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FVO 1: Hi Sarah, have you heard about the COVID-19 booster dose?

FVO 2: No Sister,, I have not. Whats is a COVID-19 Booster dose?

FVO 1: A COVID-19 booster dose is additional dose given to dose who are fully vaccinated to help
increase their immunity against COVID-19.

FVO 2: But sister, If a person is fully vaccinated, why should they get a booster dose?

FVO 1: A fully vaccinated person should get a booster because, after some time the original protection
that is gotten when a person gets fully vaccinated decreases after some time. To keep the protect at
optimum level. A booster dose is needed.

FVO 2: Who is eligible to get the booster dose?

FVO 1: All persons who are fully vaccinated and are above the age of 18 years.

FVO 2: How much do I need to pay to get my booster dose?

FVO 1: The booster dose if free.

FVO 2: What if I cant find my vaccination card?

FVO 1: It is good to take along your vaccination card when going to get your booster but if you cant find
it. You can still go and you ll be vaccinated.

MVO: Get your booster dose now. Visit the vaccination center nearest to you.

This message if from the National Department of Health with support from WHO and UNICEF.

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