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Client Production Client: 300

Operating Concern 1000

Controlling Area 1000 3000

Financial Area 1000 3000

Credit ControlArea CRIN CRUS


Company Moon Corporation - 01000

Company Code 1000 2000 3000

Personal Area 1000

Personal Sub-area 01 02

Steel - 1000

Business Area Motors - 2000

Chemical - 3000

Currency INR USD

Country IND IND

Group Chart of Account: GCCA

Chart of Accounts Country Chart of Account: CCIN CCUS

Operative Chart of Account: OCIN OCUS



This is the self contained and top most technical , commercial organisational units in SAP
with separate master data and own set of tables.

Define Company (OX15).

A company in SAP – refers to the smallest organisational unit for which individual financial
statement can be drawn according to the legal and commercial requirements. A company can
accept more than one company code and also these companies code use the same operative
chart of account and same fiscal year variant, in addition above these companies code can use
different currencies also.

Path: Sap easy access → tools → customizing → img (implementation guide) → execute
projects → eference img tab (spro) → enterprise structure → definition → financial
accounting → define company

Click on new entries

Company – TATAGC (maximum 6 digit alpha numeric)
Detailed information
Street – MG Road
P.No – 12345
Postal code – 123456
City – Mumbai
Country – IN (India)
Language – EN (English)
Currency – INR (Indian Rupee)
Press enter key and click on save.
Note: when we click on save button system will display a request dailar box. Here we have to
given the short description regarding what are the activities we had done in previous. Then
system will create short description of our request number.

Short description creation

Click on create level (F8) → short description → company → click on save → click on
continue (tick mark)
Come back to easy access

Define company code (OX02)

Company’s code is the smallest organisational unit in FI with contained accounts enabling
the drawing up of financial statement and commercial requirement of the country wherein the
companies code is operating. Each company code is assigned to an operative chart of
accounts and fiscal year variant and the same chart of account and fiscal year variant can be
used in more than one company code. Here all companies assigned same fiscal year variant
will follow the same the business calendar.

Path: Spro → Img → Enterprise structure → Definition → Financial accounting → Edit,

copy, delete, check company code (click on active button)


Double click on edit company code data

Click on new entries
Company code – TAST (any 4 digit of alpha numeric)
Company name – TATA STEEL
Street – Hydrabad
Country – IN
Currency – INR
Language – EN
Click on address field
Search term – A
Street address
Street/house no – MG Road
Postal code / city – 123456 – Hydrabad
Country – IN
Region – 01 (Andra Pradesh)
Click on save

Note: just like you can create any number of company code like TATA MOTORS, TATA
FINANCE, TATA CONSULTANCY etc. press F8 for next entry.
Come back in to easy access

Assign company code to company (OX16)

Path: Spro → img → enterprise structure → assignment → financial accounting → assign

company code to company.
Click on position
Company code – TAST
Code Copmany
Press enter key and click on save.
Click on continue button
Come back to easy access

Define Business Area (OX03)

In FI this internal organisational units represents a separate operational responsibility.

Separate business area financial statements (both Balance sheet and P&L statements) can be
created for internal purposes.

Path: Spro → img → enterprise structure → definition → financial accounting → define

business area.
Click on new entries
Business Areas Description
TAHY Hydrabad
TACU Calcutta
Press enter key and save


Fiscal year settings (OB29)

Fiscal year is nothing but period – normally made up to 12 month for which company draw
up their financial statements and values their inventory. There is no any condition regarding
the fiscal year is a calendar year or non-calendar year and also the fiscal year is need not
necessarily to contain 12 month (periods), in case if the fiscal year is less than 12 periods then
its called shortened fiscal year.

Fiscal year Variants (OB29)

Fiscal year variants helps in defining the relationship between the calendar and fiscal years, it
is specifying the number on of posting periods and special posting periods required in fiscal
year. There can be maximum 12 posting periods and 4 special periods in General Ledger
(GL) accounting.
Special Periods: Besides the normal 12 posting periods, SAP allows for defining maximum of
4 more posting periods it is known as special periods. This periods is used for year-end
closing activities.

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting (new) → Financial accounting global setting
(new) → Ledgers → Fiscal year and posting periods → Maintain fiscal year variants

Click on new entries

FV Description No. posting No. posting period No. special period

TE Apr-Mar 4 – spl 12 12 4 (maximum)

Press enter key

Select your fiscal year variant code (TE) and double click on period folder
Click on new entries

Month Day Period Year shift

04 (April) 30 1 0
05 (May) 31 2 0
06 (June) 30 3 0
07 (July) 31 4 0
08 (Aug) 31 5 0
09 (Sept) 30 6 0
10 (Oct) 31 7 0
11 (Nov) 30 8 0
12 (Dec) 31 9 0
01 (Jan) 31 10 -1
02 (Feb) 28 11 -1
03 (Mar) 31 12 -1
Press enter key and save


Assign company code to fiscal year variants (OB37)

To find out your company code click on position and type TAST
Fiscal year variants – TE
Press enter key and save
Come back to easy access

Open and close posting period

In simple term open period can be refers that a period which are going to start posting. If you
do not want to post any business transaction on that particular period we can keep that period
in close posting.

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting (new) → Financial accounting global settings
(new) → Ledgers → Fiscal year and posting period → Posting period.

A) Define variants for open posting periods (OBBO)

Path: same

Click on new entries

Variants Name
TEPO (any 4 code) Posting period variants
Press enter key and save
Come back

B) Open and close posting period (OB52)

Path: same

Click on new entries

Variant A/C typ From P1 Year To P1 Year From P2 Year To P2 Year
TEOP + 1 2008 12 2008 13 2009 16 2009
Press enter key and save

C) Assign variants to Company code (OBBP)

Path: same

Click on Position
Company code Variants
Press enter key and save

Field Status Groups

The ‘field status’ of an individual field or a group of field is marked into a Field Status Group
which is then assigned to individual GL master records.


Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting (new) → Financial accounting global settings
(new) → Ledgers → Fields

Define Field Status Variants (OBC4)

Path: Same

Select 0001 field data variants then click on copy as (F6) icon at the time it will be display in
the following manner.

FSTV Field status name

0001 Field status for 0001

Now you have to change in this following manner

FSTV Field status name

STTV (any 4 code) Field status for TAST

Press enter key and click on copy all then (tick mark)
Click on save

If you want to view the status group select your field status variants STTV.
Double click on Field Status Group folder then double click on G001 then double click on
General Data .
Select Text as Required entry, Assignment Number as Optional entry and others are
remaining Suppress.
Double click on Additional Account Assignment Group.
Select Business Area as Required entry and others are remaining Suppress.
Come back click on save again come back

Assign company code to field status variants (OBC5)

Path: Same

Click on position
Company code – TAST
Field status variants – FSTV
Press enter key and save.


Chart of account is the list of all GL account used in one or more company codes for
recording the business transaction. For each GL account, the chart of account contain the
reference number (account number), account name and other technical and functional detail.

Types of chart of account

 Group Chart of Account: it is used for consolidation purpose all company codes with
dissimilar operative chart of account falling under a company, it is also known as
Corporate chart of account.

 Country Chart of Account: it contains the GL accounts to meet the specific statutory or
legal requirements of a company from where a company code operates. Country charts of
accounts other wise known as Alternate Chart of account.
 Operative chart of account: A chart of account must be assigned to each of the company
codes and this chart of account is using for maintain the regular activities of the company.

Operating chart of account settings

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting → General ledger accounting → General ledger
accounts → Master data → Preparation

A) Edit chart of accounts list (OB13)

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Chart of account – CHAC (any 4 code)
Description – Operating Chart of Account
Maintain language – English
Length of GL account number – 8 (maximum)
Press enter key and save.
Come back wise

B) Assign company code to chart of account (OB62)

Path: Same

Click on position
Company code – TAST
Chart of account – CHAC
Press enter key and save
Come back wise

Define Account Group (OBD4)

Path: Same
Click on new entries

Chart of account Account group Name From account To account

CHAC LI Liabilities 100001 200000
CHAC AS Assets 200001 300000
CHAC IN Incomes 300001 400000
CHAC EX Expenses 400001 500000

Press enter key and save

Come back wise

Define Retained Earnings Account (OB53)

Path: Same


Assign chart of account – CHAC

P&L Statements Accounts

X 100001

Press enter key two times and ignore the warning message.
Click on save. Come back


FI – General ledger

This sub-module is integrated with all other sub-modules within FI and outside FI

Some General ledger account List

Liabilities (100001 – 200000) Assets (200001 – 300000)

S Ref- No Name of GL Accounts S Ref-No Name of GL Accounts
1 100001 Retained Earnings Account 1 200001 Land
2 100002 Share Capital Account 2 200002 Building
3 100003 General Reserve Account 3 200003 Plant
4 100004 Secured Loan Account 4 200004 Machinery
5 100005 SBI Loan Account 5 200005 Furniture
6 100006 Unsecured Loan Account 6 200006 Asset Under construction
7 100007 SBI Over Draft Account 7 200007 Cash Account
8 100008 Sundry Creditors Account 8 200008 SBI Bank Account
9 100009 Rent Outstanding Account 9 200009 ICICI Bank Account
10 100010 Advance Received Account 10 200010 HDFC Bank Account
11 100011 Bills Payable Account 11 200011 HDFC Check Deposit
12 100012 Bills Discounting Account 12 200012 Sundry Debtors
13 100013 Accumulated Depreciation 13 200013 Bills receivable Account
14 100014 HDFC Check issue Account 14 200014 Advance paid Account
15 100015 Input tax Account (Purchase) 15 200015 Loan to ABC Company
16 100016 Input Surcharge Account 16 200016 Telephone Deposit Account
17 100017 Input Education-cess 17 200017 Showroom Advance
18 100018 Output tax Account (Sales) 18 200018 Petty Cash book
19 100019 Output Surcharge Account
20 100020 Output Education-cess
21 100021 TDS on Rent Account
22 100022 Surcharge on TDS Account
23 100023 Education-cess on TDS


Incomes (300001 – 400000) Expenses (400001 – 500000)

S Ref- No Name of GL Accounts S Ref-No Name of GL Accounts
1 300001 Sales Account 1 400001 Purchase Account
2 300002 Purchase Return Account 2 400002 Sales return Account
3 300003 Sales of Scrap Account 3 400003 Salaries Account
4 300004 Insurance clime received 4 400004 Wages Account
5 300005 Rent received Account 5 400005 Fright Account
6 300006 Interest received Account 6 400006 Telephone bill Account
7 300007 Exchange rate gain Account 7 400007 Electricity bill Account
8 300008 Cash discount received 8 400008 Printing and Stationary
9 300009 Sales of Assets Account 9 400009 Rent Account
10 300010 Profit on sales of Assets 10 400010 Consultation Fee Account
11 400011 Interest paid Account
12 400012 Cash Discount paid Account
13 400013 Exchange rate loss Account
14 400014 Bank charges Account
15 400015 Bills Discounting charges
16 400016 Depreciation Account
17 400017 Loss on Sales of Assets
18 400018 Assets Retirements Account

GL Account Creation (FS00)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Master
records → GL Accounts → Individual processing → Centrally.

GL Accounts – 100001 (Retained earnings Account)

Company code – TAST
Click on Create fields
Select Account Group - Liabilities
ʘ Balance sheet Account
Short text – Retained earnings
Long text – Retained earning Accounts
Click on Control Data tab
Account currency – INR
 Only balance in local currency
 Line item display
Sort key – 001 (posting date)
Click on create/bank/interest/tax tab
Field Status Group – G001 (General)

Note: if you want to create another GL account click on type/description tab change the GL
account number in to 100002 press enter key and create GL account.

1) Just like we can create any number of GL account

2) Assets and Liabilities are Balance Sheet account
3) Incomes and expenses are Profit and Loss account


4) Activate the only balance in Local currency check box in control data for Balance
sheet account only. It does not need for Profit and Loss account.
Assign the Field status group – G005 for Cash and Bank accounting
Remaining all GL account Assign G001

GL Documents types number ranges settings (OBA7)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial account global settings →
Documents → Documents type → Define documents types entry view

Click on position
Documents type – SA
Double click on SA documents type and click on number range information
Company code – TAST
Click on change Intervals
Click on Insert intervals
No Year From Number To Number
01 2009 1 100000
Press enter key and Save. (Tick mark)
Come back wise

Tolerance for GL documents posting (Amount limitation for users)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → GL accounting new → Business

transaction → Open item clearing → Clearing differences

A) Define Tolerance Group for GL Accounts (OBAO)

Click on new entries

Company code – TAST
Tolerance group – – Tolerance for GL
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

B) Define Tolerance group for Employees (OBA4)

Click on new entries

Group –
Company code – TAST
Amount for documents – 9999999999 (for unlimit)
Amount per open item account item – 999999999
Cash discount per line item – 5%
Permitted payment differences
Revenue – 100
Expenses – 100
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise
Assign users for tolerance group
Username Tolerance Group
Blank Blank

- 10 -

Present we are not doing this because we are not creating tolerance group

Enter Global parameters of a Company code (OBY6)

In the global parameters we can view the what are the activities we are assigned to our
company code

Path: Spro → Financial Accounting new → Financial accounting global settings → Global
parameters for company code → Enter global parameters

Click on position
Company code – TAST (Tick mark)
Select our company code and double click
Activate Business area for Financial statements
Activate Propose Fiscal year
Activate Define default value date
Activate Negative Posting permitted
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

GL Documents Posting


1) Share capital received 1000000 on 01-04-2009 by Cash

2) Cash deposit in SBI 200000 on 2-04-2009
3) Paid salaries 10000 by cash on 01-05-2009
All these GL documents posted to TAHY business area

GL Documents

Cash account Dr 1000000

To Share capital account 1000000

SBI account Dr 200000

To Cash account 200000

Salaries Account 10000

To Cash 10000

Posting Case of GL account

Debit Key – 40 Credit Key – 50

GL Documents Posting Process (F-02)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting
→ General posting

- 11 -

Documents date – 01-04-2009 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting Date - 01-04-2009 Period – 01 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Share capital Documents
Post key – 40 Account – Cash Account
Press enter key
Amount – 1000000 Business area - TAHY
Text – Share capital Received by cash
Post key – 50 Account – Share capital Account
Press enter key
Amount - * (Copy Previous amount)
Text - + (Copy previous text)
Click on more field
Business area – TAHY (Tick mark)
Press enter key
Go to Documents in Menu bar → Select Simulate (Shift+F9)
Check the entries and Save (Cltr + S).

Display of GL Documents (FB03)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Documents → Display

Documents Number – Put blank

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2009
Click on documents list tab
Press F8 for execute
Press enter key

Now system displays a details box this dailar box we call layout. Now in this layout contain
the different type of column related of our documents. If you want insert any new column in
this layout click on Change layout field on Application tool bar. Now system displays the two
types of column

Displays column: These column are already displayed in our layout

Column sets: These column are not displayed in our layout

Now select one of the column in column sets (User name) select left arrow and then click on
Save layout. Keep / and Your name
If you want to view the full documents double click on each documents number.

Display of GL Account balance(FS10N)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Accounts → Display balances

GL accounts – Cash account

Company code – TAST

- 12 -

Fiscal year - 2009

Business area – TAHY
Press F8 for execute

Display of GL Line items (FBL3N)

In this line items systems displays a particular GL account activities. This mean in which
Documents, which documents date, which documents type, which branch, How much we are
debiting and Crediting etc..

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Accounts → Display/ change line items

GL Accounts – Cash account

Company code – TAST

Multiple documents Posting

Paid salaries through bank on 01-05-09 for this following Business areas

Hyderabad TAHY - 2000

Mumbai – TAMU - 2000
Banglore – TABG - 2000
Pune - TAPU - 2000

Multiple Documents Posting procedures (FB50)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting
→ Enter GL Accounts documents postings (FB50)

Click on Company code tab

Company code – TAST
Documents date – 31-05-2009
Posting date – 31-05-2009
Documents header text – Salaries Paid

GL Account D/C Amount in documents Text Business area

Salaries Account Debit 1000 Salaries Paid TAHY
Salaries Account Debit 1000 Salaries Paid TAMU
Salaries Account Debit 1000 Salaries Paid TABG
Salaries Account Debit 1000 Salaries Paid TAPU
Press enter two times
Cash Account Credit 4000 Salaries Paid

Press enter key and Click on Simulate tab and Save

In any GL Documents maximum posting line items is 999

- 13 -

Business area Overview report

Go to FS10N for display of GL Accounts balance

GL Accounts – Salaries Account
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year - 2009
Business area –
Press F8 for execute
Now Go to Environments in Menu bar select Business area Overview Report
From Period – 2
To Period – 2

Work list Preparation

This work list we are using for view the group wise balances

Go to FS00 Create the following GL Accounts

1- Salaries Accounts
2- Telephone Bill
3- Electricity Bill
4- Printing and Stationary

Work list Preparation for Administrative Expenses

Path: Sap easy access → Img → Financial Accounting → General ledger accounting → GL
Accounts → Balances → Maintain work list for display balances.

Double click on GL Accounts

Click in create field
Work_list – TAST _ADM (Any code)
Name – Work list Preparation (Tick mark)
(Administrative Expenses)
Press enter key and Save

Go to (FB50) Post the following GL documents on 30-05-2009 in Hyderabad Business area

Salaries Accounts - 1000

Telephone Bill - 1000
Electricity Bill - 1000
Printing and Stationary – 1000
To Cash - 4000

- 14 -

Display of work list wise (Group wise balance) balance

Go to FS10N for displaying GL balances

GL Accounts –
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year - 2009
Click on activate work list tab
GL Account work list – TAST ADMN
Business area – TAHY
Press enter key
Press (F8) for execute
Now you will get the 4000 cumulative balances. If you want to view the GL Account
balances Double click on 4000

Deletion of GL Accounts

Actually once GL account created in SAP its not possible to delete that GL Account only its
possible when the GL have (No posting at all)

Delete the GL Accounts (OBR2)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting → GL accounting → GL Accounts → Master

data → Delete → Delete GL Accounts

Activate Delete GL Accounts

GL Accounts – Select GL a/c
Activate with General Master data
Activate in Company code – TAST
Activate Test Run
Press F8 for execute
Come back and Deactivate Test Run check box and again Press F8 for execute
Click on Yes

Blocking of GL Accounts

If you block any GL accounts and the time it is not possible to post any value in to that GL

Blocking Procedures

Go to FS00 Select any GL account and Click on Change field

Click on block field
Activate the Blocked for posting check box in Company code data
Press enter key and Save it

Go to F-02 Try to post some value in salaries account at the time you will get the following
“Account is TAST is blocked for Postings”

- 15 -

Unblock GL Accounts

Go to FS00 Select the Salaries Account

Click on change fields
Click on block field and Deactivate the Blocked for Posting
Check in the Company code and Save it.

Blocking of Chart of Accounts

If you block the chart of account on the time its not possible to create any GL Account under
this Chart of Accounts

Go to OB13 for chart of accounts list click on position

Chart of Account – CHAC
Double click on the Chart of Accounts
Activate the Blocked Check box and Save it

Go to FS00 try to Create a GL Accounts on the time you will get the followings messages
“Chart of accounts CHAC Blocked creation of new GL Account Possible”

Unblock Chart of Account

Go to OB13 for chart of accounts list

Click on position
Chart of account company code – CHAC
Double click on your chart of Account and Deactivate the Blocked check box and Save


This hold documents we are using for incomplete documents

Go to F-02 enter the following documents on 15-05-09

Salaries Account – 1000

To Cash account – 2000
(Its an incomplete documents)

Documents Date – 15-05-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting Date – 15-05-09 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Header text – Hold Documents
Post key – 40 Accounts – Salaries Accounts
Press enter key
Amount – 1000 Text – Hold Documents
Post key – 50 Account – Cash Account
Press enter key
Amount – 2000 Business area – TAHY
Press enter key
Now go to Documents in Menu bar Select Hold Temporary Documents No-01 (Give any
Click Hold Documents tab

- 16 -

Complete the posting of Hold Documents

The remaining 1000 posted to wages account
Go to F-02 Follow same procedures
Go to Documents in Menu bar Select Get Hold Documents
Temporary Documents Number – 01
Press enter key
Post key – 40 Account – Wages Account
Press enter key
Amount – 1000
Click on Simulate and Save


Park documents we are using for a post dated documents

Go to F-02 enter the following documents on 15-05-09

Salaries Account – 1000

To Cash account – 1000

Documents Date – 15-05-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting Date – 15-05-09 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Header text – Salaries Paid
Post key – 40 Accounts – Salaries Accounts
Press enter key two times
Amount – 1000 Text – Salaries Account
Post key – 50 Account – Cash Account
Press enter times
Amount – 1000 Business area – TAHY
Now go to Documents in Menu bar Select Park

Display of Park Documents (FBV3)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Documents → Parked Documents → Display
Company code- TAST Documents No –
Fiscal year – 2009
Click on Documents list tab

Posting of Parked Documents (FBV0)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Documents → Parked Documents → Post/Delete

Company code – TAST

Documents No –
Fiscal year – 2009
Click on Documents list tab
Press F8 for execute
Double click on your Parked Documents number –

- 17 -

Click on Save it

Go to FBV2 for change the Parked Documents


In SAP we have two type interest calculations they are

Balance interest calculation
Item interest calculation.
Balance interest calculation is also called bank account interest calculation. It is calculated on
GL account.
Item interest calculation is also called interest on arrears it is calculated on customers/

Balance interest calculation configuration settings


1) Loan taken from SBI Rs – 1000000 on 01.05.2008 at interest rate – 10%

2) Loan given to ABC Company Rs – 1000000 at interest rate – 12%

Go to FS00 Create the following GL accounts

1) SBI loan account – under Liabilities
2) Loan to ABC Company – under Assets
3) Interest paid account – under Expenses
4) Interest received account – under Incomes

Go to F-02 Post the following GL documents on 01.05.2008

Cash account Dr 1000000
To SBI Loan account 1000000
(Loan received from SBI)

Loan to ABC Company account 500000

To Cash Account 500000
(Loan given to ABC Company)

Settings in IMG

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounts (new) → General Ledger Account (new) →
Business Transaction → Bank Account Interest Calculation → Interest Calculation Global

A) Define Interest calculation types (OB46)

Click on new entries

Interest ID Name Interest type
IT (any Balance interest calculation S (balance interest calculation)

Press enter key and Save

Come back

- 18 -

B) Prepare account balance interest calculation (OBAA)

Path: Same
Click on new entries
Interest calculation indicator – IT (any code)
Interest calculation frequency – 01 (every month)
Settlement day – 01
Calendar type – G (28-31/365)
Output control
Select Balance plus interest
Press enter key and save.
Come back wise

Interest Calculation

A) Define reference interest rates (OBAC)

Path: Same
Click on new entries – INTP (any code)
Long test – Interest Paid
Description – Interest paid
Date from – 01.05.2008
Currency – INR
Press enter key and save.
Press F8 for next entry. – INTR (any code)
Long test – Interest received
Description – Interest received
Date from – 01.05.2008
Currency – INR
Press enter key and save.
Come back three times.

