - 3,159.15 7,945.96 4,786.81 4,05,048.64
8 4,05,048.64 - 3,122.25 7,945.96 4,823.71 4,00,224.93
9 4,00,224.93 - 3,085.07 7,945.96 4,860.89 3,95,364.04
10 3,95,364.04 - 3,047.60 7,945.96 4,898.36 3,90,465.67
11 3,90,465.67 - 3,009.84 7,945.96 4,936.12 3,85,529.55
12 3,85,529.55 - 2,971.79 7,945.96 4,974.17 3,80,555.38
Total 38,109.79 57,241.73
Project Report
Repayment Schedule
ROI:- 9.25%
Loan Amount - 4,90,000/-
Year -3

Month Opening Loan Disb Interest Instllment Closing
1 3,80,555.38 - 2,933.45 7,945.96 5,012.51 3,75,542.87
2 3,75,542.87 - 2,894.81 7,945.96 5,051.15 3,70,491.72
3 3,70,491.72 - 2,855.87 7,945.96 5,090.09 3,65,401.63
4 3,65,401.63 - 2,816.64 7,945.96 5,129.32 3,60,272.31
5 3,60,272.31 - 2,777.10 7,945.96 5,168.86 3,55,103.45
6 3,55,103.45 - 2,737.26 7,945.96 5,208.70 3,49,894.75
7 3,49,894.75 - 2,697.11 7,945.96 5,248.85 3,44,645.89
8 3,44,645.89 - 2,656.65 7,945.96 5,289.31 3,39,356.58
9 3,39,356.58 - 2,615.87 7,945.96 5,330.09 3,34,026.49
10 3,34,026.49 - 2,574.79 7,945.96 5,371.17 3,28,655.32
11 3,28,655.32 - 2,533.38 7,945.96 5,412.58 3,23,242.74
12 3,23,242.74 - 2,491.66 7,945.96 5,454.30 3,17,788.45
Total 32,584.58 62,766.94

Year -4
Month Opening Loan Disb Interest Instllment Closing
1 3,17,788.45 - 2,449.62 7,945.96 5,496.34 3,12,292.11
2 3,12,292.11 - 2,407.25 7,945.96 5,538.71 3,06,753.40
3 3,06,753.40 - 2,364.56 7,945.96 5,581.40 3,01,171.99
4 3,01,171.99 - 2,321.53 7,945.96 5,624.43 2,95,547.57
5 2,95,547.57 - 2,278.18 7,945.96 5,667.78 2,89,879.79
6 2,89,879.79 - 2,234.49 7,945.96 5,711.47 2,84,168.32
7 2,84,168.32 - 2,190.46 7,945.96 5,755.50 2,78,412.82
8 2,78,412.82 - 2,146.10 7,945.96 5,799.86 2,72,612.96
9 2,72,612.96 - 2,101.39 7,945.96 5,844.57 2,66,768.39
10 2,66,768.39 - 2,056.34 7,945.96 5,889.62 2,60,878.77
11 2,60,878.77 - 2,010.94 7,945.96 5,935.02 2,54,943.75
12 2,54,943.75 - 1,965.19 7,945.96 5,980.77 2,48,962.98
Total 26,526.06 68,825.46
Project Report
Repayment Schedule
ROI:- 9.25%
Loan Amount - 4,90,000/-
Year -5

Month Opening Loan Disb Interest Instllment Closing
1 2,48,962.98 - 1,919.09 7,945.96 6,026.87 2,42,936.11
2 2,42,936.11 - 1,872.63 7,945.96 6,073.33 2,36,862.79
3 2,36,862.79 - 1,825.82 7,945.96 6,120.14 2,30,742.64
4 2,30,742.64 - 1,778.64 7,945.96 6,167.32 2,24,575.32
5 2,24,575.32 - 1,731.10 7,945.96 6,214.86 2,18,360.47
6 2,18,360.47 - 1,683.20 7,945.96 6,262.76 2,12,097.70
7 2,12,097.70 - 1,634.92 7,945.96 6,311.04 2,05,786.66
8 2,05,786.66 - 1,586.27 7,945.96 6,359.69 1,99,426.97
9 1,99,426.97 - 1,537.25 7,945.96 6,408.71 1,93,018.26
10 1,93,018.26 - 1,487.85 7,945.96 6,458.11 1,86,560.15
11 1,86,560.15 - 1,438.07 7,945.96 6,507.89 1,80,052.26
12 1,80,052.26 - 1,387.90 7,918.90 6,531.00 1,73,521.26
Total 19,882.74 75,441.72

Year -6
Month Opening Loan Disb Interest Instllment Closing
1 1,73,521.26 - 1,337.56 7,945.96 6,608.40 1,66,912.86
2 1,66,912.86 - 1,286.62 7,945.96 6,659.34 1,60,253.52
3 1,60,253.52 - 1,235.29 7,945.96 6,710.67 1,53,542.85
4 1,53,542.85 - 1,183.56 7,945.96 6,762.40 1,46,780.45
5 1,46,780.45 - 1,131.43 7,945.96 6,814.53 1,39,965.92
6 1,39,965.92 - 1,078.90 7,945.96 6,867.06 1,33,098.87
7 1,33,098.87 - 1,025.97 7,945.96 6,919.99 1,26,178.88
8 1,26,178.88 - 972.63 7,945.96 6,973.33 1,19,205.55
9 1,19,205.55 - 918.88 7,945.96 7,027.08 1,12,178.46
10 1,12,178.46 - 864.71 7,945.96 7,081.25 1,05,097.21
11 1,05,097.21 - 810.12 7,945.96 7,135.84 97,961.37
12 97,961.37 - 755.12 7,918.90 7,163.78 90,797.59
Total 12,600.79 82,723.67
Project Report
Repayment Schedule
ROI:- 9.25%
Loan Amount - 4,90,000/-
Year -7

Month Opening Loan Disb Interest Instllment Closing
1 90,797.59 - 699.90 7,945.96 7,246.06 83,551.53
2 83,551.53 - 644.04 7,945.96 7,301.92 76,249.62
3 76,249.62 - 587.76 7,945.96 7,358.20 68,891.41
4 68,891.41 - 531.04 7,945.96 7,414.92 61,476.49
5 61,476.49 - 473.88 7,945.96 7,472.08 54,004.41
6 54,004.41 - 416.28 7,945.96 7,529.68 46,474.74
7 46,474.74 - 358.24 7,945.96 7,587.72 38,887.02
8 38,887.02 - 299.75 7,945.96 7,646.21 31,240.81
9 31,240.81 - 240.81 7,945.96 7,705.15 23,535.67
10 23,535.67 - 181.42 7,945.96 7,764.54 15,771.13
11 15,771.13 - 121.57 7,945.96 7,824.39 7,946.74
12 7,946.74 - 61.26 8,007.99 7,946.73 0.00

Total 4,615.96 90,797.59

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