Reg4Ships 2022 Whats Included 1

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What’s Included


Regs4ships is a powerful solution for ship and shoreside

teams who need to maintain fleet-wide regulatory
compliance with maritime regulations.

The solution contains a comprehensive database of official

regulatory information maintained and kept current by
OneOcean’s team of experts. Regulations from multiple
official sources can be accessed directly, with functionality
to save search keywords, view amendment history, see
forthcoming changes and more.

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Key Features Regulatory Sources

Regs4ships Regs4ships
Feature International Flag State Documents
Offline Version Online Version

New User Interface

International Maritime Primary legislation
Organisation (IMO) • Laws
Easy Access To Mandatory Documentation • Over 40 Codes including LSA, FSS • Acts
• 20 Conventions including SOLAS, • Ordinance
Popular Links MARPOL & STCW
• Resolutions Secondary Legislation
• Circulars • Codes,
Table Of Content For Large Publications • Circular Letters • Statutory Instruments
• Legislative Instruments
European Union Legislation • Regulations
Dedicated A-Z Index Page
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Guidance
Recently Viewed Documents • National Instruments
• Maritime Labour Convention (MLC)
• Notices
• Codes of Practice
• Bulletins
• Conventions
Personalisation • Orders
• Protocols
• Guidelines
Favourite Documents
World Health Organisation (WHO) Checklists
Recently Viewed Documents • International Medical Guide
• Guide to Ship Sanitation
• International Health Regulations
Saved Searches and Filters • COVID Guidance

Search Functionality •
Port State Control (PSC)
• Paris MoU
Simple Search • Tokyo MoU Options
• Black Sea MoU
Advanced Search: Vessel and Topic Parametres • Viña del Mar MoU
IMDG Codes (IMO)
Advanced Filtering Anti-Piracy and security
• US Alerts Area-specific content
• ReCAAP (US Waters)
Indexing • BMP V

Associated Document Links

Forthcoming Amendments (IMO)

Amendment History

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Contact us today to see Regs4ships in
action, request a free trial or talk to us
about the OneOcean suite of solutions.
For further assistance, call:
+44 (0)199 280 5400
For more information, visit:

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