Define Time-Depend terms (OB81)

Path: Same
Click on new entries
Int.calc.indicator – IT
Currency – INR
Effect from – 01.05.2008
Sequential number – 01
Term - Credit interest: balance interest calc
Ref. interest rate – INTP
Press enter key and save.
Press F8 for next entry.
Click on new entries
Int.calc.indicator – IT
Currency – INR
Effect from – 01.05.2008

- 19 -

Sequential number – 02
Term - Debit interest: balance interest calc
Ref. interest rate – INTR
Press enter key and save.
Come back three times.

Enter Interest values (OB83)

Path: Same

Click on new entries.

Reference: Valid from Interest Rate

INTP 01.05.2008 10
INTR 01.05.2008 12
Press enter key and save.
Come back wise

Interest Posting

Prepare GL account balance interest calculation (OBV2)

Interest Paid documents

Interest paid account Dr

To SBI Loan account

Interest Received documents

Loan to ABC Company account Dr

To Interest received account

Path: Same as up to Bank account interest calculation → Interest Posting → Prepare GL

account balance interest calculation.

Click on symbol tab

Account symbol Description

0001 Interest Received
0002 Interest Paid
1000 GL account - (earned) (Loan to ABC Company)
2000 GL account - (paid) (SBI Loan account)

Click on Account tab

Chart of account – CHAC

Acct. symbol Currency GL accounts
0001 INR 300006 (Interest received account)
0002 INR 400011 (Interest Paid)

- 20 -

1000 INR 200015 (Loan to ABC Company)

2000 INR 100005 (SBI Loan account)
Press enter key and save.
Click on posting specs tab
Click on create fields (interest paid posting)
Business transaction – 2000
Company code – TAST
Interest indicator – IT
Business area – TAMU
Click on ( √ )
Post key – 40
Account symbol – 0002
Post key – 50
Account symbol – 2000
Press enter key and Save.

Click on posting specs tab

Click on create fields (interest received posting)
Business transaction – 1000
Company code – TAST
Interest indicator – IT
Business area – TAMU
Click on ( √ )
Post key – 40
Account symbol – 1000
Post key – 50
Account symbol – 0001
Press enter key and save.
Come back.

Assign the interest indicator to the related GL accounts

Go to FS00 and select the GL accounts

A) Select GL account – 100009 (SBI loan account)

Click on change field.
Click on Create/bank/interest tab.
Interest indicator – IT
Key date of last int.calc – ---- (make it blank) (repeat this process before going to interest
Date of last - ---- (make it blank)
Press enter key and save.

B) Select GL account – 200015 (loan to ABC Company account)

Click on change field.
Click on Create/bank/interest tab.

- 21 -

Interest indicator – IT
Key date of last int.calc – ---- (make it blank)
Date of last - ---- (make it blank)
Press enter key and save.

Interest calculation on loan in first period (F.52)

When ever you want to calculate the interest on loan account follow these procedures.

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger → Periodic
processing → Interest calculation → Balance interest calculation.

Chart of accounts – CHAC

Company code – TAST
Calculation period – 01.05.2008 to 30.05.2008
Click on arrow mark in frond of the GL account
Assign the this GL accounts in
Single value column
100009 (SBI loan account)
200015 (Loan to ABC Company account)
Press F8 for copy.
Reference date – 3
Posting control
 Post interest settlements.
 Update master records.
Session name – Your name (any word)
Press enter key.
Press F8 for executes.
Check the interest rate, amount, days.
Run the Session. Go to System in menu bar → Service → Batch input → Session.

Go to FB03 for documents display

Check the last two documents

If you want to calculate the interest for the next periods makes the following changes.

G to FS00 Select the 100009 (SBI Loan account)

Click on change field
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Key date of last int.calc – make blank
Date of last – make blank press enter key and save.

Select 200015 (Loan to ABC company)

Click on change field
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Key date of last int.calc – make blank
Date of last – make blank
Press enter key and save.

- 22 -


No 1 : Sample Documents

Sample documents is nothing but a documents templates is valued for only one company
Step1: Sample documents type number ranges settings

Go to OBA7 for documents type list and click on position

Documents types – X2
Double click on X2 documents type
Click on number range information tab
Company code – TAST
Click on Change Intervals
Click on insert intervals.

No Year From Number To Number

X2 2008 100001 200000

Press enter key and save.

Come back

Sample Documents Preparation (F-01) (for wages)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting
→ Reference documents → Sample documents.

Document Date –05.04.2008 Type – AB Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 05.04.2008 Period – 01 Currency - INR
Documents header text – Wages Paid
Pstkey – 40 Account – Wages account
Amount – 100 Business area - TAMU
Text – Wages paid
Pst key – 50 Account – Cash Account
Press enter key
Amount - *
Business area – TAMU
Text - +
Press enter key and save
Message: “Documents 100001 was stored in company code TAST”

Display of Sample Document (FBM3)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Documents → Reference documents → Sample documents → Display

Documents No –
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Click on documents list tab

- 23 -

Press F8 for execute

Sample documents Posting in GL

Go to F-02 for GL documents Posting

Click on Post with Reference tab
Document No – 100001
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press enter key
No1: Change the documents date, Posting date in to current date.
No2: Change the Document type in to SA
No3: Change the Period in to Current period
Double click on first line item
Change the amount in to 1000 (or as you like to post)
Then simulate
Double click on second line item
Change amount in to 1000
Then simulate

Account Assignment Model

This Account Assignment model also we are using for document template preparation
purpose. These templates is valued for All companies Code in our Group.

Account Assignment model templates preparation for wages (FKMT)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting
→ Documents → Reference documents → Account Assignment model.

Account Assignment model – TAST Wage (you can give any identification code)
Click on Create field (F5)
Currency – INR
Chart of Account – CHAC
Click on Line item field

PK GL Account BU-area Amount

40 Wages Account TAMU
50 Cash Account TAMU
Press enter key and Save
Come back

GL Documents posting with using Account assignment model

Go to F-02
Document Date –15.09.2008 Type – SA Company code - TAST
Posting Date – 15.09.2008 Period – 06 Currency/Rate – INR
Documents header text – Wages Paid
Click on Acct Model tab
Account Assignment model – TAST Wage

- 24 -

Keep the amount 1000 in both line items

Simulate the documents and click on Save.

Recurring Documents (FBD1)

Recurring documents is nothing but those documents which are periodically repeating.

Recurring documents number ranges settings

Go to OBA7 for documents type list and click on position

Documents types – X1
Double click on X1 documents type
Click on number range information tab
Company code – TAST
Click on Change Intervals
Click on insert intervals.

No Year From Number To Number

X1 2008 200001 300000

Press enter key and save.

Come back

Go to FS00 Create Rent account under expenses.

Recurring documents preparation for Rent (template documents) (FBDI)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting →
Reference documents → Recurring documents.

Company code – TAST

First run – 01.04.2008
Last run – 31.03.2009
Interval in month – 01 (per month)
Run date – 01
Documents type – SA
Documents header text – Rent paid
Pstky 40 Account 400009 (Rent account)
Press enter key tow times
Amount 10000
Text Rent paid
Business area TAMU
Pstky 50 Account 200007 (Cash account)
Press enter key
Amount *
Text +
Business area TAMU

Press enter key and simulate the documents

Click on save. (Note the documents number 200001)
- 25 -

Note: Just like this you can prepare any number of Templates like Salaries, Installment payment,
Rent etc.

Go to FBD3 For Recurring documents Display

Go to FBD2 For Recurring documents Change
Go to F.54 For Delete

Recurring documents Run Program (F.14)

In first period
Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Periodic
processing → Recurring entries → Execute.

Company code – TAST

Documents Number – 200001
Fiscal year – 2008
Settlement period – 01.04.2008 to 30.04.2008
Batch input Session name – UBAID (any name)
Press enter key
Press F8 for execute or click on execute button on the top
At the time you will get the following message
“Session UBAID was created”
Now Go to System in the Menu bar → Services → Batch input → Session
Select UBAID (Session Name)
Click on Process tab.
Process mode

1) Process/forground
When ever our recurring documents have any changes like amount, date business area etc at the
time we are using this method.
2) Display errors only
This method we are using when ever our recurring documents have some errors.
Eg – Any required data is missed.
3) Back ground
If our recurring documents are done perfectly without any errors we are using this method.

O Display errors only radio button.

Click on process tab
Click on enter key until session over view disply
Come back.
Not: For paying rent the user have to run this program in every period.

Recurring documents with Run schedule

If you want to use these recurring documents for regular documents or weekly documents with
different dates in different month in this case we are using this run schedule.

- 26 -

Run Schedule preparation

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Financial Accounting global settings →
Documents → Recurring entries.

Define Run schedule (OBC1)

Path: Same
Click on new entries
Run schedule Description
TAWP Weekly posting
Press enter key and save.
Come back

Enter the Run dates (OBC2)

Path: Same
Run schedule – TAWP ( √ )
Click on new entries
Run Dates
Press enter key and save.

Step2: Go to FS00 Create the wages account under expenses

Recurring documents for Wages (FBD1)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting →
Reference documents → Recurring documents.

Company code – TAST

Documents type – SA
Documents header text – Wages paid

Pstky 40 Account 400004 (Wages account)

Press enter key tow times
Amount 5000
Text Wages paid
Business area TAMU
Pstky 50 Account 200007 (Cash account)
Press enter key
Amount *
Text +
Business area TAMU

Press enter key and simulate the documents

Click on save. (Note the documents number 200002)
- 27 -

Recurring document program run (F.14)

For week

Company code – TAST

Documents Number – 200001
Fiscal year – 2008
Settlement period – 01.04.2008 to 07.04.2008
Batch input Session name – UBAID (any name)
Press enter key
Press F8 for execute
Run the Session.

Display of Recurring Documents (FBD3)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Documents
→ Reference Documents → Recurring Documents

Change of Recurring Documents (FBD2)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Documents
→ Reference Documents → Recurring Documents

Display changes Recurring Documents (FBD4)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Documents
→ Reference Documents → Recurring Documents

Deleting of Recurring Documents (F.56)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Documents
→ Reference Documents → Recurring Documents.


Reversal reason for creation (0416)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → General ledger → Business transaction →
Adjustments posting/ Reversal → Define reason for reversal

Click on new entries

Reason Text
A1 For wrong period
A2 For wrong date assignments
A3 For wrong account Assignments
A4 For wrong amount assignments
Press enter key and Save

- 28 -

Individual Reversal documents

Go to F-02 Post the following documents on 30-05-09

Salaries Account 10000

To Cash account 10000

Note on the Documents number – 14

Actually we have to post the documents on 30-04-09 but user wrongly assigned it to 30-05-09

Individual Reversal Procedures (FB08)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Documents
→ Reverse → Individual Reversal

Documents No – 14 Company code – TAST

Fiscal year – 2009 Reversal reason – A1
Click on Save

Display of Reverse Documents (FB08)

Go to documents in Menu bar Select Display

Note: All reversed documents will be posted in under AB documents type

Reversal of Reversal

Before going to do the reversal of reverse you should know the Reversal documents Number – 15

Go to F-02 click on Post with reference tab

Documents No – 15 Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2009
Activate Generated Reverse Posting
Press enter key and Change the documents type in to SA
Press enter key and Save

Mass Reversal

This Mass reversal we are using when number of documents reverse of a time

Mass Reversal Procedures (F.80)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Documents
→ Reverse → Mass Reversal

Company code – TAST

Documents No – 17 to – 20
Fiscal year - 2009
Reason for Reversal – A1

- 29 -

Activate Test Run

Press F8 for execute
Comeback and Deactivate the Test run check box and again Press F8 for Execute


Company code currency = Local currency

Other currency is called foreign currency also called Documents currency

There are two types of foreign currency posting

1- Automatic Posting
2- Manual Posting

Automatic Posting

In this automatic posting we defined the exchange rate in exchange rate type. by the time of
documents posting system directly pick up the exchange rate from that table based on value date

Manual Posting

In this manual posting no need to define the exchange rate in exchange rate table. By the time of
documents posting user directly assign the exchange rate.

Automatic Posting

Paid Consultant fee with 100 US dollar on 20-05-09 through bank exchange rate 45

Go to FS00 Create the consultant fee Account under expenses

Define Exchange rate (OB08)

Path: Spro → Img → Sap net weaver → General settings → Currencies → Enter exchange rate

Click on new entries

Exchange rate Valid from From Direct quote To
M 20-05-09 USD 45 INR
Press enter key and Save

Note: M = Average rate

Go to F-02

Documents Date – 20-05-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting Date - 20-05-09 Period – 02 Currency – USD
Header text – Consultation fee paid
Post key – 40 Account – Consultation fee paid
Amount – 100
Text - Consultation fee paid Business area – TAHY
Post key – 50 Account – Bank Account
Amount - * Business area – TAHY

- 30 -

Text - +
Press enter key we can see amount in 100 – USD
Simulate the Documents
Here mount is shown in US Dollar for changing this it to local currency
Click on Display Currency tab

Manual Posting

Pay Consultation fee 100 USD through bank on 30-05-09 exchange rate 48

Go to F-02

Documents Date – 30-05-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting Date - 30-05-09 Period – 02 Currency/ Rate – USD/ 48
Header text – Consultation fee paid
Post key – 40 Account – Consultation fee paid
Press enter key ignore the warning messages enter
Amount – 100
Text - Consultation fee paid Business area – TAHY
Post key – 50 Account – Bank Account
Amount - * Business area – TAHY
Text - +
Press enter key simulate and Save

Maximum Exchange rate differences

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting → Financial accounting global settings →

Documents → Documents header → Maximum exchange rate differences → Define maximum
exchange rate differences per foreign currencies

Click on new entries

Foreign Currency Local currency Max exchange difference
Press enter key and Save

Note: if the setting is already define then no need to define again

Line item Layout Preparation for foreign currency Transaction

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Accounts →
Display/ change line items (FBL3N)

GL Account – Consultation fee account

Company code – TAST
Select All items
Press F8 for execute
Click on change field on application tool bar ( cltr + F5)
Select Tax code, clearing documents in line one
Click on right arrow →
Select Amount in documents currency, Documents currency from hidden fields

- 31 -

Click on left arrow ← (Tick mark)

Click on Save Layout on application tool bar
Layout – UBAID Click on Save


Open item managements

Open item managements we are using for clearing for documents

Go to FS00 Create the following GL Account

Outstanding rent account – Liabilities

GL Account - Outstanding account
Company code – TAST
Account group – Liabilities
Select Balance sheet items
Activate Open item managements
Field status variants – G001
All other process are same when crating GL Accounts

Go to F-02 Post the following documents

First documents on 30-04-09

Rent Account 10000

To Outstanding rent a/c 10000

Second Documents on 31-05-2009

Rent Account 10000

To Outstanding rent a.c 10000

Go to FBL3N for Display of Outstanding Rent account status. In this status report we find out the
which month outstanding rent is open and Which month outstanding rent is clear.

Paid Outstanding Rent 10000 through bank on 01-06-09 against the April month Outstanding
rent Clear

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting →
Out going payments (F-07)

Documents date – 01-06-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-06-09 Period – 03 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Outstanding rent clearing
Clearing text – Outstanding rent clearing
Bank Data
Account – SBI Account Business area – TAHY
Amount – 10000
Text – Std payments (Rent outstanding )

- 32 -

Open item selection

Account – Outstanding Rent Account
Click on process open items tab
Deactivate the 31-05-2009 outstanding rent line item (Double click on amount) Activate the 30-
04-09 outstanding rent line item it is already active and Save it

Go to FBL3N check the outstanding rent status

Partial Payments

Pay outstanding rent account 5000 through bank on 05-06-2009 against May month

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting →
Out going payments (F-07)

Documents date – 05-06-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 05-06-09 Period – 03 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Partial Outstanding rent clearing
Clearing text – Partial Outstanding rent clearing
Bank Data
Account – SBI Account Business area – TAHY
Amount – 6000
Text – Partial payments (Rent outstanding )
Open item selection
Account – Outstanding Rent Account
Click on process open items tab
Deactivate the already cleared outstanding rent amount in net amount box. Double click on
partial amount Dailar box at the time we can see which amount we are going to clear.
Click on simulate and Save

Go to FBL3N check the outstanding rent status

Paying outstanding rent 4000 through bank on 30-06-09 (May month)

Documents date – 30-06-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 30-06-09 Period – 03 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Partial Outstanding rent clearing
Clearing text – Partial Outstanding rent clearing
Bank Data
Account – SBI Account Business area – TAHY
Amount – 6000
Text – Partial payments (Rent outstanding )
Open item selection
Account – Outstanding Rent Account
Click on process open items tab
Click on Partial Payments tab
Deactivate the already cleared outstanding rent amount 6000 in net amount box. Double click on
partial amount Dailar box in front of your cleared line item.
Click on simulate and Save

- 33 -

Go to FBL3N check the outstanding rent status

Here Outstanding rent account showing Zero balances but line items are still showing as a open
items. If you want to clear this line item do the manual clearing procedures..

Manual Clearing Procedures (F-03)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial accounting → General ledger → Accounts →

Accounts – Outstanding rent account

Clearing date – 30-06-09 Company code –TAST
Click on process open item tab
Press enter key and Save
Activate the following line item
Simulate and Save it

Go to FBL3N check the outstanding rent status

Now we can see any balances

Residual Payments

In the residual payments when we are doing the particular payments remaining outstanding
amount system generate separate open item.

Go to F-02 post the following documents on 30-04-09

Rent account – 10000

To Outstanding rent account – 10000

Payout outstanding rent 6000 through bank on 01-05-09 (Its residual payments)

Path: Go to F-07

Documents date – 01-05-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-05-09 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Residual Outstanding rent clearing
Clearing text – Residual Outstanding rent clearing
Bank Data
Account – SBI Account Business area – TAHY
Amount – 6000
Text – Residual payments (Rent outstanding )
Open item selection
Account – Outstanding Rent Account
Click on process open items tab
Click on Residual Payments tab
Activate the clearing line item
Double click on Residual item dailar box
Now we will get the 4000 (Its remaining outstanding)

- 34 -

Click on simulate and Save

Go to FBL3N check the outstanding rent status

Paid Outstanding Rent 4000 on the 01-06-09 through bank (Its residual Payments)

Go to F-07

Documents date – 01-06-09 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-06-09 Period – 03 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Residual Outstanding rent clearing
Clearing text – Residual Outstanding rent clearing
Bank Data
Account – SBI Account Business area – TAHY
Amount – 4000
Text – Residual payments (Rent outstanding )
Open item selection
Account – Outstanding Rent Account
Click on process open items tab
Click on Residual Payments tab
Activate the clearing line item
Click on simulate and Save
Go to FBL3N check the outstanding rent status

Documents Printing Procedures

Settings in IMG
Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting → General ledger accounting → Business
transaction → GL Account posting → Correspondence internal documents → Make and check
settings for correspondence
A) Assign programs for correspondence types (OB78)

Click on position
Company code – 0001
Correspondence – SAP09 (Tick mark)
Select 0001 Company code
Click on Copy as (F6)
Company code – Change the company code in to TAST
Press enter key and Save it.

B) Define form names for Correspondence print (OB96)

Select the following Print for internal documents – RFKORD30

Click on copy as F6 and Give our company code TAST
Press enter key and Save

Settings in easy access

Whenever we want to print our documents do the following procedures

- 35 -

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → GL → Accounts →

Correspondence → Request (FB12)

Company code – TAST

Press enter key
Select – SAP09 Internal Documents
Press enter key
Company code – TAST
Documents No – 01
Fiscal year – 2009
Press enter key and Save Come back

Maintain (F.64)

Correspondence – SAP09
Company code –TAST
Press F8 for execute
Select our documents Number 01
Press F2 for Print preview (Tick mark)
Output device – LP01
Click on Continue
Click on print icon in standard tool bar
Now go to system in menu bar → Services → Output control
Press F8 for execute
Click on Spool Number check box infront of your documents
Click print with changed parameters field on application tool bar (Shift + F1)
Number of Copies - 01
Click on print


Display of GL Account balances

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial accounting → GL → Information system →

General ledger report → Accounts balances → General → GL Account balances

Chart of Accounts – CHAC

GL Accounts - * (For all GL balances)
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2009
Press F8 for execute

Display of GL line items

Path: Same as up to GL reports → Line items → GL line items → GL line items


Chart of accounts – CHAC GL Accounts - *

- 36 -

Company code – TAST

Press F8 for execute

Display of GL Accounts List

Path: Same as up to GL Reports → Master data → Chart of accounts (S_ALR_87012326)

GL Accounts - * Chart of accounts – CHAC

Press F8 for execute


showing the cash balance at any time (by adding the cash receipts and deducting the cash
expenses, from the days opening cash balances) the cash journal is a compact journal used to
record the transaction in a double entry format.

