Lesson Plan in Science 7

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

Region: XII Grade Level: Grade 7

School: St. Mary’s Academy of Kidapawan, Inc. Learning Area: Science
Teacher: Jon Mitchel B. Galang

I. Objectives
A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of waves as a
carrier of energy.
B. Performance Standards:
C. Learning Competencies: The learners infer that waves carry energy; and relate
the characteristics of waves.
D. Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Cognitive: Differentiate the types of waves that carry energy;
Psychomotor: Identify the parts of the waves and their characteristics; and
Affective: Demonstrate problem solving attitude.
II. Content: Waves
A. Reference
1. Curriculum Guide: pp. 17
2. Teacher’s Guide:
3. Learners’ Material: pp. 187-203
4. Textbook:
5. Additional Resources from LR Portal:
B. Other Learning Resources: Manila Paper, Pen, Rope, Basin, Water, Paper Boat, Coil
Spring, Ribbon.
III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings: Good Good morning/afternoon teacher! Good
morning/afternoon students! morning/afternoon classmates! Good

2. Prayer: Who will lead the Student 1: Me!

prayer? Let us pray.

3. Setting of Classroom - Keep silence and listen to the teacher

Standard: What should you do - Sit properly and take down notes.
when there is an ongoing - Participate in given activities

4. Checking of Attendance:
Those included in the list of
names in group activity will be
your attendance for today. - Yes, Sir!

5. Energizer: Let’s sing, “It’s

Science Time Again” - Yes, Sir!

B. Developmental Activities

1. Engage

1.1 Review

Direction: Stand up if the statement is

True, or Sit Down if the statement is False
1. Speed is about the distance traveled
divided by time of travel while velocity
is the same as speed and with
direction. - Stand Up
2. Describing motion can be describing
distance and direction. - Stand Up
3. Distance is about the length of the
entire path that the object traveled. - Stand Up
4. Displacement is about the longest
distance between points of origin and
destination. - Sit Down
5. The unit of speed is m/s. - Stand Up
6. Thermometer is a device to measure
instantaneous speed of a vehicle. - Sit Down
7. Acceleration occurs when the object is
changed in direction or velocity. - Stand Up

1.2 Motivation

Guided Questions:
1. Did you play with a stone by throwing it
on the water? - Yes,Sir.
2. If Yes, what did you notice on the water
striked by stone? - There was a wave formed in the water.
3. Moreover, do you love listening to
music while you are studying? - Yes, Sir.
4. What did you observe when you
increased the volume of the music? - It’s loud and it’s not pleasing to my
ears and could disturb my study.
5. What did you observe when you
decreased the volume of the sound? - It’s soft and it’s not hurting my ears.

- All of these will be connected to our

lesson for today.

2. Explore

2.1 Presentation

Group yourselves into three. Count the

number from my left side to the left and
continuously count alternately. Remember
your number. Assign one leader, two
reporters, and one secretary in each group.
Perform the steps/instructions that will be
given to you. Each group has different
materials and activities. So, don’t copy from
other group’s work. There will be questions
that you need to answer. Copy the questions
on the provided manila paper and make a
space to answer. The secretary will do the
writing. After that, the reporters will present
your work in the whole class. The rubrics will

60 % excellent delivery of report
40 % Informative Content
100% Total
2.2 Activity / Task

Group 1. What are transverse waves?

Materials: Rope, Table, adhesive tape,

colored ribbon

1. Straighten the rope and place it above
a long table. Hold one end of the rope
and vibrate it up and down.
2. Tie one end of the rope on a rigid and
fixed object (e.g. heavy table,
doorknob, etc).
3. Attach the colored ribbon on one part
of the rope.Use an adhesive tape to fix
the ribbon
4. Make a wave by continuously vibrating
the end of the rope with a quick up and
down movement of your hand. Draw
the wave form.

5. Ask a friend to vibrate the rope while

you observe the motion of colored

1. What is the source of the wave pulse? 1. The source of the wave pulse is the
2. Describe the motion of your hand as hand movement.
you create the pulse. 2. The motion of our hand is up and down
3. Does the wave transport the colored to create the pulse.
ribbon from its original position to the 3. The vibration of the colored ribbon is
end of the rope? perpendicular or opposite direction to
4. Describe the vibration of the colored the movement of the rope (wave).
ribbon. How does it move as waves
pass by? Does it move in the same
direction as the wave?

Group 2. What are longitudinal waves?

Materials: Table, spring/slinky, colored ribbon,


1. Connect one end of the long table to a
wall. Place the coil spring on top of the
table. Attach one end of the coil spring
to the wall while you hold the other
2. Do not lift the coil spring. Ask a friend
to vibrate the end of the coil by doing a
back and forth movement parallel to
the length of the spring. Observe the
waves along the coil spring. Draw how
the coil spring looks as you move it
back and forth.
3. Attach a colored ribbon on one part (at
the middle) of the coil spring. Use an
adhesive tape to fix the ribbon. Ask a
friend to vibrate the coil spring back
and forth while you observe the motion
of the colored ribbon. Remember that
the colored ribbon served as the
marker of a chosen segment of the coil

1. Do the waves transport the colored 1. Yes, it does transport the colored
ribbon from its original position to the ribbon from its original position to the
end of the rope? end of the rope.
2. Describe the vibration of the colored 2. The vibration of the colored ribbon is
ribbon. How does it move as waves parallel or same direction to the hand
pass by? movement.

