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INSTRUCTION: In your own words, not the exact copy from a book, the internet, or a friend, differentiate the 2 venipuncture
procedures - Syringe method vs. ETS Method; and give their similarities. (MINIMUM of 5 differences and 5 similarities).

Syringe Evacuated Tube System

In evacuated tube system, the
By contolling the plunger, phlebotomist uses a multi
the phlebotomist can sample needle, needle holder
control the speed at which Similarities and many kinds of vacutainer
the blood is collected. tube.
This can help to reduce the Both can get blood The evacuated tube system is
probability of a blown vein Both are used for the recommended way of
or difficult blood draws. laboratory testing collecting blood from people
When the vein is who have healthy and stable
penetrated, blood appears veins.
in the hub. Closed System
Fast and Easy Quicker for blood collection.
Consist of a plunger, a Straight into the evacuated
barrel, and a needle hub. tube.
Many tubes can be obtained
from a single venipuncture.

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