1) A check received from head office worth of 20000 for petty cash purpose and that will be
deposited in SBI and withdrawn from Bank
2) Sales of scrap 1000 and that will be deposited in petty cash
3) Paid wages 1000 through petty cash
4) Paid freight 1000 through petty cash
5) Paid printing and stationary 1000 through petty cash

GL entries

1) Petty cash account

To SBI Account

2) Petty Cash account

To Sales of scrap

3) Wages account
To petty cash account

4) Fright Account
To Petty Cash account

5) Printing and Stationary account

To Petty cash

GL Account Creation

Go to FS00 Create the following GL Account

Petty Cash Account – Assets

Sales of Scrap Account – Incomes
Wages, Fright, Printing and Stationary – Expenses

GL – Petty Cash Account

Company code – TAST

- 37 -

Click on create field

Account Group – Assets
Select Balance sheet account item
Short text – Petty Cash Account
Long text – Petty Cash Account
Click on control data tab
Activate only balances in local currency
Activate line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on Balance/Interest
Field Status Group – G005
Activate Post automatically only
Press enter key and Save

Settings in IMG

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Bank Accounting → Business

Transaction → Cash journal

A) Define Number range intervals for cash journal documents (FBCJC1)

Company code – TAST

Click on change intervals
Click on insert intervals
No Fom No To No
01 01 1000
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

B) Setup Cash journal (FBCJC0)

Click on new entries

Cocd CJ GL A/C Currency D D D D D D Cash journal

TAST T1CJ (ANY) Petty Cash ac INR SA SA SA SA SA Petty Cash

Press enter key and Save

Come back wise

C) Create, Change, Delete, Business transaction (FBCJC2)

Business transaction

C – Receipts from Bank

B – Payment to Bank
R – Revenue
E – Expenses
D – Customer Posting
K – Vendor Posting
Click on new entries

- 38 -

Cocd Busin Tra GL ac Cash Journal Business transaction

TAST C SBI Account Cash withdrawal from Bank
TAST R Sale of Scrap Sale of scrap
TAST E Wages Wages Paid
TAST E Fright Fright Paid
TAST E Print and Stat Print and Stationary

Press enter key and Save

Petty Cash Posting (FBCJ)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Incomings →

Cash Journal

Click on change cash journal tab

Company code – TAST
Cash journal – T1CJ (Tick mark)
Click on Cash receipts tab
Business trans Amount Text Business area
Cash withdr from SBI 20000 Cash withdra from SBI TAMU
Sales of scrap 1000 Sale of Scrap TAMU

Click on Post
Click on Cash Payment Tab
Business Amount Text Business area
Wages 1000 Wages TAMU
Fright 1000 Fright paid TAMU
Printing and Stationa 1000 Printing and Stationary TAMU

Click on Post
Now go to FB03 for documents display check the last 5 documents in SA documents type

- 39 -

Customer Account Group creation

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Customer Account → Master Data → Preparation for creating customer master

Define Account group with screen layout (OBD2) (Customers)

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Account Group – TAMC (Any 4 code)
Name - Material Customers for TAST
Double click on General Data field.
Double click on Address tab
Keep Name as required entry.
Come back wise
Double click on Company code data field.
Double click on Account Management
Keep Reconciliation account as required entry.
Come back wise and Save.
Press F8 for next entry.
Account Group – TAMS (Any code)
Name – Service Customers for TAST
Double click on General Data field.
Double click on Address tab
Keep Name as required entry.
Come back wise
Double click on Company code data field.
Double click on Account Management
Keep Reconciliation account as required entry.
Come back wise and Save.
Note: Just like you can create any number of customer group.

Create Number ranges for Customers accounts (XDN1)

Path: Same
Click on Change intervals
Click on Insert intervals.
No From Number To Number
A1 (Any) 500001 500100

Press enter key and again click on insert intervals

No From Number To Number
A2 (Any) 500101 500200
Press enter key and Save it.
Come back wise.

- 40 -

Assign Number ranges to Customer account group (OBAR)

Path: Same
Click on position
Account Group – TAMC
Group Name Number range
TAMC Material Customers for TAST A1

Again Click on position

Account Group – TAMS
Group Name Number range
TAMS Service Customers for TAST A2
Press enter key and save.

Tolerance for Customer Documents

The tolerances are used for dealing with payment differences and residual items that may
arise when payment clearing is carried out. You specify the tolerances in one or more
tolerance groups and assign a tolerance group to each customer/vendor using the master

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Open item Clearing → Clearing differences

Define Tolerance for Customers and Vendors (OBA3)

Path: Same

Click on new entries.

Company code – TAST
Tolerance group – TGMC (any code) Tolerance for Customers
Grace days due date – 3
Permitted payment differences
Gain – 1 %
Loss – 1 %
Press enter key and Save.
Come back wise.

Define Tolerance group for employees (OBA4)

Path: Same
Click on new entries.
Group – TGMC
Company code – TAST
Amount per documents – 9999999999
Amount per open line item – 9999999999
Cash discount per line item – 5 %
Press enter key and save.

- 41 -

Customer Reconciliation Account Creation (Sundry Debtors Account)

Reconciliation account is nothing but those values we are posting to our sub ledgers that
values is updated to the main ledger that types of accounts are called reconciliation accounts.

Go to FS00 and select - 200012 (Sundry Debtors Account)

Click on change fields
Click on Control Data tab
Deactivate the only balance is local currency check box
Reconciliation Account for Account type – Customers
Click on Create/bank/ interest tab
Field Status Group – G067 (Reconciliation Account)
Press enter key and save.

Customer Master Data Creation ( FD01) (Customer Account Creation)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Master records → Create.

Account Group – TAMC

Company code – TAST
Press enter key.
Titles – Company
Name – Steel Authority of India Ltd
Search term – A
Street/house No – YS Industrial area.
Postal code/city – 123456 - Mumbai
Country – IN
Region - 13
Click on Company Code Data tab
Account Management
Reconciliation Account – 200012
Sort key – 031 (Customer Number wise)
Click on Payments Transaction tab
Terms of Payment – 0001 (Immediate payments)
Tolerance group – TGMC
Press enter key and Click on save.

Note: Just like you can create any number of Customers.

For Changing of Customers Master Data (FD02)

Path: Same.

For Customers Display (FD03)

Path: Same.

- 42 -

Customer Documents Number ranges Settings (OBA7)

Documents Documents type Nature of Data

Customer Invoice DR Sales documents
Customer Payments DZ Receipts
Customer Credit DG Sales returns

Go to OBA7 for documents type list

Click on position
Documents Type – DR ( √ )
Double click on DR documents type.
Click on number range Information tab
Company code - TASL
Click on change Intervals
Click on Insert intervals

No Year From Number To Number

18 2008 400001 500000

Press enter key and save.

Come back three times.
Click on position
Documents type – DZ ( √ )
Double click on DZ documents type.
Click on number range Information tab
Company code - TASL
Click on change Intervals
Click on Insert intervals

No Year From Number To Number

14 2008 500001 600000

Press enter key and save.

Come back three times
Click on position
Documents type – DG ( √ )
Double click on DG documents type.
Click on number range Information tab
Company code - TASL
Click on change Intervals
Click on Insert intervals

No Year From Number To Number

16 2008 600001 700000

Press enter key and save.

- 43 -

Customer Documents Posting

Customer Invoice Posting (Sales)

Documents Debit/Credit Posting key

Customer Account Debit 01
Sales Account Credit 50

Customer Invoice Postings Procedure (F-22)


Sold 100000 goods to Customer (Sail) on 05.04.2008

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Document entry → Invoice- general

Document Date 05.04.2008 Type DR Company code TAST

Posting Date 05.04.2008 Period 01 Currency / Rate INR
Documents Header text Sales Invoice Posting

Pstky – 01 Account – 401000 (Customer SAIL Account)

Press enter key
Amount – 100000
Business Area – TAST
Text – Customer SAIL invoice posting.
Pstky – 50 Account – 300001 (Sales Account)
Press enter key
Amount - *
Business Area – TAMU
Text - +
Press enter key and simulate
Click on save.

Step2: Customer Payment Posting (Receipts)

Documents Debit/Credit Posting key

Cash / bank Account Debit 40
Customer Account Credit 15

Customer Payment Posting Procedure(F-28)


Received 100000 amounts from customer (SAIL) on 05.04.2008 and this amount is deposited
in Bank.

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Document entry → Incoming Payments.

- 44 -

Document Date – 05.04.2008 Type – DZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 05.04.2008 Period – 01 Currency - INR
Documents header text – Customer Payments
Clearing text – Payment received from Customer SAIL.
Bank data
Account - 200008 (SBI Account) Business Area – TAMU
Amount – 100000
Text – Payment Received from Customer
Open item selection
Account – 400100 (Customer SAIL account)
Click on process open item tab.
Activate the clearing line item.
Simulate and save.

Display of customer documents (FB03)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Documents display.

Documents Number – enter the document number

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Click on documents list tab
Document type - DR
Click on the arrow mark in front of the documents type
Press enter key
Assign – DR, DZ,DG in single value column
Press F8 for copy and again press F8 for execute.

Display of customer balance (FD10N)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Account display balances.

Customer – Customer account

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes.

Display of Customer reconciliation Account balances

Go to FS10N for display of GL account balances

GL account – Sundry debtors account
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes

- 45 -

Display of Customer status (FBL5N)

In this status report we find out which invoice is open and which invoice is clear and which
invoice is overdue.

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Accounts → display/ change line item.

Customer – Customer account

Company code – TAST
Select all item radio buttons.
Press F8 for executes.
Now go to Settings in menu bar → legend on /off → icon.

Customer Partial Payments

Step1: Go to F-22 Post customer invoice 50000 on 01.05.2008

Step2: Go to F-28 Post customer incoming payments 30000 on 01.05.2008
Step3: Go to F-28 Post Customer incoming payments of 20000 on 10.05.2008
Setp4: Go to FBL5N Check the customer line item
Customer – Customer account
Company code – TAST
Select all item radio buttons.
Press F8 for executes.

Here Customer account showing Zero Balances but line shown still open item.. If you want to
clear the open item do the manual clearing procedures.

Manual clearing procedures (F-32)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Accounts → Clear.

Account – Customer Account

Clearing date – 10.05.2008
Click on process open item tab
Activate the following line items
DR – 50000
DZ - 30000
DZ – 20000
Press enter key and save.

Go to FBL5N and check the customer status.

Note: After clearing the customer partial payments user should done this manual clearing

- 46 -

Residual Payments

Step1: Go to F-22 Post customer invoice 100000 on 20.05.2008

Step2: Go to F-28 Post customer incoming payments 60000 on 25.05.2008
Setp3: Go to FBL5N Check the customer line item
Step4: Go to F-28 Post Customer incoming payments of 40 on 30.05.2008
Setp5: Go to FBL5N Check the customer line item
Note: In Residual payment method system automatically clear the pen line item. So there is
no need for manual payments.

Different type of Payment terms (OBB8)

Customer Cash discount

Create the following payments terms (OBB8)

Within 10 days 3% Cash discount

20 days 2% Cash discount
30 day No discount

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Incoming invoice/ credit memo → Maintain terms of

Click on new entries.

Payment terms – DISC (any 4 code)
Sales text – Payment terms for customers.
Select Documents date radio button.

Terms Percentage No- days

1 3 10
2 2 20
3 - 30

Press enter key and save.

Go to FD01 create a customer account with the above payment terms.

Go to FS00 Create Cash Discount Account under expenses.

Define Account for Cash discount granted

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Incoming Payments → Incoming payments global

Define Account for Cash discount granted (OBXI)

Chart of Account – CHAC

Click on save.
Account Assignment

- 47 -

Account – Cash discount account.

Click on save.
Come back

Go to F-22 Post customer invoice with 100000 on 01.06.2008

Go to F-28 Post customer Incoming Payments 97000 on 5.06.2008 (100000 - 3% cash

Customer Installment Payment

Create the following instalment payment terms

1 – Instalment 40 %
2 – Instalment 30 %
3 – Instalment 30%

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Incoming invoice/ credit memo

Maintain Terms of Payments (OBB8)

Click on new entries

Payment terms – INST (Any 4 code)
Sales text – Instalment payments
Activate instalment payment check box.
Select the documents date radio button.
Press enter key and save.
Come back.

Define terms of payments for installments payments (OBB9)

Click on new entries.

Terms of payments Instalment Percentage Payment terms

INST 1 40 ZR01 (default– we can create our own)
INST 2 30 ZR02
INST 3 30 ZR03

Step2: Go to FD01 Create a customer account with above instalment payments terms.
Step3: Go to F-22 Post the customer invoice with 100000 on 01.06.2008
Step4: Go to F-28 Post customer incoming payments 40000 on 10.05.2008 (Fist install)
Go to F-28 Post customer incoming payments 30000 on 20.05.2008 (2nd install)
Go to F-28 Post customer incoming payments 30000 on 30.05.2008 (3rd install)

Exchange rate differences

Go to FS00 Create the following GL Accounts.

Exchange Rate Gain Account
Exchange Rate Loss Account

- 48 -

Define exchange rate differences account

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Incoming payments → Incoming Payments global
settings → Define account for exchange rate differences.

Chart of Accounts – CHAC

Click on new entries.
GL accounts – Sundry debtors accounts.
Exchange differences
Loss – Exchange rate loss account
Gain – Exchange rate gain account.
Press enter key and Save.

Step3: Go to F-22 Post the customer invoice 100 US Dollar on 15.06.2008 exchange rate
is 45

Document Date 15.06.2008 Type DR Company code TAST

Posting Date 15.06.2008 Period 03 Currency / Rate USD 45
Documents Header text Sales Invoice Posting

Pstky – 01 Account – Customer Account

Press enter key
Amount – 2000
Business Area – TAST
Text – Customer SAIL invoice posting.
Pstky – 50 Account – 300001 (Sales Account)
Press enter key
Amount - *
Business Area – TAMU
Text - +
Press enter key and simulate
Click on save.

Step4: Go to F-28 Post Customer incoming Payments with 2000 US Dollar on 25.06.2008

Document Date – 25.06.2008 Type – DZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 25.06.2008 Period – 03 Currency/Rate – USD - 47
Documents header text – Customer Payments
Clearing text – Payment received from Customer
Bank data
Account - 200008 (SBI Account) Business Area – TAMU
Amount – 2000
Text – Payment Received from Customer
Open item selection
Account – Customer account
Click on process open item tab.
Activate the clearing line item.
Simulate the Documents
Click on Display Currency tab and Save.

- 49 -

Exchange rate differences for Partial Payments

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting → financial accounting global settings →

Documents → Documents header → Indicate currency differences for partial payments.
Click on change field

Click on position
Documents types – DZ
Activate the exchange rate differences for partial payments check box in front of the DZ
documents type.
Click on Save.

Reset Cleared items

Step1: Go to F-22 Post a customer invoice with 25000 on 01.07.2008

Step2: Go to FBL5N check the customer account status.
Step3: Go to F-28 Post the customer incoming payments with 25000 on 01.07.2008
(note the payment documents number)
Go to FBL5N check the customer account status.
Actually we are getting that payments from some other customer but user wrongly assigned
to this customer.

Reset Cleared Items Procedures (FBRA)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Documents → Reset Cleared items.

Clearing documents – documents no.

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Go to Clearing in Menu bar → Select Reset Cleared item.

Click on Resetting and Reverse

Reversal reason – A4 (Wrong Assignment)
Go to FBL5N check customer status.

Customer Down Payment (Advance received)

Go to FS00 create the customer down payment account under liabilities.

Click on Control data tab
Reconciliation account for account type – Customer
Click on create/bank/interest tab.
Field status group – G067 (Reconciliation account)
Press enter key and save.

- 50 -

Define Alternative reconciliation for customer down payment (OBXR)

In this step, you define an account in which the customer down payments or down payment
requests are managed in the general ledger. In the case of down payments or down payment
requests, the posting is automatically made to this account instead of to the normal
receivables account (reconciliation account).

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivable and Account
payable → Business transaction → Down payment received → Define reconciliation account
for customer down payments.

Double click on D – A Down payments. (D–indicate for customer, A for down payments)
Chart of account – CHAC

Reconciliation Account Specific GL account

Sundry debtors account Customer down payments
Step3: Go to FD01 Create customer account

Down payment posting (F-29)

Received 50000 Advance from Customer on 01.09.2008 and it deposited in Bank account.

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivable →

Document entry → Down payment → Down payment

Document Date –01.09.2008 Type – DZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 01.09.2008 Period – 06 Currency/Rate – INR
Documents header text – Customer down payments
Account – Customer account
Special GL indicator - A
Bank data
Account - 200008 Business area - TAMU
Amount – 50000
Text – Down Payment Received from Customer
Press enter key
Amount - *
Business area – TAMU
Text - +
Press enter key and save.

Display of Customer balances

Go to FD10N for display customer balances.

Customer – Customer account.
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes.

Click on special GL tab and check the balances.

- 51 -

Go to F-22 post the customer invoice with 50000 on 15-09-2008

Display of Customer balances

Go to FD10N for display customer balances.

Customer – Customer account.
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes and check regular balances.

Down payment clearing (F-39)

Adjust the customer down payment against invoice.

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivable →

Document entry → Down payment → Clearing

Document Date – 15.09.2008 Type – DZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 15.09.2008 Period – 06 Currency/Rate – INR
Documents header text – Customer down payments clearing
Account – Customer account
Relevant invoice
Invoice refe – Invoice number
Text – Down Payment Clearing
Press enter key
Click on process down payment tab
Double click in transfer posting dailar box
Simulate and save.

Display of Customer balances

Go to FD10N for display customer balances.

Customer – Customer account.

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes and check regular balances and special GL account.

Display of Customer status (FBL5N)

Go to FBL5N for display Customer Status

Customer – Customer account

Company code – TAST
Select All item radio button.
Press F8 for execute.
Here Customer showing the Zero balances but line item still open. If you want to clear this
Go to F-32 do manual clearing procedure.

- 52 -


Dunning is nothing but the reminder letter for outstanding customers.

Dunning procedures creation

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivable and Account
payable → Business transaction → Dunning → Dunning procedures.

Define Dunning Procedures (FBMP)

Click on new procedure.

Dunning procedures – DUNN (Any four code)

Name – Dunning Procedure for Customers
Dunning intervals in days – 7 days
Number of Dunning level – 4 (Maximum 9)
Interest indicator – 04
Activate the standard transaction dunning check box.
Press two times enter key.

Click on Dunning level tab

Check the level (No need for any changes)
Click on Charges tab
Currency – INR
Due Dunning Charge
1 1000
2 1000
3 1000
4 1000
Click on Minimum amount Column
Currency – INR
Due Minimum amount
1 1000
2 1000
3 1000
4 1000
Press enter key
Click on Dunning text tab
Company code - TAST
Click on New company code tab
Company code – TAST
Activate Dunning area, Dunning level check box in front of your company code.
Click on save two times.
Click on Dunning Text tab
Company code – TAST

- 53 -

Dunn Form
1 F150_DUNN_01 (std form)
2 F150_DUNN_01
3 F150_DUNN_01
4 F150_DUNN_01

Come back and click on save.

Assign Dunning procedure to customers.

Go to FD02 Change the Customer Master Data

Customer – Customer account
Company code – TAST
Click on Correspondence tab
Dunning Procedures – DUNN
Click on save.