Group 3: What are surface waves?

Materials: table, basin, water, paper boat

1. Place a basin filled with water on top
table of a level table. Wait until the
water becomes motionless. Create a
wave pulse by tapping the surface of
the water with your index finger
observe the direction of travel of the
wave oulse. Tap the surface of the
water at regular intervals to create
periodic waves. Draw the pattern that
you see, in your drawing mark the
source of disturbance.

2. Wait for the water to become still

before you place your paper boat on
the surface. Create a periodic wave
and observe what happen to your
paper boat.

1. Do the waves set the paper boat into 1. Yes, it does set the paper boat into
motion?What is required to set an motion. It’s required by tapping with
object in motion? the index finger to move.
2. If you exert more energy in creating 2. The movement of the paper boat is
periodic waves by tapping the surface intense if exerted more energy.
with greater strength. How does this 3. Yes, the waves do transport water
affect the movement of the paper molecules from the source of the
boat? vibration.
3. Do the waves transport water
molecules from the source of the

C. Explain

C.1 Reporting
- Report your activity in class includes - Each group represented to the whole
your steps of how you did and the class what they did and observed.
answers of the questions.

C.2 Analysis

- What are the different materials used - Transverse waves used rope and
in tranverse waves, longitudinal waves ribbon, longitudinal waves used coil
and surface waves? spring and ribbon, while surface waves
used basin, water, and a paper boat.
- What is the difference among - Transverse waves have opposite
transverse waves, longitudinal waves, direction of motion (ribbon) from the
and surface waves in terms of the movement of hand to rope;
motion of the waves and the Longitudinal waves have the same
movement of the source? direction of movement of ribbon from
the move of hand; and surface waves
movement is outward from the center
by tapping using the index finger.

D. Elaborate

D.1 Application

Direction: Label the parts/characteristics of

the waves in the diagram by choosing the
words in the box.

Amplitude Wavelength Starting Point

Crest Trough

1. Starting point
2. Trough
3. Wavelength
4. Amplitude
5. Crest

- Other terms that describe the

characteristics of the waves are - Period is about time of travel of the
Period, Frequency, and Wave Speed. wave
Define each term: - Frequency is about the number of
waves per a given time
- Wave speed is about how fast the
waves travel.

D.2 Generalization

1. What do you infer about the different 1. Different waves are so amazing with
waves? the fact that each motion is differrent
2. Choose what kind of waves in the from each other.
following? 2. I think that light waves are the example
2.1 Light Waves of Transverse waves; Sound waves
2.2 Sound Waves are the example of longitudinal waves;
2.3 Tsunamis and Tsunamis is the example of
3. What will be the importance of waves surface waves.
in our entire life? 3. Wave is important to us especially
when we use it for technology like
using FM and AM in radio. We
distinguish and use it for listening to
music or getting current news in the
community. We can also control the
light that we want to achieve by
calibrating the wave travel.

E. Evaluate
Direction: Write the letter of the correct
answer in the choices given.

1. a
1. The wavelength is represented by 2. c
which letter? 3. c
a. A b. B c. C d.D 4. d
5. c
2. The wave crest is represented by which 6. a
letter? 7. d
a. A b. B c. C d. D 8. a
9. b
3. The wave trough is represented by 10. d
which letter?
a. B b. C c. D d.E

4. Which letter represents amplitude?

a. A b. C c. D d. B

5. What is measured from one wave

crest to another one wave crest or one wave
trough to another wave trough?
a. Frequency c. Wavelength
b. Amplitude d. Origin

6. What is it called when a certain

number of waves pass a given point per a
certain number of seconds?
a. Frequency c. Amplitude
b. Wavelength d. Origin

7. What is another for wave height?

a. Frequency c. Origin
b. Wavelength d. Amplitude

8. Which type of wave has movement

perpendicular to the direction of the wave?
a. Transverse c. Mechanical
b. Longitudinal d. Surface

9. Which type of wave has movement

parallel to the direction of the wave?
a. Transverse c. Electromagnetic
b. Longitudinal d. Surface

10. Which type of wave has movement of

two different mediums such as air and water
or two different liquids of different densities?
a. Transverse c. Mechanical
b. Longitudinal d. Surface

F. Additional Activities for Application or

Remediation (Assignment)

Directions: In your notebook, write you


Question: What is the difference between # Mechanical waves are disturbances in

mechanical and electromagnetic waves? space that require a medium to propagate.
What are their examples? Example: Sound and light
# Electromagnetic waves are disturbances
in space that do not require a medium to
Example: Radio Waves, Ultraviolet Rays,
Infrared, X-rays, and Gamma Rays.

IV. Remarks: _______________________________________

V. Reflections:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation: _________
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___________
No. of learners who have catched up with the lesson: ___________
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___________
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which Principal or Supervisor can help?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use which I wish to share with other teacher?

Prepared by:

Observed by:


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