Gen Phys STEM

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education
Division of Maguindanao-1
Datu Paglas National High School
Poblacion, Datu Paglas, Maguindanao Del Sur

Midterm 2nd Semester Examination

General Physics 2

Name: ______________________________________ Score:____________ Date: ________________

Show Solution: Calculate and show the solution in the given question/problem. (1 pt. each)

1. True Value: 89.49km

Trial 1= 84.49 km
Trial 2= 85.44 km
Trial 3= 81.75 km
a. What is the Mean of the trials?
b. What is the Absolute Error?
c. What is the Relative Error?
d. What is the PercentageError?
e. Calculate the Standard Deviation of the trials only.

2. Determine the line of best fit.

X| 9 | 2 | 11 | 6 | 1 |
Y| 3 |10 | 4 | 7 | 12|

Show the following:

1. Graph
2. Calculate the mean of x and y axis (2 pts)
3. Calculate Xi-X and Yi-Y (2 pts)
4. Calculate (Xi-X) (Yi-Y)
5. Calculate (Xi-X)²
6. Calculate the slope
7. Calculate the Y-Intercept
8. Write the final equation.

Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer from the choices given. Write the letter only.
______1. What is the sample standard deviation from the data given: 12, 13, 29, 18, 61, 35, 21?
a. 15.87 b. 17.14 c. 41.98 d. 293.67
______ 2. If a number is added to a set that is far away from the mean, how does this affect standard deviation?
a. Increase b. Decrease c. stay the same d. Both increase and decreases
______ 3. Alex measured the width and height of a rectangle, but was only able to measure them to the nearest
centimeter. He recorded that width as 8cm and the height as 5 cm. Which of the following is TRUE for the
area A cm² of the rectangle?
a. 40 b. 39.5 ≤ 40.5 c. 33.75 ≤ A < 46.75 d. 33.75<A ≤ 46.75
______ 4. One of the physical quantities which is not derived quantity.
a. Acceleration b. Force c. Length d. Velocity
______ 5. The following quantity are examples of fundamental quantity EXCEPT
a. Electrical quantity b. Luminous intensity c. Speed d. Time
______ 6. What is another name for fundamental units?
a. Atoms b. Basic units c. Letter symbol d. Metric System
______ 7. The correlation coefficient is used to determine:
a. A specific value of the Y-variable given a specific value of the X- variable
b. A specific value of the X variable given a specific value of the Y-variable
c. The strength of the relationship between the X and Y variables
d. None of these
______ 8. Which of the following terms describes a straight line that is the best approximation of the given set of data?
a. Line of best fit b. Standard Deviation c. mean d. Graph
______9. In the regression equation y=bo + blx, bo is the….
a. Slope of the line b. Independent variable c. y intercept d. Coefficient of determination
______ 10. How to add vectors graphically?
a. Put them in line b. Put them tail to tail c. put them tip to tip d. Put them tip to tail
______ 11. Two vectors A and B are added together to form a vector C. The relationship between the magnitudes of
the vectors is given by A+B=C. Which of the following statements concerning these vectors is TRUE?
a. A and B must be displacement c. A and B must point in opposite direction
b. A and B must have equal lengths d. A and B point in the same direction
_____ 12. Find the displacement a hiker walks if he travels 9.0 km north and then turns and walks 3.0 km south?
a. 0.05 km b. 3.0 km c. 6.0 km d. 12.0 km
______13. Two vectors that are added together to produce a resultant are called the component of the resultant.
a. Either true or false b. Neither true or false c. false b. True
______ 14. The vector resultant of an object’s change in position is the same at its displacement.
a. Either true or false b. Neither true or false c. false b. True
______ 15. In a coordinate system, a vector’s oriented at angle with respect to the x axis. The X component of the
vector equals the vector’s magnitude multiplied by which trigonometric function?
a. tan⊖ b. cos⊖ c. cot⊖ d. Sin⊖

– End—

Goodluck, Scientists, in your future!

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