Go to F-22 Post customer invoice with 100000 on 15.10.2008 (we don’t get payment up to
21-10.2008 so we are going to send Dunning)

Dunning notice preparation (F150)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial accounting → Account receivables →

Periodic processing → Dunning

Run on – 21.10.2008
Identification – Dunn01 (any code)
Click on Parameters tab
Dunning date – 21.02008
Documents posted up to – 21.10.2008
Company code – TAST
Customer – customer account
Press enter key
Click on Additional tab
Customer – customer account
Click on Status tab
Click on Scheduled
Output device – LP01
Click on Continue
Start date – 21.10.2008
Activate Start Immediately check box
Click on Schedule
Now you will get the following messages in Status bar.
“Dunning Selection Running”
Now select the message and press enter key until you get the following messages
“Dunning Selection is completed”

- 54 -

Sample print out

Click on Sample Printout tab

Output device – LP01
Click on Continue
Start date – 21.10.2008
Customer Account – customer account
Press F7 for Print Preview
Come back wise.
Click on Dunning printout tab
Output device – LP01
Click on Continue
Start date – 21.10.2008
Click on Print
Now Go to System in Menu bar → Services → Output Control.
Press F8 for executes.
Double click on Spool Number check box
Click on print with changed Parameters tab
Number of Copies – 02
Click on print
Come back.
Note: Whenever we want to print a reminder letter follow this procedure


Go to FS00 Create the following GL Accounts

1) Bills receivables Account - Under Assets
2) Bills discounting Accounts - Under liabilities
3) Bills discounting charges Accounts – Expenses

1) GL Accounts – Bills receivable accounts

Company code – TAST
Click on create field
Account group – Assets
Select balance sheet accounts
Short text – Bills receivable
Long text – Bills receivables Accounts
Click on Control data tab
Reconciliation accounts for Account type – Customers
Select line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Field status group – G067
Press enter key and Save

2) GL Accounts – Bills discounting accounts

Company code – TAST
Click on create field
Account group – Liabilities
Select balance sheet accounts

- 55 -

Short text – Bills discounting account

Long text – Bills discounting Accounts
Click on Control data tab
Select only balance in local currency
Select open item managements
Select line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Field status group – G005
Select Post automatically only
Press enter key and Save

4) Create Bill discounting charge Account under Expenses

Settings in IMG

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Bank Accounting → Business transaction
→ Bills of exchange transaction → Bills of Exchange Receivables

Post Bills of Exchange Receivables

Define Alternative Reconciliation account for Bills of exchange receivables (OBYN)

Double click on D – W – Bills of exchange receivable

Chart of Account – CHAC
Reconciliation Account Special GL
Sundry debtors Account Bills receivables account
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Define Accounts for bills of exchange transaction (OBYH)

Double click on bank discounting charges
Chart of Accounts – CHAC (Tick mark)
GL Accounts – Bills discounting charges accounts
Save and Come back
Now close bills receivables

Present bills of exchange receivables at bank

Define bank sub accounts (OBYK)

Click on new entries

Chrt A/C Bank A/C Usage S GL Custo recon A/c Bank sub-A/C for Liabilities
CHAC SBI A/C Discounting W Sundry Debtors Bill discounting A/C
Press enter key and Save

- 56 -


Go to F-22 Post customer invoice 100000 on 10-4-09

When Bill Receivables (F-36)

Receive 100000 bill from customer on 10-4-09 Bill due date is 30 Days

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Documents entry → Bills of exchange → Payments

Documents date – 1-04-09 Post date – 1-04-09

Documents header text – Bills receivables
Clearing text – Bills receivables
Select incoming Payments
Pstky – 09 Account - Customer Accounts
Special GL – W
Press enter key
Amount – 100000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Bills receivables
Due date – 30-04-09
Click on process open item tab
Special GL Account – W
Again double click on Process open item tab
Activate clearing line item
Simulate and Save

Note the Documents Number

When Bill is Discounting (F-33)

Path: Same

We are discounting bill on 15-04-09 at the time Bank deducted Bank discounting charges

Documents date – 15-04-09 Posting Date – 15-04-09

Documents header text – Bill is discounting
Bank – SBI Account Business area – TAMU
Amount – 98000 Bank Charges – 2000
Text – Bills discounted
Click on select bills of exchange tab
Documents No – Give Documents Number
Click on Simulate

When bill is Honor (Bills Cleared) (F-20)

Path: Same

- 57 -

Go to Reverse Contingents Liabilities (F-20)

Documents date – 30-04-09 Posting Date – 30-04-09
Documents header text – Bill is honor
GL Account – Bills receivables accounts
Usage – Discounting Due by – 30-04-09
Documents Number – Give Documents Number
Customer – Customer Accounts
Click on Edit Line item tab
Com Document number
+ Give Documents Number
Click on Save
Bill is Dishonor (Not Cleared)

Go to F-22

Customer Account Dr
To Bank


Settings in IMG

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Account receivables and Account
Payable → Customer account → Line items → Correspondence → Make and Check Settings
for correspondence

Assign Programs for Correspondence types

Select SAP06 Correspondence types for account settlements

Click on copy as
Company code – TAST
Press enter key and Save

Define forms name for Correspondence print

Select the following Programs for Account assignments

RFKORD10 Click on copy as
Company code – TAST
Press enter key and Save
Come back in to easy access

Settings in Easy Access

Note: Before going to easy access settings we should note on the customer reference number
for which customer statement we want to make.

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Accounts → Correspondence

- 58 -

Request (FB12)

Company code – TAST

Press enter key
Select SAP06 Account statements
Press enter key
Customer – Customer Accounts
Posting from – 01-04-09 Posting to – 31-03-2009
Click on continue and Comeback

Maintain (F.64)

Correspondence – SAP06
Company code – TAST
Press F8 for execute
Select your Customer reference number
Press F2 for print Preview (Tick mark)
Output device – LP01
Click on continue tab
Note: Whenever customer want to the statements follow these easy access settings. No
need for IMG Settings.

- 59 -

Vendor Account Group creation

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Vendor Account → Master Data → Preparation for creating Vendor master data.

Define Account group with screen layout (Vendors) (OBD2)

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Account Group – TAMV (Any 4 code)
Name - Material Vendors for TAST
Double click on General Data field.
Double click on Address tab
Keep Name as required entry.
Come back wise
Double click on Company code data field.
Double click on Account Management
Keep Reconciliation account as required entry.
Come back wise and Save.
Press F8 for next entry.
Account Group – TASV (Any code)
Name – Service Vendor for TAST
Double click on General Data field.
Double click on Address tab
Keep Name as required entry.
Come back wise
Double click on Company code data field.
Double click on Account Management
Keep Reconciliation account as required entry.
Come back wise and Save.
Note: Just like you can create any number of Vendor group.

Create Number ranges for Vendors accounts (XDN1)

Path: Same

Click on Change intervals

Click on Insert intervals.

No From Number To Number

B1 (Any) 500101 500200

Press enter key and again click on insert intervals

- 60 -

No From Number To Number

B2 (Any) 500201 500300
Press enter key and Save it.
Come back wise.

Assign Number ranges to Customer account group (OBAR)

Path: Same
Click on position
Account Group – TAMV
Group Name Number range
TAMV Material Vendor for TAST B1

Again Click on position

Account Group – TAMS
Group Name Number range
TASV Service Vendors for TAST B2
Press enter key and save.

Tolerance for Vendors Documents

The tolerances are used for dealing with payment differences and residual items that may
arise when payment clearing is carried out. You specify the tolerances in one or more
tolerance groups and assign a tolerance group to each customer/vendor using the master

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Open item clearing → Clearing differences

A) Define Tolerance for Customers and Vendors (OBA3)

Path: Same
Click on new entries.
Company code – TAST
Tolerance group – TGMV (any code) Tolerance for Vendors
Grace days due date – 3
Permitted payment differences
Gain – 1 %
Loss – 1 %
Press enter key and Save.
Come back wise.

B) Define Tolerance group for employees (OBA4)

Path: Same
Click on new entries.
Group – TGMV
Company code – TAST
Amount per documents – 9999999999

- 61 -

Amount per open line item – 9999999999

Cash discount per line item – 5 %
Press enter key and save.

Vendors Reconciliation Account Creation (Sundry Creditors Account)

Reconciliation account is nothing but those values we are posting to our sub ledgers that
values is updated to the main ledger that types of accounts are called reconciliation accounts.

Go to FS00 and select - 200012 (Sundry Creditors Account)

Click on change fields
Click on Control Data tab
Deactivate the only balance is local currency check box
Reconciliation Account for Account type – Creditors
Click on Create/bank/ interest tab
Field Status Group – G067 (Reconciliation Account)
Press enter key and save.

Vendors Master Data Creation ( FK01) (Vendors Account Creation)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payables →

Master records → Create.

Account Group – TAMV

Company code – TAST
Press enter key.
Titles – Company
Name – Steel Authority of India Ltd
Search term – A
Street/house No – YS Industrial area.
Postal code/city – 123456 - Mumbai
Country – IN
Region - 13
Click on Company Code Data tab
Account Management
Reconciliation Account – Sundry Creditors Accounts
Sort key – 012 (Vendor Number wise)
Click on Payments Transaction tab
Terms of Payment – 0001 (Immediate payments)
Tolerance group – TGMV
Press enter key and Click on save.

Note: Just like you can create any number of Vendors.

For Changing of Vendors Master Data (FK02)

Path: Same.

For Vendors Display (FK03)

- 62 -

Path: Same.

Vendors Documents Number ranges Settings (OBA7)

Documents Documents type Nature of Data

Vendor Invoice KR Purchase documents
Customer Payments KZ Payment
Customer Credit KG Purchase returns

Go to OBA7 for documents type list

Click on position
Documents Type – KR ( √ )
Double click on KR documents type.
Click on number range Information tab
Company code - TAST
Click on change Intervals
Click on Insert intervals

No Year From Number To Number

19 2008 400001 500000

Press enter key and save.

Come back three times.

Click on position
Documents type – KZ ( √ )
Double click on KZ documents type.
Click on number range Information tab
Company code - TAST
Click on change Intervals
Click on Insert intervals

No Year From Number To Number

15 2008 500001 600000

Press enter key and save.

Come back three times

Click on position
Documents type – KG ( √ )
Double click on KG documents type.
Click on number range Information tab
Company code - TAST
Click on change Intervals
Click on Insert intervals

No Year From Number To Number

17 2008 600001 700000

- 63 -

Press enter key and save.

Vendor Documents Posting

Vendor Invoice Posting (Purchases)

Documents Debit/Credit Posting key

Purchase Account Debit 40
Vendor Account Credit 31

Vendo Invoice Postings Procedure (F-43)


Purchase 100000 goods form Vendor on 05.04.2008

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payables →

Document entry → Invoice- general

Document Date 05.04.2008 Type KR Company code TAST

Posting Date 05.04.2008 Period 01 Currency / Rate INR
Documents Header text Purchase Invoice Posting

Pstky – 31 Account – Vendor SAIL Account

Press enter key
Amount – 100000
Business Area – TAST
Text – Customer SAIL invoice posting.
Pstky – 40 Account – Purchase Account
Press enter key
Amount - *
Business Area – TAMU
Text - +
Press enter key and simulate
Click on save.

Vendor Payment Posting (Payments)

Documents Debit/Credit Posting key

Vendor Account Debit 25
Cash / bank Account Credit 50

Vendor Payment Posting Procedure(F-53)


Paid 100000 amounts to Vendor (SAIL) on 05.04.2008

- 64 -

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payables →

Document entry → Outgoing Payments → Post .

Document Date – 05.04.2008 Type – KZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 05.04.2008 Period – 01 Currency - INR
Documents header text – Vendor Payments
Clearing text – Payment toVendor SAIL.
Bank data
Account - 200008 (SBI Account) Business Area – TAMU
Amount – 100000
Text – Payment given to Customer
Open item selection
Account – Vendor SAIL account
Click on process open item tab.
Activate the clearing line item.
Simulate and save.

Display of Vendor documents (FB03)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payables →

Documents → Display.

Documents Number – enter the document number

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Click on documents list tab
Document type - KR
Click on the arrow mark in front of the documents type
Press enter key
Assign – KR, KZ,KG in single value column
Press F8 for copy and again press F8 for execute.

Display of Vendor balance (FK10N)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payables →

Account display balances.

Vendor – Vendor account

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes.

Display of Vendor reconciliation Account balances (FS10N)

Go to FS10N for display of GL account balances

GL account – Sundry Creditors account
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes

- 65 -

Display of Vendor status (FBL1N)

In this status report we find out which invoice is open and which invoice is clear and which
invoice is overdue.

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payables →

Accounts → display/ change line item.

Vendor – Vendor account

Company code – TAST
Select all item radio buttons.
Press F8 for executes.
Now go to Settings in menu bar → legend on /off → icon.

Customer Partial Payments

Step1: Go to F-43 Post Vendor invoice 50000 on 01.05.2008

Step2: Go to F-53 Post payments 30000 on 01.05.2008
Step3: Go to F-53 Post Vendor Outgoing payments of 20000 on 10.05.2008
Setp4: Go to FBL1N Check the customer line item
Vendor – Vendor account
Company code – TAST
Select all item radio buttons.
Press F8 for executes.
Here Vendor account showing Zero Balances but line shown still open item.. If you want to
clear the open item do the manual clearing procedures.

Manual clearing procedures (F-44)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payables →

Accounts → Clear.

Account – Vendor Account

Clearing date – 10.05.2008
Click on process open item tab
Activate the following line items
KR – 50000
KZ - 30000
KZ – 20000
Press enter key and save.

Go to FBL1N and check the customer status.

Note: After clearing the Vendor partial payments user should done this manual clearing

- 66 -

Exchange rate differences

Go to FS00 Create the following GL Accounts.

Exchange Rate Gain Account
Exchange Rate Loss Account

Define exchange rate differences account (OB09)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Incoming payments → Incoming Payments global
settings → Define account for exchange rate differences.

Chart of Accounts – CHAC

Click on new entries.
GL accounts – Sundry Creditors accounts.
Exchange differences
Loss – Exchange rate loss account
Gain – Exchange rate gain account.
Press enter key and Save.

Step3: Go to F-43 Post the Vendor invoice 100 US Dollar on 15.06.2008 exchange rate is 45

Document Date 15.06.2008 Type KR Company code TAST

Posting Date 15.06.2008 Period 03 Currency / Rate USD 45
Documents Header text Purchase Invoice Posting

Pstky – 31 Account – Vendor Account

Press enter key
Amount – 2000
Business Area – TAST
Text – Vendor SAIL invoice posting.
Pstky – 40 Account – Purchase Account
Press enter key
Amount - *
Business Area – TAMU
Text - +
Press enter key and simulate
Click on save.

Step4: Go to F-53 Post Vendor Payments with 2000 US Dollar on 25.06.2008

Document Date – 25.06.2008 Type – KZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 25.06.2008 Period – 03 Currency/Rate – USD - 47
Documents header text – Vendor Payments
Clearing text – Payment Given to Vendor
Bank data
Account - 200008 (SBI Account) Business Area – TAMU
Amount – 2000
Text – Payment Given to Vendor

- 67 -

Open item selection

Account – Vendor account
Click on process open item tab.
Activate the clearing line item.
Simulate the Documents
Click on Display Currency tab and Save.

Exchange rate differences for Partial Payments (IDPH1)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting → Financial accounting global settings →

Documents → Documents header → Indicate currency differences for partial payments.

Click on change field

Click on position
Documents types – KZ
Activate the exchange rate differences for partial payments check box in front of the KZ
documents type.
Click on Save.

Different Payment terms (OBB8)

Customer Cash discount

Create the following payments terms

Within 10 days 3% Cash discount

20 days 2% Cash discount
30 day No discount

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Incoming invoice/ credit memo → Maintain terms of

Click on new entries.

Payment terms – DISC (any 4 code)
Sales text – Payment terms for customers.
Select Documents date radio button.

Terms Percentage No- days

1 3 10
2 2 20
3 - 30

Press enter key and save.

Go to FK01 create a Vendor account with the above payment terms.

Go to FS00 Create Cash Discount Account under incomes.

- 68 -

Define Account for Cash discount Taken (Cash Discount Received)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Outgoing Payments → Outgoing payments global

Define Account for Cash discount taken (OBXV)

Chart of Account – CHAC

Click on save.
Account Assignment
Account – Cash discount received account.
Click on save.
Come back

Go to F-43 Post Vendor invoice with 100000 on 01.06.2008

Go to F-53 Post Vendor Outgoing Payments 97000 on 5.06.2008 (100000 - 3% cash

Vendor Bank Charges

Go to FS00 Create the Bank charges Account under expenses

Create bank/interest/tab
Field status group – G067 (Remaining process are same)

Define Account for Bank charges (OBXK)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivables and Accounts
Payable → Business Transaction → Outgoing Payments → Outgoing payments global
settings → Define account for bank charges

Double click on bank charges

Chart of Account – CHAC
Assign account – Bank charges Account
Come back wise

Go to F-43 Post vendor invoice with 100000 on 5-2-8

Go to f-53 Post vendor outgoing payment with 100500 through DD on 5-2-08
(Now in this 100500 Adjust 100000 against invoice on remaining 500 treated as bank charges
DD Commission)

Document Date – 5.02.2008 Type – KZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 5.02.2008 Period – 03 Currency/Rate – USD - 47
Documents header text – Vendor Payments
Clearing text – Payment Given to Vendor
Bank data
Account - 200008 (SBI Account) Business Area – TAMU
Amount – 100500
Bank charges - 500

- 69 -

Text – Payment Given to Vendor

Open item selection
Account – Vendor account
Click on process open item tab.
Activate the clearing line item.
Simulate the Documents and Save

Vendor Down payment (Advances Paid)

Go to FS00 create the Vendor down payment account under Assets.

Click on Control data tab
Reconciliation account for account type – vendor
Click on create/bank/interest tab.
Field status group – G067 (Reconciliation account)
Press enter key and save.

Define Alternative reconciliation for vendor down payment (OBYR)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Account receivable and Account
payable → Business transaction → Down payment Maid → Define alternative reconciliation
account for down payments.

Double click on K – A Down payments. (K–indicate for Vendor, A for down payments)
Chart of account – CHAC

Reconciliation Account Specific GL account

Sundry Creditors account Vendor down payments
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Go to FK01 Create Vendor account

Vendor Down payment posting (F-48)

Paid 50000 Advance paid to Vendor on 01.09.2008

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account payable →

Document entry → Down payment → Down payment

Document Date –01.09.2008 Type – KZ Company code -TAST

Posting Date – 01.09.2008 Period – 06 Currency/Rate – INR
Documents header text – Vendor down payments
Account – Vendor account
Special GL indicator - A
Bank data
Account - 200008 Business area - TAMU
Amount – 50000
Text – Down Payment paid to vendor
Press enter key

- 70 -

Amount - *
Business area – TAMU
Text - +
Press enter key and save.

Display of Customer balances (FK10N)

Go to FK10N for display customer balances.

Vendor – Vendor account.
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes.

Click on special GL tab and check the balances.

Go to F-43 post the vendor invoice with 50000 on 15-09-2008

Display of Customer balances (FK10N)

Go to FK0N for display customer balances.

Vendor – Vendor account.
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2008
Press F8 for executes and check regular balances.

Down payment clearing (F-54)

Adjust the Vendor down payment against invoice.

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payable →

Document entry → Down payment → Clearing

Document Date – 15.09.2008 Type – DZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 15.09.2008 Period – 06 Currency/Rate – INR
Documents header text – Vendor down payments clearing
Account – Vendor account
Relevant invoice
Invoice refe – Invoice number
Text – Down Payment Clearing
Press enter key
Click on process down payment tab
Double click in transfer posting dailar box
Simulate and save.

Display of Vendor balances (FK10N)

Go to FK10N for display customer balances.

Vendor – Vendor account.
Company code – TAST

- 71 -

Fiscal year – 2008

Press F8 for executes and check regular balances and special GL account.

Display of Vendor status (FBL1N)

Go to FBL1N for display Customer Status

Vendor – vendor account

Company code – TAST
Select All item radio button.
Press F8 for execute.
Here Vendor showing the Zero balances but line item still open. If you want to clear this Go

Manual Clearing Procedure (F-32)

Charge of Differences

This charges of differences we are using for when we are paying the excess amount to

Go to F-43 Post vendor invoices with 100000 on 1-04-08

Go to F-53 Post vendor outgoing payments 150000 through bank 0n 1-04-08

Now in this 150000 adjust 100000 against invoice and remaining 50000 treated as Advance

Document Date – 01.04.2008 Type – KZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 01.04.2008 Period – 06 Currency/Rate – INR
Documents header text – Vendor payments
Bank data
Account - 200008 Business area - TAMU
Amount – 150000
Text – Payment paid to vendor
Open item selection
Account – Vendor account
Click on process open item tab
Activate the clearing line item
Click on charge off differences tab
Pst ky – 29
Account – Vendor Account
Special GL indicator – A
Press enter key
Amount - *
Business area – TAMU
Text - +
Click on process open item tab
Press enter key and save.

