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from this day forward until you call me home. Amen
you to come into my heart and life. Be my Saviour
died on the cross for my sin. Cleanse me now. I ask
Forgive me for living without you. I believe Jesus
Lord, I admit that I need you and I confess my sin.
The Sinner’s Prayer
Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our
you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised

Ephesians 1:13b-14a says “When you believed

when we die.
We are now guaranteed Eternal Life in Heaven
faith. You are now alive spiritually.
your heart, which will follow your confession of
The evidence of new life in Christ will be peace in
heart to give you God’s free gift of
4. Receive - by faith ask Jesus to come into your
from the dead
3. Believe - in your heart that God raised Jesus

you for living without him
2. Confess - your sins to God asking him to forgive
to be free from sin’s death penalty

God’s Gift
1. Admit - personally admit to God that you want
How to Receive Peace & Forgiveness with God
Have you ever experienced peacelessness in your
heart or a restlessness within? Perhaps you’ve “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not
never felt a deep peace inside because you didn’t give to you as the world gives. Do not let your
know where to find it. hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. John 14:27
The fact is, true peace can only be found by having
a relationship with God’s Son Jesus. And this tract
God’s gift of peace is conditional upon accepting his
is going help you.
Son Jesus and available for you now. We can never be
You see, peace is not something we earn, find in a good enough, or work harder to earn his love. God has
trance or a state of enlightenment, or even from given his gift of peace free, without strings attached.
living a good life.
Peace and salvation are a gift from God. If we ask God
God in heaven is the only one who can give us to forgive all our sin no matter what we have done, he
perfect peace. God can give us his peace that passes hears and forgives us, making us a new creation in
all understanding. Jesus Christ.
In the Bible, in Philippians 4:7 it says, “And the peace Jesus is the only way, truth and life.
of God, which transcends all understanding, will There is no other way to peace but
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. through Jesus.
In Christ we can have God’s free gift and promise of
eternal life and perfect peace. True peace comes when In John 14:6 says - “Jesus answered, I am the way and
we give our hearts and lives over to God and live the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father
according to his way and not our own way. except through me”.
When we believe on the name of Jesus
by faith, he comes and takes up residence If you want the peace of God that passes understanding
in our peaceless heart. When he comes to rule your heart, turn to the back page and continue
into our heart he fills our heart with peace reading and pray the prayer you see at the bottom.
as a confirmation that he is now living there.

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