- 72 -

When Customer and Vendor as Both are Same

Go to FD01 Create a customer account Customer name ABC

Go to FK01 Create a Vendor account name ABC

Go to FD02 to change the Customer Master data

Customer – ABC Company code – TAST
Click on general data tab
Click on control data tab
Vendor - ABC
Click on company code data field
Click on payment transaction tab
Activate Clearing with Vendor
Press enter key and Save

Go to FK02 to change the Vendor master data

Vendor – ABC Company code – TAST

Click on Control data check box in general data filed
Click on payment transaction check box in company code data filed
Press enter key
Vendor – ABC
Press enter key
Activate the clearing with vendor
Click on save

Document type setting (OBA7)

Go to OBA7 for display of documents type

Click on position
Documents type – KZ (Tick mark)
Double click on KZ Documents type
Activate vendor check in account type allowed
Save it
Come back
Click on Position
Documents type – KZ (Tick mark)
Double click on KZ Documents type
Activate Customer check in account type allowed
Save it
Come back

Go to F-43 Post vendor invoice with 100000 on 7-02-08

Go to F-22 Post Customer invoice with 50000 on 7-2-09
Go to F-53 Post the Vendor outgoing Payment 50000 through bank on 7-02-08

Document Date –07.02.2008 Type – KZ Company code - TAST

Posting Date – 07.02.2008 Period – 06 Currency/Rate – INR

- 73 -

Documents header text – Vendor payments

Bank data
Account - 200008 Business area - TAMU
Amount – 50000
Text – Payment paid to vendor
Open item selection
Account – Vendor account
Click on process open item tab
Activate the clearing line item
KR – 100000
DR – 50000
Simulate the documents
Payment amount- 50000
Click on Accept
Go to FBL5N Check the customer status
Go to FBL1N Check the Vendor Status


APP Configuration Settings (FBZP)

Note: Before APP Setting we have to done the Hose bank settings
Go to FBZP

All company codes

Click on all company code
Click on new entries
Company code – TAST
Paying company code – TAST
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise
Paying Company code
Click on paying company code
Click on new entries
Paying Company code – TAST
Minimum amount for outgoing payments – 1000
Click on forms
Form for the payment advise – F110_IN_AVIS
Click on sender details tab
Text ID – ST
Letter header – F_0001_header
Footer - F_0001_footer
Sender - F_0001_sender
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise
Payment method in country
Click on payment method in country
Click on new entries
Country – IN

- 74 -

Payment method – C
Description - Check
Select Outgoing payment
Select check
Documents type for payments – KZ
Clearing documents type – KA
Payment medium program – RFFOUS_C
Name of print data sheet – LIST1S (List One S)
Press enter key and Save

Note: If this method is already exist no need to again defined

Come back wise

Payment method in Company code

Click on Payment method in company code
Click on new entries
Paying company code – TAST
Payment method – C
Minimum amount – 1000
Maximum amount – 999999999
Click on form data
Form the payment medium - F110_PRENUM_CHCK
Drawer on the form
Finance manager – Ubaid
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise
Bank Determination
Click on Bank determination
Click on position
Paying company code – TAST (Tick mark)
Now select our Paying company code
Double click on Ranking order folder
Click on new entries
P Currency Ranking order House banking
Press enter key
Double click on Bank account folder
Click on new entries
House bank P Currency Account ID Bank sub account
Press enter key and Save
Double click on available amount folder
Click on new entries
House bank Account ID Days Currency Available for outgoing payment
HDFC CURR 7 INR 1000000
ICICI CURR 7 INR 2000000
Press enter key and Save
Come back four times

- 75 -

Assign the payment method to Vendor master data

Go to FK02 Change the master data

Vendor – Vendor Account
Company code – TAST
Click on Payment transaction in company code
Press enter key
Payment method – C
Press enter key and Save
Note: just like assign this payment method for remaining vendors also

Invoice Posting

Go to F-43 post the following invoice on 5-07-08

1 – 100000
2 – 150000

APP Program Run (F110)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Payable → Period
processing → Payments

Run date – 10-07-08

Identification – AAA1 (any code)
Click on parameters tab
Posting date – 10-07-08 Documenter up to – 10-07-08
Company code Payment method Payment date
TAST C 11-07-08
Vendor – Vendor Account
Press enter key and Save
Click on addition log tab
Activate Due date Check
Activate Payment method selection in all cases
Activate Line item of the Payment documents

Vendor Account
Press enter key and Save
Click on status tab
“Parameters have been entered”
Click on Proposal
Start date – 10-07-09
Activate Start immediately (Tick mark)
Now you will get the following message
“Proposal is ready to be started”
Now select this message and press enter key until we get the following messages
“Payment proposal has been created”
Click on Edit proposal (Shift+F4) (Tick mark)
Double click on 250000 (150000+100000)

- 76 -

(Here line item will shows the total outstanding amount to the vendor. If we want to clear
only one Payment 100000 then we want to block the 150000 which we will clear in future)
Double click on 150000
Payment block – A (lock for Payment) (Tick mark)
Click on save
Come back again Save again come back
“Proposal has been edited”
Click on payment Run (F7)
Start date – 10-07-08 Activate Start immediately (Tick mark)
Now we will get the following messages in status bar
“Payment run is ready to be started”
Now select the messages and press enter key until we get the following messages
“Posting order 1 Generated 1 Completed”

Go to FB1N Check the vendor Status

Check Printing Procedures

Note: Before doing this first we want to create check lot in check management area

Click on Printing out /Data medium tab

Program Variants
RFFOUS_C TA111 (Any code)
Click on maintain variants tab
Select for All selection screen radio botton
Click on continue tab
Run date – 10-07-08
Program Identification features – AAA1
Paying company code – TAST
House bank – HDFC
Account ID – CURR
Check lot number – 01
Select Print check - Printer - LP01 Select Print Immediately
Select Print payment advise notice – Printer – LP01 Select Print Immediately
Select Print Payment Summery – Printer –LP01 Select Print Immediately
Number of Sample printout - (If you don’t need sample printout Leave it)
Click on Attribute tab
Meaning – Check issue
Click on save
Come back again click on save
Click on Print out
Start date- 10-07-08 Select Start immediately
Remove the? in job name and place 01 (Tick mark)
Now go to systems in menu bar → services → Output Control
Press F8 for execute
Select Payment summery title
Click on type
Come back
Click on payments advise type against we are paying check
Come back

- 77 -

Click on check type and check details

Come back
Now click on three check boxes
Click on print with changed parameters
Press F1
Number of Copies – 1
Click on print


House Bank

It refers to the designated bank through which the internal transactions of a company code are
processed. In simple term which bank we are using for payment is also called House bank.

Go to FS00 Create SBI Account under Assets.

Define Bank Master Data (FI01)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Master data →
Bank master records → Create

Bank country – IN
Bank key – 0123456789 (Bank Account number)
Press enter key
Bank name – SBI
Region – 01
Street – Banjara Hills
City – Hydrabad
Bank Branch – Banjara Hills
Press enter key and Save

Create a House Bank (FI12)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Bank Accounting → Bank accounts →
Define house Banks

Company code – TAST

Click on new entries
House bank – SBI
Bank country - IN
Bank key – 0123456789
Click on create field
Double click on Bank account folder
Click on new entries
Account ID - CURR
Description – SBI Current Account
Bank Account Number – Give your Bank account Number
Currency - INR
GL – SBI Account

- 78 -

Press enter key and Save.

Come back five times

Assign Hose bank to GL

Go to FS00 and Select SBI Account

GL account – SBI Account
Click on change field
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Activate Relevant to cash flow
House bank – SBI
Account ID – CURR
Press enter key and Save


Check Lot Creation

The summarization of all incoming check originating from single source is called as the
check lot.

Define Number ranges for checks (FCHI)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Account receivables and Accounts
Payables → Business transaction → Outgoing Payment → Automatic outgoing Payment →
Payment media → Check management → Define number range for checks (FCH1)

Company code - TAST

House Bank – SBI
Account ID – CURR
Click on change field
Lot number – 01
Check Number – 001 To – 100
Short – SBI check (tick mark)
And Save
Come back wise

Note: We can create any number of Hose bank depend upon our client requirement

APP Configuration Settings (FBZP)

Note: Before APP Setting we have to done the Hose bank settings
Go to FBZP
All company codes
Click on all company code
Click on new entries
Company code – TAST
Paying company code – TAST
Press enter key and Save

- 79 -

Come back wise

Paying Company code
Click on paying company code
Click on new entries
Paying Company code – TAST
Minimum amount for outgoing payments – 1000
Click on forms
Form for the payment advise – F110_IN_AVIS
Click on sender details tab
Text ID – ST
Letter header – F_0001_header
Footer - F_0001_footer
Sender - F_0001_sender
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise
Payment method in country
Click on payment method in country
Click on new entries
Country – IN
Payment method – C
Description - Check
Select Outgoing payment
Select check
Documents type for payments – KZ
Clearing documents type – KA
Payment medium program – RFFOUS_C
Name of print data sheet – LIST1S (List One S)
Press enter key and Save

Note: If this method is already exist no need to again defined

Come back wise

Payment method in Company code

Click on Payment method in company code
Click on new entries
Paying company code – TAST
Payment method – C
Minimum amount – 1000
Maximum amount – 999999999
Click on form data
Form the payment medium - F110_PRENUM_CHCK
Drawer on the form
Finance manager – Ubaid
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise
Bank Determination
Click on Bank determination
Click on position
Paying company code – TAST (Tick mark)
Now select our Paying company code

- 80 -

Double click on Ranking order folder

Click on new entries
P Currency Ranking order House banking
Press enter key
Double click on Bank account folder
Click on new entries

House bank P Currency Account ID Bank sub account

Press enter key and Save
Double click on available amount folder
Click on new entries
House bank Account ID Days Currency Available for outgoing payment
HDFC CURR 7 INR 1000000
ICICI CURR 7 INR 2000000
Press enter key and Save
Come back four times

Individual Check Creation (F-58)

Check issue for individual vendors and Check issue for Partial payments

Paid 75000 on 13-08-2009 against 150000 invoice (Partial Paymen)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts payables →

Documents entry → Out going payment → Post + Print forms

Company code – TAST

Payment method – C
House bank – SBI
Check lot number -01
Print for forms – LP01
Activate Print Immediately
Click on enter payment tab
Document Date – 13-08-2009 Type – KZ Company code – TAST
Post Date – 13-08-09 Period - 04 Currency - INR
Document header text – Vendor Partial Payments
Clearing text – Vendor Partial Payment
Bank Posting Details
Amount - 75000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Vendor Partial Payment
Vendor – Vendor Account
Click on process open item tab
Click on Partial Payment tab
Activate the clearing invoice
Double click on payment amount dailar box
Click on simulate and Save
Now go to System in Menu bar → Services → Output controls

- 81 -

Press f8 for execute (for display of check)

Click on check type
Come back and Print check

Go to F-58 Post the vendor Payment documents 75000 on 14-08-2009

Note: (Second time you may not get the Bank details so we want to click back botton)

Manual Check Creation (FCH5)

1) Go to F-43 Post vendor invoice with 100000 on the 15-08-2009

2) Go to F-53 Post vendor Payment documents through bank 100000 on 15-08-09 (note
the Payment number)
3) Issue a manual check against the above payment documents

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts Payables →

Environments → Check information → Create → Manual check

Payment document number – Give Payment Documents number

Paying company code - TAST Fiscal year – 2008
House bank – SBI
Account ID – CURR
Check lot number – 02
Click on save
You will get “Check was Created Manually message”

Check encashment (Check clearing date) (FCH6)

Check encashment is nothing but day on which the check box cash deducted from the bank
by Payee

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts Payables →

Check Information → Change → Addition info/Cash

Paying Company code – TAST

House Bank – SBI Account ID – CURR Check No – 01 (Fist check
Press enter key
Assign the check clearing date in check encashment
Dailar box – 15-08-09
Save it

Check Cancellation

Define Void reason code (FCHV)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Account receivables and Account
Payables → Business Transaction → Outgoing Payments → Automatic outgoing Payment →
Payment media →
Check management → Define Void reason code

- 82 -

Click on new entries

Reason Void Reason code
A5 (any) For printing errors
A6 For wrong assignments
A7 For damage
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Check Cancellation (FCH9)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial accounting → Accounts Payables →

Environments → Check information → Void → Issue check

Paying company code – TAST

House bank – SBI
Account ID – CURR
Check no – Cancel check number
Void reason code – A5
Click on void (here check cancelled but payment not reversed)
Click on Save

Payment documents and Check cancellation (FCH8)

Path: Same as up to check information → Void → Cancel Payment

Paying company code – TAST House bank – SBI Account ID – CURR

Check Number – Select check number for cancel
Void reason - A6
Reversal reason – 01
Click on Cancel payment

Unused Check Cancellation (FCH3)

Path: Same as up to check information → Void → Unused check

Paying company code – TAST House bank – SBI Account ID – CURR

Check to be Voided
Check Number from – 006 – To – 010
Void reason code - A6
Click on Void

Re-print Checks (FCH7) ( Cancellation and Re-printing check at same times)

Path: Same as up to check information → Change → Reprint check

Paying Company code – TAST House bank – SBI Account ID – CURR

Check Number - which check you want to cancel
Void reason code – A5
Detail on new check

- 83 -

Check lot number – Which you want to issue new check number
Output Control
Printer for form – LP01
Activate Immediately check box
Press enter key
Click on print field (cltr – p)

Check Re-number(FCH4)

Path: Same as up to check information → Change → Reprint

Paying Company code – TAST House bank – SBI Account ID – CURR

Check to postponed
Check Number from – 011 (Reprint )
Void reason code - A6
Check number – 12
Click on renumber tab

Display of Check Register (FCHN)

Path: Same as up to check information → Display → Check register

Paying company code – TAST House bank – SBI Account ID – CURR

Press F8 for execute

Check Depositing entry

1) When goods sales to customers

Customer account
To Sales account

2) When check received from Customers

Check deposit account
To Customer account

3) When deposit check is clear

Bank Account
To Check deposit account

Check issue entries

1) When goods purchased from Vendor

Purchase account
To Vendor account

2) When check issued to vendors

Vendor account
To check issue account

- 84 -

3) When issued check is cleared

Check issue Account
To Bank Account

Go to FS00 Create the following GL accounts

1) HDFC Bank Account – Under Assets

2) HDFC Check deposit account – Under Assets
3) HDFC Check issue Account - Under Liabilities

Note: When you create the Check deposit and Check issue account Activate the opening item
Management check box in control data tab

Create HDFC Bank as House bank (FI01)

Note: Refer the House bank creation procedures

Check Deposit Setting

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Bank Accounting → Business

Transaction → Check deposit

Define Posting keys and Posting rules for Check Deposit

Chart of Account – CHAC

Click on new entries
Create Account Symbol
Account Text
T1CD Check Deposit
Press enter key and Save
Double click on Assign account to Account symbol
Click on new entries

Account symbol Account mode Currency GL Account

T1CD + (for all bank) INR Check deposit account
Press enter key and Save

Double click on create key for posting rules

Click on new entries
Posting rules Text
T1CD Check deposit
Press enter key and Save

Double click on define Posting rules

Click on new entries
Posting rule – T1CD
Posting area – 1 (Bank account)
Debit Credit
Posting key – 40 Posting key - 15
Acct Symbol – T1CD

- 85 -

Documents type - DZ
Posting type – 3 (Post subledger)
Press enter key and Save
Come back four times

Create and Assign Business transaction (OT53)

Path: Same

Click on New entries

Transaction + - Post rule Text
T1CD + T1CD Check Deposit
Press enter key and Save

Go to FD01 Create a Customer account

Go to F-22 Post Customer invoice with 100000 on 15-08-09 (Note the invoice Number)

Check Depositing Procedures (FF68)

Now a check received from customer 100000 on 20-08-09 and Deposited in HDFC Bank

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial accounting → Banks → Incomings →

Check deposit → Manual entry

Company code - TAST House bank – HDFC Account ID – CURR

Group – 00001 Transaction – T1CD Post date – 20-08-09
Value date – 20-08-09Currency – INR
Activate Bank posting only
Bank posting Session – Ubaid
Sub-ledger Session – Ubaid
Press enter key
Amount Check no Issuer Banking key Document No Invoice No
100000 123 Customer Num 888 Give Docu No Give Invoi
Press enter key two times and Save


Go to check deposit transaction in menu bar → Print → Individual list

Output devise – LP01
Number of Copies – 1
Click print preview tab
Come back for posting

For posting

Now go to System in menu bar → Services → Batch input → Session → Select your Session
Select Process/for ground
Click on process tab
Press enter key again Press enter key
Business area – TAMU (Tick mark)

- 86 -

Press enter
Search term -
Customer – Customer reference number (tick mark) (tick mark)
Business area – TAMU
Press enter key
Come back wise

Now go to FB03 for documents display check the latest documents in DZ Documents type

Display of check deposit balances

Go to FS10N for display of GL balances

GL – Check Deposit Account
Company code - TAST Fiscal year – 2009
Business area – TAMU
Press F8 for execute

Display of Check Deposit status

Go to FBL3N for display changed line items

GL – Check deposit account
Company code – TAST
Select all item radio botton
Note: Now it will be shown as an open item. When deposited check clear at that time it will
be shown as Cleared item

Check issue Procedures

Go to F-43 Post vendor invoice 50000 on 20-08-09

Issue the 50000 check against the above invoice on 20-08-09

Go to F-53

Documents date – 20-08-09 Type – KZ Company code – TAST

Posting Date – 20-08-09 Period – 04 Currency – INR
Document header text – Vendor Std Payments
Clearing text – Vendor std payments
Bank data
Account - HDFC Check issue Account Business area – TAMU
Amount - 50000
Text – Vendor std payments
Open item selection
Account - Vendor Account
Click on process open item tab
Activate the clearing invoice line item Simulate and Save

Note: Now the amount in check issue account shown as an Open item. It will clear only after
receiving Bank reconciliation Statements (BRS) from the Bank

- 87 -


Settings in Img

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Bank Accounting → Business

Transaction → Payment transaction → Manual bank statements

Define Posting keys and Posting rules for Manual bank statements

Click on new entries

Chart of Accounts - CHAC
Click on new entries
Create Symbol Text
T1DC Deposit Clearing
T1IC Issued Clearing
T1BC Bank Charges
T1MB Main Bank
Press enter key and Save
Double click on
Assign Accounts to Account symbol
Click on new entries
Account Symbol Account Mode Currency GL Accounts
T1DC + INR Check Deposit Account
T1IC + INR Check Issue Account
T1BC + INR Bank Charges Account
T1MB + INR HDFC Bank Account
Press enter key and Save
Double click on create keys for posting rules
Click on new entries
Posting rules Text
T1CD Deposit clearing
T1IC Issued Clearing
T1BC Bank charges
T1MB Main Bank
Press enter key and Save
Double click on Define posting rules
Click on new entries

1) Posting rule – T1CD

Posting area – 1
Posting key – 40
Account symbol – T1MB
No need for posting key
Account symbol – T1CD
Document type – SA
Posting type – 5 (credit clear GL account)
Press enter key and Save

- 88 -

Press F8 for next entry

2) Posting rule – T1IC

Posting area – 1
No need for Posting key
Account symbol – T1IC
Posting key - 50
Account symbol – T1MB
Document type – SA
Posting type – 4 (clear debit GL account)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry

3) Posting rule – T1BC

Posting area – 1
Posting key – 40
Account symbol – T1BC
Posting key - 50
Account symbol – T1MB
Document type – SA
Posting type – 1
Press enter key and Save
Come back five times

Create and Assign Business transaction (OT52)

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Trans +- Post rule Text
T1CD + T1CD Deposit Check Clearing
T1IC - T1IC Issued Check Clearing
T1BC - T1BC Bank Charges
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Bank Reconciliation (For deposit check clearing) (FF67)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Incomings →

Bank statements → Manual entry

Company code - TAST House bank – HDFC bank Account ID - CURR

Statements Number – 00001 Statements Date – 15-09-09
Closing balance – 100000
Activate Bank posting only
Bank posting session - Ubaid

- 89 -

Sub-ledger session – Ubaid

Press enter key
Trans Value date Amount
T1CD 15-09-09 100000 (Total deposit check amount)
Press enter key and Save
Go to Bank statements in Menu bar → Post → Individual statements
Run the Session

Now Go to FB03 for documents display. Check the latest documents in SA documents type

Now Go to FBL3N Check the Check deposit account status. Now it will be shown as Cleared
Now Go to FS10N Check the HDFC Bank balance it will be 100000

Bank Reconciliation ( Check issue clearing) (FF67)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Banks → Incomings →

Bank statements → Manual entry

Company code - TAST House bank – HDFC bank Account ID - CURR

Statements Number – 00002 Statements Date – 20-09-09
Opening balance - 100000
Closing balance – 49500 (49500 = 100000-50000 (Check issue)-500 (Bank Charge))
Posting date – 20-09-09
Activate Bank posting only
Bank posting session - Ubaid
Sub-ledger session - Ubaid
Press enter
Trans Value date Amount
T1IC 20-09-09 -50000
T1BC 20-09-09 -500
Press enter key and Save
Go to Bank statements in Menu bar → Post → Individual statements
Run the Session

Now Go to FS10N Check the HDFC Bank balance it will be 49500

Now Go to FB03 for documents display. Check the latest documents in SA documents type

Now Go to FBL3N Check the Check deposit account status. Now it will be shown as Cleared

Check Bouncing (Check rejected without Sufficient balance)

Go to F-22 Post Customer invoice with 80000 on the 15-08-09

Now Go to FBL5N Check the Customer status Now it will be shown as an open item

Check received from Customer 80000 on 15-08-09 and this check was deposited in HDFC
Bank account

- 90 -

Go to F-28 Post the following documents

Documents date – 15-08-09 Type – DZ Company code – TAST

Posting date – 15-08-09 Period - 04 Currency - INR
Document header text – Check deposit
Clearing text – Check deposit
Bank Data
Account - HDFC Check Deposit Account
Business area – TAMU Amount – 80000
Text – Check Deposit
Open item selection
Account – Customer Account
Click on Process open item tab
Activate the clearing line item. Simulate and Save
(Note on the Payment documents Number 1400015)
Go to FBL5N Check the Customer Status now it will shown as Cleared item
On 16-08-08 we got a message from bank “ the deposit check was bounce”
Now we are canceling the deposit check with Reset Cleared item

Define Reversal reason codes creation

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Account new → General ledger accounting → Business
transaction → Adjustment posting/ reversal → Define reason for reversal
Click on new entries
Reason Text
A8 Check Bouncing
Press enter key and Save

Reset Cleared items (FBRA)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account receivables →

Documents → Reset Cleared item (FBRA)

Clearing Documents – 1400015 (Payment document number)

Company code - TAST
Fiscal year – 2009
Now go to clearing in menu bar → Reset cleared item
Click on Reset and Reversal
Reversal reason - A8 (Check bouncing)
Now go to FBL5N check the customer status it will again shown as an open item.

- 91 -


Tax on Purchase

Purchase Value - 100000

Add 4 % Input Tax - 4000
Add 10% Surcharge on tax - 400
Add 3% Education cess on surcharge - 12

Total Purchase invoice value = 104412

Step 1: Go to FS00 Create the following GL

1) Input Tax Account - Under Liabilities
2) Output tax Account - Under Liabilities
3) Surcharge - Under Liabilities
4) Education cess - Under Liabilities
5) Purchase Account - Under Expenses
6) Sales Account - Under Incomes

GL account - 100015 (Input Tax)

Company code – TAST
Click on create field –
Account Group – Liabilities
Select Balance sheet account
Short text – Input Tax
Long text – Input Tax account
Click on Control data tab
Activate only balance in local currency
Tax - * (All tax type allowed)
Activate line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Field status group – G001
Press enter key and Save
Note: Just like create Output tax, Surcharge, Education cess

Select Purchase account and click on change field

Click on control data tab
Tax category - *
Activate Post without tax allowed
Press enter key and Save
Note: Just like change the Sales account also

Tax Account key Creation (OBCN)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Financial accounting global settings →
Tax on sales/purchases →Basic settings → Check and change settings for tax processing
Click on new entries
A) Process - INT
Description – Input Tax

- 92 -

Tax type – 2 (input tax)

Posting indicator – 2 (separate line item)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
B) Process - INS
Description – Surcharge
Tax type – 2 (input tax)
Posting indicator – 2 (separate line item)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
C) Process - INE
Description – Education cess
Tax type – 2 (input tax)
Posting indicator – 2 (separate line item)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
D) Process - OUT
Description – Output Tax
Tax type – 1 (output tax)
Posting indicator – 2 (separate line item)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
F) Process - OUS
Description – Surcharge
Tax type – 1 (output tax)
Posting indicator – 2 (separate line item)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
G) Process - OUE
Description – Edu-cess
Tax type – 1 (output tax)
Posting indicator – 2 (separate line item)
Press enter key and Save
Press come back three times

Taxes Account key

Input tax INT
Surcharge INS
Education cess INE
Output tax OUT
Surcharge OUS
Education cess OUE

Create Condition types

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Financial accounting global settings →
Tax on sales/purchases →Basic settings → Check calculation procedures

Double click on define condition type

Click on position (tick mark)

- 93 -

Condition type – MWVS (Input tax Condition type)

Select MWVS Condition type
Click on copy as (F6)
Now change the condition type in to INTX – Input Tax
Press enter key and Save

Click on position (tick mark)

Condition type – MWVS (Input tax Condition type)
Select MWVS Condition type
Click on copy as (F6)
Now change the condition type in to INTS – Surcharge
Press enter key and Save

Click on position (tick mark)

Condition type – MWVS (Input tax Condition type)
Select MWVS Condition type
Click on copy as (F6)
Now change the condition type in to INTE – Education cess
Press enter key and Save

Click on position (tick mark)

Condition type – MWAS (Output tax Condition type)
Select MWAS Condition type
Click on copy as (F6)
Now change the condition type in to OUTX – Output Tax
Press enter key and Save

Click on position (tick mark)

Condition type – MWAS (Output tax Condition type)
Select MWAS Condition type
Click on copy as (F6)
Now change the condition type in to OUTS – Surcharge
Press enter key and Save

Click on position (tick mark)

Condition type – MWAS (Output tax Condition type)
Select MWAS Condition type
Click on copy as (F6)
Now change the condition type in to OUTE– Education cess
Press enter key and Save

Define Tax Procedures

Path: Same

Double click on define procedures

Click on new entries
Procedures Description
TAXIN (Any 6 digit) Tax procedures in India
Press enter key and save

- 94 -

Now select TAXIND Procedures

Double click on Control data folder
Click on new entries
Steps Cond type From To Account key
100 BASB
200 INTX 100 100 INT
300 INTS 200 200 INS
400 INTE 300 300 INE
500 OUTX 100 100 OUT
600 OUTS 500 500 OUS
700 OUTE 600 600 OUE
Press enter key and Save
Come back four times

Assign Country to Calculation Procedures(OBBG)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Financial accounting global settings →
Tax on sales/purchases →Basic settings → Assign Country to Calculation Procedures

Click on Position
Country – IN
Procedures – TAXIN
Press enter key and Save
Come back

Define Tax Codes (FTXP)

Create the following Tax codes

(any) A1 = Input tax @ 4% + Surcharge @10% + Education cess @ 3%
A2 = Input tax @ 0% + Surcharge @ 0% + Education cess @ 0%
A3 = Out tax @ 4% + Surcharge @10% + Education cess @ 3%
A4 = Out tax @ 0% + Surcharge @ 0% + Education cess @ 0%

Note: Like we can create any number of tax

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Financial accounting global settings →
Tax on sales/purchases → Calculation → Define tax code for sales and Purchase

1) Country – IN
Tax code - A1
Press enter key
Tax code – A1 - Input tax @ 4% + Surcharge @10% + Education cess @ 3%
Tax type – V (Input Tax)
Press enter key
Assign the 4, 10, 3 in Tax % Rate dailar box
Press enter key and Save

2) Country – IN
Tax code - A2
Press enter key

- 95 -

Tax code – A1 - Input tax @ 0 + Surcharge @ 0% + Education cess @ 0%

Tax type – V (Input Tax)
Press enter key
Assign the 0, 0, 0 in Tax % Rate dailar box
Press enter key and Save

3) Country – IN
Tax code - A3
Press enter key
Tax code – A1 - Output tax @ 4% + Surcharge @10% + Education cess @ 3%
Tax type – A (output Tax)
Press enter key
Assign the 4, 10, 3 in Tax % Rate dailar box
Press enter key and Save

4) Country – IN
Tax code - A4
Press enter key
Tax code – A1 - Output tax @ 0 + Surcharge @ 0% + Education cess @ 0%
Tax type – A (Output Tax)
Press enter key
Assign the 0, 0, 0 in Tax % Rate dailar box
Press enter key and Save

Define Tax Account (OB40)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → Financial accounting global settings →
Tax on sales/purchases → Posting → Define tax Accounts

1) Double click on TIN (Input tax account key, Transaction key)

Chart of Account – CHAC
Click on Tax code check box
Click on save
Click on Posting key tab
Debit – 40
Credit – 50
Click on save
Click on Account tab
Tax code Account
A1 Input Tax Account
A2 Input tax Account
Press enter key and Save
2) Double click on TIS
Click on Tax code check box
Click on save
Click on Posting key tab
Debit – 40
Credit – 50
Click on save
Click on Account tab

- 96 -

Tax code Account

A1 Input Surcharge Account
A2 Input Surcharge Account
Press enter key and Save
3) Double click on TIE
Click on Tax code check box
Click on save
Click on Posting key tab
Debit – 40
Credit – 50
Click on save
Click on Account tab
Tax code Account
A1 Input Edu-cess Account
A2 Input Edu-cess Account
Press enter key and Save
4) Double click on TOT (Output tax account key, Transaction key)
Click on Tax code check box
Click on save
Click on Posting key tab
Debit – 40
Credit – 50
Click on save
Click on Account tab
Tax code Account
A3 Output Tax Account
A4 Output Tax Account
Press enter key and Save
5) Double click on TOS
Click on Tax code check box
Click on save
Click on Posting key tab
Debit – 40
Credit – 50
Click on save
Click on Account tab
Tax code Account
A3 Output Surcharge Account
A4 Output Surcharge Account
Press enter key and Save
6) Double click on TOE
Click on Tax code check box
Click on save
Click on Posting key tab
Debit – 40
Credit – 50
Click on save
Click on Account tab

- 97 -

Tax code Account

A3 Output Edu-cess Account
A4 Output Edu-cess Account
Press enter key and Save


Note: Before going to post any tax you have to go to OBBG and check and assign your tax
procedures code to the country)

When tax is include in invoices

A) Purchase 50000 goods from vendors on 01-05-2009 Now in this 50000 4% input tax
+ 10% surcharge + 3% education cess is included

Go to F-43 Post purchase invoice

Document date – 01-05-2009 Type – KR Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-05-2009 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Document header text – Purchase invoice
Post key – 31 Account – Vendor account
Press enter key
Amount – 50000 Business area – TAMU
Activate Calculate tax
Text – Purchase invoice with tax
Post key – 40 Account – Purchase Account
Press enter key
Amount – 50000
Tax code – A1 Text – Purchase invoice posting
Press enter key and Simulate and Save

Note: When we simulate at the time result will be shown in this way
40 – Purchase account – 50000
31 – Vendor Account – 47887
40 – Input Tax account – 1915
40 – Input Surcharge – 192
40 – Input Eud-cess- 6

B) Sold 100000 Goods to customer on 01-05-2009 (Now in this 100000 4

% Output tax, + 10% surcharge + 3% Edu-cess is included)

Go to F-22 Post sales invoice

Document date – 01-05-2009 Type – KR Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-05-2009 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Document header text – Sales invoice
Post key – 01 Account – Customer account
Press enter key
Amount – 100000 Business area – TAMU
Activate Calculate tax

- 98 -

Text – Sales invoice with tax

Post key – 50 Account – Sales Account
Press enter key
Amount – 100000
Tax code – A3 Text – Sales invoice posting
Press enter key and Simulate and Save

Tax Calculated on Net Amount (Tax amount excluded)

Path: Sap easy Access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General Ledger →

Environment → User Parameters → Editing option (FB00)

Activate Calculate tax on net amount

Click on Save

C) Purchase 50000 Goods from Vendor on 01-06-2009 (Calculate 4% Input tax + 10%
Surcharge + 3% Edu-cess on this 50000) (Tax amount Excluded)

Go to F-43 Post purchase invoice

Document date – 01-06-2009 Type – KR Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-06-2009 Period – 03 Currency – INR
Document header text – Purchase invoice
Post key – 40 Account – Purchase account
Press enter key
Amount – 50000
Tax code - A1
Activate Calculate tax
Text – Purchase invoice with tax
Post key – 31 Account – Vendor Account
Press enter key
Amount – 50000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Purchase invoice posting
Press enter key and Simulate and Save

Note: When we simulate at the time result will be shown in this way
40 – Purchase account – 50000
31 – Vendor Account – 52206
40 – Input Tax account – 2000
40 – Input Surcharge – 200
40 – Input Eud-cess- 6

D) Sold 100000 Goods to customer on 01-05-2009 (Now in this 100000 4

% Output tax, + 10% surcharge + 3% Edu-cess is excluded)

Go to F-22 Post sales invoice

Document date – 01-05-2009 Type – KR Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-05-2009 Period – 02 Currency – INR

- 99 -

Document header text – Sales invoice

Post key – 50 Account – Sales account
Press enter key
Amount – 100000
Tax code – A3
Activate Calculate tax
Text – Sales invoice with tax
Post key – 01 Account – Customer Account
Press enter key
Amount – 100000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Sales invoice posting
Press enter key and Simulate and Save

Note: Post this way only. If you don’t want to calculate the tax on net amount go to (FB00)
Editing option and deactivate the Calculate tax on net amount check box


Withholding Tax (Tax Deduction at Source)

A kind of tax (Income Tax in India) which is normally deducted (at source) at the beginning
of the value flow. The amount so deducted (withheld) is paid to the tax authority on behalf of
the person who has been subjected to the tax. SAP support both Classic Withholding Tax and
Extended Withholding Tax. The extended withholding tax allow assigning of more than one
withholding tax type to business partner and is used in countries like Argentina.

Go to FS00 Create the following GL Account

1) TDS on Rent Account - Under liabilities
2) Surcharge on TDS - Under liabilities
3) Education-cess - Under liabilities

Define withholding tax countries

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial Accounting global settings →
Withholding Tax → Extended withholding Tax → Basic settings → Check withholding tax

Click on new entries

Country Withholding tax Country Description
Press enter key
Come back wise.
Note: If this country is already exist no need to define again

Define Withholding Tax key

Path: Same

Country key – IN (Tick mark)

- 100 -

Click on new entries

Official key Name
194I Rent
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise
Note: If this key is already exist no need to define again

Check incomes types

Path: Same

Country key – IN (Tick mark)

Click on new entries
Income type Text
0001 (any code) Rent
Press enter key and Save
Note: If this incomes type is already exist no need to define again

Define business place

Its nothing but Where from we are going to submit our tax (Tax office address)

Path: Same as up to Basic settings → India → Define business place

Click on new entries

Company code Name
TAST Tax Office
Click on address field
Fill your tax office address where we want to submit our tax returns
Click on save
Come back wise

Assign Factory calendar to business palce

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Company code Factory calendar (F) Rule
TAST 01 (std cland) Day before
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Maintain tax due dates

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Country Official key Number of days
IN 194 I 7
Press enter key

- 101 -

Come back wise

Define Withholding Tax type for Invoice posting (monthly payment)

Path: Same as up to extended withholding tax → Calculation → withholding tax type →

Define withholding tax type for invoice posting

Country – IN (Tick mark)

Click on new entries

1) Withholding tax type – T1 (Any two digit)

Description – TDS on Rent
Select Gross amount radio botton
Select Per year, starting with month – 04 (april)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
2) Withholding tax type – T2
Description – Surcharge on TDS
Select Gross amount radio botton
Select Per year, starting with month – 04 (april)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
3) Withholding tax type – T3
Description – Edu-cess on Surcharge
Select Gross amount radio botton
Select Per year, starting with month – 04 (april)
Press enter key and Save
Come back three times

Define Withholding tax type for Payment posting

Path: Same

Country – IN
Click on new entries
1) Withholding tax type – T4
Description – TDS on Rent amount Adv
Select Gross amount radio botton
Select Per year, starting with month – 04 (april)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
2) Withholding tax type – T5
Description – Surcharge on TDS Adv
Select Gross amount radio botton
Select Per year, starting with month – 04 (april)
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
3) Withholding tax type – T6
Description – Edu-cess on Surcharge Adv
Select Gross amount radio botton

- 102 -

Select Per year, starting with month – 04 (april)

Press enter key and Save

Define Withholding Tax code

Path: Same as up to calculation → withholding tax code → Define withholding tax code

Country – IN
Click on new entries
1) Withholding tax type – T1
Withholding tax code – T1
Official withholding tax key – 194 I
Description – TDS on Rent
Percentage subject to tax – 100 (Overall rent amount)
Post indicator – 1
Withholding tax rate – 10
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
2) Withholding tax type – T2
Withholding tax code – T2
Description – Surcharge on TDS
Percentage subject to tax – 100
Post indicator – 1
Withholding tax rate – 1
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
3) Withholding tax type – T3
Withholding tax code – T3
Description – Edu-cess on Surcharge
Percentage subject to tax – 100
Post indicator – 1
Withholding tax rate – 0,03
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
4) Withholding tax type – T4
Withholding tax code – T4
Official withholding tax key – 194 I
Description – TDS on Rent Adv
Percentage subject to tax – 100 (Overall rent amount)
Post indicator – 1
Withholding tax rate – 10
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry
5) Withholding tax type – T5
Withholding tax code – T5
Description – Surcharge on TDS Adv
Percentage subject to tax – 100
Post indicator – 1
Withholding tax rate – 1
Press enter key and Save

- 103 -

Press F8 for next entry

6) Withholding tax type – T6
Withholding tax code – T6
Official withholding tax key – 194 I
Description – Edu-cess on Surcharge Adv
Percentage subject to tax – 100
Post indicator – 1
Withholding tax rate – 0,03
Press enter key and Save
Come back three times

Maintain Surcharge Calculation method

Path: Same as up to Calculation → India → Surcharge → Maintain surcharge calculation


Click on position
Company code – TAST
Click on surcharge check box in front of your company code
Click on save
Come back

Maintain Surcharge on Tax code

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Country Withholding tax type Withholding tax code
IN T2 T2
IN T5 T5
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Maintain Surcharge Rate

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Company code Withh tax type Withh tax code Surcharge rate
TAST T2 T2 1
TAST T5 T5 1
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Assign withholding tax type to company code

Path: Same as up to extended withholding tax → Company code → Assign with holding tax
type to company code

Click on new entries

- 104 -

Company code - TAST

Withholding tax type – T1
Vendor data
Activate with holding Tax agent
Validity period
Withholding tax obtained from- 01-04-2009
Obtained to withholding until – 31-03-2010
W/tax number - AP12WI
Press enter key and Save
Press F8 for next entry

Note: Just like assign remaining withholding tax type (T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) to company code
Come back three times

Activate extended withholding tax

Path: Same

Click on position
Company code – TAST
Activate the extended withholding check box in front of your company code
Click on Save (tick mark) (tick mark)
Come back (tick mark)

Define account for withholding tax to be paid over

Path: Same as up to extended withholding tax → Posting → Accounts for withholding tax →
Define accounts for withholding tax to be paid over

Chart of accounts – CHAC (tick mark)

Activate Debit / Credit
Activate Withholding tax code
Activate Withhold tax type
Click on save
Withholding tax type Withholding tax code Debit Credit
T1 T1 TDS on Rent a/c TDS on Rent a/c
T2 T2 Surchage on TDS a/c Surcharge on TDS a/c
T3 T3 Edu-cess on Surch Edu-cess on Surcha
T4 T4 TDS on Rent a/c TDS on Rent a/c
T5 T5 Surchage on TDS a/c Surcharge on TDS a/c
T6 T6 Edu-cess on Surch Edu-cess on Surcha
Press enter key and Save

Vendor Account Creation (FK01) (Land Lord)

Go to FK01 Create Vendor

Company code – TAST
Account Group – TASV
Press enter key
Fill Address

- 105 -

Press three times Enter key

Reconciliation Account – Sundry creditors
Sort key – 012 Cash management Group – A1
Payment terms – 0001 Tolerance group – TITV
Press two times enter key
Withholding tax Account
Withholding tax country - IN
Withholding type Withholding tax code Liable
T1 T1 Activate check box
T2 T2 Activate check box
T3 T3 Activate check box
T4 T4 Activate check box
T5 T5 Activate check box
T6 T6 Activate check box
Press enter key Six time and Save

Rent posting Postings trough F-43 or FBD1 (Rent Posting through Recurring

1) TDS on Rent invoice posting

Note: Go to FB00 or Edit option for deactivate net amount posting

Go to F-43

Document date – 01-05-2009 Type – KR Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-05-2009 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Document header text – Vendor Invoice
Post key – 31 Account – Vendor Account (Building owner)
Press enter key
Amount – 10000 Business place – Give your Tax office
Business Area – TAMU
Text – Vendor invoice withhold tax
Post key – 40 Account – Rent Account
Press enter key
Remove the T4, T5, T6 Withholding tax key (tick mark)
Amount – 10000
Text – Vendor invoice posting
Press enter key and Simulate and Save

Go to FBL3N check the TDS tax , Surcharge, Edu-cess

Go to FBL1N Check the Vendor (Building Owner) account here we can see a TDS amount
value (8897) as an Open item
Go to F-53 Post the

Rent Posting through Recurring Documents

Rent Posting through Recurring Documents

Go to FBD1

- 106 -

Company code – TAST

First run – 01.04.2008
Last run – 31.03.2009
Interval in month – 01 (per month)
Run date – 01
Documents type – KR (Vendor Invoice)
Documents header text – Rent invoice posting
Pst Key – 31 Account – Vendor Account (Building owner)
Amount – 10000
Press enter key
Post key – 40 Account – Rent Account
Amount – 10000 Buisness area - TAPU
Press enter key

Recurring documents Run Program (F.14)

In first period

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Periodic
processing → Recurring entries → Execute.

Company code – TAST

Documents Number – 200001
Fiscal year – 2008
Settlement period – 01.04.2008 to 30.04.2008
Batch input Session name – UBAID (any name)
Press enter key
Press F8 for execute or click on execute button on the top
At the time you will get the following message
“Session UBAID was created”
Now Go to System in the Menu bar → Services → Batch input → Session

2) TDS on Rent Payments Advance

Path: sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable →

Documents entry → Down payment (F-48)
Document date – 01-05-2009 Type – KR Company code – TAST
Posting date – 01-05-2009 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Document header text – Rent Advance
Account - Vendor Account
Special GL – A
Account - SBI Account Business Area - TAMU
Amount - 10000
Text - Rent Advance
Press enter key
Amount – 10000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Rent Advance
Press enter key again Press enter key Simulate Save

- 107 -

Asset accounting (FI-AA)

Asset accounting is one of the sub-module in financial accounting, FI-AA is actually a sub-
ledger to take care of all business activities associated with fixed asset accounting.

The following activities are doing in the Asset Account Module

1) Asset Acquisition
2) Depreciation calculation
3) Sales of assets
4) Profit on sales of assets
5) Loss on sales of assets
6) Assets retirements
7) Transfer of assets
8) Assets under construction


This is the reduction in the book value of a fixed due to its usage over a period of time. The
depreciation can be calculated manually (unplanned depreciation) or automatically (planned
and special depreciation) in SAP system.

Depreciation method

There are two method commonly using for depreciation calculation

Straight line method: in this method depreciation is calculated in every year on the asset
acquisition values.
Diminishing balance method: here depreciation is calculated every year on the asset net book
value. Its also called written down method.
As per companies act straight line method is using for depreciation calculation. Diminishing
balance method we are using for income tax purpose.

Depreciation key

The depreciation key used in calculation of depreciation value, it contain all the controlled
parameters including the depreciation method for each of areas, for automatic calculation of
depreciation and interest.

How we calculate the asset retirement value or scraping value?

After completion of the asset life period what are the remaining final net book value of the
asset that will be treated as asset retirement value or scraping value.

What are the major changes when we transfer the asset?

The major change is that we have to change asset life period at the same time depreciation
start date.

- 108 -

Depreciation document posting

When ever we calculating the depreciation on the time the system automatically post one
depreciation documents
Depreciation account Dr
To Accumulated depreciation account
For posting depreciation documents we are using a separate documents type called AF

Chart of Depreciation

A list of depreciation areas along with the rules for evaluation of fixed asset that is valid in a
country or economic area. Each company code needed to assigned to one chart of
depreciation and more than one company code can work with same chart of depreciation.

Copy of chart of depreciation settings (EC08)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Asset accounting → Organizational

structure → Copy reference chart of depreciation / depreciation area

Double click on copy reference chart of depreciation areas

Click on copy as
From chart of depreciation -1IN (Sample chart of depreciation)
To chart of depreciation - CHDP (Any code)
Click on tick mark three times
Come back
Double click on specify description of chart of depreciation
Click on position
Chart of depreciation – CHDP
Now change the description in to chart of depreciation India
Click on save and come back
Double click on copy/delete depreciation areas
Chart of depreciation – CHDP
Now select the following areas
20, 30, 32, 41, 51 depreciation areas
Click on delete field
Come back

Assign tax code for non-taxable transaction (OBCL)

Path: spro → img → financial accounting new → financial accounting global settings → tax
on sale/purchase → posting → assign tax code for non taxable transaction

Click on position
Company code – TAST

Input tax Output tax

T2 (0%) T4 (0%)
Press enter key and save

- 109 -

Assign chart of depreciation settings keys to company code (OAOB)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Asset accounting → Organization

structure → Assign chart of depreciation to company code
Click on Position
Company code – TAST
Chart of Depreciation – CHDP
Press enter key and save

Specify account determination

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Asset accounting → Organizational

structure → Asset class → Specify account determination

Click on new entries

Account determination Name of account determination
D1LA (any) Land
D1BU Building
D1PL Plant
D1MA Machinery
D1FU Furniture
D1AU Asset under construction
Press enter key and save
Come back wise

Create screen layout rules

Path: Same

Select 1000, 1100, 2000, 2100, 3000, 4000 from screen layout rules
Click on copy as and we have to change in this following manner
Screen layout rules Name of screen layout rules
D1LA Land
D1BU Building
D1PL Plant
D1MA Machinery
D1FU Furniture
D1AU Asset under construction
Press enter key and save
Come back wise

Define number range intervals (AS08)

Path: Same

Company code – TAST

Click on change Intervals
Click on insert intervals

- 110 -

No From No To No
01 1 1000
Press enter key and save
Come back wise
Asset classes

It is a classification of fixed asset from the business and legal point of view. The asset classes
hold the control parameters and default values for depreciation calculation and other master
data. Each asset master record should be assigned to one asset class.

Define asset classes (OAOA)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Asset accounting → Organizational

structure → Asset class

Create the following asset classes

1) Asset class for land
2) Asset class for building
3) Asset class for plant
4) Asset class for machinery
5) Asset class for furniture
6) Asset class for Asset under Construction (AuC)

Click on new entries

A) Asset class – D1LA
Short text – Asset class for Land
Account determination – D1LA
Screen layout rules – D1LA
Number range – 01
Press enter key and save
Press f8 for next entry

B) Asset class – D1BU

Short text – Asset class for Building
Account determination – D1BU
Screen layout rules – D1BU
Number range – 01
Press enter key and save
Press f8 for next entry

C) Asset class – D1MA

Short text – Asset class for Machinery
Account determination – D1MA
Screen layout rules – D1MA
Number range – 01
Press enter key and save
Press f8 for next entry

D) Asset class – D1PL

- 111 -

Short text – Asset class for Plant

Account determination – D1PL
Screen layout rules – D1PL
Number range – 01
Press enter key and save
Press f8 for next entry

E) Asset class – D1FU

Short text – Asset class for Furniture
Account determination – D1FU
Screen layout rules – D1FU
Number range – 01
Press enter key and save
Press f8 for next entry

F) Asset class – D1AU

Short text – Asset class for Asset under Construction
Account determination – D1AU
Screen layout rules – D1AU
Number range – 01
Status of AUC
Select line item settlements
Press enter key and save
Come back three times

GL Account creation for Asset accounting (FS00)

1) Land - Under Fixed Assets

2) Building -
3) Plant -
4) Machinery -
5) Furniture -
6) Asset under Construction -
7) Accumulated depreciation Account – Under Liabilities
9) Loss on sale of assets account - Under General expenses
10) Asset Retirement -
11) Sale of Assets - Under General Incomes
12) Profit on sale of asset -
8) Depreciation Account - Under Depreciation - Expenses (Create
GL for each Assets)

Go to FS00 create the following GL Accounts

Company code – TAST

Click on create field tab
A/c Group – Assets
Select balance sheet account
Short text – Land
Long text – Land

- 112 -

Click on Control data tab

Tax category - *
Activate posting without tax allowed
Reconciliation account for account type – Assets
Select line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Field status group – G067
Press enter key and Save.

Just like create the Building, Plant, Machinery, Furniture, AuC Accounts

7) Accumulated Depreciation Account

Company code – TAST

Click on create field tab
A/c Group – Liabilities
Select balance sheet account
Short text – Accumulated Depreciation
Long text – Accumulated Depreciation Account
Click on Control data tab
Reconciliation account for account type – Assets
Select line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on create/bank/interest tab
Field status group – G067
Press enter key and Save.
Create 8- Depreciation Account, 9- Loss on sale of assets account, 10- Assets Retirement
Account just like previous expenses account ( field status group – G001)

Create 11- Sale of Assets Account, 12- Profit on Sale of Assets account under incomes and
assign the field status group – G029 (Revenue Account)

Integration with GL (AO90)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Asset accounting → Integration with GL
→ Assign GL account

Chart of depreciation – CHDP

Select your chart of account – CHAC
1) Double click on account determination folder
Click on position
Account determination – D1LA
Now select the D1LA account determination
Double click on balance sheet account folder
Acquisition acquits and production cost – Land account
Clearing the account revenue from asset sale – Sale of asset account
Gain from asset sale – Profit on sale of assets account
Loss from sale of assets – Loss on sale of assets account
Press enter key and save.

- 113 -

2) Double click on account determination folder

Click on position
Account determination D1AU
Select account determination D1AU
Double click on Balance sheet account
Acquisition acquits and production cost – Asset under Construction account
Press enter key and save

3) Double click on account determination folder

Click on position
Account determination – D1BU
Now select D1BU account determination
Double click on balance sheet account
Acquisition acquits and production cost – Building account
Loss made on asset retirement – Asset retirement account
Clearing the account revenue from asset sale – Sale of assets accounts
Gain form assets sale – Profit on sale of assets account
Loss from asset sale – Loss on sale of asset account
Double click on depreciation folder
Ordinary Depreciation account assignment
Accumulated depreciation account for ordinary depreciation – Accumulated depreciation
Expenses account for ordinary depreciation – Depreciation account
Press enter key and save

4) Double click on account determination folder

Click on position
Account determination – D1PL
Now select D1PL account determination
Double click on Balance sheet account
Acquisition acquits and production cost – Plant account
Note: Remaining account will be same like Building account

5) Double click on account determination folder

Click on position
Account determination – D1MA
Now select D1MA account determination
Double click on Balance sheet account
Acquisition acquits and production cost – Machinery account
Note: Remaining account will be same like Plant account

6) Double click on account determination folder

Click on position
Account determination – D1FU
Now select D1FU account determination
Double click on Balance sheet account
Acquisition acquits and production cost – Furniture account
Note: Remaining account will be same like Plant account
Press enter key and save

- 114 -

Come back four times

Specify posting key for asset posting (OBYD)

Path: Same

Debit – 70
Credit – 75
Come back wise

Assign Input tax indicator for Non taxable Acquisition (OBCL)

Path: Same

Click on position

Company code Input tax code Output tax code


Depreciation settings

Create the following depreciation key

1) Straight line method @ 10 %
2) Written down value method @ 10 % (declining balance)
3) 0 % depreciation key

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Assets accounting → Depreciation →

Valuation method → Depreciation key → Calculation method

Define Multilevel method (AFAMS)

1) Click on new entries

Multi level method – STM –Straight line method @ 10 %
Validity start - From ordinary depreciation start date
Double click on levels folder
Click on new entries
Acq year Year Period Base value Percentage
9999 999 12 01 10
(any year) (life end)
Press enter key and save.
Come back three times

2) Click on new entries

Multilevel method – WDV – Written down value method @ 10 %
Validity start - From ordinary depreciation start date
Double click on levels folder
Click on new entries

Acq year Year Period Base value Percentage

9999 999 12 24 10

- 115 -

(any year) (life end) (net book value)

Press enter key and save.
Come back three times

3) Click on new entries

Multilevel method – 0DP – 0% depreciation method
Validity start - From ordinary depreciation start date
Double click on levels folder
Click on new entries
Acq year Year Period Base value Percentage
9999 999 12 01 0
(any year) (life end)
Press enter key and save.
Come back three times

Maintain Periodic control method (AFAMP)

Path: same

Chart of depreciation – CHDP

Click on new entries
Peri cont mthd Descr Acqu Add Retire Transfer
006 (any) Perd contrl mthd 06 06 08 08
Press enter key and save.
Come back wise

Maintain depreciation key (AFAMA)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Assets accounting → Depreciation →

Valuation method → Depreciation key → Maintain depreciation key

1) Click on new entries

Depreciation key – STM – Straight line method @ 10 %
Periodic control according to fiscal year (click tick mark)
Depreciation to the day (click tick mark)
Double click on assignment of calculation method folder
Click on new entries
Depreciation type – ordinary depreciation
Phase – From the date of depreciation
Base method – 0014 (% method)
Prd control – 006
Multi level method – STM
Class – Straight line depreciation
Press enter key and save
Come back four times

2) Click on new entries

Depreciation key – WDV – Written down value method @ 10 %
Periodic control according to fiscal year (click tick mark)
Depreciation to the day (click tick mark)

- 116 -

Double click on assignment of calculation method folder

Click on new entries
Depreciation type – ordinary depreciation
Phase – From the date of depreciation
Base method – 0014 (% method)
Prd control – 006
Multi level method – WDV
Class – Declining balance depreciation
Press enter key and save
Come back four times

3) Click on new entries

Depreciation key – 0%DP – 0% depreciation
Periodic control according to fiscal year (click tick mark)
Depreciation to the day (click tick mark)
Double click on assignment of calculation method folder
Click on new entries
Depreciation type – ordinary depreciation
Phase – From the date of depreciation
Base method – 0014 (% method)
Prd control – 006
Multi level method – 0DP
Class – Other depreciation
Press enter key and save
Come back four times

Now select 0% depreciation key, Straight line depreciation key, Written down value key
Click on Activate tab (click on tick mark)
Click on save
Come back
Note: When ever we want to create any depreciation key follow the above procedures

Determine Depreciation areas in the asset class (OAYZ)

Depreciation Layout
There are two type depreciation layout, these layout contain the depreciation key fields in
asset master data.
1000 Layout
This 1000 Layout contains the main assets depreciation fields.
2000 Layout
This layout contains the main assets and sub-assets depreciation key in asset master data.

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Asset accounting → Valuation →

Determine depreciation areas in the asset class

1) Click on position
Asset class – D1LA (click on tick mark)
Now select the D1LA asset class
Double click on asset depreciation areas folder

- 117 -

Remove tick mark and deactivate check box

Assign 1000 in layout column
Areas Depr area Deact Depr key Layout
01 Book Depre Deactivate check box 0DP 1000
15 Tax balc sheet Deactivate check box 1000
30 Group GBP Deactivate check box 0DP 1000
31 Group USD Deactivate check box 1000
Press enter key
Assign the 0% depreciation key in the depreciation key column
Press enter key and save.
Double click on asset classes folder
2) Click on position
Asset class D1AU (click on tick mark)
Now select the D1AU asset class
Double click on depreciation areas folder
Remove tick mark and deactivate check box
Assign 1000 in layout column
Press enter key
Assign the 0% depreciation key in the depreciation key column
Press enter key and save.

Note: Assign the Straight line depreciation key for Building and Furniture class. Depreciation
Layout 1000
Assign Written down value method depreciation key for Plant, Machinery classes and
Depreciation layout 2000

Depreciation documents type number ranges settings (OBA7)

Go to OBA7 for documents type list

Double click on AF document type
Click on number range information tab
Company code – TAST
Click on change intervals
Click on insert intervals
No Year From No To No Ext No
04 2008 40001 50000 Activate check box
Press enter key and save

Define screen layout in asset master data

Path: Spro → Img → Financial accounting new → Asset accounting → Master data →
Screen layout → Define screen layout for asset master data

Double click on Define screen layout for Asset master data

Click on position
Screen layout – D1LA (click tick mark)
Now select D1LA layout
Double click on logical field group folder
Now select 3- Time dependent data tab

- 118 -

Double click on field group rules folder

Select cost centre as an optional entry
Click on save.
Double click on screen layout folder
Note: Now select each screen layout D1BU, D1PL, D1MA etc and keep cost center as an
optional entry and just check the remaining tabs and fields.
Come back wise

Define screen layout for asset depreciation areas (AO21)

Path: Same

Now select 1000 layout

Double click on field group rules
Just check the fields
Double click on screen layout
Select 2000 layout
Double click on field group rules
Just check the fields
Come back wise

Main Assets Creations (AS01)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Assets →
Create → Assets

1) Assets Class – D1MA

Company code – TAST
Number of similar assets -1
Click on Master data tab
Description – Machines
Asset main number text – Machines
Click on time dependent data tab
Business area – TAMU
Click on depreciation area tab
Assign Use life Depreciation start
10 Give the depreciation date
10 Give the depreciation date
Press enter key and save

Note: just like Machines you can create the main asset what ever you want .
If you want to Change the asset master data go to AS02 and go to AS03 for display

Sub-Assets Creation (AS11)

Create the Motor sub-asset under the Machines

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Assets →
Create → sub-number → Assets

- 119 -

Assets – 1 (Machinery)
Company code – TAST
Number of similar sub-numbers – 1
Click on master data tab
Change the description in to Motor
Click on depreciation area
Change the use life in to 5 years
Press enter key and save

Assets Postings

1) Asset Acquisition (Purchase) (F-90)


Asset account Dr
To vendor account

Posting keys

Debit key – 70
Credit key - 31


Purchase the following assets from vendors on 01-04-2009

Machinery – 100000
Furniture – 100000
Motor – 50000

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Posting →
Acquisition → External acquisition → with vendor (F-90)

Document date – 01-04.09 Type – KR Com code – TAST

Post date - 01-04.09 Period – 01 Currency – INR
Document header text – Asset acquisition
Post key – 31 Account – Vendor account
Press enter key
Amount - 250000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Asset purchase
Post key – 70 Account – Machines
Transaction type – 100 (External Asset Purchase)
Press enter key
Amount – 10000
Text – Machines Purchase
Post key – 70 Account – Furniture account
Transaction type – 100
Press enter key
Amount – 100000
Text – Furniture Purchase

- 120 -

Post key – 70 Account – Motor account

Transaction type – 100
Press enter key
Amount – 50000
Text – Motor Purchase
Press enter key Simulate and Save.

Note: Transaction type : In this asset account when ever we are posting the asset transaction
we should assign the transaction type. Through this transaction type the data is transferred to
Asset history sheet.

Display of Asset explorer (AW01N)

Asset explorer is nothing but the reporting view of the asset. There we can view the total
history of the assets.

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Assets →
Assets explorer

Company code – TAST

Assets – Machines Account
Fiscal year – 2009
Press enter key and check all the tabs

2) Depreciation Run (AFAB)

When ever we want to calculate the depreciation run this program

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Periodic
processing → Depreciation run → Execute

Company code – TAST

Fiscal year – 2009
Posting period – 01 (first month)
Select Planned posting run radio botton
Activate Test run
Press F8 for execute
Click on yes
Now you will get the following message
Test run completed successfully
A documents was created
Come back
Deactivate test run. Now go to program in menu bar → execute in Background
Output device – LP01 (tick mark) (tick mark)
Click on immediate tab
Click on save

Display of depreciation documents (FB03)

Go to FB03 for documents display check the latest documents in AF documents type.

- 121 -

Display of depreciation status in Asset explorer

Go to AW01N for Assets explorer

Company code – TAST
Assets – Machines Account
Fiscal year – 2009
Click on posted value tab
Scrolled down screen and check the depreciation status it will be green color in the first

2) Sales of Assets

Step 1: Field status group settings

Go to OBC4 for field status variants. Select your fields status varints
Double click on field status variants
Double click on G029 field status
Double click on asset accounting
Keep asset retirement, asset number as optional entry and save it.

Sales of Asset Procedures (F-92)

Path: Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets →
Posting → Retirements → Retirement with revenue → With customer

Document date – 01-05.2009 Type – DR Com code – TAST

Posting date - 01-05.2009 Period – 02 Currency – INR
Document header text – Sale of Furniture
Post key – 01 Account – Customer account
Press enter key
Amount – 100000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Sale of Furniture
Post key – 50 Account – Furniture Account
Transaction type – 210 (Retirement with revenue)
Press enter key
Amount – 10000
Text – Sale of Furniture
Click on (Tick mark) Asset retirement
Press enter key
Now we will get additional box
Asset – Furniture Account
Asset value date – 01-05-2009
(tick mark) Complete retirement (tick mark)
Simulate and Save.
Asset Retirement (ABAVN)

It will be on life period end of the assets

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Posting →
Retirements → Asset retirement by scrapping

- 122 -

Asset – Asset account

Document date – 01-05-2009
Posting date – 01-05-2009
Asset value date – 01-05-2009
Text - Asset retirements
Click on simulate (F9) field
Click on save

4) Transfer of Assets (ABUMN)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Posting →
Transfer → Transfer within company code

Asset – Machinery Account

Document date – 01-05-2009
Posting date – 01-05-2009
Asset value date – 01-05-2009
Text - Asset Transfer
Click on New Asset radio botton
Click on Master Data tab
Business Area – TAMU (Transferring to Business area) (tick mark)
Click on depreciation areas tab
Assign the Use life Dpre start date
10 01-05-2009
Press enter key and Save.

Asset Report

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets →

Information system → Report on Asset account

Check the all reports

Specify interval and Posting rules (OAYR)

Path → Spro → Img → Financial account new → Asset account → Asset account →
Organizational structure → Specify intervals and Posting rules

Click on Position
Company code – TAST
Select Company code
Double click on posting rules folder
Select what you want

Asset under Constructions - AuC

Go to AS01 Create the Building Assets

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Assets →
Create → Assets (AS01)

- 123 -

Assets Class – D1AU (Assets class for AuC)

Company code – TAST
Number of Similar assets – 01
Click on master data tab
Description – Assets under construction
Assets main number text – AuC
Click on time-dependent data tab
Business area - TAHY
Click on depreciation area tab
Assign use life – 1 year
Press enter key and Save

AUC Postings (F-90)

Purchase the following material for AUC assets from a vendor on 30-04-2009

Cements – 50000
Iron – 50000

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed assets → Posting →
Acquisitions → External acquisition → With vendor

Documents date – 30-04-09 Type – KR Company code – TAST

Posting date – 30-04-09 Period – 01 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Assets Acquisitions
Post key – 31 Account – Vendor Account
Press enter key
Amount – 100000 Business area – TAMU
Text – Asset acquisitions
Post key – 70 Account – AUC Tttype – 100
Press enter key
Amount – 50000 Text – Cement Purchase
Post key – 70 Account – AUC Tttype – 100
Amount – 50000 Text – Iron Purchase
Press enter key Simulate and Save

Settings in IMG

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Assets accounting → Transaction →

Capitalization of Assets under construction → Define / Assign settlements profiles

Double click on Define Settlements profile (OKO7)

Click on Position
Settlements profile – AI (Settlements Assets under Construction)
Double click on A1 Settlements profile
Valid Receiver
Fixed Assets – Settlements required
Click on Save
Come back
Double click on Assign Settlements profile to company code (OAAZ)

- 124 -

Click on position
Company code – TAST (Tick mark)
Settlements profile
Press enter key and Save
Come back

Capitalization Procedures (AIAB)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Posting →
Capitalize assets under construction → Distribution

Company code – TAST

Assets - AUC
Press F8 for execute
Select both line item
Click on enter tab
Category Settlements Receiver
FXA Building
Press enter key
Comeback and Save
Click on Settlements tab
Company code – TAST
Assets – AUC
Documents date – 30-04-09
Assets value date – 30-04-09
Posting date – 30-04-09
Period – 12
Text –
Activate Test run
Press F8 for execute
Come back and Deactivate Test run and again Press F8 for execute

Note: Before going to Capitalize Procedures we should Create Building Assets in AS01


A single transaction affecting more than one company code is called cross company code
posting (for example centralised payments for procurements). The system creates the a
documents for each companies involved in the cross company code posting.

Inter company code transaction

Paid outstanding expenses 10000 on behalf of TATA MOTORS

Entry in the TATA STEEL

TATA Motors Account Dr

To Bank Account

- 125 -

Entry in the TATA MOTORS

Outstanding expenses Account Dr

To TATA Steels Account

Creation of TATA Motors company with reference of TATA Steels (EC01)

Path: Spro → Img → Enterprise structure → Definition → Financial Accounting → Edit,

Copy, Delete, Check company code

Double click copy

Click on copy as (F6)
From company code – TATA Steel
To Company code – TATA Motors (Tick mark)
Click on yes
Click on No (Tick mark) (Tick mark) (Tick mark) (Tick mark)
Click on (Tick mark)
Click on (Tick mark)
Double click on Company code data
Click on Position
Company code – TAMT (Tick mark)
Double click on company code
Change the company name in to TATA Motors
Press enter key and Save
Comeback twise

Assign Company code to Company

Company code Company
Press enter key and Save
General Ledger Account Creation in TATA Steel Company

1- TATA Steel making the payments on behalf of TATA Motors in this case the following
GL Account are maintaining in the in TATA Steel Company

1- TATA Motors Account - Under Assets

2- Outstanding expenses Account – Under liabilities

Go to FS00

1- TATA Motors Account

GL Account – TATA Motors Account

Company code – TAST
Click on create field
Account Group – Assets
Select Balance sheet Account item
Short text – TATA Motors Account

- 126 -

Long text – TATA Motors Account

Click on Control data tab
Activate only balance in local currency
Activate Line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on Create, Bank, Interest tab
Field Status group – G001
Activate Post automatically
Press enter key and Save

2- Outstanding expenses Account – Under liabilities (Same as above)

General Ledger Account Creation in TATA Motors Company

1- GL Account in TATA Motors Company

1- TATA Steel Account - Under liabilities

2- Outstanding expenses Account – Under liabilities

Go to FS00

1- TATA Steel Account

GL Account – TATA Steel Account

Company code – TAST
Click on create field
Account Group – Assets
Select Balance sheet Account item
Short text – TATA Steel Account
Long text – TATA Steel Account
Click on Control data tab
Activate only balance in local currency
Activate Line item display
Sort key – 001
Click on Create, Bank, Interest tab
Field Status group – G001
Activate Post automatically
Press enter key and Save

2- Outstanding expenses Account – Under liabilities (Same as above)

Create Cross company code transaction (OBYA)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting (new) → General ledger accounting (new) →
Business transaction → Prepare cross company code transaction

Company code 1 – TAST

Company code 2 – TAMT (Tick mark)
Company code 1

- 127 -

Debit posting key – 40

Account debit – TATA Motors Account (Asset Account) (TATA Steel GL)
Credit posting key – 50
Account credit – TATA Motors Account (Asset Account) (TATA Steel GL)
Company code 2
Debit posting key – 40
Account debit – TATA Steel Account (Liability Account) (TATA Motors GL)
Credit posting key – 50
Account credit – TATA Steel Account (liability Account) (TATA Motors GL)
Press enter key and Save

Documents settings

Go to OBA7 for documents types

Double click on SA Documents type

Activate Inter company code posting in control data
Click on Save

Documents Postings

Go to F-02

Documents date – 30-09-2009 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 30-09-2009 Period – 06 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Outstanding expenses paid
Posting key – 50 Account – Bank Accounts (TAST GL)
Text – Outstanding expenses paid on behalf TATA Motors
Press enter key
Amount – 10000
Text - +
Press enter key
Posting key – 40 Account – Outstanding expenses account (TAMT GL)
New Company code – TAMT
Amount – 10000 Business area – TMPU
Text - Outstanding expenses paid
Simulate the Documents and Save

Display Cross company code (FBU3)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Documents → Cross company code → Display

Cross company code no –

Press enter key

- 128 -


Balance Carry forward

GL Balance Carry forwards

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Periodic
processing → Closing → Carry forwards → Balance Carry forwards (new) (FAGLGVTR)

Ledger – OL Company code – TAST

Carry forwards to fiscal year – 2009
Activate Test run
Press F8 for execute
Click on balance sheet Account tab
Check the Assets and Liabilities balances
Come back
Click on Retained earnings tab
Check the balances
Come back twise
Deactivate Test run
Press F8 for execute

AR / AP Balance Carry forwards

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Account Receivables →

Periodic processing → Closing → Carry forwards → Balance Carry forwards (F.03)

Company code – TAST

Carry forwards to fiscal year – 2009
Activate Select customers
Customers - * (For all)
Activate Select Vendors
Vendors - *
Activate Test run
Press F8 for execute
Come back
Deactivate Test Run and Press F8 for execution

Fixed Asset Balances Carry forwards

Fiscal year closing

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Periodic
processing → Year end Closing → Execute (AJAB)

Company code – TAST

Fiscal year to be closed – 2009
Activate Test Run
- 129 -

Press F8 for execute

Click on Yes
Come back
Deactivate the test run and again Press F8 for execute

Open a new Fiscal year

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Assets → Periodic
processing → Fiscal year change (AJRW)

Company code – TAST

New Fiscal year – 2010
Activate Test run
Press F8 for execute
Click on Yes
Come back
Deactivate the test run and again Press F8 for execute

Change fiscal year in Open and Close Posting Period

Go to OB52 for open and close Posting period

Select posting period variants – TEOP
Change the fiscal year in to – 2010
Press enter key and Save

Documents type Number Range settings

Go to OBA7
Copy of number range in 2010 from 2009
Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial Accounting global settings →
Documents → Documents number range → Documents in entry view → Copy to fiscal year

Click on (Tick mark)

Company code – TAST
Number range number - *
Source fiscal year
To Fiscal year – 2009
Target Fiscal year – 2010
Press F8 for execute
Come back

Opening balance posting

Step1: Go to FS00 Create all GL Accounts

Step2: Opening balance templates preparation

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting
→ Reference documents → Account assignments model (FKMT)

- 130 -

Acct Assignment model – TAST Rent (Give your Account Assignment)

Click on create field (F5)
Currency – INR
Chart of Account – CHAC
Click on line item field
PK Company code GL Business area Ammount
40 TAST 20007 TAMU 100000
50 TAST 10002 TAMU 100000
Press enter key and Save
Come back wise

Step3: Opening Balances Posting in GL

Go to F-02
Document date – 01-04-2010 Type - SA Company code – TAST
Posting date – 01-04-2010 Period – 01 Currency – INR
Document header text – Opening balances posting
Click on acct assignment model - TAST Rent
Click on (Tick mark)
Save it


Change the period in open and Close Posting period

Recurring document run Program
Interest calculation run program
Depreciation run program
Manual Clearing


Display of Trail Balance (S_ALR_87012310)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Information system → General ledger report → Account balances → Korea → Trial Balance

Chart of Account – CHAC GL Account – *

Company code – TAST Fiscal year – 2009
Press F8 for execute

Financial Statements

Financial statements structure preparation (OB58)

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting → General ledger accounting → Business

transaction → Closing → Documents → Define financial statements version

Click on new entries

- 131 -

Financial statements version – TAST (any)

Name – Financial statements for TAST
Maintain language – EN
Chart of Account - CHAC
Press enter key and save

Click on Financial statements item tab

Double click on Assets
Item – Assets (Tick mark)
Double click on Liab+equity
Item – Liabilities (Tick mark)
Double click on Profit
Item - Profit for the year (Tick mark)
Double click on Loss
Item – Loss for the year (Tick mark)
Double click on P+L result
Item – Profit and Loss carry forwards (Tick mark)
Now select your Financial statements version – TAST
Click on create items tab
→ Incomes
→ Expenses (Tick mark)
Now select Assets
Click on select field (F9)
Now select your financial statements version –TAST
Click on re-assign field (shift+F6) (Tick mark)
Now select Liabilities
Press (F9) select field
Select Assets
Click on Re-assign field (Tick mark)
Select Profit for the year
Press F9 select field
Select Expenses
Click on Re-assign field
Now select Loss for the year
Press F9 select field
Select Profit for the year
Click on Re-assign field (Tick mark)
Select Profit and Loss Carry forwards
Press F9 select field
Select Loss for the year
Click on Re-assign fields (Tick mark)
Then save it

Now select Assets

Click on Assign Account tab
From Account To Account D C
20001 30000 Tick mark Tick mark
Keep (Tick mark)

Now select Liabilities

- 132 -

Click on Assign Account tab

From Account To Account D C

10001 20000 Tick mark Tick mark
Keep (Tick mark)

Now select Incomes

Click on Assign Account tab
From Account To Account D C
30001 40000 Tick mark Tick mark
Keep (Tick mark)

Now select Expenses

Click on Assign Account tab
From Account To Account D C
40001 50000 Tick mark Tick mark
Keep (Tick mark)
Then Save it

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Information system → General ledger report → Balance sheet/ Profit and Loss statements →
General → Actual/ Actual comparison → Balance sheet/ Profit and Loss statements

Chart of Account – CHAC

GL Account –
Note: If you want view the Profit and loss account assign the incomes and expenses number
ranges (30000 – 50000)
If you want to view the balance sheet account assign the liabilities and asset ranges (10001 –

Company code - TAST

Financial statements version – TAST
Reporting year – 2009
Select ALV Grid control
Press F8 for execute


Open planning period

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting → General ledger accounting → Business

Transaction → Planning → Define Plan period
Click on new entries

Post period Variants From Year To Year From Year To Year

TEOP 1 2009 12 2009 13 2009 16 2009
Press enter key and Save

- 133 -

Define Plan Values

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Periodic
processing → Planning → Enter data (FSE5N)

Company code – TAST Fiscal year – 2009 Version - 0

Financial statement version – TAST
Click on Enter tab
Press enter key
Now select Asset
Click on Planning tab
Assign 80000 in front of Machines
Press enter key and Save
Note: Just like we can define the planning value for all accounts like Assets, Liabilities,
Incomes and Expenses


Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Information system → General ledger report → Balance sheet/ Profit and Loss statements →
General → Plan / Actual comparison → Actual / Plan / Actual / Actual Comparison (S-ALR_

GL Accounts - 10001 To – 30000

Company code – TAST
Financial statements annual report structure – TAST
Come back

GL Account Structure Balances

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Information system → General ledger report → Account Balances → General → Structure
account balances

Chart of Account –CHAC GL Account - * Company code – TAST

Financial statement version – TAST
Reporting year - 2009
Press F8 for execute
Come back three times

- 134 -


Leading Ledger and non leading ledger

Following the data is given below to support the discussion above leading and non leading

Create a new Business Area at USA

The TAST company head quarters at Delhi and branch is in United states

Indian Company – TAST INDIA

Currency – INR
Fiscal year – April – March
Indian Business Area - TAHY
USA Business area - NYK
Currency – USD
Fiscal year – Janu - Dece


1- Client required a Consolidation Accounts in INR for TAST Group

2- The US company is required to fill the accounts with the ledger authority which is
required to be prepared for a period Janu-Dec With currency as USD

Here your first requirements will be fulfilled by leading ledger which is a “Standard” ledger
defined by SAP at client level and applicable to all the company codes at client level

Your second requirements will be completed by using non leading ledger which you can
defined at company code level with alternative fiscal year variants like in case of Janu - Dec

Some additional properties about leading ledger and non leading ledgers

1- SAP Provides leading ledgers ‘OL’

2- All new GL transaction will be stored under FAGLFLEXT data base table
3- Leading ledger managed by additional currency, Fiscal year variants and Posting
period variants assign to company code is used by leading ledgers
4- Leading ledgers is only one data in leading ledger only follow to controlling
5- We can create an number of non-leading ledgers for this non-leading ledgers we can
assign alternative currencies and fiscal year variants

Entry view and General ledger view

When new GL Accounting is active a financial accounting documents always has two views

1- The entry view

2- General ledger view

- 135 -

Besides the leading ledger you can also see the documents in other non leading ledgers in the
GL views

Entry views

View of how a documents appearing in the sub-ledgers like AP, AR, AA and Taxes etc.

General ledger view

View of how a documents appearing only in the General ledger

Entry view General ledger view

Customer Accounts Dr 10000 Sundry Debtors Accounts Dr 10000
To Sales 10000 To Sales

Purchase Accounts Dr 10000 Purchase Accounts Dr 10000

To Vendor Accounts 10000 To Sundry Creditors Accounts

Documents number ranges for Entry view and General ledger view

Documents number ranges in entry view is a documents number which are posting in our
leading ledgers. We cannot achieve the same documents number range in to GL Views

A general ledger view can have both leading ledger view and non leading ledger views. There
for documents number range should not be kept same for both ledgers

Sometimes we can only post a document only to a non leading ledgers. There fore a separate
number range need to created for General Ledger view

All the posting in leading ledgers will be posted on the non-leading ledgers. If we want to
post the only non-leading ledgers we can do this by selecting posting levels that the ledger we
want to post.

The first currency of non-leading ledgers is always currency of leading ledgers.

Non leading ledger creation for US requirements

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial Accounting global settings →
Ledgers → Ledger → Define ledger for general ledger Accounting

Click on new entries

Ld Ledger name Total tables
T1 Non leading ledger FAGLFLEXT
Press enter key and Save
Comeback wise

Create New Fiscal year Variants (OB29)

- 136 -

Go to OB29 Create new Fiscal year Variants as Period starting from January to December
Or Assign 01 (Calendar year)

Define variants for open posting periods (OBBO)

Path: same

Click on new entries

Variants Name
POPV (any 4 code) Posting period variants

Press enter key and save

Come back

D) Open and close posting period (OB52)

Path: same
Click on new entries

Variant A/C typ From P1 Year To P1 Year From P2 Year To P2 Year

POPV + 1 2008 12 2008 13 2009 16 2009

Press enter key and save

Define and Activate non ledgers

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial Accounting global settings →
Ledgers → Ledger → Define and Activate non leading ledgers

Ledger – T1 (Tick mark)

Click on new entries
Cocd Fiscal year variants Posting period variants

Documents types creation for non leading ledgers

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial Accounting Global settings →
Documents → Document types → Define Documents types for Entry view

Define Documents types for Entry view

Click on new entries

Documents type – T1 (Any)
Number range – 44 (any) (Dummy)
Accounts type allowed
Activate Assets, Customers, Vendors, Material, GL Accounts
Control Data
Activate Negative posting Permitted
Press enter key and Save

- 137 -

Come back wise

Define documents types for Entry view in a Ledger

Path: Same

Ledger – T1 (Tick mark)

Click on new entries
Type Number range
T1 88 (Any)
SA 88
DR 88
DG 88
DZ 88
KR 88
KZ 88
KG 88
AA 88
AF 88
WA 88
WE 88
RE 88
Press enter key and Save
Come back twise

Note: Assign what are the documents type you had used in your system

Define Documents types for General Ledger view

Path: Same

Ledger – T1 (Tick mark)

Click on new entries

Type Number range

T1 89 (Any)
SA 89
DR 89
DG 89
DZ 89
KR 89
KZ 89
KG 89
AA 89
AF 89
WA 89
WE 89
RE 89
Press enter key and Save

- 138 -

Come back wise

Define Documents Number Ranges

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial Accounting global settings →
Documents → Documents number ranges → Documents in Entry view

Define Documents Number ranges for entry view

Company code – TAST

Click on insert intervals
Number Year From Number To Number
88 2009 50001 60000
Click on Save
Come back wise
Now close the documents in entry view

Documents in General Ledger view

Company code – TAST

Click on insert intervals
Number Year From Number To Number
89 2009 60001 70000
Click on Save
Come back wise

Documents Postings

Document posting in Leading and Non-leading Ledgers (FB01L)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger → Posting
→ Enter general ledger posting for General ledger group

Leading ledger Posting

Documents date – 01-09-2009 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-09-2009 Period – 6 Currency – INR
Ledger Group - 0L
Document header text – Telephone deposit posting
Posting key – 40 Account – Telephone deposit account
Amount – 10000 Business area – TAHY (Indian Branch)
Text – Telephone deposit
Posting key – 50 Account – Cash Account
Amount – 10000
Text – Telephone deposit posting
Press enter key and Save

Non-leading ledger posting

- 139 -

Path: Same

Documents date – 01-09-2009 Type – SA Company code – TAST

Posting date – 01-09-2009 Period – 6 Currency – INR
Ledger Group – T1
Document header text – Telephone deposit posting
Posting key – 40 Account – Telephone deposit account
Amount – 10000 Business area – NYK (USA Branch)
Text – Telephone deposit
Posting key – 50 Account – Cash Account
Amount – 10000
Text – Telephone deposit posting
Press enter key and Save.

Display of New General Ledger Balances (FAGLB03)

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger →

Accounting → General Ledger Balances (New)

Account number – Telephone Deposit Account number

Company code – TAST
Ledger – 0L
Note: If we want to change the ledger click on Choose the Ledger tab and change the ledger
Press F8 for execute

Real-time Integration to CO – FI

It is nothing but opposite direction from CO-FI. This things not possible in previous version

Controlling Area Settings (OKKP)

Path: Spro → Img → Controlling → General controlling → Organization → Maintain

Controlling area → Double click on Maintain Controlling area

Controlling area – TACO

Click on Details fields
Double click on Activate Components folder
Select Profit centre Accounting

Click on Save

Variants for CO-FI Real-time Integration

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial Accounting global settings →
Ledgers → Real-time integration of Controlling with Financial Accounting → Define
Variants for Real-time integration

Click on new entries

Variants for Real-time integration – RELT (Any code)

- 140 -

Select Real-time integration Active

Select Acct Deter Active
Key date active from – 01-04-2009
Documents type –SA
Ledger group – 0L
Text – Real-time integration variants
Select Cross company code
Select Cross Business area
Select Cross Functional area
Select Cross Profit centre
Select Cross Segments
Select Cross Funds
Select Cross-Grant
Press enter key and Save
Comeback wise

Assign variants for Real-time Integration to Company code

Path: Same

Click on new entries

Company Variants for Real-time Integration
Press enter key and Save

Now Go to KS01 Create the following Cost centre under Production departments

Dep – P - Hyderabad Business area

Dep – Q - Mumbai Business area

Go to F-02 Post the following Documents in Dep – P Cost centre

Salaries Accounts 10000

To Cash 10000

In this above 10000 Repost 2000 to Dep – Q Cost centre

Go to KB61 for Repost line item

Documents type Number – 67 (FI document number)

Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2009
Cost elements – Salary
Cost centre – Dep – P
Press F8 for execute
Double click on Amount
New Account Assignment
Amount – 2000
Dep – Q
Press enter key and Save

- 141 -

Documents Display in FI Records

Go to FB03 for Documents display

Documents number – 68
Company code – TAST
Fiscal year – 2009
Press enter key and Save.


Define segments

In this IMG activity basically we defined the segments. Segments is nothing but just like
business area business areas and profit centre, but business areas and profit centre we are
using for another purpose and Segments we are using another purpose.

If you defined the profit centre you can enter an associated segment in the master records of a
profit centre

Path: Spro → Img → Enterprise structure → Definition → Financial accounting → Define


Click on new entries

Segments Description
AP Andra Pradesh
UP Uttar Pradesh
Press enter key and Save

Documents splitting

In this new GL Accounting we have a new features for documents splitting. The documents
splitting accounting line item are splitted according to specific characteristics for example
Profit centre, business areas, segments
This way we can create financial statement such as business area profit and loss, balance
sheet etc

Creation of the Profit Centre (KE51)

Go to KE51 Create the following profit centre

1- Profit centre – Televisions

Click on Master data tab
Analysis period – 01-04-2009 to - 31-12-9999
Name – Televisions
Long text – Televisions
Person responsible – UBAID
Profit centre group – Select your profit centre group
Segments – AP
- 142 -

Click on Active botton

2- Profit centre – Washing machines

Click on Master data tab
Analysis period – 01-04-2009 to - 31-12-9999
Name – Televisions
Long text – Washing machines
Person responsible – UBAID
Profit centre group – Select your profit centre group
Segments – UP
Click on Active botton

Cost Centre creation (KS01)

Go to KS01 Create the following Cost centre

1- Television Cost centre under production departments and Assign the Television profit
2- Washing machine Cost centre under production departments and Assign the Washing
machine profit centre.

General Ledger Creation

Go to FS00 Create the following GL Account under expenses

1- Television Purchase accounts

2- Washing Machines Purchase Accounts
In Control data tab Tax category - *
Activate Posting without tax allowed
Field status group G004 and Updated with CO

Tax code Creation

Create the following Tax codes

B1 – 4 % Input Tax
B2 – 4 % Output Tax

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → Financial accounting global settings →
Tax on Sales and Purchase → Calculation → Define tax code for Sales and Purchases

Country – IN
Tax code – B1
Press enter key
Tax code – B1 – Input tax @ 4 %
Tax type – V
Press enter key
Assign the 4 % in Tax Percentage rate column
Press enter key and Save

- 143 -

Country – IN
Tax code – B2
Press enter key
Tax code – B1 – Output tax @ 4 %
Tax type – A
Press enter key
Assign the 4 % in Tax Percentage rate column
Press enter key and Save

Documents Splitting settings

Path: Spro → Img → Financial Accounting new → General ledger accounting → Business
transaction → Documents splitting

A- Classify the General Ledger Accounts for Documents splitting

Chart if Account – CHAC

Click on new entries
Accounts from Accounts to Category
Purchase TV Ac Purchase Wash Mach Ac 20000 (Expenses)
Press enter key and Save
Comeback twise

B- Define Documents Splitting characteristics for General ledger accounting

Business area
Profit centre
Press enter key and Save

C- Activate Documents Splitting

Path: Same

Select Documents splitting

Press enter key
Method – 0000000012
Press enter key and Save
Comeback wise

Note: After Document splitting you have to Deactivate the Document splitting otherwise you
cannot post any transaction to any company code. While saving the transaction you will get
the error message “The Concerned GL not assigned any item category”

Purchase the following Material from Vendor @ 4 % Input tax

Television – 60000
Washing Machine - 40000

- 144 -


Purchase TV Account Dr - 60000

Purchase Washing mach Dr - 40000
Input Tax Account - 4000 (60000+40000*10%)
To Vendor - 104000

Documents Posting in F-43

Documents date – 23-09-2009 Type – KR Company code - TAST

Posting date – 23-09-2009 Period – 06 Currency – INR
Documents header text – Vendor Invoice
Post key – 40 Account – Purchase of TV Account
Amount – 60000
Tax code – B1 Select Calculate tax
Cost centre – Television
Text – Television Purchase
Post key – 40 Account – Purchase of Wash machine Account
Press enter key Amount – 40000
Tax code – B1 Cost centre – Washing Machine
Text – Washing Machine Purchase
Post key – 31 Account – Vendor Account
Amount – *
Text – Television, Washing Machine Purchase
Press enter key Simulate and Save
Now Go to Documents in Menu bar Select Display
Press enter key
Click on General Ledger tab
Comeback wise

Note: When we post Purchase invoice we need to select Cost centre or Business area
When we Post Sales invoice we need to Select Business area, Profit centre and Segments.

Note: After Document splitting you have to Deactivate the Document splitting otherwise you
cannot post any transaction to any company code. While saving the transaction you will get
the error message “The Concerned GL not assigned any item category”

Segments level Balance sheet

Path: Sap easy access → Accounting → Financial Accounting → General ledger accounts →
Information system → General Ledger accounts → General ledger report (New) → Financial
Statements → Actual/Plan Comparison → Financial Statements

Currency – 10
Company code – TAST
Segments – AP
Ledger – 0L (Leading ledger)
Fis Annual reports structure – Select your financial statements
Fiscal year – 2009
Posting period 2PF – 1

- 145 -

Posting period – 12
Press F8 for execute

- 146 -

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